Family isn't just Blood

by Sailor Aether

First published

Icarus is a one winged pegasus, who lost his parents and a wing in an accident. Yet he finds family in the oddest place.

Losing a wing as a Pegasus can be tough, and losing your parents at the same time? It would be enough to break just about anypony. Icarus has hope though, hope that he can do better. Hope that he can find a way to fly again. Hope to have not a foster family, but a real family. Though things do not go the way he wants them to. He runs into somepony that you'd least expect to be his father figure. Hopefully said father figure can handle the emotions of a nosy 18yr old colt.

There will always be someone for you, in the most unlikely of places sometimes. So do not feel you are alone, there is more for you than you know. <3

*There will be a lil bit of Romance in this too. not enough tag space :3
*Art was acquire with the help of Nonnyadict

An Unlikely Savior

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“Icarus make sure you come home, we don’t want to talk with foal services again” A feminine voice called out.

“Yea sure, Sorry” Icarus called back.

He floated down to the ground from his cloud. It always took a while for him to get up on them. Usually with the help of one of his foster parents or a friend not that he had many of those. Having only one wing was only a handicap he had been given.

“I’m over this, once I get out of here things will be better. I hope” Icarus said to himself. It was currently the middle of the night. He was running away from home for a multitude of reasons.

The first reason was that even if his foster parents did help him get into Cloudsdale, his home. They had other biological foals, and only accepted Icarus as a test. He heard them say many times that he was their test child to see if they were ready. Once they decided they were ready, they had their daughter, Eris Moonglow. Since then it had been a long 7 years of being seen, treated, and talked to like he was less.

Snapping out of his thoughts Icarus looked at his watch, “My train leaves in 20. I gotta go!” he exclaimed. Getting off his cloud watched his cloud float back up for a brief moment. Then turning to the train station in the small town below Cloudsdale. He walked up to the train conductor who stopped him.

“Ticket please.” The conductor said flatly. Grabbing the ticket out of his saddle bag with his teeth. The Unicorn used his magic to inspect the ticket. Once he was satisfied he used a ticket punch to signify his ticket's validity.

“Am I uh…Good to go now?” Icarus asked. The conductor hadn’t given the ticket back yet and was staring down at him.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” The conductor asked. Tilting his head to he looked over the coffee colored Colt. He saw aa near floral pattern for his cutie mark, and the singular wing resting at his side.

“I highly doubt it, could I please just get on?” Said Icarus. He was growing impatient because he wanted to leave as soon as possible. The last thing he needed was to get dragged back to Cloudsdale. Worse yet start bouncing around homes again.

“ Say, You’re the colt tha-”The conductor stopped. He looked into Icarus’s Amber eyes and decided to not press the issue. Coughing into his hoof he floated the ticket back to Icarus’s bag and stepped aside.

“Thanks, I guess,” Icarus said looking down. He boarded the train and hopped into his seat. He saved for so long to be able to afford a personal train car. The only thing his foster family had done for him was give him an allowance. It wasn’t much but saving while he paid for school was all he could do. Sitting by the window, Icarus took a look at the night sky and yawned. He was tired but at least if he could make it Manehattan, or Baltimare he could get into a school of some kind.

“I hope to Celestia, things change” Icarus mumbled. As the train whistle sounded, he felt the train move. His heart leapt at finally getting away from it all. Closing his eyes he drifted off to sleep. Dreams of a new life played vividly in his head as he left for the dream world.

Icarus awoke to the smell of smoke, and burnt leather, Groaning, he realized he was lying on the window of his train car. He propped himself and wiped his eyes with his wing. Looking around to see seats strewn about. The train car was sideways and Icarus could only sigh realizing this would only hinder him.

“Plans derailed like the train…Great,” Icarus said. He felt his saddle bag behind him and after standing up he put it on. Carefully stepping around the broken glass and uprooted seats. He made his way out into the open. It was cold, fiercely so and he knew where he was at. The Crystal mountains, and he knew the crystal empire was on the other side. Looking for survivors he saw nopony around and heard nothing. Save for the howling wind in his ears, the creaking of the train car below him.

“Let's see if anypony is still here…” He thought. Walking along the train car's exterior he shivered and looked for a way back in. Seeing a latch he tried his best to open it. After about a minute of lifting and shivering he got it. He dropped into the train car, and looked around. Icarus saw a cloak on a seat in the back. Walking over carefully, avoiding the falling glass he retrieved it. Still not seeing anypony around he sighed. Putting the cloak on he realized it was a little short on him.

“Better than nothing I guess. So no ponies around, and the closest city presumably The Crystal Empire. I'll gather what I can and set off,” Icarus said to himself.

He then proceeded to put the hood up on the cloak and scavenge around the train cars for supplies he could carry. Finding some carrots, and small fruit snack packs he tucked them away. Figuring this would be good enough he jumped up on some seats. He pulled himself out of the car back into the windy tundra. He found his way off the train car and began to walk in the direction of the mountain pass. Looking down he noticed hoof prints in the direction he wanted to go.

“So they just left me, nothing new I guess” Icarus mumbled. Following the tracks he set off in hopes of seeing town. Not like he had much of a choice, if he waited he ran the risk of Foal services taking him back to Cloudsdale. Or some monster coming to wreckage to kill him. The cold journey sounded better than being berated and ignored by his foster parents or being monster food. So Icarus walked, and walked into the tundra doing his best to stay warm with the cloak he found. He walked for hours, and when he could no longer see the train wreckage. Suddenly his legs felt heavier and he was losing feeling in his legs.

“That isn’t good, I have such a long way to go-”Icarus paused. He left hoof wasn’t listening to him anymore. Swearing to himself he did his best to press on. Yet he didn’t make it further than 10 feet before he collapsed into the snow. Panicking he began to flail around trying to try and stand back up. Despite his best efforts he couldn’t get back up and slowly started to close his eyes. Suddenly dying in the snow right there didn’t seem too bad, and it solved his problems.

“There are worse ways to go. At least I got away from them…”He thought. Closing his eyes he drifted. The best sleep he had ever known overcame him and he was welcoming it with an open heart.

Icarus felt his mind slipping away slowly like the snow he fell upon. That was until he felt a jolt where his right wing used to be. Following this he saw a vision of his mother and her open wings. Her pale blue coat in contrast to her bright citrine eyes. A sight he had longed to see again in person. Finally he could see his mother again, in whatever afterlife there was hopefully. As he approached the apparition, it began to fade as he got closer.

“No No Nooo” Icarus screamed. He sat straight up, and felt tears running down his cheek. Looking around he noticed he was in a cave, next to a fire.

“Why are you so noisy for a half dead pony?” A deep voice said. Icarus looked to the corner of the cave and saw a pair of red red eyes. No outline of any kind, just a pair of floating eyes.

“What?! Half dead? Who are you?” Icarus asked. He was growing worried that he’d been captured by bandits or something. The disembodied eyes did not say anything for a moment. They just stared back at him, silently observing him. Before the eyes closed and emerged a black unicorn. A curved broken black and red horn, and a pitch black coat of fur. Icarus just stared at him, he was…So cool and his appearance was familiar.

“Hmm yes half dead, traces of frostbite, dehydration, and…desperation” The stallion said smiling. Icarus figured frostbite and dehydration were easy to figure out but, desperation? That had to be the stallion in front of him projecting. It was weirder because he wasn’t wrong either.

“And how do you gather that I am desperate?” Icarus said, trying to move. Failing at moving he gave up and skootched closer to the fire.

“Hmm, call it intuition, not many come through this mountain on foot. Even fewer Pegasi without the gift of flight” The voice said. Icarus didn’t know why he was saved but he was extremely grateful.

“ I'm Icarus, and you are…?” Icarus tilted his head to the side. “What is your name?’ he asked. The dark stallion pondered for a moment taking a seat opposite Icarus. Before smiling a rather unsettling toothy grin.

“My name, it has been a while since anypony has had to ask. It is Sombra, King Sombra to be precise” Sombra said. Expecting the stallion to flee in fear after hearing his name Sombra stared at Icarus. After a few minutes passed of the 2 now having a staring contest, Icarus broke the Silence.

“Like the one from the newspaper and history books?!”Icarus exclaimed. Sombra grimaced hearing this.

“So you have heard of me, and yet you do not flee? You must be ignorant or have a death wish” Sneered Sombra. Looking away from Icarus and towards the now raging snowstorm outside the cave.

“Well considering you saved me, I feel like if you wanted me dead you would have done so” Said Icarus. This made Sombra turn back to him with a look of confusion on his face.

“S-Saved YOU! Me?! You were simply on the path to my cave. N-No more or less” Sombra stammered. He was a ruthless King and a worthy foe to Celestia. Yet this colt thinks he was important enough to be saved?!

“Yup, and frankly I couldn’t care less.” Icarus stated. “Not like I have anything to return to anyway” Looking down at the fire now. His gaze was sad and broken, a gaze Sombra understood with his entirety.

“Abandoned, and hurt. I know that look anywhere” Sombra said. He couldn’t help but feel for the colt in front of him. Icarus reminded Sombra of his brother back when his whole family was together.

“Yea tell me about, bullied for having one wing, and told I was a test child by my adoptive family, and my parents are dead.” Icarus said. Tears were in the corners of his eyes but refused to fall. He was in the presence of a continent famous villain. He couldn’t show weakness in front of him. At least that’s what Icarus thought.

“Hmm yes, the loss of loved ones. I know that feeling all too well. It's why I tried to use the Crystal to bring my brother back.” Sombra said. He didn’t know why he was sharing with this colt, but he felt compelled to comfort him.

“I-I’m sorry I shouldn’t burden you with my problems. We have our own right?” Icarus said. Finally getting some feeling in his legs he wiped his eyes and slowly got up.

“You are correct, but why do you move about? You are hurt.” Sombra inquired. Not that he really cared about what happened. Or did he care, he was unsure why he even helped this Icarus.

“I would hate to bother you. You have done enough and I’m sure you want to stay hidden.” Said Icarus. Stumbling and bracing himself against the wall he made his way to the exit. As Icarus got to the exit he hit a magic wall.

“Come. Sit. It would do nothing to soothe my conscience knowing I sent you out into that” Sombra said motioning to the snow storm. His eyes closed as he sat next to the fire. Icarus realizing he couldn’t force his way out anyway returned slowly to his spot. As he sat down he reached into his saddle bag. He pulled out 2 carrots and used his wing to poke Sombra.

Flinching Sombra looked at Icarus, “What are you!…Oh.” Sombra saw what Icarus was doing. He used his magic to grab the carrot from Icarus and looked away. The 2 sat in a comfortable silence around the fire. Listening to howling wind outside the cave, and the crackling of the fire. Icarus finished his carrot and yawned laying down, the soothing sound of the fire and Sombra’s presence put him at ease.

“You are recovering, rest for now.” Sombra said. He noticed the colt dozing off and gave him a small smile. Icarus saw this and smiled back at him catching Sombra off guard.

“You aren’t as bad as everyone made you out to be. I don’t care what anypony says, you're pretty cool” Said Icarus. He went back to dreamland smiling at the unicorn.

“Hmph say what you want Colt” Sombra said looking away. When Sombra noticed Icarus was finally asleep he sighed. He remembered Icarus’s eyes, the Amber red and how he was reminded of his late brother. Along with Icarus’s final statement, it made Sombra feel… something. He wasn’t quite sure yet but it wasn’t bad. Did Sombra care about Icarus? Shaking his head, Sombra closed his eyes.

“Whatever this feeling is, It’s quite nice” Sombra said grinning to himself and dozing off.

What did you call me?

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Icarus had woken up to some mild discomfort on his side. When he opened his eyes and looked down he noticed a rock poking him. Shifting to move said rock from his side he looked around and saw Sombra at the cave entrance. He was looking into the continuing snowstorm going on.

Yawning, Icarus sat up, “Is it still coming really bad?” he asked. Sombra did not respond for a moment and merely grunted. Icarus rolled his eyes and reached into his saddle bag. Using his wing he flung an apple at the grumpy Unicorn.

“Little Icarus, why do you insist on asking obvio-”Sombra began. Until an apple hit him in the back of the head. Turning around furious he looked at what hit him.

“I’m not little, and there’s breakfast I guess since we can’t leave” Icarus said snickering. The former king would remember this moment. Sombra lifted the apple in his magic and took a bite and re-ignited the fire in the cave. Smiling Icarus felt warm inside and it wasn’t the fire. It was like a hole in his heart got a taste of a familiar feeling. The two were in silence most of the day until Icarus got curious.

“So uh, Mr. Sombra wh-”Icarus was cut off. The Unicorn turned to him and snarled.

“KING Sombra, to you Colt.” Sombra said. Icarus may have reminded him of his family but he wasn’t. At least that’s what Sombra thought, not really how he felt though. Seeing the look on Icarus' face however surprised him again. The Pegasus was unfazed and smirking at him..

“It’s Mr. for now. You need a castle to be a king, or a house. But by all means be the King of this cave” Icarus sarcastically remarked. Sombra couldn’t help himself and he laughed. It was as deep and hardy as Icarus expected it to be.

“Fine Mr. Sombra it is. Now your question” Sombra said. His laughter dying down and Icarus refocusing.

“I wanted to ask, why pick these mountains? Like why are you out here all alone?” Icarus inquired. He figured a dark and mysterious ruler would have some underground castle of some kind. Maybe even a backup mansion somewhere warmer. Sombra merely walked over to fire and sat next to Icarus.

“Hmm, that is a good question indeed.” Sombra said. His once joyful tone, now somber and serious. Icarus gulped waiting for him to respond.

“To atone for my sins. To atone for trying to bring the dead back into the world of the living. To atone for trapping and enslaving the crystal ponies. I am the last Umbrum that deserves to be anything close to happy” Sombra said. He couldn’t figure out why he was so relaxed sharing with this young colt. Yet he was ok with talking to Icarus, maybe he was growing soft after losing.

“I don’t know what an Umbrum is, but I kinda get you. After I lost my parents and my wing I haven’t felt the same. I always think that If I listened to my parents that day. And didn’t fly too close to the sun chariot…” Icarus paused. He hated reliving the day he caused the chariot to crash. His parents helped him out of the way, but were crushed instead of him.

Sombra listened to Icarus tell his story about what happened. All the details that would normally bore the former King, he found himself wanting to listen to. In Icarus, Sombra not only saw his late brother, but himself. In the colts Amber red eyes, there was hurt, anger, and regret all the feelings he knew. But there was another Sombra wasn’t familiar with: hope. When Icarus finished he had tears in his eyes again. This time Icarus did not have to wipe them away alone.

“You strive towards a better tomorrow, I can think of no greater strength.” Sombra said. He used his magic to wipe Icarus' tears away. Realizing what he’d done he coughed into his hoof and looked away. This made Icarus laugh at the Dark Unicorns reaction.

“I know I said this already but, You aren’t as bad as every pony made you out to be. You feel just like every pony else. You made mistakes and seek to atone. Whoever your wife was picked the right Stallion” Icarus said. This made Sombra flinch and his face go red. Neither said anything for a while. They simply sat in silence listening to the fire yet again. Of course neither minded, the past 2 days weren’t so bad. Icarus was happy he left Cloudsdale, even if he almost died.

Sombra had conflicting emotions once again, ones he couldn’t put his hoof on. Was it happiness, no he didn’t deserve that. Was he proud of Icarus for not giving up? Potentially that could have been it. Did he want to comfort the colt? Oddly enough, yes he wanted to help him. He wanted to give advice to him, but he didn’t have the right too. With all of his past mistakes and his reputation for unspeakable acts. Who was he to give ‘good’ advice to anypony. He felt something on his side and looked down. Icarus was leaning on his shoulder looking at the fire.

“I hope the storm stops soon. I'm sick of the ice” Icarus said. Sombra didn’t say anything and just nodded. Grunting in approval to the statement. Much like how the sun melts the ice and snow, Sombra felt the ice on his heart thaw.

“Come on! Who knows when it’ll snow again.” Icarus said. He had by the grace of Celestia herself convinced Sombra to come with him. The snowstorm stopped and Icarus asked just because. Icarus realized he used up all of his good karma doing this but he didn’t care.

“Stop whining, I am coming brat.” Sombra shot back. Though Sombra was grinning while he said this. The new feelings within Sombra’s heart made him accept the colt's offer to travel with him. His magic was stronger than it had been in months as well being around Icarus. When he was barely able to light a fire a week ago, now he felt he could set a forest ablaze. He doubted Icarus would approve though. Why did he care what the colt thought?

“Why did ya stop? You ok because I can’t carry you.” Icarus said sarcastically. Sombra merely grunted and continued walking. Why did he feel the need to keep up with this sarcastic, little sh-. Sombra shook his head and got an idea. Using his magic he made a snowball and threw it at Icarus.

“So how much further until-Oof. ”Icarus began to say. Until a snowball forced him face down into the snow. This made Sombra burst out laughing as Icarus pulled his head from the snow.

“Consider us even for the app-”Said Sombra. As soon as he went to say for the apple there was a snowball in his mouth. Icarus was laughing hysterically at this.

“HAHAHA You better watch out because…” Icarus trailed off. He saw Sombra’s horn glow and a plethora of snowballs formed behind him.

“Who is telling who to Watch out?” Sombra mocked. Icarus froze looking at the dark Unicorn who simply mouthed the word ‘RUN’.

The two of them hiked through the crystal mountains, finding a small village in its midst. Sombra and Icarus sighed in relief, they were kind of over sleeping on the ground for over a month. Even if Sombra claimed to not mind, Icarus wasn’t a fan of it. The only thing Icarus had left in his pouch were bits. A pony can’t eat bits, so scrounging up food was something Sombra had decided he would do. As they walked together Icarus realized that over the past month, he and Sombra hadn’t talked much.

“My last name is Dream, do you have a last name?” Icarus said. They were nearing the entrance to the small village. He realized the two of them hadn’t actually talked much and he wanted to know more about the former Tyrant.

“I do, I have taken the name of my people as my last. Umbrum.” Sombra said. Continuing to walk with Icarus towards the village.

“An Umbrum is what exactly?” Icarus asked. He had never heard of them before and to him Sombra just looked like a Unicorn.

“They are a race that thrive on violence, and cruelty. Though they are some of the smartest and hardest beings to deal with. I am in a way a Unicorn, but that is only thanks to a mistake in a spell.” Sombra said. The joyful tone he had when they would banter was gone again and replaced by a spiteful one.

“I… I see.” Icarus said. As the two of them entered the village they looked for a place to eat. As the two of them looked around they saw a tavern.

“Here. It smells good” Sombra said. Walking into the tavern and finding a seat.

“Hey wait up!” Icarus said. Running after Sombra in the tavern. Icarus was faced with a rather large crowd for the otherwise small city. He looked around for Sombra but couldn’t find him.

“Of course he would disappear, he’s like the wind” Icarus pouted. Walking through the crowd he bumped into somepony.

“Ah sorry about that, I -”Icarus was cut off. He was pushed backwards, and he tripped and fell.

“Watch where you're going,” A stallion said. Walking over and looking down at Icarus. He snickered at him as Icarus got up.

“Yea, my bad so-” Icarus was pushed down again. The stallion had a hoof on his chest, and wasn’t letting him up.

“Yea some compensation would be nice, that did hurt after all” The stallion said. He pressed his hoof harder onto Icarus.

“And yet I’m the one on the ground, compensate th-” Icarus couldn't finish. The stallion had stomped on him, making him cough.

“Don’t get smart with me and pay up!” He said now kicking Icarus. As Icarus looked around, he saw that nobody was paying him any attention. Everyone looked the other way, and Icarus hated that. Nothing had changed since he left home, and no pony was going to help him. Is what he initially thought, until he saw a dark shadow behind the stallion standing on him.
“You gonna pay up or what huh? I got a bar tab that could be paid with your ‘Compensation’ get it?” The stallion said. Smiling, Icarus motioned behind the stallion who raised an eyebrow at him and turned. Only to freeze in horror when looking upon Sombra.

“So, you have a problem with my… Son, do you?” Sombra said. Catching Icarus, and the stallion of guard.

“Ye-Yeah, He bumped into me and it hurt. I wanted an-”He was cut short. Sombra used his magic to throw the stallion out of the tavern. As the stallion got up to walk back in, Sombra was at the door waiting for him.

“If I see you so much as look at me again, I will Kill. Do I make myself? CLEAR.” Sombra said in a low growl. The stallion shivered when he heard this and slowly backed away. Then he turned to run away as fast as he could to get away from Sombra.

Sombra turned and walked back into the tavern to be met with applause. This shocked him greatly and he turned to look for Icarus to leave.

“Over here the owner said we can eat free today!” Icarus said, waving Sombra over. Sombra walked over slowly, eyeing every pony that was clapping.

“What is this all about? Why do they applaud?” Sombra asked. Icarus stifled a laugh and looked at him.

“You tossed out the town bully, for bullying you, what did you say? Son?” Icarus said smiling.

“I- erm, That was just…”Sombra scrambled. He tried to compose himself and failed completely. Stuffing his face with grilled vegetables, Sombra grumbled to himself.

Icarus simply laughed, “Well anyway, Thanks Dad. I appreciate it.” Sombra looked at Icarus with a raised eyebrow. Though Icarus was already digging into the meal they were provided. Sombra closed his eyes and continued eating. All he could think about was this life he had right now, it wasn’t too bad.

“Mhm” Sombra grunted. Him and his Son, Sombra liked that. They could start a life together, a simple but fulfilling one. Sombra had mixed feelings but he ignored them, he was enjoying his meal and company.

On the road again

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Icarus yawned as he woke up in a soft warm bed. Looking over he saw that Sombra was still asleep in the bed across from him. They were lucky really, they got a decent room for free. Thanks to Sombra throwing out a commonly known stallion that liked to bully ponies out of their money. The tavern and inn owner were the same person lucky enough. So on top of free meals for the duration of our stay, we get a free room. Icarus and Sombra had been in this village called Aura Point for about a week now. Their routine was get up, wash up, go explore, poke fun at the grumpy Unicorn and enjoy not being in a cave.

Icarus did feel bad about all of the free lodging and food, so he offered to help out the tavern at night. It was a nice change of pace, it felt fair and it was pretty relaxing. Though Icarus would be lying if he said he didn’t have an ulterior motive. There was this beautiful pale yellow earth pony mare, with cyan eyes. Her mane a breathtaking black and gold that Icarus loved seeing. She motivated him enough to continue working there during his stay.

“Hey dad, I’m heading out for a bit, I'll be back” Icarus said. He wanted to check out a coffee shop and buy a book or 2.

“Mmph,” Sombra grunted. Icarus chuckled at this and gently opened and closed the door. He walked down the stairs and out of the inn. Now out on the street Icarus walked towards his destination. Trying to think of what he wanted to read, as well as drink. He could figure that out later. Entering the shop, a small ding was heard from above him.

“Just a second, I’ll be right with you!” A familiar voice called. Icarus' cheeks heated up and he began to panic. Anything but her right now I just woke up, Do I look ok? He thought to himself standing at the counter. Low and behold the pale yellow mare came to the counter wearing an apron.

“h-Hi” Icarus stammered. For Celestia’s sake why couldn’t he just say hello like a normal stallion.

“Hey! I know you, you’re the stallion from Pint’s tavern. What are you doing here?” She asked. He looked at her nametag Dawn Petal. A fitting name for her beauty Icarus thought.

“U-Uh yea that's me, I’m just looking for some books, and a Mocha maybe” Said Icarus. Looking at the bookshelf to his left, Dawn moved to the register.

“That’ll be 5 bits,” Dawn said. Icarus thought 5 bits wouldn’t be enough for the books, so he figured it was just for the coffee. Rummaging in his bag he forked over 5 bits.

“Thank you Dawn,” Said Icarus.
“Name for the order?” Dawn asked him.

“Icarus, and thanks again,” He said. She just smiled at him and started on his order. While she worked Icarus turned to look at the bookshelf, he saw non-fiction, fiction, and historical retellings?

“Please anything, Sombra isn’t a talker and I want something” Icarus mumbled. Finally settling on, A Tale of Two Hearts, and Daring Do and the Mysterious Temple. Sitting and waiting for his order Icarus took a look at the contents of the books. After about 5 minutes his drink was ready.

“Order for Icarus” Dawn called. Icarus walked over to the counter with his books and set them down.

“How much for the books too?” he asked. She examined the titles on them and looked behind the counter for something.

“Ah that’ll be 7 bits for both!” Dawn said. Nodding Icarus dug into his bag again and set his bits in her hoof. Briefly brushing against her hoof he blushed.

“U-Uh t-thanks” Icarus said. Dawn smiled and went to help the next customer. Icarus went and sat in a window by the door. Setting his coffee down he pulled A Tale of Two Hearts out and began to read.

After about 2 hours Icarus was a third of the way through his first book. He loved it, the cheesy romance made him giddy. The action made him anxious and he loved it so much he had to re-read it to take it all in. He was so engrossed in his book, the last quarter of his coffee had gone cold but he didn’t care. The only reason he stopped reading was that there was a purple Unicorn sitting across from him now.

“Can I help you miss?” Icarus asked. He looked around and saw that there were plenty of empty tables around him. Actually it wasn’t a Unicorn but an Alicorn? Icarus thought she was familiar but he couldn’t put his hoof on it.

“Well yes you can, I am looking for a Stallion-” She began. Icarus put his book down and held up his hoof.

“I’m flattered but not interested” Said Icarus. This made the purple pony visibly confused for a moment. Then a lightbulb went off and he saw the look of realization.

“No No, not like that” She said, “Let me start over. I am Twilight Sparkle, and my friends and I are looking for some pony.” Twilight said.

“And you think I can help? I don’t live here:” Icarus admitted.

“Well, we heard you arrived here with a black coated Unicorn, with a broken horn. There were letters sent to Princess Celestia with concerns.” Twilight said.

“Well, I haven’t come here with anypony besides my dad. Is the pony you’re looking for a father of 1?” Icarus asked. Thinking for a moment the purple Alicorn put a hoof to her chin and thought. She tilted her head and closed her eyes in concentration.

“Hmm I guess not, but if you hear anything about King Sombra please come find us. He’s a threat to Equestrian peace.” Twilight said firmly. Icarus gulped, she was looking for Sombra. Twilight picking up on his unease put a hoof on his own on the table.

“No need to worry, the elements of harmony are here to protect you and this village!” She said cheerfully. Nodding slowly Icarus pulled away and put his book in his bag, and threw away the rest of his coffee.

‘I- Uh appreciate the heads up. I’ll let ya know” Icarus said. Twilight waved at him as he scurried off back towards the inn. He was not going to sell out Sombra, not after finally getting some pony that understood him. Some pony that wholeheartedly protected him like a father would. Icarus, getting back to the inn, jogged up the stairs and into their room. They would need to get out of Aura Point before any pony else could come looking for Sombra.

“Colt, what is with all of the noise?” Sombra grumbled. He was still in bed despite it being well past noon. Icarus stopped packing his bag for a moment and turned to Sombra.

“Uh yea, A purple Alicorn is looking for you, I'm not a fan of it, can we go?” Icarus spat out. Sombra’s ears perked up at this and he looked at Icarus. Sombra’s expression was conflicted but Icarus could see a hint of anger on his face. But as soon as Icarus saw the feeling on Sombra’s face it was gone.

“Hmm troubling indeed, we shall leave tonight” Sombra said. Since being in Aura Point the two had found a train station. With the bits they had saved, and the tips Icarus had gotten working for Full Pint at his tavern. The 2 could leave when they wanted too, however Icarus wasn’t too happy about it.

“Ugh, yea I guess so, I’ll tell Full Pint we’re leaving” Icarus said. Sombra looked at Icarus, he could see that something was troubling the colt. Yet, did he have the right to ask him what was wrong? Before Sombra could question himself further Icarus asked him a question.

“Hey uh, So- err Dad. Um…How would you go about asking out a mare? You said you were married before, right?” Icarus inquired. Sombra could hardly believe that Icarus was asking Him for advice. And with mares no less; this made Sombra smile at Icarus. Icarus blushed and looked away from Sombra.

“No, I don’t like that smile there, forget I said anything” Icarus said. He turned to continue to pack but Sombra used his magic to pick up the colt and set him next to him on the bed.

“Do not be like that my son, but to answer your question I was married but I didn’t ask her out. Quite the opposite really” Sombra said laughing.

“She asked you? really?” Icarus said, confused. Icarus had seen it a few times at school in Cloudsdale. But he didn’t think that tall dark and, respectfully, handsome stallion would have had a mare ask him.

“Mhm” Sombra nodded, “Amber quite the enthusiastic and persistent mare if I am being honest. At first I found her annoying but she grew on me and well” Sombra smiled. It was one of the few times Icarus had seen Sombra give such a soft and loving smile. Had it not been for Icarus asking for help he might have poked fun at him.

“So any advice I guess if she isn’t pestering me?” Icarus asked. Sombra simply shook his head and placed his hoof on Icarus' shoulder.

“All you can do is go ask. Better to know than to never try young one.” Sombra said. Icarus was conflicted, yet hopeful that he could do it. Nodding at Sombra he got up from the bed, Icarus made his way to the door.

“Alright, you pack our stuff and I’ll be back...again!” Icarus said. Leaving the room Sombra just smiled as Icarus left. Sombra was stunned but content that Icarus had listened to him. He was used to giving orders rather than advice. Even his advice in the past was more akin to orders as well. He was starting to like it, not that he'd tell Icarus anyway. Sombra would do what was necessary to have Icarus not turn out like him.

Icarus set out to the café on the corner yet again. He was on a mission because if he didn’t do it right then and there he would flake. He would rather not deal with the what if’s if he could help it. Icarus saw Dawn leaving the Café and before he called out he stopped. He saw her with another stallion somepony he had the misfortune of knowing.

“Ok, he could be asking her to-” Icarus' train of thought derailed. He saw them kiss and laugh and walk off together. On seeing this he just stopped where he was and watched them walk off. Devastated was an overstatement but Icarus felt hurt seeing such a wonderful mare walk off with another. He felt like he was lacking in some way as he turned around to walk back to the inn. Seeing Full Pint, Icarus walked up to him. His expression grim, concerning the owner.

“Lad, what’s got ya so down in the dumps eh?” Pint asked him. Icarus didn’t want to talk about it so he just cut to the chase.

“Pint, Dad and I are out tonight. We appreciate the hospitality but we need to go” said Icarus. He hadn’t looked Pint in the eyes since walking in.

“Lad, I don’t know what’s going on but good luck wherever ya go. If you need a job you can always come to ol’ Pints Tavern” The old stallion said.

Icarus looked at him and forced a smile, “Thanks…”Icarus said walking back up to the room. Seeing Sombra sitting at the desk in the room writing a note. Icarus flopped onto his bed and groaned into the pillow. Sombra continued to write without looking over at him.

“So, not what you were expecting?” Sombra asked. He put down his pen in his magic and turned to Icarus.

“Not at all, she already had a colt friend waiting for her. To make things worse it was the stallion you threw out of the tavern, UGH” Icarus whined.

Sombra huffed and grimaced at Icarus, “Surely some pony I call my Son is not this weak willed” He said. Icarus looked at him angrily and scoffed.

“Ok Mr. Tall, dark and handsome, sorry some of us don't have mares throwing themselves at us” Icarus scowled. Sombra rolled his eyes at Icarus and turned back to the desk.

“Your hurt shows that you cared, but she was never yours. So why do you suffer when you get your answer? Grieving and whining do not go hand in hand.” Sombra said. Icarus opened his mouth and then closed it. Sombra was right, Dawn was never his and he got his answer. So why was he getting angry at Sombra, some pony who was nothing but kind to him.

“Ah, um. I-I’m sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” Icarus apologized. Sombra got up and grabbed their bags in his magic.

“Hmm, I forgive you this time. Do not forget again” Sombra said. His sarcasm wasn’t lost on Icarus and he laughed.

“Alright dad, let's go before purple shows up” Icarus said. This made Sombra laugh along with him.

“PURPLE” Sombra snorted, attempting to cease his laughter. “Yes, let's head out now” he finished. The two set off to the train station across town. Walking out of the Inn, and into the street the two walked side by side. Sombra carried their bags in his magic, deciding to give Icarus a break from carrying everything. The two got to their platform with relative ease, and got to their designated spot. They were still about 10 minutes too early, so they sat on a bench together.

“Hey, can you give me the book in the left bag please” Icarus asked. Sombra obliged and levitated the book over to him. They passed the time in their comfortable silence together as they waited for the train to pull in. Hearing the train whistle in the distance, the 2 watched the train pull into the station. As the train stopped and ponies got off Sombra and Icarus patiently waited.

“Ready to go?” Icarus asked Sombra. Sombra walked ahead of him and displayed his ticket to the ticket master.

“Hurry up, or I’ll leave you” Sombra said. Laughing, Icarus jogged up behind him and showed his ticket as well. The 2 boarded the train and found their seats. Sombra levitated their belongings to the area above their heads and sat across from Icarus.

“HEYY STOP THE TRAIN” A mare's voice called. The train was departing and Icarus figured it was just a stray passenger. Looking out of the window Icarus froze as he saw Twilight running on the platform. Followed by 4 other mares and that he pieced together were the elements of harmony.

“He’s on that train girls, we gotta stop him from leaving the villa-”Twilight's stopped and her jaw fell. She saw Icarus in the train car across from Sombra. Her expression changed from desperate to angry. Icarus waved his one wing at her as the train pulled out of the station.

“Well, there goes leaving the city quietly,” Icarus said exasperatedly. Sombra smirked at him and closed his eyes.

“Congratulations, you irritated Princess of Friendship. Welcome to the club my dear Son” Sombra said sarcastically. Icarus rolled his eyes, and opened his book.

“Yea because defending the only pony who cares about me should be a crime” Icarus shot back. Sombra grumbled at this and grew red in the face. He still wasn’t used to the feelings he had about Icarus. The sense of pride he felt when Icarus called him dad, or told him he cared about him. Made him feel whole again, a feeling he hadn’t felt in ages. Sombra liked this feeling, he just hoped he wouldn’t have to go to war to keep it.

Levitating the note he'd written earlier out of his bag. Sombra opened the window and dropped it onto the platform. This made Icarus look at him and lifted an eyebrow.

"What's that?" Icarus asked Sombra. Who only shrugged his shoulders and laid down on his seat.

"Hmm," Sombra thought. "An explanation of the situation if you will" he said yawning. He hadn't done much today but dealing with a teen was exhausting.

Lucky/Unlucky encounters

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“Colt, get up, it is time to go.” Sombra said. Icarus and Sombra’s train ride away from Aura Point was interesting to say the least. While they had made it to Icarus' initial destination Manehattan. It wasn’t without its hiccups.

“I’m coming, jeez. I can’t even grab my book can I?” Icarus said. The two were currently in one of the nicest hotels in the city. As to how it happened; Icarus and Sombra got off their train and they were stopped. Not by the authorities or the elements of harmony, but by a photographer. One that had taken a liking to Sombra’s appearance. Apparently he had the perfect jaw to eye proportions or whatever she said. Along with the fact that Sombra’s horn seemed to be repaired. He was in her words “Perfect” for the job.

“You made me do this. So do not complain to me.” Sombra grumbled. Sombra had planned to turn down the photographer before Icarus told him to accept. More like begged him to accept because the train ride had exhausted most of their bits. Plus staying in Manehattan for 2 weeks was anything but cheap.

“Well if you have any other marketable skills I am all ears Your Highness” Icarus mocked. The two stifled laughs before composing themselves and leaving their room. Icarus recalled how enthusiastic the photographer was when Sombra begrudgingly accepted. The winter season for formal wear was apparently a big thing in Manehattan.

“You are lucky, If you had not worked at that tavern. I would have declined and made you work” Sombra growled at him.

“Yea yea, whatever you say DAD. Photo Shoots down the street on the right” Icarus said. Anytime Sombra heard dad or father he would go silent. Not because he hated it, but because he didn’t know how to express himself positively.

“Hmph. Fine” Sombra pouted. He actually didn’t mind getting a job, if that's what this was. He felt bad for having to rely on Icarus to find them places to stay and food to eat. As his father Sombra felt he should be the one providing for his son. Even if it was a job that he wasn’t too enthused about.

“Yes, just like zat! More! More attitude!” Starry Lens, the photographer said. Sombra grunted and posed again in the studio. He hated this less than he thought and actually kind of enjoyed the clothing. Between the sweaters, suits, and jackets he felt like he was being tailored again. If it weren’t for the Prench Unicorns enthusiasm. He could bear with this mainly because Icarus was watching him with awe. He didn’t know the colt had a thing for fashion, or if he was staring at the photographer.

“Yes, Mr… What was your name again?” Starry asked. Sombra stopped posing and looked at Icarus.

“Umbrum, is our last name ma’am” Icarus said. Starry Lens smiled and used her magic to write that down. Sombra smiled when he heard Icarus say our in terms of his assumed last name. Starry didn’t miss this opportunity and snapped a picture of Sombra.

“Are we done here now? Ms. Lens?” Sombra asked. The flash from the studio caught him off guard and he wasn’t happy about it.

“Ah yes for now. We shall have our last shoot when our mare model iz here” Starry said.

“Très bien alors. Merci mademoiselle lentille étoilée.” Sombra said. He took off the jacket he was wearing and walked over to sit next to Icarus. The use of perfect Prench was not lost on the photographer who blushed.

“A-ah. je vous en prie” Said Starry. The photographer left to go and grab the last model needed for the shoot.

Icarus looked at Sombra eyebrows raised, “You can speak Prench? Why didn’t you say anything about that?” he asked. Sombra smirked at him and laughed.

“My son, you never asked me if I could,” Sombra said sarcastically. Prompting a groan from the colt, much to Sombra’s satisfaction. Icarus started to ask Sombra other questions when Starry Lens entered the room again. Followed by a tall white mare with a pink mane.

“Mr. Umbrum, this is our other model for today. Fleur De Lis.” Starry said. Sombra stood up from the bench, and bowed to the Unicorn.

“A pleasure,” Sombra said. Fleur nodded at him and looked to Icarus sitting on the bench. He waved his wing as a hello. Fleur quickly looked away and brought her attention back to Starry.

“When shall we start the shoot?” Fleur asked. Icarus wondered if every pony in this industry was Prench. He thought to himself he should probably ask Sombra to teach him some of it.

“In about 15 minutes, Ms. de Lis,” Starry said. Fleur nodded and left the room without another word.

“Strong and Silent type I see,” Sombra said. He sat back down and sighed, closing his eyes.

“Just your type huh?” Icarus said. Sombra nudged Icarus, making him laugh. Sombra suppressed a smile. Icarus opened his book again and began to read enjoying the company.

Icarus sat and watched the finale of the fashion shoot. Sombra and Fleur were killing it with all of the different outfits. Though he wished he was asked to do some of the shoot with Sombra. He doubted any pony who saw the magazine would want to see a 1 winged awkward Pegasus. As the shoot concluded Starry Lens had her hoof on her chin.

“Zis one is missing something. BUT WHAT?” The photographer exclaimed. Sombra rolled his eyes and Fleur sighed. Icarus looked at Sombra and waved his wing at him. Sombra looked over inquisitively at him.

Icarus mouthed the word, “Smile for her.” Sombra raised an eyebrow not understanding the “smile” part. Icarus threw his hooves up in the air.

“For the love of- SMILE DAD! For Celestia's sake you're dense” Icarus exclaimed. Making the photographer, and staff gasp. Sombra on the other hoof, laughed. Starry seeing this, had a lightbulb go off above her head.

“YES!” She exclaimed. “Zat is it! Keep that up!” The photographer yelled. Using her magic and snapping pictures from all angles until satisfied. Icarus, figuring his work was done, resumed his book. As Starry Lens finished taking the photo shoot, she jogged over to Icarus. Clearing her throat to get his attention, Icarus looked up.

“Did he forget to smile again? Where is he-” Icarus began. Starry held up a hoof to stop him from continuing.

“Nay. We are cleaning up the studio now. But I must know… How did you know it was a smile I needed?” Starry inquired. It was such a small detail too, she thought it was the lighting or setting. Even her camera seemed to be missing something in her eyes and yet, it was a simple smile.

“Oh. Well considering tall, dark, and mysterious already looks good in the clothes. I thought maybe his resting “Leave me alone” face wasn’t gonna cut it for all of the shoot” Said Icarus. He folded the corner of the page he was on. He then leaned to the side and looked at Sombra using his magic to take off the clothing.

“Genius Idea nonetheless. Also I know this is insensitive to ask, but is he really your father?” Starry asked. Looking at Sombra and back to Icarus who smiled up at her.

“Yeah, he is.” Icarus said smiling. “Best dad out there. Too bad I look like my mom, "he joked. This made Starry snort and wave her hoof dismissively.

“Nay Nay, you look fine. We just do not have anything in your size for this collection. Which brings me to my next point…” The photographer trailed off as Fleur walked over to them.

“Starry, mon cheri, a moment if you will. My manager would like to discuss the agenda for this upcoming week” Fleur said. She glanced at Icarus who had returned to his book and back to Starry.

“But of course! I am glad you want to continue with us. Icarus was it, We shall stay in touch” Starry said. Icarus waved a hoof at them without looking up. Starry levitated a business card onto the bench next to him. Then Fleur and the eccentric photographer walked out of the studio discussing their plans.

“My son, are you not interested in the city mares? Do you have a type?” Sombra sarcastically said. He had taken a seat next to Icarus who paid him no mind.

“My dearest father, have you gone senile already? I am no super model and have no business flirting in high society.” Icarus shot back. The pair snickered together at their banter. Sombra levitated a water next to Icarus and undid the cap for him.

“You should have more confidence in yourself. Trust me on this one” Sombra said. He placed a hoof on Icarus' shoulder. Looking up from his book Icarus raised an eyebrow and Sombra.

“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Easy for you to say. Your deep voice, piercing red eyes, good looking features, and your height. Kind of put you in the top percentage of “Attractive” for mares” Icarus said.

“Hmm you make a good point but y-” Sombra was cut off.

“Plus you seemingly know more than one language, an-”Icarus stopped. Sombra covered his mouth with his magic and sighed.

“Let me finish colt.” Sombra said, rubbing his temples. Icarus rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement.

“As I was saying, you sell yourself short. You look better than you think.” Sombra finished saying. The emphasis behind his father figures words hit him harder than what he actually said. Icarus could feel that Sombra meant what he was saying.

“I-I’ll think about it” Icarus said looking back at his book. Making Sombra laugh at him as he did so.

“Besides my Son, You do have My eyes anyway.” Sombra said. It wasn’t entirely untrue because they both did have the same Amber red eyes. Icarus didn’t respond this time and chose to continue reading. Sombra closed his eyes and the two sat in silence again. Listening to the sounds of the studio staff cleaning, and Fleur and Starry discussing terms.

The following months for Sombra and Icarus went really well. Sombra had decided to take a contract with Starry Lens for the next shoot. It was a sizable amount of bits plus a percentage of the sales they made. Icarus had also been included due to his ability to make Sombra smile. Something Starry specifically asked him to do. Even though none of the pictures of him smiling were used in the magazine's release. Icarus got a few of them, but the rest were with the photographer. He was sure it’d be fine.

“So what are they having you wear this time?” Icarus asked. Sombra and Icarus were in the same studio they had been shooting at for the past few months.

“I do not know. Probably something formal since Celestia’s Gala is soon.” Sombra replied. The two sighed in unison as they mentally prepared for-

“HELLO EVERYPONY!” Starry Lens yelled. As the two mentally prepared for her they both thought. Entering the room Starry began to direct her staff around. Fleur had come in not too far behind her. She yawned and used her magic to levitate her coffee to her lips. She opened her eyes and caught Icarus looking at her. He smiled and waved at her but she ignored him.

“Starry Mon ami, you are too loud” Fleur said. Every pony in the room grunted in agreement with her statement. Starry looked appalled for a moment.

“My friends it is only 8am! You must be passionate about this line of work, no?” Starry said. Sombra and Icarus covered their mouths trying not to laugh. Sombra got up and went to get ready when a small beige Pegasus colt came up to Icarus.

“Excuse me Icarus…” The colt said. Icarus looked at him confused.

“Uh yea that’s me what's up?” Icarus replied. The colt handed him an envelope and a box.

“These were sent to you, and you have a couple visitors outside the building.” The Pegasus said. After saying what he had to, the Pegasus left the studio without another word.

“What was that about?” Sombra asked him. Icarus shrugged his shoulders and opened the letter. His eyes went wide and he pulled the letter within out.

To Icarus Dream and Sombra,
I, Princess Celestia, extend an invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala to you both. It has come to My sister and I’s attention that you two are traveling together. We do not know the reason, or cause but we would like to offer you a chance at explaining. So again in good faith we humbly invite the both of you as our guest to this event. Enclosed are 2 tickets, we look forward to your attendance.
Princess of The Sun,
P.s-Please do not taunt my student Twilight any further Sombra…

Icarus read the letter again and examined the tickets. They were the real deal and he was invited along with Sombra? Sombra, growing impatient, grabbed the envelope from Icarus with his magic. Reading the letter Sombra grinned and laughed as he finished reading it.

“I guess “purple” wasn’t too happy about being left behind” Sombra roared in laughter. The entire studio looked over at him as he cackled at the letter. Icarus rolled his eyes and began to open the box he was given as well.

“Got a box too, is this from Celestia too. Isn’t this too mu-” Icarus paused, opening the box. It was his belongings from his foster family that he left behind. His old sketchbooks, diary, and blanket he got from his mother. He only left these things behind because he didn’t want to be suspicious. How did they know where he was unless…

“I’ll be back!” Icarus exclaimed. He bolted off the bench and out of the studio. Sombra watched Icarus leave confused. Looking at the contents of the box he started to piece together what was going on. Icarus ran through the hallway and down the staircase. This wasn’t happening, his foster family wasn’t coming for him. The visitors couldn’t be them, unless.

“The magazine. The flippin magazine sold me out. How would I know they’re into fashion” Icarus mumbled. Exiting the staircase he saw them, standing in the middle of the lobby. They saw him the second the door opened and ran over to him. He slowly backed up as they tried to hug him.

“We were so worried about you! You just disappeared on us” His foster mother said.

“Eloise don’t crowd him, he’s scared enough” The stallion said.

“Dad, don't tell mom what to do. He’s here now” Eris, his foster sister, said. Icarus' heart was pounding so hard he heard it in his ears. He didn’t even know what to say to them, he had just gotten away from them. 6 months of freedom and they found him.

“W-Why a-are you g-guys here?” Icarus croaked. Watching his foster family look towards a mare at the revolving door. Icarus didn’t need them to say anything else. Foal Services was pestering my parents for me running away so they had to find him.

“Stupi- I mean silly brother. Of course we would come find you. Congrats the fashion magazine” Eris said. She tried to hide her sarcasm but it was a poor attempt. Icarus winced hearing her talk about the magazine. He was right, they saw his name on the magazine and looked him up.

“You caused us so much trouble and now you’re coming home. NOW!” Eloise said quietly through gritted teeth. Icarus' eyes shrank to pin pricks as the sound of his heartbeat filled his ears.

Real vs. The fake

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“I-I don’t want to.” Icarus stammered, closing his eyes. His adoptive family looked at him confused. The Icarus they knew, the Icarus they made would never. Yet here he was talking back to them with half a spine.

“I’m sorry. Brother, what did you say to us?” Eris asked him. The two parents behind her scowling at him.

“We were nice enough to come and get you. We came all this way to-” Eloise said. She was cut when a shadow appeared behind Icarus.

“Nice enough to come get me? You couldn’t have cared less if I died. I would have to get away from YOU!” Icarus shouted. Icarus slowly opened his eyes to meet their gazes. He was also confused when their gazes weren’t on him. They were behind him…OH.

“I was wondering what took you so long. “My Son, WE” have work to resume” Sombra said. He put as much emphasis on the possession of Icarus. Sombra only came down the stairs when he looked through the diary in the box. Sombra was shocked at the day to day entries. They tore at a heart he forgot he had. He regretted prying into the colts' private life but he was beyond worried. Even if he wouldn’t outright say it, he was.

“Your son?” Eloise asked. “You’re the one who foal napped our son? We shou-” She began to rant at Sombra. Who looked at her with indifference as a crowd was beginning to form.

“Dear, you’re cau-” The stallion was cut off.

“Golden Moonglow, SHUT YOUR MOUTH” Eloise hissed at him. It was a familiar sight for Icarus who was almost reminiscent. Had it not been for his raging heartbeat and crowd around him.

“I do not know why you are here. He left you and is set on becoming his own Stallion. He is old enough to do so now” Sombra said calmly. Icarus wanted to be like Sombra right then. He wanted to be calm, collected, wise, and more importantly confident in himself.

“He is only a foal who knows nothing of the world. He is better suited to be at home, helping Eris get to college” Eloise hissed at Sombra.

“My adorable little brother needs us to babysit him. He can’t do any-” Eris said. Sombra ignited his horn and closed her mouth. She pawed at her mouth with one of hooves, panic on her face.

“How dare you!” Golden said. Sombra was still looking at Eris, paying no mind to either parent.
“How dare you defend that wingless reje-”Eloise started to say. Sombra shifted his gaze to the foster mother. It was a look Icarus had never seen before. It was cold, indifferent yet disgusted, and concerningly rage filled.

“You… Would call some pony I deem worthy to be my son? A Reject?” Sombra growled at them. Icarus was conflicted before, but seeing Sombra no…His father stand up for him.

“Dad, that's enough. I got it” Icarus said. Sombra looked down at him, his eyes softening.

“I do not plan to let them slander you any longer.” Sombra said. He had undone his magic on Eris and looked back at the family of 3.

“Yea don’t worry about that.” Icarus waved at the Foal services agent by the door. The mare saw him and pushed her way through the crowd.

“You are Icarus correct?” The mare asked. He nodded in agreement to her question.

“Yup, I do have a question though. What do I need to do to change custody? Permanently.” he asked the mare. She looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

“There's a whole process to that. Could take months, why don’t you just go back with these folks here?” The service agent asked. Making the family of 3 smile in triumph at him and Sombra.

“Why don’t I go back with them, you ask?” Icarus scoffed. He was trying so hard not to laugh at them.

“That is why they are here. It has been 6 months you have been apart. Surely you would want to-” The service mare was cut off.

“It's been 6 months of freedom. And frankly I dropped the last name they gave me. My name isn’t Icarus Dream.” he said to them.

“Of course that’s your name. And we have been worried sick. Who else can help us run errands?” Eloise asked. Trying to keep up her façade in front of the crowd or ponies.

“Ah it isn’t. My name is Icarus but my last name. That's Umbrum. My name is Icarus Umbrum.” Stated Icarus. His family gawked at him and Sombra smiled at his son. Sombra knew Icarus was using his last name but he did not expect a full name change.

“You would throw us away after everything we have done for you?!” Golden asked.

“So- ''Icarus paused, deciding whether or not to reveal his fathers name. Sombra noticed his struggle and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Icarus looked up at him and saw Sombra smiling at him.

“Well? Done embarrassing yourself?” Eloise asked. Trying to keep her voice down, but failing with the crowd pressure.

“Sombra has been the family I missed. He did not tell me I was an experiment. He did not dismiss my feelings. He never made me feel less, only more.” Icarus stated.

The crowd gasped at his statement. They cared not about his name, but the conviction of his statement at his foster family. The pain in his words was not something faked and it was felt by all; even the 3 he was speaking to.

“He is the family I have missed, I almost had to die to get it. But it was worth every freezing second. Every second I spent away from you” Icarus said. The emphasis on the last 5 words was like venom to all that heard it. The emotion behind the colt's words had the crowd whispering amongst themselves.

“Surely you are mistaken. We have loved you even if it was in our own way” Eloise said. Trying to convince the crowd and herself that she “loved” Icarus.

“Yes. Locking me in my room while you go on vacation is “love”. Making me pay for my own elementary school, highschool, and first year of college is “Love” MotHeR” Icarus mocked. It was a childish provocation by all standards but it worked all the same.

“Mom can we just go. This isn’t working and I’m tired of trying to convince our pack mule to come home” Eris said. She quickly covered her mouth but the damage was done. It wasn’t even her voice that came out of her mouth.

“ERIS! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?” both parents exclaimed. They were confused why the words they said on the way over were coming out of her mouth.

“I didn’t say that! It wasn’t me, I don't know what's going on!” Eris cried out.

Sombra was holding back his laughter. His horn was alight and he was using magic to bring forth true feelings. A favorite spell of his for interrogation in the old days. Sombra sighed, reminiscing before concentrating on the spell again. This time it was directed by both parents who tried their best to keep their mouths shut.

“Why fight the magic? You said you “loved” him as I have. So let it be known your true feelings” Sombra goaded.

Both foster parents scowled at him as Sombra smiled back. Not the loving smile Icarus was used to seeing, this one more sinister. Icarus must have been a sadist because he almost preferred seeing this side of his father. Keyword almost because if looks could kill, his former household members would be gone.

“We got him as an experiment,” Golden said. Trying to struggle against Sombra’s magic.

“We didn’t e-even want h-him. The foal w-we wanted was t-taken” Eloise said through gritted teeth. The crowd of ponies gasped again at the declaration of the parents. Sombra walked past the family. They were all red in the face for a number of reasons and Sombra enjoyed it.

“You hear what they have to say, and yet they come to claim my son. The one who has worked oh so hard. For me, and for himself.” Sombra said. Pride filling his words as he spoke to the crowd.

“How do we know what they say is true?” An earth pony next to Sombra asked. Sombra smiled, expecting that question eventually.

“It isn’t true! Do not believe him! He has no proof!” Eloise said. The desperation in her voice as she tried to save face was… Delightful.

“Would you like to volunteer to be a test subject then? It's not like we’ve met before have we?” Sombra asked. His tone and voice alluring to those around him.

“N-no we haven’t and sure. If it will prove who is right here” The earth pony said. Letting Sombra cast his magic on him, the earth ponies' voices came flowing out.

“I was skeptical because this all seems staged for publicity. I love drama and have a huge crush on my next door neighbor who happens to work here and-” The earth pony stopped short. His face beet red in embarrassment from his sudden declaration to the every pony.

“So did I force you to say anything untrue?” Sombra asked. The earth pony shrunk back a little and shook his head.

“N-No you did not. All of that was um…true” the earth pony admitted. With this the family of 3 looked around at the crowd. Their initial plan to peer pressure Icarus home, and take his earnings was a bust. Plus the foal services agent was already talking with her office manager. The angry and disgusted looks on the ponies' faces said it all.

“I suggest you leave, my father and I have work to resume. Bye” Icarus said. Waving his wing at the 3 of them as they scurried out of the building. The crowd erupted in cheers, for Icarus. They were happy to have gotten the truth. As well as send off such a rotten bunch of ponies.

“I am so sorry. I was told that y-” The agent was cut off by Icarus.

“Save it. If your office actually cared you would have listened when I ran away the other times before I turned 18.” Icarus said bluntly. The agent looked at the ground when he said this.

“You…You make a really good point” The agent responded.

“Yes I know I do. The only reason I was stuck in this system so long was my family's will too so it’s not like I don’t get it. Whatever just go away” Huffed Icarus. The agent nodded in agreement and left. As the crowd dispersed Icarus saw Fleur standing at the bottom of the staircase. Before he could acknowledge her Sombra hugged Icarus.

“A-Are you alright?” Sombra asked. Icarus tried not to laugh and cry at the same time. Ultimately he failed miserably and ended up doing both.

“I-I’m Ok. Glad that heart of stone cares” Icarus quipped. Sombra used his magic to wipe away Icarus' tears. Sombra looked over Icarus and then flicked him on the nose with his magic.

“You are fine if you have enough gall to be this cheeky” Sombra laughed. Icarus joined him and the two walked towards the staircase together. Where Fleur was standing moments prior, the mare was nowhere to be seen.

After the “Parent” incident, Icarus felt much better about himself. He was subconsciously holding himself back. Due to a number of inferiority complexes stemming from being treated as less. However after journeying with Sombra, he found out he wasn’t a second class pony. Sombra also realized no pony, at least yet, cared about his past. They cared about who they had met and worked with. Both ponies came away from the incident better than they had been prior.

“Icarus, I will be out late. Do not forget to eat” Sombra said. Icarus rolled his eyes and smirked at his father figure.

“Dad I get it, We finally have a house. I will use the kitchen and make the soup you like. Now go before you're late, it's 4:30 you have 15 minutes.” Icarus said in mock irritation.

The two with the money they’d earned over their time working with Starry and her crew. Had helped the two of them finally afford a stable place to stay at. Even if Sombra refused to let Icarus pay even half a bit on the mortgage.

“As you should, I am off take care” Sombra said, smiling to himself. He turned and left the house to the studio once again for work.

“I have all evening. Plus I already cleaned, sooooo” Icarus said mischievously. He immediately ran over to the couch. He grabbed the remote for the t.v with his wing and turned it on. The Wonder Bolts were doing a show today and he wasn’t gonna miss another one. Starting on his cooking he hummed to himself as he began the soup. Enjoying the fact he could cook and watch t.v, he felt truly lucky.

“I’ve been dyin to watch them for a while. Months of waiting and I finally get to-” Icarus exclaimed. Stopping once he heard the doorbell ring. Sombra probably forgot his keys, he thought as he got up to answer the door.

“Jeez dad I know you aren't used to keys bu-”Icarus sarcastically started. He closed his mouth immediately after seeing who was at the door.

“Um, Bonjour mon ami. May I come in?” Fleur asked. Why was Fleur here, and how did she know where they lived? They had only moved in about 2 weeks ago and certainly hadn’t told any pony where they lived. Shaking his head to snap himself out of his thoughts he nodded to her.

“Oh, Ah yeah come on in. Make yourself at home.” Icarus said. She smiled warmly at him as he stepped out of the way to let her in. Fleur inhaled and her eyes widened as she looked towards the kitchen area.

“My what is that?!” She asked. It smelled like a soup her grandmother used to make for her as a filly. Icarus closed the door and walked over to the pot on the stove, removing the lid.

“Oh this? It's a potato soup I learned to make when I was in Aura Point.” Icarus said. He shrugged and grabbed a spoon with his wing. Stirring the pot, the scent wafted into his nose and he smiled content.

“It smells Si Bon!” Fleur exclaimed. She walked over to the counter and took a seat on the stool on the island. Icarus thought for a moment and then had an idea.

“Wou- Would you like to join me for dinner? Dad’s working with Starry tonight so-” Icarus trailed off. Fleur was already nodding vigorously in agreement.

“YES” She paused composing herself, “Oui, It would be an honor and I had something to talk with you about…”Fleur said. The last part of the sentence she mumbled but Icarus just smiled.

“I doubt this will be anything but relaxing” Icarus thought to himself. He looked at Fleur who had taken an interest in the Wonder Bolts show. Hoping that she wasn’t bringing him bad news he prayed.

Falling isn't always a bad thing

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Icarus felt like the house was too hot for the moment. Maybe it was the fact he’d been preparing dinner. Maybe it was the fact that one of Equestria’s most popular supermodels was in his home. Yeah the latter might have been it, and Icarus definitely felt the pressure. Not only had she shown up to his house unannounced, he invited her to stay for dinner. It was a pleasantry he was exchanging, not knowing she would accept. A blunder on his behalf sure, but he wasn’t going to be impolite to her. The sun was setting over the horizon and cast a beautiful shade of orange and pink across the clouds. Icarus took a moment to go around and turn on the dim lights around the house. After a minute he resumed his cooking and stirred his

“Did you want help in there, mon ami?” Fleur asked from the living room. She had taken an interest in a soap opera that came on after the Wonder Bolts show.

“N-Nah, I got it. I’ll be done soon” Icarus called back. He didn’t want her near him at the moment. He needed to calm down since his soup was almost done, along with his homemade bread.

“Just let me know and I will, Oh sweet Celestia! Il n'a pas!” Fleur exclaimed. Icarus couldn’t be bothered to figure out what she was saying in Prench. Nor could he be bothered to figure out what was going on in the soap opera. He continued cleaning up the kitchen until a timer went off. He went and grabbed some of the bowls from the cabinets under the island. Carefully he used his wing to grab the ladle and fill the bowls on the counter. He went and set the table and put bowls on either side of the table.

“I’m done now. Come eat miss De Lis.” Said Icarus, trying not to butcher her name. She giggled and got out of the chair in the living room and walked over to the table. It was set by the window off to the left of the living space. Icarus pulled the chair out for Fleur at the table and bowed dramatically.

“Milady, your seat,” Icarus said. He looked up to see an amused look on her face as she sat. He straightened her seat and pushed it in. Going to the other side of the table he took his own seat.

“Merci Monsieur~” Fleur cooed. The hairs on Icarus' neck stood on end and a shiver went down his spine.

“Uh yeah of course… don’t let it get cold, let’s eat” Icarus said. He gently blew on his food and took a bite. It’s nothing like Full Pints soup but it wasn’t half bad he thought. He looked up to see Fleur taking small spoonful's of the dinner with her magic. She looked to be enjoying the bread and soup that he’d made. After a few minutes Icarus finished his bowl and looked to Fleur.
“Hey, uh you said you had something you wanted to talk about?” Icarus asked. Fleur shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

“Mon Ami, I um” Fleur tried to talk but paused. She was trying to find the words she wanted too. She wanted to express how much she enjoyed working with him. She wanted to thank him for his hard work with Sombra, Modeling, and the Magazine designs. There was so much she wanted to say but she was unsure how.

“Ah, I mean take your time. Did you want more soup and bread? I have plenty,” Icarus said, smiling and getting up. Fleur got up from her seat as well and ignited her horn. She levitated both bowls from the table and walked over to the kitchen.

“You have a seat. You cooked so I will refill our bowls” Fleur giggled. As she got up Icarus watched her walk towards the kitchen. The sway in her walk captivating him, drawing him in to watch her. He now fully understood why ponies paid to see her in fashion shows. Icarus felt his cheeks grow hot, as he turned away from her.

“Oh no…” Icarus mumbled. He felt his heart skip as Fleur came back to the table. She set his bowl down in front of him. The smell of her shampoo filling his nose as she walked by him. She took her seat across from him and smiled warmly at him.

“We can talk in a little bit. I do not want our food to get cold.” She said, winking at him. Icarus felt his heart fall to his stomach. He felt it coming for the first time since he met Dawn. He was conflicted on how to feel about it. Then he looked across the table and saw Fleur eating, her refined aura was oppressive yet inviting. She caught his gaze and held it, making Icarus gulp. Icarus got swept into her amethyst eyes that were full of wonder, and then it happened. Icarus fell hard, really hard. Not to his death but but head over hooves for her. He had gotten too close and he was now paying the price for it.

Icarus had learned a few things about Fleur since she had shown up. One was that she was actually the designer of the Wonder Bolts costumes. He was like a kid meeting his idol after she said that. The second thing about Fleur that he had learned was her love for red wine. When he asked if she was ok after her third or fourth glass. She laughed at him and said,

“Wine is the staple of the Prench. It would be an insult to not enjoy it!” Giggling and giving a small hiccup as she spoke.

This did nothing to help Icarus' furiously beating heart. He had thought he wasn’t into her. He kept telling himself he was just a nobody who didn’t have a chance with a supermodel and famous designer. Yet, his resolve to keep their relationship all business was crumbling before his very eyes.

“Um Ms. De Lis what-” Fleur cut Icarus off before he could continue.

“Call me Fleur please, we are hardly strangers Icarus. It's been what? 6 months now.” Fleur said, levitating her glass and taking another drink.

“Fleur, what did you want to talk about earlier?” Icarus asked. Fleur put her glass down and looked at him.

“You got invited to the Gala by the Princess, correct?” She asked him. Icarus nodded and got up. He went over to the drawer under the island counter. Pulling out the envelope he revealed the 2 tickets to her.

“Yeah Dad and I got invited. Why do you ask?” he inquired. He figured someone of her stature would have gotten invited long before him.

“W-well…” Fleur stammered, before quickly composing herself. “Would you be my D-d…” she struggled to say. She had not been so embarrassed to ask out a stallion in years. Mostly because they would fawn after her and chase her. Yet Icarus was indifferent to her when they worked. He was always focused and driven to keep working hard. That was probably when she began to want to know him better.

“Would I be what?” Icarus asked. Completely oblivious of the fact that she was trying to ask him out. After a long silence Fleur decided to stop stalling and do her best.

“m-My Date… To the Gala?” She said, sighing. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest. Icarus however felt like the weight that was lifted from Fleur was flung at him like a brick. He was confused why she would even ask somepony like him. It was without saying a big wha the bu-

“Son, That smells delicious do you ha-” Sombra said as he opened the door. He paused when he saw Fleur sitting in his seat, at his table, with his son.

“Uh, Hey dad…”Icarus said surprised. He thought Sombra wasn’t supposed to be home for another…Oh! Looking at the time he saw it was 10pm. He and Fleur had been chatting and drinking for 4 hours.

“Ah, Bonjour Monsieur Umbrum. I was just on my way out. Icarus, Please think on my question.” She said as she got up to leave. Getting to the door, Sombra stepped aside for her.

“Let me walk you out at least” Icarus said following after her. Sombra watched as his son ran after her. He smiled seeing his son do so.

“You did not have to walk me out Ica-” Fleur said before jumping in surprise. Icarus kissed her on the cheek. She looked at him wide eyed and saw the sheepish look on his face.

“Nah I didn’t have to but…” Icarus paused for a moment. “I didn’t want to leave your question unanswered.” He said, trying to contain himself. Fleur, taken aback by his words, blushed and looked away from him.

“I-I’ll See you later t-then. Bonne nuit!~” Fleur said in her lovely Prench accent. It was something Icarus had come to look forward to hearing.

“You’ll have to teach me Prench. As much as I love hearing you speak, I need to know what you’re saying.” Said Icarus, trying not to stare at her as she walked away. She didn’t say anything as she walked away. She glanced back to see Icarus waving her off with his wing.

“Oh for Celestia’s sake, he's adorable” Fleur thought. Smiling at him, she turned and continued on her way home. She had plenty to look forward to now besides the Gala.

Pre Gala Jitters & Misunderstandings

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“Dad, get ready we’re gonna be late” Icarus harped at his father figure. They were trying to leave for the Gala from their Hotel in Canterlot. Yet there was a certain somepony who was catching cold hooves as they were leaving.

“Hmm, I could just stay here. I would hate to interrupt a good time…” Sombra said, looking away from Icarus. Sombra, with all of his bravado, was suddenly not too interested in going to the Gala.

“Celestia, you’re being such a baby. We were personally invited, and besides you’re about as old as her. Haven’t you been to one of these?” Icarus asked while trying to fix his tie in the mirror. Sombra just grunted in annoyance, being reminded he was old was never fun. Along with Icarus being correct about him attending this stuffy dance was also annoying.

“Yes, it is as you assume. I have been to this stup-” Sombra collected himself trying to get rid of the irritation in his voice. Icarus picking up on this finally turned to look at Sombra. Seeing his father figure not look him in the eyes and grimace gave him enough information about his last Gala.

“I got it. Stay here, rest, and wait for me so we can leave together. I want to promote Starry Lens in her stead since she didn’t get an invite this year. More work for us ya know!” Icarus said happily. He was in truth a little sad Sombra wasn’t going with him but, at least he would have Fleur.

“Thank you Son. Are you sure you’ll be-” Sombra began to say back tracking on his insistence to not attend. Icarus just held up his hoof to stop him from continuing.

“There’s something bothering you now that we’re here. You don’t press me when I'm uncomfortable so I can do the same” Icarus said, smiling at Sombra. The Unicorn looked away from Icarus embarrassed and ignited his horn. He straightened the tie Icarus was trying to fix and walked to the bathroom.

“Give me a moment” Was all Sombra said. Sombra looked into the bathroom mirror and turned the faucet on. Splashing cold water on his face, he shivered and looked at himself.

“Why would I send him alone? Why am I scared? Why do I-” Sombra’s thoughts wandered as he cleaned himself up. The goatee he had been growing, he trimmed and his frizzy black mane, he tamed. Using his magic he summoned his red and grey ensemble and fitted himself into it. Looking himself over he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Dad you uh… Good in there?” Icarus called knocking on the door. Sombra looked at the clock above the door and saw the time; 7:13pm. He looked himself over again in the mirror and nodded curtly. It wasn’t the best he could have done, but given his time constraint from his cowardice it would do.

“Dad, what's wrong, oh…” Icarus trailed off. Sombra stepped out of the bathroom in his outfit gifted to him from Starry Lens when she heard he was attending. Icarus was impressed, not just that his father looked good. It was that he Changed his mind about attending. Sombra was nothing if not firm in his statements and actions. In the year and a half that Icarus had been with Sombra, this was the first maybe second time he changed his mind.

“Let’s head out my son. We have a Gala to attend and you have a mare to see” Sombra said smiling. Icarus shook his head and laughed as he walked to the door and opened it. The two remembered their room keys and headed off together.

“Don’t chicken out on me when we get there ok?” Icarus joked. Eliciting a punch in the shoulder from Sombra as the 2 got to their elevator. They made eye contact and laughed together as the doors opened and they stepped on.

“Holy Sh-”Icarus began to say. His train of thought was interrupted when he looked past the guards on the bridge.

“This castle has changed in the time I've been away. Son, has that balcony always been there?” Sombra asked, turning to Icarus. When he saw Icarus wasn’t paying attention to him, he bent down and followed his son's gaze. Sombra smirked at him as he bumped the Pegasus snapping him from his reverie.

“Oh! Um! w-What'd ya say?” Icarus stammered as he looked at Sombra.

“Miss De Lis, does look quite lovely tonight, no?” Sombra teased. Icarus blushed and looked away in response. Sombra laughed at him as the two approached the guards at the gate who stiffened as they saw Sombra. In a matter of seconds guards from all over began to surround Icarus and Sombra.

“State your purpose, villain.” A guard with a long red beard said from behind them. Icarus froze and went wide eyed, while Sombra just huffed in annoyance.

“I received an invitation, nothing more” Sombra said, rolling his eyes. Using his magic to grab the paper the guards around him flinched.

“Spare us your lies! You’re coming with us, NOW!” Another guard commanded. Icarus, after seeing the guards closing on Sombra, stood in front of him.

“Citizen, move out of the way. He is a thr-” The guard stepped back after looking Icarus in the eyes. His unflinching amber eyes bore into the guard, making him audibly gulp. Before the guard could open his mouth Icarus held up a hoof to stop him.

“He’s my dad, and we have an Invite from Princess Celestia herself. So if you have a problem, move, or go get her.” Icarus said coldly. The guard raised an eyebrow and smirked at him.

“And we are supposed to believe that?” The guard in front of Icarus mocked. Sombra shaking his head, levitated the invitation over in front of the guards face.

“Naturally, you should. ” Sombra said. The guard scoffed at him and looked over the invitation slowly. As he did so the color drained from his coat as he saw the official wax stamp on the invite.

“A P-Princess’ invitation? To you?” The guard in front of Icarus stammered, forcing Icarus to hold back a laugh.

“For some reason or another…yes” Icarus said as calmly as he could. The guard noticing this regained his composure and crumpled the invite.

“Fabricated, we could have believed if it was anypony else, but Princess Celestia and Luna? Lie after Lie and-”The guard going off on a lecture failed to notice the others around him bowing and saluting. Before the guard could continue he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

“Please, pray tell how others would see you treating Our guest Captain Shield?” the voice questioned. Icarus couldn’t help but be in awe with the pony in front of him. Her regal blue coat, flowing mane, and cyan eyes were captivating enough. That was just the icing on the cake so to speak, the dress the Princess of the Night was wearing was perfect for her. A stunning cream colored dress with blue gems around the hems of the dress complimented her well.

“P-Princess Luna! This fabricated invite from this Villain trying to crash the Gala, I was Tr-” Captain Shield stammered before Luna used her magic to uncrumple the invite.

“This is our signature, seal, and writing Captain. I fail to see why you are causing a scene.” Luna said, looking down at him. Icarus could have sworn he saw the captain shrink in his own now pale red coat.

“B-Bu- I-I mean Y-Yes Princess Luna. Guards at ease and return to post.” Captain shield said. As he bowed and went to leave Luna stopped him and leaned over and whispered in his ear. The captain's ears folded and he walked through the castle gates and disappeared. Luna sighed and closed her eyes.

“We apologize for not communicating to our guards. If the-” She said, opening them to find Icarus not in front of her anymore. Looking around she saw Icarus had gone over to Sombra and was happily talking to him.

“Hey, Hey! Did you see his face when Princess Luna came out?! I had to try so hard not to laugh” Icarus said laughing. Sombra let out a deep laugh with him and Luna just stared at the two. Was this really the former tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire and its’ ponies?

“Ahem, this way. My sister must have words for you seeing as though she made me sign that invite” Luna said, shaking herself from her thoughts. Sombra and Icarus looked over at Luna wide eyed.

“We totally didn’t forget she was here right?” Icarus whispered to Sombra. Sombra looked from Luna to Icarus and nodded.

“Let's go with, we did not care, that might keep us out of trouble” Sombra whispered back.

“And why would we be in trouble? What did you do?” Icarus asked, mock panic in his voice. Sombra huffed and walked towards Luna ignoring the “Disrespect” from his son.

“Lady of Night, we shall follow” Sombra said, bowing to Luna. She scowled at him and disregarded his greeting. She then turned towards the castle gate and made her way back to the castle.

“Sheesh, tough luck. She doesn’t look happy with you. What's the story there?” Icarus asked, raising an eyebrow. Sombra coughed into his hoof and began walking, trying to hide the embarrassment on his face.

“Nothing of importance really, just a … Misunderstanding of sorts.” Sombra said after a slight pause. The awkwardness around the conversation as they began to walk was something Icarus was familiar with.
“So mare problems? You of all ponies…Really?” Icarus asked, noticing the Princess of the Night’s ears perked up.

“It’s nothing really, just-”Sombra trailed off. Luna turned around red faced and made contact with Sombra.

“Nothing?!” She said her voice cracking, “You call leading me on NOTHING?!” Luna said louder than she anticipated.

“I did nothing of the-” Sombra was cut off when Luna turned away from them. Her tone of voice made Icarus wince, he could hear the hurt and frustration in her voice.

“I have done my part. Find our sister on your own or do not we not care.” Luna said angrily. Before anypony could say anything Luna disappeared with a loud *pop* from the displaced air. Icarus looked at an exasperated Sombra who met his gaze and shrugged.

“So… You wanna explain what THAT was about? I could go for a story time after all of your teasing DAD” Icarus said putting emphasis on the last word. Sombra winced, after the year and some months with this colt. He had figured out how to really irritate yet make him want to share his stories with him, regardless of how much he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, you see feelings are a real fickle thing…” Sombra began. He started telling his story to Icarus as the two made their way through the crowd of ponies. He had to make sure he wouldn’t spend all night explaining why Luna Princess of the Night avoided him like the plague.

A History Lesson in Jealousy

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As the Gala got underway Icarus watched as his father jogged off to find food. Claiming that he would need a stronger drink and a full stomach to tell this story. This left Icarus on his own in the middle of the castle ballroom. Sighing to himself Icarus took a sip of his punch, before a Stallion came and tapped him on the shoulder asking for his name.

“Ah yes, I’m Icarus, Icarus Umbrum, and you are?” Icarus asked, looking at a very well dressed stallion. He looked Icarus over and scrunched his nose. The stallion in question had white fur, black and blue suit and a monocle.

“I am Fancy Pants, and so far…I don’t approve. She deserves better.” Fancy said with repulsion. Icarus raised an eyebrow at him and took a sip from his punch. Fancy noticing that Icarus wasn’t responding grew irritated as the moments passed. Before the Unicorn could do or say anything further, Fleur trotted over to them.

“Mon ami! You made it through.” Fleur said happily. Fancy turning away from Icarus stood in front of him to greet the model.

“Fleur it has been too long, when do w-”Fancy choked on his wine as he watched Fleur trot past him. When he turned to look at her his jaw dropped as the mare had thrown herself around Icarus.

“I saw that you had trouble and ooh! Ça m'a mis tellement en colère!” Fleur huffed angrily as she hugged him a little tighter. Icarus couldn’t help but laugh as he returned the hug.

“Fleur you’re ranting in Prench again. What will the others think of that hmm?” Icarus said smugly, eliciting a groan from Fleur.

“Oh hush, or your Prench lessons might end up mysteriously more difficult.” Fleur shot back, finally releasing the hug. The two made eye contact scowling and held it for a few moments before laughing.

“I am still here you two…” Fancy said, clearing his throat. Icarus rolled his eyes and looked over to meet the Unicorn's confused gaze.

“I know, I was just hoping you wouldn’t be,” Icarus scoffed. A vein popped out of Fancy’s forehead as he tried to compose himself at the blatant disrespect. Fleur, seeing this, held in her laughter and greeted Fancy.

“Hello Fancy, and I am so sorry for running past you. I got too excited seeing my... friend, I hope you understand” Fleur said with some regret in her voice. This was enough to calm down the finely dressed stallion after he heard friend.

“That is quite all right, but I must inquire. Who is That and what is he to you?” Fancy asked, gaining the attention of a few ponies who recognized Fleur. Icarus and Fleur awkwardly exchanged glances before they quickly looked away from each other blushing.

“He works with Starry Lens and I-” Fleur began but was cut off by Fancy.

“That is not what I was asking. So let me be clear, What is the relationship between the two of you?” Fancy asked again. Icarus could feel the gaze of a few ponies on the back of his head as the eavesdropping became less subtle.

“Well ya see that's-” Icarus began to say before Sombra appeared next to Icarus. Startling Icarus and Fancy.

“ I have finished gathering food, so where did I leave off?” Sombra said snacking on an hor d’oeuvres. Looking away from Icarus he saw Fleur smiling at him. “Ah Ms. De Lis, a pleasure to see you again, please join us for story time.” Sombra said ignoring Fancy, much to the white stallions' irritation.

“Uh dad, can you uh…”Icarus trailed off, motioning his head over towards Fancy. Sombra turned back to his son, and then to where he was motioning.

“Ah terribly sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I beg your forgiveness sir.” Sombra said sarcastically. Smirking, Sombra took an exaggerated bow making onlookers stifle laughs and giggles. Fancy having this happen one too many times stamped his hoof and threw a pocket square at Icarus.

“YOU, I WILL NOT STAND FOR ANY FURTHER DISRESPECT. I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!” Fancy screamed at him. At this the entire ballroom turned to face the 3 of them. Icarus looked at the pocket square, then back to Fancy, then around him. He saw Fleur’s shocked expression. Looking at Sombra Icarus saw a few emotions flash on his fathers face. First was amusement, then concern, and finally anger.

“You would throw your shabby little fu-” Sombra began to rant. Icarus quickly put a hoof over his mouth smiling sheepishly at the onlookers.

“You promised not to make a scene and tell me that story. So PLEASE calm down” Icarus said through gritted teeth before turning back to Fancy Pants.

“Well? Are you going to accept or run away?” The stallion asked Icarus smugly. Icarus could feel his heart beating out of his chest. His blood roared in his ears as he tried to compose himself.

This scene, this… situation was nostalgic for some reason and not in a good way. Icarus felt his mind yank him back to his foster parents home in Cloudsdale. His mother and father looking on as Eris, his former sister screamed and berated him.

“You were supposed to not embarrass me. No one is supposed to know you’re my brother. GODS! You mess up everything, this is why you have no friends!” Eris screamed. Those words rang in his head, the smug and condescending looks on that family's face burned into his memory. The words rang in his head over and over again as he slowly came back to reality. The chatter that was in the background was replaced with low murmurs as people realized there was something going on.

“I -A-Ah b-b-but” Icarus stammered while trying to get his words out. He felt hot tears begin to form in the corners of his eyes. His legs buckled and his rump hit the marble with an audible thump.

“Fancy Pants, what’s going on with you tonight? This isn't like you at all.” Fleur pleaded.

The Unicorn only scoffed in response as he stared at the object of his disdain. This coffee colored, crippled Pegasus dare show his face here at the Grand Galloping Gala. The event that screamed to every pony, ‘You made it’. Yet here he was, and to add insult to injury, he had taken Fleurs attention from him. His Fleur was clinging and giggling with another, and he wouldn’t stand for it.

“A C C E P T .” Fancy said slowly and coldly. He would make it so no pony would ever see him as a stallion. They would see him as the coward, and fraud he Fancy Pants knew him to be. With Fancy’s attention fixed on Icarus he failed to notice the path opened up behind him.

“That will be quite enough of that Mr. Fancy Pants” a steady feminine voice said from behind him.

“Oh and who would decide tha-” Fancy began before taking a knee.

“I apologize Princess, I did not realize it was you,” Fancy said, quickly correcting himself.

Celestia looked around at the ponies gathered. Then her gaze fell on Sombra’s infuriated expression. Celestia couldn’t help but smile, seeing the former king so worked up over something like this. She shook her head at Sombra and he scowled in response.

“Pray tell, what you are ushering a challenge for a duel for at my sister and I’s Gala?” Celestia asked inquisitively.

“W-well your highness, I was insulted. Not once but three times by this…thing” Fancy said disgusted. Sombra bit his lip hearing his son referred to as a thing. He was reformed, he was a parent, he was better than this. Yet he felt this Stallion wouldn’t be missed too much. If he did that every pony else would have to disappear like him Before Sombra’s thoughts could spiral further Celestia spoke again.

“Hmm, I would believe you but, there was an insult to another one of my little ponies in your explanation. And well…” Celestia trailed off as her horn glowed from its usual cyan hue to a solid red. Most knew this spell, it was on display for many public trials, and for certain disputes in day court.

“Y-your highness if I could explain further you would believe me!” Fancy said panicking.

Sighing Celestia shook her head, “this I wholeheartedly doubt. You have upset the fun atmosphere here and lied to me, Please see yourself out.”

“Your h-highness please if I ma-” Fancy pants said before his mouth slammed shut with enough force to make those around him wince.

“That is quite enough. Thy sister has asked thou to vacate and I would advise you to leave before we call our guard” Luna said approaching from behind Celestia.

Fancy looked around at the gathered crowd and then to Icarus. Frowning he turned leaving the Gala; seeing this, the musicians began to play again and ponies began to return to their activities.

Fleur and Sombra helped Icarus up as the Princesses returned to their former engagements. Sombra could feel the colt's heart beating heavily and the shallow breaths concerned him.

“Slow down, it’s alright now. I’m here for you," he said.

“Monsieur, We are here for him” Fleur interjected, winking at him.

The two walked Icarus over to a table where he sat and stared into the drink in front of him. Fleur sat next to him and rubbed his back and tried to comfort him further. After a few minutes Sombra saw that his son was doing better. Smiling to himself he got up from the table.

“I’ll be back, hopefully story time isn’t too far off” Sombra said sarcastically. This got Icarus to give a small laugh before waving his dad off.

“We’ll be ok, I think,” Icarus said softly.

Nodding Sombra left the table and made his way through the crowd. He strolled through nobles, business mares, and merchants until;

“Your Highness’s,” Sombra said, clearing his throat.

Celestia and Luna turned from their conversation to face Sombra. Luna scowled and turned away from him and Celestia sighed.

“We will continue this another time, my student,” Celestia said.

“You!” A small purple alicorn exclaimed. Sombra paid no attention to her, as he met the eyes of the rulers of Equestria. After a few intense moments, Sombra bowed his head. Making the three onlookers flinch.

“I thank you sincerely from the bottom of whatever heart I have for helping my son,” Sombra said. Failing to keep his emotions in check Sombra heaved a deep sigh to try and regain his composure.

For the second time in all Equestrian history, Celestia was truly speechless. As for Luna she looked as though she wanted to gloat but refrained from doing so feeling it would for once be inappropriate to do so. Twilight's jaw had hit the floor and rolled out of the castle gates. She didn’t know if this was the same Sombra she fought years ago, or the one that evaded her on the train from Aura point.

“I did not know how to handle a situation like that, and due to that Icarus was hurt. So I thank you again, for allowing me to learn how to handle these situations better without violence” Sombra said as calmly as he could.

After he finished speaking the 3 Alicorns simply stared at him. Here was a ruler, once so arrogant the very ground he walked on wasn’t good enough for him. No coin could satisfy him, the kingdom he had wasn’t enough, the stallions around him couldn't hold a candle to him. Yet, here he was in front of them; Humble and appreciative. Not a hint of deceit or malice, just raw concern.

“W-well it is what we should do as hosts. No pony deserves to be treated that way.” Celestia said, coughing into her hoof and regaining her composure.

“We did not do it for you.” Luna irritably huffed, still refusing to look at Sombra. Celestia giggled at her sister and turned to twilight to gently close the purple alicorn's mouth.

“Somepony still isn’t being too honest hmm sister?” said Celestia poking his sister in the side. Luna jumped slightly and blushed but said nothing. Sombra looked at the Lunar Princess before for a few moments and opened his mouth, then closed it. He turned and without another word and went to return to Icarus.

Celestia sighed and stared at Luna, who still avoided eye contact. Twilight shook her head and looked between the Solar and Lunar princesses.

“I’m going to uh…go find spike, yea bye!” The purple alicorn spat out before scurrying off.

“Sister, we know what thou want to say.” Luna said coldly as she slowly turned to face her sister.

“Then you know that pushing him away is only going to make this harder,” Celestia said half pleading.

“We don’t care, nothing has changed,” Luna said. Celestia saw the look on her sister's face and just sighed. The conflicting emotions shown on her face lead her to give up.

“You know as well as I that, That was not Truly Him, but fine I will let this matter rest. I will see you later on Lu-Lu” Celestia said, hugging her sister and walking off. Luna watched her sister walk off and sighed irritably to herself.

“Just when I thought I was getting better. No, I refuse to believe he’s changed …right?” Luna murmured. Finding herself on a balcony looking over the castle garden she got lost in thought.

“Sorry dad, I should 'a let you step in. I thought I had it like with the guards and all but…” Icarus said sheepishly as Sombra sat next to him.

“It’s alright, this is new to me as well.” Sombra interrupted patting him on the head before sitting. Icarus blushed and swatted Sombra’s hoof away from him.

“Daaadd, not when Fleurs here” Icarus said through gritted. Sneaking a glance at Fleur who giggled causing the coffee colored pony to turn a darker red. Sombra shook his head and laughed deeply for a few moments. It was a loud and joyous laugh that he didn’t even know he was holding in.

“Hoooh, ok now I am a stallion of my word. Let me see… where to start” Sombra said, wiping tears from his eyes.

“Um maybe start with why Princess Luna doesn’t want to be ya know, anywhere near you, like at all.” Icarus said with a deadpan expression.

“I am curious myself,” Fleur said, scooting her chair closer to Icarus and looking at Sombra. Sombra rolled his eyes and began stroking his chin in thought. Icarus sat deathly still as he felt Fleur lean on him, her breath tickling his ears. Icarus squirmed in his seat much to Fleur's amusement. The two of them waited for Sombra to collect his thoughts and after what felt like hours Sombra looked at the two next to him.

“Well probably because we were like you two for quite some time” Sombra began. This grabbed Fleur and Icarus’ attention immediately.

“W-what do you mean like us?” Icarus asked, the embarrassment from being called out brought back his blush. Fleur smiled at and blew on his ear making him yelp, before she looked at Sombra.

“How cute!” She exclaimed beaming at him. The look on her face practically screamed at Sombra to keep talking.

“It was a sight indeed. I would frequent Canterlot from the Crystal Empire. When my Queen of Night, wasn’t visiting my dreams we were together.” Sombra said, smiling while glancing across the room. He saw the royal blue mare conversing with the elements of harmony.

“Uh huh…queen of night? She's a Princess though” Icarus said, tilting his head in confusion.

"Its a nocturnal flower that grows in cacti, Luna is beautiful but a little prickly at times" Sombra mused.

"Monsieur, that is so beautiful and creative" Fleur sighed sweetly.

“Princess Luna, Element of Laughter, dream guide, and bringer of the Night. I thought I would have her to rule by side. But…” Sombra paused as his loving smile faded and was replaced by an exasperated grin. Icarus followed his fathers gaze, he saw he was looking at Luna the entire time.

“I… Somewhere I lost the flame, the desire, the want to be with her after my brother died. It felt as though I had lost something then everything one day. Days passed turned to months, which turned to years. I distanced myself, shut my mind off from her, and laughed and loved less. The visits ceased and then well, you’ve read the rest in your history books.” Sombra said, chuckling pitifully to himself.

“The disappearance of the empire and corruption?” Icarus asked. Sombra nodded at him but said nothing. The white noise of conversations around them drowned out the silence at the table. Moments passed and Sombra drew a deep breath and exhaled.

“Then I met another mare. Amber who pursued me relenlessly. I don’t know if from grief or loneliness but I felt compelled to marry her and she ruled by my side. As the corruption got worse she remained by my side corrupting alongside me.” Sombra shook his head and grimaced.

“I thought it out of love. If only I knew why she was in my life sooner. I could have tried to mend my relationship with Luna. The banished Umbrum sent that mare, those of my people cast out for their vile nature. They used her to corrupt me to free them, in the end I was no different ” said Sombra sorrowfully as he mentally kicked himself.

“So Luna can’t stand you because you married someone else, dumped her and disappeared?” Fleur asked.

“Then why didn’t you find her after you ended up purified or whatever?” Icarus followed up.

“By the time I had been freed of the chains of corruption fully, there were new elements fighting me. As I tried to speak with my newly freed mind, I was met with flashes of previous exchanges between Luna and I. Millennia flashed before my eyes as I realized how much I had scorned her, hurt her, rejected her.” the dark Unicorn continued.

“It wasn’t that you didn’t, you couldn’t…” Fleur said, bringing a hoof to her mouth in shock.

“If I was to explain how I felt, hmmm.” Sombra closed his eyes and hummed as he thought.

“Like drowning in everything you didn’t say and when you try your mouth fills with water and you choke.” Icarus said, looking at Sombra. He knew what he meant because he was the same. When his family passed, all Icarus could think of was why the last thing he remembered from his accident was fighting with his parents. He was 8, what reason did a small colt have for fighting his parents. While they died all he could do was cry and choke on his words. The words ‘I love you mom, dad’ had never been so hard to say until they died.

Sombra smiled grimly at Icarus, “That is better than what I could have said boy.”

“Je suis désolé. My Lo… mon ami, I will be back. I am going to get more wine for us,” Fleur said, catching herself. Calling him her love then might have made for an awkward atmosphere. She could wait on those words for now, but she’d be damned if any pony else got her coffee colored stallion. As Icarus watched Fleur walk away and disappear into the crowd, he turned to Sombra. Who had resumed looking at Luna across the gala floor.

“The best of memories huh?” Icarus asked his father.

“It would almost be like me asking if you like Miss Fleur.” Sombra shot back at Icarus.

“T-Touche,” Icarus stuttered, getting up from his seat.

“Sit, you weren’t doing well not too long ago” Sombra said, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Nah I’m gonna grab food too, save her a trip ya know. I’m fine now, promise!” Icarus exclaimed. He was half telling the truth about getting food. He omitted the part where he was going to go try and speak with the Princess of the Night.

“Don’t make her wait too long,” Sombra said, sighing in defeat. He didn’t have the capacity to argue with Icarus but he figured getting food wasn’t going to take that long. Icarus nodded and walked off towards the food table once more before bumping into some pony.

“O-h sh- my bad are you alrig-” Icarus froze when he met the gaze of who he bumped into. Looking up he saw her, the Princess Celestia in well, most of her glory. She was floating a few different pastries next to her mouth as she sampled them.

“My my, are you alright my little pony?” Celestia asked Icarus.

“Your Majesty. Thank you for earlier. I am alright please don’t mind me” Icarus said robotically. Celestia gave a small laugh as she looked him in the eyes. Icarus felt her gaze peered right through his soul.

“I was going to have a chat with you anyway so this saves me time, Icarus was it? Follow me please~” Celestia all but sang as she walked through the crowd.

“Where are we going? I need to get back to dad soon or he’ll worry more than he already does…” Icarus trailed off as he followed Celestia past a couple of doors. They ended up in a cozy office space, with bookcases along the wall. A desk with a fireplace behind it already lit, and two velvet chairs with a table between them.

“Come sit, I would like to have a small chat about your father if you don’t mind,” Celestia said, sitting in one of the chairs. Icarus gulped and sat in the other chair and looked at Celestia as she slowly levitated the sweets she brought onto the table.

“So um, Princess….” Icarus began but was interrupted.

“Please, Celestia is fine. I am no fan of formalities. I am a pony just like you” She said using her magic to toss a muffin into her mouth.

“Ok…Celestia what is it you want to ask?” Icarus inquired. He waited for Celestia to finish chewing and then smiled at him and leaned closer.

“Tell me about it!” Celestia animatedly asked, causing Icarus to jump.

“About what?” He asked, confused.

“About how Sombra, the Tyrant is so… what's the word?” Celestia thought to herself.

“Concerned? Fatherly?” Icarus said, trying to help.

“Those work but the word I was going for was domesticated. How? Even when he was with Luna he could never settle down” Celestia said reminiscing. Icarus tried to hide his shock, this was one of the diarchs of the land. Yet here she was stuffing her face with pastries and wanting gossip.

“I uh… Don’t really know myself. He’s still sassy but wait. He’s been that way from the start hmmm” Icarus thought to himself.

“Lu-Lu and I could hardly believe it when Twilight told me about a disturbance on the friendship map.” Celestia began.

“Oh uh yeah the purple alicorn right? She wasn’t happy when we left on the train” Icarus said, recalling how he watched purple turn to crimson.

“No she was not and neither was Lu-Lu. Which was why I was so surprised when she sent the gala invite to you two” Celestia said happily.

“Wait Princess Luna sent us the invite? But it had your stamp on it, "Icarus said surprised. Then he thought back to when they got to the castle, how Luna came to get them from the guards. Then it hit Icarus like a brick and his eyes went wide. Celestia giggled as she watched the realization set in for him.

“I think you realized that Luna still cares for Sombra, more than she lets on. So I don’t ask as a Princess. I ask as a sister; tell me of your journey, tell me your story with him, please” Celestia asked bowing her head.

“Don't bow please I'll feel bad. God where do I start…”Icarus said getting Deja vu from Sombra telling his story earlier. Smiling to himself he hummed like his father and then looked at Celestia.

“So it started when I ran away from home…” Icarus said as he recounted his journey from the train accident, to the mountains, to Manehattan. Though he left out the part about Starry Lens and the way she looked at Sombra. The last thing he wanted was his employer getting jumped by the Princess of the night.

“ACHOOO, aye, is ze weather changing?” Starry mumbled in her apartment as a shiver ran down her spine as she tried to sleep.