> SHADOW REBORN > by AGENT KANE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A New Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 15-year-old teenager heads towards the bus stop to start his first day of high school. With the cool weather, the young man enjoyed the walk through the streets of the city. The boy had pitch-black skin and wore a black leather coat with red-and-white stripes running down the side of his sleeve. For the rest of his outfit, he wore blue jeans, and black shoes with white edges. As the boy walked his mind was full of worry about the start of the school year. What he understood from the letter the school sent, the first day of school was to have the students go on educational field trips to build friendships and excitement for learning. His group was assigned to visit a science museum. Although he likes science, he is worried about the friendship part of the trip. The boy was busy thinking about the science trip happening today as he stepped on the bus. Getting on the bus he walked between the rows of seats in the aisles hoping to meet new people. While he walked by, some of the other students who saw him looked nervous and stared with fear. It seems that everyone has heard about what happened in elementary school. Remembering that time Kane's mood got worse. Back then the skin around his body was rough and cracked. The most noticeable place was around his eyes. The condition made it appear as though scales were spreading from his eyes. The irritation of the skin caused a permanent glare that was sensitive to light. For a while, he refused to go outside during the day leaving Kane's pitch-black skin with a sickly pale skin tone. For school, he tried to cover as much as possible when not required to show his face during attendance. The whispers of children spread the rumor that there was a red-eyes monster pretending to be a kid. Kane heard the things other kids said, and as mean as they were he did not want to be mean back. Most of the kids did not believe Kane was a monster, rather that he was weird and scary-looking. There was a kid who wanted to show how tough he was so he picked a fight with Kane. When Kane asked why the kid said because Kane looked evil with his red eyes and ugly face. The kid explained, "Only evil people look like you." Kane felt hurt that the boy would want to attack him because of something he could not control. Still, Kane wouldn't just let the kid hurt him. As the boy rushed Kane, Kane felt sorry for the kid's bad luck, Kane's dad had taught Kane how to fight and he used it to protect himself. The bad part was that he did it too well and the other kid got hurt, badly. Kane had broken the boy's jaw, leaving his face a bloody mess with two massive puffed-up black eyes. The teachers found Kane sitting on the boy's chest, with tears running down Kane's face as he continued to punch the boy's swollen face. He got in a lot of trouble that day, and even though the school decided it was not his fault it didn't stop the other kids from feeling like he would attack them next. Now everyone thinks he loves to fight, just his luck. After that random boys would try starting a fight outside of school to claim they were the one to beat the monster. Every time the other boy would be left covered in bruises, but never to the extent that the first boy was. As he grew older his skin improved losing the scale-like look and giving some much-needed relief from the constant pain. If you don't consider how he looks and the stories of all his fights, he is a nice person. Kane can't help being born with rare red eyes that seem to glow in the night when the light hits them just right and to top it off a head of pure black hair. Taking all of that together he looks like a walking shadowman. He hated that, so he added a streak of red in his bangs to add color to himself, he hoped that it would help him look less scary especially now that his skin had smoothed out. Returning to the present, he started walking to the back when he realized all the seats were full. The only seat left on the bus was in the back. Kane hated sitting in the back. Having to see everyone lean away from him, when he walked by, hurt and was not a good start to his day. By the time he got to the empty seat, he wished the day was already done. There Kane saw a girl, with purple and pink highlights, busy reading a book for science class. She had her hair in a ponytail and wore glasses. He sat down and looked at her. She was wearing a blue blouse with a purple bow around the collar of the blouse. Now that he was sitting so close he realized that her purple hair highlight matched her skirt and boots. She even had a star on her skirt that was the same color as her pink hair highlight. He had a strange weird feeling but quickly ignored it once he realized that he had never seen her before, making him hope that he could finally have a friend. He was still prepared for the worst though. And nothing happened, she didn't move away or look at him fearfully. He was surprised, she was not scared of him like the rest of the class. In fact, she ignored him like it didn't bother her that he was sitting next to her. Everyone is always scared off when he is nearby, especially when they get a good look at his red eyes. If that doesn't scare them, learning about his family will, Kane thought. His parents were born in Mexico City, Mexico. His dad was a fearless navy man. Because of this, the first time he went to school the other students were terrified of the towering man. As for Mom, she only spoke Spanish, but to others, she sounded furious. Put this together and the students thought he was nothing but trouble. Remembering that day, he can't help but chuckle at the people who got scared when all his mom was doing was telling him to go and have fun and make friends. This made Kane think that his mom had the right idea, so Kane thought to himself 'Here goes nothing.' He turned and faced the girl to talk to her. "Hi, how are you doing?" asked Kane. The new girl responded, "Fine, how are you?" 'Well at least she answered me nicely, that is a good start.' Kane thought. "Good, my name is Kane," said Kane. She responded, "My name is Twilight." Kane stared at her with a clueless look on his face. "You don't have much experience with this do you?", she kindly smiled at him. "Is it obvious?" Kane responded sadly. Twilight laughed and smiled, "No, but I know what it is like trying to make friends so I understand." Filled with happiness Kane continued. "You are really nice," said Kane. "so, excited for the science trip?" Twilight excitedly responded, " Yes, this is going to be fascinating. I read online that they have lots of exhibits on technology, natural science, and even physics!" "I know it will be, and I really am looking forward to all of them on the tour," said Kane. "You are interested in everything? even new technology?'' asked Twilight. "Yeah, I want to learn more about how we can use it to discover new things about the planet." As the bus moved closer to the museum, the pair grew comfortable with each other. > Sciences Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The class walked into the museum as the tour was set to begin. Kane and Twilight chatted as they waited to get to the first exhibit. As the tour was underway Kane and Twilight noticed a pair of students near the back of the group mocking and harassing another boy. Kane noticed and grew angry as the rest didn't even try to help the boy out. After all, if Kane could see the bullying surely others can as well. He hated that he couldn't get involved, but he had enough trouble to deal with. "We can tell the teacher later, I get that you don't want any attention," said Twilight. Kane nodded, calmer now that they had a plan, but it still bothered him that he couldn't do anything right now. Twilight saw Kane was still upset and tried her best to distract him. "Hey Kane, can you take a picture of me with an exhibit?" asked Twilight hoping it would calm him down. Kane nodded as Twilight gave her camera to him. After taking a few pictures of Twilight in front of a display about the life of a star Kane returned the camera. "How was it?" asked Twilight. "They turned out great Twilight," Kane said softly. Twilight hummed in disappointment that her friend was still feeling down but decided it was better to give him space. The teacher told the group to stick together as they moved to the next part of the tour. The class walked through lots of exhibits, and with each new exhibit Kane's interest went down until he slowly ended at the back of the group. Meanwhile, Twilight had gotten absorbed into learning more about all the different exhibits. By then Kane was paying more attention to the building than the exhibits. Looking around he saw an empty hallway. Looking back to the group, he saw that the current exhibit displayed info about an ancient civilization found within the Yucatan peninsula. Never a fan of ancient history, he headed towards the empty hallway. He slowly walked down the hallway while Twilight and the rest of the class kept walking to another exhibit. Going down the hall Kane had found, he saw something in a room that was left open. Too curious to let it go, he moved further into the room. When he entered the room, he realized the room was very simple and thought about what the room could be for. He investigates the room further when he sees two robot arms. One holding a needle and the second holding nothing. Next to the robot arms was a computer that displayed instructions to put an arm in the designated area, so Kane, too curious to think that something could go wrong, put his arm in it. Now closer He saw the needle was labeled, "Symbiosis," Kane read out loud, suddenly the empty robot arm grabbed his arm. Kane was startled, "what the hell!?" The robot arm holding the needle moved towards him as the thick needle was pushed into his arm. Kane pulled away as he screamed in pain, he felt a strange and sudden change. He felt like he was about to vomit, but also felt his body grow stronger. Kane wanted to pass out, but doing so here in a lab alone was not an option, and as the machine powered down he scrambled away and ran through the door and into the hallway. Frantic to find his class, he promised himself to stick to Twilight's side to avoid another stupid decision. Kane desperately tries to find his class as he wanders through the exhibits, having no idea what direction they went. He finally finds the class and sees Twilight, he is desperately trying to walk as calmly as he can towards her. Kane says softly, "Hey, Twilight." Twilight was looking around for Kane when she heard him speak. She turns towards him and sees that he can barely stand. "Kane, where have you been?", Twilight asked worriedly. Kane meekly said, "I got lost." Twilight didn't believe him but didn't want to make him feel worse. "What happened to you, Kane? You look like you're sick," asked Twilight. Kane responded, "No, I'm okay, I'm just winded from running through the hallway that's all." "Okay, Kane." Twilight said she decided to leave the topic for another day. After they conversed about what exhibits Kane missed, the teacher said it was time to get back to the bus. Now a calmer Kane, Twilight, and the rest of the class head back to school. Kane and Twilight once again found themselves in the same seats that started the trip. However, this time they didn't talk much as Kane was still tired from what happened in the lab. Twilight was busy being worried that something must have happened to Kane. She wished they were better friends so she could ask him more about it. But she was afraid that if she asked he might not want to stay friends. They got back to school at 3:30 p.m. Kane, not used to having to wait for someone after school, got off the bus and tried to head home. Twilight quickly grabbed him, stopping him. "I had fun, did you have fun?", Twilight asked quietly. Kane gave Twilight a happy smile, "Yeah, it was great to see you geek out." Twilight gave a joyful laugh, "See you tomorrow Kane." She left determined to find out what hurt her new friend. When he got home his parents greeted him, happy that he was back. His mom asked in Spanish, "How was your day?" Kane responded, "Good, the science trip was fun." Still stressed by what he found, Kane continued, "I am kinda tired though I think I am gonna get cleaned up and go to bed." She told him alright and if he is hungry there will be leftovers in the fridge. He walked up to the bathroom, quickly cleaning his face, before calling it a night. He looked at the mirror to check if he looked like how he felt. He spotted a black blob covering half his face when it suddenly spoke, "Kane." Kane jumped back, falling into the bathtub. He got up and looked at the mirror, only he was staring back at himself. Kane asked, "Who said that, who are you?" No response, he thought he might be hearing things. Kane heads toward his room, in his room there is a bed with blue sheets with a long blue flower theme pillow on top of the bed. There's a gamer chair next to a desk with a computer, and a TV connected to the wall. There are posters and drawers located next to a closet on the opposite wall. when suddenly his phone rings, he rushes to answer his phone. Kane asked, "Who is this?" "Hello my name is Principal Celestia, is this the home of Kane Heart? Am I speaking to Kane?" Asked Celestia on the other end of the phone. Kane drew a shaky breath, "Yes this is Kane. What is the matter?" Principal Celestia carefully started, "Well Kane, I shouldn't be saying this but because of the urgency I have no choice but to discuss important information. From what I know your class went on a science trip. Is that correct?" "Yeah," responded Kane. Celestia continued, "Well, a friend of mine who works as a director of the museum has shared some rather interesting information." She paused to give Kane a chance to talk but he remained quiet. "My friend has told me of a group of scientists that are currently working with the museum. Apparently, these scientists had gone into Mexico in search of ancient Mexican weapons and valuable artifacts." Kane responded, "Did they find anything?" "They found a couple of interesting things but one thing they did find was what they have labeled as ancient blood." Responded Principal Celestia. Kane nervously said, "Really." Kane felt dread filling his stomach having an idea of where she was going with this conversation. "Yes, and have further labeled the blood as a Black Sangre. This discovery has shown to move on its own, which from what my friend hears, the scientists have theorized that it may have a mind of its own." Celestia said grimly. Kane was in shock, he was having a hard time breathing. But before Kane could say anything Principal Celestia continued, "Here's the unfortunate problem, during your trip, the Black Sangre had gone missing. It seems that the lab where the discovery was being kept had its camera deactivated. It was only when one of the scientists went to check the room did they discovered that it was gone. Almost like it was stolen or had escaped." Kane held his breath, as he started to feel full-blown panic. Celestia continued, "Kane during that same time, I was informed by your teacher that you had gone missing for a bit, did you go to that room?" Kane responded, "No I would never touch something I shouldn't touch." "But you did Kane" said a third unknown voice. Kane saw a black shadow cover the phone. Kane, filled with adrenaline, whispered harshly, "Can you please stop that." Kane forced himself to continue, "So the Black Sangre, if a person gets infected by it will strange things happen, like how a superhero gets super strength?" The shadow voice responded, "Yes, strange things that make you better, that is what I can give you." Oblivious to the shadow-consuming Kane, Principal Celestia with a smile responded, "Well Kane I can't say for sure what happens when a person gets infected by the Black Sangre, but I wouldn't say that it gives them super strength either." Kane plops down onto his bed unable to bear what he is hearing. "From what I have been told the Black Sangre would likely cause hallucinations creating the illusion that the infected beliefs are real." Kane thought that was not good. Principal Celestia continued, "The Black Sangre not only creates illusions but the scientists fear that it may ultimately change the person's behavior and character, especially an increase in aggressiveness. This is why it is important to tell me if you know anything." "I know I know," Kane said, freaking out. Principal Celestia asked, "Kane are you okay? You sound like you don't feel so good." Kane skittishly answers, "Nah...I'm just feeling a little sick that's all." Principal Celestia, "Oh dear, I recommend that you let your parents know." Kane, "Okay." The shadow voice, "Never gonna happen." Kane softly covered the phone, "Would you stop that." The shadow voice chuckled softly. "Kane, are you still there?" asked Principal Celestia. Kane, "Yes! sorry I was just talking to my neighbor." Kane wanted to be done with the call, "Um, is there anything else that we have to talk about?" Principal Celestia, "No, thank you for answering my call." Kane, "Okay, have a good day." After the phone call, Kane lay in bed wondering what was happening in his life. It was past 11:35 p.m. before Kane was able to fall asleep. Restlessly he lay when he felt a strange feeling overcome him as if something inside his mind was coming out. Kane was dreaming of the day he had and the person he met when the dream began to fill with black and red. The face of his new friend began to disappear into the inky darkness, distressed by this he tossed and turned. Feeling, but unaware, his body began to be covered as a shadow seeped out of his skin. The shadow had swallowed him whole, and by midnight Kane had disappeared from the world. > Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alarm blared the following morning. Kane woke up with a start, in a daze he looked at the ceiling as he realized he had fallen over the bed last night. Still, on the floor, he sits up as he recalls the strange feeling. Looking at the alarm he sees that he is cutting it close to the time the bus stops at his house, getting up he hurries to put his clothes on. It's typical for the school bus to arrive at 6:58 a.m. Kane thought as he rushed to get ready. Kane's dad loudly says, "It's time for school" as soon as Kane leaves his room. Kane rushed down the stairs. Passing by the kitchen Kane's mom stopped him, "Dear want a quick bite to eat? I got some peanut butter toast for you." "No thanks, I'm good." Kane grabbed his backpack as he said goodbye to his parents. Kane rushed toward the bus stop as the bus was pulling up. Without looking around he headed straight to the back to sit next to Twilight. "Hi Twilight!", Kane said while breathing heavily. Twilight looked up from the book she was reading with a faint smile, "Hi Kane, I see that you made it on time," She said with a giggle. Kane slumped from exhaustion, wondering to himself why he was so tired early in the day. The school bus arrived at the school at 7:45 a.m, when Kane entered the school everyone stared at him for a few moments. 'Strange' thought Kane, 'usually people don't get like that until I am near them. Kane started to walk through the hallway and everybody got back to their business. During the science trip Kane learned that Twilight only shared one class with him, Kane waved goodbye to Twilight with the promise to meet up at lunch. As he watched Twilight walk away, Kane took a calming breath to get his feelings under control. He wanted to stay out of class for as long as possible, as the hall emptied Kane saw someone who stuck out like a sore thumb. What he saw was what looked like a shy girl. She was only a little bit shorter than Kane. Her hair went all the way down her back and was colored a soft shade of pink. She wore a simple light-green skirt that had butterflies stitched into it and a white top. Not only that caught Kane's attention but also the almost knee-high boots, which were the same color as her skirt, that she wore. Surprisingly for a girl who was acting so shy, she dressed in bright colors. He felt a voice inside his head wrap around his mind as he stood stuck staring at the girl. The girl shuffled nervously and scared, as she looked down on a sheet of paper in her hand. Looking around the girl found Kane staring and froze. She violently shook, petrified by Kane's blood-red eyes. Eyes that she was told to stay far away from. Red eyes that were now surrounded by a green and purple hue. Kane didn't know what to do, but something inside of him wanted to get to know the girl, she just seemed so nice. The voice told him so. Kane was staring, the girl saw him staring, and under his gaze, she shrank into herself. Quickly, the girl looked back down at the paper in her trembling hand, hoping he would just walk by. The voice spoke sweetly in Kane's mind, 'Go' it whispered. As the red in his eyes shrank into his iris, the green hue surrounded his sclera as a purple hue filled his pupil. All that was left of his brilliant red eyes was locked up by the foreign colors. 'Go and catch this shy butterfly' whispered the voice. As Kane is pushed to her he asks, "Are you looking for something?" She jumped slightly in surprise as she jittered when looking up at him. "Yes, I am looking..." She said before pausing, "Why are you sweating so much?" The shy girl became further distressed. 'What was I thinking' thought the shy girl. She clenches her eyes and hopes that Kane decides to continue walking after hearing her rude remark. Caught off guard the zoned-out Kane blurted out, "Uh, it's a puberty thing." The voice in his head chuckled as it relaxed, though it still held onto Kane's body. "I mean I have already gone through puberty and..am done now?" Kane finished lamely. "Right" the girl hesitated but continued, encouraged by Kane's down-to-earth reaction, "it always takes a few days for me to memorize my class schedule and..." Kane drifted a bit as she talked. She was quite pretty, the voice reminded him, and it surprised Kane how she didn't get scared off when looking at him. He remembered seeing a flirt move from a movie a long time ago and he was not sure, the voice shook with excitement. 'It would be such a wonderful idea,' the voice washed over Kane's mind. Kane's eyes dulled over as the voice took control once more. Kane's last thought was that he could always use more nice people in his life. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and Kane as smoothly as he could said, "Hey." The girl looked surprised but thought maybe he was asking about her name. "Oh, hey. I'm Fluttershy.", she said. The voice gave a booming laugh letting go of the control over Kane. "Fluttershy?" Kane blurted out as he was befuddled by such a name and embarrassed she did not notice him pulling the move. As well as shocked that he dared pull the move. "Yes," she said, embarrassed by Kane's reaction, "Like I was saying I'm still getting used to the school and am a bit...lost." Kane smiles, "Nice to meet you Fluttershy, my name is Kane. So, let's see if we can figure out where you need to go." Hearing this she beamed at him for being so kind and nothing like her sporty friend thought he was like. Kane, while confused about the voice in his head, was still happy that he went up to Fluttershy. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Kane sat bored out of his mind in his classroom. The day moved slowly for him during math, science, and history class and by the time the bell rang signaling lunch at 11:35 a.m. Kane was in a foul mood. Kane headed towards the cafeteria but heard someone in pain say, "Okay okay I will give you my lunch money tomorrow" Kane on instinct hid behind a nearby wall while hearing this and listened in on the conversation. What he saw was three guys talking to another boy. Kane saw that they were bullying the same boy that they were bothering during the science trip. The bully leader said "Good, Me and my friends gotta go somewhere else and you better give us lunch tomorrow." The boy said, "But I need it please." The bully finally tired from the pleas said, "Well I miss the part where that's my problem, come on dudes let's go". They walked away and so did the bullied boy. All of this made Kane angry, but he let it go and went to the cafeteria. The voice whispered vengeance as Kane lined up with the rest of the students. In a sour mood and frustrated that he didn't know why, he kept moving with the line absentmindedly. When reaching the front the lunch lady asked nicely if he wanted sloppy joe or a ham sandwich. Sadly Kane without thinking hissed out, "Just give me my damn food dude." The lunch lady took a small breath as her nostril flared with agitation. Kane looked down in horror realizing what he did and was silent as she gave him a sloppy joe. Kane grabbed the offered food and he quietly gave an apology while he stared at the floor. "It's fine dear, some days are tougher than others." the lunch lady gently replied. This did not make him feel better but said nothing. What was that, Kane thought to himself. First with how he acted with Fluttershy, and now with the lunch lady. Kane felt like he was losing control. He was walking towards his usual table. Lost in thought Kane passed by a guy nearly bumping into him. The guy huffed from the near unwelcome encounter. The darkness inside Kane mused at the look the guy gave Kane. It began to memorize the guy and noticed that the guy had blue hair, and wore a black jacket with a white shirt and blue pants. 'Interesting' thought the shadow. As Kane walks away the guy opens up his phone texting Twilight. He sends her a text saying "Twilight what are you doing today this afternoon?" But before he could send it the blue-haired guy was shoved in the shoulder by the bullies. "Excuse me," said the leading bully. The boy glared at the bullies as they walked away. Walking by a rainbow-haired girl sees the bully's actions. She is dressed in a white shirt with a lightning emblem on the front, a blue button-up shirt, a white-and-pink striped skirt with shorts underneath, and lastly shin-high blue boots. The girl with rainbow hair walks towards the boy with blue hair. Rainbow Dash, "Hey Flash what going on?" Flash responded, "Apparently, getting run over. But anyway I was just texting Twilight. Have you seen her?" Rainbow Dash, "Saw her in a few classes, but last I saw she had to stay after class to ask some questions." Flash nodded and decided to wait with Rainbow Dash and the rest of Twilight's friends for her. Back with Kane, he sat down waiting for Twilight to find him. While picking at his lunch he overhears from a few tables over the same three students bullying the same kid they picked on during the science trip and the hallway. 'Kane' whispered the voice again. It finally dawns on him that he hears a voice. Kane looks around but no one is near him so he ignores the voice. 'Kane' the whisper continued. Who said his name Kane thought to himself. The whisper chuckles, 'I said your name.' Kane's blood runs cold. Whoever this voice was or whatever it was had the ability to invade his mind. Did the voice hear his fear? There was no response. Kane decided that maybe there was a limit to what the voice could hear. 'Who are you' Kane mentally asked the voice so no one could hear him. The whisper responded, 'Doesn't matter who I am. Those jackasses are shitting on the boy. Let's beat the shit out of them.' the whisper ended its response with glee. Kane was frustrated, 'I can't.' Unamused the whisper said, 'Why not.' Kane defeatedly explained, 'Because I will get in trouble. And the principal will call my parents.' The whisper mused, 'Not unless we get away with it.' There was no possible way he wouldn't get caught, but at that moment the whisper washed over his mind. 'You know what screw it I'm tired of those jackasses' Kane thought to himself. "Okay fine, I feel bad for the guy getting picked on," Kane said out loud to himself, drawing attention from a nearby table. Kane walked toward the three bullies. Kane firmly addressed them, "Hey." The lead bully responded, "What do yo-?" Kane interrupted, "I want you to leave him alone you dickhead shit." The bully stunned and nervous to have Kane focus on him replied, "What did you say to me." Kane huffed, "You heard me...dumbass." The main bully's pride made him welled up with anger as he squeezed his hand forgetting his fear of Kane. He threw a punch at Kane, but Kane caught the fist freezing the bully with dread. Kane squeezed and twisted up the bully's hand as the boy screamed in agony. As the bully wailed Kane pulled the boy's arm roughly dragging him closer. Stumbling over himself the bully was at the mercy of Kane's attack. Kane followed this up with targeted punches to the stomach, face, and lastly because Kane was feeling vindictive, a kidney punch to end it. That knocked out the bully, 'Lucky' thought Kane. The rest of the bullies stood shocked, then one panicked and took out his skateboard attached to his backpack and swung at Kane. "Please, don't do this." Kane told him in anger as the board hit his head. Without flinching, blood briefly poured down the side of his face. Had he been thinking he'd notice the blood stopping at an unnatural rate. Kane didn't feel any pain, too focused on the fight to question what was going on. Kane grabbed the dumbfounded bully by the scruff of his shirt forcing him forward into a headbutt as Kane smashed their foreheads. The skateboard-wielding bully blacked out by the force of the impact. With a snarl, Kane turns towards the last remaining bully. Quaking with fear the boy just stood there. Kane stepped towards the boy as he feint a punch making the terrified boy pee himself. Kane held back as the boy was not trying to continue the fight. After all, fighting is all well and good for self-defense but when the other person is not fighting back, fighting is not worth shit. Kane stood there ridged from all the rage he felt that he was left open as the first bully surprised Kane. The bully leaped onto Kane's back as he wrapped his arm around Kane's throat trying to choke him out. A stunned Kane only took a moment before the rage took control again. Kane used his unclenched hand to rip the bully off his back as he whipped the boy into a nearby window. His back cracked the window as the impact forced the boy to fall through. The sound of the crackling glass woke Kane from his dazed anger. "Oh sorry man." Kane said. Only now did he see what he did and how quiet the cafeteria was. He remembered he was not the only person in the cafeteria and other students saw everything. Panicking Kane ran out of the cafeteria looking for a way out of the nightmare he found himself in. Sprinting through the hallway He saw an exit that led outside. Taking his chance and not thinking about the trouble if he got caught Kane went out. He kept walking further away until he was in an area filled with trees. Now that he was outside he could calm down a bit and decided to continue going deeper into the forest. Afraid that a teacher was looking for him he ran behind a tree so he could hide. He sat at the tree to catch his breath. Kane thought to himself, "What...a...what the hell!?" "Crazy shit right." the whisper said with satisfaction. Kane groaned that the mysterious voice was answering his question again. "Who are you? where are you?" Kane asked out loud in a panic. The mysterious voice chuckled, "Okay since no one is here I'll show you my face." A head slowly flowed out of Kane's back wrapping around Kane until they faced each other. The mysterious voice now had a face along with it. It had sharp teeth as it was grinning from ear to ear. Surprisingly had red eyes similar to Kane's, thick black skin with veins bulging all over his face, and smoke-like hair. The now mysterious face creepily smiled at Kane making him feel uncomfortable. "Hello Kane." the face said. Kane saw how the face stretched and moved as it spoke to him. It terrified Kane, "Who are you?" "I'm Sombra." responded in a matter-of-fact tone. "Sombra?" questioned Kane. the now-named face nodded his head to affirm his name. Kane was still suspicious, "How did you know my name?" Sombra smiled, "Tell me if this sounds familiar. Some snotty kid injected me into his body and now surprise surprise I am inside your mind! I know everything about you, by the way maybe cut back on the soda." Kane not happy that this creepy blackhead was mocking and scaring him continued to ask questions, "What are you?" Disappointed that Kane did not fire back an insult answered the question, "I'm just a man who is trying to adjust this time around." "What?" said Kane. "Last time I was-" Then suddenly Kane's phone rings. He grabs it and sees who is calling him, his parents. He answers the phone. "Kane? Where are you? I'm so worried the school called saying you ran out." asked Kane's mom. "Sorry Mom, I just needed some air. I'm in a forest near the school." "Kane are you okay?", asked his dad. "Yes, don't worry I'm okay." Kane responded as calmly as he could. Kane's dad, "Thank god!" Kane's mom, "We were worried, Kane." Kane, "No need to worry, I'm okay Mom. I am going to head back to school, I'll be back home later. Bye, mom and dad." "Bye Kane, be careful outside." Responded Kane's parents. Kane hung up dreading going back to school after running off, but he didn't want to be a coward. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'What a pain' Kane thought. He was unbelievably happy to finally get on the bus and go straight home. 'Would have been better if we kept running until we reached the town.' Grumbled Sombra. Kane was tense for a moment still unused to having a voice inside his head and technically it did not make him crazy. Kane thought, 'And make more trouble for my parents, no thank you. I am not going to do what you tell me anymore. I am in charge, got it.' If a thing made out of smoke could throw a tantrum Sombra was giving it his best shot and sadly Kane could not escape it. Until a gentle pressure on his shoulder took his attention. Twilight placed her hand on his shoulder she had a sad look in her eyes as she watched Kane's face turn angrier and angrier. She felt guilty when she found out that he got in a fight while waiting for her at lunch. "How are you holding up?" Asked Twilight. "Actually, not that bad. Sure I got detention and I will be in it for a while, but I can't lie it's not the first time something like this has happened." Kane said. Twilight sat quietly in thought as she found it terrible to hear that he believed going through this was normal for him. If Kane had to be honest with himself waiting for her to talk was starting to scare him. He didn't want to lose her as a friend. 'Perhaps we can convince her to stay. Just needs to twist her arm a bit. hehe.' Sombra menacingly said. 'Shut it!' Kane thought so loudly that he heard ringing in his head. He had to look down not to get dizzy. For once Sombra stayed quiet. Twilight saw Kane's face scrunch up, turning away from her, 'oh no!' she thought. 'He must think that I am reacting poorly to what he told me. "I don't know what to say" She added quickly, "it's just that hearing you sound so defeated doesn't sound right to me." Kane leaned back into his seat until his head felt the rumbling of the bus. He wanted to sleep but, "Yeah, it's okay. I was worried that you were freaking out." Twilight softly giggled, "Well you aren't as scary as you are made out to be. Plenty of friends of mine are downright scary in the right situations." Twilight had a gentle smile as she thought about her other friends. "Made out to be?" Kane asked. Her smile slowly fell, "Yeah, I never really saw you around. So after our fun trip to the Science Museum, I asked around if anyone could tell me more about you." Twilight looked down, "All I learned was people try to hurt others with rumors. Even some of my closest friends couldn't help but believe what they heard." "It's okay." Kane said. "It is not okay!" Interrupted Twilight. "Though I guess it is cool that you are this sort of urban legend at school." Twilight tried to look on the bright side. Kane actually smiled at hearing this, "Yeah well I guess that is one good thing. People like urban legends right? Maybe I got a little fan club somewhere." Kane and Twilight laugh about how silly that would be. He took a deep breath and asked, "Can we talk more about this tomorrow? I kinda want to rest a bit before going home." "Sure." Twilight responded. She took out a book from her bag to read while she kept Kane company. Kane smiled thinking that he had a really good friend. > Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a wave, Kane bids goodbye to Twilight. Kane gets off the bus and heads home. As soon as he crossed the door his parents rushed to him. Kane's dad said, "Kane what took you so long?" Before Kane could answer his mom said "The school called us about a fight during lunch that you were involved in and that you tried to skip school. Kane, what is going on?" Kane answered "Mom, Dad, I know you're concerned but it was a long day. And I don't know what is going on either but can I explain later, I'm starving and tired. I hope that's okay, and sorry again for making you worry." Kane went to the freezer and he grabbed a heaping amount of meats before heading up. Kane, unaware of the strangeness of his actions said, "Okay I am going to my room now." His parents responded, "Okay." Kane went up to his room. Kane's dad said, "Something is wrong with Kane." Kane's mom answered dumbfounded, "I know, Kane just grabbed meat from the freezer." His room is filled with posters and standing figures on the shelf filled with video games. Kane was playing a generic shooter game campaign on the tv when Sombra came out to watch Kane. Sombra grew bored and started to talk to Kane. "Your parents must really love you very much to be as patient as they are." Mused Sombra. Kane snapped back, "Yes, because they know I don't like to hurt people." Sombra, "If you don't hurt people then why is your class scared of you?" Kane sassed back, "What, don't you know about that." Sombra responded, "Your parents were born in Mexico City, Mexico, right?" Kane paused his game and stood up to look at Sombra. "How did you know that, I wasn't thinking about that," Kane asked. Sombra, "I'm in your brain, remember." Kane, "Okay fine, give me proof that you know everything about me. Tell me everything you know about me." Sombra, "You know the usual, your dad worked in the navy in Mexico. You have red eyes, which scare people from your school for some stupid reason. And we both know that they are scared of you and your dad, which I don't get; he seems like a big softie." Kane sassed back, "Wow you are not kidding, you really know everything about me." "And we just beat the shit out of them brats," Sombra laughed ignoring Kane's attitude. Kane, "No, that was bad, we literally just threw a guy through a window." Sombra indifferent, "I know but still crazy shit right." Sombra continued to laugh. Kane said, "Everyone in the school saw us do that and now they are gonna think I'm crazy!" Sombra stopped laughing, "Doesn't matter, between you and me we can do whatever we want." Kane, "I don't know about that but for now, I'm gonna take a break. So, let's not do that again tomorrow at school, okay." Sombra huffed, "Fine." as he returned back to Kane. Kane's day started a bit better than yesterday as he woke up and got ready for school. He ran toward the school bus, stepping onto it as it stopped. Getting on the bus, he noticed right away that some of the people inside the bus were acting a bit more scared of him than usual. Sombra, 'Wow we scare the shit out of them, didn't we.' Kane walks forward until he sits with Twilight. Twilight, "I get that you made quite an impression yesterday, but the staring seems excessive." Kane, "I don't know...", as he responds he tries not to think about it more than he already has. Sombra, 'It's because we scare the shit out of them. haHaha.' Twilight, "Kane are you alright?" Kane, "Yeah I'm just tired of how people are acting." Sombra, 'You mean tired from kicking so much ass.' Ignoring Sombra, Kane continued, "I didn't get a lot of sleep but I'm okay, and I feel better." Twilight was filled with doubt as she saw how he struggled to stay calm, "Kane, are you sure you are okay?" Kane leaned back into his seat, "Yes." The bus driver started to drive as they got back into their rhythm. Kane enjoyed the quiet time they shared, that is what he liked about Twilight she is okay with just relaxing. They walk off the bus heading towards the school when he looks at Twilight. Kane, "Hey, Twilight," Twilight responds, "Yes?" "Do you want to hang out after school?", Kane asked. Twilight beamed, "Sure we can hang out." Kane is happy to have a cool friend, "Okay where do you wanna hang out?" As he never got the chance to spend time with friends. Twilight, "Well, there is a coffee shop I like to go to after school, we can spend time there." Kane said, "Okay, let's meet up after school to go there. Twilight happily said, "Okay, sounds like a plan." They go straight to their classrooms. Kane sits down, while waiting for class to start he goes over his homework to make sure everything is correct. But he has the strangest feeling that someone is staring at him. He looks around and finds that he is right, except for the entire class that is staring at him. Kane quietly asks, "What?" Those nearby quickly go back to minding their own business. Seeing as nobody was answering the boy Sombra speaks up, 'They shit themselves right.' Kane, realizing Sombra is talking to him, looks back down to his desk. Kane focuses on thinking about his answer so no one can hear their conversation. 'Sombra, this is not a good time right now, and learn some new words.' Sombra, 'Why?', as he grins, how that is possible within Kane's head Kane had no idea. Kane, 'They are scared right now, and I don't need you to make it worse.' Sombra, 'So, as long as they are scared of us they can't fight, punch at us, or say anything to us. That's called respect.' Kane, 'But at what cost.' Sombra, 'Yes, and you just earned one.' The bell rang to start the class. Kane, 'Let's talk about it later.' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The day went as usual, quickly came time to go to the cafeteria, and as he was about to enter a pale-skinned woman with hair color of pink blue, and green walked up to him. She was dressed in a golden jacket with purple pants and gold heels. to her right a pale purple skin woman with dark blue and violet hair. purple shirt with a white collar with a silhouette of a crescent moon on it, dark blue pants, and white heels. "Oh hey? " Kane said "Hello, Mr. Kane I'm Celestia and the principal of this school." This took Kane a second to think "Oh you are that lady on the phone." She smiled and chuckled a little "Yes and this is the vice principal and my sister Luna" she said while gesturing her hand to her sister. "Hello Mr. Kane," Luna said while smiling "Oh hey nice to meet you." This became an awkward silence until the principal broke it. "Anyway let's get back on track, I need your help with something." "With what?" asked Kane. "Follow us." They headed into a different hallway and Kane followed them, as they walked from the halls to the outside of a football field they saw a guy with glasses and a cape around his shoulders with a sword made of foam. 0:00-0:40 "His name is Augie Farks, he is one of the students who have a very special gift...and he has been bullied by hoops and his friends since he arrive at the school and of course, we put those boys in detention. And also he says you helped him." Luna said. Kane looked around nervously. Augie thrust his sword in the air, but as the group approached he stopped and paused his music speakers. Augie embarrassedly said, " I am not gonna get in trouble, right? This sword is not gonna hurt anybody its made of soft foam." Principal Celestia kindly said, " No worries my liege." Luna continues, " This is Kane we hope that he can be a new friend for you." Kane walked closer with a small smile as he raised his hand and said, "Hey." Augie nervously nodded his head as he didn't say anything back. Principal Celestia, "I hope you guys get along. While we just fade into the mist." She shuffles backward as she waves her hands. Luna meanwhile just stared at her sister and with a shake of her head excused herself from the boys. "So, you are the kid I save from those asshole," Kane said. And Augie nervously says, "Yeah." "Cool, Cool." Kane says casually. An awkward silence filled the space, Kane said, "So, what are you doing?" Augie said, "I'm just practicing with my sword skills." "For what?" asked Kane. "For battles of adventure." Kane gave him a blank look. Augie embarrassedly explained, "I like to role-play in Larping." Kane replied, "Ah, I get it." Sombra, 'Oh boy, he is going to die in the real world ain't he.' Kane mentally, 'Shut up.' Sombra grumbled about disrespectful kids. Kane said, "So how long have you been doing this battle practice?" Augie says, "Since I was ten years old. The medieval times of history and mythical creatures interest me. From when I look at a picture of a unicorn in battle." "Good to know", Kane said. "And by the way thank you for saving me back there." Kane smiled, "No need sire." Augie chuckles, "We should probably head back to the cafeteria." Kane agreed. They both entered the cafeteria, grabbed their lunch, and walked to a place to sit. Until Kane had an idea. Kane, "How about you sit with me?" Augie looked surprised. He said nervously, " Really?" "Sure, I don't see why not," replied Kane. Augie with a smile nodded his head. They go sit together at a nearby table. Kane started a conversation. "So what do you like to do in your spare time?" asked Kane. "Well you see, I playing magic the gathering, dungeon, and dragons with a group of people who understand me and larping outside without anyone looking at me or judging me." Kane felt awkward at the last part. Feeling bad for the guy Kane knows how it feels. They are suddenly surprised when Twilight arrives and sits next to Kane. Sombra laughed at Kane. 'Looks like loverboy forgot about his girlie.' Kane blushed with embarrassment. "Hi, Kane. Who is this person you are talking to?" Twilight asked. Kane, "Oh, this is Augie Farks. A new student in the school." "Hi, nice to meet you," He said while he raised his hand. Twilight Sparkle smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Augie." Augie smiled back, and Kane suddenly stood up exclaiming "I need to go to the bathroom, don't worry I will be back Augie." Kane rushed out. "And don't worry about me I will be back Twi!" Kane said to Twilight. Before Twilight even responded Kane was gone. Augie sat there confused. Meanwhile, Twilight with a deep sigh, "Can't we have at least one normal lunch together." This became awkward until a group of girls headed towards them "Hey Twi what are you doing? " said the smiling pink-hair girl." Yeah and who is this guy? " Rainbow Dash said. "Oh that's right, girls this Augie Farks." "Nice to meet all of you " said Augie shyly smiling. Dash stared at him putting her finger in her ear to check if she heard it right. "I'm sorry did you say your last name was Farks?" "Yeah why?" Dash who not even trying to hold it burst out laughing at him making him frown in despair, Rainbow Dash laughing was interrupted. "Rainbow Dash stop that!" The purple hair girl nugs her in the ribs with her elbow. One of them in a cowboy hat says, "Sorry partner if you get to know her she can get like this sometimes." "Nah that is okay" Augie replied. "By the way I am Applejack," the girl in the hat says, "and this is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and finally Fluttershy." Applejack pointed at each of the girls. Pinkie Pie said, "Why are you wearing a cape? Oh! Are you a superhero!" Augie replies "Yeah I wish. No this is part of my battle attire for LAIRE." Fluttershy said, "What is LAIRE?" "It's this fantasy world where anything is possible. One minute you could be sparring with an elf. And the next you could be battling against a troll who wants nothing more to steal your gold and leave you penniless." There was a slight moment of silence, Rainbow Dash flat out said "Sounds lame." "Well, I think you misspelled fun, enjoyable, and carefree. And also you have to see it to really understand it for yourself. You can be anything, you can be an elf, an orc, or you guys can even be princesses." Rainbow Dash says, " Barf, no thanks." "I don't know about that darling, I think I would enjoy being one," Replied Rarity. Fluttershy quietly, "Me too." Applejack said, "Ah shucks." Twilight speaks up, "I don't know about that." And Pinkie Pie, "If I was a princess I would be the princess of all cakes, parties, and fun!" She said with excitement in her eyes. Augie says, "And Kane can be the dark knight!" there is silence in the air as all but Twilight and Shy shivered. Not only at the name but also at the thought of him being a knight, a dark knight that conquered the land with his darkness and his wrath, nobody dare to be friends with him not even pinkie pie. "wh-what's wrong did I do say something wrong?" Augie said. "no it's just that him..." said Pinkie Pie who no longer smiled. "Who do you mean, Kane?" asked Augie. "Yes," Applejack replied. Rarity says, "There are stories about Kane, that he has the eyes of a demon..." "And the strength of a beast." Rainbow Dashed finished for Rarity. "Heck he's practically a demon" Pinkie Pie said. Augie replied "Is that really true, cuz I met him for five minutes and he's nothing like the things you guys told me. Actually, he's a pretty chill guy" All but Twilight and Shy were shocked at what he said. "You met KANE in person and left without a scratch!?" Pinkie said. "And you still in one piece!?" Dash said. Augie looked at her confused. Rainbow Dash continued, "Did he try to rip your arms off?" Before he got a chance to respond Pinkie Pie said, "Did he try to knock your brains out of your head?" Augie, "No! He actually saved me." The girls were surprised by what Augie said. "Oh, is that why he knocked those jerks out in the cafeteria." Said Rainbow Dash. "Wait, what about jerks?" Asked Twilight. Augie says, "I was eating my food by myself as usual when Hoop and his goons bothered me and wouldn't stop until Kane took care of them." Worried Twilight asked, "Define taking care of." "I mean he punched the bully out cold, bashed one of the goons with their skateboard, and threw Hoops so hard that the goon busted through a window. And it was awesome!" The girls were dead silent. Twilight was stressed out, she knew he got in a fight but didn't imagine that Kane had to fight like that, unlike the rest of the girls who looked petrified except for Fluttershy. She looked confused and said quietly, "Um," the rest of the girls turned to her which made her jump, "Maybe he really hates bullies?" Twilight, "Yeah, that's right...wait Augie you were the one being bullied at the science field trip, right? No wonder Kane was angry he felt terrible about what was happening to you." Augie says, "Wow, I didn't know that he was trying to look out for me since the beginning. He is actually a very good guy." Both Fluttershy and Twilight say, "Yeah, he really is." The rest of the girls looked at the two like they were crazy. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// While the girls were questioning Twilight and Fluttershy Kane was having problems of his own. Kane rushed into the boy's restroom panting. Went to a stall and closed the door harshly. "Okay, why do you want me here in this stall?" Kane asked Sombra. Sombra, "I wanna talk to you in private." Kane yells, "You talk in my brain it is always private!" Sombra, "But this is more personal." Kane says, "What the hell do you want to talk about." Sombra, "We cannot talk to any of these people. Kane, "Do you mean the girls?" "Yes," Kane interrupts, "Why?" Sombra replied, "Because we can't trust them to not turn us in when they find out about me and result in the people who caught me coming after us." Kane, "People? What people? Also, they are friends of Twilight, if she trusts them there is no reason not to trust them." Sombra grumbles, "Your love vision is blinding you but whatever" Kane is fully red in the face, "For the last time it is not like that." Sombra cackled inside Kane's head. Kane annoyed by this decided to walk out of the stall and slam it shut with a loud bang. Fuming he washes his hands because knows how gross bathrooms are and heads out back to the group. Kane walked through the hallway in a moody way, everything that had been going through these past few days was running through his mind. His encounter with a spirit, gaining powers, beating up a bunch of bullies and nearly killing one of them. Kane realizes that sooner or later his life won't be the same. After walking through the hallways and into the cafeteria, he finally walks up to his seat at the table only to see a group of girls besides Twilight and Augie. Kane looked confused until he saw one of the girls with a butterfly hairpin. Kane exclaims, "Oh Fluttershy, were you able to reach your classes without any trouble?" Fluttershy squeaked in surprise while the other strange girls looked petrified at him and shocked at her. Fluttershy replies, "Yes, I have been doing very well. Thank you." Kane saw that the strange girls were petrified until the one with a hat spoke up. "Fluttershy you met him too?" asked Applejack. "Well, I met him in the hall after I bumped into him." "I am surprised that he did not rip you into shreds," Rainbow Dash said. "Rainbow Dash!" said Rarity. Twilight stared at them with disappointment. "No, what made you say that" Augie asked. "uhh...no reason" Fluttershy replies. There is silence in the air, and the scared girls feel fear in their bodies when Kane stares at them. He never noticed that to the girls he looked sternly at them. Everything was quiet until someone said in a trembling voice "Uh...he-hello Kane was it, nice to meet you my n-name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. P-pinkie for short and this is Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash." They nervously chuckle and Rarity says "M-my your eyes are red, they look very demonic" "Different" Dash quickly says. Rarity nodded quickly, "Different I mean so very different... we just going to leave you alone" Rarity said as she grabbed Shy's hand and the new girls ran to the hallway as quickly as possible leaving Kane with an unsurprised look while Augie and Twilight look speechless at the girl's actions. Only thing Kane could say "They don't like me do they." > Black Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang all across the hallway as students went to go on the bus as an unlikely trio walked among them, as two of three still perplexed by the whole situation except Kane who look annoyed and displeased by the girls reactions. As the three walk out of the building and enter the bus, Twilight, Kane, and Augie sit all the way in the back with Augie on left of Kane and Twilight on the right. Both boys sit awkwardly not saying a word to each others, then twilight decided to break the awkward silence. "So...Augie do you have any other friends?" Augie slouching forward a bit but turn his head to her direction. "Oh beside my mom, yes I have a couple believe it or not" Augie said. "That's really nice and I meant no offense." said Twilight. "Yeah from LAIRE" he said. Kane entered the conversation "What is LAIRE?" Augie answered his question "It's Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers." Twilight say "Oh that what it stands for." Augie excitedly began sharing stories about him being there "Yeah, back when before I moved into town, my local LAIRE had this massive event where my group and I got to experience the best action that you can ever have." Kane asked, "Oh you had a group?" Augie with a happy smile, "Yeah, before coming here I had some issues and well there was this afterschool program that gave you a big brother kind of person." Kane smiled, "That sounds nice, glad that you got some help then." Twilight seeing that they were starting to get along went back to her book with amusement and let the boys talk some more. Augie continued "yeah and there was two guys who were like role models to me and one kid who is very "creative" with his words and slang." Kane respond "what do you mean creative?" Augie answered, "oh you do not wanna know." As they got closer to Augie's spot Twilight spoke up. Twilight, "So Augie, what do you have planned for the day?" Augie surprised said, "Well, nothing really...why?" "Well I think it would be great if you got a chance to hang out with Kane. If that's okay with you Kane." Asked Twilight. Kane, "Yeah that won't be a problem, but what about our plans for hanging out I hate to leave you hanging." Twilight smiled with appreciation, "Well since today is Friday we can pick some time over the weekend. So today you guys can go to the arcade or something." Augie thinking brought up another option. Augie, "Well instead of that, Kane and I can go do a LAIRE event that is happening today. I wasn't gonna go because I didn't really have anyone to go with." Kane said, "Cool, I'd have no problem in going." Twilight clapped with excitement, "That is a great idea! So we can move our plans for the café, I want to take you, to tomorrow. I can text you the address later so we can meet up and tell me all about your time at the event." Happily Twilight took out her phone and handed it to Kane to enter his phone number. Shocked, Kane filled out the contact info without thinking. Augie quietly chuckles. Kane turn to him "what so funny?" Augie replies "Oh nothing" Kane shrugs while Sombra thinks and laughs to himself. 'Even this kid ain't so blind after all', Sombra. Kane annoyed by Sombra ignored the thought. Kane tried to enjoy the rest of the time with Twilight before her stop. Twilight says, "Well, this is my stop. You two have fun at the event." She said with a smile. Kane waved goodbye as he watched her leave, Augie spoke up. "You really like her don't you." Kane with embarrassment, "Well yeah she is literally the first friend I have had that I can remember." Augie continued in a grand voice, "Well, if we are victorious then your fair lady may gift you with a ki..." Kane shoved his hand onto Augie's face before Augie could finish. Laughing Augie asked, "too much?" Kane say, "too much." After they finish their conversation they get off the bus and walked down the street. As they walked through the city they eventually stumbled upon a park that was filled with people dressed as knights, orcs, elves, and princesses. To Kane and Sombra they had a look of awe and confusing at the bizarre event, but to Augie it was very normal to have events like this with people who understand him. "So...this is what you spend your weekends on" Kane said "Well yeah we don't just fight each other, we talk, play music and drink non-alcohol mead" replied Augie. Kane stood around awkwardly not knowing what to say or do, when suddenly a group of children dressed as goblins came closer. The children were dressed in raggy clothes and scruffy shoes, as well as green paint on their faces and fake green ears. They were running around laughing as they got towards them. "Treech, and we would like to have your golds...please" said one of the goblins children. "Well...okay fine you can have my gold" Augie said as he handed each of them a hand full of gold, chocolate golds that is. As the children rush for them, grabbing every chocolate coins they can and ripping gold coat tinfoil of it and devour it as they shove the coins in their mouths. Kane watching them couldn't help but smile humorously at the way they eat all the golden chocolates. While the kids ran with their treasure, Augie and Kane were approached by a man and a teen. "Greeting fair travelers. Ah, I see a familiar face brings forth a newcomer. Hello Sir Augie, and for the stranger I am Sir Kuzzik. I am joined by my faithful squire Artonius." Said Sir Kuzzik. Kane looked with confusion not knowing what to say or do. "Hi" Kane said. The knight look at Kane waiting to hear more of him but Kane stood awkwardly. Augie say "forgive my stoic friend, he comes from a land where action speaks more than words. The man smiled, "Ah yes! we can use such fighters. Pray thee has your arms been delivered for the upcoming skirmish?" Kane, "uh..." Augie, " Nay, my noble man, for our caravan was lost as we traverse the wild lands. Pray yee have stores for which we may restore our wears." Sombra chuckling, "I like these funny speaking humans." Sir Kuzzik "Yes, for such a courageous hero and his dark complexion companion. we are more than willing to supply you." Kane silently turn to Augie and give a "really" look. Augie just shrugs as the four set out to get ready for the event. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// They walked towards the tent where the event keeps gear for players. As the other three talk among themselves Kane look around. Kane thought to himself 'Wow this is so...different than I expected.' Sombra spoke in his Brain "Oh I wonder what they taste like?" Kane getting better at talking in his head responded, 'first of all don't eat people, second of all you do know its pretend right." Sombra huffs, "Duh I wasn't born yesterday, If they want to play real shit I be happy to show them what a real monster can do." Kane choses to ignore him, instead he watched how others got ready. He saw people wearing cool costumes dressed as strong orcs, as elegant elves, tough barbarians, or even mischievous goblins. Kane was surprised by so many people taking part in the event and never knew that there was a grassy field big enough to hold them all within the city. Enjoying the wind as it rustles his hair Kane wondered what he will get to wear. Sombra, 'How about an outlaw' Kane, 'How do you even know what an outlaw is?" Sombra just shrugs giving Kane a headache. Sir Kuzzik, "Here it is, the camp's supplies and gear shop." Augie, "Thank you Sire. will you be joining us in preparing for the battle?" Sir Kuzzik, "Sadly no, for I have other duties to attend. Come squire we must disembark." Artonius, "Later." Kane and Augie entered the large tent. It show clothes hanging for different type of characters. All sorts of things like tights, cloaks, belts, fake foam weapons, boots, bags, wizard staffs, fake wizard beard, body armors, medieval helmets, and of course makeup. But as they walked through the aisles of the custom clothes there was a certain suit of armor that caught Kane's eye. It was fully pitch black that felt like a void was in it. Along with a sword on the waist's left side, which that too was pitch black but the handle. Lastly, instead of brown leather cloak it was crimson blood coat. he walk towards it while looking at it mesmerized of the black suit Sombra said. "Now that is what I call a suit" Smiling sinisterly while Kane grunt angrily at it with a look of irritation. "I see you took of interest of this peculiar piece of iron" Sir Kuzzik asked as he suddenly reappeared as the man walked toward Kane with joy of the newcomer looking at the armor. Sombra, "Fucker! where did he come from?" Kane was too busy getting his heart under control to even agree with Sombra. Kane, "what is it call?" Sir Kuzzik, "it's called Skuggi shadow of all gods, and his blade made of all the underworld of all the gods homelands. If someone where to wear it they became the Black Knight." "Really?" Kane said intrigued by the names. Sir Kuzzik, "Yes and I can see this suit of darkness itself suits you...it is fate that brought you here because you are destined to wear it." Kane embarrassed, "Yeah it pretty cool I guess..." Sir Kuzzik chuckles and put his hand on Kane's shoulder, "Indeed my friend indeed," and while moving his hand off of Kane shoulder he clapped his hands twice. "Ada, Ellie, get this black man suit up and ready for entering, I got a feeling that they be in for a surprise." Kane look confuse until without warning he was drag away to another tent by one of the two elf girls he didn't notice and the other grabbed and carried the armor to an area where everything is dark. The only thing he heard was the armor suit clanging as they put it on him. As the girls finished putting the last parts of the armor, the helmet, they gently push Kane toward the exit of the tent. The light blind him a bit forcing him to hold his hand up to cover his eyes. As the light fade enough for him to see all he sees was everyone stop and look at him with fear. He noticed it and tried to calm their fears but unfortunately he didn't had a chance to do so. Sir Kuzzik "Make way and knell for the great and powerful Black Knight" he said it with pride. Everyone immediately moved out of the way and knelled before him, which make him uncomfortable of the whole thing. As he walked straight forward onto the grass more of them came by and look at him with the same fear and knelt to him making Kane more uneasy than he already he was. While Kane walked rigidly, Augie came out also all changed into his own outfit. Shaking his head from amusement, he headed towards Kane to rescue him. Reaching him, Augie gave Kane a pat on the shoulder. Augie, "Aye, great knight it seems that you have gained quite the following." Kane, "Following? No they are afraid of me you can see it their eyes." Augie confused, "Why, I mean sure seeing the outfit for the first time would startle them, but look at them now. they are eager to roleplay with a legendary character." Kane not believing Augie looked around and saw the scared looks actually get replaced with eyes filled with wonder and even a few waved at him. Kane dumbfounded waved back before turning to back to Augie. "Augie why would they be excited when I look frightening." Answered Kane. Augie hummed, "Well, I get that people have been put off by your face, but like look around. There are orcs, goblins, and all sorts of weird looking people. Around here we don't really care to much about how we look as long as we all play nice and have a good time." Kane look stunned at what Augie said for the first time of his lonely life he final has encouragement from a friend a REAL friend. > Black Coffee > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "and he bump into and turn around to face me and immediately bend down begging for his life and crying" Kane said laughing hysterically "he really did that" Twilight too laugh at the fantasy event. the two laugh together as they have coffee outside at the shop in the busy street of their city, they talk about each other lives, like for an example she went to pinkie's home to see if Pinkie was okay only for her to get pied in face during the antics of her friend. They talked about Kane's armor reactions at the L.A.I.R. event and how it felt spending time with Auggie. Each with a warm drink and a plate full of baked goodies, Kane spoke up, “I heard you say the other girl’s name was rainbow dash, right.” Not a question, since Kane has heard of the school’s sports icon but never thought he’d ever meet her. Twilight with a sigh, “Yes that is her name all right.” It seems she did not enjoy the talk with Dash. Kane continued, “So what did you and Dash talk about.” Twilight did give a small smile after hearing Kane use Rainbow Dash’s nickname. Twilight said, “She was being stubborn as usual saying you’re dangerous and all the things that make you scary.” Kane was afraid that maybe Twilight was having doubts and quickly countered that rumor, “No. I try to be a good person, I just defended Auggie.” Hoping that maybe she will pick him over the rest of her friends, as selfish as that may be. Twilight smiled again, “I know, I saw everything. I'm happy you defended him, but Kane you don’t have to prove anything. People will always talk, it is what you do that matters. And what’s better than protecting others.”  Kane bursting with happiness could only say one thing, “Thank you.” As the conversation died down, Twilight grabbed one of the many books that she carried with her. She would be lying if she said that she did not enjoy how easy it is to spend time with Kane. Usually her friends wanted to talk all the time. Twilight truly did enjoy all the conversations and adventures she had with her friends, but there are times she wants to do what she loves without getting constantly interrupted. But with Kane, she didn’t have to worry about that. Kane was happy to have some company and just enjoyed watching the day go by with her.  Twilight sneaked a peek at Kane. He was looking through the Cafe’s large decorative window watching the hustle and bustle of the café workers. Nibbling on what had to be his sixth cookie, Twilight made sure to remember his sweet tooth so she could make him some cookies as a surprised gift. It did make her sad that people can’t seem to give him a chance, and while it is true he has quite the temper. No one should feel unwanted. Twilight quickly turned to her book as Kane turned to look at her. As silly as it sounds she didn’t want him to think she was staring.  Time passed as Twilight continued to read. Kane had ordered a second helping of hot chocolate with a shot of espresso for him to drink. He didn’t mind coffee, in fact he usually preferred it black as possible with some cream. He was just so happy to spend time with his friend that he wanted something sweet to celebrate. They were having a fun time until it occurred to him "How did you meet all your friends..." Twilight stop mid reading and look up at Kane. "sorry, I'm just curious, forget what I-" "no no it's okay I'm just surprised that's all" the two share silencing as they sit " replied Twilight, "well it not how I met them it where I met and it's all start last summer..." ************* The sun was shining as it danced through the forest towards a lake. It was the first day of summer being in full bloom. The light could be seen shimmering over the water where on the other side of the lake a group of deer were jumping and prancing around. The swift movement of the deer startled a swarm of birds as they few through the forest towards a campground right by the lake. The camp was made up of a collection of cabins with a bonfire area in the middle so that there was a central location to meet. This campground was Everfree Camp. The camp had been around for several generations of campers. It holds a special place in all the families who have gone through the camp. It is where new friendships would start. As the birds flew over the campsite, a group gathered around the bonfire area. Here the counselors sat as they watched with smiles as the campers were in the middle of moving into the camp. Many of the campers walking by were talking with their friends about catching up and making plans on boating out into the lake for some fun. Of course with some counselors since they are responsible for the campers and care deeply about them. The counselors watched as the campers were buzzing with movement as they set to unpack. Both boy and girl campers were unpacking in their cabins and getting changed for fun camp activities that were soon to start. Along with getting changed many set to get sunscreen lotion on. Even though it is no where near the hottest that everfree forest can get, it is still warm enough to get a tan. The counselors saw many campers who have been here before, though there was a handful of new campers that would be the first year for them. One such camper who was currently in their cabin's bedroom area was Twilight Sparkle. Twilight ever the prepared person was already in her summer outfit, unlike most other campers, as she went about getting unpacked and has even made a list. In fact, Twilight had created an organized list on everything she would need for camp with the very first thing on the list being sunscreen lotion. Twilight hummed to herself as she went over her list a third time. "Okay books on how to get the most out of camping, check; 100 and 1 scary stories book, check; compass for when I go hiking, check; extra towels in chance I fall into a river, check; rainboots for when the weather gets muddy, check; long pants for when I walk in tall grassy areas, check; bug spray for when I wear shorts, check; shorts for when it gets unbearably hot, check; extra pair of glass, self-explanatory, check; and clothes that will last for several months, check," with a sigh Twilight takes a break from the rest of the list as she felt nervous about the start of the first day of camp. Twilight thought, 'Okay okay, everything is fine. this is a new camp, the other campers are not like the people she has meet before.' Twilight didn't want to say it out loud, but she was scared of making a bad first impression. All she wanted was to make more friends. "Everything should be okay" Twilight said to herself, "Hi," said a pink girl with pink hair that Twilight did not notice or even seen how she had gotten into the bedroom area. "Ah! oh, hi," a startled Twilight responded. "nicetomeetyou,areyounew?what'syourfavoritecolor?favoritedessert?whatdoyouliketodoforfun?whenisyourbirthday?" with a single breath the pink girl continued to ask question after question while Twilight could only stare with a stunned expression. The pink hair girl was standing with the biggest smile ever, seemingly happy to meet Twilight. Internally Twilight was afraid to start, with all her preparations she did not plan for her to meet someone who would approach her so soon into summer camp. An awkward amount of silence has pass, just when she was to run away in shame a yell was heard outside, "Pinky pie were are you?" The now named girl turned towards the yell and shouted, "Over here Rainbow Dash!" Pinky pie turned back towards Twilight as a cyan girl with rainbow themed hair came into the bedroom area. She saw twilight stand there still unable to talk. The cyan girl turned to Pinky Pie to question the girl and help out Twilight who looked like a lost foal in the middle of the woods. "Pinky pie I was look everywhere for you," turns to Twilight, "Hi I am Rainbow Dash" extend a hand for a handshake, "and that hyperactive cotton fluff is Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinky Pie, but we all call her pinky for short." Twilight look down at Rainbow Dash's out stretched hand and unable to shake off the sudden interaction simply took rainbow dash's hand and gave a shake. Pinky with a wide grin was happy to meet a new person. Having collected herself enough to speak she said, "Hi, I am Twilight Sparkle," and feeling a bit bold turns towards Pinky, " and yes, I would say a light purple, gooey chocolate chip cookies, I like to read for fun but I don't mind playing games, and my birthday is December third." Pinky with a gasp of excitement rushed to tackle twilight with a hug. As Twilight stumbled and supported the weight of Pinky, the pink haired girl gasp a large amount of air to start again with her endless questions, "Thatisamazing,everyonealwaystakeawhiletogothroughmyquestions.Idon'tknowwhysinceitisstraightforwardwhatIamsaying,butstillyoudidgreat!Doyoulikehaveasuperpower?Ordoyouhaveaphotographicmemory?Oh!whatsortofbooksdoyouliketoread?Haveyoueverwrittensomething?Iamsurethatitsgreat.CanIreaditsometime?MaybeIcanmakeyousomecookiesIlovetomaketreats.Wouldyouliketotrysomethingnew?" Pinky overwhelmed Twilight as Pinky shook from excitement as she still clings onto Twilight. With the closes of the girl and endless stream of words she soon started to make Twilight dizzy. Twilight desperately tried to keep herself steady and follow along with what Pinky was saying. Rainbow dash with a shake of her head, "Easy there Pinky, yeah she is impressive, but you still gotta give her a break or she will get all dizzy." Pinky with a blushing face let go in embarrassment. "Sorry," pinky said returning to her normal bubbly self. "Anyways, is this your first time at the camp? I have been coming to this camp since I was ten." Said Rainbow Dash. With a breath Twilight answered, "Yes, this would be my first year so I tried my best to be prepared." Rainbow dash with a smirk saw how Twilight looked with her glasses and how formal she was talking, Rainbow Dash thought Twilight definitely looks like an egghead. But she seems like a nice person, and at least she didn't act like a damsel-in-distress like a certain friend that she has. It would be a good idea to introduce Twilight to the others, after all anyone pinky gets super friendly tends to be a good person to be friends with. "You know I bet the rest of the girls would like to meet Twilight." Rainbow Dash said out loud. Pinky pie gasps as she jumps in the air. "OHH! That is an excellent idea! Shouldwegetthemormaybetakehertothem??" As the two girls tried to unravel Pinky's words pinky decided to take action and dashed out of the bedroom area leaving a Pinky sized puff of air in her place. Mouth agape Twilight wondered how she could be so energized without needing to take a break. Rainbow Dash, "eh, you get used to it." Twilight turned to look at Rainbow Dash, "and before you ask it was easy to tell what you were thinking, its what everyone thinks when first meeting Pinky. A literal ball of sunshine, but hey at least she throws awesome parties. hmm, she might throw you a welcome party." "Please no, I wouldn't know what to say to everybody." Twilight said with embarrassment as she covered her face. "Well, it probably just be for our group of girls. Like I said she is grade A party planner, she'll take into account what you'd be comfortable with, so relax Twi." responded Rainbow Dash as she went to lounge on a vacant bed. Twilight, "Uh, so...Dash, how long have you known Pinky?" Cozying up on the bed, Dash took a great big stretch before answering, "Hmm, well it's been years. Her family lives a bit outside of city that I live in so only really got to meet her when I had tried looking for some summer job," Dash closing her eyes to reminisce about meeting Pinky, "It was a rock picking gig at their farm. Heh, the funny thing is they farm rocks so I guess that works out for them. Apparently I had met her when she just turned into cotton candy but hey her folks were happy that someone could take the brunt of her energy. And once I told them about the camp they practically threw her at me to take along." Dash giggles at the tired parents trying to handle a newly hyperactive Pinky. Twilight with a smile, "That is very sweet. It is nice that she had such a good friend. Did she meet the rest of the girls here at camp?' Dash, "Well no, I can't say for sure but it looks like a few of the girls she already kind knew who they were. Like I think she has meet Apple Jack and Fluttershy. Which is sorta surprising since I knew Fluttershy all my life." Dash opens her eyes to glance at Twilight, "If I would guess, she met AJ because like her AJ's family also has a farm, but it was more of an orchard since they grow apples," chuckling to herself, "and nothing but apples. How can anybody have so many apples and not get sick of them." Finishing up Rainbow Dash kicks off the bed before getting on her feet and begins stretching. "So, what do you like to do for fun?" Twilight asks as Rainbow Dash grunts as she stretches down to her toes. Sill warming up her legs she stands on a single leg, "Well if it isn't obvious I am a bit of a sports pro. I just love running and competing," switches legs, "Like I can do it all. Basketball, baseball, track, tennis, hockey, you name it. But my absolute favorite is soccer. I am planning to join the varsity soccer team when school starts again." Finishing with her legs she does a hop before leaning forward into a falling push up. Quietly she counts out, seemingly unbothered by having to talk and workout. "Uhh, I see that you are in really good shape," Twilight lamely said not knowing how to continue the conversation. Rainbow dash continued to grunt out numbers when she pulls out Twilight from from her slump. "Ask me something." Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "I gotta be honest I really don't know what to say. I am not really the talkative time, I mean that I keep to myself. Not to say that you are not interesting or worth thinking about. But like in a positive way, since I just met you. Of course I can see that you are cool and..." Twilight rambled. "20% cooler," Rainbow Dash smugly interrupted. "What?" Asked Twilight. "What ever level of cool you use, I am 20% cooler," curls up onto her feet before jumping up as high as she can. "Sorry, its a bit of an inside joke that the girls and I have." She begins doing jumping jacks. With a bit of a huff she continued, "I said some dumb kid things about being cooler than cool and when they asked me how much I just picked 20%. Don't ask me why I can't remember the reason I pick that number. It just felt right so I am sticking to it." With an amused smile, "Yes, you are 20% cooler...Mind teaching me a thing or two about working out?" Rainbow Dash stopped and smiled at Twilight, "Sure, now the thing you got to remember is go at your own pace and always remember to stretch before and after so that your muscles stay safe." As Rainbow Dash continued to go through how a beginner should learn about working out, Pinky Pie is blazing pass various cabins and even campers who frantically moved out of her way. Pinky was beaming to herself as she thought, 'Oh this is so exciting, the girls will love her I just know it. Maybe she can get Fluttershy to be more open, Twilight seems the type to be kind and patient.' Nodding her head she was excited to have Fluttershy and the rest of the girls start a new friendship with Twilight. Pinky looked around as she ran, where would the girls be. Rarity would likely be in the crafts cabin working on something fashionable, so best to get her last since running around is not her favorite way to spend time. With a chuckle, 'I don't know why, running is a great way to burn energy to make yourself hunger for some cupcake,' her stomach grumble, 'Bad tummy this is no time for a snack break' but an idea smacked her in the head. Wait, that was a volleyball. 'Huh' thought Pinky, looking around she notice she stopped in the middle of a game. With a smile, "Oppsie, my bad," grabs the ball and tosses it to one of the campers playing. Getting off the court she notices the same tree that she seems to have seen more than three times 'Hmm, I think I have been going in circles. But luckily that ball reminded me that AppleJack was gonna be in the kitchen working on some homemade apple pie,' a stronger grumble was heard, 'okay okay you win smarty pants after all you figured out where AJ would be.' Pinky began skipping to the mess hall knowing that she should first find AJ since Fluttershy would be close to the woods, so finding her might take some time. With an exclamation Pinky burst into the mess hall, "Applejack!!!" Pinky startled the campers in the mess hall who were playing games at the table area. A booming voice was heard through an opening that was seen in the back of the mess hall, "Pinky, over here hun," answered AJ. Pinky quickly walked toward the door that lead to the kitchen walking into Applejack wearing an apron. Pinky notice that her cowboy had she usually wears was hanging off a hook on the wall next to AJ. Also she had plaid shirt's sleeves rolled up to avoid getting them dirty. Looking further down, Pinky giggles. "What's got you giggling like a bird?" asked a confused Applejack. "Well I notice that you kept you face and shirt clean. Plus the apron got you jean shorts covered, but what about your boots?' Pinky said. "My boots?" AJ looks down. a large glob of apple filling was covering one of her boots while the other looks to be fully covered in flour. "Grr, ain't that just perfect. I look like a cake topper on jammed on top of a cake." Pinky with stars in her eyes, "Like a wedding cake cause of how pretty you are." Applejack, "Sugar, you are just the sweetest thing, but I ain't no wedding topper. And not for a long time. Anywho, What'cha need?" Pinky, "Oh right! we got a new friend! I want you girls to meet her. She is with Rainbow Dash, weneedtofindFluttershyso...," Applejack, "Whoa Pinky breath, I can't quite wrangle your words when you go so fast." Pinky takes a big breath as her cheeks puff up almost as if she is floating before exhaling, "We need to find Fluttershy and Rarity so that we can all go introduce you to Twilight...oh bring some apple pies to celebrate of course!" Applejack with a smile, "Sure lets go, I can just pack some things in a cooler," Pinky's stomach grumpily interrupted, "After I get you a test pie to eat." With a vigorous shake of her head Pinky agreed. While Pinky happily munched on her delicious pie AJ got to work on packing goodies for a small celebration. 10 minutes later the girls, with Applejack carrying the cooler, were in search of Fluttershy as Rarity would be aghast to spend time in the woods unnecessarily. "So we got pies?" Asked Pinky. "Yep," said Applejack. "Juice and sparkling water?" continued Pinky. "Yep," answered Applejack. "Cheese and crackers and ham and carrots and other snacks to eat before the pies?" Pinky happily asked. "Yep times five." Applejack chuckled to herself. "Perfect, now we just need to figure out where Fluttershy would be." Pinky said. "Well, Flutters said that she'd be down yonder by the lake to feed some of the birds." Applejack replied. "Oh, so she told you when she went to the kitchen for some bread to feed them?" Pinky asked. "Nope, she was getting some seeds that are store in the mess hall for the bird feeders. Apparently bread is no good for birds too much sugar and such. " answered Applejack. "Oh, good to know. But its sad that there is too much sugar for them," Pinky said sadly. Applejack with amusement shrugs her shoulders not wanting to tell Pinky that there is such a thing as too much sugar for people too. Applejack smiled as she continued to listen to Pinky chatter about things the pink hair girl enjoys. Many of the campers were off to the right of the lake near a dock as they jumped and swam the day away. On lifeguard duty was a few counselors keeping a close watch of the teenagers. This is the scene that the two girls find once the reach the lake. "Hmm, I don't see lots of birds hanging around there, maybe she left to feed some other animal" Pinky said. "Nah, knowing Flutters she ain't gonna get scared off that easily," Pinky nodded in agreement, "It's likely she went to a quieter part of the lake to avoid the birds getting spooked." Applejack said. Just a few feet from the dock they notice a dirt trail running along the side of the lake. With a silent look to each other, the girls agreed to follow the trail running to the left of the dock. The noise of excited campers dulled to a quiet buzz, the girls kept an eye out for the gentle animal lover. As they reach a little shaded area of trees by the lake they heard a collection of chirps and quacks emanating from this mini grotto. A soft voice was heard, "Now, now, no need to rush. I brought plenty for everyone." What the girls witness was nothing short of spectacular. There in the middle of the shade stood another pink hair girl with soft marigold skin, and she was surrounded by swarms of birds. All kinds of birds vied for her attention. Robins, blue jays, seagulls, ducks, swans, and many other birds the girls didn't know the name of. In fact, the birds all seemed to have formed lines at the direction of Fluttershy. Applejack knew Fluttershy was handy with animals, heck Fluttershy has been essential in getting rowdy animals on the farm to cooperate, but still to get these wild birds to follow her is something else. Before the girls said hi to Fluttershy, A great big horned owl perched on a branch beat them to the punch with a loud, "HOOOO." Pinky, "Ahhh, Its Pinky and AJ!" She stood straight like she was in the army. Applejack with a breath compose herself, "Pinky its an owl. Also hey Flutters we were looking everywhere for yah." Fluttershy gently replied, "Oh? I'm sorry for having to make you go all the way here. It's just the splashing made these wonderful animals all jumpy and unable to enjoy their food. Is something the matter?" Pinky relaxed her stance and ambled around as she began to pretend she was a duck. As Pinky tried to play with a duck, Applejack answered, "Nope, just that Pinky has made a new friend. The girl made quite an impression on our dear cotton fluff that Pinky wanted us to get to know her. We are going to meet her now once we get Rarity." Fluttershy, "Oh that is great, I am glad to hear that Pinky met another nice person." Fluttershy was relieved, if Pinky thought it was a good idea to meet the girl so soon that means she would be easy for Fluttershy to interact with. Embarrassingly Fluttershy thinks, 'I get too overwhelmed with first impressions.' Before Fluttershy moves towards the girls she turns to the crowd around her, "Now, listen up everyone I have to leave," A collection of chirps and quacks are heard before with a strictness the girls are not used to hearing from the timid girl, "You all have had plenty of food. I will bring more for you later in the day, and if you behave I'd bring some sweet bread. However, if you don't then I have no choice but to put a stop to this. Am I understood." the last part was not a question but rather a statement. Somehow to Applejacks confusion the animals looked to understand as they began to disperse, Applejack turned to Pinky. Pinky was waving them goodbye. Somehow to Pinky this was not out of the ordinary. Fluttershy stepped towards them as Pinky could barely contain herself. Hopping in place, "Hurry, Hurry, We are almost ready to party!" Pinky said. What seemed like forever to Pinky Fluttershy was with them, Pinky grabs her and Applejack's arms and leads them back to camp. "Whoa, easy Pinky, I get your excitement but I am carrying precious cargo here. No point in putting effort in the pies just to jumble them up harder than a kicking bull." Applejack said. Fluttershy just eep but for the most part was used to Pinky's hyperactiveness. Pinky, "I know but it will be great and plus the less time we waste here the more time we can get to have rarity finish up her projects. You know how she gets once she has 'found her muse'." Fluttershy responds, "Well, maybe she will be done with the project? Or has writersblock but with fashion." "Is that possible?" Pinky asked. Fluttershy shrugs her free shoulder. Applejack said, "She better be, I ain't waiting for perfection." Pinky, "Aw, it won't be that bad. After all how long would it take?" AJ Shuddered, cursing to herself at tempting the universe. "5 hours!" Applejack exclaimed. Just as Pinky predicted Rarity was located at the crafting cabin. "Oh darling no need to shout, I am right here. Plus it must simply be 5 hours so that I may create a lovely welcoming gift for our new friend." Rarity daintily said. Fluttershy and Pinky looked back and forth between the two headstrong girls. Applejack sputtered, "Well, what in the world could take you 5 hours to make. Yah made entire gown dresses under 2 and that was with nothing but random fabric!" Rarity, "Aw, you are right! I am simply marvelous, but no, being that this is a first impression it must be beyond perfect. The brainstorming phase of design will take the most time let alone working out the most compatible fabric. Thankfully I had the foresight to bring along my more finer cloths in my collection." Applejack rubbed her face as she fought a groan, "Do you mean that extra luggage that you made me lug around?" Rarity with a smile, "Why yes the very same, and thank you for volunteering your time with my precious cargo." Applejack grumbled as she was reminded of the hassle. "Um," Rarity turned towards Fluttershy, "how would you make something without her...measurements...or knowing what she likes." Flutters quietly spoke at first before she slowly went to a mumble at the end. Rarity stood wide-eye gaping like a fish before gathering herself, "Right, right. Flutters my dear you are absolutely right. thank you for your insight. Well then off we go!" She went to her bag which held various sketch books and measuring tools. Applejack beamed at Fluttershy, usually it took longer for Fluttershy to assert herself. As the group headed towards Twilight's cabin they all thought the same thing, 'I hope she likes us.' ************* "And then when the girls got there Rarity made this grand gesture of making me a complete wardrobe with her special fabrics." Twilight said with a wheeze. Kane had a heartwarming smile. "Must have been quite a shock to have that just be declared when first meeting someone," Kane said. "Heh, well it certainly was one way to introduce yourself. I believe Applejack try to wrangle her once she had set the food down. It is actually very sweet that Rarity would do that for me, and for AJ to be mindful of my comfort level." replied Twilight. Twilight with a smile continued, "And Flutters was just the sweetest thing ever, she was probably the closest to how I was. We hit it off well and I am proud to say I was able to get to be more outspoken even if just a little." "And Pinky?" asked Kane. "Pinky is Pinky, thanks to her I made these friends that mean the world to me and showed me the magic in friendship." Answered Twilight. With a smile she went back to her book while Kane enjoyed the quiet a bit more before doing anything else. As the day passed by Kane took the time to get some homework done. The silence occasionally broken when Kane would ask Twilight for her thoughts on a question, but other than that each kept the peace and quiet. It had gotten close to late afternoon when the pair decided to call it a day. Kane said, “Thanks for hanging out in the coffee shop.” “Of course, it was such a wonderful time and we got lots of things done too.” responded Twilight. They reached where they had to go their separate ways. Kane walks up the road leading to his house, “Bye Twilight, see you tomorrow.” Twilight answers, “Yeah, see you too.” Both happy with how things went.