Aura. Back to equestria.

by Dot-Dot_Dot

First published

Aura is brought back to equestria to answer to her crimes.

Aura was knocked unconscious in the fight with rainbow dash but doesn’t know how.

What will happen to her while she’s back in equestria?

The ring Aura stole is starting to bring her through rifts in time.

Will she break the timelines?

Back home?

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After the brawl Aura had with Rainbow Dash, almost killing her someone knocked Aura unconscious.

“HA HA HA! DIE!” Aura shouts as she points her fingers like a gun at Rainbow Dash who is in the air.

Suddenly a hand to Aura’s neck sends her down.

“I can’t keep my promise. Toby…” I-I’m sorry.” Aura says weakly as she sheds a tear as she falls unconscious.

Hours go by before Aura wakes up in pony Equestria except something seems off about her.

Aura’s eyes adjust to the darkness as she looks around and appears to be in a cell.

Aura sits up and looks down at herself to see she’s back in her Pegasus self and she walks to the bars.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” Aura calls out with no response.

Aura hears voices from outside and she walks over to the barred window to see a crowd of ponies and the two princesses facing them.

Aura can’t understand what they’re saying but she has a feeling that it isn’t good.

The dungeon door swings open and hits the wall with a slam that echoes through the walls.

A pony walks down the stairs and approaches the cell.

Aura turns to face the pony. “What do you want? Are you going to make my life even worse? As if you could anyways. I’ll probably be locked in here for years.” Aura says as she sits on the floor.

“I’m not. I’m here to get you out Aura.” The pony says as a bright magenta glow lights the room as the cell door opens.

“Who are you?” Aura asks as she steps out of the cell.

“I’ll fill you in with the details later. Right now. Your name has to be cleared before you can leave.” The pony says as she leads Aura out of the dungeon.

Thirty minutes after Aura is free they approach the front doors of the castle.

“Wait. Can you do me a favor?” Aura asks the lavender pony.

“Sure. What is it?” The pony says kindly.

“Can you summon a mirror? I need to make sure something is right.” Aura says as the pony nods and a mirror is summoned in front of Aura.

As Aura looks at herself she sees herself in her human form with her shining titanium white colored hair and her cyan colored eyes.

“Hey. Do you see me as a pony?” Aura asks.

“Yeah. Of course I do. What else would you be? Now are you ready?” The pony says with a kind smile.

Aura nods as the doors are opened.

As the door opens Aura stands there as the princesses are facing her with a smile.

Aura had assumed that she would be met with something else. Aura keeps looking around incase it’s another trap to make her believe that she’s not in trouble.

“Aura Moon. Welcome back.” Luna says as the lavender pony bows.

“Just so you know. I’m not bowing. It’s not respectful anymore. And sorry to rain on your parade but I’m out of here.” Aura says as her wings open and she takes off with a crackle in the air.

As Aura is flying she thinks to herself. “This is surely a trap. There isn’t a possible way that I’m not. After what I’ve done? But that isn’t all. Why do I, myself as a pony feel different?” Aura says as she feels her forehead to find a horn.

“No… you’ve got to be kidding me. I’m an alicorn now?!” Aura shouts as she throws her hooves up.

Aura sighs as she finds a place to land and as she lands she feels a magic surge through her body as if she’s been struck with a spell and it paralyzes her.

“My body… why… why can’t I move?” Aura says to herself as she blacks out.

Aura wakes up a few hours later to the smell of something burning nearby. Aura slowly stands up as she looks at herself to find that she’s back in her human form.

“What the? Why am I back as a human?” Aura asks herself as she looks at herself then towards the smoke that ignites the night sky.

“What’s going on? Is that… Canterlot?! What’s happening there?” Aura asks herself as she starts to sprint towards Canterlot.

Aura is running for thirty minutes before she hears a scream nearby. And out of instinct Aura searches for the source and she walks through a bush line to find a few ponies holding knives in their magical grasp.

“Just fork over the alicorn’s and we’ll let you go.” One of the ponies say.

“No! They’re my kids! I won’t let you take them.” The mother of the alicorns says.

“Fine. Then we’ll just have to kill you for em.” Another pony says as he begins to approach the mother.

Aura stands a distance away studying the alicorns to realize that it’s Celestia and Luna when they were fillies.

“I’m in the past!” Aura says to herself “I’m… I’m going to change the future!” Aura says as she places two fingers on her forehead and teleports infront of the mother.

“What the?!” The pony says as he takes a step back as his eyes go wide.

“Who are you?” The mother asks.

“I’m Aura. But enough introduction. If you all want to kill then I’ll kill you all.” Aura says as she taunts the ponies.

Aura turns to face the mother of the alicorns. “You might want to cover their eyes and ears.” Aura says as she smiles at the mother before losing her happiness and facing the group of ponies.

“What are you going to do to stop us? There’s seven of us and one of you.” One of the ponies say with a laugh.

A ghostly apparition of another person appears next to Aura before sliding into her.

“What the?! Who was that?! What was that!?” One of the ponies asks nervously.

“Every force you create has an echo. The undoing of your mistakes will be us. We’re here, I am they, we are one, unfortunately for you ponies.” Aura Moon says as she points at the sky and a ball of energy forms on her finger tip and it starts to grow in size.

“What the heck?! I’m getting out of here!” One of the ponies say as he begins to run as the others agree and they all break away and run.

Aura shoots the giant ball of energy into the air, the ball fizzles into glistening sparkles.

Aura then turns to the mother. “Are you three okay?” Aura asks.

I’m in the past.

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The mother turns to Aura. “I’m okay but I’m not sure about Luna.” The mother says as she points towards Luna who has a face of awe stuck on her face.

Aura crouches down towards Luna. “Hey? Are you okay?” Aura asks as she boops Luna on the nose.

Luna shakes her head which knocks off the stuck look on her face.

“Woah! That was so cool! How did you do it?” Luna asks energetically.

“Well. It’s a thing called energy. I’m able to harness the magic in equestria to become an energy for an attack.” Aura says while looking proud of herself.

“That’s so cool! Can you teach me?!” Luna asks in her usual enthusiasm.

“It took me years to learn how to do it.” Aura says while standing back up.

“Oh… that’s okay. I’ll still learn to.” Luna says with a smile.

The mother steps up.

“I want to thank you for saving me and my daughters. Where did you come from Aura?” The mother asks.

“It was nothing. I felt that I had to do something. I’ve always wanted to help others. And I’m from the future. I’m assuming that it’s from this ring that I have but I’ve got a question for you. Why is that city on fire?” Aura asks as she points to the city.

“Canterlot? There’s been riots about how the king has been treating us.” The mother says as she sighs.

“Who’s your king?” Aura asks as she crosses her arms.

“His name is King Sombra. He’s been our king for over two decades now. He’s treated us poorly ever since he rose to power.” The mother says.

“Sombra? I thought he was supposed to be the king of the crystal empire. Maybe this was before he went to the crystal empire.” Aura says to herself.

“Maybe I should have a word with him. And by word. I mean a fight to prove if he can truly be a king.” Aura says as she turns towards canterlot.

“I wouldn’t do that Aura. My husband was the strongest unicorn in equestria and even he couldn’t stand up to Sombra.” The mother says.

“Heh. If I’m going to die then I’ll make sure everyone knows it was for the right cause.” Aura says as she points to herself.

“Then I’m going with you.” The mother says as Celestia and Luna nod in agreement.

“Then it’s settled. Sombra will be removed from this land. Everyone hold on to me.” Aura says as she places two fingers on her forehead and the others hold on to her and they teleport to Canterlot.

“Woah. How did you do that?” Celestia asks with her head tilted.

“It’s called instant transmission. I learned it from a very respectful man in another universe.” Aura says.

“How did you go to another universe?” The mother asks.

“It’s an extremely long story.” Aura says with a wink as she faces the Castle.

“Alright. Shall we continue?” The mother says as Aura nods and they begin to walk to the castle.

As they enter the castle Aura is shocked to see how many ponies are displayed on the floor. Their bodies lifeless.

Celestia and Luna gasp and Luna starts to cry.

Aura lifts up Luna and starts to hold Luna.
“I know this is something you’ve never wanted to see in your life ever. Sometimes life doesn’t end up how you want it. It will be painful. You will go through loss. But no matter how hard it gets. Giving up hurts worse than failure.” Aura says with a reassuring smile.

Luna stops crying and nods as Aura sets her back down. Before their interrupted by a loud slam in the room ahead of them.

“You all wait here. No matter what. Stay here please.” Aura says as she runs towards the room and opens the door to see a pony in armor fly past her and slam into the wall and as she walks in she sees what it is.

Sombra. Enraged.

“Who are you! Are you here to oppose me?! King Sombra?! I’ll kill you where you stand! You lower life form!” Sombra shouts at Aura.

“If I’m lower then kill me. But you won’t be so much better than me.” Aura says with a smirk as she points to herself.

Sombra’s horn glows as a beam is shot at Aura and she dodges it just before it hits her she watches it go through the wall and as she turns to face Sombra. His hoof comes in contact as it slams against her face and she gets flung into the wall.

Aura lets a shout of pain. “AGH! That hurt!” Aura shouts as she leaps up and uses the wall to push herself to Sombra as she pulls her fist back she reaches him and slams her fist against his side as a crack can be heard from him as she lands and he flies to the wall.

Aura turns to look around and hears a light fizzle sound then a loud bang. When she turns around she sees Sombra flying towards her and he goes to strike her in the face but she uses her arm to block the attack and as she blocks it her arm snaps.

“AHHH!!! MY ARM!” Aura shouts as she stumbles backwards. Sombra smirks as he pulls a dirty move and shoots a small beam at her which pierces through her heart.

Aura stumbles backwards as she falls to the ground and starts to lose. Aura lies there slowly slipping away from the mortal realm until she hears a voice.

“Aura! Please! We need you!” Luna shouts.

“Please Aura! You’re the only one who can do this!” Celestia shouts.

“Show him what power you hold Aura!” The mother shouts with determination.

Aura stands up as she clutches her broken arm.

“How can you still stand?!” Sombra shouts in disbelief.

“Because. Celestia and Luna, and all of the other ponies and creatures of equestria depend on me. They trust me.” Aura says as her hair begins to glow.

“Trust?! How hilarious! It’s useless! You’ll only need yourself in this world!” Sombra says while laughing.

“If that’s how you see this world then you’re wrong!” Aura says as she clenches her fist.

An Aura starts to build around her as the ground starts to tremble.

Aura’s eyes begin to glow as her pupils start to crack.

“What the?! That can’t be right!” Sombra says as he takes a step back.

Aura’s pupils explode as her hair glows a bright green color as she leaps towards Sombra and she grabs him by the throat.

“Is this so worth it to keep your pride?! It won’t shine the blood of your halo!” Aura screams as she throws Sombra through the wall.

Aura sprints at him as he lays there trying to recover.

“I don’t want you here ever again! I WANT YOU GONE!” Aura screams as she grabs Sombra and throws him into the air and away from canterlot.

Aura returns to normal as she sighs and her hair reverts back to her original color as she turns around.

“Goodbye you three! I’ll miss you!” She shouts as the ring flashes and she gets taken through a rift.

A small note for the readers.

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“Hello Readers. It’s me, Aura I’m hoping you like the story so far. The writer is trying his best. I know he is. Even if he can’t spell things correctly. Or he’ll put an I instead of an a. He may but dumb but he’s getting better each time he posts a chapter. I don’t know what he has planned for the next chapter but I might have a clue. What happened in episode 1 of the season that released back in April of 2015. Till the next time readers. And im fully aware of you all! Bye Bye!!!” She waves as she teleports away from the fourth wall.

Cutie Unmarked

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Aura floats between space and time and reality as she sees the universe. The truth of all things as her eyes are opened for the first time.

“This reality? All of the universes? What is this?” Aura says as she looks around and something acquires her attention.

“Is that me?” Aura says as she looks closer and it pulls her into the rift.

Aura opens her eyes to find herself in a small town with ponies that look to be without color.
All of the ponies are surrounding her but one sticks out to have her color as she steps up.

“Hello there. I’m Starlight Glimmer. Welcome to our small town where everyone is equal. Who are you?” Starlight asks.

Aura looks her up and down then compares her to the other ponies.

“So she’s the mayor or whatever. Why is she colored while the rest isn’t? She has to be lying about this.” Aura thinks to herself.

“May I speak to you. Privately Ms. Glimmer?” Aura says as she stands up.

“Sure!” Starlight says as all of the ponies walk away and she walks to a building and Aura follows her.

They walk into the house as Aura shuts and locks the door.

“What are you really? You’re hiding something from your past that you can’t accept Starlight. Why are you different than those other ponies.” Aura says as she crosses her arms.

“What do you mean? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Starlight says as she starts to look nervous.

“Are you sure? Because I’m not mad. I just want to know? Is it because of sunburst? Just because he got his mark first isn’t the end of the world. I know how you feel. And plus I don’t even have my cutie mark yet.” Aura says with a chuckle.

“You don’t? And how do you know about my past?!” Starlight says looking angered.

“I’ve seen the past and the future I’ve been back and forth helping the ponies with their troubles. And this ring… it’s sent me here. After all I’ve seen. After all I’ve been through. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve lost everything. I’ve realized strength will be the only thing I’ll need.” Aura says as she grabs the ring off of her finger and starts to crush it.

The ring cracks and glows and Aura crushes the ring. The ring explodes as a white ball rises above Aura and floats into her chest. Aura clutches at her chest as she falls to her knees and falls over.

“Starlight… Help Me!” Aura says weakly as she pulls herself towards the couch.

Starlight looks around before looking at Aura then to the door. Starlight panicked before lifting Aura with her magic and laying her on the couch before running out the door.

Aura lays there with ridged breathing. Aura waves her hand infront of her and all she sees is afterimages. Her vision starts to blur in and out as she looks around the room before a pony catches her attention.

Aura watches the pony as it stands there as it slowly approaches as she lays there with her eyes wide open.

Aura’s vision slowly focuses on the pony to reveal that the pony is one that she has never seen before. It’s wearing a cloak?

The pony’s horn glows as a vial of a mysterious liquid floats over to Aura.

“Drink.” The Mysterious pony says as Aura barely manages to grab it and she pours the liquid into her mouth and she swallows it.

The pony disappears as Aura passes out.
Aura wakes up to see Starlight and a few other ponies and Princess Celestia looking at her in shock.

“Aura? Is that you?” Starlight asks.

“I feel different. Could anyone summon a mirror?” Aura asks as she sits up.

Princess Celestia uses her magic to summon a mirror for Aura.

Aura grabs the mirror and looks at herself.

“Oh no. I’m a kid again!” Aura shouts.

Aura looks at her short pearlescent hair with a faint glow in the color.

“Aura? Why are you a kid again?” Starlight asks.

“I don’t know. I don’t remember much about anything before waking up. But I feel different. As if there is some instinct that drives for something that I cannot tell what for. But I do need to be alone to get used to this smaller body.” Aura says as she stands up and walks to the door.

“Aura wait.” Starlight says as she approaches Aura. “Since you’re a child now, you need someone to look over you.” Starlight says with a smug look.

“I… Me?! Aura Moon? I do not need a parent or a guardian. I can handle myself just fine. Ugh. I sound like Trixie. Yuck.” Aura says as she opens the door but Celestia closes it.

“Starlight is right Aura. You do need some pony to look after you. Now that you’re a kid again.” Princess Celestia says with a giggle.

“I’m not doing it. I don’t care what you all say. I don’t need anyone. I’ve helped others all my life just to get babied when I turn into a kid again?! I’ve lost everything again. I almost died! And this is what happens to me?! If this is how I’m going to be treated then I don’t belong in this world. I’m leaving.” Aura says as she slams the door behind her as she begins to run away from the village.

“Those ponies think that since I’m a kid now that I can’t take care of myself. How disgusting. These ponies have disrespected me for the last time. If I want to prove my point than I’ll need a trainer. Especially one who lost to a guy with plot armor even though he should have won. These ponies will regret disrespecting me like this.” Aura says as she continues to runaway.

Aura reaches a field as she looks up and storm clouds form around the area as Aura disappears from equestria.

Filler: A New Character

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The land burns as a group of villains rampage through equestria. Draining the magic of all of the innocent ponies and creatures of equestria.

“Twilight! Have you seen Aura at all since she’s left?!” Celestia shouts.

“No! I haven’t seen her! I checked the human equestria but no one has seen her since she left!” Twilight shouts back.

Meanwhile in the griffin territory Aura runs throughout the kingdom as there are building burning, corpses litter the ground. Aura runs towards the castle. As she makes it to the castle one of the doors come crashing down on her.

Aura shoots a blast at the door, destroying it and she runs into the castle. “Hello?! Is anyone still alive!?” Aura shouts as she sprints into the throne room.

Aura looks around as she spots a griffin laying on the floor battered and barely breathing. She approaches the griffin as he frantically tries to back away but can’t.

“Hey. I’m not going to hurt you. What happened here?” Aura asks in a kind tone.

The griffin studies Aura as he begins to calm down. “You are what happened Aura. You came in the kingdom with a group of villains and started a massacre and destroyed the kingdom.” The griffin says while barely breathing.

“Me? But I wasn’t here. I was in… Vacation. I don’t know who did it but they stole my body. Where are my parents?” Aura asks.

“They’re over there. I don’t know if they’re alive but… I… tried to protect them.” The griffin says as the color in his eyes start to fade.

“Here. Eat this.” Aura says as she puts a small bean into the griffins mouth and the color returns to his eyes.

“What was that?” The griffin asks as he stands up.

“I don’t remember. A man gave it to me and I forgot the name of them. You go look for any survivors.” Aura says as she stands up and walks to the room that the griffin pointed to a minute ago.

Aura opens the door to see herself holding her mother my the neck.

“Mom!” Aura shouts as she sprints towards the faker.

“Ah ah ah.” The faker says with a laugh.

“Why are you doing this! Who even are you!” Aura shouts.

“What’s the fun in telling you if you could figure it out yourself. And besides. You should know who I am Aura.” The faker says.

Aura stands there puzzled as she starts to think of who this could be. Aura hears something thud against the ground and when she looks she sees the faker gone and her mother lying on the floor.

“Mom!” Aura shouts as she sprints towards her mom.

Aura lifts her up so she can look at her.

“Aura… I’ve… I’ve always been proud of you. No matter what happened. I knew you would never do this. I’m proud of you. My princess.” Mom says as she takes her last breath and the life leaves her body.

“Mom? Mom! MOM!” Aura screams as she lets go of her mom’s lifeless body. “I’ll kill that faker if it’s the last thing I do! I’ll MURDER THEM!” Aura shouts as she breaks a hole in the wall and takes flight towards Canterlot.

Aura flies for what she feels is eternity as she finally reaches Canterlot. Aura lands as she looks around at the destruction.

“What happened here? What’s going on?” Aura says to herself as she hears an explosion in the distance.

Aura runs over to the origin of the explosion and she sees the girls and the princesses trying to stop the faker.

“Aura! Why are you doing this?! What did we ever do!” Twilight shouts.

“You all don’t know half of what I’ve been through! You can’t even tell who Aura really is.” The faker says as she points to Aura.

Everyone turns to the real Aura as they are shocked and confused.

“Two Aura’s? What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asks.

Aura stands there as she studies the faker until something snaps in her head.

“Are you my twin?” Aura asks as scratches her head nervously.

“Hehe… That’s rich. Although I’m surprised that you could remember that. Even though your memory is terrible.” Aura’s twin says.

“Wait…” Aura says as she begins to think.

“It shouldn’t take you this long. I’ll tell it anyways.” Aura’s Twin says.

“Go ahead. I won’t stop you.” Aura says as she waits for her sister to tell the story.

“Back when we were young fillies, our parents were killed. Then we were split apart. Aura was adopted by the griffins while I was left alone. No one ever adopted me so I went on my own. Anything Aura could ever improve upon, I could do better. The transformations she can do, I can do.” Aura’s sister says.

“Wait… does that mean if I learn something new, you can do it as well? Who even are you?” Aura asks.

“I’m Blitz Shifter. The better you. And I’ll do anything to wipe you off from this universe!” Blitz shouts as she goes into a combat stance.

“What’s your problem? I never did anything to you!” Aura says as she takes a stance.

“You were everything that I couldn’t be! I always heard about how the Queen of the griffin’s adopted a Pegasus and every single griffin respected that Pegasus.” Blitz says as everyone else looks shocked as they turn to Aura.

“Is this true Aura?” Celestia asks.

“Yes. I never told because I never liked the title of Princess Aura.” Aura says.

“Enough talk! We will settle this now!” Blitz says as she charges towards Aura.

Aura waits before dashing towards Blitz and start to clash as the air begins to boil around them and everyone else runs for cover.

Aura and Blitz sling each other away before they lunge towards each other and clashing. The air begins to thin before cracking.

“This will end now!” Aura shouts as her Aura begins to build and her hair begins to turn red.

“Oh? God energy? Hehe… that’s adorable.” Blitz says as she does the same.

They begin to fight again. Dealing blow upon blow. Clashing blows for a while before suddenly disappearing.

Blitz shoots an energy attack towards Aura and she forms a barrier that turns the attack into dust.

“It’s Futile!” Aura says as she kicks Blitz in the chest and shoves her back as she flies towards Blitz she slams her fist into her which explodes and sends them back into Equestria.

Aura and Blitz stand there a small distance apart from each other as they stagger towards each other.

Aura and Blitz throw one punch and Aura doesn’t make it before getting tapped by Blitz and she falls over.

“She got me!” Aura says as she falls backwards.

“I… I did it! I… beat, Aura!” Blitz shouts as she falls backwards.

Both siblings lay there unconscious as they get their rest from their fight.