The Group Chat

by TheKing2001

First published

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

When Sunset got accused of going back to her old ways, she was naturally confused and upset as anyone would be. Everyone thinks she's guilty until her framers accidentally post the wrong image and Sunset sees a groupchat her friends have insulting her and she is pissed.

Inspired by Cojo5536s post.

Featured 1/20/24

Chapter I

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I inhaled as I fought to keep my cool as I stormed down the hallway, my phone gripped tightly in my hand. My classmates gave me confused and angry looks as they all stepped back as I scanned the hall way with a cold expression for a certain five girls.

I spotted them crowded around Rainbows locker and I put a fake sweet smile on my face as I approached them.

“Hi girls,” I greeted with disingenuous sweetness.

“We’re not listening to you Sunset, go away,” Applejack bluntly warned.

“Oh, I’m not here to beg for your friendship,” I hissed as they all grew confused looks on their faces.

Perfect, that seemed to take the wind out of their sails.

“Okay?” Rainbow drew out, confused, “Then why are you here?”

“Oh, nothing much. Say, have you seen Anon-A-Miss’ new post?” I asked.

“No, why would we keep up with your awful tabloid?” Rarity asked, offended.

“Oh, no, trust me. It was very interesting,” I sneered and turned the screen of my phone to face them. “See for yourselves.”

Oh, the look of creeping realization on these two-faced liars’ faces was priceless, especially when they noticed the crowd forming around us.

“Er, how about we take this somewh-,” Rainbow didn’t get a chance to finish as I slammed her locker shut.

“FUCK NO! If you’re allowed to throw around accusations in a crowded hallway then so am I! But then, you know that my accusations aren’t so baseless are they?”

My smile disappeared slowly as my rage grew. Rainbow inhaled and shoved Applejack forward as my cold teal eyes bored a hole into her.

“We are sorry about that groupchat sugarcube. That was before the whole battle of the bands thing,” Applejack said hastily as I narrowed my eyes even further.

“Is that so?” I growled as I looked at my phone. “Most recent one was after. Let’s read, shall we? Rainbow Dash says, ”Sunset was really holding out on us. That idiot could have helped us stop arguing a long time ago.” Bitch, what? You never gave me a chance to help you! All you girls cared about was rudely bringing up my past as if I wasn’t there for it all.”

A few people in crowd gasped as I glared at them once again.

“Let’s go back before the battle of the bands to Fluttershy, shall we?” I asked with a cruel grin as Fluttershy hid. “Sunset can’t even take care of a single puppy at the animal shelter, she makes me seem like I have so much confidence. Such a good candidate for the element of kindness, don’t you all agree?”

I faced the crowd as they all stepped back nervously as my eyes focused on them coldly. Among the faces were Flash, Lyra, Cherry Crash and more, all wearing the same scared, guilty face.

“Y-yeah!” A voice called out hesitantly as the others quickly joined in and I nodded in satisfaction, spinning to face my now former friends.

“Pinkie Pie,” I read aloud as I glanced up briefly at Pinkies flat hair. “Sunset is like, super duper bad at baking! It’s like she can’t do anything right. Rarity says that I’m the walking model of what not to wear and that I look atrocious everytime I come into school. Applejack says I’m a few apples short of a bushel. Is all you know apple themed insults?”

A few snickers came from the crowd as all of their heads hung low.

“Your parents would be so disappointed in you,” I snarled as Applejacks head shot up and she gave me a angry look. I slowly stepped forward and started walking around them. “This reminds me of something. Oh right, when I faced the sirens alone in the hallway and they circled me like sharks. I didn’t see you girls coming to my aid and know I now why. I always did believe you girls were just having me around to look good for Princess Twilight.”

“Fine,” Rainbow said as she looked up. “We hated you and you do things to annoy us. Are we not allowed to rant about that?”

“Not behind my fucking back!” I screamed angrily as she recoiled. “If you want me to fix something, say it to my fucking face you gutless coward!”

“Watch it,” Rainbow warned quietly as I quit my circling and faced them.

“I think it’s time you all face what I’ve had to deal with these few weeks,” I said as I faced the crowd. “Do you all still think I’m anon a miss?” The crowd looked at each other before shaking their heads slowly. “Excellent. Now if that image of their groupchat got posted, wouldn’t that make them likely candidates for being truly behind the account?”

“Now hang on a minute!” Applejack shouted as looks of realization turned to anger on our fellow classmates faces as I gave a saddened look their way.

“She has a point!” Bon Bon shouted from the back. “I may have thought Sunset was guilty but it makes sense for the Rainbooms to be the culprits!”

“Hear hear!” Octavia chimed in with an angry expression.

“I was willing to prove my innocence and befriend you all after this,” I said slowly. “But after reading those messages, I don’t know. Hell, it most likely is you girls behind the account in an attempt to get rid of me.”

“That isn’t true,” Fluttershy said softly as she reached out and I slapped her hand away as she yelped.

“I have no reason to trust you nor believe you. And for what it’s worth, I hope you can outrun them like I’ve had to do for weeks,” I said and pointed behind me at the angry crowd starting to walk forward around me. “I wish you luck. Oh, and girls?”

“Y-yeah?” Rarity asked in fear as she and the others started backpedaling slowly.

“Merry Christmas.”

I turned around and walked away as the doors opened and I faintly made out running as I slipped into a dark classroom and cried.

“Hey,” a voice in the darkness said and I jumped slightly as the light came on. A lavender girl was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed with a bored expression. “Nice speech you did back there. You really think it’s them?”

“I don’t know,” I sniffed as the girl tossed me a box of tissues, her blonde ponytail and red skirt swaying. “I don’t want it to be but it is the most logical conclusion, especially after what I saw.”

“Fair answer,” the girl admitted. “Was siccing a mob on them part of the plan?”

“No,” I admitted as I wiped my tears away. “I wasn’t thinking as usual and let my anger get the best of me. I just wanted them to feel the same fear I’ve felt recently.”

“I see,” the girl noted dryly. “I know what it’s like to have your anger get the best of you. So what’s next on your agenda?”

“Probably drop out and go to online school,” I decided and threw my used tissues in the garbage can nearby. “I still want a diploma. You need one to do anything in this damn world. Maybe go back to Equestria and find a place to live. Pretty sure Princess Twilight would let ne stay with her for a bit till I got a job and an apartment.”

“Mhm. But wouldn’t you rather find out if it’s truly then before doing either of those?” The girl asked. “Would be a pretty good feeling I’d imagine.”

I paused and mulled over her words. She did have a point I suppose.

“Now come on, you should probably get out of here before the teachers start hunting you down for starting a riot in the hallway,” the girl smirked as she held out a hand. I eyed it suspiciously before accepting it and she yanked me to my feet.

“You never told me your name,” I pointed out as her smirk grew slightly wider.

“Names Cloudkicker.”

Chapter II

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“So now that you’ve chased them out of the school with a mob of angry teenagers, convinced the school somehow your innocent and successfully snuck out of the school out of some tunnels that frankly I don’t think even Principal Celestia knows about, what now?” Cloudkicker asked as she tapped her finger on the window.

The two of us sat blocks away in my car that I’ve gotten used to parking away from school so it didn’t get vandalized. The old man who let me park it here was a very nice individual who ran a laundromat in the area.

“Don’t know,” I admitted as I started the small four door car. It may be a old Dodge Avenger but I loved her. “Other than take you home and go figure out an excuse for why I left school.”

“Ah,” Cloudkicker leaned back in her chair as she placed her hands behind her head. “Never thought I’d see you in a car. I always saw you as a motorcycle girl.”

“I am but motorcycles aren’t decent at carrying groups of girls around,” I said with a frown as Cloudkicker looked away with a guilty expression. “Why exactly are you of all people helping me? If memory serves me right, you and Teddy cornered me in the hallway along with Bright Ideas and Micro Chips about being Anon a Miss and insulted me till I cried so what changed?”

“Yeah that happened,” Cloudkicker admitted with a frown. “But then my cousin Blossom went off on me and she almost never gets angry so when she does, people usually tend to listen. She pointed out in detail how I was being an idiot about how you were sneakier back then.”

I made a hmph sound as I got onto the road and started tapping on my steering wheel at a red light.

“Wait, Blossomforth is your cousin?” I asked as she nodded. “Huh, I always thought you two were dating.”

“You’re not the first one to think that,” Cloudkicker grunted as the light turned green. “Just how people think Lavender Lace is my cousin when she’s actually my twin. People are interesting that way.”

I hummed in response as I flicked my turn signal on and turned as Cloudkickers hand hovered over the radio.

“Go for it,” I waved a hand before placing it back on the wheel. Cloudkicker nodded and turned the radio on as music started to play.

”Friends, you are in my life and you can count on me to be there by your side.
And when the music comes alive, you sing us songs to lift us up so we can shine, and the sound that we hear in our hearts makes a crescendo.”

I slammed the radio off and ejected the disc as Cloudkicker watched warily. I rolled the window down and threw the disc out as it shattered on the ground and I continued driving away.

“We are not listening to Rainboom music in this car under any fucking circumstances. Am I clear, Cloudkicker?” I sneered as she went pale slightly and nodded hastily. “In fact, you can keep all my cds that I recorded with the Rainbooms.”

“Uh not to make you angrier while driving but aren’t you a member of the Rainbooms?” Cloudkicker pointed out cautiously as I inhaled.

“Not anymore. They made that perfectly fucking clear and after today, I’m glad. After all this time, they were just talking about me behind my back. And the funny part is, I communicated with them whenever I had problems with something they did yet they don’t have the courage to do the same for me.”

“You do realize that you are scary to talk to, right? Your anger problem is widely known to the school so complaining about you to your face is a bit nerve wracking.”

“It’s not complaining!” I snarled as Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest. “Okay it’s complaining, but it’s helpful complaining! I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know it exists!”

“You raise a valid point,” Cloudkicker allowed as she relaxed a bit. “But how did you feel after you complained about them to their faces?”

I paused and grimaced slightly. I had been terrified in complaining about Rarity constantly bringing up every little thing about my clothes, ear rings and more. I’m grateful for advice but not needless nitpicking twenty four seven.

In the end, she just said she was grateful I told her that and had worked towards it surprisingly well. But that was when we were friends, not enemies once again. Even if they don’t consider me enemies which I highly doubt happening, I consider them ones.

“I was afraid but it went well. It would have went well except the fact that a majority of what they said is stuff I could do with practice. The only animal I ever had was Philomena, and that’s a bird! Not a dog or a cat!”

“You had Principal Celestias hawk as a pet?” Cloudkicker gave me a confused as I shrugged.

“It’s a complicated story that we unfortunately don’t have time for.”

“Is it about you running away from an alternate dimension where there’s pony versions of us all and your teacher after she refused to make you a princess so you came here to avoid her?” Cloudkicker asked as I gave her a look that was part confusion and part surprise.

“How did you know-?”

“Pinkie Pie,” Cloudkicker and I said in unison and I groaned, rolling my eyes.

I was fine with the girl telling others as long as she had my permission because well, who likes having their past out for everyone to know? I can confirm not this girl.

Well, used to. I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t tell anyone else. Last freaking thing I want is some government person to hear I’m technically an illegal alien and end up on a freaking lab table.

“So I presume Philomena is related to your whole pony world thing?”

“Yeah, she’s a phoenix. She was a gift to me from my former teacher when I completed my magic finals.”

Cloudkicker hummed in response as she looked out the window before she gave me a look.


“I didn’t tell you where I lived. How in the world did you know where to go?” Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow slowly as I shrugged.

“I’m in charge of Yearbook. I know everyone’s address as a back up if they aren’t there to receive their books in person,” I explained as she nodded. “Well, was in charge. I’m planning on resigning. I don’t want to be in the same club as them.”

“Fair. And I presume the soccer club, baking club and the fencing club,” Cloudkicker noted as I stopped outside a a stone grey painted house with a fence going around that had spikes on top of it.

“I guess so.”

“So uh thanks for the ride,” Cloudkicker rubbed the back of her neck as she opened the door with her spare hand. “Here’s my number. Call me sometime, alright?”

I looked at the piece of paper that had a list of numbers on it as I gave her a doubtful look.


“Just take the number.”

“And why exactly should I trust you?” I demanded and raised an eyebrow as Cloudkicker gave a groan.

“Trust is earned, not given,” Cloudkicker reminded me. “And besides, aren’t you going to need someone to help you prove who is behind the account?”

I hated to admit it, but she had a point there. I could do it alone but working with someone would make things go by faster.

“Okay,” I said after a minute and put the paper in my pocket. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow sometime.”

“Cool. See you tomorrow!”

I watched Cloudkicker shut my door and run up to the gate as she kicked it open and continued her running.

“She is something else,” I mused to myself and allowed a faint smile to grow on my face.

I glanced down at the floorboards where Cloudkickers bag sat abandoned and I sighed.

“I’ll just give her it tomorrow. Hopefully she doesn’t have anything important in there.”

Chapter III

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“Keep running!” I shouted as the other girls were hot on my heels as I dragged a terrified looking Fluttershy behind me.

“Bitches!” Lyra shouted angrily as I looked back nervously as the crowd continued chasing us through the field. “You’re as bad as the Dazzlings!”

“Secret stealers!” Blueberry Cake screamed as the fashionista gave us a hateful look. I pointed hastily to the fence around the field we were standing in. If we got over it, we could hopefully reach AJ or Raritys car.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie knew she was right in hating your guts!”

Pinkie pushed Fluttershy forward as Applejack lifted the shy girl over the fence as I spun around with clenched fists.

“Hurry up AJ!” I shouted as the crowd of angry people got closer. “You don’t want this, back the hell off!”

“Cute,” Lightning Dust snickered as she cracked her knuckles. “There’s more of us than there is you. You always did talk a big game, Dash.”

“This is uncouth behavior,” Octavia scoffed as she folded her arms and looked away. “While I do dislike them, I will not be a part of a lynching mob loves. I refused to take part in chasing Sunset down and I shall do the same here. That said, I firmly believe the Rainbooms are to blame for this incident.”

Applejack shoved Rarity over the fence, quickly turning to Pinkie and pushed her over before she joined me. Octavia and Bon Bon glared angrily at us before walking away to a disgusted looking Vinyl and Derpy as the pair gave the angry mob a distasteful look.

“I agree it’s probably them but I hate violence,” Derpy muttered and shuddered slightly.

“Same,” Vinyl agreed as she placed her hands on her hips. “Go away Octavia and Bon Bon. I don’t wanna see either of you right now.”

The two looked at each other sadly as Vinyl and Derpy stormed off with surprisingly angry expressions.

“How are we gonna get out of here Dash?” Applejack asked nervously as we started backing away slowly.

“I-I don’t know AJ!” I said nervously as I looked around as we backed away slowly. I stared at the nearby mats and inhaled, looking behind us. “I need you to trust me, AJ.”


I inhaled again and grabbed AJs hand as as I started running at the practice mats someone forgot to put away, jumping and pushing my feet against the mats, sending us flying over the fence.

I let go of her hand as I went rolling, grunting in pain as I slammed my back against a tree.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershys face hovered inches from mine as she helped me.

“I’m fine,” I winced slightly as I took a step forward. “How’s Applejack and you girls?”

We both looked over to Applejack laying on top of Rarity as the two blushed.

“Hey,” Applejack mumbled.

“Uhm hi darling.”

“Oh my God, are you two doing this now?” I shouted as they both looked back. “Save the flirting for when we get away from the school, unless you wanna become angry mob prey!”

I jerked a thumb back at the crowd climbing the fence and I gulped.

“Car is over here!” Applejack shouted and pointed to Rarity’s minivan. “Rarity, ya better have them Gawd darn keys or Ah’m hotwiring ya van.”

“How do you know how to hotwire?” Rarity demanded as we jogged over to the vehicle and Rarity swung the door open hastily.

“How do you know how to pick locks?” Applejack shot back as we piled in the back seat and I yanked the door closed.

“Touché darling, touché,” Rarity admitted as she started her van and took off onto the road. “So today went poorly.”

“Talk about an understatement,” Pinkie snorted as we all glanced at the pink haired girl absent-mindedly playing her drum sticks on her knees. “Sunset hates us even more, left us at the mercy of a blood thirsty mob out to suck us dry, turned what she started on us and then just strode out of the school. I’m scared, they’re gonna kill us in horrifically creative ways. I have art class with Watermelody and she has a morbid, violent mind and paints people dying painfully. I don’t wanna die painfully!”

“Nobody is dying,” Fluttershy said firmly and brushed her hair aside. “And I don’t think Watermelody is that bad, Pinkie.”

“She has a skull! A human skull!”

“Halloween decoration,” I scoffed and waved a hand. “And besides, not everyone thinks it’s us. Cloudkicker wasn’t in the mob, nor was Blossomforth, Spitfire or Kickers sister. I’ve known Cloudy since middle school, if anyone is gonna stay with us, it’s her.”

“I sure hope so,” Rarity muttered as she turned down a street. “I saw High Winds and Misty Fly in the crowd if I remember correctly those are their names. I don’t recall if Surprise and Thunderlane were with them.”

I doubted Surprise would have been their. Violence isn’t really her thing, she’s like a sporty Pinkie Pie. Which is scary to think about with them being cousins and all.

“Do you think we should apologize?” Fluttershy asked as we all stopped talking.

“I don’t know,” I admitted after a minute. “Yeah, we did complain about her in dms and all.”

“Yeah we probably shoulda talked to her in person. They were so trivial things we said too,” Applejack shook her head slowly.

“Still hurtful,” Fluttershy shot back. “To Sunset at least. Words have weight. I of all people should know, after Gilda.”

We all shuddered slightly at that. I had almost forgotten about Gilda bullying Fluttershy in middle school.

“I think we shouldn’t,” I said after a moment. “Not right now at least. I mean, she threw us to the wolves.”

“Were we so different?” Pinkie asked as I stared down at my lap. “I mean, I don’t really think it’s her anymore. How could she have gotten that screenshot, posted it and then faked being angry?”

“That was genuine anger darling. You can’t fake anger like that. As for the first question, I’m unsure. I’m just confused right now.”

“We figure this out first, then we decide if we apologize,” I announced as Rarity shot me a quick frown before focusing back on the road. “If I’m wrong, I can swallow my pride about accusing her falsely. And she did have a point as much as I hate to admit. If we can throw our accusations around, so can she. I just didn’t expect her to leave us to a mob.”

“We did the same,” Fluttershy reminded me as I rolled my eyes. “But we can’t show our faces at school at the moment. How are we gonna get to the bottom of this?”

“The girls,” I said as they gave me confused. “Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle can keep an eye out for us about anyone being suspicious. They’re still kids, no one in the high school wing will hurt them for being related to us and they’re semi well liked in the middle school wing.”

“Ah’ll text Bloom.”

“I’ll call Sweetie after I drop you all off.”

I gave a nod as I looked out the window with a frustrated sigh.

“Will this all go back to normal?” Fluttershy asked as Applejack gave her a one armed hug.

“Ah ain’t sure. Only time will tell ah reckon.”

For once in my life, I had nothing to say. I just hoped she was right.

Chapter IV

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I stared at my phone as I laid on my back, internally debating with myself. A part of me hated my apartment being this empty and quiet.

It used to be always noisy whenever Rainbow and Pinkie were here playing video games or watching movies.

I let out another slow sigh as I picked up my phone and dialed Cloudkickers number. I waited a few rings as she answered.

”Hey,” Cloudkicker mumbled as I heard her yawn. ”What’s up?”

“Not much, you?”

”Was napping.”

“Oh uh sorry. I didn’t mean to walk you up.”

”S’all good. You okay?”

“Kind of. You uh wanna come over?” I asked as I placed the phone down on my table and put the speaker on.

Yeah sure. Text me your address and I’ll be there in a few. Gotta get dressed,” Cloudkicker answered as I heard her bed squeak as she presumably stood up and something that sounded like a closet opening.

I quickly texted her my address as I listened to Cloudkickers phone go off.

”Alright, I’ll be there in ten minutes or so depending on traffic,” Cloudkicker said as I listened to her rummage around. ”See you in a bit.”

“See you then.”

My phone clicked as Cloudkicker hung up and I looked around my living area. It wasn’t messy per se but it wasn’t clean. Rarity would lose her mind if she saw it.

I quickly shook my head to dispel the thought of my former friend. No need to dwell on the past, after all. It would just make my life more miserable than it already was.

Might as well clean up a bit before Cloudkicker gets here. I pushed myself off the couch, gathering up the few dishes on my coffee table as I did so.

“I miss my magic,” I grumbled to myself as I stepped towards the kitchen. “I’d just levitate everything to the kitchen and start cleaning from the other room. Being a pony had such good benefits, wrapping my tail around myself, magic I can use to actually do stuff.”

I set the dishes down on the counter as I turned the sink on, plugging it as I poured some soap in.

Secret stealer!

I gritted my teeth slightly as I inhaled through my nose.


“Shut up,” I muttered under my breath.

You aren’t our friend!

“I said shut up.”

Ya ain’t our family no more!

I started scrubbing the plate faster and harder as I gritted my teeth even harder.

No good traitor!

The plate shattered in the sink as I applied too much pressure and I yelped in pain as I cut my hand, the water slowly turning red.

I looked back at the door as someone knocked as I looked back at my hand. Sighing, I shut the water off and wrapped my hand in a towel as I stepped to the door.

“Who is it?” I called out warily as I opened a drawer nearby, revealing a black unloaded handgun. Thank the lord for fake id’s.

“It’s me!” Cloudkicker called back as I sighed in relief, shutting the drawer. I opened the door to reveal the blonde haired girl. “How’s it going- woah, what happened to your hand?”

I glanced back down and groaned as some blood dripped through the towel. At least I have all wooden floors.

“Cut it doing dishes,” I said simply as Cloudkicker stepped inside and shut the door. She wore a purple shirt with a purple skirt that had a sun partially hidden behind a cloud along with knee high red and purple boots.

“Where’s your first aid kit?” Cloudkicker asked as she pushed me onto a chair.

“Kitchen in the cupboard next to the sink. Why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to help you, duh.”

“I can do it,” I said as Cloudkicker shook her head.

“I got it,” Cloudkicker stated firmly as she narrowed her eyes. I sighed and nodded as she gave an approving sound, walking off weirdly.

“What happened to you?” I asked as she opened a cupboard and pulled out a first aid kit. I don’t remember why I have one, I rarely get hurt unless it’s caused from someone else.

“Had a good bang a few hours ago. Hence me napping,” Cloudkicker answered as she came back and sat down on the chair across from me, opening the first aid kit. “Now take the towel off.”

I nodded, wincing as slowly unwrapped it and we both stared down at a large deep cut as Cloudkicker whistled.

“Damn girl, pretty deep looking. Pretty good chance you’ll need stitches.”

“Then do it,” I said and pointed to a bottle of amber liquid on the book shelf. “Can you bring me the whiskey?”

Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow but nodded as she stood up and strode over to the shelf, picking it up and examining it as she returned and handed it to me.

“How did a teenage girl get Jack Daniels?” Cloudkicker asked as I unscrewed it and took a long swig, savoring the burning sensation.

“Same way I got a gun. Get a realistic looking id and blackmail a public official into making you a background, you can do anything. Needles are in the bottom of the kit, can you uh help me?”

“Obviously,” Cloudkicker rolled her eyes with a smirk as she pulled out a needle that already had some string attached. “This will probably hurt like hell, you sure you don’t want a professional?”

“I’m sure. Hospital bills are expensive. I’d normally go next door and have Redheart help me but she’s at work at this time of day,” I explained as Cloudkicker wiped my cut off and I yelped.

“Sorry,” Cloudkicker muttered as I grimaced and looked away. “Last chance to back out Sunset.”

“Just get it over with,” I said and Cloudkicker shoved the needle into my skin as I gave a strangled cry.

“Sorry. I said it would hurt,” Cloudkicker said as she gave me an apologetic look. “So why did you ask me to come over, not that I’m against it of course.”

“Got uh lonely,” I admitted and bit my lip slightly as Cloudkicker continued working. “Where did you learn to do stitches?”

“Mom and dad. They liked teaching me random things like this in case I ever got hurt in the wild or something.”

I nodded as I took another shot and sighed contently as I felt the warmness spread through my body.

“Almost done,” Cloudkicker reassured me as I looked back down and gagged a bit. “It’s nasty looking but it’ll heal.”

“I sure hope so,” I grumbled as Cloudkicker finished working and she cut the excess string off with a knive, trying it off.

“And done, I’ll be sure to bring you a sucker and a sticker for being such a good patient,” Cloudkicker gave me a teasing smile as I rolled my eyes, letting out a snicker.

“I’m sure you will,” I snarked as Cloudkicker chuckled, sitting across from me again.

“So what did you wanna do?” Cloudkicker asked as she crossed her legs. “Talk, play games, bang, watch a movie?”

“What was the third one?” I choked on some whiskey and coughed.

“Bang. You know, intercourse, coitus, sex, fucking,” Cloudkicker said with a teasing grin. “I’m just playing by the way.”


“Not that I wouldn’t say no if you offered, you know as well as I do all the guys in school liked you.”

“Liked me,” I muttered as she frowned. “Key word, liked. Now they hate me with all they have.”

“Screw em. Let them think whatever they want. And as of now, they hate the Rainbooms. Scootaloo and their sisters have been investigating who’s behind the account apparently but from what I heard, it hasn’t gone anywhere yet.”

“I mean, they are just kids. I doubt they would find anything after a few days,” I commented and held out the whiskey bottle to Cloudkicker.

She gave a shrug and accepted it, taking a swig. Cloudkicker coughed for a moment before nodding, handing me the bottle back.

“That was unexpected,” Cloudkicker admitted as she leaned back in her chair. “But good, smooth.”

I gave her an impressed look. I had half expected her to start coughing like crazy. None of the others except maybe Applejack knew I drank alcohol now and again. It’s nothing like cider in Equestria, but it’s close.

“I’m sorry by the way. For not believing in you at first or sticking up for you,” Cloudkicker stared at the ceiling as I fell silent.

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. You should have had at least more than the principals and Miss Cheerilee defending you.”

“Meh,” I shrugged and stared at the girl. “Some of the staff think I’m guilty too. Primarily Cranky and Harshwhinny.”

“Right now, the school is split in three portions. Half think it’s you and the other half think it’s the Rainbooms, and the rest thinks it’s all of you working for some unknown reason. I also brought you homework from all your classes, Principal Celestia has been asking for you.”

I wasn’t all that surprised. The only time I came onto school property recently was to give Cloudkicker her backpack in the storage shed near the field. I had been avoiding the whole place in general. Don’t really plan on going to that place much longer.

“Thanks Cloudkicker,” I said quietly as she nodded.

“You can call me Cloud or Kicker. All my friends do,” Cloudkicker smirked slightly as she reached for the bottle again.

“We’re friends?” I gave her a startled look as she shrugged.

“If you want me to be, I can be. I’m trying to make up for how I treated you as well.”

“Out of everyone at school, you already have. You’re here after all.”

“You asked, I arrived. I never knew you lived this close to me,” Cloudkicker looked around the living room. “Nice place.”

“Thanks, worked my flank off for this place,” I answered as I turned the tv on.

“Pony thing I presume?”

“Yeah. What movie ya wanna watch?” I asked as I started flipping through channels.

“Anything works for me. Comedy, action, anything but horror. I don’t really do horror, that’s more of Lavenders thing really.”

I gave a faint smile as I picked a random comedy movie.

“I haven’t seen Mall Cop in ages,” Cloudkicker mused as I tossed her a blanket from under the coffee table. “Oh thanks.”

“I’ve never seen this movie. Is it good?”

“Yeah it’s pretty good.”

Cloudkicker smiled as she held out the whiskey bottle as I wrapped a blanket around me. I smiled back and took it, taking a swig.

Maybe having at least one friend wasn’t so bad.

Chapter V

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I stretched slightly in the chair as I focused partially on the movie and partially on Sunset smiling faintly.

“So why exactly do you own a gun?” I asked curiously as Sunset shrugged. Not that anything was wrong with guns, mom and dad had a lot. “My parents got a few.”

“After the Fall Formal, I didn’t know if anyone would try to follow me home and hurt me so I got one.”

“You really think someone would do?” I gave her a startled look as she raised an eyebrow slightly.

“You do realize that I was pushed around physically and had a basketball throw at my head once. Humans are a evil, violent race. There’s people in human history like Hitler or Stalin that killed over a billion living beings because they were idiots. I always hear about people getting killed or mugged or raped. We don’t have that problem in Equestria, ponies don’t do that type of thing. I can only think of two creatures who even came close to that and Sombra is presumably dead while Tirek is in Tartarus.”

I sat silently as Sunset finished her mini rant thing. I had never really thought about that before, but she did have a point. She had even almost pulled the gun on me she admitted to earlier.

“You raise a fair point,” I admitted after a moment of silence.

“My mom took me to Tartarus once to show me what happened to all of the evil creatures who threatened Equestria. Tirek scared me the most as a filly. Centaur that could just steal magic like that was my nightmare for weeks.”

“Hell of a mom,” I commented as Sunset snorted.

“Yeah she is.”

We both fell silent as we looked back at the tv as I absent-mindedly pulled out my phone, sighing as I opened Mystable to read. I raised an eyebrow slightly at a new Anon a Miss post as I slowly looked at Sunset, eyes widening.

“Can I use your bathroom?” I asked slowly.

“Yeah. Upstairs, second door on the left,” Sunset pointed lazily as I nodded gratefully and hastily took off up the stairs with my phone in hand.

I pushed the bathroom door open and quickly shut it behind me, locking it as I called Lavender.

”What’s up?” Lavender asked as I inhaled. ”Still at Sunset’s?”

“Yeah, listen. So there’s a new Anon a Miss post, right?”

”Of course there is. Who did she go after this time?”

“It was Scribble Dee but here’s the thing. I’ve been here for about seven hours and Sunset hasn’t once touched her phone. I don’t even see it near her nor on her person.”

I listened as Lavender inhaled and exhaled slowly.

”Which means....”

“It’s not her,” we finished in unison as we fell silent for a second.


“Fuck is right,” I agreed as I imagined Lavenders thoughtful expression that I guarantee she had on. “Like I said, she hasn’t once touched her phone and I just now left her alone for the first time tonight.”

”And we are the only two people who know this. So what now?”

“I don’t know. It’s not like the school is gonna take my word for it. We all know how little words matter at our school I suppose,” I rolled my eyes in frustration.

”Especially since they all know how cozy you’re getting with Sunset,” Lavender noted dryly.


”You heard me. Apparently someone who wasn’t at school saw you get into Sunset’s car after that whole mob thing a few days ago. The widely accepted theory is you know more than what you’re willing to let on or are dating Sunset secretly.”

“I’m definitely not dating Sunset. Pretty sure that would be taking advantage of her.”

Lavender snorted loudly as I glared at the phone, forgetting she couldn’t see it.

”She’s from the same place as Princess Twilight. She would probably do some hand waving magical stuff and send you straight to the nether or something. I highly doubt she would let you take advantage of her. And I found your list of people at our school who are bangable and Sunset is at the top of the list.”

I bit my lip and rolled my eyes, mentally making a note to quit keeping paper copies of that type of stuff.

“And to get off that line of thought, can you tell your blowhard friend that she was right about Sunset?”

”Which one?”

“You know which one.”

”Trixie? And you mean tell her that she was right in believing Sunset wasn’t to blame?”

“Yes Lavender, that one,” I rolled my eyes as Lavender gave a snicker. “And you can let her rub it in my face all she wants.”

Lavender made a grunting sound in response followed by a yawn.

”When you coming home Kicker? It’s getting late and you know how I worry about you being out late, especially since people might be out for you.”

“I know. I’ll be fine,” I smirked slightly. “I know how to break arms if necessary, you know that just as well as I do.”

”Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Lavender snarked as she laughed softly.

“Will Fuchsia be coming too?” I asked as I heard Lavender groan slightly.

”Most likely not. She and Trixie are still not talking about their shouting match they had after school at Trixie’s house. Apparently they both blame each other for their respective secrets getting out. And I’m caught in the fucking middle, trying to smooth shit over but I’m friends with the most stubborn girls ever.”

A pang of sympathy went through as I winced. While I didn’t really have much love for Trixie, I didn’t judge who my sister befriended and I did hope it got resolved. I could relate to Lavender, I’ve been busy trying to get Raindrops and Thunderlane to be friends again.

At the same time, I didn’t really have much good things to say or think about Sunset post Fall Formal. Things evidently change of course but still, if Sunset can change then so could Trixie.

“I gotta go, I’ve been in the bathroom too long. You can come get me in an hour or so, please,” I said as Lavender grumbled.

”I’ll be there in an hour and half, don’t worry. Do you want me to see Sunset or something?”

“I think it’s best if you didn’t. Sunset isn’t really in the best mindset to be seeing people. It’s a miracle she’s even willing to see me.”

”Especially after you had insulted her in the hallway to the point of tears.”

“Thank you Lavender for the reminder,” I gritted my teeth slightly. “I was there, I remember me calling her a backstabbing bully and an evil individual very well.”

”Sorry. I’ll be awaiting your call.”

“Bye,” I grumbled as I hung up and shut my phone off, flushing the toilet to keep the illusion I was using the bathroom and unlocked the door opening it.

“Thought you fell in,” Sunset snickered as I started walking down her stairs. “Or somehow found a way to leave. I don’t think I’d blame you, I’m a uh difficult individual to get along with.”

“No you’re not,” I said and shook my head, tucking my skirt under me as I sat back down. “You’re actually pretty easy going to get along with.”

“Am I?” Sunset asked in a near whisper. “I don’t have many friends, even before this.”

“Yeah you are. And people were starting to warm up to you, most just didn’t really know how to approach you. I wasn’t really that kind to you during the Battle of the Bands either,” I frowned and looked away with a guilty expression.

“You were under the sirens spell,” Sunset pointed out. “You didn’t really have any choice in what you did.”

“Meh, still doesn’t make it right.”

“Well, I forgive you,” Sunset smiled at me. “Does that make it better?”

“A tad yeah,” I admitted as Sunset started flicking through channels again. “Let’s Be Cops is really good and funny too.”

“Okay,” Sunset shrugged as she clicked on it. “I’ve only really watched history movies and play games.”

“I only really watch movies,” I said casually. “I only play video games here and there or when Dash was over visiting.”

Sunset nodded as her mouth formed a hard line. I should probably have avoided saying Rainbow’s name.

“Hey Cloud?”


“Thanks,” Sunset said and I gave her a confused look.

“Uh for what?”

“For being my friend.”

Chapter VI

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I looked around the gym warily as I snuck in to get to the locker room and get my bag I had left over the weekend. Just because I’m being allowed to do school work from home doesn’t mean I want to leave my backpack alone where it could be vandalized.

“Rainbow Dash.”

I froze at the voice and slowly turned around, giving a sigh of relief when I realized it was just Spitfire.

The girl was leaning against the bleachers as she gave me a tired smile.

“Hey Spits.”

“How you doing?” Spitfire asked as she pushed herself off the bleachers.

“Considering all that’s going on, pretty shitty.”

Spitfire gave a humorless laugh as she nodded.

“Figured as much. We need to talk in my office. Surprised you risked showing your face around here, with the rest of the school out for you and the others blood,” Spitfire said and gestured for me to follow her.

“Yeah well I needed my backpack,” I answered as just followed her into her office. Spitfire shut the door behind us as she turned the light on.

“Sit please,” Spitfire pointed tiredly at a chair as she sat down. With a sigh, I complied and she pushed my backpack across her desk. “I held onto your bag. First off, I don’t think you’re behind the account so don’t worry.”

I sighed in relief as Spitfire inhaled. I knew I could count on Spitfire. She was probably one of my favorite people on the sports team, other than Kicker and Soarin.

“But I do have bad news,” Spitfire continued as she handed me a piece of paper. I gave her a confused look as I picked it up.

“What’s this?” I asked as Spitfire gave me a sympathetic looks.

“It’s a petition. To have you removed from the team,” Spitfire answered as my eyes widened and I scanned the page.

Misty Fly, Fleetfoot, Tennis Match, Sunrise, Shoeshine, Thunderlane, Surprise and Mystery Mint all signed it as my eyes fell on the final name and I froze.

“Even Cloudkicker wants me off the team and signed this?” I asked in disbelief.

”Especially Cloudkicker. She’s not happy with you at the moment. She’s actually very angry right now based on how she acted when I saw her a couple days ago.”

I gulped slightly at that. Cloudkicker was a pretty level headed individual. It was rare for her to get angry. Irritated and upset, yes but angry? You really had to do something to make her angry.

I pushed that thought out of my head as I felt my face turn angry red as I gritted my teeth.

“Probably because she’s out banging her new buddy Sunset,” I sneered and folded my arms. “Am I really off the team?”

“Sorry Dash but yeah, you are. I’m gonna try to get you back on as soon as this dies down. As you can tell, not all of us signed the thing. I didn’t and Soarin didn’t. You know Soarin hates conflict just as much as I do,” Spitfire said and squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

“Oh boy two out of the whole team makes this better. Even Cloudkicker sided against me and I’ve known her for almost as long as Fluttershy!” I snapped and pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing Cloudkickers number from memory.

”Hey, this is Cloudkicker. I’m busy at the moment most likely or can’t get to my phone in time. Leave a message and your number after the beep and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Have a banging day!”

“Hey uh it’s Rainbow Dash. I just got handed this petition thing with your name on it so uh call me when you can. Please?”

I hung up and sighed as my face fell. Spitfire continued giving me a sympathetic look as she stood up.

“If it means anything, I’m sorry. It’s out of my hands. Like I said, I’ll try to get you back on when this is over. I don’t really want you to get hurt by the others.”

“Will it ever end?” I asked quietly as Spitfire frowned down at me.

“Well, everything comes to end really if you think about it. Life comes to an end and shit like that.”

I paused and looked back at her.

“What the hell does life ending have to do with anything?” I demanded as she rolled her eyes.

“Well, I was trying to make you laugh. You’re into dark humor and all that, figured you would like it after all. Has Scootaloo gotten any leads yet?”

“She suggested what’s her face? Golden Hazel because I actually knocked a paint can all over her Mona Lisa painting she just got done doing a few weeks before anon a miss started up.”

“Who the hell is Golden Hazel?” Spitfire asked as she sat back down, tossing me a water.

“She’s one of the drama kids. Runs with Watermelody and Scribble Dee.”

“Huh. What if it’s those three girls again?”

“What three girls?”

“You know, the ones who kept the school under mind control for almost a week and a half,” Spitfire explained as my eyes slowly widened.

“You mean the Dazzlings? But only us are getting attacked and stuff, not Sunset as much if she actually came to school. Why would they pick us?”

“Well wasn’t Sunset key in defeating them?” Spitfire questioned as I nodded. “Pretty decent revenge plan. Sunset was already broken down by the school, the Dazzlings frame you girls as a way for their pendants getting broken and everyone abandons you all. If I was one of them, I’d frame you, find evidence of you being actually guilty, present it to the school and boom, the school would presumably adore them for getting you all exposed. They wanted to be adored, right?”

I paused as I mulled her words. As much as I didn’t want to believe anyone but Sunset was behind this, Spitfire did raise fair points.

“You do make sense,” I admitted as Spitfire smirked in triumph. “But how on earth am I going to find them?”

“They’re normal girls now right?” Spitfire asked and I gave a thumbs up. “If that’s the case, they’ll need to eat. Food costs money so they most likely have a job around town. If anything, the blue haired one seemed to be the most friendly and admittedly, the stupidest one of the group. Either the other two wouldn’t clue her in on the plans in case she squealed accidentally or she knows and will say something unintentionally.”

“Sonata did like tacos,” I mused to myself. “I guess I could check all the taco restaurants in town. But you really think it’s them? Nobody has seen them since the Battle of the Bands. I’d have hightailed it out of town if I was them.”

“It’s worth a shot at least,” Spitfire commented as she shrugged nonchalantly. “Sounds like this Sonata is your best first lead I think you’ve gotten in a while.”

I nodded slowly as I clenched my fists under the desk.

“Good luck Dash,” Spitfire said as I gave a grateful nod.

I unclenched my fists, stood up and ran out the door. If I was gonna have to be checking every taco place in town, I’d have to start now. Lord have mercy if I can’t find this girl because I’ll have wasted so much time.

But here goes nothing I suppose.

Chapter VII

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I hung up another dress on the rack as I sighed internally, listening to the door go chimed again.

“Welcome to my boutique, how may I-” I paused as I turned around to be face to face with a stern looking Octavia with her arms crossed. “Octavia, hello darling.”

“Spare me the pleasantries love,” Octavia said as she held up a hand. “I’m here on business. I wish to cancel all my future dress orders from your establishment.”

“B-but why?” I asked in surprise. Octavia had always been my biggest client, which always helped boost business. Her family’s name carried a very heavy weight in Canterlot after all.

“Actions from employees from this business puts me and my family at risk for tarnishing my family’s name that we have worked very hard to acquire. Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that I go about this course of action.”

“But surely there is something we can do!” I said desperately as Octavia’s face hardened slightly with barely contained anger. I’ve only ever seen the musician angry once and it was enough to convince me I didn’t want to ever see it again.

Octavia slowly inhaled as she relaxed slightly.

“No love, there is nothing we can. I’d like to cancel my orders please and my money back within ten business days,” Octavia repeated sternly as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Of course darling! Right this way!” I said hastily and gestured for her to follow me. I inhaled sharply and stepped to a laptop. “If I may ask darling, wherever else will you go to get dresses?”

“I’m unsure yet. I do believe I heard of a Suri Polomare in the eastern side of Canterlot,” Octavia said casually as I gripped the edge of the desk.

I don’t truly hate anyone but Suri is as close as anyone has ever gotten to being hated by me. The girl was a no good thief and a backstabbing.

“I see,” I said as calmly as I could and forced a neutral expression on my face. I sighed and started typing on the laptop. “Alright darling, your money shall be deposited back into your account within ten days. If it isn’t, call us and we will sort it out.”

“Thank you love,” Octavia said and gave me a smile that made me shudder slightly. “No hard feelings of course. I must do what I have to in order to protect my lineage.”

I bit back a remark about her throwing two of her friends out of her group. I’m not Rainbow Dash or Applejack, I can control my tongue. Especially at work. Starting a fight would be very poor and quite uncouth if I’m being honest.

“Have a nice day!” Octavia said as she spun around and walked away, pushing the doors open as the girl paused to adjust her purple bow tie.

I sighed and slammed my head down on the desk. I lifted my head up and trudged to the back area, sitting down on a chair and pulling out my phone.

”What’s up sugarcube?” Applejack asked as I faintly made out her setting something heavy sounding down.

“Oh Applejack it was awful!” I wailed and placed my head down on the table we had in the break room.

”Let me guess, ya lost some more fabric or Sweetie Belle tried to help ya organize your ribbons again?”

“This is serious, Applejack!” I shouted as I inhaled. “I’m losing more and more customers from our school. First the entire fashionista club, and now Octavia. Do you know how important the Melodys are as my clients?”

”Based on how ya are yelling, Ah reckon pretty important."

“They are as important to me as Bon Bons family is to you!” I shouted as the door opened and Sweetie Belle peaked in. “One second Applejack, Sweetie Belle is here. Hello Sweetie.”

“Hey sis. I heard crying so I brought you ice cream,” Sweetie Belle smiled and held up the container with a spoon in it. “I would have brought your fainting couch but I’m not strong enough to move it. If you give me time to get Scootaloo and Apple Bloom over here, we should be able to throw it down the stairs.”

“No!” I said hastily as Applejack laughed in the background. “The ice cream alone will be fine darling. Have you found any potential leads?”

Applejack quieted down as Sweetie Belle shook her head.

“I still say Sunset. I mean, she was there at the sleepover right?” Sweetie Belle asked as I nodded. “Gives her both means and opportunity. She was obviously waiting to just betray you all. People like that never change.”

”But why fake her anger about our groupchat then? And who’s phone did she get the screenshots from? We were all there too so if it wasn’t her then...”

“It was one of us,” I finished slowly. “But who would betray the group and frame Sunset, knowing we would take the bait and accuse her.”

“I don’t think so sis,” Sweetie shook her head. “None of your friends would do something like this except well Sunset. This is just like what she did back then, remember?”

I gave a sigh as I laid down on the table.

”Ah mean, Rainbow was the most worried about Sunset going back to her old ways. Remember, she made up a whole bunch of back up plans in case Sunset went evil or was taken over by some evil Equestrian thing," Applejack pointed out. ”Most of her plans were pretty out there. Ah’d love to talk more but Ah gotta deliver these apples to Bon Bons moms candy store. Ah’ll talk to yall later."

“Bye darling. It’s always nice to hear from you.”

“Bye!” Sweetie called out as Applejack hung up. “Do you want to come play outside, Rarity? Please.”

“I am awfully busy,” I began and rubbed my chin as Sweeties face fell. “But I could use a distraction. What would you like to do?”

“Picnic at the park?” Sweetie suggested hopefully as I smiled.

“Now that I can get behind darling,” I admitted as we hugged and I kissed her forehead. “I love you Sweetie, don’t forget that.”

“Love you too!” Sweetie chimed as she let me go.

I smiled faintly as I turned away to go make us something to eat.

Chapter VIII

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Sweetie Belle

I paced back and forth in the dim classroom as I waited impatiently for my two friends to hurry the heck up.

“Finally you two are here!” I hissed as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom snuck into the room, closing the door quietly behind them. “Take all day why don’t you?”

“Gee, sorry,” Scootaloo scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I was busy with Rainbow. What’s up?”

“What do you mean, “What’s up?” You know exactly what’s up!” I snapped as Apple Bloom sat on top of a desk. “This whole thing has gone downhill. Our target was Sunset and it’s backfired! Our sisters and their friends are getting accused of this!”

“Well who was the one who posted the screenshot of the groupchat, Sweetie?” Scootaloo shot back. “Things were going well until that.”

“I accidentally clicked on it okay! And my phone died before I could delete it. Apple Bloom reacted quick enough and deleted it but it was too late. We have to end things.”

I locked eyes with Apple Bloom, who sat quietly munching on her apple.

“Or we keep blaming random classmates,” Scootaloo suggested. “We cause enough chaos, our sisters get forgotten about being blamed if everyone is fighting each other. They will be so busy fighting that they won’t even have time to fight our sisters or us. Fool proof plan.”

“And besides, Sunset wouldn’t have just deleted the account,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “That would go against everything she used to be like. That’s tuckin tail n runnin’!”

“The account was your idea, Sweetie Belle! Don’t go all scared on us now. This is a group effort,” Scootaloo grunted as she folded her arms across her chest. “Look, there’s no way this can come back to us.”

“And if it starts to, we just expose our classmates,” I admitted and looked up at the ceiling. “We wouldn’t have known half of what we did if it wasn’t for them.”

“And we didn’t even post the truly awful stuff,” Apple Bloom pointed out as she chucked her core into a nearby trash can. “Ah can’t believe half of stuff people know. Or half of what people have done or had happen to them?”

I gave a shudder with Scootaloo at the thought.

“So what happened at Rarity’s the other day? Heard something or another went down?” Scootaloo asked as I inhaled sharply.

“You know Octavia? Cello player, told Derpy that she suspected Vinyl revealed Lyra’s secret and Vinyl left her group with Derpy right after it?”

“I thought they were kicked out?” Apple Bloom asked with a confused expression.

“Vinyl was but Derpy shouted at Octavia over it and left the group willingly. And Vinyl lives with Octavia, so you already know things are tense there,” Scootaloo commented.

“Yeah. Anyway, Octavia canceled all her orders and went to do business with Suri! Suri Polomare! The evil girl from cpa!” I shouted angrily. “My sister worked so hard on that fashion line just for that stupid menace to society to steal it away from her. Literally steal!”

“Eugh Crystal Prep,” Scootaloo gagged and looked away. “Makes me wanna vomit.”

“That’s an understatement. And besides, we can’t just up and delete the account. Some people already doubt Sunset is behind it.”

“Well, we just post about them. Cloudkicker keeps her nose pretty clean but everyone has a secret. And Trixie is very easy to get dirt on.”

“When Cloudkicker ain’t banging around that is, whatever that means,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Mah sis says she’s loose but ain’t nothing seem loose on her to me if she’s talking clothes.”

“I don’t know either,” I admitted as Scootaloo nodded. “All her clothes seems to fit pretty well on her to me.”

“So have you guys been hanging with your sisters more?” Scootaloo asked curiously with an excited grin. “Rainbow took me to a hockey game the other night, it was so awesome! Did you know vomit bounces on ice?”

I turned green as I gave her a disgusted look. Apple Bloom passed me a trash can and I nodded gratefully.

“Can we please stop talking about that?” I begged as Scootaloo sheepishly nodded. “And yes, I’ve been spending almost everyday with Rarity. She even told me she loves me the other day!”

“Uh didn’t ya already know that?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

“Well yes, but I like being told that. It makes me feel all warm and happy inside!”


Apple Bloom slapped Scootaloo upside the head as I giggled into my fist as Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head.

“Don’t be mean Scoots. Applejack finally cares about her family again instead of outsiders. It’s nice to finally be milkin the cow with her or walking Winona like we used to do before Sunset came along.”

“I can’t believe milking a cow is your definition of fun,” I said and shook my head, making sure my dress was still smoothed down in the front and had no dust on it.

“Ah do other things! Like play Mario Kart or watch movies, Ah ain’t just a farmhand like Caramel is.”

I gave a faint chuckle as I patted Apple Bloom on the head.

“I know. Just playing around. Have you any of you seen Sunset recently?”

“Maybe she finally got the message she isn’t wanted here?” Scootaloo suggested with a frown. “I was a bit worried she would get depressed or kill herself but after her whole anger thing, it convinced me she won’t. While I don’t like her, I don’t want her dead.”

“None of us do,” Apple Bloom agreed and I nodded my agreement. “We just want our family back and we got it. Ah ain’t see why it’s a big problem, she’s making new friends.”

“I agree,” I added and picked up my backpack. “Cloudkicker is still coming to school, she really isn’t afraid of anyone here.”

“Probably because Dash told me her parents are military. Bet ya Cloudkicker knows how to easily kill someone in self defense,” Scootaloo reasoned. “And besides, the other blonde girl is with her twenty four seven along with Trixie.”

The bell rang as we all gave each other startled looks. I didn’t think we had spent that much time discussing the whole account thing.

“Shoot we gotta go!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she and Scootaloo grabbed their backpacks.

I nodded as the three of us bolted from the room and took off running down the hall.

In our haste to make it to class on time, none of us noticed the pink haired girl or the green haired girl watching from the shadows near the door of the room we were in with narrowed eyes.

Chapter IX

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I yawned as I stretched out on my couch, idly reading my history book as Redheart sat on the chair next to me.

“You know, Miss Cheerilee and Principal Celestia are quite worried about you. You’re lucky I’ve been updating them about you,” Redheart commented casually as she looked at my hand. “What happened to your hand?”

“Accidentally cut it doing dishes,” I said as I turned a page. “It was a pretty nasty cut.”

“Hand, now.”

“It’s fine.”

“I’m not asking, I’m telling you. Hand now,” Redheart glared at me as I sighed and placed my hand in front of her. Redheart slowly unwrapped the bandage as she examined my cut. “Who did your stitches?”

“Cloudkicker did when she came over.”

“A bit sloppy but over all good work. You might need to get it redone at a later date. Come to my apartment and I’ll help you. We’re neighbors after all,” Redheart smiled as I watched her wrap my hand up with a new bandage. “And the cuts on your wrist from after the Fall Formal?”

“Good. All healed. Few scars but that’s it,” I admitted as Redheart nodded. “How did you become a nurse by the way?”

“Served in the Army for four years, they paid for my medical school. Got some good experiences, met some good people and got a dream job,” Redheart answered as she stirred a spoon in the tea I had made for us both.

I hadn’t exactly thought Redheart was the type to serve in any military. That did explain where she got her no nonsense attitude from, especially when it came to students refusing first aid or trying to argue with her.

“You ever think some people don’t deserve to live?” I asked as I looked up from my book. “I’m not suicidal, don’t worry.”

“I’m a nurse. It’s my job to save lives regardless of who they are. It’s not my job to play executioner,” Redheart answered. “But sometimes I will admit, I do have to pick who lives and dies. Did I ever tell you the story about the time a police officer and a suspect came into my ER, both at risk of dying?”

“No,” I said and shook my head.

“If I picked the suspect, the officer would have died and she would have left her kid behind. But if I picked the officer, the suspect would have died and left no one behind because he pushed everyone out of his life after he stole from his whole family to buy drugs. It’s not easy picking who gets to live and who gets to die, it weighs heavily on a person’s conscience.”

“Who did you pick?”

“The officer. And another doctor came in right on time to help save the suspect,” Redheart smiled as she leaned in her chair.

“Just a question. What’s the point of the story?”

“I don’t know,” Redheart answered as she shrugged. “You asked a dumb ass question, so I gave a dumb ass response.”

I tossed my head back slightly and laughed, wiping a tear out of my eye as Redheart chuckled.

“You know, most people would be weirded out by us hanging out,” I said casually as Redheart crossed her legs, still in her blue nurse scrubs.

“I don’t give a damn what people think. We’re friends after all. How old do you even think I am?” Redheart demanded as I turned pale.

I examined the young women closely as Redheart raised an eyebrow slightly. She honestly didn’t look much older than me.

“Twenty seven,” I said finally. “You’re twenty seven.”

“You’re obviously trying to get laid,” Redheart snorted as I gave a chuckle. Most be weirded out by that but I’m eighteen, it’s perfectly okay. With that said, I’m not sleeping with my school nurse. We have a special way of trying to tease the other the best. “But close, I’m twenty six. Joined the army at eighteen. You would know this all if you actually came to school more.”

“What’s the point?” I asked as Redheart maintained eye contact. “If you haven’t noticed, I have a giant target on my back right now. Only you, Cheerilee, Celestia and Luna believe I’m innocent.”

“And Time Turner,” Redheart corrected before she drank from her tea. “He also does.”

I paused as I gave her a startled look as she gave me a smug smile. I hadn’t really been in any of Mr. Turners classes, but it’s nice to have him believe in me at least.

“Okay it’s you, them and Cloudkicker out of a few hundred people,” I rolled my eyes as Redheart grunted in reply. “Not very good odds.”

“The truth is gonna come out. What happens in the dark always comes out in the light,” Redheart quoted as I raised an eyebrow.

“That’s a fucking quote right there,” I muttered as Redheart snorted.

“Damn right it is.”

“You cuss an awful lot for a nurse,” I pointed out as Redheart laughed again.

“All nurses and doctors curse. We see so much shit on a daily basis. Thank fuck I don’t work in the psychological ward, otherwise I’d be driven freaking mad.”

I will admit, I had a huge respect for nurses, especially Redheart. She always was looking out for me or bringing food over when I first got over here. I hadn’t entirely been kind to her but she surprisingly forgave me.

“I’m sorry by the way. I wasn’t always kind to you,” I said as Redheart patted my non injured hand.

“Water under the bridge. What kind of nurse would I be if I didn’t help a person in need. Or pony in your case,” Redheart smirked at me as I turned red.

“I still am angry Pinkie told others without my permission. I’d have been fine if she just added but well, we aren’t friends right now. Possibly never will be.”

“Since I’m not at work, I can say this,” Redheart began casually and sipped at her tea. “Everyone who’s against you can go fuck themselves, especially those girls. I’m gonna have to bitch at Cloudkicker for her sloppy stitching, I thought her mom taught her better than that.”

“You know Clouds mom?”

“Of course!” Redheart answered as she set her cup down. “We served together. Obviously, she and Cloudkickers dad are still active service but we still hang out here and there. If anything ever happens to them, I get custody of Lavender and Cloud.”

I nodded slightly. I didn’t entirely know Lavender Lace that well but Cloudkicker did say she was gonna introduce us properly shortly.

“I gotta get a shower and hit the hay. It was nice talking to you again Sunset. Come over this Saturday for dinner, some co workers might be coming over. Nurse Sweetheart might be busy with her kid but Coldheart will be there as there’s booze,” Redheart commented as she rolled her eyes.

“I’ll probably be there. Not that far of a walk either,” I joked as we both laughed.

I waved as Redheart walked to my door, opened it and left, closing it behind her as I heard it lock.

I stifled a yawn as I turned back to my homework.

Work first, then sleep.

Chapter X

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I shoved the final box of apples out of the truck bed and onto the loading bay of Bon Bons family store as the cream colored girl stood with her arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Hurry up Applebitch, we have places to be!” Strawberry Sunrise called out as I gritted my teeth and Bon Bon laughed.

“Alright now let’s see these apples,” Bon Bon said casually as she got a crowbar Strawberry tossed her and with a surprising amount of strength, cracked open a case. “What is this Applejack?”

I peered inside at a few bruised apples and shrugged.


“But they’re bruised!” Bon Bon pointed out and stomped her foot down. “At the Sweet Shoppe, we pride ourselves on having the best produce to use for candy for our customers and we accept nothing less. The last few cases have also had moldy apples in them.”

“Ah’m sorry about that. Every case is gonna have a few bad apples in it,” I said as Strawberry snickered to herself.

“Takes a bad apple to know one, right Bons?”

Bon Bon chuckled again as I gave the girls a flat look.

“Anyways, we don’t want to do business with the Apples anymore. We also would like our money back for these cases of apples and the moldy ones we had to throw away,” Bon Bon said nonchalantly as my eyes widened.

“Over just a couple cases? That ain’t nothin though!”

“It is to us. And if the Apples can’t give us quality produce, we will explore other avenues to get said products for our customers.”

I looked desperately at the two as Strawberry hid a smile behind a hand, turning away to start sweeping the loading bay.

“Does ya mom know about this?” I asked curiously as Bon Bon narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

“Who’s idea do you think this was?” Bon Bon asked as my face fell. “I don’t own the company, I don’t make decisions but I can enforce them.”

I sighed and straightened my hat. Bon Bons family was the only place that really allowed us to have my family’s more experimental products on their shelves. And now we owed them a decent amount of money.

“A-ah understand sugarcube. Ah’ll make Granny aware and she will iron out the details with ya kin, alright?”

“Excellent. Now kindly load up all these cases and get them out of here. We have a delivery of apples coming from out of state and we need this area cleared.”

“Got any people to help me?” I asked as my eyes drifted over to the twelve large crates of apples. I could normally do it myself but I was exhausted after getting them off the truck bed.

“Unfortunately, everyone has gone home for the night. You got them off the truck, you can get them back on. I’d offer to let you use our forklift but it’s unfortunately broken at the moment,” Bon Bon answered as she held a door open for Strawberry that lead to the front of the store. “Oh and Applejack?”


“Don’t come back. If we ever change our minds, we want Big Mac or Sugar Belle to do the deliveries, not you. If you do come back, we will have you trespassed.”

“It means she’ll have you arrested for being on private property,” Strawberry snarked as she laughed. “Kinda have to explain things on a simple level for you country folk. You country people really aren’t all that bright.”

I gritted my teeth again as I felt my face start to burn red hot as my two classmates disappeared behind the door, watching it slam as Bon Bon talked to a spitting image of her but a bit older image.

I groaned and sat on the tailgate, texting Big Mac and hopefully Rainbow to come help me. I started to swing my legs back and forth, idly counting as I picked up my phone again and called Fluttershy.

”hi Applejack.”

“Hey Flutters. What ya up to?” I asked and laid on my back to look up at the clouds.

”Talking to my pet bunny, you?” Fluttershy asked as I heard animal sounds in her background.

“Laying on the bed of the family truck, waiting for Big Mac and Rainbow to come help me load up all these apples again. Apparently they weren’t up to Miss Drops liking and Bon Bon got mad at me about a few bruised ones.”

”Oh, no. That sounds awful.”

“Tell me about it. We apparently owe them money now too for all the moldy apples they got last shipment ah did. Ah was just here last week and they ain’t say nothing about not doing business with us no more then. Ah ain’t sure what the hell is goin on.”

”I hope it gets sorted out.”

“Me too sugarcube me too. Did ya get that yet from Rainbow a few nights? Something or another about her wantin to find that blue haired siren girl?”

”Mhm, yeah I did. Sonata seemed less scary of the three so I think it might be helpful. And I was a bit worried about them all, with their pendants being destroyed. I hope they aren’t starving.”

I gave a faint chuckle as I watched the birds flying over heard along with a few airplanes.

“Ah can’t say ah trust them girls but ah wouldn’t wish starving on anyone. Not even on mah worst enemy.”

”Me neither. First Rainbow gets kicked off all sport teams, then Rarity loses business and now your family. I hope Pinkie or myself isn’t next.”

I hoped so too. Fluttershy is probably the nicest girl I’ve ever met other than Derpy and Cheerilee. I can safely say that Rainbow would probably hit whoever wronged Fluttershy. Hell, I’d probably be waiting in line myself.

“Well ah gotta go. You still coming to lunch at the mall tomorrow?”

”Mhm. And then I’m going to the animal shelter this weekend to volunteer. It’s mine and Sweet Leaves turn.”

I didn’t know the eco kid that well but anyone who runs an animal shelter is good with me. The few times I’ve talked to Sweet Leaves was decent enough.

“Bye sugarcube, see ya then!”


I waited for the click and sighed as Big Macs truck came to a stop with Rainbow in the passenger seat as I swung off the tailgate.

“Hey,” Rainbow said as she climbed out of the truck and walked up. “What’s up?”

“Apparently Bon Bons ma ain’t wantin to do business with us anymore.”

“The fuck?” Rainbow scoffed as Bon Bon and Strawberry peered out the window as the second girl stepped outside.

“Hey be careful Applebitch with Rainbow. She might break your truck like she broke Blossomforth!”

Rainbow turned red as Big Mac and I gave each other worried looks before we each grabbed a shoulder.

“Let it go Dash. Just help us and ignore her,” I said as Rainbow inhaled.


With a sigh, I let go and went to work.

Chapter XI

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I stretched slightly in my seat at the mall as I waited for Cloudkicker to get here. I examined the semi busy place as I watched various employees hanging up Christmas decorations. I had completely forgotten I was supposed to be with my friends this year for Christmas but that plan was canceled evidently.

I sighed and looked away as I wiped a tear out of the corner of my eye as a chair was scraped back and someone plopped in across from me.

“You good?” Cloudkicker asked as a spitting image of Cloudkicker sat near me. I gave her a weary look as I vaguely recognized her as the girl from Trixie’s band. Mainly as the one who had tried hiding her laughter at Snips and Snails “rapping.”

“I’m okay,” I lied and shrugged as the other girl gave me a doubtful look.

“Uh huh. This is my twin, Lavender Lace. Lavender, Sunset,” Cloudkicker pointed at us both as I waved timidly.

“Yo,” Lavender said as she leaned back I’m her chair with a grin. “How’s it hanging?”

“She’s going through a phase,” Cloudkicker rolled her eyes. “Hence the sunglasses, thinks it’s make her look more gangster looking. Consider yourself lucky you didn’t have to listen to her rap the whole way here.”

“I am not!” Lavender snapped with a blush as she took her sunglasses off and stuffed her in her jacket.

A loud popping sound followed by a bunch of smoke made us three start coughing.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Of course,” Cloudkicker coughed into her fist before she glared at Trixie with a raised eyebrow. “Did you have to do that now?”

“Yes,” Trixie said as she sat down with four milkshakes. “Trixie brought everyone milkshakes but if you’re gonna be a bitch Cloudkicker, Trixie will give yours to a random child.”

“Okay,” Cloudkicker admitted after a moment. “Sorry, I’ll take the shake. But giving one to a kid does have it’s appeal.”

“It does,” Lavender admitted as she accepted her shake gratefully. “So uh, tell me about yourself Sunset.”

I idly felt like I was at a job interview now. Especially with all three of them looking at me as Trixie loudly slurped at her shake.

“Well I’m a pony-” I started.

“Everyone knows that,” Trixie interjected as Lavender slapped her upside the head. “Ow!”

“Well, I play guitar and sing for money at a nearby bar,” I said with a shrug. “They pay me to keep people coming. The others used to sometimes perform with me but I just do solo now. Gotta pay bills after all.”

“Trixie knows the one. She’s seen you there. You’re definitely the best of the Rainbooms but it’s not hard to be better than them,” Trixie said with disdain. “They’re behind all this in general.”

“You of all people are on my side?” I asked in surprise as Trixie nodded with a shrug.

“Trixie didn’t really know who else believed her so she couldn’t do much. But yeah, she is. She didn’t wanna risk losing her friendship with Lavender.”

I suppose that made sense. Trixie and I didn’t really talk much but she wasn’t all that bad. Especially considering since I was alone except for a few people.

“Anon a bitch,” someone snickered as a group of girls walked past and I stiffened up as my other friends gave the other group dirty looks.

“Typical,” Lavender snorted as she pushed her chair out. “What’s up Aqua Blossom?”

Our classmate stopped and looked back as I vaguely recognized Aqua Blossom, Rainbowshine, Cloudchaser and Flitter.

“Nothing. Just wondering why you’re with the likes of her,” Aqua Blossom pointed at me with a sneer as Lavender narrowed her eyes.

“Because she’s my friend, now fuck off unless you wanna go outside,” Lavender cracked her knuckles.

“Leave it Lavender,” I sighed and shook my head. “It’s whatever.”

“Yeah listen to her,” Flitter snickered as Cloudkicker and Trixie glared at her.

“Trixie thinks you’re the most annoying on the planet.”

“Yeah well Flitter thinks you’re a retard for talking how you do.”

Trixie’s face fell as Cloudkicker stood up.

“That’s enough,” Cloudkicker said coldly as I watched with narrowed eyes. “Trixie can talk however she wants.”

“Hmph,” Flitter said as Rainbowshine snickered and slapped Trixie’s ponytail and well, everything went to hell.

Trixie spun around and slapped Rainbowshine across the face as I stood up hastily as a crowd gathered around.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” Trixie said quietly as she stood next to me.

“Back off,” I warned as Aqua Blossom helped her friend up. I clenched my fists and spread my feet slightly as Cloudkicker and Lavender joined Trixie and myself.

Cloudchaser inhaled and swung as Lavender leaned back and swung back, punching her in the jaw as Flitter ran at Cloudkicker.

I narrowly avoided Aqua Blossoms fist as I watched Cloudkicker pick up Flitter and bodyslam her on the ground as the crowd gasped.

I winced in pain as Aqua Blossom punched my jaw and I stumbled a bit into a table.

I grabbed my shake and slammed it into her head as I tackled the girl and we went rolling into a wall.

I yanked her hair and slammed her head into said wall before punching her in the face as she gave a pained cry.

“I’ve about fucking had it with people recently!” I snapped and continued punching her as Aqua weakly grabbed my face and kicked me between my legs.

I slammed her head again as she moaned in pain and I released her as Lavender was thrown into a table and Cloudchaser glared at her.

“Oh fuck,” Lavender moaned as she held her side. I stood up shakily to help her as Trixie swung a chair into Cloudchasers head and the girl fell in a pile.

“Hey!” Flitter shouted angrily as she punched Cloudkicker who quickly returned the punch and Flitter fell to the floor. “I’ll call the cops!”

“Your girl started this,” Cloudkicker retorted as Trixie turned to continue fighting Rainbowshine. “Touching Trixie was instigating. It would have been between them two but you all had to get involved.”

“Cops have been called already!” Someone from the crowd shouted.

“Stop fighting!” Derpy shouted from the front of the crowd as the normally shy girl looked green and about to cry.

“Oof!” Trixie grunted as Rainbowshine kicked her to ground. Cloudkicker glared at Flitter rolling on the ground as I faintly realized I was bleeding from the nose.

Rainbowshine punched Trixie as Cloudkicker kicked Rainbowshine in the face and the girl cried as she fell onto her side and I helped Trixie up as Lavender stumbled over.

“Police, freeze!”

A few police officers started pushing through the crowd as we all froze and looked at the girls. Aqua Blossom was sitting against a wall and wiping blood off her face as Rainbowshine and Flitter picked up an unconscious Cloudchaser.

“We should probably run now,” Trixie noted dryly. “I’m not really interested in going to jail for assault and disturbing the peace.”

“We agree on that at least,” Cloudkicker admitted as Aqua and the other girls ran off in a different direction.

“And I’m from a different world. I don’t wanna risk becoming a lab project.”

“Bitches man. I just wanted to enjoy a shake with my new friend,” Lavender grunted and wiped some blood off her face. “We should probably run like Trixie said.”

“My place,” I said immediately. “Redheart can help us.”

“Good idea,” Cloudkicker answered. “Car is parked near the entrance just next to Golden Oaks Library.”

We took off running as Cloudkicker carried a half conscious Trixie behind her.

Why must my life be so damn complicated?

Chapter XII

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“Do I even want to ask what you girls got yourselves into this time?” Redheart asked flatly as she examined my face before gently touching my cheek and I winced in pain.

“Probably not,” Cloudkicker admitted as a yellow women with two tone blue hair was cleaning Trixie’s face. “She got hit a few times, Coldheart.”

“I can see that,” Coldheart muttered as she moved over slightly to Cloudkicker. “Musta been a helluva fight. Who started it?”

“Rainbowshine, Flitter, Cloudchaser and Aqua Blossom,” Trixie said before chuckling. “If you think we look bad, you should see them. Sunset slammed Aqua’s head against a wall repeatedly while punching her with her other hand.”

“Trixie knocked out Cloudchaser with a chair. Rainbowshine slapped Trixie’s ponytail and well, you can see what happened after,” Cloudkicker gestured to her face.

“Might have a few bruises and a black eye for a bit,” Nursery Rhyme said as continued applying ointment to Lavenders face. The girl was surprisingly shorter than her older counterparts. I don’t even know how old she is.

“How old is this is girl?” Lavender asked as Nursery frowned.

“Oh she’s twenty four I believe. She’s our intern,” Redheart waved a hand. “No biggie, she’s being trained by Sweetheart. Sunset, meet my friend Coldheart.”


“Hey. So you’re the one who has that problem with those girls, right?” Coldheart asked as she tossed Cloudkicker some pain medication. “Your former squad?”

“Mhm, it’s a pretty shitty experience.”

“You should have told the police what happened,” Nursery’s frown deepened as she looked at me. “Sounds like self defense to me.”

“Meh, there was people there who saw the other girls start it. Besides, I was more afraid of any potential classmates lying and saying we started it,” I shot back as Trixie groaned and stretched on my couch.

We had been more worried about her, Trixie had passed out as soon as Cloudkicker laid her on my couch. But apparently she would be fine and had no concussion.

“Surprised you of all people stuck up for me,” Trixie said as she grimaced and rolled her head to look at Cloudkicker. “You hate me.”

“Well, I couldn’t just let them insult you for how you speak. You don’t control that. And I definitely wasn’t about to let you get jumped. I also don’t hate you,” Cloudkicker commented as she dusted off her skirt. “I think you need to tone down the blowhard attitude but that’s it.”

“I do not blow hard, I blow slow!” Trixie shouted as we all stared at her and I blinked. “That came out poorly.”

“You don’t even blow in general Trixie, you’re gay,” Lavender pointed out flatly.

“Unless she blows a-,” Cloudkicker started as Lavender covered her mouth with her hand as I chuckled.

“How did we even get on this topic?” Nursery muttered under her breath.

“Don’t ask,” I warned as Cloudkicker snickered. “Do you think the others got arrested?”

“No. Flitter already texted me,” Cloudkicker answered. “I was in the weather club with her sister but not anymore obviously because Cloudchaser is a jerk. Anyway, apparently they got away but aren’t pressing charges because it looks bad on them as is. Cameras already show them starting it.”

“Joy,” I muttered as someone knocked on my door.

“I got it,” Coldheart shrugged as she stood up and went to the door, opening it. “Hey it’s the police. Something about Principal Celestia sending them here for a welfare check.”

“Okay. Uh send them in,” I said and looked around my apartment for anything that could get me arrested as a man with blue hair walked in behind Coldheart. “Uhm hi?”

“Hi, I’m Shining Armor. Sunset Shimmer I presume?”


“Alright well everything seems okay except you’re bruised to all heck. What happened?”

I looked at Cloudkicker who nodded subtly.

“Got attacked at the mall with my friends but other than that we’re good,” I admitted as Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. “That’s all.”

“Oh yeah I heard about that. Well, it did seem like self defense to me. Anything else you need to tell me?” Shining Armor asked as he pulled out a pen.

“Not off the top of my head. Girls?”



“Trixie can’t recall anything else of importance.”

Shining Armor watched us with a neutral expression before nodding.

“Okay,” he said finally. “Here’s my card. I’ll be in contact if I have anymore questions but at this point, I don’t think I will. Seems like a simple self defense to me.”

“Alright have a good,” I said as the officer finished writing something down, handed me a card and walked right back out with a wave. “That was well unique.”

“That’s how it usually goes,” Redheart commented as she and the other nurses started cleaning up their first aid kits. “If any of your injuries gets worse, go to the hospital.”

“It’s raining like hell,” Trixie groaned and sat up. I listened to the sound of rain pounding on the roof of my apartment and winced. I normally loved the rain and all but now it just made me think about how shitty everything has been recently. Strange how things work out that way. “I hate driving in the rain.”

“Well,” I started as the girls looked at me and I winced. Cloudkicker was already evidently going to have a black eye on based on the bruising. “If you want, you can stay the night. Goes for Lavender and Cloudkicker too.”

“Like a sleepover?” Trixie asked as the nurses quietly slipped out of my apartment and shut the door quietly behind them. “Are you five?”

“Trixie!” Lavender hissed and elbowed her. “Be nice.”

“Don’t gotta call it that if you don’t want to,” I replied and pulled a blanket over me, wincing as I did so. “Just friends hanging out over night. Or you can drive in the rain, your choice.”

“Trixie will stay,” Trixie announced after looking at her phone and grumbling. “It’ll be raining for a few hours at least it says. Trixie will call her parents.”

“We’re down,” Lavender and Cloudkicker said in unison as I nodded.

“Got any movies?” Lavender asked as I proudly gestured to my large collection. “Jesus girl, are you running a Family Video?”

Cloudkicker and I looked at each other before laughing.

Maybe I was wrong about being alone. I’ve been wrong about a lot of things recently.

Chapter XIII

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I sat with my legs crossed on Sunset’s floor as she and Lavender were sitting behind me on the couch as we watched some random movie I had picked off the shelf.

“I want a transforming car,” Lavender grumbled as we watched the Camaro transform. “Be sick as hell.”

“Can Trixie use your shower?” Trixie asked as she stood up and stretched, grimacing slightly. Sunset had loaned us pajamas and they were a bit tight on me but fit okay is.

“Trixie, this isn’t your house,” Lavender admonished as she looked over.

“She can use it,” Sunset interjected and pointed up her stairs. “First door on the left. Take as long as you need.”

Trixie nodded gratefully as she bounded up the stairs and disappeared into a room.

“Don’t you pay for the water? How long you gonna let her be up there?” I asked curiously as Sunset shrugged.

“Long as she wants. And yeah I do.”

“Girl how can you afford that?” Lavender asked as Sunset stood up and walked over to a door, putting in a code and opening it.

Our jaws dropped as some gold coins tumbled and Sunset stepped back to reveal two large piles of them.

“Is that real gold?” Lavender asked with a stunned expression as Sunset nodded, tossing us both a coin and I rolled it around my fingers.

The coin had a head of a horse with some unreadable words on it.

“Yeah, it’s a bit. I emptied out my bank account before I came here. The words mean Friendship is Forever. It’s the Equestrian motto Celestia chose. I thought it sounded stupid at first but meh.”

“How much is there?” I asked as we handed the coins back.

“About two million,” Sunset said casually as she set the coins back down and shut the door as we stared at her.

“I’m sorry, two million?” Lavender repeated. “And you live here? Why not somewhere else? Or have a whole ass house?”

“I like it here, it’s home. Plus, living next to a friend is nice. I never truly cared about this place until after the Fall Formal and then I tried to make it unique,” Sunset explained as I closed my jaw.

“Makes sense,” I commented as Sunset sat back down, pausing the movie.

“So Trixie can watch. So what do you girls wanna do now?”

My eyes looked around the apartment and fell on a blue guitar and I pointed at it.

“Sing us a song,” I suggested as Sunset looked at it. “We all like your singing regardless.”

“I don’t know. I haven’t touched that guitar in a bit,” Sunset said uncertainty as she picked it up and stared at it.

“Can’t be that bad,” Lavender reasoned as looked at her as Sunset inhaled. “Come on.”

“Okay,” Sunset said and started strumming her guitar, inhaling again. “Since the day I was led to temptation, and in weakess did let your love down. I have prayed that with time and compassion you’d come around. And I keep waiting for you to forgive me, and you keep saying you can’t even start. And I feel like a stone you have picked up and thrown. To the hard rock bottom of your heart, to the hard rock bottom of your heart.”

I covered my eyes slightly with Lavender as Sunset glowed a bright red as she sprouted pony ears and longer hair.

“Now, this home we have built is still standing, it’s foundation is on solid ground. Do we roll up our sleeves and repair it or burn it down,” Sunset sung as I smiled faintly. “And I keep waiting for you to forgive me, and you keep saying you can’t even start. And I feel like a stone you have picked up and thrown. To the hard rock bottom of your heart, to the hard rock bottom of your heart. We can’t just block it out, we’ve got to talk it out until our hearts get back in touch. I need your love, I miss it. I can’t go on like this, it hurts too much.”

Sunset sighed as she set her guitar aside and looked at us as she quit glowing.

“Well?” Sunset asked with a tired smiled as we both clapped.

“Guitar could use tuning but other that, very good.”

We all looked up to where Trixie stood in pajamas and a bra as Lavender turned bright red.

“Trixie!” Lavender shouted as she looked away. “Put a shirt on, for fucks sake!”

Sunset burst out laughing as I eyed Trixie up and down. She looked surprisingly thin as she pressed her arms to her side.

“Trixie’s shirt is soaked so she can’t Lavender. Trixie’s attention was caught by singing and guitar,” Trixie commented as she walked down the stairs and dropped down on the couch as Lavender handed her a blanket. “Also Sunset?”

“Yeah Trixie?” Sunset asked as she struggled to stop laughing.

“Why do you have horse shampoo instead of regular shampoo in your shower?”

“Oh I prefer horse shampoo over regular human ones. Reminds me of what I used to put in my mane as a filly,” Sunset explained as she picked up the remote. “I never really have guest’s over so I never saw a need for human shampoo.”

“Did you actually use it?” Lavender asked as she hid a giggle behind her hand as Trixie gave a thumbs up.

“Felt like normal shampoo to me. I didn’t notice until I saw the stallion on the front.”

“That’s a pretty good indicator it’s not for humans,” I noted with a smirk. “What’s it do?”

“Helps prevent split ends and improves hair thickness. My hair also grows a bit faster because of it,” Sunset answered as she yawned. “I’m tired.”

“Fighting would do that,” Lavender quipped as I chuckled. “I’m tired too.”

I curled up a bit more on the blanket bed Sunset had made for the three of as I yawned myself.

“Goodnight, I’m going to bed,” I muttered as the others chuckled.

“Night sis.”

“Night Cloudkicker.”

“Goodnight, thanks for preventing from me being jumped.”

I chuckled as I closed my eyes and passed out.

Chapter XIV

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I laid on the couch and listened to my friends even breathing as Lavender rolled over in her sleep. I wish I could be asleep but well, I don’t know. The rain sometimes helps me fall asleep but not tonight.

“Can’t sleep?”

I jumped slightly and looked over as Trixie stared at me, rubbing her eyes.

“No,” I admitted as Trixie frowned. “Busy thinking about what to do after all this is over.”

“I have a few ideas,” Trixie said with a shrug. “You move on, there’s no point being stuck in the past. You can either adapt and survive or die with the past. The choice is yours.”

“I’m not sure that Star Wars quote fits. I’d rather not die in general.”

“I tried,” Trixie gave a faint smile. “But, I can relate. I’d rather not die either.”

I fell silent as Trixie’s purple eyes examined me intently and the magician sighed.

“You know, Trixie doesn’t blame you. If you ever did do something like this,” Trixie admitted as I raised an eyebrow. “Not that I think you are obviously. The Rainbooms did treat you poorly to begin with. Sure, you treated everyone bad but they didn’t necessarily help you on your redemption quest. We all saw and heard them with their no offense comments. They technically did this to themselves.”

“Nobody deserves this Trixie,” I shot back as Trixie shook her head. “Not even them, not you or me.”

“I understand but-”

“What exactly do you understand? The fact that I’ve been betrayed by people I once called family to the point where it took Redheart locking up all my sharp knives because she was afraid I’d kill myself?” I snapped angrily as I looked down at my old cuts and Trixie’s eyes fell on them too. “You weren’t the one who did this to herself.”

Trixie rolled her left wrist over and I stared at some scar marks as Trixie made eye contact with me sadly.

“Trixie understands. More than you know.”

I slid off the couch and lifted Trixie’s arm, tracing her cut marks with a finger.

“Why?” I asked finally and looked back at her.

“Why does anyone does this?” Trixie pointed out and shrugged. “Everyone has problems going on that not many know about. I do, you do. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if the principals didn’t have their own issues.”

I nodded quietly as I let go of Trixie’s hand and she rubbed her wrist. I subconsciously copied her as Trixie smiled slightly.

“I never had anyone to talk to but you do. I’m jealous really,” Trixie said and her eyes looked down as I squeezed her hand.

“You can always talk to me,” I answered as Trixie smiled at me. “I’ll give you my number before you leave to go home.”

“Thank you, Sunset.”

We fell silent as we sat quietly listening to the rain and our friends snoring softly.

“Can I ask a personal question?” I asked as Trixie snorted and showed me her wrist again.

“I don’t think things can get more personal than they already are.”

“Why do you talk the way you do?”

Trixie stiffened slightly as she glared at me and I edged backed nervously as Trixie let out a sigh.

“It’s autism, I can’t really control when I slip into third person. Most people don’t understand what it’s like because they never had it and never will. It comforts me to speak in third person. My only friend is Lavender and well, you and her sister now. Fuchsia and I aren’t on speaking terms right now. Those two never cared about my disability when everyone else called me a retard or a failure. Not even you called me a retard in your bad days.”

I stayed silent as Trixie quit rubbing her wrist and looked back at me.

“If I try hard enough or am with people I trust, I speak in first person more often. Kinda like how I’ve been doing tonight.”

I had partially noticed that she had been speaking in first person more tonight. I blinked and looked around the room. It was about one am and I internally cringed at the mess of pop bottles and pizza boxes I’d have to clean up in the morning.

“You trust me?” I asked curiously as Trixie nodded.

“Mhm, I wouldn’t be telling you this if I didn’t. And I admit, Cloudkicker too. We had our problems with each other in the past but I suppose that’s in the past now. She did help me not get jumped so I owe her for that,” Trixie admitted as she opened a nearby pop bottle and took a sip.

Cloudkicker let out a snore as we both looked over at the girl laying on her back as we both looked at each other and laughed quietly.

“I never really talked to Cloudkicker or Lavender until now. You and I exchanged hellos here and there but that was it,” I said as Trixie looked at me sheepishly. “You never really seemed into it.”

“I’m not really a morning person. I don’t like waking up in general. I’d rather stay in bed for a few hours.”

I gave a faint chuckle as I patted Trixie’s hand reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, me too. I’m named Sunset after all, not Sunrise. I’ve always had a bit more of an appreciation for Mom’s sunsets.”

“Sunsets are always beautiful in my opinion,” Trixie agreed. “The actual things, not you. Not saying you aren’t beautiful of course but you know. I’m gonna shut up now.”

I laughed quietly into my hsnd to avoid waking up Cloudkicker and Lavender as Trixie rolled her eyes, pushing me gently. I idly made a mental note to buy a few air mattresses in case they ever come back again.

I never really had any guests except Redheart coming over for beers or dinner. As friends, obviously. It was a bit nice to have a place to get away from Rainbow and Pinkies antics that was nice and quiet and well, mine.

“Are you still with me?” Trixie asked as she waved her hand in front of my face. “Sunset?”

“Yeah sorry. Was just thinking about how it’s nice to have company here. Redheart is nice and all obviously but it gets lonely just being with her.”

“Relatable. I’m gonna try to go back to sleep. Goodnight Sunset.”

I leaned in and hugged Trixie as she froze before hugging me back. I gave a yawn as I fell beside her and closed my eyes.

I felt my friend drag her blanket over us with a spare hand as I smiled faintly.

“Goodnight Trixie.”

Chapter XV

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Lavender Lace

I yawned and winced slightly as sunlight from Sunset’s kitchen blinded me.

“Stupid sun,” I grumbled under my breath. Lucky bastard, Sunset is. Every apartment I’ve ever been in didn’t have no sunlight. Benefits of her living on the top floor. I blinked a few times as I grew used to the light, looking around as my eyes widened at Trixie and Sunset hugging each other as they both snored. “Ayo, look at this!”

I pushed Cloudkicker with my boot as she moaned and gave me a dirty look.

“What?” Cloudkicker muttered as she sat up rubbing her eyes. I pointed to our two friends and she stared with wide eyes. “Woah.”

“I know right?” I snickered as I stood up and stretched. “Come on, let’s take a few pictures. This is so awesome.”

Cloudkicker rolled her eyes with a smirk as I took several pictures before saving them and setting my phone back down.

“Sunset! Trixie! Wake up, love birds!” I shouted as the two grumbled and opened their eyes, staring at each other.

“Oh this is embarrassing,” Trixie muttered and rubbed the back of her head. “We didn’t do anything, I swear!”

“We know. We would have heard if you two did,” Cloudkicker said as she yawned and cracked her neck. “I’m getting some breakfast delivered, what do you all want?”

“Wait don’t!” Sunset said hastily as Cloudkicker paused with her phone in her hand and she gave Sunset a confused. “If someone from school delivers it, they will know where I live and it’ll be over for me. Why don’t we just go out somewhere?”

“There’s a Perkins down the street,” Trixie chimed in.

“God I haven’t been there in ages,” I mused as Cloudkicker nodded. “I’m down with that.”

“Same,” Cloudkicker agreed before narrowing her eyes at Sunset. “You’re gonna have to get off your fear. You can’t just stay inside forever like this.”

“I know,” Sunset sighed as she picked up her phone. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth. Spare tooth brushes are upstairs and your guys clothes are in the dryer. Well, minus your underwear and bras of course. You’re on your own for that one.”

I turned red faintly as I face planted back on the leather couch as I listened to the sink turn on in the kitchen and a pair of clothes hit me in the head.

“Get dressed,” Cloudkicker said as she tugged her shirt on.

“Trixie!” I shouted as the blue girl dropped her pajamas off and started putting her dress back on. “I do not want to see your underwear!”

“You saw me in my bra yesterday and about ten minutes ago,” Trixie countered as I rolled my eyes.

“That’s different and you know it!”

I opened my mouth to argue but closed it as I hastily stepped into the kitchen, stripping down myself and quickly put my skirt and top on, donning my yellow jacket last.

I stepped out of the kitchen where Sunset was brushing her hair and Cloudkicker grudgingly zipping up Trixie’s trademark blue dress.

“Hey, wanna go see Blossomforth real fast?” I suggested suddenly as they all looked at me. “She lives on the first floor for easy entrance and exit.”

“Yeah we can swing by if it’s cool with Sunset,” Cloudkicker said as Sunset gave a thumbs up and sprayed some perfume on herself. “Ponies use perfume?”

“Yeah. It’s made differently back home but it’s pretty much a universal need to smell nice,” Sunset answered as the bottle was tossed around the three of us remaining.

I set the bottle down as Sunset unlocked her door and stuck a key in her pocket as I shut the door behind me. We stopped to watch Sunset lock her door and we all started towards the elevator. I’ll be damned if I’m walking down thirty five flights.

I stopped in front of the elevator and called for it as Trixie started tapping her foot impatiently.

“Can you not?” I snapped as Trixie stopped. “Thank you.”

“Sorry, tic.”

Now I felt like an asshole. I was a bit more on the mean side without coffee, especially early in the morning. The elevators doors opened and we all filed in as Cloudkicker pressed a button and the doors closed.

“At least the elevator works this time,” Sunset said as she leaned against the wall. “Last time, it stopped working for a week. I was exhausted but fit after walking up all those stairs.”

“I’d have chosen death instead,” Trixie commented casually as she pulled a hair brush from her purse and started brushing it.

I giggled slightly as Cloudkickers eyes stayed on the numbers, watching them steadily decrease till the doors opened with a ding.

Sunset pushed herself off the wall as we all exited the elevator, following my sister as we wove around the hallways.

“There’s a fifty fifty chance Blossom is awake. It varies when she has the energy to get up,” Cloudkicker explained as we stopped at a door labeled one oh seven and I knocked.

“Coming!” A cheerful voice from inside called out as I waited, listening to the sound of the lock being undone. The door opened and I looked down with a grin as Blossomforth wheeled her wheelchair back, smiling back. “Hey Cloudy, hey Lavender. Sunset and Trixie too, wow. Never had you guys visit before.”

“Hey,” I said and hugged her. “Care if we come in?”

“Of course!” Blossomforths smile grew as she wheeled further into the apartment and we all followed as Trixie gently shut the door. “So what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Just dropping by to say hi. Spent the night at Sunset’s because it was raining a bit hard. We talked about getting you but you’re usually asleep and refuse to leave the apartment past nine.”

“There’s always next time,” Blossomforth reassured us as she locked her wheels. “It’s nice to see you all again. Been doing school at home recently. It’s way easier.”

“Right,” Sunset said as we all sat down.

“How you doing? I see Cloudkicker realized she was wrong,” Blossomforth frowned at me and my sister as we both looked away sheepishly. “Can’t believe that of all things at that school is happening.”

“I’m okay,” Sunset admitted as she rested her hands on the table. “You?”

“Getting by.”

“Hey wanna join us for breakfast?” Trixie suggested as she dusted off her clothes. “We’re headed down the street to that restaurant. One of us can pay for you.”

“I’d like that. If you all are okay with it,” Blossomforth said casually.

We all looked at each other and nodded as Blossom beamed.

Chapter XVI

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Trixie and Cloudkicker followed me as I slowly pushed Blossomforths wheelchair to our table the waiter had directed us to and I stopped at the edge as Blossomforth gave me a grateful look and locked her wheels.

I had offered to help push her down the street because I assumed she would get tired of wheeling herself around.

“So how’s Star Comet treating you?” Cloudkicker asked curiously as we all sat at the table.

“Blossomforths boyfriend,” Lavender whispered to me as I nodded.

“He’s treating me very well, as you know.”

Cloudkicker nodded as a turquoise women with light vanilla colored hair stopped at our table.

“Hi, I’m Sassaflash. What can I get you to drink?” Sassaflash asked with a smile.

“Hot chocolate for me please,” Blossomforth raised a hand sheepishly.

“I’ll take the same as her,” Trixie chimed in.

“Coffee with vanilla creamer for me please,” Cloudkicker said as she examined her menu.

“Coffee black please.”

“Weirdo,” Trixie muttered as Lavender gave her a dirty look.

“And you miss?” Sassaflash asked as she looked at me.

“Orange juice please,” I smiled back at her.

“Got it,” Sassaflash nodded as she wrote on her pad. “Are you all ready to order?”

We all looked at each other Trixie shook her head.

“I’m not yet, are you all?”

“Not yet.”

“No ma’am.”


“Give me a couple minutes.”

Sassaflash nodded as she flashed us a smile and walked away as I propped my head up, looking at my menu as Trixie and Blossomforth started laughing.

“What ya looking at?” Cloudkicker asked as she lifted her eyes to mine.

“I’m not sure yet. Probably eggs, hashbrowns and pancakes. You?”

“Most likely country fried steak and eggs. It’s my usual here.”

“I don’t really eat meat,” I admitted as Sassaflash returned.

“You girls ready?”

“Yeah, I’ll have Belgian waffles with strawberries and hashbrowns please,” Trixie said as Sassaflash handed us our drinks.

“Country fried steak and eggs for me please.”

“Cinnamon french toast platter and hashbrowns for me miss,” Lavender answered as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Alright and you two?”

I nodded for Blossomforth to go ahead and she gave a thumbs up.

“Big country sunrise skillet please.”

“And I’ll have just some eggs, hashbrowns and pancakes ma’am.”

Sassaflash nodded as she wrote on her pad and disappeared towards the back.

“So what you been up to?” Blossomforth asked as she looked us all.

“Just trying to get to the bottom of who’s framing my friend,” Trixie answered as she looked up. “It’s bullshit what’s happening.”

“Same here,” Cloudkicker and Lavender chimed in as I blushed and looked down. “She deserves way better.”

“Might drop out in all honesty,” I muttered as they all gave me sympathetic looks.

“You can do online school like me,” Blossomforth suggested. “I get to do school at home, I’ll get my diploma and all that.”

“If it means anything, I don’t want you to drop out or leave in general,” Cloudkicker admitted as we made eye contact. “School is more interesting with you.”

“It’s been pretty fun hanging around with you too,” Lavender chimed in. “Especially staying the night and all, plus it’s nice to have breakfast with my friends. I don’t have many friends either.”

“Same here,” Trixie agreed sadly. “I’m a bit of a difficult of an individual to get along with. It’s a wonder you all haven’t ran me off yet.”

“We’re not going to,” Blossomforth reassured the magician and patted her on the hand.

“Shockingly enough, you’re not as bad as I once thought,” Cloudkicker admitted sheepishly. “I mean, if I didn’t think you were okay I wouldn’t have slept in a close proximity to you last night or be eating breakfast with you.”

I gave a faint chuckle as I looked up and smiled. This felt almost well, normal in all honesty. Blossomforth tilted her head slightly as she poked my shoulder.

“You feeling okay?”

“Just thinking about how I’m lucky to know you all. It’s really nice of the apartment owners to have put that ramp in for you.”

“Yeah it was. It kinda sucked well, becoming paralyzed and all but it could be worse. I could have died but didn’t.”

“Don’t even joke about that,” Lavender warned as she narrowed her eyes. “You scared the hell out of us.”

“It was pretty difficult adapting and all,” Blossomforth ignored Lavender as the girl huffed. “It was embarrassing in all honesty, having Cloudkicker and Lavender teach me to do all the basics again. Shower, use the toilet, get dressed.”

I could believe that. I never really knew Blossomforth before her accident but she did seem like a prideful individual. I don’t even really know what happened but I do know that she didn’t get along with Rainbow Dash anymore for some reason.

“Yeah well you’re my family. It’s kinds obvious we were gonna help you, no matter how damn stubborn you are,” Cloudkicker scoffed as she chuckled. “You’ve adapted very well. I for am proud of you.”

“Same here,” Trixie chimed in. “You always were nice to me, even though you barely knew me.”

“You’re making me blush,” Blossomforth muttered as she brushed some of her watermelon colored hair aside. She really did get the short end of the stick as her blush easily seen on her white skin. Cloudkicker and Lavender at least could hide it better when they blushed. “What are you gonna do after this is resolved?”

“Talking to Twilight about hopefully going for a visit. Blossomforth knows about uh where I’m from right?”

“Yes I do,” Blossomforth rolled her eyes. “Bit hard to believe but well, Cloudkicker has never lied to me.”

“Can I come?” Trixie asked hopefully as she grinned. “Pleaseeeee?”

“I don’t see why not. I was gonna invite you all anyway. Redheart and Blossomforth as well.”

“One problem. I can’t walk Sunset, remember? Paralyzed from waist down? Can’t use lower body? I’d just slow you all down,” Blossomforth frowned and stared at her legs. “I miss it sometimes, being able to do things for myself.”

I didn’t really know what to say except hug her as Blossomforth returned the gesture.

“You won’t slow us down,” I reassured the girl quietly. “Don’t worry about that. We will sort something out.”

“Only if you’re certain I won’t be a burden on you all.”

“You’re not,” I answered as the others nodded.

“While I’m grateful for the hug, can you let me go? Food is here and I personally haven’t ate yet,” Blossomforth admitted sheepishly as Sassaflash placed our plates in front of us with a smile.

“Enjoy!” Sassaflash said warmly as she went to a different table.

“She seems nice,” I noted as I twirled my fork in my hands, helping Blossomforth by pushing her plate a bit closer.

“People are always nice here,” Cloudkicker answered.

I could agree with that. And more importantly, this was a place I had no memories of the Rainbooms at. And was making new memories with my new friends.

Win win situation for me and the others at the table.

Chapter XVII

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I strode through the street as I barely avoided large crowds of people as I finally reached the doors of the animal shelter and pushed them open, stepping inside and sighing in relief.

“What are you doing here?” Sweet Leaves asked as she looked up from the dog she was brushing.

“It’s our day to work together, remember?” I asked shyly as I set my purse down in the employees locker area.

“I’m not entirely sure how to tell you this but I think you should maybe go explore other avenues Fluttershy,” Sweet Leaves couldn’t make eye contact as I stared at her.

“W-what? Is this about anon a miss and Sunset?”


“It’s not me!” I cried as I grabbed onto her and Sweet Leaves awkwardly stood there as I looked up at her green hair as she took her hat off nervously. “You have to believe me.”

“I don’t think it’s you,” Sweet Leaves said as she shrugged and I sighed in relief. “I think it’s all of you. Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie. There’s been posts when you couldn’t have posted so one of your friends did. Sunset is probably in on it too.”

I stared in shock at her as I felt the urge to cry.

“What?” I barely managed to get out. Sweet Leaves grimaced as she inhaled and the angry expression went away.

“One of you called me an future eco terrorist. I’ve been swatted all week by various police agencies. The state police, Canterlot police department and the Appaloosa Sheriff’s office. It’s a scary experience. I’m lucky mom and dad left me in charge of the shelter as they are in vacation otherwise they’d have been there.”

“I don’t have anything to do with that! None of us do!” I cried and squeezed her harder as she forced me off her and I tumbled backwards.

“I want to believe Fluttershy I really do but there’s just so much evidence against you that I can’t ignore it anymore. I tried but I can’t. I need you to leave my shelter,” Sweet Leaves pointed at the door as she avoided eye contact.

I wiped my tears away as I weakly nodded, grabbed my purse as I ran out the door sobbing. A few people gave me weird looks as I continued running and ran into someone, falling down.

“Oh hey Fluttershy. You good?” Rainbow asked as she helped me up. “Uh, I take that back. You’re obviously not good, what happened?”

“I was told to never come back to the shelter. Sweet Leaves doesn’t want me there anymore,” I sniffed as Rainbows eyes wide slightly.

“But you’re the best volunteer they have!” Rainbow exclaimed as I hugged her. “We are going back there and making them take you back. This is some bullshit Flutters and you know it.”

Rainbow started dragging me down the street despite my protests and she kicked the doors open, Sweet Leaves head shooting up as she glared at Rainbow.

“Those are glass, you imbecile! You’re lucky you didn’t break them!” Sweet Leaves shouted.

“Sorry,” Rainbow muttered before she glared back. “Are you seriously telling Fluttershy to never come back? She’s the best person here. People come back for her.”

“Yes, yes I am. I don’t want to work with the likes of you. And based on rumors, nor did your teammates Rainbow,” Sweet Leaves placed her hands on her hips. “Now get out.”

“Not until you apologize to Fluttershy.”

“Me? Apologize? I only apologize when I’ve done something wrong. If anything, you all should be apologizing to me. I’ve barely been able to sleep, I’m so damn terrified. Of going to sleep in my own freaking house, let alone go to the store or school.”

“I’m sympathetic really but it isn’t our fault. I understand what was damaging to your reputation but-”

“You don’t even understand! Damaging doesn’t even come close to being accurate!” Sweet Leaves shouted as she clenched her fists.

I gulped as Sweet Leaves continued glaring at us before she pointed at the door.

“I can talk bad about people too. You’re an awful older sister to your brother Fluttershy. We all think it but no one wants to say it to your face. So what if he doesn’t know what to do with his life? You should be supporting him, not constantly berating him with your friend here. You treat him poorly, it’s ridiculous. I may be an only child but I would never do that to anyone ever. Especially if I was their older sibling, you’re supposed to be there for him.”

I flinched as I hugged myself as Rainbow took a startled step back.

“Everyone talks about it,” Sweet Leaves continued. “Even Trixie noticed it and she is so absorbed in her own world that she doesn’t notice anything around her. You could at least try to be a better sister. And you wonder why Zephyr doesn’t come to you for anything anymore.”

I cowered more as I watched Sweet Leaves inhale and exhale for a few moments as Rainbow stared down at the ground.

“Just go,” Sweet Leaves pointed at the door. “Please?”

I felt Rainbow lift me up off the floor as I made eye contact with Sweet Leaves for a brief second before she hastily looked away sadly.

“I don’t want to have to call the police. Just go and don’t come back. If you are proven to not be involved, then you come back here and volunteer. But only then Fluttershy.”

I weakly nodded as Rainbow shook my arm.

“We should go like she said. We will get you back in a shelter. Any shelter,” Rainbow promised as I shakily stood next to her. She surprisingly seemed more shaken by Sweet Leaves than I honestly thought she would have.

I don’t really know if Rainbow ever talked to Sweet Leaves before because neither of them mentioned it. Sweet Leaves picked up a phone sadly and I nodded. Rainbow hastily moved to the doors as I ran around her.

I pushed the doors open and ran out sobbing again

Chapter XVIII

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Sweetie Belle

“I’m starting to wonder how they farm all these apples in time before they go bad,” Scootaloo mused as we walked down the dirt road to the Apples house.

“I don’t think farm is the right term,” I commented as Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “I think it’s pick.”

“Pick, farm whatever. It’s all really the same Sweetie.”

“They have a pretty big family in this area. Probably have them come help out or they have machines to help them. Haven’t seen Bloom recently.”

“Nor have I.”

I would normally be worried about that considering our account we got but we do have a really big test coming up in our history class so I haven’t really seen Scootaloo much either. This was the first time I’ve seen her in a couple of days to a week.

“Think they might let us play around in the orchard?” Scootaloo asked and cracked her knuckles. “I’m still looking forward to beating Apple Bloom in hide and seek.”

I doubted Scootaloo could, given Apple Bloom lived here and all. She practically knew the area like the back of her hand and wasn’t really afraid of showing off that fact.

“Hey y’all.”

We both jumped and screamed as Apple Bloom gave us a smug smirk. Point proven right there. She practically appeared out of freaking no where.

I prepared to smile back but paused as I took in Apple Blooms appearance. She looked awful and tired, like she hadn’t been sleeping in days.

“You look terrible,” Scootaloo noted flatly as I glared at her. “What, she does!”

“So? Don’t say that!” I chided and looked back at Apple Bloom. “Are you okay?”

“Just been up late harvestin apples with Applejack, Big Mac, Fiddlesticks, Apple Cider, Florina Tart and Candy Apples. But it’s been real nice, not gonna. AJ and ah have been working together late. She’s even finally showing me how to do some family secret cookin.”

“Nice!” I patted her on the back as my friend yawned.

“About time. She’s been saying she would show you for weeks now and hasn’t. Kinda weird how the Element of Honesty or whatever would lie so often to her own sister. Aren’t you supposed to be family?” Scootaloo asked as we stared at her.

“Ah ain’t ever thought about it that way,” Apple Bloom admitted after a moment as we continued walking. “But ya are right, she did kind of lie to me. She made it easy to post her secrets. Ah don’t feel bad about it but Ah do feel bad about us losin that contract with the Bons.”

“Wait, what?” I said as my head whipped to look at her.

“They canceled the contract they had with us. Ah heard Miss Drops even made her daughter give AJ the news. They wanted all their money back from the apples, including a few rotten deliveries.”

“Isn’t that like illegal?” I pointed out as Apple Bloom shook her head.

“No, it’s their right to cancel the the contract and want their money back. Especially since our family technically broke it first.”

“How so?” Scootaloo asked as she kicked a pinecone.

“It’s part of the contract we signed to always check the deliveries for bad apples. And well, Caramel forgot to do that last time and there was a bunch of bad apples in it. And well, they decided to pull the plug. But only for a few months so we can prove ourselves reliable again as long as AJ don’t do the deliveries ever again.”

“Jesus,” Scootaloo whistled and for the first time since this started, she looked uncertain. “Maybe it’s time we pulled the plug too. First Rainbow, then Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy. I can’t imagine if Pinkie got fired from her job. She’d be devastated.”

“I think you’re right,” I sighed and kicked at the dirt. It had primarily been my idea to start the account and the others had jumped on immediately. “Let’s go to Blooms room and do it.”

“Ah concur.”

We turned around and started walking back to the house. I idly wish I wore something other than my shoes I’m wearing right now. I should have worn my boots, more built for walking in terrain like this.

“I’m glad Sunset has Cloudkicker protecting her at least,” Scootaloo said suddenly. “I never wanted for Sunset to get driven out of school or hurt. I just wanted Rainbow back.”

I gave a slight shudder. We had all seen the video of the fight at the mall and it kinda disgusted us all that they would attack her in public.

“I can agree. Stupid people.”

I never really wanted to see Sunset hurt either. If I had truly know she would have been hurt, I would have lived with the fact that Rarity didn’t really care about me anymore and go live with my grandparents or something. At least they live in Canterlot so I could still see my friends. And well, have actual family.

We got closer to the house in time to watch a black limo leave as we all gave each other confused looks.

“What’s that about that?” I asked as Apple Bloom shrugged in confusion, opening the front door.

“Ah ain’t got a clue.”

“Oh there yall are. Your little friend is upstairs,” Granny Smith called out from the kitchen as my brow furrowed. As far as I knew, Pipsqueak and Rumble didn’t get rides in limos.

Now that I think about, I haven’t really spent much time with them recently outside of our school project. But that was last week. I made a mental note to make plans to hang out with them tomorrow as Scootaloo and I followed Apple Bloom up to her room.

Apple Bloom opened her door and we all froze with stunned expressions.

“What are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked warily as Diamond Tiara shrugged nonchalantly. “Last time I checked, you were still our bully.”

Diamond Tiara gave a smile that lacked any warmth and I shivered.

“Oh you tell me, Anon a Miss.”

Chapter XIX

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Diamond Tiara

I grinned internally to myself as looks of horror crossed all three girls faces before they quickly looked at each other before looking back at me, horrified expressions replaced by masks of innocence.

Poorly made masks, might I add.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Scootaloo said carefully as I gave a cruel grin.

“Oh is that so?” I asked and maintained my grin, pulling out my phone and hitting play on a video.

”This whole thing has gone downhill. Our target was Sunset and it’s backfired! Our sisters and their friends are getting accused of this!”

“Well who was the one who posted the screenshot of the groupchat, Sweetie?” Scootaloo shot back. “Things were going well until that.”

“I accidentally clicked on it okay! And my phone died before I could delete it. Apple Bloom reacted quick enough and deleted it but it was too late. We have to end things.”

“Or we keep blaming random classmates,” Scootaloo suggested. “We cause enough chaos, our sisters get forgotten about being blamed if everyone is fighting each other. They will be so busy fighting that they won’t even have time to fight our sisters or us. Fool proof plan. ”

The three girls froze as the masks shattered and Apple Bloom hastily shut her door as I clicked play on the next video.

”And besides, Sunset wouldn’t have just deleted the account,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “That would go against everything she used to be like. That’s tuckin tail n runnin’!”

“The account was your idea, Sweetie Belle! Don’t go all scared on us now. This is a group effort,” Scootaloo grunted as she folded her arms across her chest. “Look, there’s no way this can come back to us.”

“And if it starts to, we just expose our classmates,” Sweetie Bell admitted and looked up at the ceiling. “We wouldn’t have known half of what we did if it wasn’t for them.”

“That’s an understatement. And besides, we can’t just up and delete the account. Some people already doubt Sunset is behind it.”

“Well, we just post about them. Cloudkicker keeps her nose pretty clean but everyone has a secret. And Trixie is very easy to get dirt on.”

“When Cloudkicker ain’t banging around that is, whatever that means,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Mah sis says she’s loose but ain’t nothing seem loose on her to me if she’s talking clothes.”

“Need I continue?” I purred as the girls before me stared at me in fear.

“N-no,” Sweetie Belle stammered as she went pale. “What do you want Diamond?”

“Here’s what’s going to happen, you’re gonna keep your little account going and I’m going to give you information to get a rather problematic woman out of my life,” I said with a smirk as I crossed my legs.

“Ya mom?” Apple Bloom asked with a mischievous smirk and I gritted my teeth before inhaling.

“Who it is isn’t your concern,” I said casually. “But what is your concern is these videos getting out. Everyone will turn on you three so fast. And I guarantee while they’re gonna be angry, Applejack and Rarity won’t let anything happen to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, but Scootaloo? She doesn’t any real sister, there’s a high chance Rainbow would leave you to the wolves.”

The three looked at each other hesitantly I grinned wider.

“Rainbow wouldn’t do that. She’s too loyal,” Scootaloo decided as I rolled my eyes.

“Just like she was loyal to Sunset?” I mocked as Scootaloo looked away.

“And if we refuse?” Apple Bloom retorted and I rolled my eyes. Always the stubborn one.

“You know how Ms. Inkwell, the secretary created a mentorship program for troubled students? Myself, Silver Spoon and a few others?” I asked mischievously as they nodded slowly. “And if I recall, Scootaloo also helped make it with Rainbow. Anyway, I’ll give you a few guesses who I got paired up with.”

I watched smugly as the girls paused. There was only a few handful of names who signed up for the program. Lyra, Derpy, Flash Sentry, Fluttershy to name a few.

“Uh Raspberry Fluff?” Scootaloo suggested as I grinned.

“Nope. They paired me with Sunset Shimmer, said she might be a good influence on me,” I said casually and flipped my hair as they looked at me in horror. “And she gave me her number if I needed to talk. She’s a nice woman, we’ve met up quite a bit these past few weeks. Made some headway but not a lot. And if I called her.....”

I let myself trail off as I let my threat hang in the air, dialing a number.

”Hey Diamond!” Sunset said as I put her on speaker and the three stared in fear with wide eyes. ”How’s it been?”

“Oh great,” I said casually as I kept my narrowed eyes locked onto a terrified Sweetie Belle. “I’m with some friends right now and they have something I think you’d like to know about.”

”You finally become friends with Dinky, Twist and Rumble like I suggested?” Sunset asked excitedly.

“Not yet. But this is better,” I said as Apple Bloom gulped. “You busy?”


I faintly made out a TV in the background as I snickered and Scootaloo hastily made a cutting throat gesture and Sweetie Belle gave me a thumbs up.

“Actually, my dad is calling me. I’ll try and call you back, stay safe Sunset.”

”Uh, okay? Stay safe Diamond. Let’s meet up this weekend at my place.”

“You got it,” I promised as Sunset hung up and I placed my hands in my lap. “So we have a deal?”

“We accept your terms grudgingly,” Scootaloo said and I snorted. She says that like they ever truly had a choice. “But if we get caught, what about you? You’re gonna get exposed too. And then Sunset will abandon you.”

“Because for starters, none of you have reached for your phones to record this conversation because you were all shocked and all. Secondly, I’m not gonna text them to you, we will meet after school and I’ll watch you make the post. My partner and I are very interested in this, albeit for different reasons. She’s just enjoying the irony of it all.”

“Partner?” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“Oh don’t worry it’s not Sunset. She doesn’t know about you three,” I said and she sighed in relief. Yet, I mentally added. “You don’t need to know about her, she prefers to stay in the background.”

“Uh huh.”

“Anyway, I’ll be in touch soon. And remember, nobody is gonna believe you if you try anything. You have no evidence and I have a lot of dirt on you three right now. You three girls have a good night,” I smiled cruelly as I stood up and pushed Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle out of my way as I walked to the door, opening it and walking down the stairs.

I clenched a fist as soon as I was out of their view angrily. Stupid girls, framing my friend.

As long as I got my annoying mother out my life and dad to divorce her, I’d be happy. And all the information I had was stuff a good percentage of people knew. Mom always did have a loud voice and the only one who didn’t know was father.

If only those three knew I planned to betray them as soon I got what I wanted and well, expose them to Sunset and the principals and boom, I prove I’m finally reformed and I get to keep Sunset as a guardian.

I’m just happy there’s a lot of confusion going around the school right now about who is truly behind the account.

After all, in confusion there is opportunity.

Chapter XX

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“Ah’m getting real tired of you dragging me to Taco Bells around town Dash.”

Applejack and the rest of us sat at a back table of the restaurant as I lazily sipped my pop, eyes glued to the door.

“She will be here. The manager says she always comes here around this time of say,” I answered as the door opened and a blue girl with darker blue streaks and knee high pink boots walked in. “There she is.”

We watched as Sonata approached the counter and leaned forward to listen.

“Hi!” Sonata chirped eagerly and placed her hands on the counter. “Seven crunchy tacos and a large mountain dew please.”

“Alright, that’ll be fifteen dollars,” a bored looking teenager said as Sonata fished through her pockets and placed down a handful of crumpled bills. “I’m sorry but this is only seven dollars.”

“W-what?” Sonata stammered and looked like she was about to cry. “Can you at least just ya know, overlook it? I’m pretty and all, won’t you do it for the attractive young girl?”

“I’m sorry I can’t. If it was like two dollars off, I would,” the boy said sheepishly. “I’m really sorry. You can order something cheaper if you want.”

I inhaled and stood up, taking a step toward them.

“Hey,” I called out as they both looked over at me and Sonata’s eyes widened in fear.

“Please don’t hurt me, I’m sorry!” Sonata cried as she sat on the floor and hugged herself as I paused as Rarity and Fluttershy stopped me.

“No offense darling but you lack tact for delicate situations like this. Let us handle this,” Rarity said and steered me back to the table.

“None of us are here to hurt you,” Fluttershy reassured Sonata as she crouched in front of the terrified girl and I sat back down with Pinkie and Applejack as the two played football with a piece of paper they had folded up.

I watched Rarity slap down sixteen dollars onto the counter and the guy nodded, taking it before handing Rarity her change back.

Fluttershy pulled an apprehensive Sonata to our table as the two sat down.

“Uhm hi,” Sonata said nervously as we all looked at her. “So you’re not gonna hurt me?”

“No, we just want information,” I answered and leaned back in my seat. “Where are your sisters at?”

“Dagi is at work and Aria is working at her hotel job. We needed work after our pendants broke,” Sonata answered as she looked down. “I babysit here and there. Information about what exactly? People don’t usually come to me for that, they usually visit Adagio.”

“You’re the friendliest of the bunch,” Applejack admitted as Sonata nodded slowly. “And we figured the other two might not like to see us.”

“Oh they hate you,” Sonata said casually. “Especially Adagio. She would have probably killed you if she saw you.”

We all froze and stared at her. I partially hoped she was joking but she seemed dead serious.

“Anyway,” Fluttershy shook her head quickly. “So uhm there’s some drama at our school.”

“Big drama,” Pinkie chimed in. “Like an account posting secrets and divide the school and have everyone hating each other big.”

“And you think I have information about that?” Sonata tilted her head in confusion.

Rarity sat a tray of tacos and a drink in front of the girl as she joined us at the table, Sonata looking at them warily.

“They’re all yours darling. You could use to gain a few more pounds as is,” Rarity pushed the tray as Sonata nodded and picked up a taco before biting into it.

“Do you think there’s a possibility Aria or Adagio started the account as revenge?” I asked as the girl swallowed and tapped her chin.

“There’s no way. They’ve been super busy with work recently and besides, we don’t have a computer or anything at home. Aria doesn’t even really know how to work one in general. What does your pony friend think about it?”

“Twilight?” Applejack asked and Sonata shook her head.

“That name is a curse word in our house now. I mean Sunset.”

We all froze and looked at each other before looking back at the girl eating her tacos.

“We think she’s behind it but Rainbow is covering all her bases after Spitfire gave us the idea your sisters could be behind it.”

“I’m not so sure it is Sunset anymore,” Rarity admitted quietly. “Things are just weird right now. Circumstances don’t add up if it was her.”

“So you just abandoned her?” Sonata gave us a stunned look. “I thought you girls were like super tight and all.”

“So did ah,” Applejack sighed sadly. “She’s thinking it us. A few screenshots of us complaining about some things she did that annoyed us got posted and she saw.”

“Is it you?” Sonata asked as she sipped her pop.

“Of course not!” I snapped as she recoiled in fear. “No, it’s not us.”

“Would you take Sunset back if she had admitted to it?” Sonata asked curiously as we all looked at each other yet again.

We had briefly talked about that possibility and had all pretty much reached the same conclusion of yes.

“Yeah we would,” Pinkie said finally as she started tracing her finger along the table.

“You could always make her forget it,” Sonata suggested as we gave her confused looks. “There’s a girl at your school who is good at erasing memory, she’s done some work for me in the past. Pay her about sixty dollars or so and she will help you with whatever problem you have.”

“No offense but I don’t see how erasing computer memory is going to help us,” Fluttershy pointed out quietly.

I didn’t either in all honesty. But that didn’t stop me from being curious. Someone who was good at computers most likely was in the tech clubs.

“What’s her name?” I asked as Sonata shrugged.

“Blush something, I don’t really remember. You really have to look to notice her, ya know? She likes to hang out at the public library in the comic book sections.”

“Fuchsia Blush?” I asked and gripped the table.

“Who?” Applejack asked.

“The girl who pulled the lever and trapped us under the stage before the final event of the battle of the bands,” I explained as they all nodded.

“No, not her. I know they’re related though. Fuchsia was there a few times but that’s all I know. She’s mainly there on the weekends around four. Look for a green haired girl in a striped sweater and jeans. Really pay attention.”

“And you’re sure she can help us?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Mhm. Wallflower, her name is Wallflower. She really likes plants, that’s how we first started talking. Wallflower Blush.”

“Who the heck is Wallflower Blush?”

“You tell me, she’s your classmate.”

I sighed and looked down. I was getting real tired of chasing down leads like this but it was exciting in a way. Felt like I was a detective.

“Alright thanks Sonata. You know where to find us if you think of anything else.”

“We gonna have to find this Wallflower next week. Ah got a busy weekend.”

I gave a nod as I slammed my head down and Sonata watched as she passed around tacos.

I gave a thumbs up and took mine gratefully. Might as well eat while I’m here.

Chapter XXI

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I opened my door as I picked up the blueberry pie I had spent a few hours making as I walked across the hall to Redhearts as my door slammed shut and I verified my key was in my pocket as I strode into my friends apartment.

“Hey,” I said and Redheart looked up from her stove.

“Oh hey Sunset. The others are in the living room. You can set that anywhere,” Redheart smiled and I set the pie down. “Thanks for coming, I’ll be out shortly.”

I gave a thumbs up as I walked into the living room area. I recognized Coldheart and Nursery Rhyme sitting next to each other, Coldheart holding a beer and Nursery with a water.

I didn’t recognize the plump pink woman with light purple and white hair and the thin blue women with green hair.

“Hey Sunset,” Nursery smiled shyly as I sat next to Coldheart as she nodded at me.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“Pretty good, that’s Sweetheart and Tendercare. Sweetheart is in charge of the NICU, Tenderheart is in charge of psychology ward and all that fun stuff,” Nursery Rhyme pointed at the two in quick succession. I should have probably read them name tags and I would have figured out their names.

Sweetheart placed her hand on her stomach and waved at me with her free hand as Redheart came in and tossed me a beer. I gave her a grateful nod as I took the cap off and took a sip.

“How much longer till it’s out?” Tenderheart asked as she gave me a smile as well.

“Any day now,” Sweetheart answer as Coldheart grinned at me.

“Sweetheart here is gonna pop out a kid any day now. Then she’s gonna be spending a food few days in the ward with Nursery looking after her.”

“Congrats,” I tipped my beer at her and she gave me a grateful look. “What’s the gender?”

“Don’t know, husband and I want to be surprised. Redheart and the others were very happy for me.”

“Still are,” Tenderheart nudged Sweetheart with a smirk.

“I have a question. Why do like four of you all have Heart in the end of your name?” I asked as they all paused and Tenderheart shrugged.

“Fate I guess. Ever think about becoming a nurse? You got the attitude for it I heard based on what Red told me.”

“I saw that video of you and your friends fighting in the mall. Was a tad impressed,” Coldheart winked at me and I blushed. “Remember when me and you used to fight all the time as kids, Red?”

“I remember you losing,” Redheart snickered as I laughed along with the two others and Coldheart rolled her eyes. “You really need to come back to school Sunset, Principal Celestia is gonna show up on your door step one day.”

I hated to admit it but she had a point. It was pretty nice being away from school for the last few weeks. And of course, my friends. They were somewhat keeping me up to date about what’s going on. Apparently Principal Celestia was just suspending people left and right for starting drama or insulting me. Surprised it held up and she didn’t get yelled at.

“I’ll come back in two weeks. I got some work to do this week. Primarily making money and all.”

I knew I technically had my gold and all still, but I really liked playing my guitar for crowds. It was fun and plus, it was always cool meeting the random people who play with me.

“You can’t run from problems forever,” Tenderheart said quietly and I got the feeling she was more softspoken of the group. “I’m technically a psychiatrist so I’m telling you this, you should probably come visit me sometime. The mind is my playpen after all.”

I paused and processed her words. I’ve never really seen a psychiatrist, not even back in Equestria. Never really saw the point of them. I always assumed seeing a shrink was a sign of weakness but well, Tenderheart seemed nice enough.

“If you don’t like hospitals, I can always visit you at home,” Tenderheart offered and I nodded weakly. “After dinner, I’ll give you my number.”

“Same, you seem nice,” Nursery Rhyme said and the other two chimed in with their agreement as Redheart smirked at me.

“I’m thirty four and I can definitely confirm you’re not even gonna talk to half these people from your school when you’re grown up. I think I only talk to two people from high school and my husband is one of them,” Sweetheart said as she took a sip of her water.

“Well I plan on keeping in contact with Cloudkicker, Trixie, Lavender, Diamond Tiara and Redheart. They’re my friends, they’ve been the only real people outside the principals to help me with all this shit.”

“Oh I have opinions about that,” Tenderheart said and for the first time tonight, I saw a flash of anger in her eyes.

Nursery Rhyme clenched her fist as Coldheart handed me a shotglass with whiskey and I shrugged, taking a shot.

Technically, if we go by pony years, I’m of legal age to drink. Redheart surprisingly never turned me in for drinking underage here. Probably because she liked having someone outside of her work to hang out with.

“Well, at least you have them, right?” Nursery offered. “It’s good to have friends. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for Redheart and the other nurses in this room.”

“Why must be you all be so damn wise and shit?” I grumbled as they all laughed.

“We’re adults,” Coldheart said simply as she took another shot. “Wait, why are we getting drunk before eating? I’m gonna get shitfaced before it’s even ten pm, what the hell.”

I burst out laughing as Coldheart giggled. She was a bit more fun when drunk, to be honest. She was usually more strict at times than playful.

“Alright well enough alcohol for tonight. I’ll be back,” Redheart said as she stood up. “Well, for us. Sweetheart is naturally being kept away from alcohol until she’s not pregnant anymore.”

I shrugged, stood up with the others and followed her.

Next time, I should ask to bring Blossomforth up here. She might like the company.

Chapter XXII

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I paced back and forth impatiently as Lavender inhaled, glaring at me as I stopped and gave her a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, adhd,” I said simply as she nodded. I sat on the couch next to her and crossed my legs. “What is taking Cloudkicker so long?”

“Alula is taking forever to get a outfit together and then we are dropping Alula at Dinkys. Sunset and Blossomforth are gonna meet us at the park I think,” Lavender answered as I examined the walls of her house.

“Ah. Your little sister is surprisingly decent at her fashion choices. She’s a regular little Rarity.”

“Dear God I hope not,” Lavender grumbled as she fixed her blonde hair in a lazy impression of Raritys. “Hello darling, would you kindly stand still for about three hours while I decide if this string is red or cinnamon?”

I stared at her and burst out laughing as I wiped a tear away. Lavender let her hair fall back down and started snickering.

“That was a good Rarity impression,” I admitted with a smirk. Our eyes drifted up the stairs as Alula walked down in a yellow dress and Lavender waved.

“Took you long enough,” Lavender teased. “Swear you got a crush on Dinky or something.”

“I do not,” Alula scoffed and looked away. “I just want to look my best. Besides, she has a thing for what’s his face? Pipsquek I think.”

“Huh,” I mused as an exhausted looking Cloudkicker came down. “I can see it.”

“Next time, you’re doing her makeup,” Cloudkicker said as she pointed to Lavender. “You’re the one who’s all about looking good. I only use the bare minimum of makeup, not all this fancy stuff.”

“Okay, okay,” Lavender said as she held up her hands in surrender. “Wait, I thought Apple Bloom liked Pipsqueak?”

“Nope, that’s Tender Taps.”

“Huh weird. I swear he and Sweetie Belle were a thing.”

“No, that’s Sweetie Belle and Rumble.”

“Wasn’t Rumble with Scootaloo at some point?”

“No sis that’s Chipcutter,” Alula answered and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you like know anything about who was with who in the middle school wing?”

“Key word, middle school wing. I’m in the high-school wing. I’m just glad anon a miss hasn’t gone after you,” Cloudkicker said as she stretched.

“Same. The only people the Rainbooms went after are Diamond Tiaras family, probably revenge for her bullying their sisters a few years back in fourth grade. That’s about it really. I don’t see them going after their own sisters.”

“And Rainbow wouldn’t want to go after you because she was my friend at the time,” Cloudkicker reasoned as she and Alula sat down. “Hey Trixie.”


“So you two are friends now?” Alula asked and looked between the two of us. “Never saw that happening. I always thought you two hated each other.”

“Hated is a strong word,” Cloudkicker corrected. “It was a mild dislike that we each shared but we are friends now, yes.”

“Uh huh. Why can’t I go hang out with your friends?” Alula demanded as she glared at them. “You see my friends all the time, why can’t I see Sunset?”

“Because she’s dealing with a lot and we don’t want to overwhelm her. I’m frankly surprised she even agreed to come meet Raindrops and Carrot after we drop you off,” Cloudkicker explained as we both nodded. “Maybe another time you can come with.”

I was surprised too in all honesty. The two had graduated last year if I remember correctly. Raindrops was a mutual acquaintance of mine and Cloudkickers. I can’t recall if she and Carrot Top have ever met before but I could be mistaken. I used to be somewhat friendly with Lyra but I cut that off recently.

Sucked but oh well. Karma is a fucking bitch as the phrase goes. And from what I heard, there’s a lot of karma going around right now.

“Did you hear Sunset said she’s coming back next week?” I asked and my two friends nodded. “So how exactly are we gonna all look out for her?”

“Well, we all have her in our classes so it should be easy. Just have her seated by us and we should be good. Cheerilee and Time Turner won’t let anything happen to her so there’s that as well. The only problematic teachers are going to be Cranky, Harshwhinny and a few others. We should be fine,” Lavender answered as she placed her hands behind her head. “Should be easy for us. Trixie can just throw her disappearing dust in people’s eyes if they try to start a fight.”

“Or hit them with a chair,” Cloudkicker commented casually as I blushed and the other girls laughed.

“Or that,” Lavender admitted as she patted my shoulder. “Chairs can be dangerous weapons in the right hands and well, Trixie has them evidently.”

I rolled my eyes as Alula gave us confused looks.

“Why would she hit someone with a chair? More to the point, why do you know she’s dangerous with one?” Alula asked as we all looked at each other and shrugged.

“I had the oh so amazing opportunity to demonstrate that ability. I’m not even that good at fighting, I just picked up and a chair and hit her. Easy for anyone to do.”

“You almost knocked her out with a chair,” Cloudkicker pointed out as I rolled my eyes. “You also threw a few good punches. I was impressed. Get a few actual lessons in and even I’d before hesitant to fight you.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that,” I said dryly as Alula hid a laugh behind her hand. “When exactly did we need to leave?”

“Uh Sunset said to just come to her apartment, her and Blossomforth are playing Call of Duty right now. Apparently she’s impressed by Blossomforths skills. Her words,” Cloudkicker answered as she set her phone down. “It’s gonna snow apparently in a few hours and they don’t wanna be caught out in it so we will just pick up Dropsy and Carrot.”

“Onward, to adventure!” I pointed to the door and stood up. “Adventure is found in unlikely places, my compatriots!”

Cloudkicker and the other two rolled their eyes before following me to the door.

Chapter XXIII

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“Are you sure Raindrops and Carrot Top will like me?” I asked nervously as Blossomforth stared at me with a slight frown. “I mean, they haven’t really known me as a nice girl and they only really know me as a bully. Oh fuck me, Raindrops is gonna paint my walls with my blood.”

“That’s graphic,” Blossomforth grimaced as I paused. “Relax, we’ve told them all about how you’re reformed and nice now don’t worry. I mean, they agreed to come to your apartment after all.”

I paused and gave her a look.

“Oh fuck, they’re coming to my apartment!”

“At least you have the advantage,” Blossomforth pointed out. “I’m in a wheelchair. You can easy go upstairs to avoid me running you over. Some people call me Hot Wheels.”

“Are you trying to make me feel better with self deprecating humor?”

“Yes, is it working?”

“A bit yeah,” I admitted as someone knocked on the door and I tensed up slightly as I walked over and opened it. “Hey.”

“Hey there,” Trixie grinned as she pushed passed me with Lavender as Cloudkicker gave me an apologetic smile. A slightly taller woman with golden hair and bright green eyes in dirt stained jeans and a t shirt followed along with a stern looking yellow woman and I gulped.

“You won’t believe how cold it is out there!” Carrot Top exclaimed as she shook her head a bit. “I regret forgetting my coat.”

“I told you it would be cold today,” Raindrops commented as she gently shut the door and locked it. At least Cloudkicker told her I liked my door locked at all times. “So this is where you live.”

“Yeah it is,” I said hesitantly as my friends sat down in various spots. “Uhm-”

“Relax, we aren’t here to fight you,” Raindrops rolled her eyes and smirked slightly as she sat down next to Carrot Top. “Cloudkicker and Trixie said you were in the market for new friends or whatever so. And well, I’m quite interested in seeing what a nice Sunset Shimmer is like.”

“Oh okay-”

“But if you ever manipulate anyone ever again, I’ll punch you. Hard,” Raindrops added as she narrowed her eyes.

“I understand,” I answered hesitantly as the taller girl nodded in satisfaction.

“So what have we missed at Canterlot High?” Carrot Top asked curiously as she bit into her namesake. We all looked at each and inhaled before telling the pair everything. Carrot Top looked surprisingly angry from what I remember the nice girl being. “What the hell?”

“Jesus,” Raindrops whistled. “Thank God we graduated when we did.”

“So!” Lavender clapped her hands together. “I’m in the mood for a game, who’s with me?”

“Oh lord help me. What game?” Blossomforth asked warily as Lavender grinned mischievously.

“Sunset, get your alcohol.”

I gave a confused look as I stood up and complied, pulling out several bottles of whiskey and setting a bottle in front of us all.

“We all agree to keep her owning alcohol underage a secret right?” Lavender asked and made eye contact with everyone slowly. Raindrops and Carrot Top nodded after a moments hesitation and I put shot glasses next to the bottles. “Drunk never have I ever!”

“Knew it,” Blossomforth sighed as Trixie helped the girl out of her wheelchair and onto the floor. “Thanks Trixie.”

“So what’s the point of this game?” I asked as we formed a circle.

“So we all hold up ten fingers, one person asks a question. If you’ve done the question, you put a finger down,” Carrot Top explained as I nodded.

“And if you’ve done it, take a shot!” Lavender chimed in. “And not a baby shot, I mean full ones.”

“And the person with the fingers down wins?” I asked as Lavender laughed.

“Let’s just say you don’t want to be that person. Otherwise, your friends and family will all know how much of a sexual freak you are,” Blossomforth sighed and I got the feeling she’s lost multiple times before or came close.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous but this did seem a decent way to get to know Carrot Top and Raindrops better, plus it seemed kinda fun.

“Okay, I’m in,” I said and Lavender grinned.

“Alright, never have I ever kissed my best friend,” Lavender said casually as I watched Cloudkicker, Raindrops, Carrot and Trixie put a finger down. They all looked at each other before taking a shot. “I figured Cloudkicker but Trixie? Now I gotta hear this story.”

“Fuchsia,” Trixie said simply. “Got bored. After all, Trixie is the greatest kisser in all of Canterlot High.”

“Here we go again,” Carrot Top muttered as she grinned and nudged Trixie. “I remember not so long ago kissing disgusted you.”

“It’s not as bad as before. Still think sex is disgusting as hell though,” Trixie said with a shudder. “Wanna go next Sunset?”

“Uh sure. Never have I ever threw toilet paper over my teachers house.”

I watched as Blossomforth, Carrot and Lavender put down and finger and took a shot. I had never expected Blossomforth of all people to do something like that but never judge a book by its cover.

“Lame ass questions,” Cloudkicker snorted. “Never have I ever been arrested.”

With a sigh, I put a finger down and took a shot, savoring the familiar burning sensation of whiskey as they all gave me confused looks.

“What did you do to get arrested?” Raindrops asked curiously as I blushed.

“Short version, I got really drunk back home, stole a pop from a store along with a pack of cookies, stumbled around town, still drinking alcohol and eating my cookies. I then stole a carriage and proceeded to order them to take me around town,” I admitted as Carrot started laughing. “I also tried to outrun the Royal Guards on hoof.”

“So let me get this straight, you practically went on a pony version of Grand Theft Auto?” Trixie asked and I paused before nodding. “That’s awesome.”

“Yeah it felt awesome. Mom left me in the cells for two days to teach me a lesson. It was fun though.”

“Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person,” Raindrops shot a smug grin to Cloudkicker who glared back.

Cloudkicker took a shot and put down a finger as I smirked and rolled my eyes. I don’t really know what happens if you lose this game but I’d rather not find out.

“Tell me the story,” Carrot Top requested as Cloudkicker groaned.

“So I accidentally sent a dirty text message to drum roll please,” Cloudkicker paused as Lavender did so. “Vice Principal Luna!”

“Woah what?”

“I’m shocked, honestly.”

“What did she do?”

“Okay so,” Cloudkicker started and paused to fill her shot glass again. “You girls know how the school has a page on Mystable to keep parents in the loop and all, sometimes the teachers friend students in case said students have questions?”


“Okay so I was playing this game with Lavender and I was looking for a decent bang the next day and well, accidentally sent a very dirty text to Luna. She was very honored she said but would unfortunately have to decline due it being ya know illegal.”

“That was anti climatic,” Raindrops noted dryly. “Never have I ever used a fake id.”

I grumbled a curse word as I took another shot. I should have realized they had a lot to use against me.

“Never have I ever,” Blossomforth paused and scratched her head. “Never have I ever had a friends with benefits.”

Cloudkicker, Lavender, Carrot, Raindrops and I all took a shot as the two remaining watched.

“What do you think Flash was?” I asked at their questioning looks. “Worst sex ever. Never again. Don’t sleep with Flash, word of advice.”

“Didn’t plan on it,” Carrot giggled. “I heard he was awful and well, he’s kind of annoying really.”

I lost track of time as I took multiple more shots along with the others and I gulped slightly when I realized Cloudkicker and I were pretty much gonna lose.

“So what happens if we loose?” I asked as Lavender swayed slightly used her hand to keep herself up.

“I don’t know. I just wanted to get drunk,” Lavender admitted as she rubbed her eyes. “Loser has to flash the rest of us!”

“Woah what?” Blossomforth said with wide red eyes as Trixie snored on her back next to her. “That seems extreme.”

“Fine,” Lavender admitted as she grinned evilly and rubbed her hands. “Losers have to kiss each other!”

“What is with you tonight and kissing?” Raindrops grumbled as Carrot laughed. We had long since abandoned our shot glasses and just used the bottles.

“Never have I ever got a tattoo!” Lavender shouted as I sighed and put my final finger down and drank from my bottle as Lavender giggled. “Sunset’s out.”

“Where at?” Cloudkicker asked curiously as her eyes examined my body.

“A cutie mark is considered a tattoo here. If I was a pony right now, it’d be on my flank.”

Cloudkicker and the others seemingly accepted this answer.

“Never have I ever pretended I was sick to get out of helping me clean,” Carrot Top said as she glared at a sleeping Trixie as Cloudkicker sighed and sipped her whiskey.

“Well, get to it!” Lavender giggled and pushed me to Cloudkicker.

I don’t know if it’s the fact I’m heavily intoxicated right now, but Cloudkicker is actually pretty good looking. Especially with her blonde ponytail and purple eyes and decently built body as I turned red slightly and hastily took my eyes off her chest.

“You don’t actually have to-” Blossomforth started as I kissed Cloudkicker who’s eyes instantly widened.

“Oh my God,” Lavender giggled as she fell on her back and started laughing harder.

“If they start banging, I’m leaving,” Raindrops slurred as I hugged Cloudkicker as she kissed me back and I felt her hands on my sides.

I faintly Identified a taste of blackberries and whiskey on Cloudkickers mouth as I closed my eyes and kissed her harder.

“Dear god,” Carrot Top muttered with wide eyes.

I pulled away from Cloudkicker as we both blushed. Either from the heavy amounts of alcohol or embarrassment. Probably both.

I turned even redder as Cloudkicker kissed me again quickly and Lavender held her sides as she and Carrot Top continued laughing while Raindrops watched with a raised eyebrow.

I took a final sip of my whiskey as I felt my eyes close, tumbling forward as everything went dark.

Chapter XXIV

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I winced as I opened my eyes slowly. I was somehow back in my bed after passing out downstairs. Whoever carried me up here had at least kept the blinds closed thankfully but it still didn’t help with my pounding head.

Something behind me moved slightly with a snore and I froze before looking behind me with wide eyes. Cloudkicker was on the other side of the bed under the blankets looking surprisingly peaceful.

I can confirm she wasn’t gonna be peaceful when she woke. This hangover is a bitch. Most people would be screaming about the fact waking up in bed with someone else but the amount of times I’ve woken up next to Pinkie, Applejack or Fluttershy during sleep overs is too high to count.

I stretched slightly, reached out and shook Cloudkicker gently. Cloudkicker moaned quietly as she shoved her face into the sheets.

“Lavender, if you touch me again I’ll hide your Xbox controller for a month again,” Cloudkicker grumbled and I gently shook her again.

“Cloudkicker, wake up,” I whispered as she tiredly lifted her head. Her eyes were slightly red as she rubbed at them. “Why are you in my bed?”

“Raindrops dragged us up here before she fell asleep,” Cloudkicker explained as she winced, rolling back onto her side.

“And what did we do last night after she did?”

Cloudkicker paused and lifted the blanket.

“Well, I’m not naked and nor are you so. And I don’t feel like we had sex last night nor so I don’t think we did that,” Cloudkicker said casually as I sighed in slight relief. “Also, you should get Trixie up.”

“Trixie!” I hissed quietly and Trixie rolled over on the floor near my closest as Lavender slowly worked up the stairs to the loft as she pressed a hand to her head, groaning.

“Oh you’re awake,” Lavender muttered as she stood in front of the bed. “Mornin.”

“Hi. Why did Raindrops put us together in bed?” Cloudkicker demanded as a wicked grin grew on Lavenders face.

“Thought you two would want to sleep with each other. I was up here vomiting around five am and you two were cuddling. I got pictures.”

“You what?” I demanded. I had a vague memory of me holding onto something last night but I had assumed it was the pillow. Now that I think about it, pillows aren’t warm.

“I gotta pee. Here, watch this. I recorded it last night during our drunken never have I ever,” Lavender said as she handed us her phone and took off for the bathroom.

Trixie let out a loud snore as Cloudkicker and I looked at each before she turned the video on.

My eyes slightly widened as I watched drunken me and Cloudkicker making out as the others laughed, primarily Lavender. Trixie was asleep on her back.

“Oh,” Cloudkicker said as we watched her drunken self kiss me again as drunken me hugged her. “That explains why I can still taste strawberries on my lips.”

“I’m sorry,” I said sheepishly and the rubbed the back of my head.

“Nah don’t be. Even drunk, that was a pretty damn good kiss. It’s taking a while but I’m slowly remembering everything and yeah, kinda fun.”

I turned faintly red as Cloudkicker turned off her sisters phone and flopped backwards in bed. We listened to the sound of the sink turning on as Lavender presumably washed her hands. It was about three minutes it felt till she opened the door and came out, wiping her mouth and grimacing.

“You okay?” I asked as she nodded. “Wait, where’s Raindrops and Carrot Top?”

“They went out to go get breakfast. They’re pretty out of it too. After you passed out in Cloudkickers lap, we all pretty much fell asleep downstairs except Trixie. She wanted to sleep up here. Said carpet was more comfortable.”

“Why didn’t she sleep on the couch then?” Cloudkicker asked as she closed her eyes before reopening them.

“She was drunk Kicker. Do you seriously expect her to make sense?”

“Fair,” Cloudkicker admitted after a minute and I gasped. “Uhm are you okay?”

“Bucket please. Bathroom sink.”

Lavender nodded and hastily went to the bathroom, retrieving said bucket and tossed me it. I vaguely felt Cloudkicker holding my hair back as I started vomiting into the bucket, groaning.

“Here,” Lavender held out a towel and a glass of water from the bathroom, a second bucket sitting on the nightstand, presumably for Cloudkicker. “It’s about twelve. I’ve been vomiting for a few hours myself now. I tried to be quiet to not wake you guys, you two looked comfortable hugging each other. If I could have fit her, I’d have placed Trixie in bed with you girls too.”

I snickered at that as Cloudkicker yawned. I gratefully accepted the water and drank half of it, swishing it around my mouth to get the taste out of my and spit it out in the bucket.

“Hey wanna go again now that we’re sober?” Cloudkicker asked with a mischievous smirk as I gave her a confused look.

“What do you - mphf!”

Lavender raised an eyebrow and stood in stunned silence as Cloudkicker pressed her mouth to mine eagerly.

“What the hell?” Trixie’s voice floated from the floor as she watched in confusion as I shrugged and gave Cloudkicker a hesitant kiss back. “I go to sleep, get woken up to sleep in somewhere more comfortable, get shown a video of two of my friends drunkenly making out and I wake up to them making out again.”

“I don’t know what the hell that was about either,” I admitted honestly. “Figured it would be rude to not return it back, considering I started this last night.”

“I ship it,” Lavender mused as Cloudkicker threw a pillow at her and Trixie glared at her. “What was that for?”

“I don’t know. For speaking I guess.”

“Hmph. Well, you two do whatever. I’m gonna go back to sleep.”

The three of us watched Lavender stumble back down stairs as I yawned.

“Oof!” I grunted as Trixie stood up and fell forward onto the bed. “Uhm, Trixie? You’re crushing me.”

“Cool story. I’m going back to sleep as well and I’m not going back to the floor. Now move over.”

I sighed and complied as I felt myself get pinned between Trixie and an already sleeping Cloudkicker. How she fell back asleep that fast, I’ll never know.

“Goodnight,” Trixie muttered as she closed her eyes.

I resisted the urge to tell her it was technically afternoon.

Chapter XXV

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Carrot Top

“Where is Sunset, Cloudkicker and Trixie?” I asked as I examined the empty whiskey bottles, shot glasses and Trixie’s magic hat for some ungodly reason.

“Upstairs in bed cuddling while sleeping,” Lavender said casually as she put her feet up on Sunset’s coffee table. Raindrops had her hand wrapped around a Dunkin Donuts coffee as she sat on the couch with me and Lavender.

“Really?” Raindrops asked as she raised an eyebrow slightly. Lavender gave a thumbs up as she showed us her phone. Raindrops and I peered over to look at a picture of Sunset being hugged by Cloudkicker and Trixie on opposite. “Huh, Cloudkicker always did have a way of getting partners in unlikely circumstances.”

“We should probably clean up. I don’t want Sunset to wake up to a mess of alcohol bottles.”

“Or we can have her help,” Lavender suggested. “I’d personally hate if someone just came into my place of residence and started cleaning up, maybe put something wrong.”

We both paused and looked at her. She had a point there, to be honest. I’d be unhappy if someone came into my house and did that.

“Okay,” Raindrops said after a moment. “I’ll let Lavender get them. Sunset would probably be more appreciative waking up to a face she knows way more than mine.”

Lavender gave a thumbs up as she bounded up the stairs to Sunset’s loft, leaving me along with Raindrops.

“I don’t think Sunset likes me much,” Raindrops muttered as she sipped her coffee.

“Nonsense Dropsy. Sure, you can be very intimidating at times and all but Sunset wouldn’t have gotten very drunk around you if she didn’t trust you.”

“I got drunk too remember. So did you,” Raindrops pointed out. “And her other friends are her. Probably why she was comfortable enough to get drunk around us.”

I opened my mouth to reply as a blushing Sunset, Trixie and Cloudkicker came down the stairs with a smug looking Lavender.

“Guess who I caught sleeping together?” Lavender sang offkey and giggled. “Not like the dirty kind.”

“You literally told us they were,” Raindrops countered in a flat tone.

“Yeah well did I tell you Sunset and Cloudkicker kissed before going back to sleep?” Lavender asked with a grin and placed her hands on her hips. “I think not!”

“Oh hey, you two are still here,” Sunset scratched the back of her head. “Good afternoon.”

“Hey,” I smiled at the girl as she set down her hair brush. “Sleep well?” Sunset blushed even harder.

“Yeah,” she admitted sheepishly and picked up a whiskey bottle. “Jesus, we drank a lot. You aren’t gonna snitch me out, right?”

“What you do in your apartment is your business,” Raindrops answered. “We won’t say a word.”

“We’re gonna help you clean up. Can I play some music?” Lavender asked eagerly as Cloudkicker looked at her warily. “No loud gangster rap, I know.”

“Sure. Computer is over there, don’t gotta a pass word. You can pick a song off YouTube I guess. But not too loud, I don’t want a noise complaint,” Sunset said as she pulled some trash bags out from a cupboard and Lavender instantly went to the computer.

We accepted our trash bags as I listened to the guitar playing as Cloudkicker and Raindrops gave an approving nod.

”This world will never be what I expected. And if I don’t belong, who would have guessed it? I will not leave alone everything that I own. To make you feel like it’s not too late, it’s never too late.”

“You know, Rainbow and I were planning on doing a cover of this song?” Sunset said as she started picking up garbage we had produced over the night.

“I can shut it off if you like?” Lavender offered weakly as she looked sadly at the fiery haired teen.

“Nah,” Sunset shook her head. “I like this song.”

“It’s pretty good,” Trixie admitted.

”Even if I say, “It’ll be all right,” still I hear you say, you want to end your life. Now and again we try to just stay alive. Maybe we’ll turn it all around, ‘cause it’s not too late, it’s never too late.”

“This is one of Lavenders better song choices,” Cloudkicker said quietly as I chuckled. “Normally it’s really loud gangster rap. Her room is full of NWA posters along with a few other rappers.”

“I heard that.”

”No one will ever see this side reflected, and if there’s something wrong, who would have guessed it? And I have left alone everything that I own to make you feel like it’s not too late, it’s never too late.”

I yawned as I tied off my trashbag as Blossomforth watched quietly.

“I hate not being able to help,” Blossomforth grumbled as she tried to reach down to pick up a glass. “Stupid chair.”

“It’s fine, we got it,” Trixie reassured her as Blossomforth scowled at her.

“I helped make the mess. If I could walk then I could help. Fricking falling.”

“It’s fine don’t worry.”

“Even if I say, “It’ll be all right,” still I hear you say, you want to end your life. Now and again we try to just stay alive. Maybe we’ll turn it all around, ‘cause it’s not too late, it’s never too late,” Sunset sang under her breath as I gave an approving thumbs up.

While I didn’t really like the girl in the past, I always did admire her singing voice the few times I heard it.

”The world we knew won’t come back. The time we’ve lost can’t get back. The life we had won’t be ours again. This world will never be what I expected. And if I don’t belong.”

“You know Rainbow and others went to go see them,” Sunset said casually as she dropped her trashbag in a pile in the corner. “Like a week or two after the Fall Formal. I sat outside the doors and listened because I didn’t get to go with.”

“Like they didn’t invite you?” Raindrops asked as she made a fist and I squeezed her shoulder.


”Even if I say, “It’ll be all right,” still I hear you say, you want to end your life. Now and again we try to just stay alive. Maybe we’ll turn it all around, ‘cause it’s not too late, it’s never too late. Maybe we’ll turn it all around ‘cause it’s not too late, it’s never too late.”

“That’s stupid,” I muttered as the others nodded.

“I’m gonna take a shower. I’ll be back in about thirty,” Sunset sighed as Lavender turned her music off, watching the girl walk upstairs.

“We should try do to something for her about that,” Blossomforth said casually. We all looked at each other and nodded.

I don’t necessarily know what, but we could figure it out I suppose.

Chapter XXVI

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I placed my hands on my hips as we all stood in the library, looking around.

“Ah got a feeling we are gonna be here for a minute,” Applejack said finally as I sighed, racing up the stairs. “Dash, elevator!”

I ignored her and the others as I continued going up the stairs, panting slightly as I passed the second floor finally.

“Only one more to go,” I muttered as I glanced down to see my friends getting on the elevator.


I fell on my ass after I ran into a green haired girl, her joining me on the landing.

“I’m sorry,” I said and stood up, extending a hand to help her up. “That’s my fault, wasn’t looking where I was going. I’ll take that L.”

“It’s okay,” the girl muttered as she hesitantly accepted my hand and I paused, looking her over. She had a striped sweater and messy green hair as my eyes slightly widened.


Wallflower eyes widened as we made eye contact and she tensed up defensively as she eyed me warily.

“What do you want and how do you know my name?” Wallflower asked cautiously as I shrugged.

“Sonata told me. Sent me and the others to talk to you. Not sure why but she did,” I said as Wallflower nodded slowly.

“I have an idea of what you want. Follow me.”

I stared at her as she started walking back up and the stairs. She was quiet the whole way back up to ghe third floor, easily avoiding people as I waved my friends over. They nodded as Wallflower led me into a conference room or study room whatever it was called, gently shutting the door behind us.

“So you want me to fix this whole grouphat issue?” Wallflower asked as we sat down, my friends joining us quietly.

“I guess so darling. I’m not entirely sure how removing the memory of our phones will help. She and the whole school saw it, deleting it off our phone won’t do a thing,” Rarity said as Wallflower gave us a confused look before laughing. “What?”

“Is that seriously what Sonata told you? That I clear computer and phone memory?” Wallflower laughed again as she reached into her bag and pulled out a rock, setting it on the table. “No, I erase people’s memories.”

“I don’t follow,” Fluttershy said after a moment. Wallflower sighed in frustration and pinched her nose.

“Alright so this rock has the ability to remove memories. I just point it at someone and boom, they don’t remember me or anything else that they want to forget,” Wallflower said casually as we gave her horrified looks. “What?”

“You just steal from people?” Applejack demanded and went pale slightly. “That ain’t right.”

“Nor is abandoning your friend to the wolves but you don’t see me lecturing you, now do you? Especially when I know who’s really behind the account.”

“Wait what?” Rarity said as we all froze and stared at her. “Tell us darling. Please.”

I grew slightly angry as Wallflower shook her head, smiling slightly.

“Nah. I’m just enjoying the irony too much and besides, my partner is using them at the moment. I have an agreement with her to let her finish and then we will expose them to Sunset. I also refuse to work with you. I may have little love for Sunset but this is a business in a way for me. I can’t let my personal dislike of the girl to get in the way of my work,” Wallflower explained as she kicked her feet on the table and rested the stone on her lap. “Naturally, I refuse to work with rapists, murderers or future criminals like that. I more so help the victims forget the experience.”

“You’re gonna tell me who it is,” I growled as Wallflower raised an eyebrow slightly, patting a rock.

“I have a magic stone to remove your memories. Do you really want to risk the slim chance you have of getting to me before I simply just lift it and erase your memory?” Wallflower asked with a smirk as I paused.

“Give us a minute to talk,” I said and waved my friends to the back of the room away from her. “Okay what do we do?”

“We are not erasing Sunset’s memories,” Fluttershy said firmly. “I’m not her biggest fan right now but just taking them from her would be wrong. We’d be stealing a part of her. And what if we accidentally took more than just anon a miss from her?”

“I was gonna say the same,” I admitted as they gave me stunned looks. “What, she makes a point? I have little love for Sunset right now but this is wrong.”

“But what about her?” Rarity nodded subtly in Wallflowers direction. “She has the stone. She could easily be hurting other people, no matter how much good she thinks she’s doing?”

“We take it from her then. Bury it or something. Throw it in a lake,” I said as Applejack paused and looked behind me.

“Where did she go?”

“You know, you should never turn your back on an enemy,” Wallflower said casually as we all jumped and Rarity spun around as we all backed up nervously. “I’m not your friend, after all.”

“Just give us the stone and all is good between us, alright sugarcube? You could seriously hurt someone with that there stone,” Applejack pleaded as Wallflower glared at us and locked the door behind her.

“You know, I’m always invisible. No one knew me for the longest and now, everyone comes to me and not you. I help people, I do good and I’m finally seen. And you won’t take this from me,” Wallflower snarled as she gritted her teeth. “And since I’ll be taking your memories, it’s your sisters. They’re behind the account. But Diamond Tiara isn’t done with them yet so you aren’t supposed to know this.”

“Apple Bloom wouldn’t do something like this,” Applejack shook her head.

“Would she? Surely you’ve seen her acting differently. And why did no secret of hers or her two friends get posted?” Wallflower pointed out as she smirked coldly. “Being invisible does have it’s benefits. They never saw me or Diamond Tiara watching them in the shadows talking about it. You can’t hit what you can’t see.”

“I-you’re lying!” Rarity snapped as Wallflower grinned and pulled her phone out with a free hand, playing a video on her phone.

This whole thing has gone downhill. Our target was Sunset and it’s backfired! Our sisters and their friends are getting accused of this!”

“Well who was the one who posted the screenshot of the groupchat, Sweetie?” Scootaloo shot back. “Things were going well until that.”

“I accidentally clicked on it okay! And my phone died before I could delete it. Apple Bloom reacted quick enough and deleted it but it was too late. We have to end things.”

“Or we keep blaming random classmates,” Scootaloo suggested. “We cause enough chaos, our sisters get forgotten about being blamed if everyone is fighting each other. They will be so busy fighting that they won’t even have time to fight our sisters or us. Fool proof plan.”

“And besides, Sunset wouldn’t have just deleted the account,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “That would go against everything she used to be like. That’s tuckin tail n runnin’!”

“The account was your idea, Sweetie Belle! Don’t go all scared on us now. This is a group effort,” Scootaloo grunted as she folded her arms across her chest. “Look, there’s no way this can come back to us.”

“And if it starts to, we just expose our classmates,” Sweetie Belle admitted and looked up at the ceiling. “We wouldn’t have known half of what we did if it wasn’t for them.”

“That’s an understatement. And besides, we can’t just up and delete the account. Some people already doubt Sunset is behind it.”

“Well, we just post about them. Cloudkicker keeps her nose pretty clean but everyone has a secret. And Trixie is very easy to get dirt on.”

“When Cloudkicker ain’t banging around that is, whatever that means,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Mah sis says she’s loose but ain’t nothing seem loose on her to me if she’s talking clothes.”

We all froze and gave each other horrified looks as Wallflower snickered.

“Looks like you don’t know them as well as you thought,” Wallflower purred as she put her phone away. “Now you’re gonna feel some mild discomfort.”

She pointed the stone at us as Applejack and I lunged at her as the stone glowed green and we both cried out in pain as we fell to our knees.

“Argh!” Rarity and Fluttershy cried out as they collapsed on top of each other.

“How could you do this to someone?” Fluttershy asked as Wallflower glared down at us.


“Dash, why are we locked in a library?” Applejack asked as I groaned, pressing my hand to my head.

“I- I don’t know?”

Chapter XXVII

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I sat on my chair at the bar as Cheerilee, Luna and Celestia all stared at me.

“So Sunset is perfectly okay?” Celestia asked hopefully as I took a sip of my wine.

“I would say perfectly okay is stretching it but she is certainly getting there. Having Cloudkicker and her new friends certainly helps. They’ve been over to her place fairly often I’ve noticed. And heard,” I said as Berry Punch approached us.

“Hey sis,” Berry leaned against the bar across from Cheerilee. “Your girl and her friends just came in. Sunset dropped her guitar off earlier.”

“Thanks little sis,” Cheerilee slammed her shot down and turned around. We all looked behind us as Sunset, Cloudkicker, Trixie, Lavender, Raindrops and Carrot Top walked in with Carrot Top pushing Blossomforths wheelchair. “Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset’s head jerked to the side to face us as she went pale and Cheerilee waved her over. She exchanged some quick words with her friends and hesitantly approached us.

“H-hey,” Sunset said as her eyes flicked over to the three faculty members.

“Hello Sunset. Sit,” Luna pointed at a nearby chair and Sunset hesitantly complied.

“We’ve been trying to talk to you for about three to four weeks now. We’ve all been worried about you,” Celestia said casually as Sunset looked away.

“I’m sorry. I kinda wanted to stay away from all the drama going on. Especially since you know,” Sunset waved a hand as Cheerilee grimaced slightly. “It won’t happen again. I’m coming back Monday with the other girls. Been taking care of personal issues.”

“Good. We’ve been busy trying to figure out who’s framing you but well, Mystable is refusing to work with us. They’ve been trying to work harder on keeping account information secret. We got a list of names we’ve been going down,” Luna admitted as she swirled her whiskey around in a glass as Berry Punch handed Sunset a glass of bourbon. “You do realize she’s a minor?”

“You gonna turn me in?” Berry raised an eyebrow.


“Just what I thought,” Berry smirked as Sunset drank the alcohol and handed it back.

“I needed that. Thanks.”

“Now let me see this list,” Trixie appeared behind Sunset as Carrot Top joined her.

“I can’t I’m sorry,” Cheerilee shook her head as Trixie narrowed her eyes.

“I was not asking, I was ordering.”

“Excuse me?” Cheerilee glared back as Sunset sighed in frustration.

“You could kiss her,” Luna suggested as everyone gave her stunned looks.

“I am not kissing my student,” Cheerilee snapped and blushed. “That is unprofessional.”

“She’s eighteen.”



“Not kiss her like that,” Luna groaned. “We have the list on us and we’re technically not at work. Berry, bring us a ziploc baggie please!”

“Got it!” Berry Punch called out as she quickly returned with a bag.

“Thanks. Now as I was saying, you put the list of names in the bag, close it, put bag in your mouth, kiss Sunset and push the bag from your mouth to hers,” Luna explained as she shoved a piece of paper into the bag and closed it. “And we pretend we don’t see you giving away a copy of it. We have multiples for this reason.”

“I’m so going to regret this,” Cheerilee muttered as she folded up the bag and put it in her mouth as Cloudkicker waved Trixie over.

I turned faintly as Cheerilee kissed Sunset and Luna promptly turned around with Celestia bored looks on their faces as they drank from their respective glasses. Cheerilee quickly pulled away and Sunset spit out the bag into her hand.

“That was so disgusting to watch,” I mused as the two blushed.

“Agreed,” Carrot Top shook her head as Luna turned back around.

“We will see you Monday. And do not bring that to school. And politely ask the named people, don’t threaten them. We will try to keep things peaceful for you when you return. Now your girlfriend Cloudkicker wants you,” Luna grinned mischievously as Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve seen how you look at her,” I scoffed and snickered. “Don’t tey to hide it. Lavender also excitedly showed me a video of you and Cloudkicker making out the other night.”

“Fine maybe I am interested but I don’t know.”

“What about Trixie?” Celestia asked as Cheerilee chuckled into her alcohol. “She’s obviously into you as well based on what I heard from reliable sources.”

“What?” Sunset turned even redder if that was possible.

“Oh dear god,” Cheerilee muttered and faced Sunset. “Look, it’s really simple Sunset. Trixie likes you, you like Cloudkicker, Cloudkicker likes you.”

“And I also willingly slept with Trixie a few times in my bed when she’s came over,” Sunset said slowly. “Oh Jesus Christ, I like two of my best friends. What the hell do I do?”

“Tell them the truth,” Carrot Top suggested as Celestia nodded.

“Realistically, relationships are just like friendships. Just two different types of caring. Tell them,” Celestia shrugged. “And I’ll see you Monday. Got one more week till Christmas break. What’s your plans?”

“Going to Equestria with my friends for Hearths Warming. Redheart can come too,” Sunset looked at me hopefully and I shrugged.

“I could use a week off from the hospital.”

“Excellent! Now I really have to get back to the stage. It’s almost time for my turn,” Sunset said as she turned to walk away.

“Sunset!” Cheerilee called out as Sunset looked backwards. “We will never discuss me kissing you ever again. I hope you get to who’s actually behind this.”

I watched Sunset give a thumbs up before she smiled at Trixie and Cloudkicker, picking up her guitar and standing on the stage as she started to play.

“I can’t believe you actually kissed her,” Celestia giggled as Cheerilee glared at her. “That was actually hilarious.”

“Very funny,” Cheerilee said dryly. “Why couldn’t I have just handed it to her?”

“Because this was more funny to watch,” Luna admitted and laughed.

“Why do I put up with you two?” Cheerilee asked and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Because we sign your checks.”

“Fair point.”

“Well, it’s been a long time, glad to see your face. I knew we’d meet again, another time, another place. Can’t believe it’s been so many years. You’d better grab a chair and a couple of beers. Looking good in your three-piece suit. You know, I always knew you’d take the business route. You were always the one to follow the light. And you look like you’re doing alright, yeah,” Sunset started singing as Berry Punch nodded approvingly. “Been singing for my rent and singing for my supper. I’m above the below and below the upper, I’m stuck in the middle where money gets tight but I guess I’m doing alright. I’m al-, I’m al-, I’m alright. It’s a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight. So I guess I’m doing alright. I’m alright, I got a good old friend here with me tonight. And I guess I’m doing alright.”

“That girl is going places,” Cheerilee mused as she smiled faintly.

“Damn right,” Celestia agreed.

“Especially with her guitar,” Luna added.

I nodded my agreement as we all turned to watch as Cloudkicker and Trixie whistled in approval.

“Looks like her girlfriends think so too,” Carrot Top snickered as she clapped.

I rolled my eyes and burst out laughing. I hope to God it works out for them.

Chapter XXVIII

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Diamond Tiara

“You did what?” I hissed quietly as Wallflower looked down at her shake sheepishly. “You almost ruined our plans! Get rid of my mom, help Sunset, expose the jerks and we both gain something. I get her gone and you get paid by classmates to earn money for your sisters surgery, fool proof plan.”

“I’m sorry alright?” Wallflower snapped. “I saw an opportunity and took it. I still have to find the pink one, she wasn’t there. As long as she still remembers to look for me, we are at risk still.”

“Pinkie Pie? She works at the Sweet Snack Shop with uh, those two girls. Doo Wop and and Sunny Sugarsocks,” I answered as Wallflower gave me a weird look.

“Those are some weird names.”

“You’re named Wallflower, I don’t think you have any real room to talk.”

“Touché. How are things at home?”

“Spoiled Rich and Dad are fighting bitterly every night. Spoiled has recently occupied the spare room. I kinda hate causing dad so much grief but we both will be happier when that demon of a woman is our of our lives.”

We both watched as Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walked into the small restaurant in the mall we were sitting as we both smirked slightly at them.

“Who’s this?” Scootaloo asked curiously as she and her two friends sat across from us with their phones on the table.

“You don’t need to know who I am,” Wallflower snapped as she stood up and patted my shoulder. “Diamond, it’s always good to see you. I’ll be around for our next meet up.”

Wallflower glared at the other girls as I snickered, watching her toss her shake in the trash before leaving.

“Open your phones,” I ordered as they gave me confused looks but complied. “I’m not stupid, I want to make sure you girls aren’t recording or on the phone with anyone.”

I examined each girls phones extensively and smiled triumphantly.

“You girls aren’t as stupid as I once thought. You’re smart enough to not record anything. Now Apple Bloom, open up Mystable,” I ordered as Apple Bloom sighed but complied. “All of these are documents mother has forged or slightly changed things. Money related mostly but mainly legal documents. Post them. And you’re gonna tag the CPD with said post.”

“God you’re a jerk,” Scootaloo grumbled as I watched Apple Bloom start typing.

“And so are you three yet you don’t see me complaining. I am curious though, you had me outnumbered in Apple Blooms room. Why didn’t you try to steal my phone?” I asked curiously and folded my arms.

I was legitimately curiously about that. Scootaloo was more impulsive and reckless than her two friends, much like Rainbow Dash could be at times.

“Because I realized if I did, you would probably scream and Granny Smith would come upstairs to ask about it and you’d tell her what we were doing,” Scootaloo admitted after a second. “And you probably have back ups than just your phone. You never do anything without a back up plan in motion.”

I gave a smug nod as she rolled her eyes and looked away. It would have been stupid of me to go in there with my only evidence on one phone. Wallflower had a copy and it was also saved on my computer at home. Not that they needed to know that, of course.

“Wow,” I said and clapped slowly. “You can actually think rationally, I am quite impressed. Typically you’re more stupid than this.”

“I am not!”

I gave Scootaloo a flat look as she inhaled.

“You’re framing an innocent girl just to spend time with your sisters,” I pointed out dryly as the three winced. “Might I add, I’ve never really framed anyone. Blackmailed and lied yes but never framed. Threatened here and there too. And even while I was in charge of the newspaper for the school, I didn’t frame anyone. Naturally, you three might have been targets if you ever worked in the news paper club but oh well.”

“Alright done,” Apple Bloom sighed as her hand hovered over the post button and I grabbed her hand.

“Ah, ah ah!” I smirked coldly and snatched her phone away. “Don’t want you getting any smart ideas, now do we?”

I quickly examined the post and pictures, quickly typing and tagging the police department before hitting post and handing her the phone back.

“Now are we done?” Apple Bloom snapped as I stuck my tongue out to suck the straw into my mouth.

“Nope. After all, I own you three right now.”

“I don’t think you can own someone. That ended a while ago.”

Dear god kill me now. To think I actually wanted to be friends with Sweetie Belle at one point. Actually scratch that, to think I was gonna apologize for how I treated them and they’re even worse than I was. I never framed anyone before in my life.

“Well it’s been real,” I snickered and winked. “I’m gonna go hang out with Sunset at her place.”

A look of fear crossed all three of the faces and I enjoyed the terrified look in their eyes.

“Don’t worry she doesn’t know about you three,” I said casually as they sighed know relief. Yet, I added internally and laughed. “But I will be giving you girls a gift. It’s from a few days before you started anon a miss if my time line is correct.”

“I like gifts!” Sweetie Belle chirped eagerly. “But I think I like giving them more.”

“I’m sure you do,” I gave a low chuckle and pulled out my phone, playing a video of me and Sunset a few days before anon a miss started.

”How are you today Diamond?” Sunset asked.

The three girls froze and watched as I grinned.

“Pretty good. Mom being a jerk but nothing new there. What’s your plans for the week?”

“Rarity, Rainbow and Applejack asked me to come along with them to see a movie with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. They really want me to know their sisters. Apparently Sweetie Belle is super into video games too. I’m looking to it. Hopefully I can be their friends too.”

“Oh cool have fun! Maybe we can go do something like that.”

I watched as Sunset grinned and patted my shoulder.

“I’m down. Your dad is quite fond of me as is, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind us going out and doing something like that. He does let you spend the night at my place after all to escape your mom.”

I shut the video off and glared at them with narrowed eyes.

“She could have been your friend too if you gave her the chance. Now it’s too late for that,” I said coldly as Sweetie Belle looked at me with wet eyes that startled me. I wasn’t expecting her to cry over it.

The other two gave me horrified looks as I stood up, tossed my finished shake in a trashcan and walked away.

“Bye girls!” I called out.

I’ll never forget their horrified looks as long as I live.

Chapter XXIX

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I set the cup of hot chocolate in front of Diamond Tiara and smiled fondly at the girl sitting on my couch.

“So how are you holding up, Diamond?” I asked as I sat next to her.

“I’m okay. I think the better question is how are you doing?” Diamond Tiara asked as she wrapped a hand around the mug.

“Up and down. Was pretty down but recently I’ve been pretty up,” I admitted as I eyed the well dressed girl up and down. “You don’t seem to care about anon a miss going after your family.”

“I can handle people laughing at me. I don’t care about that. You know I’ve never really cared if people laughed at me.”

I chuckled softly as Trixie came from down stairs with a towel wrapped around her head and Diamond gave her a confused look.

“I hope to God I didn’t walk in on whatever this is,” Diamond muttered as she blushed.

“She fell in the mud outside my apartment so she came back in to get a shower,” I admitted with an equally red face.

“Plus Sunset’s apartment has really good water pressure,” Trixie added as she sat down. “Better than my house. Plus dad and I are fighting right now so I needed to get away.”

Diamond hummed in response as she sipped her hot chocolate and her eyes lit up.

“You always make the best hot chocolate,” Diamond mused as she looked at Trixie. “I can relate to fighting in my house. Spoiled and dad have been fighting ever since anon a miss posted about them. I’ve just been staying in my room.”

“I heard a bit about that. Fuck parents fighting,” Trixie mused as she stood up and picked up my mug.

“Oh thanks,” I muttered as Trixie walked into my kitchen.

“Does she know?” Diamond asked with a smirk as I jumped.

“Know what?”

“That you like her, obviously. Based on that fifteen seconds told me a lot. Plus you blushed when she came down stairs and so did she when you looked at her.”

Diamond stared at me as I stared down.

“Okay fine you got me. And now I’m worried about who else knows. I don’t want her or Cloudkicker getting hurt to get revenge on me.”

“Hold on, you like both of them?” Diamond asked as I nodded sheepishly. “Wow, talk about a lot.”

“I know. Enough about me, we’re here to have a good day and not me bother you with my problems. Wanna play some video games?”

“After you talk to Trixie,” Diamond grinned evilly as I sighed.

“You drive a hard bargain. I’ll be back. Trixie!” I called out as I stood up and walked into the kitchen as Trixie glanced up. “Uh what are you doing?”

“Reading titles on your book shelf you got. What’s up?”

“Hug me,” I said as Trixie gave me a confused look before hesitantly hugging me.

“Uhm okay?” Trixie said in confusion as I hugged her back. “Why are you-”

“I’m not really the best at dating but after this is all over, we should totally like-”

“She likes you!” Diamond Tiara shouted from the other room as I felt my face burn. “More than friends! Date my sister figure!”

“Really?” Trixie asked in surprise. “Well of course Trixie would catch your eye! She is after all the greatest, powerfullest and hottest girl at Canterlot High!”



“Powerfullest isn’t a word.”

“Okay fair enough,” Trixie admitted sheepishly. “And the other one?”

“Cloudkicker?” I asked and Trixie nodded hesitantly. “She’s attractive as well obviously but well, she has a reputation. I’m not exactly willing to share a partner with a bunch of her other people she sleeps with. But I mean, she’d be your girlfriend too technically.”

“Trixie has to think about it. Trixie has had plenty of friends but not any well relations if she is being honest. I don’t really share well,” Trixie said and I ignored the fact that she switches first and third person repeatedly in one sentence.

“Yeah well humans don’t really do herds like we do in Equestria. Oh fuck,” I muttered as we both looked down at my text messages and Trixie’s eyes widened. “Diamond!”

“Yeah?” Diamond said as she walked in. “What’s up? You two finally getting together? Because if so, Silver Spoon owes me thirty dollars.”

“You bet on us?” Trixie shouted as she blushed harder.

“We are talking about that later. But you’re staying here for a bit longer than we thought. Apparently it’s uh bad at your house right now so your dad asked me to let you stay here until further notice as they get all legal documents sorted out. Randolph is bring your stuff over as we speak. I have an air mattress that you can sleep on down here until I get a pull out couch.”

We both stared at her nervously as Diamond inhaled and we both stepped back.

”Yes!” Diamond shouted as she pumped a fist eagerly and we gave her stunned looks. “Let’s go! Finally, freedom from the witch! Sunset, I freaking love you!”

“You’re taking this surprisingly well,” Trixie noted curiously.

“Because I’m happy! I no longer have to live in Mother’s shadow. No rude remarks, no bullying nothing. The plug has been pulled. Looks like she screwed the wrong person over and sent that stuff to anon a miss.”

“I guess so?” Trixie mused as scratched her head with her free hand. “I did hear how she mistreated her staff a lot. I’m sure the stuff they heard would get her in a lot of trouble. And well, stuff you might have heard too.”

“Dang right!” Diamond laughed as I watched her toss a pillow down from the closet in the living room. Her dad has had her spend the night her so much it’s like second nature having her here. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real fast.”

We both watched Diamond race up the stairs happily as we gave each other confused looks.

“What the hell was that about?” I asked finally as Trixie hugged me again.

“I have no idea but it was kinda weird. Who gets excited about their parents divorcing? I hate my dad but I’d be crying if they got divorced.”

“Can’t relate. Never knew my dad, only knew mom.”

“What’s it like? As a little girl in your world?” Trixie asked as I inhaled.

“It’s difficult being the daughter of a ruler of a whole country. You constantly have ponies watching your every move, waiting to see you make a mistake. Unlike Blueblood, I wasn’t willing to become a pawn in politics and I wasn’t afraid to make that fact known. One little mistake and it’s practically all over Equestria. I love mom but there were times when she didn’t know when to quit being a princess and be a mother. We never truly saw eye to eye on well, a lot of things.”

“I feel I should be way more afraid about liking the daughter of a princess than I currently am,” Trixie commented as I snickered. “So what exactly does that make you?”

“Not a princess, that’s for sure. Everytime I pony up, I don’t have wings. I’m just a noble but I’m still the same old Sunset you all know. I think Cloudkicker would be more afraid than you given her reputation for liking to have a few partners.”

“I think it’s more than a few,” Trixie snorted as I laughed. “Want me to help set up the air mattress for Diamond?”

“Yes please.”

Trixie paused as I yawned.

“You have to let me go so I can do so.”

“Oh. Right.”

Chapter XXX

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“So you’re absolutely certain you got this?” Trixie asked nervously as we sat on my bed watching Diamond Tiara lay down some blankets on her air mattress. “And why did he pick you? Not that you can’t do it of course.”

“Yes I got this. And well, she has no other real family other than those two. For all purposes, I’m the closest thing she has to a real sister. Imagine Scootaloo and Rainbow but it’s us instead.”

“She seems to be a lot more subdued about it now,” Trixie noted as I nodded with a frown. “I heard her mother was a real well, bitch for lack of a better word.”

“It’s been a few hours so I think it’s finally sinking in and all. I’ve never truly been good with kids after all. And yeah, she is. I’ve been in the house a few times to hear her say some really crazy stuff. It’s insane to think she actually believes it. I’ve heard some students say she’s worse than demon me and would actually prefer my demon self over her, which is crazy to think a she demon who could mind control people is better than a normal human.”

Trixie gave a hum in response as she tapped her finger on her skirt before shrugging.

“I can’t really comment on that. Never truly met the woman to come to a proper opinion. But if it makes you feel better, I think I prefer nice you?”

“Thanks Trix,” I chuckled and kissed her forehead. “You going back home?”

“Most likely. Dad should have gone to work by now and I need to change. Thank you for letting me wash my clothes here.”

“No problem. I can take you home if you want?” I offered as Trixie shook her head quickly.

“If dad hasn’t actually left and saw a potential girlfriend dropping me off, he would flip and loose his shit and I’d be kicked out of the house sleeping on the street in seconds,” Trixie answered as she picked up her light blue jacket. “I’ll probably call a taxi or walk.”

“I can ask Redheart to take you home?”

“She’s at hospital Cloudkicker said yesterday. Apparently the other nurse is in labor right now. For about eighteen hours at the time she told me. Not sure how long it is now.”

I idly wondered if I should be there. I never really been to a hospital before for something like that. I usually tend to avoid hospitals. Places are freaking expensive in both worlds. I suppose at least they have that consistency.

“Sunset?” Diamond asked as she stood at the top of the stairs. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No you’re good,” Trixie and I said in unison as we both laughed quietly.

“What’s up?”

“Are you expecting anyone to come over other than me?” Diamond asked as I tensed up slightly. “Someone knocked about five seconds ago.”

Trixie and I looked at each other warily as we stood up and quietly walked down the stairs with Diamond behind us as I opened the drawer and pulled out my firearm as Diamonds eyes widened.

“What the fu-”

“Be quiet,” I said sternly and she flinched as I watched Trixie pull her back nervously and I inhaled, opening the door and pointing out the door.

“Woah!” Carrot Top screamed as she and Raindrops put their hands up. “Easy Sunset!”

“It’s us!” Raindrops added as I sharply inhaled and lowered the gun.

“Don’t fucking scare me like that, you know people are after me right now. Especially with Trixie and Diamond in the apartment,” I grumbled as I put the gun away in it’s spot. “I didn’t know you were coming by, sorry about that. Come on in.”

The two rolled their eyes as they walked in and I kicked the door shut as Trixie sighed in relief.

“We brought dinner because why not?” Carrot Top said with a shrug as she set down a glass container on my counter. “Hey Trixie, hey kid.”

“Are we just not going to talk about the fact we almost got our heads blown off by Sunset?” Raindrops asked flatly as she gave me a look. “I’m almost afraid to ask when you got a daughter.”

“What?” Diamond demanded as we both blushed. “She’s not my mom. She’s just taking care of me for a while so my dad can deal with personal matters.”


Trixie released Diamond sheepishly and opened the drawer, examined the gun with a curious expression.

“Interesting,” Trixie mused as she shut the drawer and looked at Raindrops. “Where’s your brother at?”

“Snails is at work right now. He got a part time job bringing carts inside a store,” Raindrops answered casually as she leaned against the counter as she idly chewed on a carrot. “He says hi by the way Trix.”

I vaguely remember Snails was her younger brother. Believe me, Raindrops is scarily protective of her brother. I’ve even seen her punch Rainbow Dash once in a fit of rage because Rainbow said he wasn’t fast enough. Raindrops has a bigger anger issue than I do and I didn’t think that was possible.

“You two finally dating?” Carrot Top asked with a mischievous smirk. “Trixie wouldn’t shut up about you for months believe me. Especially about how you lo-”

Trixie slammed her hand over Carrot Tops mouth as she turned red again and Raindrops chuckled as Trixie glared at her.

“So I’m gonna be moving in next door,” Raindrops commented and I glanced at her. “To you and the nurse lady. Snails does spend a lot of time with me so we gotta talk about that. I’m gonna try to keep you living next door a secret until anon a miss is over.”

I gave her a grateful look. I didn’t necessarily talk to Snips or Snails anymore because they had their own friends and all now. Plus, it felt kinda weird hanging around the two I used as lackeys.

“Thank you,” I said as Raindrops gave a thumbs up and I tapped Trixie on the shoulder. “You wanna stay the night?”

“Yeah sure.”

“I hope to lord you two don’t do anything adult like,” Diamond muttered as I rolled my eyes.

“You gotta slow down. Like way down,” I grumbled as Carrot Top bit Trixie’s hand.


“Don’t fricking cover my mouth like that you weirdo,” Carrot Top said and shot Trixie a dirty look. “Your hand tastes like caramel, apples and a carrot with salt.”

“That sounds disgusting.”

“You get used to it.”

Trixie honestly had the weirdest diet I have ever seen. I had always wondered what she did with all the random stuff she would get a lunch. We all have our own unique weirdness though I suppose.

“Okay well I’m going to sleep I guess. Goodnight.”

We all watched as Diamond face planted into her pillow and pulled a blanket over her as she yawned.

“Well goodnight,” Raindrops shrugged as she stretched. “I’ll see you around. Bye Sunset, bye Trixie, bye random girl.”

“We have weird friends,” Trixie muttered. “And I thought you were the weird one.”

For not the first time, I agreed with her on that.

“Wait what?”

Trixie gave a low chuckle as she disappeared up the stairs. I will never understand that girl I don’t think.

Chapter XXXI

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I rubbed my eyes and stared blearily at the clock on Sunset’s nightstand, straining to read the numbers. Three forty five am. I would be asleep still if I didn’t have to use the bathroom.

I stretched slightly and lifted Sunset’s arm off me that had somehow ended up around my waist, removing her leg off mine as I laid quietly out of her bed and worked my way to the bathroom.

I did my business, washed my hands and started to walk back to her bed as I glanced down at Diamond staring at her phone and sighing, I quietly walked down the stairs to not wake Sunset up.

“What’s up?” I whispered and Diamond, giving me a startled look. “Whisper, Sunset is still asleep.”

“Oh hey Trix. Didn’t mean to wake you up. Just go back to sleep.”

“You didn’t, I had to go to the bathroom. It’s almost four am, why are you awake?” I asked as Diamond shrugged. “That’s not an answer and I’m exhausted so my patience is thin.”

“I guess I’m not as happy as I thought about my parents divorcing. Okay, I’m happy but well, I’m still losing a parent. A shitty parent but she’s still a mom you know?” Diamond explained as I sighed and sat down. “She’s a bitch but well I can’t really explain it.”

“I get it. It’s a complicated thing I imagine. My mom is okay but dad is pretty annoying. He’s a jerk.”

“You know, you’re not as annoying or bad as I thought,” Diamond admitted as I gave her a flat look.

“I’m half asleep still and I’m really not a person who likes being insulted well past midnight. You get me? Now what the hell does that mean?”

“Well, you’re always bragging about how you’re great and powerful. Plus you don’t really seem like the type to talk about personal problems like your family. That’s all I meant. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

I inhaled and shrugged. There was no real benefit in getting angry at a kid, especially one who was under the protection of a girl I liked.

“It’s fine. What were you doing?”

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Diamond finally answered.

“Trying to text Silver Spoon. She’s usually my go to but she thinks I sent her secret in and is refusing to talk to me. Stupid kids.”

“What makes you think anon a miss is ran by kids?” I asked curiously as Diamond went pale. “Diamond?”

“Well, think about it. This is super childish right?”


“So obviously it won’t be a high schooler. It has to be someone in the middle school wing. Someone who is still pretty young to do something stupid like this.”

I paused and straightened my hair a little bit. I never really thought about that before but it did make sense. Hell, I don’t think even Sunset thought about it. It made way too much sense. I would like to think my classmates would but smarter than that but I do go to school with idiots.

“We should tell Sunset when she wakes up,” I mused as Diamond shook her head. “No?”

“I have a plan. Have Sunset, Redheart and Cheerilee be in the library tomorrow. And maybe Cloudkicker, she’s pretty fast,” Diamond said and pushed a piece of paper. “This is a piece of paper Sunset dropped that had a list of names. I narrowed it down for her.”

I picked up the paper carefully and stared at the names of Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle circled in black marker as I gave the young girl a stunned look.

“But they are-”

“Their sisters,” Diamond confirmed. “Think about it, who else knew AJs nickname? Or Rarity’s closet? Or Rainbows secrets?”

“Oh shit.”

“Yeah. Just have Sunset in the library during their free time while I pay a visit to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Just trust me, they will have no choice but to listen to me.”

I paused and looked at her warily. She seemed surprisingly determined about this. I didn’t really know Diamond Tiara that well. I didn’t really associate with people in the middle school wings after all.


“I have a weird request,” Diamond said and I gave her a confused. “Sunset is more affection than you I think but can I have a hug?”

“Hugs are reserved for Sunset only. I’m not really affectionate outside of her.”

That was partially true I suppose. Lavender and Fuchsia have hugged me a few times.

“Wait, then those three girls most likely posted Fuchsia’s secret,” I growled as Diamond gulped. “And they’re the reason she is refusing to even call me back. Those little pricks.”

“Don’t yell. Sunset is asleep,” Diamond jerked her head up to the loft where I had been sleeping oh Jesus forty minutes ago. “She isn’t a fan of being woken up randomly late at night and this news would just anger her more. It’s gonna happen after lunch. Just keep up your end of the bargain.”

“Fine. Why did you suspect them in the first place? Why not the idiotic Rainbooms?” I asked as Diamond shrugged.

“I actually did think it was them first before I really thought about it. What would they have to gain posting their own secrets?”

“Getting rid of Sunset,” I said immediately. That was pretty much the conclusion we all came to. “Most likely jealously. Jealous of what, I’m unsure. Most likely because she has Trixie’s eye.”

“Hm. I suppose that does make sense. Just a theory of course.”

“Uh huh. You should really go to bed, it’s late and we have school tomorrow. Or well, today I suppose I should say. Sleep well,” I said as Diamond nodded. “Oh and Diamond?”


I hugged her as she stopped before hugging me back.

“Thanks,” Diamond said and rubbed the back of her head after we separated.

“You’re welcome. Sleep well,” I said as she nodded and I stood up, walking to the stairs and quietly going up them.

“Oh hey,” Sunset muttered as she rolled over. “I wondered why your spot was empty. Thought you went home.”

“I was checking up on Diamond,” I said casually and got back in bed. That technically wasn’t a lie either. “And I much prefer here over home.”

“She okay?”

“Not really but she will be I think.”

“Good. Hugs?” Sunset asked hopefully as she placed her arm on my waist and I nodded.


With a yawn, I closed my eyes and everything went dark as we both fell back asleep.

Chapter XXXII

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I gulped slightly as I stared at my school. It seemed foreign to me to be back here after having been gone from so long.

“You sure about this?” Lavender asked as she placed her hands on her hips. “I don’t think anyone will judge you if you just head back home.”

“I don’t know- Twilight?”

We both paused and stared at the purple girl leaning against the statue with an unreadable expression and glanced up at me, grinning widely as I ran up and hugged.

“Sunset, it’s been a while. Sorry it took me so long to get here, the map sent me all over freaking Equestria this last week,” Twilight said as she hugged me back. “Lavender, I take it? Hello. Sunset has told me a lot about you.”

“Good things I hope.”

“Nothing but the best,” Twilight reassured her and looked around unapprovingly at some students glaring at me. “Where is your other friends at?”

“Redheart and Cheerilee are inside. Cloudkicker, Trixie and Diamond Tiara are inside as well. How long are you staying?”

“Well till we get this resolved. I won’t force you to be friends with the Rainbooms but I will ask you to at least hear them Sunset. For me at least,” Twilight gave me puppy dog eyes and squeezed me. “Please? I do want to at least try to understand why they think it’s you. And the whole talking behind your back.”

“There is no good reason,” Lavender grumbled and folded her arms. “They’re all idiots. No good redeeming qualities about them.”

I shrugged as we started walking up the steps. I was just hoping to survive the day. For some reason, Diamond Tiara is making me go to the library. Trixie said something about the people who might be framing me will be there. I honestly doubt it’s Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. From what Rarity told me, Sweetie is a really innocent sweet girl. Same with Apple Bloom.

I gulped again as I pushed the doors open and stepped inside where Cloudkicker and Trixie stood.

“I’m going go to find the girls so we can talk,” Twilight said as Trixie gave her a look.

“Trixie will come with,” Trixie declared as Twilight looked at me uncertaintly. I nodded in encouragement and she nodded slightly, the two walking off.

“Go away Sunset,” someone called out as a group of people stood in front of us and Cloudkicker shifted her weight slightly and stood in front of me protectively.

“We don’t want you here.”


“I knew this was a mistake,” I whispered and Lavender squeezed my arm as she glared at the crowd and made a fist. “Don’t do anything, there’s more of them than there is you.”

“Uhm who on earth is that?” Lavender muttered to me as a messy green haired girl stood in front of us and pointed a glowing green rock at our classmates and they all collapsed on the ground with a cry.

I faintly Identified Roseluck and her sisters, Bulk Biceps and a few others as we all stared in fear at the green haired girl.

“I think you should probably run to your class now,” she noted dryly. “They aren’t going to remember confronting you at the doors but they are most likely going to remember wanting to attack you when you get back. It’s pretty smart to get where a teacher is.”

“What on earth did you do to them?” Cloudkicker demanded as Roseluck groaned in pain. “Are they going to be hurt forever?”

“Erased their memory, duh. Diamond Tiara had a slight feeling someone would get an idea like this so she had me waiting in case. I may not like Sunset much but she doesn’t really deserve a hate mob. And no, they won’t. It will pass in a few short moments.”

“What?” I mumbled and stared with wide eyes as the girl shoved the rock in her backpack. “Why don’t you like me? I don’t even know you!”

“Oh my God why did I agree to even help you?” The girl sneered and glared at me. “Even before I had the stone, you never noticed me. None of you did. You’re just as bad as them. Why is being the good guy so difficult?”

We all stepped back nervously as Stripes advanced on us slowly. I didn’t really know her name so Stripes is her nickname for now. Until I find out her real name of course.

“Diamond Tiara knows you?” I demanded as Stripes stopped and her angry look softened slightly as she nodded.

“She’s my friend to say the least. My name is Wallflower. Now get to class and forget you ever saw me. You probably were going to in the first place. Just like everyone else. I help them, make sure they remember me helping them and they abandon me. I hate people!”

Well, learning her name was easier than just expected. That’s one mystery of today solved I suppose. And I could slightly relate to hating some people.

I don’t ever recall seeing Diamond Tiara with her but I faintly remember her saying she had a friend that stayed hidden in the background. And well, now that made a lot of sense. We watched as the girl stormed off and kicked a classmate who tried to throw a book at us in the face. He slammed onto his back and groaned before going limp as Cloudkicker gave me a confused look.


“Yeah Sunset?”

“What the hell just happened?”

“I’m not entirely sure. But well, I’m starting to think we should take Wallflowers advice and get the hell to class. I’d rather not face down a mob with just the three of us. If we had equal numbers, I might be willing to try. Or maybe we get her stone back here.”

Lavender gave a shrug as she nudged the student Wallflower had kicked in the face.

“He’s knocked the hell out. I propose we leave him here for someone else to deal with.”

“Take him to Redheart please. Say he tripped or something.”

“Fine,” Lavender scoffed as she helped him up. “What are you gonna do?”

“I’m going to find Wallflower. I’m not entirely sure how I’m just bad as them but I do know no one deserves to feel lonely. And she did just technically save us singlehandedly from a mob.”

“True,” Cloudkicker admitted as we watched Lavenders drag our classmate behind her. “Want company?”

“No but thanks. This is something I have to do alone.”

Cloudkicker nodded after a second. While I did want to find Wallflower, I also wanted to get to class.

Preferably before the hate mob gets themselves back together.

Chapter XXXIII

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I watched alongside Trixie as my eyes flicked at her nervously. The last time I remember seeing her was after she locked me and the others under the stage. I could feel Trixie’s eyes burning into me as we stopped outside the band room apparently it was called on the sign as I faintly heard Rainbow and the others talking.

“Stop,” Trixie said and I paused to look her in the eyes.

“Uh why-oof!” I grunted as Trixie slammed me against a locker and I choked slightly on air as she placed her forearm on my throat. “What the hay are you doing?”

“Trixie does not approve of you hugging Sunset. Trixie has waited months to make her move and she does not appreciate someone who is better than her in every way trying to one up her,” Trixie glared at me as I short circuited. I didn’t even really know Trixie was interested in Sunset.

“Trixie, I’m not trying to one up you,” I gasped slightly as Trixie lessened the pressure. “I’m not better than anypony and I’m sorry if you think that. And she hugged me first, I was just returning the gesture. I like Sunset as a friend, nothing more. Honest to Celestia.”

“Okay,” Trixie nodded and released, catching me as I tumbled forward. “Trixie is sorry.”

“It’s fine I guess. I don’t really approve of how you questioned me. You could have literally just asked me but well I get it. I’d be worried too if I saw that.”

“I didn’t see her hug you, I got to the doors right after you hugged her.”

“So you and Sunset huh?” I snickered and elbowed her as Trixie turned red. “I’m happy for you two. You two are gonna sit down with me after today and tell me everything.”

“Trixie supposes that’s a fair trade.”

I gave a smug smirk as I opened the doors to the band room, stepping inside as everyone stopped talking and stared at me.

“Twilight?” Rainbow stared at me as I stared back coolly. “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you all,” I said simply as Trixie joined me. “We should talk. And that’s not a request, that’s an order.”

The girls gulped as I sat down on a chair Trixie had slid over to me as the blue girl stood behind me staring at Rainbow with disdain.

“So what exactly made you think talking bad about Sunset was a good idea? And not supporting her at all during this?” I asked as Fluttershy flinched. “Well?”

“We really thought it was her,” Applejack said before pausing. “Think it’s her. There ain’t no one else it could be.”

Trixie coughed into her fist as we all looked at her warily.

“Not true,” Trixie muttered. “It’s you all.”

“You seriously think that? We would gain nothing from posting the rest of the schools drama and secrets. We never cared about that,” Rarity shot back as she gave me a dirty look.

“I trusted you girls with her,” I sighed and looked up at them. “Not only did you betray her, you betrayed me. She was the key to defeating the Dazzlings. Have you forgotten that?”

They all looked down as I stared intently at them.

“And weeks before Christmas, no less. She told me how excited she was to spend her first Christmas with actual friends. I’m just happy it worked out that she is still going to get to do that,” I continued as Pinkie’s hair lost it’s poof. “Because you all clearly weren’t her friends. Were you even my friends?”

“Of course we are your friends!” Rainbow snapped as she lifted her head. “You’re not her. You don’t have a sketchy past. We are perfectly allowed to be suspicious.”

“Did you even ask her?” I shot back as Rainbow nodded.

“We all asked her multiple times and she kept saying it wasn’t her. And right after, stuff would get posted. Stuff that only she knew mind you.”


“What Trixie?” Applejack stared at the magician as Trixie gave a cruel smile.

“Your family is good at building correct?” Trixie asked as I stared in confusion as Applejack. “Then go build a bridge and jump off it.”

“Trixie!” I gasped as the others stared in shock. “No matter how you feel, that is not okay to say.”

“Trixie doesn’t care nor should you. They get what they fucking deserve.”

I inhaled sharply and rolled my eyes. Only Sunset could date someone as cruel as Trixie and be happy.

“Sunset agreed to talk to you later on. She only agreed because I begged her to. Don’t fuck this up,” I said as the shocked looks were directed my way. “You’re quite lucky Sunset is Princess Celestia’s daughter and not Princess Luna. Princess Luna can be quite violent with her ideas of punishment. It took a few months to explain that threatening public execution was not a good response to ponies not greeting you.”

Fluttershy turned green slightly and looked away. That was pretty similar to how my worlds Fluttershy reacted when Princess Luna first threatened a pony.

“I hope you make this right. It took me and Discord to convince Princess Celestia to not burn this world down when she found out what you all did,” I stood up slowly. “I’m still your guys friends but I’m Sunset’s friend too. You girls really dropped the ball on this one. Only you can fix it.”

“Thanks for that,” Trixie whispered in my ear. “Being burnt alive sounds frankly very painful.”

“I don’t think she would have left you here to die. Especially not Sunset, she would have yelled at Celestia to bring you and the rest of her friends here. Or ask for leniency, probably both.”

Trixie nodded as she glared at the Rainbooms, focusing on Fluttershy.

“Get to class,” I said and pointed out the door as the bell rang. “Don’t be late. Education is important.”

We watched as Rainbow and others took off, Fluttershy walking at a slower pace.

“Hey Fluttershy,” Trixie said casually as I tensed up when the pink haired girl faced.

“What Trixie?” Fluttershy asked nervously and I gasped as Trixie slapped her across the face. “Ow!”

“That was for being the nicest out of the group and framing Sunset. Now get the hell out of here.”

Fluttershy ran sobbing out the room as I stared in shock at Trixie, listening to Fluttershy wails echo.

“That was fucking unnecessary Trixie!” I glared at her as Trixie frowned and looked down at her hand.

“Yeah, it was. Fuck.”

Chapter XXXIV

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“Wallflower went that way.”

Cloudkicker pointed down a hallway as the two of us sat in a dark classroom. The hallway was thankfully empty except for her and I inhaled, walking out into the hall.

“I got this. Go to class Cloud,” I said as she raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be late.”

“Okay just be careful,” Cloudkicker said and looked around quickly before kissing my cheek and I turned red. “See you at lunch.”

Cloudkicker waved as she disappeared around a corner and I shook my head. I don’t mind the attention just not in ya know, public where my enemies could see.

I watched as Wallflower opened her locker and started picking up books. She had various plants pictures decorating her locker and a few plant seeds in bags.

“You’re a hard girl to find,” I said casually as she jumped and spun around with a nervous expression. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just here to talk.”

“You actually want to talk to me? No one has ever really wanted to talk to me before. Except well, Diamond Tiara.”

“Well, I do,” I admitted as I sat down against the lockers and patted the spot next to me. “Sit.”

Wallflower eyed me cautiously before she sat down slowly next to me.

“Why do you want to talk to me? I said I didn’t like you, doesn’t that make you hate me?” Wallflower asked as I laughed softly.

“No. Plenty of people here didn’t like me and I never hated any of them because them not liking me was justified. While I don’t necessarily know what I did to you, I know what it’s like to be lonely and well, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

“Hm,” Wallflower groaned and stared at me. “How did you even find me? Nobody ever finds me, I find them.”

“It was difficult,” I admitted as I dusted off my skirt. “But we figured you’d stay in hallways people don’t really go to. Once we knew what to look for, it was pretty easy. You’re the only girl here to wear a striped sweater and have messy green hair.”

“Well shoot. So you’re not going to hurt and you want to talk. About what exactly?” Wallflower asked as she looked around hesitantly.

“Well, for starters that rock. I’ve never seen anything like it,” I said as Wallflower held her backpack tighter. “Do you care if I see it?”

“Will you give it back?” Wallflower asked as she watched me warily and tensed up.

“Yes, I’m not a thief,” I answered with an eye roll as she opened her bag and handed me the stone. I took it and ran Mt fingers over it gently. “This is Equestrian. Where did you even find this rock?”

“The garden in the back of the school. It was buried and wrapped in a piece of paper,” Wallflower answered as I handed her the rock back. “If it’s worth anything, I never take memories away from people who don’t ask for me to.”

“Except for hate mobs,” I noted with a smirk.

“Except for hate mobs. I didn’t really think you deserved this all. Especially not getting hurt over something so stupid. At first I only took memories away from my dad.”

“Uh why?”

“Because he’s an abusive bitch,” Wallflower grumbled bitterly. “Plus Fuchsia has to have surgery but he won’t pay for it. If he isn’t gonna care about his two daughters, then he doesn’t deserve know us. I’m slowly but surely making up the money to afford it. People pay me decently to erase traumatic experiences.”

I didn’t really see how much she could earn by doing that but well, if I had siblings I’d do anything for them. And there is a lot of people in this world with some pretty traumatic pasts I imagine.

“I leave it so they always remember asking me for help and coming to me including me erasing certain events but they never talk to me again. I can guarantee you will too after this.”

“Nah,” I said and shook my head. “You seem like a pretty decent girl. Just lonely.”

“I’m not lonely, I have Fuchsia. And plants!” Wallflower snapped and groaned into a hand. “That sounded a lot less lonely in my head.”

I gave a laugh as Wallflower smiled faintly and zipped her backpack up.

“Can you show me this garden?” I asked Wallflower gave me a doubtful look as her smile faded slightly.

“No offense but you don’t seem like the plant loving type. I guess I can show you it after school.”

“I’m okay with plants. I don’t know much about them but well I can always learn. You just leave them outside, water them if they’re inside and boom, you have a plant,” I waved a hand nonchalantly as Wallflower raised a finger.

“That’s technically not true. Different plants require different types of assistance. Some grow better in arid climates and some grow in snow,” Wallflower answered as she paused and looked at me as I gave a smug grin. “You did that to get me to open up, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did,” I admitted. “It worked. I don’t do it often but well, you looked like you needed it. What plant even grows in snow?”


I mentally made a note to look at that. I will admit, I don’t know much about plants. I never really cared about them before. They were always just things around me, nothing to truly care about. I do think some are nice at least. Sunflowers are my favorite out of them all.

“Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?” I asked suddenly as Wallflower stared at me.


“Why not? You yourself said you were lonely. My friends are pretty open to anyone, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. And besides, I want to make up for not seeing you before. You’re a fairly nice individual once you open up.”

“I usually eat in the garden. It’s nice and quiet and well, only me and Fuchsia are usually there. I’d be careful though, she and Trixie aren’t on speaking terms right now still. I’ve tried to convince her to talk to her but well, Fuchsia can be stubborn at times.”

That sounded pretty damn familiar. Rainbow used to be the most stubborn person I ever knew.

“We will be there. If you don’t mind of course,” I said as Wallflower paused before smiling again.

“I’m fine with it. Just go out the doors and past the soccer field. You can’t miss it.”

Sounds simple enough. It is a bit cold outside but well, it’s worth it if I make a new friend. Being lonely is probably something I can relate to the most.

I just hope the others are truly okay with it.

Chapter XXXV

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“So you all are perfectly okay with eating lunch with a complete stranger in a unknown part of the school?”

Trixie and my other friends looked at each other before nodding. We all stood outside the doors of our school with our trays as Diamond shuddered slightly.

“Yeah sure,” Lavender shrugged.

“Just uh one problem,” I said as Trixie paused to look back at me. “It’s Fuchsia’s sister and well, she is gonna be there too.”

“Oh fuck me.”

“Well if you’re offering,” Cloudkicker grinned as Trixie rolled her eyes. “Now where is this garden?”

“This way apparently,” I said and gestured for them to follow me as I started walking, stepping over some brush to walk on dirt path. “Uh, just a few more steps and- woah.”

We all stared in awe at the garden full of brightly colored flowers as Wallflower sat in front of one and appeared to be talking to it while Fuchsia watched with a curious expression. Said expression quickly disappeared when she saw Trixie and nudged Wallflower, pointing at us.

“Uhm hi,” Wallflower said nervously and gave a timid wave as we approached her slowly to avoid crushing any of her flowers. “Fuchsia agreed to be friendly around Trixie and you all. She’s uhm happy I’m getting out of my small circle.”

Fuchsia huffed in response as she turned away and we sat down at a small table that had been set up.

“Principal Celestia was more than happy to give me the garden area along with a few tables to eat at as long as I tell her before I leave for lunch. Apparently she had once ran the garden club when she went here but it fell apart,” Wallflower said as we started eating. “I’m saying too much, aren’t I?”

“No you’re fine,” Lavender laughed quietly. “Hey Fuchsia.”


“What I wanna know is if I’ve been around Fuchsia since third grade, how do I not know you?” Trixie asked curiously as Wallflower shifted nervously.

“Because I erased it accidentally. Do you remember your thirteenth birthday at the bowling alley?” Wallflower asked as Trixie nodded slowly. “I was there with Fuchsia. I ruined little Trixie’s magic show when I got sick and vomited on the floor. You were heartbroken. I wanted you to have a good memory of your birthday so I tried to erase just that memory of me vomiting and nothing else but it removed everything you knew about me. I didn’t know how to return that memory back then and by the time I actually figured out how to read it, it was far too late.”

Trixie sat in silence as she rubbed her head before patting Wallflower on the back.

“It’s okay,” Trixie said finally. “You were trying to do what you thought was nice for me. Lord knows I’ve tried that and it’s backfired in worse ways. Really bad ways that we won’t get into. I want to get to re know you at least. I wish I had a way to erase memories of my failed magic tricks. Not that there is any of course!”

“Of course,” Diamond muttered as Trixie shot her a look.

“I’d like that,” Wallflower admitted quietly as she looked up from her carrots she had on the table next to a ranch container. “We were good friends. I wanted to talk to you again but I figured I’d seem well, crazy and annoying.”

“Trust me, I get called annoying often,” Trixie commented. “I don’t think you can be more annoying than me.”

“She hogs the blanket,” I chimed in as Trixie gave me a dirty look. “But on the upside, she’s very warm to sleep next to.”

“She finally asked you out huh?” Fuchsia scoffed as she looked me in the eyes.

“We’re not really dating. The three of us are gonna go on a date or whatever after this is over. I’ve never really been on one before,” I admitted sheepishly as Cloudkicker smirked slightly at me.

“Wait three?” Fuchsia said as she examined me intently. “Who’s the third?”

“Me,” Cloudkicker said casually as she drank her milk. I almost lost it at Fuchsia’s stunned look.

“Where’s Twilight at?” Wallflower asked as we all looked back at our school.

“Lunch with Principal Celestia and VP Luna,” I answered as a horrified look crossed Diamonds face.


“Diamond Tiara!” I admonished as the girl went pale. “Language!”

“Sorry it’s just I completely forgot I was supposed to be there talking to them as well!” Diamond said as she hastily stood up and shoved some potatoes in her mouth quickly.

“Why?” Lavender asked curiously as Diamond grabbed her back pack.

“I’ll explain later, gotta run!” Diamond called out as she started running and waved. “Love ya Sunset!”

“Love you too?” I said in confusion as Cloudkicker nudged me.

“She told us to be in the library right now too,” Cloudkicker said as I choked on my water.


“Language Sunset,” Wallflower said teasingly as Fuchsia snorted and covered a smile behind her hand.

“Here’s my number, Wallflower. I really wanna get to know you better as do the others,” I said as I hastily took a few quick bites of my food along with Cloudkicker.

“Damn right,” Cloudkicker flashed a smile her way with a thumbs. “Sis, can you take care of our trays?”

“You got it. You three are probably gonna be hungry later,” Lavender noted as she watched Fuchsia and Trixie warily. “I was there for that birthday party too so I’m interested in re knowing you as well.”

“Protect my pear,” I looked them in the eyes as Trixie kissed my cheek and I blushed. “Also, I love you girls and all but can we not fight the Rainbooms anymore? You should apologize to Fluttershy,Trixie. Slapping her was uncalled for. I know you all want to defend me and stuff, but let’s just avoid them. They picked their path and we have ours now. I’m gonna talk to them like Twilight wanted and I’m done with them for good after wards.”

They all looked at each other as Wallflower and Fuchsia watched with raised eyebrows.

“We promise,” the three girls said in unison.

“We’re just trying to get back for how they treated you,” Trixie explained as I nodded and kissed her back.

“I know but let’s just leave alright?” I said as Trixie gave me a stunned look. Trixie nodded weakly as I waved, taking off with Cloudkicker behind me.

I’m not entirely mad that they did what they thought was defending me. I’d do the same for any of them in a heart beat. I just hope today gets over quickly so I can go fill Blossomforth in on all this.

Oh, and hang out with Twilight properly. That too.

Chapter XXXVI

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I stepped into the library as Miss Cheerilee and Redheart looked up, waving Cloudkicker and I over.

“I’m not entirely sure why we are here,” Redheart admitted as Cheerilee shrugged and I looked at her book, turning slightly red when I read some of the more adult content on the page as Cheerilee hastily put a book mark in her book and shoved it in her desk.

“We will never speak of that again,” Cheerilee said quietly as her face burned red and I stifled a laugh.

“Okay okay,” I giggled softly as Redheart rolled her eyes with a small grin. “Any idea why Diamond Tiara had us all come here right at this time?”

“No, it’s fairly empty except for a few students here and there doing work or reading. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are here as well but they’re looking at comics over there,” Cheerilee said and pointed to a nearby book shelf.

I couldn’t see the girls but I could faintly hear them. Mainly different comic books and such. I vaguely remembered being told they really liked those styles of books, mainly Apple Bloom surprisingly. I had figured it would be Scootaloo over her.

“It better be important,” Cloudkicker folded her arms across her chest. “I’m missing out on lunch and it’s apple pie for dessert. Granny Smith makes the best apple pies.”

I couldn’t really argue with that. Not that I got one of course. Let’s just say it’s hard to anger Granny Smith so usually you fucked up bad to have her mad. At least Diamond shared half of hers with me even though I tried to convince her not too.

“How’s Sweethearts kid?” Cloudkicker asked as she sat on the desk and Cheerilee gave her a flat look. “Oh right. No sitting on the desk.”

Cloudkicker slid off the desk and sat on a chair nearby, spinning in a circle.

“Her son is fine. Took freaking forever for him to arrive. Coldheart, Tenderheart, Nursery Rhyme and I were in there for almost three days going off cheap hospital coffee and stale biscuits from the lunch room. But he’s a very energetic kid. Sweetheart is naturally exhausted and resting right now. She’s going home next week with him and her husband.”

“Nice. I can’t imagine being in that room for that long. I’d go literally crazy,” Cloudkicker commented as I bit into a pear Redheart tossed me.

“What do you think Diamond Tiara is telling Celestia and Luna?” I asked curiously as the other three shrugged. “What’s up, Red?”

Redheart straightened slightly and her eyes narrowed as she looked over to where Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were at if I remember correctly.

“Come with me,” Redheart said quietly and pressed a finger to her lips as she slowly walked over there. We all looked at each other in confusion as we complied.

“We finally can delete this stupid account,” Sweetie said as we all peeked through some gaps in the books. Sweetie Belle was sitting cross legged and doing her nails as Apple Bloom was reading a book while Scootaloo balanced a soccer ball on her head. “Do you think she will actually tell on us?”

“Ah think she might. We ain’t got any proof on her after all and she had a lot on us. Too damn much honestly. She used us and ditched us when she got what she wanted. Ah haven’t seen her around much today so maybe she changed her mind?”

“I highly doubt that,” Scootaloo commented as Apple Bloom turned a page. “We went after Sunset and she adores Sunset. There’s no way in hell she would let that go by her.”

I recoiled slightly as I felt Cheerilee rubbing my shoulder reassuringly as hers and Cloudkickers expressions hardened. I think that might be the first time I’ve ever seen the two look furious.

I’ve seen Redheart mad before and it’s not a fun sight. And based on the angry expression on her face right now, we were past mad.

“True enough. If she does tell, hopefully enough time will go by after winter break and no one will remember,” Sweetie Belle suggested as the two other girls scoffed and rolled their eyes. “What, they might!”

“We posted all of the schools secrets that our fellow students sent in. I highly doubt they are just gonna forget that if we get exposed. If they didn’t forget Sunset mind controlling all of us, they definitely won’t just forget us,” Scootaloo reasoned as I gripped onto the book shelf angrily.

And to think that I had actually wanted to spend time with these three girls and be their friends just for it to be them who fucking framed me. I never have thought this before I officially hate kids. Or well, these three children at least.

Dinky, Silver Spoon and Diamond were naturally okay. So was Cloudkickers little sister I had met the other day. If you had told me she was related to Cloudkicker and Lavender, I’d have called you a liar. She acted completely different and more soft spoken than her older sisters were.

“Fair point there,” Sweetie admitted as she held up her hand to see it better and sighed. “What do you think I should decorate my nails with? I was thinking cute little snowmen.”

“Ah think that would go well Ah guess? Scoots and Ah ain’t exactly fashion focused, Sweets. That’s usually Silvers area of expertise. Or Diamond but she’s no good.”

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to exhale as Cloudkicker tapped me on the shoulder pointing at herself and me before gesturing to one end of aisle before pointed at Cheerilee and Redheart, gesturing to the opposite end as they nodded.

I quietly followed Cloudkicker as I fought to keep my cool and I watched Cheerilee and Redheart stand at the opposite end behind the three girls looking down, effectively trapping them between us. Cheerilee cleared her throat and the three girls jumped, giving me a terrified look as Cloudkicker and I glared at them before slowly turning around to stare at an equally anger Redheart and Cheerilee.

Cheerilee inhaled and was the first to speak.

“You three are in so much trouble.”

Chapter XXXVII

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I walked quickly down the hall with my hands holding onto Sweetie Belle and Apple Blooms shoulders as Redheart held onto Scootaloos. The few students in the hallway gave us confused looks before glaring at Sunset and Cloudkicker walking behind us.

“Where are you-”

“Shut it,” Redheart grumbled as she glared down at Scootaloo. “I’m going to let you go to open Principal Celestia’s door. If you run, Kicker can easily chase you down. I’ve seen her do it to others before.”

Scootaloo gulped nervously as Sweetie Belle looked terrified at her as Redheart opened the door.

”Can I have- oh you’re here,” Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna gave us startled looks as we shoved the three girls in her office.

“Sunset and Cloudkicker, go home for the day,” Vice Principal Luna said as her eyes locked onto the three shaking girls coldly. “Diamond Tiara, thank you for your information. It was very helpful.”

The other girl slipped out of the room as she shot her fellow classmates a smug grin with a wink before hugging Sunset’s waist. Sunset hugged her back and I let the door shut behind me as Twilight blocked the exit with Redheart.

“So it was these three all along?” Twilight folded her arms as she leaned against the door. “I feel stupid for not realizing it sooner, I could have helped Sunset a lot sooner.”

“Sit. Now,” Celestia pointed at some chairs as I sat Apple Bloom down.

“That hurt,” Apple Bloom winced slightly and rubbed her back. Under normal circumstances, I’d feel really bad about that and I’ll admit, I felt a small bit of guilt for it.

“Shut the hell up,” I snapped and quickly shook any guilt away. The three gave me stunned looks. I almost never curse unless I’m angry enough.

“Why?” Celestia asked as she stared at them. “Do you know what you three did? You framed Sunset, turned this school into a war zone, someone damn well could have killed themselves over this. People have committed suicide for far less after all.”

“We wanted to spend time with our sisters,” Sweetie Belle whispered as Luna tilted her head to the side and her eye twitched slightly.

“You were jealous?” Luna asked incredulously and the three nodded. “The fuck?”

“Luna! Language,” Celestia admonished as Luna inhaled.

“Right sorry. So you three children decided to frame Sunset. How exactly does that involve your sisters?” Luna asked as she leaned against the desk with a frown.

“She was spending so much time with them. Practically every waking moment. We never got to spend time with them,” Scootaloo explained as Redheart gave them probably the most enraged look I’ve ever seen on the nurses face.

“You know how excited Sunset was to go hang out with you three?” Redheart sneered as she adjusted her nurses cap. “She wouldn’t stop talking about for a week and half, it’s all she would speak about. And because you got jealous, you took that from her.”

The three looked down as Twilight watched quietly.

“I have to let Sunset’s mom know about this. I’ll be back by tonight and I’ll let you know what she decides,” Twilight said as she shot the trio a stern look before opening the door and walking out, letting it slam behind her.

“W-what are you gonna do with us?” Sweetie Belle asked nervously as the four of us glared at her and she shivered.

“End of the week before winter break, you’re gonna tell everyone what you three did. We will give you these last few days of normalcy. And you will also tell Sunset to her face. And we will let her decide if she wants to get the police involved,” Celestia answered as their eyes went wide.

“But we are just kids. We can’t get arrested for this. Right?” Apple Bloom asked nervously as Sweetie Belle gripped onto her arm.

“You’re almost sixteen. You most definitely can be. You committed multiple crimes. Harassment, libel and probably half a dozen others I’m too angry to even think of right now,” Celestia said as she narrowed her eyes. “My sister and I will have to discuss punishment further.”

“I can confirm you three won’t be allowed to any after school functions. No Camp Everfree this summer, no clubs. And Miss Cheerilee will be monitoring your online classes to make sure you aren’t abusing your privileges,” Luna added. “Lucky your classes require you to use a computer otherwise you wouldn’t be allowed near one for the rest of the year.”

“And I’ll be having Raven take your cellphones at the beginning of every school day, effective immediately,” Celestia added.

They gulped as I stared down Scootaloo as she looked away hastily from my cold gaze.

“We didn’t act alone,” Scootaloo muttered. “Others helped.”

“What?” Redheart said as we gave each other stunned looks.

“We only knew our sisters secrets,” Sweetie Belle explained. “Other classmates sent in secrets. About friends and people they hated. We didn’t post the really bad stuff like uhm what was that one about Tennis Match, Scootaloo?”

“The one where she got caught doing that one thing we talked about in Health class in the guys locker room,” Scootaloo answered as I resisted the urge to slam my head against a wall. “That was gross, is that really how kids are made?’

“Ah reckon so. Ah ain’t sure Ah’m interested in having kids. We quickly blocked that person afterwards. The only people who didn’t send in secrets was Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Vinyl, Cherry Crash, Tennis, Octavia, Strawberry Sunrise, Flash, the flower sisters, Rumble, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Button, Dinky, Amethyst and our sisters of course. A few others too didn’t.”

“What about Cloudkicker?” Redheart asked nervously.

“She, Lavender, Trixie and Fuchsia never sent in any either. But Photo Finish and Violet Burr did,” Scootaloo answered as Redheart sighed in relief.

“Write those names down please sister,” Celestia said and Luna nodded, grabbing a nearby pen and hastily writing down names. “Do you still have the account up?”

“Yes ma’am,” the three said in unison as they hung their heads.

“Why?” Scootaloo asked as Celestia held out a hand patiently.

“Show us. All four of us.”


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I stared into my pillow as I sniffed as I faintly made out Diamond and Cloudkicker talking downstairs. Those stupid fucking kids. I don’t even know why they did it, no one has told us shit yet. For the first time in my life, I really wanna throw a person through a window.

“Hey uhm you okay?” Diamond asked hesitantly as I lifted my head to look at her and she took a step back. I hadn’t even heard her come up the stairs.

“No, DT I’m not,” I answered as she frowned and walked forward, sitting down next to me. “What is Cloudkicker doing?”

“Texting Trixie and her sister about what happened,” Diamond explained and held up a hand when I opened my mouth. “She’s telling them to not tell anyone yet, don’t worry. Redheart called Cloudkicker also. There’s gonna be an assembly on the last day this week for them to confess. Apparently our classmates also sent them secrets to post about people.”

“The same people who fucking accused me of it were sending in secrets?” I growled as I watched my eyes get more narrowed than before. Dear God, I looked awful. “None of them are fucking good people, I never should have saved them from the sirens.”

“Not even me?” Diamond asked with a hurt expression as my eyes widened.

“You’re the exception. Along with Kicker, Lavender, Cheerilee, Celestia, Luna, Raven, Fuchsia and Trixie. Presumably Wallflower since I’m gonna assume she was under their spell too.”

Diamond fell silent as I slumped back over in bed and curled up in a small ball.

“I have to say something but you’re not gonna like it,” Diamond admitted and I looked at her, gesturing her to continue as she inhaled. “I knew they were anon a miss. For about a week now, at least.”


I sat up straighter as Diamond looked away.

“You know how anon a miss posted all that stuff about my mom and stuff?” Diamond asked as I slowly nodded. “I gave them it in person. But I never wanted to hurt you. As soon as I got mom and dad split up, I was going to turn them in. That’s why I was in the Principals office. I was giving up the three.”


“I understand if you hate me and never want to see me again. I’ll pack my bags and go live in a shelter for a bit,” Diamond muttered as she tried to stand up and I placed a hand on her leg.

“I’m not mad nor do I hate you,” I answered as she gave me a stunned look and I gave an tired laugh. “I could never hate you. I’m disappointed more than anything else. I thought we were past you using people like that, DT.”

Diamond winced as I lifted my hand off her thigh and she flopped back on my bed with a sigh.

“That honestly makes me feel worse. I think I’d rather have you angry at me than disappointed. And I know, I thought I was too. I saw an opportunity and I took it. Aren’t you the one who told me to take any opportunities I see to make my life better?”

I opened my mouth to reply but paused. I did tell her that, she got me there. And she did technically do that.

“You got me there. I didn’t necessarily mean it like that but it did make your life better in the end,” I admitted and gave a dry laugh. “Next time though, just tell me or show me said evidence of your mom doing illegal stuff and I’ll deal with it myself.”

“Yeah I didn’t really think that one through,” Diamond admitted sheepishly as she dusted off her skirt and crossed her kegs. “Are you gonna turn me in to the principals?”

“No,” I said instantly as she gave me a confused look. “That would only get you in trouble and frankly, I don’t want you in trouble. Those three started the account for a stupid reason that I don’t know yet but you had decent intentions. And you did turn them in like you said you would. But I do expect you to make it up to me.”

“I figured as much. I’ll figure something out to make it up,” Diamond smirked slightly as she hugged me and I blushed slightly as I hugged her back.

“And besides, only the two of us know you’re involvement,” I shrugged as Diamond shrugged. “Right?”

“Wallflower knows too. She confronted them at one point when I was giving them information about my mom to post.”

“Well as long as she doesn’t blackmail you with it otherwise me and her will have issues, no matter how much I want to be her friend,” I grumbled as Diamond went pale. I didn’t think she would though, she and Diamond did seem to legitimately like each other.

“Wallflower may be rough around the edges but she means well. She just doesn’t really know to express herself half the time is all,” Diamond answered as Cloudkicker walked up the stairs slowly.

“I ordered pizza and pop for us. Figured you guys would want something easy, especially Sunset,” Cloudkicker shot me an apologetic look. “It’ll be here in about ten to fifteen. The others are justifiably angry right now about the thing but are keeping it quiet till Friday. Principal Celestia also said you can stay at home until then.”

I gave a nod and yawned slightly as Diamond straightened a box of tissues I had on my nightstand.

“I just realized something,” I said as they both gave me looks. “It was their own sisters. I can’t believe the fucking irony. It’s funny really. They blamed me yet the real anon a miss was right under their fucking noses the whole time.”

“Idiots will be idiots,” Diamond quoted. “I think your friend group now is better anyway. Plus, I get to practically live with you for a bit. I like it here. It’s more of my home than my actual mansion is.”

“That’s kinda sad,” Cloudkicker commented with a frown. “It is nice here though. I’ll leave you two to be for a bit.”

I watched Cloudkicker walk back down from the loft as I started to sit up as Diamond hugged me again.

“Can we stay like this for a while? It’s nice,” Diamond said as she blushed slightly.

Nodding, I hugged her back and laid down again. It was pretty nice to be honest.

And honestly, I could use hugs right now.

Chapter XXIX

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I stared at the tv in my room absent-mindedly with Diamond as Cloudkicker snored quietly in bed next to us. I idly made a note to get a bigger bed. Usually Diamond and I fit perfectly fine in it aline but it’s naturally harder with three people.

At least Cloudkicker doesn’t hog the whole bed like a certain magician I know does.

“I’m coming in whether you like it or not!” Diamond and I both jumped slightly at Raindrops shouting at my door as it swung open. I could have sworn I locked it after Cloudkicker got our pizzas.

“How in Celestia’s cake loving flank did you get that opened?” I demanded as Trixie poked her head in with Lavender, Wallflower, Carrot Top and Redheart as Trixie waved a lock picking kit in the air.

Redheart closed the door and locked it as I gave Trixie a flat look.

“Do I even want to know why you know how to lock pick?”

“A magician never reveals her secrets,” Trixie stated firmly as I raised an eyebrow slightly. “Plus, I lock myself out of the house all the time.”

I let out a hmm in response as Cloudkicker rolled over slightly and let out a soft snore.

“Nice place,” Wallflower noted casually as she examined my apartment. “Remind me to bring plants over next time. It could use some livening up in here.”

“As long as it’s nothing crazy like a plant that can snap and stuff,” I answered as Wallflower gave me a confused look.

“Do you mean a Venus Flytrap?” Wallflower asked as I nodded. “Those don’t harm humans but alright.”

“Speaking of harming and humans,” I said casually and flipped a bit at Wallflower and she fumbled with it before giving it a confused look.

“Uhm what’s this?” She asked as I shrugged.

“It’s a bit made of gold. It should be more than enough for your sisters heart surgery,” I answered as she gave me a wide eyed look.

“I can’t take this,” Wallflower shook her head as Redheart smirked slightly.

“There’s no real point in arguing with Sunset,” Redheart admitted. “Trust me, I’ve tried. Once she’s made up her mind on something, it’s very difficult to change it.”

“Why?” Wallflower asked quietly as I shrugged.

“It’s the right thing to do. And besides, you are only earning so much with the Memory Stone. And I don’t want Fuchsia to die before she’s even twenty one. I quite like her even if she doesn’t talk much.”

“Thank you,” Wallflower said as she tackled me and we all stared at her in stunned silence as I hesitantly hugged her back. This was probably the most emotion I’ve seen from here since well, this morning really.

“Think nothing of it,” I chuckled as she blushed and watched Redheart pull out her phone.

“If her sister is getting surgery, it’s always a decent idea to let them know ahead of time,” Redheart explained at our confused looks. “Especially since I’ll probably be helping with it.”

“Oh,” Wallflower mused as she looked at the coin.

“Just take that to the pawn shop down the street and keep it hidden, you will get robbed potentially if others see it. You’ll get easy over a million at least for it. Surgeries here are way more expensive than they are back in Equestria.”

“We heard about what happened,” Carrot Top as she and Raindrops shot me apologetic looks as Lavender gritted her teeth angrily. “I always knew Apple Bloom and her family were no good. But the other two, I’m shocked. Sweetie Belle was always so sweet whenever I saw her.”

“Yeah she was,” I admitted bitterly as Wallflower released me only for Diamond to hug me. “And now she is a spiteful little bitch who framed me for an unknown fucking reason.”

“I know but I’m not allowed to say yet,” Redheart admitted. “Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna made me agree to wait until the assembly Friday before Winter Break. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either. All I can say is it’s a really selfish reason.”

I let out an unhuman like snarl as I stroked Diamonds hair and the others gave each other nervous looks.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you girls,” I muttered as Wallflower inhaled and Diamond snickered quietly.

“It’s okay mo- Sunset,” Diamond muttered as she yawned.

“Someone is tired,” I teased and looked at the clock. Diamond normally did go to be around nine every night. “I am too. Oh and uh thank you girls for stopping by. The principals want me to stay home until Friday apparently. Funny considering how hard they tried to get me to come back.”

“Yeah well they are like that,” Lavender grumbled as Raindrops knelt down to tie her boots. “Celestia is the most confusing and cryptic woman I’ve ever met. It’s like she knows something you don’t and secretly holds all the cards. What if she is a villain?”

“Yeah I don’t think that’s the case,” Raindrops said finally after we all stared at Lavender in confusion. “CHS has a better chance of winning the Friendship Games over Celestia being a villain.”

“The what?”

Everyone stared me incredulously as I raised an eyebrow.

“Are you serious right now?” Trixie asked and pulled up pictures on her phone. “The Friendship Games are a huge rivalry between us and Crystal Prep-”

“-I was stuck up and even I thought they were bad,” Diamond interjected.

“They beat us at everything. Soccer, tennis, chemistry, you name it and they’ve beaten us at it,” Trixie continued and showed me pictures of Cloudkicker and Mystery Mint holding tennis rackets and soccer balls, looking exhausted next to some smug looking girls in dark maroon uniforms.

“Sounds kinda dumb to me,” I admitted after a moment as everyone stared at me.

“Dumb?” Carrot Top echoed. “This is a huge deal Sunset. Canterlot High has never once won.”

“This year will be different though!” Trixie exclaimed and grinned. “Trixie has a plan!”

We all groaned as Trixie rolled her eyes. The last time I remember Trixie had a plan, it involved her setting off fireworks inside the gym and almost burning down the school.

Someone knocked at the door and Diamond grudgingly let go as I stood up and stumbled down the stairs. I hadn’t really had the energy to get out of bed after school.

I opened the door to reveal Twilight standing in the doorway. She was the only other one outside of the current group inside who knew where I lived.

“Hey Sunset, sorry I had to go back to Equestria to visit somepony,” Twilight said as I gestured her inside. Principal Celestia stepped into view but she looked slightly different, primarily because of the white dress.

“Principal Celestia?” I gave her a confused look as she hugged me.

“I’m so sorry. I never should have left you in this world Sunset,” Principal Celestia said as I gave her a confused look.


Chapter XL

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Everyone stared in at Mom as she sat on my couch next to Twilight as I set down cups of tea in front of everyone.

“Hold on for just one moment,” Blossomforth said and held up a hand. “You’re related to Principal Celestia?”

“Princess,” I corrected out of habit. “Princess Celestia. And yeah, she’s my mom.”

“Oh God I’ve been sleeping in the same bed with the Princess’ daughter,” Trixie whispered under her breath. “I’m so dead.”

“This is worse than falling for the farmers daughter,” Cloudkicker whispered back as the two nodded nervously. “You’re dead, I’ve been making out with her!”

“So have I!” Trixie hissed back as I smirked slightly and rolled my eyes.

“Care to introduce us to your friends?” Mom asked with a smirk as she levitated her tea and everyone minus Twilight and I stared in shock as she drank. “Mint tea with lemon, you remembered our favorite.”

“Old habits die hard,” I commented and pointed at my potential partners first. “Cloudkicker and Trixie, Raindrops, Blossomforth, Carrot Top, Redheart, Diamond Tiara, Lavender Lace and Wallflower Blush.”

“So hold on a second and let’s back up. Let’s back way the heck up,” Raindrops waved her hands in the air. “So you’re related to this Princess Celestia? Why the heck are you at a high-school? Shouldn’t you like, be running the country or something?”

“It’s complicated,” I chuckled and gave Mom a confused look. “Not that I’m not happy you’re here but well, why are you here?”

“I’m here for you obviously.”

“And who’s exactly running Equestria?” I asked pointedly as Mom rolled her hand nonchalantly.

“I left Discord and Luna in charge. As of now, they most likely are arguing with each other,” Mom admitted with a small smile. “Discord hid her crown last time I checked in the Crystal Empire and she had to fly there to get it.”

“Why not teleport?” I asked as Twilight let out a giggle.

“Because Discord removed her horn temporarily. I can only imagine how Cadence could have reacted to that,” Twilight snorted as I tried to picture what Vice Principal Luna looked like as a pony. “It was pretty funny.”

“Yes it was pretty funny as you say,” Mom nodded after a moment as she looked around my apartment critically. “So this is the stable you reside in.”

“Apartment,” Twilight said quickly. “They call them apartments here, Princess. Houses are where this world’s versions of stables are called. You get weird looks if you call them that, trust me I know.”


“Yeah this is where I live. Have been since I got here,” I answered and looked down. “I’ve missed you.”

“Likewise,” Mom said as she tilted her head to the side to look at Diamond sitting with my arm around her. Moms hair oddly wasn’t flowing like it was in Equestria, it matched her human counterpart. “I hope to Tartarus that isn’t your daughter, I’ll have missed a lot if so.”

“Why does everyone assume Diamond is my daughter?” I grumbled as everyone else in the room laughed. “I’m just watching her for a bit. We’re going to her house tomorrow to see how it’s going.”

“So how you holding up?” Twilight asked as she picked up a pizza and bit into it. “The last time you talked to me, you were saying how you cried yourself to sleep.”

“So that’s what that noise was,” Redheart mused as she straightened her nurses cap slightly. “I thought you were just getting laid.”

“Redheart!” I snapped as I turned red. “Don’t even joke like that, mom would kill me in a heart beat.”

“Hm. Would I?” Mom asked as she stared at me.

“Yes, yes you would. Because I spent a good portion of my formulative years with you and I know you.”

Mom hummed in response as Cloudkicker gave me a look, jerking her head to Mom.

“Later Cloudkicker,” I said and rolled my eyes. “We can tell them later after this is over and we go to Equestria. I’m quite interested in seeing how different Princess Luna is from her human counterpart.”

“And Cadence wishes to see you at some point as well. She’s in charge of the Crystal Empire with Shining Armor now,” Twilight chimed in. “I never knew you two knew each other, this is so exciting.”

“Mhm it was a very uh unique experience,” I said and looked away. That was an understatement. I had hated the mare for a while there.

“If memory serves me well, you two had a very intense rivalry that started when you said love was pointless,” Mom said casually as she levitated her tea cup again. “And she then proceeded to paint your room in pink with hearts every Hearts and Hooves day just to make you mad.”

I paused and winced slightly. At that point in time, I had been utterly enraged the first time Cadence had done that to my room. Naturally, I had to retaliate so I stole the door off it’s hinges and placed rocks under her mattress.

“Yeah that happened,” I admitted as Carrot Top nudged me with a smirk.

“You’re so telling us everything later on because I wanna hear this. Cadence sounds familiar though,” Carrot Top mused as Raindrops shrugged.

“Isn’t she the dean at CPA?” Raindrops pointed out and Carrot Top snapped her finger.

“That’s it, she is! Nice woman.”

“That she is,” Blossomforth agreed readily. “Surprised she works there at all.”

Redheart tapped me on the shoulder as she handed me her phone and I read the text from her boss as I inhaled sharply.

“What’s up?” Twilight asked as I looked up finally. “Sunset?”

“Come with me Diamond,” I said as I released her and started tugging my boots on. “We’re going to your parents house now.”

“Why?” Trixie asked warily as Diamond watched in confusion as I handed her boots she wore fairly often.

“I’ll tell her on the way, you girls stay here. Mom and Twilight, make yourself at home. Twilight has been here before and knows where everything is,” I said hastily as I stood up.

“I’ll come with,” Wallflower said and stood up as Mom nodded. I didn’t really want to leave her here after she just got here but you know, shit happens.

“Why exactly are we going now? Randolph pass out again?” Diamond asked as I felt the eyes of everyone else watching me.

“Not necessarily.”

Chapter XLI

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“Everytime I come here, I still can’t get over the fact at how big this place is.”

Sunset glanced at me as we both stared up at Diamond Tiaras mansion. I’ve only ever been here one and that was for five minutes because Diamond practically forced me to get more clothes.

“Yeah same here,” Sunset said as she tossed a confused look at a few police cars sitting in the front. “Must be nice to be Redheart, having all these contacts and stuff.”

“I suppose,” I conceded quietly. I was still a bit mindblown the fiery haired girl was even talking to me or liking being around me. Hell, even her friends liked me. I’m not entirely used to that.

We both fell back and followed Diamond Tiara through the long halls as I briefly paused to examine some trophies before hastily running to keep up.

“Oh hey dad is she gone?” Diamond asked as she walked into a large office. “And why are the police here?”

I’ve personally never met either of Diamonds parents but I heard stories, primarily about her mom.

“Not yet,” Filthy admitted as we all looked out the doorway as she was dragged by two other officers. “Well, now she is it looks like. They’ve been trying to restrain her for about twenty minutes now.”

Diamond grinned as she hugged him and I smirked faintly.

“So I get to come back now, right?”

“Not necessarily,” Filthy sighed as he tossed his tie on the table and Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I’m going too.”

“Woah wait what?” Sunset chimed in with a stunned expression. “Why?”

“Because I knew about all she was doing. It’s why I was trying to have Diamond not follow in our shoes,” Filthy explained as Diamond stepped back.

“You knew?” Diamond demanded and glared at him.

“About the illegal stuff yes. It was years ago when we first started our business when you were born. I had no clue what to do with a kid so we made some evidently questionable decisions,” Filthy admitted as Diamond swatted his hand away. “I didn’t know about her treating you badly otherwise I’d have dealt with her years ago.”

“I can’t look at you right now,” Diamond muttered and sighed. “You’re just as bad as she is. You were always telling me to not be corrupt and all or do illegal businesses yet you were doing the same damn thing as she was.”

Sunset picked up a paper that Filthy slid her and I watched as her eyes scanned over the writing.

“Technically he didn’t take part in it but didn’t stop it. It’s still illegal to be involved with it,” Sunset answered after a moment. “What’s happening to Diamond?”

“You should know, you signed the papers in case anything serious happened to either of us,” Filthy commented as he handed Sunset a folder. “Everything is inside, and I’d rather not send Diamond to Manehatten to live with her mother’s family. And Spoiled doesn’t have any say now because she’s not my wife.”

I watched quietly as Sunset opened it and went pale slightly before nodding.


“And I know you gave the police all the stuff on your mom. They were already investigating her for this and would have already discovered I technically was involved. So this isn’t your fault,” Filthy stared at Diamond as he put on a black suit jacket. “Unlike your mother, I’m not resisting. I’m just gonna go and deal with it. It’s not that long of a jail sentence. Hopefully.”

“So you just are gonna run off and not even say more?” Diamond asked as she stared back. “Seriously?”

“I have nothing really to say except I messed up and that’s really it. We never really had all of this,” Filthy gestured around him. “Until you were four or so. We started our business around the time you were born and well, kids are expensive and we had no money so your mother moved some stuff around. Hiding documents or other ways of earning money in the store.”

“Did Sunset know?” I asked curiously as everyone gave me stunned looks. “Just making sure, she is close to your family and all. I don’t want her arrested either, she’s my friend.”

“Sunset knew nothing about this. Everything comes out sooner or later. As much as I trust Sunset, she doesn’t need to know about the inner workings of the business. And she didn’t have any idea of Spoileds activities.”

Diamond let out a relieved sigh as Sunset tucked the folder under her arm and Sunset nodded in my direction.

“You’re not even going to fight this?” Sunset asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“No that would just waste more time. Go in, get it over with and get out. I won’t make you visit me but I wish you would. And your mother is going farther upstate so you don’t have to worry about that woman. At least not for a good few years.”

“I suppose that is an upside,” Diamond admitted after a moment. “So what will happen to me? What did you give her?”

“Sunset will tell you but not here. I hope you do understand that everything I did was for you and not for your mother. Well, at first yeah but she was a nicer person back then.”

“Mom? Nice? You must be insane,” Diamond snorted and rolled her eyes. “That woman is the definition of evil and is a black hole of hate.”

“You’ve been paying attention in English class,” I noted as she blushed slightly. “That was very dramatic.”

“Yeah well when you have Watermelody in your class trying to turn everything into a play, you get used to that type of stuff,” Diamond scoffed as she half heartedly hugged Filthy. “Goodbye I guess. And I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad coming to see you in wherever you end up.”

“Time to go,” a random officer said as he and one of the ones that dragged Spoiled away walked in. “We gave you the thirty minutes you wanted.”

We watched in silence as Filthy was led away.

“What now?” I broke the silence as Sunset looked up at the ceiling and hugged Diamond with a free hand.

“Go home I guess. Got a lot to think about. And I need to talk to Trixie and Kicker.”

Chapter XLII

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I let my apartment door slam behind us as Diamond flopped next to Carrot Top on the couch as everyone gave us confused looks.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked as I pointed at Cloudkicker and Trixie.

“You two, me, bathroom now,” I said as they both looked at me.

“Don’t have too much fun together!” Lavender called out with a smirk as I rolled my eyes and led them both upstairs.

“So what’s going on?” Cloudkicker asked curiously as I dropped the folder on the sink.

“So Filthy got arrested and went down himself because he was somewhat involved with the illegal shit his ex wife did and Diamond saw it all,” I explained as they both winced.

“Damn,” Trixie muttered. “How is she taking it?”

“More so confused than anything really. And a bit mad justifiably,” I admitted.

“So what happens to her now?” Cloudkicker asked and I inhaled, pushing for folder to them both as they looked at each other and shrugged, opening it.

“So you’re her-”

“Guardian apparently,” I answered before Cloudkicker could finish. “I don’t know the first thing about raising a kid! What if I lose my apartment or can’t afford to get her stuff she needs?”

“I really don’t think money is an issue for you. And you seem to be a decent enough of a guardian to me,” Trixie noted. “You have a closetful of gold coins that are more than three million dollars.”

“That’s not a lot!”

“I’m sorry what?” Cloudkicker and Trixie both blinked in confusion.

“It’s not a lot!” I repeated as they both stared at me with flat expressions.

“You do realize that for people like Trixie and I, three million is an amount of money we never will see in our lives, right?”


“Look, did you sign those or not?” Trixie asked pointedly.

“Yes, but it was supposed to be only if something like them dying happened. A one percent chance,” I answered as Trixie sighed.

“I think you have nothing to worry about. You do a good job with her already and to be honest, you’re really the only thing she has that’s somewhat normal anymore,” Trixie reasoned and sat down on the edge of my tub.

“She’s right,” Cloudkicker added as she leaned against the wall. “Diamond Tiara probably looks up to you more than any one I’ve ever seen in my life. Not even Alula looks up to me that way.”

“Now breath,” Trixie advised as she patted my shoulder. I gave a nod and inhaled a few times. “You mentioned in the text message you sent before you got here her dad knew she helped the police. How?”

“Oh he has cameras in his office and saw her snooping around them. Apparently he got rid of the footage in case his ex wife looked at it,” I answered as the two girls nodded.

“Does she know?” Cloudkicker asked and gestured at the door and I shook my head.

“Figured it’s not a great idea to drop it on her right now. Probably gonna have to look at getting a bigger apartment so she can have her own room. Sleeping on a pull out couch isn’t ideal in the long run.”

At least the apartment down the hall was bigger and recently got made available to rent. And I would still be able to be neighbors with Redheart and Raindrops and still be in the same building as Blossomforth so I could still be near my friends. I would kinda miss my loft though.

“Do you want us to get her?” Cloudkicker asked as she rested her hand on the door knob. From what it sounded like, Diamond was talking about what happened with the others.

“Not yet. Let her figure out where she sits,” Trixie shook her head. “I may not be the greatest with feelings and stuff but she’s still young. That’s always a difficult thing to sort out at her age.”

“How do you think you’re gonna tell your mom about this?” Cloudkicker asked and my eyes widened. I hadn’t even thought about.

“I have no idea,” I admitted.

“Better question, when were you gonna tell us you’re related to a whole ass princess? That’s kinda a thing that’s worth mentioning,” Trixie said and placed her hands on her hips. “And you left us alone with the woman. Scariest hour and a half of my life.”

“She has a point there. We’ve been super open with you about our parents. Spill,” Cloudkicker said as she shifted to block the door. “No one leaves.”

“I thought she was gonna dehead me,” Trixie commented. “Especially if she finds out I sleep in the same bed with you.”

“Uh I think the term is behead, not dehead.”

“Whatever! You’re changing the topic!”

“Fine. Yes, I’m related to the princess. No, I’m not a princess myself, I’m just a normal pony,” I said and they both snorted. “What?”

“There’s nothing normal about being a daughter of a princess,” Cloudkicker replied. “Both my parents are in the military, Trixie’s dad doesn’t really support girl on girl dating for context.”

“I’d kill to be the daughter of a princess,” Trixie sighed. “What’s it like?”

“Well, here that title doesn’t really matter much. If it makes you feel better, not even my old friends know I’m royalty. It never really came up in conversation. Sure, they asked questions but I just said my mom was a pretty important pony and they just left it at that.”

“Surprising knowing Pinkie. She doesn’t know any boundaries,” Cloudkicker commented as I snickered a bit. She did have a point there. “Now that we’re on the same page and the three of us are in a locked bathroom, wanna bang?”

“My mother, our friends and Diamond Tiara are downstairs and the walls are thin. Absolutely not,” I said as Cloudkicker laughed. “Risk is not worth it. Well, now at least.”

“Fair enough,” Cloudkicker admitted as she and Trixie kissed me on opposite cheeks as I turned red.

“Hey wait, where’s my shampoo?”

Trixie shrugged and threw a smoke bomb down as Cloudkicker and I both coughed. I waved a hand to clear the blue smoke away as the door was opened wide.

“What was that about?” Cloudkicker coughed into a fist.

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

Chapter XLIII

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I sat quietly on the couch, staring at the papers in front of me as a bunch of different sounds came around me. Snoring or the occasion mumble of a word in someone’s sleep.

“Can’t sleep?” Mom asked suddenly as I jumped and shook my head. I had thought she was asleep, but I guess not. Raindrops and Carrot had gone back to Raindrops apartment down the hall to sleep. “What’s up?”

“This,” I answered and slid the papers over to them as she read slowly before she gave me an impressed look. “What?”

“I am impressed. Old you wouldn’t have signed something like this,” Mom answered as we both looked at Diamond snoring between us. “Do you want me to help you tell her?”

I scratched back of my head and nodded. She might have more expertise in this area than I did.

“Yeah sure,” I admitted and shook Diamond gently. “Wake up.”

“Is it morning already?” Diamond grumbled and rubbed her eyes as we both laughed quietly.

“Not quite,” I said with a faint smirk. “In about a few hours it will be. We gotta talk.”

“And it couldn’t have waited till the morning why?” Diamond snapped as I laughed into my fist. She and I both absolutely hated being woken up early unless it’s an emergency, like the apartment being on fire or something like that. “What’s up?”

“I’ll just let you read it,” I said and Mom nodded approvingly as I showed Diamond the papers and she rubbed her eyes again.

“I’m too tired to understand,” Diamond muttered as she looked at me. “So I’m like, living here now?”

“If you want to,” I conceded. “You did say you liked it here, correct?”

“Mhm. You treat me like a human being more than anyone else has really,” Diamond answered and yawned.

“You’re taking this surprisingly well,” I noted as Diamond gave me a tired look.

“It’s four am. I don’t know what type of reaction you were expecting from me when I’m half asleep.”

“Touché,” I said after a moment. “Well, are you happy?”

“Mhm. What do you want me to call you?” Diamond asked and yawned again as she stretched.

“Anything you want. Sunset works, sister works. You come up with it and I’m fine with it,” I said and paused. “As long as it’s nothing derogatory of course. You don’t need to call me mom or anything. I’m only eighteen, after all.”

“Hm alright. Can I go back to sleep now?” Diamond asked as she laid back down. I gave a slow nod as she gave a tired thumbs up. “Okay, night mom.”

“Wow,” Mom said after a moment of stunned silence. “Even I was anticipating that and I have a way of knowing things before they happen.”

“Are you crying?” I demanded as I glanced over at her.

“Yes. You technically have a kid now. That’s huge for me. Oh just wait till we get to the castle,” Mom smirked. “Luna and Cadence are gonna flip.”

“I’m more worried about how Twilight is gonna react, my partners at least are happy and supportive of it,” I admitted.

“Have you even gone on a date with Cloudkicker and Trixie yet?” Mom asked as my eyes widened. “I’m a mother, I’m not stupid. They’re both sleeping in your bed upstairs and they were the only two you had come into the bathroom when you returned.”

“No we haven’t. We were just gonna all three go on one.”

“That settles it then. Luna and I will set up a date when we go back,” Mom decided and I stifled a groan. She always did this, even when I was a young mare. She even tried to set me up with Lemon Hearts, Minuette and Twinkleshine once. I will admit to sleeping with the unicorns but that’s as far as it really went.

As far as I know, she has no idea. She was the one who set us up individually at first. She really should have figured that would happen.

“Okay I trust you,” I conceded. No real point in trying to fight her about this. I don’t get my stubbornness from thin air, after all. “Hearths Warming is a bit before Christmas here. I’m still surprised they all agreed to come back for the holiday with me.”

“I’m not. They seem to care about you a lot, especially your daughter,” Mom smirked as I turned red and looked away.

“Yeah well they’re good people. Tomorrow is Friday. Wonder how tomorrow is gonna go,” I mused bitterly and rolled my eyes.

To say I was not looking forward to tomorrow was a massive understatement. Probably gonna be the biggest shit show there or well, at least one of them I suppose would be more accurate.

“It will be difficult but you’ve faced difficult situations before. Like the time I sent you to try to negotiate with the Diamond Dogs to give them a designated part of Equestria.”

“Oh yeah because that went so well,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Didn’t want to work with a mare and ran off to who knows where.”

“Their loss,” Mom commented as she laid back down. “I must say, this is a pleasant break from being princess. It’s not easy as everypony thinks.”

“I have to take your word for it,” I chuckled as I put all the papers back in the folder and set it on a nearby book case for tomorrow morning. “Goodnight mom.”

“Goodnight Sunset,” Mom answered as I lifted Diamond up, grunting slightly under her weight.

She may not seem but she was a bit heavy at times. I partially blame spending so much time here. I usually get pizza or other fast food when she’s here. Cooking takes a lot of work.

I carried her up the stairs and smirked slightly at Trixie and Cloudkicker hugging each other as they both snored. Originally I had been in the middle but I couldn’t sleep so I just went downstairs.

I placed Diamond in the bed and yawned as I joined her.

“Sunset?” Trixie said and kissed Cloudkickers head as I resisted the urge to burst out laughing.

“I’m here. What’s up?”


I covered my mouth with one hand and covered Diamond and I with the other as I snorted at Trixie as she fell back asleep. She always did go back to sleep quickly. I had known that for awhile, mainly when we are in Crankys class together. She’s constantly getting detention for snoring loudly in his class.

“Night Trix.”

I yawned and curled up slightly in a ball as I closed my eyes to sleep.

Chapter XLIV

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I yawned as I rolled over in bed and hugged my pillow, my eyes slowly opening. I had expected to either be holding Diamond, Cloudkicker or Trixie.

I sniffed the air and shoved my blankets off the floor. I took a step and yawned as I stumbled down the steps.

“Hey!” Blossomforth poked her head out of the kitchen as I looked around and rubbed my eyes. “Lavender and I are cooking breakfast. You really need to get groceries girl. You eat way too much fast food.”

I gave a noncommital grunt as I flopped down on the couch next to Raindrops and lazily pulled the guardian papers I had signed almost several months ago.

“Alright,” I grumbled and gratefully accepted the coffee Twilight handed me. “Twilight, you understand legal stuff way better than I do. Sit down.”

The others looked at each other before shrugging and sitting around me as I gave Twilight everything and she started reading before giving an ear piecing squeal that might honestly have given me hearing loss.

“Dear god Twilight!” I snapped and winced. “Not so high pitched, Jesus.”

“Sorry I’m just so excited for you,” Twilight gushed as she passed the papers around and naturally, everyone else lost their shit and I don’t know why really.

“She should come hang with Noi sometime,” Carrot Top mused as she brushed her hair. “They could get along well.”

“And Snails,” Raindrops chimed in with a small smile.

“So that’s why you had Cloudkicker and Trixie talk to you in the bathroom,” Blossomforth said as she stopped her wheelchair at the doorway. “So what do the others say?”

“Well, what I can see it just says what Diamond is allergic to, favorite foods, a certain amount of money to be allocated to her when she turns eighteen, a decent stake in the business and ownership of a few assets. Nothing too major really, just a store business. That’s all really,” Twilight answered and stretched. “It’s pretty straight forward and all really.”

“How is she taking it?” Wallflower asked as we all looked upstairs to watch Diamond stumble to the bathroom and slam the door shut. “She seems mad.”

“She’s always like that in the mornings,” I explained. “She’s not a morning person. Give her thirty to shower and she will be normal.”

Scarily like me really. I’m only really socializing now because I have to. Usually I don’t speak to people until about three hours after I woke up.

“I’m probably moving down the hall. Gonna send a text to the owner of this freaking place and see what they say,” I said and sipped my coffee. “I’m more so concerned about college and all that shit.”

“Oh here we go again,” Trixie groaned and facepalmed. “You have a lot of money, you’re fine. If you’re really concerned about it, the sushi place in the mall is hiring. I applied but they said no. Trixie is too energetic around knives they said. Hmph! What do they know?”

“You don’t really need college to be successful,” Carrot Top admitted. “I didn’t go to college and I’m running my family fare. I can do the taxes and all that for it. Raindrops didn’t go to college and she’s getting a job as a storm tracker this week with our local news station.”

I suppose she had a point there. I didn’t really plan on going either. I was just gonna focus full on livestreaming and video games.

“But Strawberry Sunrise works part time at the sushi place as well as with Bon Bons,” Trixie continued and I grimaced slightly. Strawberry was a unique character. But we both didn’t like Applejack so I suppose that was a thing we had in common.

“I can easily handle Strawberry,” I announced with a shrug. “She’s not all that quick or anything really. Her mouth is her greatest asset to her.”

“That sounds bad,” Raindrops muttered as I bit my lip to prevent me from laughing. I didn’t entirely mean for it to sound that way but it was pretty funny I’ll admit.

“Have you decided on what those three little pricks punishment is yet?” Wallflower asked and we gave her stunned looks. While I didn’t know her well yet or for long, she really didn’t seem like the type to talk like that.

“Oh I have. I’m just waiting tomorrow to see their reasoning behind the account. Not that anything they say is gonna be a good reason,” I grumbled as Diamond came down the stairs with a towel around her head and eagerly hugged me as I turned red. “So you remember us waking you up at four am then?”


Well, that’s one problem avoided. I had been worried she had thought it was a dream or something. She was pretty out it when we woke her up.

“You seem pretty happy about it,” Twilight commented and Diamond nodded. “That’s a plus. I was more worried about you being angry.”

“Oh no I’m angry. Just not at Sunset. I’m more happy than angry so it outweighs the anger,” Diamond explained as I nodded.

“Can’t argue with that logic,” Lavender admitted after a moment. “Hey, where’s Red? Wasn’t she here last night?

“She was but she had to go to the hospital and finish my sister’s paperwork for the surgery. Fuchsia hides it well but she’s pretty concerned about naturally. It’s why I won’t be going to Equestria with you all. Maybe next time if there is one. Fuchsia will need me there.”

“We can cancel and hang around till it’s done,” I offered and Wallflower shook her head.

“Fuchsia said she wanted you all to go anyway. She never really was the type to like feeling like she’s holding people back. Trust me, I’ve lived with her my entire short life.”

“If you’re sure about that,” Trixie answered after a moment and Wallflower nodded again.

“I’m sure. Thanks anyway though.”

“Diamond, could you please let me go for a second so I can get breakfast?”

“Oh right. Sorry.”

My eyes widened slightly as Blossomforth threw a pancake at me and I barely caught it. I gave a shrug and took a bit and I gave her an impressed look.

I should have Blossomforth come cook more often.

Chapter XLV

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I narrowly dodged a running Snails as I rolled my eyes. Him and his friend could use to be more careful, honestly.

“What do you girls think this assembly is about?” I asked as I walked down the hall with my sisters, Daisy and Lily. It had been a long day at school and like everyone else, I was eager to get home and start break. I had some beautiful winter flowers in my room to water.

“Who knows?” Daisy shrugged as we entered the gym. “Maybe they will tell us Sunset got expelled?”

“Or maybe that She Demon was actually behind the account and went back to Equestria?” Lily suggested. “They should have expelled her ages ago.”

“I don’t think we will get that lucky,” I grumbled to as we sat in the middle row. “She’s right there in the wings with Trixie and some other girls I don’t recognize. Maybe Sunset will apologize. I won’t forgive her this time around.”

“Well, one is Diamond Tiara,” Paisley said as she crossed her legs. “Don’t know why she is with Sunset. Sunset is most likely a bad influence on the girl.”

I scoffed and nodded as Principal Celestia stopped and talked to Sunset briefly. Why they did this after lunch, I’ll never know. They usually save them for the end of the day. And it’s kinda weird to have on before winter break too.

“Hello everyone,” Principal Celestia said and I folded my arms. “I’ll keep this short and sweet so you all can go home and start break. Thanks to one of our students, we have the true people behind anon a miss and it is not Sunset. Not only was it three girls, it was you all who supplied them with information.”

A few people gave the people around them disgusted looks as Lily leaned back in her chair.

Daisy and I exchanged a confused look as a clone of Principal Celestia in a white dress stepped forward and gazed at us coldly and I shuddered instinctively. She seemed mad and not the type Principal Celestia got.

“Can Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo from the middle school wing join us?” Principal Celestia asked and the Rainbooms stood up.

“Why them?” Rainbow asked and Sunset seemed to say something to the blonde girl in a red skirt next to her and they both laughed.

“Tell them the truth,” the second Principal Celestia said and I gulped. Even the normal Principal Celestia seemed afraid of her counterpart.

“It was us,” Sweetie Belle answered as Rarity gave her a confused look.

“Prove it then!” Watermelody called out and I faintly made out people agreeing.

“The password is ABSCSB,” Apple Bloom said as I sighed, rolling my eyes and pulled out my phone. “Account name is well, yall know it already.”

I started typing it and my eyes widened slightly as I signed into the account as Daisy made a gasping sound and I internally counted from five and presumably, people starting shouting at each other once I hit one.

“She’s telling the truth,” Daisy muttered with a stunned expression.

“Silence!” The other Celestia shouted and I recoiled in fear. “Why did you three do it?”

“Sunset was spending too much time with our sisters,” Scootaloo answered as Pinkies hair deflated and Rainbow gave Scootaloo a stunned look.

“And we wanted them back because we were jealous,” Sweetie Belle continued as Rarity and Sunset both narrowed their eyes.

“So we started the-”

“You were jealous?” Sunset shouted and stood up as I hid behind Daisy’s chair. “The fuck? You ruined people’s lives! You ruined my life!”

“I’m scared. Angry Sunset is never fun,” Strawberry Sunrise muttered as she went pale and Bon Bon nodded with Octavia as the two made themselves seem small. Lyra was hugging Bon Bon as Sunset took another step.

“You were so mean in the past so we thought-”

“You thought I was mean then?” Sunset gave a bitter laugh and the three nodded nervously as Sunset narrowed her eyes again and balled her fists up, stepping closer. “You’re about to see how mean I can get.”

All of our eyes widened in a mixture of fear and horror as Sunset bared her teeth angrily. She sounded exactly how she did prior to the Fall Formal. Derpy and Vinyl were hugging each other in fear. Out of of everyone, those two had been more outspoken about Sunset’s innocence. Sweet Leaves stared down at Fluttershy in shock.

A nervous looking Diamond Tiara and a green haired girl grabbed Sunset’s shoulders as the others stood in front of her.

“Sunset and my sisters counterpart have graciously decided your punishment. We will be naming the other students after break because there is too many to name,” Luna said as she folded her arms. “Changes will be happening after winter break. You all are lucky if we don’t cancel the trip to camp everfree.

I glared down at the three terrified middle schoolers angrily. I had been looking forward to that trip for months with my sisters.

“You can either serve your punishment in a detention center here where it’ll be on your record or as Sunset and my counter part decided, you can serve it in Equestria doing whatever Princess Celestia wants. For your sake, I’d pick Equestria. They are being way more lenient than I would be,” Principal Celestia said and the three looked at each other.

“You have till the end of the day,” Sunset said coldly and turned around. “And then if you haven’t decided, I will pick for you. And you better hope to Celestia it’s not you staying here. If I can, I will ruin your lives like you ruined mine. Almost at least. I have more reliable friends now and a few partners.”

“Come on, let’s go,” Princess Twilight grabbed Sunset’s arm. “We should be headed home.”

“Home?” Fluttershy asked nervously. “You’re going back to Equestria?”

“For now,” Sunset glared at her and the shy girl flinched. “I’m sure you girls will be okay all together. You don’t leave your own behind. Most of the time.”

Rainbow looked away as Carrot Top and Raindrops glared up at us. Those had been our closest friends when they were at school here.

“You’re all free to go home. Enjoy winter break!” Principal Celestia called out as I narrowly avoided a pair of shouting students behind us. “You all have a lot to think about during your time away from school and as my sister said, there’s gonna be a lot of changes. Go to your sisters.”

The three nodded as they walked up to their sisters and Applejack glared at the three.

“Ah don’t even know what to say right now.”

“Worry about that later. We gotta catch up to Sunset!” Pinkie grabbed Applejack and Fluttershys arms, pulling the two along. “We gotta apologize, like asap.”

“Oh fuck,” Lyra muttered as she, Octavia and Bon Bon gave each other worried looks. “Sunset.”

We watched the fiery haired girl leave the room with her friends as I gulped. We should figure out to apologize as well.

For some reason, I didn’t think I would have a decent Christmas break.

Chapter XLVI

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Diamond Tiara

I walked behind Sunset quietly with the others as Sunset balled her fists. I had quite honestly expected her to be much more angrier than she was and I had a feeling if we weren’t there, she would have been.

“I hate to be the one to break the silence but where to?” Wallflower asked finally as we paused outside the Wondercolt statue.

“Got back to my apartment and hang out till it’s night time. The principals gave us permission to keep our vehicles here over break,” Sunset answered and sighed, leaning against the statue and running her hands through her hair. “Good god.”

“What do you think they are gonna pick?” Cloudkicker asked and Sunset scoffed.

“Stay. It’ll be keeping them closer to their sisters,” Sunset sneered and glared at her boots.


We looked behind us at Rainbow and her friends running up as Raindrops and I spread our arms out to block them.

“What do you want?” Carrot Top folded her arms across her chest and gave them a disapproving look.

“Just wanna talk is all,” Applejack commented as Sunset looked away and Twilight gave her a pleading look.

“You promised me you would talk to them. They’re right here so please?”

“Fine. Speak, you got five minutes and Lavender is starting a timer,” Sunset grumbled and Lavender tapped on her phone and gave a thumbs up. “I don’t have all day, after all.”

“We’re sorry,” Applejack pressed her hat against her chest and Raindrops gave a dry laugh. “We ain’t ever thought it would be them because-”

“Because it was easier to let me take the fall,” Sunset guessed and raised her left eyebrow. “Unsurprising.”

“Because they never did anything like this before ever. It was easy to assume it was you because well, you used to this exact same thing,” Rainbow took over.

“I trusted you,” Sunset grumbled as Fluttershy stepped forward. “Don’t fucking touch me, Fluttershy or I’ll have Trixie push you away.”

Fluttershy flinched and nodded weakly as she stepped back.

“We are sorry for talking negatively about you too,” Rarity admitted and rubbed her arm. “It was definitely not okay and we most definitely should have just talked to you first. And we girls were talking-”

“You seem to know more about friendship than we do,” Pinkie continued as she pushed a strand of hair aside.

“And maybe this time, you could teach us about friendship because we need to learn a bit more too,” Fluttershy said hopefully and looked away from Trixie. “We aren’t perfect after all.”

We fell silent as we all looked at Sunset as she bit her lip and looked away before exhaling.


Pinkie’s face fell as Blossomforth and the rest of us watched in uncomfortable silence, even Princess Celestia.

“N-no?” Fluttershys voice broke as Sunset nodded.

“No. I will help you with the occasional magic emergency but other than that, you girls are on your own. Don’t ever talk to me ever again. And if I find out you’re abusing the magical emergency agreement, I’ll be angry. And I’ll take your elements away from you because as of now, you will share them with my new friends,” Sunset explained in a bored tone and glared at them. “I considered you family once before but now? You’re just another face in the crowd and I will keep going to school here to provide for people I care about and of course, watch everyone in the school suffer when they see me walk down the halls.”

Rarity looked at her and nodded as her shoulders sagged and I resisted the urge to laugh. I know Mom/Sunset would have been disappointed and well, that’s kinda worse knowing.

“I’m sorry,” Rarity said quietly and sighed. “Truly sorry darling.”

“So what did ya mean by sharing the elements sunn-” Applejack gulped as Sunset gave her a cold glare that made even me shiver and Sunset shot me a quick apologetic look.

“My name is Sunset,” Sunset corrected. “Only my friends and family along with my girlfriends get to call me that.”

“A-ah understand,” Applejack bowed her head slightly.

“As for your question, I don’t know. I will decide later and then tell you. And if you must know, some good did come out of this, even if it was a small amount at first,” Sunset flashed Cloudkicker, Trixie and me a warm smile.

“Uh like what?” Rainbow gave us confused looks. “I know it seems stereotypical for me to miss something but it’s been a crazy hour.”

“Well, I have two girlfriends,” Sunset answered and nodded at Trixie and Cloudkicker who both smiled faintly. “And a daughter, so those are the only upsides. And I learned how you all truly felt about me so...”

“We should go,” Blossomforth gave Rainbow a dirty look as the rainbow haired girl paled. “Rainbow Crash, been awhile.”

I winced slightly at that. Blossomforth was usually a happy woman so if she was insulting someone, you did something wrong. And I did hear Rainbow had tried helping Blossomforth during her accident.

I tensed up slightly as Sunset gently pushed Raindrops and I aside as she stepped forward till she pressed her nose against Rainbows. I faintly made out the others tense up as well.

“Goodbye Rainbow Dash. I hope you enjoy your Christmas,” Sunset smirked slightly as she stepped backwards and turned away. “Goodbye girls. I hope you got what you wanted.”

“We didn’t,” Pinkie mumbled as she exhaled.

“Would any of you even tried to be my friend if Twilight hadn’t asked you?” Sunset demanded as they all looked at each other.

“I would have,” Pinkie whispered as Sunset nodded.

“Over time, yah.”

“Yes darling.”

“It would have taken a lot but yeah.”


“Hmph,” Sunset mused as she shook her head. “I can’t be friends with you anymore. Not that we have been from the start. I would have taken you all back with open arms if you had just stopped but you didn’t.”

Rarity opened her mouth to speak as I stepped forward and looked up at her.

“I don’t like you,” I announced and she recoiled. “You act stuck up, just like I was. And you hurt mom, so if she wasn’t here I would hurt you too. But she is and violence is usually something I reserve as a last resort.”

Sunset gave a subtle thumbs up before gesturing me to follow her.

I spun around and I ignored the Rainbooms watching helplessly as we all walked away.

“Nice speech kid,” Carrot Top elbowed me slightly and I turned red.

“Heh, thanks.”

“So what now?” Sunset asked as Celestia shrugged as Twilight high fived me.

“Now we wait.”

For the first time in my life, I think waiting patiently was gonna be annoying. I’m usually fine with being patient.

First time for everything though as they say.

Chapter XLVII

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I stood against the statue talking to Twilight as Sunset paced back and forth as Cheerilee walked up with the three girls and their respective sisters hanging their heads as we all gave them angry looks.

“They’ve made up their mind,” Cheerilee announced and nudged Apple Bloom forward.

“We chose to go to Equestria and do whatever ya want of us,” Apple Bloom said as she looked at us nervously. “And we promise to be on our best behavior at all times.”

Sunset hummed in response as she looked away.

“Excellent. You will be allowed to visit your family at certain points. We’re not monsters after all,” Princess Celestia said and shot Rainbow a look. “Now you all should head home yourselves. I promise your siblings will be safe at all times.”

Rarity nodded weakly as Princess Celestia gestured for the girls to step through the statue and we watched in curiosity as the four disappeared.

“I recommend closing your eyes,” Twilight advised a Sunset nodded sagely. “I’ll help Blossomforth get through. Cheerilee, will you take her wheel chair after?”

“Of course Twilight.”

I inhaled and stepped forward, pressing a hand against the surface and watching my hand disappear, staring curiously at the lavender hoof on the other side.

I took another breath and closed my eyes, stepping forward fully and I felt my body contorting and changing but thankfully no pain. Well, until I slammed face first into the floor at least there was no pain.

I lifted my head up and rolled away as I looked up at three girls held in a golden bubble and a taller woman(pony?) behind them. I don’t know what female ponies are called.

One by one, the others tumbled onto the floor with the exception of Blossomforth as I examined my lavender hooves.

“That was a trip and a half,” Cloudkicker commented as she glanced back at her wings and I recoiled, bumping into a amber unicorn that stared down at me with comically bright teal eyes.


“Mhm,” Sunset nodded as she levitated Blossomforth into a nearby wheelchair that had been evidently left out. “Unicorn gang, high hoof me Trixie and Lavender!”

“What am I?” Diamond Tiara asked as she laid flat on her stomach. “Why is everyone else so much bigger?”

“You’re still a filly, that’s why,” Sunset laughed behind a hoof as Raindrops fluttered her wings curiously.

“Why are we naked?” Trixie commented as I watched her and Carrot Top turn red. “Where did my clothes go?”

“Oh yeah forgot to mention that ponies don’t wear clothes all that often. Probably should have.”

“You think?” Carrot grumbled as she took an experimental step forward. “This might take a bit to get used to.”

“Indeed it will,” someone said and I jumped, screaming at the weird looking creature with multi colored limbs before us.

“Hey Discord,” Sunset said casually and smiled at him. “How are you?”

“Good,” Discord examined a claw as I tilted my head. “What a fascinating assortment of background characters.”

“I am insulted by that,” Raindrops snorted and shook her head.

“You know this thing?” Cloudkicker demanded as she gave him a weird look. “He’s unique looking.”

“He’s a draconequus,” Sunset answered as I tore my gaze away from Discord. “He’s made up of well, a lot of things. And he’s the lord of chaos so things usually can go a bit weird around him.”

“Like stealing Luna’s horn?” Blossomforth asked as she gave her new wheelchair an experimental push.

“Yes. Remind me to get your counterpart to teach you to fly. She prefers to walk most of the time but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind helping you out,” Twilight said as she stretched her wings out.

“I’ll be taking these three to Canterlot with me,” Celestia said as we all looked up at the three girls examining their new bodies curiously. “I’ll have a staff teach them how to walk and control their bodies before they begin their punishments. Don’t want them accidentally killing somepony.”

“W-we can do that?” A nervous looking Sweetie Belle asked as I tried(and failed) to look up at my horn.

“Yes. Ponies are strong but we aren’t indestructible after all.”

The three gulped as I viewed Trixie way more cautiously and rolled away from her nervously.


“I’m worried you’re gonna sneeze or some shit and decapitate me. Decapitate Blossomforth or someone else please.”


I ignored Blossomforth giving me a dirty look and snickered as I was lifted in the in a blue aura, awkwardly kicking my legs.

“Put me down!” I demanded as Sunset straightened my legs and set me down.

“There you go. Now you’re at least standing,” Sunset commented as she levitated Diamond Tiara onto her back, grunting softly.

Celestia and the three fillies she held in her bubble glowed bright gold as Sunset hastily covered our eyes with a shield and when it fell apart, the four were gone.

“Woah,” Trixie whispered in awe as the unicorns jaw dropped and mine shortly followed. “True magic, not the slight of hands we do Lavender!”

“I know!” I whispered back as I walked slowly in a circle.

“When did you get a tattoo Sunset?” Carrot Top asked as she pointed at a tattoo on Sunset’s flank.

“Weird, we all got em. Even the kid,” Raindrops pointed a hoof at Diamonds tiara tattoo. “I got three drops of rain, you got a carrot naturally, Lavender has fireworks, Trixie has a wand, Cloudkicker has a sun partially covering a cloud and Blossomforth has flowers.”

“Cutie marks,” Sunset said simply. “Represent a part of you.”

I twisted my head to look at my own cutie mark of two exploding fireworks. I did like explosions and made all of Trixie’s fireworks.

“Interesting,” Cloudkicker commented as she gave Sunset a smirk. “You’re hot as a pony too.”

I almost choked on air. That was a sentence I never thought I’d hear anyone ever say, especially not my sister. Carrot and Blossomforth burst out laughing as Trixie fell onto her back laughing as Raindrops smirked slightly.

“You girls go ahead. I need to use the bathroom real fast. Uh, where is it?” Sunset asked as she levitated Diamond off her back and onto her hooves.

“I’ll show you real fast. You all are free to explore the castle,” Twilight said as she and Sunset walked out the room. “Library is downstairs to the left.”

I gave a nod as I awkwardly walked to the doors.

I personally can’t stay in one place for two long, get bored easily. And she said we could explore soo.

Well, if I didn’t get lost that it is. They really need maps in castles.

Chapter XLVIII

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I trotted down the hall of the castle as I admired the very bare walls. I had kinda thought she would have decorated the walls more than just this considering her being friends with Rarity.

“So I was thinking.”

“Oh boy,” I groaned jokingly and rolled my eyes. “Here we go, what we you thinking Twilight?”

Twilight smacked my head with a wing and I burst out laughing as she gave me a flat look.

“Since you’re Princess Celestia’s daughter and I’m related to Cadence. Cadence is also Celestia’s niece. So technically, we’re related too,” Twilight leaned closer to be face to face and I gently pushed her back. “Which means I’m related to your filly too.”

“Personal space Twilight,” I smirked as she turned red and sheepishly nodded. “And yes, I tried to kill a family member yes I know I’m probably the only one in the family who tried to kill you.”

“Oh you’d be surprised,” Twilight chuckled. “Luna, Shining Armor.”

“Your own brother tried to kill you?” I gave her a startled look.

“I said comic books weren’t real books and well, he didn’t like that so we argued. That was years ago though.”

I rolled my eyes as we both froze as we heard faint shouting and yelling coming from below us.

“Did you tell your friends that Rainbow and the others are this world’s elements too?” Twilight asked worriedly as I slowly shook my head.

“No. Did you tell your versions of the girls about anon a miss?”


We looked at each other with wide eyes as we both came to the same realization.

“Oh buck,” Twilight muttered as her horn glowed and we disappeared with a pop to what I assume was a throne room.

I raised an eyebrow slightly at Cloudkicker and Lavender glaring angrily at Rainbow and Applejack as Diamond, Raindrops and Trixie were shouting at the others as Carrot Top and Blossomforth watched warily.

“They followed us!” Cloudkicker shouted and pointed a hoof angrily at Rainbow. “Get out of here!”

“Make me bit-” Twilight rolled her eyes as her horn glowed briefly and Rainbow started pounding on her purple bubble prison.

Fluttershy hovered above us and stared at my friends as they all looked in fear at her narrowed eyes.

“I think I’m going to see those eyes in my nightmares,” Raindrops muttered as Applejack inhaled. “Dear god.”

“Everypony stop!” Twilight slammed a hoof on the floor and we all jumped. “Fluttershy, eyes off please. Now will somepony tell me what is happening here?”

“These backstabbing traitors followed us!” Trixie thrust a hoof in Pinkies direction. “After they hurt Sunset, they followed us here.”

“Ah ain’t even meet Sunset properly until now. The time she stole the crown ain’t countin!” Applejack growled. “How in Equestria could ah betray her if ah ain’t even spend more then five minutes with her?”

“And why is Sunset associating with Trixie?” Rarity asked as I glared at her angrily and she paled, stepping back.

“Don’t talk about her that way please?” I said finally. “About either Trixie’s.”

“Let’s just calm down everyone please?” Blossomforth cut in as we all looked at her as Twilight warily set Rainbow down and the bubble popped.

“They tried to attack us!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Why are two of my best weather employees trying to murder me and why is another in a wheel chair? What the bu-” I gave her a look as I pointed at Diamond and she nodded. “What is going on?”

“You can tell them,” I said as Twilight looked at me.

“Alright over here girls,” Twilight trotted to a corner and gestured as Rarity followed Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie.

They seemed to exchange words as they each glanced back at me with stunned expressions as I glanced away to my friends.

“Do you all wish to tell me what happened here?” I asked as they all looked at each with guilty expressions.

“We really thought they followed us,” Trixie admitted as I looked at the blue unicorn. “And well, we did try to jump them. Raindrops and Diamond Tiara tried to first and well, everything went downhill as we all piled in yelling at each other. Pinkie didn’t get involved, but Rarity and I screamed at each other. Something about her mane?”

“This one is on me,” I brushed my mane out of my eyes. “I really should have told you all about them. Completely slipped my mind unfortunately.”

“It’s alright,” Cloudkicker admitted as she kissed my cheek and rested a wing on my back as I blushed. Trixie glanced over and hastily looked away as Cloudkicker shrugged. “Come here Trixie.”

“Why?” Trixie asked warily as she trotted over lobsidedly as Cloudkicker placed her other wing on Trixie’s back and kissed the magicians other cheek as Trixie froze. “Oh I see.”

“That’s why,” Cloudkicker grinned as I laughed quietly as the others blushed and looked away.

“Ah’m sorry,” we all looked up as I shuddered slightly under the soft wing and Applejack held her hat against her chest. “We all are. Let me tell ya, if ah ever see mah counterpart we are gunna have words sugarcube.”

“I concur darling,” Rarity scoffed and glared at the ceiling. “I don’t like that version of me and I personally hope that she doesn’t ruin your opinion of me or all of us.”

I jumped slightly as Fluttershy hugged me and Cloudkicker hastily stepped back and kept her wing on Trixie.

“Please don’t hate me,” Fluttershy muttered as I hesitantly hugged her back.

“You all may look like them but you aren’t them. I do quite like you all even if you all seem a bit well, more mature?” I suggested as Rainbows wings flared slightly.

“I wanna beat her teeth in,” Rainbow growled as she flapped her wings a few times. “That was uncool treating you badly.”

“Got that right,” Raindrops grumbled as she sat down and crossed her hooves. “Blossomforth hasn’t always been in a wheel chair for the record. She was in a accident. Her and our Rainbow got in a car accident god awhile ago. Never get in cars with drunk drivers.”

“Rainbow was drunk?” Lavender demanded as she raised an eyebrow.

“No but her other friend was.”

Fluttershy let me go as she fell back onto four hooves and I tilted my head in confusion. I hadn’t expected her to be crying in all honesty.

“I’m gonna get Spike and make some food with him. I assume you all must be hungry,” Twilight said and inhaled. “Spike!”

A door swung open as a green and purple dragon ran in as everyone froze except the other Equestrians and Lavender hesitantly picked him up in her hooves.

“A dragon,” Lavender muttered in awe. “An actual dragon.”

“Yes I am a dragon. Now can you put me down?” Spike grumbled as I snickered.

“Spike and I are gonna go make food and we can all talk and get to know each other. And later will show you your rooms. Now come along Spike.”

I watched as the dragon was levitated out of the room with Twilight following excitedly.

For some reason, I had a feeling she most likely read a book about how to be a good host or something.

“You think she read a book about how to be a good host?” Carrot Top asked and Rainbow Dash snorted, being the first to speak.

“Oh absolutely.”

Chapter XLIX

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I stared down dejectedly at my hot chocolate as I listened to the sound of people in the mall laughing and holiday music playing as Pinkie let out a long sigh.

“We really fucked up,” Pinkie moaned as I flinched.

“While I would normally correct your uncouth language, I must agree darling. We did screw up multiple times and Sunset justifiably hates us,” Rarity admitted as Rainbow slammed her head on the table.

“I feel awful,” Rainbow muttered. “I’m the worst person ever. On the whole damn planet.”

“Need ah remind y’all we all fucked up, not just one of us?” Applejack pointed out as she half heartedly chewed on a cherry. “We just gotta make it up to her while respecting her, what’s it called Rares?”

“Boundaries darling.”

“We wait a few months so not to anger her more. We do what she did, we just bend over backwards,” Applejack explained as I looked up finally. “While bein respectful. Sunset worked her ass off to get respected by the school and ah already heard rumors about people wanting to do the same.”

“Bit late for that,” Rainbow grumbled as she lazily slurped at her shake. “And for us. Give it up, AJ. She doesn’t want us to talk to her. Let’s just let her go.”

“Ah’m shocked you of all people are saying that,” Applejack admitted. “Ah admit, Ah’m depressed about it too but at least Ah’m coming up with solutions!”

“I guess.”

My phone dinged and I looked at it in surprise.

Sweet Leaves: Hey, look to your left and get over here.

I looked over and saw her sitting at a table with a mug as she glared at Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow and her glare softened as she looked at me and Pinkie.

“I’ll be back girls. I guess I’m down for whatever as long as I never have to hear her say she hates me again. But I agree, we should wait at least four or five months.”

“Alright,” Applejack nodded as I stood up with my hot chocolate as I slowly walked over to Sweet Leaves as she crossed her legs and made eye contact.

“Hey there,” Sweet Leaves said as I sat across from her.


“How you holding up after,” Sweet Leaves started and grimaced as she looked away. “Sunset?”

“Not good. Haven’t been sleeping and been up all night crying. You?”

“Bad,” Sweet Leaves admitted as she tapped on a folder. “I think it was easy to think it was her. Remember freshman year when she-”

“Caught you kissing me in the shed near the field and posted it online?” I asked as we both turned pink.

“Yeah that,” Sweet Leaves coughed into her fist. “Anyway, I will admit it was convenient to blame her. She messed up something that could have been good. I guess I owe it to her to make it up to her in time. I’m sorry by the way.”


“I said some things I admittedly regret that was out of line about you and your brother,” Sweet Leaves answered as I looked down. “I’m sorry about that. It was uncalled for. I won’t apologize for being mean to Rainbow Dash. She is just as bad as her little athlete sister.”

“It’s okay,” I muttered as Sweet Leaves sighed.

“No, it’s not. So I want you to take this,” Sweet Leaves pushed a folder across to me and I hesitantly opened it as my eyes widened after a few sentences.

“Is this-?”

“Job offer,” Sweet Leaves finished for me. “I said if you weren’t truly behind the account, you could come back to the shelter. And I’m a woman of my word. We want you to come work instead of volunteer. We aren’t suing Applejacks family or Raritys family even though I want to. We’re getting more than enough money from Scootaloos aunts to not sue so we can afford some upgrades to the shelter and take on a new employee.”

“Yes,” I answered eagerly. I had been trying for God knows how long to get a job there.

“But I won’t apologize to your friends. Those sisters of theirs called me a future eco terrorist, those evil little sh-” Sweet Leaves paused and exhaled. “Those children damn near ruined my life. And Sunset’s more importantly. Don’t even get me started on the others.”

“And Paisley,” I added softly.

“I don’t care about her,” Sweet Leaves scoffed. “She sent in secrets too.”

My eyes widened slightly as I gulped. Apparently someone had gotten ahold of the list of people who had sent in secrets and well, from what I heard a lot of friendships were ending over it.

“Where is Sunset and those three little terrors?” Sweet Leaves continued as I sighed.

“Back in Sunset’s home with her mom.”

“Equestria?” Sweet Leaves asked and I nodded. “Surprised she took them. And who’s her mom?”

“She let them decide their punishment and they chose Equestria doing whatever her mom wants. And her mom is uh Princess Celestia I think I overheard Twilight say,” I answered as Sweet Leaves eyes widened in fear.

“Oh lord we are all dead.”

“Or at least I am. Sunset hates mine and the others guts but especially me. I was awful.”

“You made a mistake. Granted, an awful one but I thought it was her at first too remember? Well, before I accused you and your friends so I suppose I have to make it up to you as well.”

“It’s okay,” I said as Sweet Leaves set her hat on the table.

“No it’s not. Well, I don’t like them but I am your friend still so yeah I’ll figure something out.”

“But you can at least get forgiven by me. Sunset will never forgive me. What if she tried to kill herself? I’d never forgive myself. I’m the worst person ever. She said she doesn’t ever want me to talk to her again unless there’s a magical emergency.”

“I guess we have both have to try to make it up to her,” Sweet Leaves admitted as she patted my hand and smiled faintly. “Together?”

I smiled and nodded slowly.


Could be worse at least. Sweet Leaves could have said she hated me.

Not that I didn’t deserve to be hated.

Chapter L

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I never really had the opportunity to meet any dragons before I left but I will admit, if they all are like Spike, I’m down to meet one. But they most likely aren’t all like him.

“So are you like her slave or something?” Lavender asked as Twilight choked on her water as I resisted the urge to slam my face into the table we all sat around.

“I’m her assistant, not her slave,” Spike corrected as he rolled his eyes. “I cook, clean, organize the library with her, get Twilight whatever she wants, looks after the girls pets occasionally and send her letters. Completely different from a slave.”

“Sounds like a slave to me,” Lavender noted as she bit into a waffle. “Wow, you can cook.”

Spike paused as his eyes widened and we all laughed quietly at his stunned look.

“Holy heck you’re right!” Spike exclaimed as he looked at Twilight. “Can I go hang out with my friends Snips and Snails tomorrow?”

“Yes Spike. You can go now. I’ll give you a few extra vacation days,” Twilight smiled as Spike stared with wider eyes at her.

”I get vacation time?” Spike shouted and I bit my lip slightly as Cloudkicker examined a cookie on the table with narrowed eyes.

“Yes Spike. Did you not read all those papers Celestia and I gave you?” Twilight asked and groaned in frustration when Spike shook his head. “I will go over them with you later. Go have fun with your friends and don’t stay out too late.”

“And don’t go into the Everfree!” Rarity called out as Spike ran to the door. “Have fun darling!”

“You piece of shit hooves!” Raindrops shouted as I watched her break a plate and grumble another curse word under her breath. “Heh, sorry about the plate.”

She gave me an apologetic look as I pointed a hoof at the filly sitting near her and she nodded.

“It’s fine. We have more than enough anyways,” Twilight waved a hoof dismissively as she levitated the broken plate in the air and drop it into a nearby trash can as Rarity focused on me.

“So Princess Sunset, you must tell me how you, Cloudkicker and Trixie started dating,” Rarity grinned as I blushed and shrugged.

“I’m no princess. I’m just related to all of them,” I said casually. “And it just sorta happened really. They spent a lot of time over and then we just started sleeping with each other. Nothing too extravagant.”

“Damn right,” Cloudkicker smirked as she placed a wing around me and Trixie. “Her mom was surprisingly happy. And Princess Sunset has a nice ring to it.”

“I never even knew Princess Celestia had a daughter,” Fluttershy commented as she ate a cookie and passed another one to Diamond Tiara. “She’s never mentioned you, nor has Princess Cadence or Princess Luna.”

“Because I’ve never met Princess Luna. And as for Cadence, we never got along so. I had a very one sided rivalry with her for Mom’s attention.”

“I’m gonna head out and get Raindrops and Blossomforth. They might be able to help me teach you two how to fly. I’ll find Cloudkicker too if I can. She might be working right now. I think I put her on the schedule,” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and shrugged. “Don’t remember but I’ll be right back.”

“I’m surprised we can eat pony food,” Carrot Top mused as Diamond trotted slowly around the table curiously and examined the crystals. “Thought we would be sick.”

“Part of the mirrors magic. It changes how you can handle other foods. And before you ask, ponies don’t eat grass. We can but don’t. You only really do that if you’re really low on bits.”

“Okay. I’m surprised their parents let you just bring their kids over to a whole new world,” Carrot Top commented as I paused. I hadn’t even thought of it that way.

“You’re right, why did they?” I asked and we looked to Twilight.

“Because I brought their parents here and explained everything. Granny Smith has a very vulgar mouth on her. Mostly about her gosh darn hips,” Twilight admitted as Applejack hid a smile.

“And how did they react to all of this?” I asked and waved my forelegs around.

“Screamed. Lots and lots of screaming. And then questions about why they were naked. And then about a three hour conversation about what to do with their kids,” Twilight answered as I nodded. “So essentially just how your friends were, minus the screaming for about thirty minutes.”

“I see,” I mused as I glanced down at Diamond sitting on the floor. “Wanna go see the Canterlot castle? This one is big but the one in Canterlot is huge. The other girls were gonna stay with Twilight until Hearths Warming Eve minus Cloudkicker and Trixie. You can come with me or stay with them.”

“You would really let me stay with Twilight and the others?” Diamond asked as I nodded.

“I trust them all. Especially Twilight, Carrot Top and Blossomforth. And these versions of my former friends seems way more responsible than back home. Up to you what you want.”

Diamond looked at all of them individually before looking at me, Cloudkicker and Trixie as she inhaled.

“I’ll go with you. No offense to them but I want to stick with you three. And I do wanna see where you grew up,” Diamond said with a smile.

“Canterlot has changed a lot Sunset since you last were here. Mainly the castle,” Twilight warned and made a squealing sound as I opened my mouth. “You should totally meet my old friends in Canterlot! Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Moondancer and Lyra.”

“Absolutely not,” I answered and covered Diamonds ears with my hooves. “First off, I had sex with them years ago so that would be weird. Secondly, one of them is Lyra. I’m already pushing boundaries meeting this world’s versions of the elements so no.”

“I understand,” Twilight sighed as I removed my hooves from Diamonds ears.

“We are gonna talk about that later by the way,” Trixie said casually as she and Cloudkicker raised their eyebrows. “Without Diamond there.”

“Talk about what?” Diamond asked curiously as I blushed harder.

“Nothing for you to know about.”

“Oh. So how exactly do you get to Canterlot from here?” Diamond asked as I smirked and tapped my horn.

“I’m a unicorn, remember? I can teleport,” I said with a smug smirk as Diamond blushed.

“Oh right.”

Chapter LI

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Diamond Tiara

“So what do we do?” I asked as I stared up at Sunset. I came up to roughly her foreleg as she said it was called.

“Well close your eyes and stand still,” Sunset advised as the three of us nodded. We had already said goodbye to the others and they were all passed out in their respective rooms. “It’s been years at least since I was here last so it might a bit of a rough landing.”

“Okay,” Cloudkicker said warily as I felt Trixie wrap a hoof around me. “I think we’re ready.”

“Yep,” Trixie said as Sunset’s horn glowed and I squeezed my eyes shut. I can’t even describe how teleporting felt. Picture your body dissipating on a physical level.

“That was trippy,” Cloudkicker muttered as I stumbled and pressed a hoof against a wall as we slowly opened our eyes.

“You okay?” Sunset asked as she squatted down and practically pressed her nose to mine. Her blue eyes were much larger as a pony.

“I’m fine,” I answered as I shook my head quickly and looked around the hallways curiously. The halls had gold lining the ceiling trim and floors were polishe bright white marble. Lavender flowers decorated the halls as my jaw dropped slowly.

“Impresssive right?” Sunset snickered as the other two mares looked around in awe.

“You grew up here?” Trixie demanded as Sunset straightened.

“Yeah. Though the wall color has changed, it used to be white not cream colored,” Sunset mused as she looked at the wall closer. “Fascinating, I wasn’t exactly looking at the walls or at the decor when I came to steal the crown.”

“Think your mom is still awake?” Cloudkicker asked and Sunset shook her head.

“Mom went to bed about an hour ago if her schedule hasn’t changed. She gets up early to raise the sun. Normally Mom would stay up late to raise the moon but that’s Luna’s domain,” Sunset explained as we all flicked our ears at the sound of walking as a dark blue pony trotted around a corner and stopped. “Uhm hello there?”

“Hello niece,” The pony sounded suspiciously like Principal Luna as she squealed and the pony galloped at Sunset and hugged her as we all looked on curiously.

“Princess Luna,” Sunset hugged her back and hastily stepped back as she bowed and we all shrugged, following her example rather poorly I’ll admit.

“Bowing is not necessary dear Sunset,” Luna said nonchalantly and waved a wing. “Sister told me you and your marefriends and filly would be arriving tonight. I will be showing you all to your rooms.”

“Thank you Princess,” Sunset bowed her head slightly. “Their names are-”

“Cloudkicker, Diamond Tiara and Trixie. I am well accustomed to Cloudkicker. And formalities are not a necessity with family. Walk with me,” Luna said as we followed the taller mare down the hall. Or well, taller to me.

Sunset snorted and bit her lip as we all looked at her.

“Is something wrong?” Luna asked curiously as Sunset shook her head.

“Nothing I just keep hearing you say no student parking in the faculty lot,” Sunset chuckled as Cloudkicker, Trixie and I snickered.

“This faculty lot sounds like a place of great power,” Luna mused as we all started laughing.

“Oh yes it is,” Trixie giggled. “I wish I could park there. Cheerilee is so lucky, she gets to park her Suburban right by the doors.”

“What’s a Suburban?” Luna asked as some guards in gold armor saluted us and she nodded respectfully to them.

“It’s like a large carriage,” Sunset said after a moment. “That’s the best way I could really describe it as.”

Luna nodded as she stopped and we stood in front of four doors.

“I must get back to my rounds and the dream realm. You all may pick to sleep separately or all together, up to you. I will see you more tomorrow as you all rest. Goodnight,” Luna said as she paused. “Rest well.”

We watched her trot away as she looked back and forth down the halls.

“Your aunt is unique,” Trixie said after a moment. “What the heck is a dream realm?”

“Rumor is she can visit ponies in their dreams and protect them from nightmares,” Sunset explained.

“Wish I had that,” I muttered bitterly as Cloudkicker chuckled.

“So did I back when I was trying to be accepted after the Fall Formal,” Sunset admitted as she rubbed her cheek against mine as I gave her a confused look.

“What was that?”

“It’s called nuzzling. It’s meant to be reassuring and stuff for ponies we care about. Now rooms, where do you all wanna sleep?” Sunset asked as I nuzzled her back experimentally as she opened a door with her magic.

“Together,” Trixie said instantly. “I don’t know anything about this place and I don’t like sleeping alone in foreign places.”

“I’m down for whatever,” Cloudkicker shrugged as they looked to me.

“Prefer to sleep with you for tonight. I can sleep in the room over if you wish,” I said as Sunset shrugged and we followed her into the room she opened the door of.

“This is my old room,” Sunset said after a a moment and looked around. “Wow, all my stuff is still here. My stuffed animal, pictures everything. I thought mom would have moved it all to storage.”

“Wow you had some interests,” I commented and looked at a poster on the wall. “Is that a pony holding a sword?”

“Yeah it was a rock band growing up I liked. I wonder what happened to them. Might have my albums around here,” Sunset mused as we all stared at her large bed. “This is gonna be a bit complicated but who wants to get in first?”

A blue hoof shot up as Sunset rolled her eyes and pulled the blankets aside as she tossed Trixie into the bed as Cloudkicker followed her with a startled yelp and Sunset looked at me.

“I can’t climb up there. Too short,” I grumbled as Sunset tossed me in next and I flopped onto the soft surface. Cloudkickers soft wing rested on her sides as I laid with my back to her as Sunset flopped face first into a pillow.

“Goodnight,” Sunset yawned as I stretched my hooves out slightly.


Trixie let out a snore in response as we all laughed quietly. She could go to sleep in any situation and honestly, I was jealous.

I’d use that ability anywhere. But mainly English class. I hate that class.

Like I already speak it, why do I need it in school?

Chapter LII

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Diamond Tiara

I stared down at the waffles in front of me as Sunset levitated a cup of coffee to me.

“Uh thanks but I still don’t have good control of these hooves with picking stuff up,” I said sheepishly as Sunset rubbed her chin.

“I’ll help you then,” Sunset shrugged as she levitated it to my lips. “Tap the table when you’re good.”

I gave a nod and opened my mouth as I felt a warm sweet liquid enter my mouth and I tapped the table after a few seconds.

“Thanks,” I wiped my mouth with a napkin as Sunset set the cup down.

“Don’t worry, I still can’t really control my wings yet,” Cloudkicker commented as she examined a fork and lifted it up with a hoof.

“You kept smacking me in the face with it in the night,” Trixie answered as she shot a look at Cloudkicker and I snickered. “You’re lucky I don’t know how to control these hooves otherwise I’d tie your wings to your sides.”

“Jokes on you, I like being tied up,” Cloudkicker commented as she bit into a waffle and I stared in confusion. Why anyone would like being tied up in general, I wouldn’t know.

“Why would you like being tied up?” I asked curiously as Cloudkicker opened her mouth.

“You’ll know when you’re older,” Sunset chimed in and shot Cloudkicker an unreadable look from my spot.

An exhausted looked Luna trotted into the room and levitated a pineapple to her mouth. We all froze and stared in surprise as she ate the thing whole and sat down.

“Did you just eat a whole pineapple?” Cloudkicker asked as her jaw dropped.

“Without taking off the prickly bits?” Trixie continued as Sunset and I just stared.

“She does that,” Celestia said and glared at Luna for a second. “And doesn’t eat the breakfast I make for her but oh well. I’m hoping since we have family over she might indulge me for a day.”

We all looked at each other nervously as Luna shrugged.

“This got kinda awkward,” I whispered and Trixie nodded slowly.

“I agree,” Trixie whispered back. “So I was wondering, do you all have tvs here? I was hoping to keep up with the latest COPS episodes.”

“What’s a TV?” Luna asked as she paused from pouring syrup on her waffle. “And what is this cop episode you speak of?”

“A TV is like a theater but at your house is the best way to describe it,” Sunset explained as she twirled her fork around with her magic. “And cops enforce the law where they live. It’s recorded and put on TV for people to watch.”

“COPS is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law,” I recited as Cloudkicker, Trixie and Sunset gave me stunned looks.

“How did you get your voice that deep?” Sunset asked as Trixie grinned.

“That was cool!”

“I don’t know,” I admitted with a shrug. “Practice I suppose.”

“Practice for what?” Cloudkicker asked as I shrugged again.

“I don’t know, I get bored sometimes and try weird stuff. Mainly to mess with the occasional telemarketer.”

“Oh those can be annoying.”

“Got that right,” Sunset muttered. “They call me everyday, it’s ridiculous. I block the number and they call back on a different phone. Think they would get the message by now.”

“One would hope,” Trixie grumbled as she stared at Sunset’s horn. “Can I learn magic?”

“Yeah, I’ll teach you some spells later tonight. I don’t know any like show magic but I can do some pretty cool stuff.”

“Anything else I can do for you Princess Celestia?” A yellow unicorn with a light blue hair trotted in and gave us a curious look. “Sunset Shimmer? Been a while since I’ve seen you.”

“Lemon Hearts,” Sunset nodded respectfully as I tilted my head to the side. “How are you?”

“Good you?”


“I don’t need anything else Lemon Hearts, thank you. I won’t order you but I’d appreciate if you don’t tell my daughters other exes are here. Or well, at least have Minuette and Twinkleshine come see me first,” Celestia said as Trixie placed a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder.

“I understand Princess,” Lemon Hearts bowed her head slightly. “I hope you all enjoy your breakfast I helped make. If you ever need anything else while you are here, come see me for anything.”

“She’s my head of staff,” Celestia explained as Sunset gave her a confused look as Lemon Hearts levitated the used plates and other items away. “I know about your ah adventures with her. You can trust her that she won’t tell the others without them seeing me first.”

“Okay good,” Sunset sighed. “I’m fine with the others actually just not Lyra. And presumably Bon Bon if they are dating here.”

“They are,” Luna confirmed as she yawned. “I see their dreams very often. They dream about very unique stuff. Mainly Lyra and random things. Bon Bon is more about candy.”

“That’s nice,” Trixie rolled her eyes as I elbowed her. “Doesn’t make them any less of jerks.”

“Yes it is.”

“They didn’t really make my life miserable, I just don’t want to associate with anyone who thought I was to blame right now at least,” Sunset said as I hugged her side and she smirked slightly. “Thanks DT.”

“Why don’t you and I go explore the town for a bit?” Trixie suggested as she looked at me.

“Up to Mom,” I said and looked at Sunset who nodded approvingly. “Okay let’s go.”

“We should go see your friends,” Cloudkicker smirked at Sunset as she grimaced. “Minus Lyra. No point in holding things in the past.”

“Ugh fine,” Sunset rolled her eyes as Celestia placed a bag in front of us.

“What is this?” Trixie asked as I examined the bag curiously.

“Money in case you find anything interesting. And here,” Celestia said as Trixie glowed gold for a brief moment. “You can levitate stuff now and know how priced work here now. Sunset will help you learn more later.”

If only the words to describe how happy Trixie looked existed.

She grabbed me by a hoof and before I know, we were in the hall.

“Have fun, stay safe and don’t get lost. Oh and not too many sweets!” Sunset called out.

“Come Diamond Tiara we have exploring to do!” Trixie exclaimed as she held up a hoof. “To adventure!”

With a sigh, I followed the blue pony out of the castle.

Chapter LIII

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I looked around the town curiously at the other brightly colored ponies milling around us as I made sure to keep an eye on Diamond Tiara to ensure she was still next to me.

“Have you thought about what you want to get Sunset for Christmas?” I asked curiously as we walked around a mare and stallion arguing over a map as a horrified look crossed Diamonds face.

“Oh fuck I haven’t even thought about what to get her!” Diamond exclaimed and turned red as she gave me a panicked look. “Please don’t tell her I cursed.”

I gave a low chuckle as we continued trotting past stores as Diamond bumped into my saddlebags Princess Luna had given me for the day.

“Your secret is safe with me,” I winked as she visibly relaxed. “Im in the same boat in all honesty. With her and Cloudkicker.”

“I don’t even know what to get Cloudkicker or you either,” Diamond admitted as I shrugged.

“I’m easy. Anything magic really works for me. Something sport related for Kicker maybe. She’s huge into sports and a bunch of other things,” I said as Diamond nodded slowly.

I was more confused about what to get Wallflower and Redheart. Especially since I didn’t really remember anything Wallflower liked and I never really knew Redheart all that well.

At least Blossomforth was relatively easy. She was huge into engineering and stuff like that. She originally wanted to be an engineer if I remember correctly.

“I know what Sunset is getting you but I was sworn to secrecy. You’re a hard kid to shop for. I usually just give out stickers or random stuff and that normally did it.”

“And I know what she is getting you but I was sworn to secrecy,” Diamond commented smugly as she stopped to look at a few store windows. “Would you be surprised if I say I never had stuff like toys growing up? That ended when I was seven. Always was told to be mature and not to play with toys.”

“So you never got to be a kid is what you’re saying?” I asked as she nodded and I shuddered. “That’s shitty. I can’t imagine what that’s like.”

“It was. Silver Spoon used to let me play around with her dolls and stuff at her house.”

I paused as I rubbed my chin with a hoof. That did make getting her gifts a bit easier at least.

“Here, why don’t you go into that store and look around?” I suggested and pointed at a nearby store.

“Uh okay?” Diamond said as we walked in and she examined the items on the shelf. “Interesting.”

I watched as she trotted to the back of the store and shakily levitated the doll she had been examining in front of the stallion at the counter with some bits.

“Wrap it too please and pronto.”

After making sure Diamond Tiara had made it to her room and was in bed, I snuck quietly into the room I was sharing with the others and slipped the gifts under the bed. Diamond and I had stopped at a few other places and got stuff for the others as well. Thankfully, she didn’t see the ones for her in my bags.

“You’re back late,” Cloudkicker noted as I jumped and looked at her. She was laying on her as Sunset snored quietly.

“Yeah we were busy,” I answered as I awkwardly climbed into bed between her and Sunset as Cloudkicker let the blankets fall over me. “Did you two have any luck at Sunset’s former fuck buddies house?”

“It went well yeah. Explained a few things, anon a miss and stuff. They’re pretty angry about it. It was awkward at first but they don’t want any trouble with us,” Cloudkicker answered as I sighed in relief.

“That’s good,” I said and groaned slightly as I felt the tension leave my body. “Your wings are soft.”

“Mhm,” Cloudkicker commented as she kissed me and I froze as she wrapped her wings around me in a hug.

“Isn’t this cheating on Sunset?” I asked after she stopped.

“No? I’m dating Sunset, you’re dating Sunset, I’m dating you and vice versa remember? I think Sunset would be more worried if we didn’t do anything together,” Cloudkicker commented as she ran a hoof along my side.

“Fair enough. I won’t have sex with you though. Sex is gross. I wouldn’t even with Sunset. Hopefully she doesn’t like, hate me for it in the future.”

“I wasn’t about to suggest that. I know you’re unique about that,” Cloudkicker rolled a hoof in the air and I shrugged. “And Sunset definitely wouldn’t hate you for just being you.”

“Fair enough.”

“So what did you and Diamond do?” Cloudkicker asked as she pressed her face into my neck area.

“Went to some stores, watched some street comedy acts. Got her some gifts. Apparently she’s never had stuff like toys before so I got her a few. It feels weird to be sympathetic to anyone other than Lavender, Fuchsia and myself,” I admitted as I rested a hoof on Cloudkickers wing and she shivered. “What’s wrong?”

“That feels weird,” Cloudkicker answered and I hastily removed my hoof. “Like good kind of weird. Sunset did say wings were sensitive.”

I turned faintly red at the implication as I let her kiss me again and I sighed contently as I hugged her back. It felt slightly weird to be kissing anyone other than Sunset. She tasted faintly coconutish too.

“That was unique,” I admitted as we both turned brighter shades of red.

“Mh yeah I bet it was,” Cloudkicker gave a smug grin and I rolled my eyes. “I’m the best.”

“Okay Rainbow Dash,” I snarked and Cloudkicker snickered as Sunset rolled over next to me. “She looks peaceful in her sleep. You can’t even tell she went through stressful stuff.”

“I know right? It’s impressive really.”

We both watched Sunset drool slightly on her pillow and we laughed quietly.

“She dreams about food a lot I noticed,” Cloudkicker commented as she smirked slightly at me. “Wanna go again when she wakes up?”

“Yeah sure.”

I flopped back down and rolled over as Cloudkicker wrapped her hooves around me.

“Night Trix,” Cloudkicker muttered into my mane and I smiled faintly.

“Night Cloudy.”

Chapter LIV

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I trotted next to Sunset down the castle halls as Sunset expertly navigated the halls to the kitchen where Lemon Hearts worked according to Princess Celestia.

“So what exactly do you plan on saying?” I asked as Sunset gave a shrug.

“Not sure honestly. Was thinking of hey, what’s up. I mean, she’s only a year younger than me and we’re all adults here so it should be a respectful conversation.”

“Need I remind you that we just came from a place where we could have had a bunch of reasonable conversation but didn’t?” I pointed out as Sunset paused for a second.

“Touché Cloudy.”

We both stopped outside the kitchen as Lemon Hearts was running around to various ovens as we both watched curiously. Sunset cleared her throat and the mare froze, looking back slowly.

“Look, I get you have two marefriends and in all honesty, I don’t plan on interfering. I know how mean you can be so please don’t hurt me,” Lemon Hearts pleaded as Sunset looked down.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I didn’t plan on it. I’m a changed mare,” Sunset promised as Lemon Hearts inhaled before nodding. “I am worried about meeting you all again but well, my girlfriend is insisting I do while my other girlfriend is with my daughter.”

“D-daughter?” Lemon Hearts stammered with wide eyes.

“It’s complicated,” Sunset admitted as I wrapped a wing around her and she leaned against me with a content sigh. “I’m fine with meeting everyone except Lyra and Bon Bon.”

“Uh don’t you mean everypony?” Lemon Hearts asked in confusion.

“Yeah sure.”

“Alright well uh we can go to my house. I’ll go let the others know,” Lemon Hearts said and trotted past us.

With a shrug and a head jerk, we followed her.

I sat awkwardly on the couch as I kept a wing around Sunset as she maintained eye contact with the other mares in front of her.

“So you say you’re a changed mare,” Moondancer stated as she sipped her tea. “And your marefriends are from an alternate world, making you refuse to see Lyra. Why?”

Her piecing eyes made me nervous as Sunset and I looked at each other and I gave her a reassuring nod.

With an inhale, she told the four everything. Anon a miss, the Fall Formal, Battle of the Bands, the rainbooms siding against her, Lyra and Bon Bon siding against her.

The mares grew surprisingly angry looking as we both took over for each other.

“And Lyra’s counterpart and Bon Bons believed you were guilty?” A stunned Twinkleshine asked. “T-that’s not like Lyra nor Bon Bon. They’re both very friendly and fun loving mares.”

“Well, not the human versions,” I said bitterly as I nuzzled Sunset and she blushed. “Sunset is quite worried you all hate her. She has told me all of what she did so you don’t gotta give me a recap.”

“I don’t hate anypony,” Minuette grinned as she elbowed Moondancer. “I will admit, I didn’t have a good opinion of you Sunset nor did I particularly like you.”

“Same here,” Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine chimed in as they both scowled at Sunset.

“But well, we can tell you’re a nicer mare than before,” Twinkleshine finished as the three smiled at us.

“And that does kinda carry weight,” Lemon Hearts admitted as she rubbed the back of her head. “Especially if the princess is allowing you to stay in the castle.”

“What?” Moondancer said in confusion. “Why?”

“Probably because she’s my mom?” Sunset suggested weakly as I listened. The four gave us stunned looks and Sunset gave a nervous laugh.

“What?” Twinkleshine demanded with wide eyes.

“That would explain why you always came from the castle to class,” Minuette mused as she gave Sunset an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about teleporting away from you in class to sit next to my friends. That was pretty rude of me as well.”

“I think I’m the one who should apologize,” Sunset admitted. “I was a well, bitch to you all. A she demon if you will-”

“Hey!” I cut her off sternly and whapped the back of her head with a wing. “We agreed you wouldn’t call yourself that anymore. No self deprecating comments allowed in my presence or Trixie’s.”

Twinkleshine giggled as Sunset rolled her eyes.

“We forgive you,” the four said with smiles.

“I don’t know what to do about my world’s Lyra and Bon Bon,” Sunset admitted as Moondancer gritted her teeth.

“I don’t know either,” Moondancer admitted finally once she relaxed her jaw. “If anything, I wouldn’t talk to her again-”

“Moondancer!” Minuette exclaimed as the unicorns glared at the other mare.

“-But if I did, I’d leave nothing out. Tell her exactly how you feel, how she offended you and then never talk to her again,” Moondancer concluded as she gave a small glare back at her friends. “But it’s the truth. I don’t think anypony would really judge you if you never talked to them all again. I’ve been through my own problems here, Tirek draining me of my magic and getting trapped inside my own home by changelings but nothing like this. If the girls ever did that to me, I honestly don’t know if I’d forgive them.”

“We would never,” Lemon Hearts reassured the mare. “We’re rooting for you, whatever you decide. Knowing Twilight, she will be pushing for you to forgive them.”

“She already is,” I chuckled as Sunset nodded. “So you aren’t upset about me, Trixie and Sunset dating?”

“Of course not!” Twinkleshine laughed. “Admittedly, bad girls are attractive but Sunset is your marefriend and I will respect that as will the others. We wish you the best.”

“I hope we meet again,” Lemon Hearts bowed her head slightly as she patted Sunset on the shoulder. “And get to truly know each other.”

“That is highly possible,” Sunset chuckled as I kissed Sunset’s cheek.

“Now didn’t that feel good to talk to them?” I asked as the others laughed and Sunset nodded.

“You know what Cloudkicker, it really does.”

Chapter LV

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I flopped down on the bed next to Sunset as we both let out yawns.

“So why are you refusing to meet this world’s Lyra and Bon Bon?” I asked curiously as I felt Sunset drape the blanket over us and she sighed before curling into a ball.

“I don’t know. I know it’s not them from school but damn it, they sound exactly the same. I was the same with Rainbow and the others but...”

“But?” I raised an eyebrow as Sunset trailed off.

“But I think Rainbow and the others were easier because they didn’t know me before I left Equestria. Lyra did. And it was easier talking to Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Moondancer and Twinkleshine because they’re counterparts don’t go to our school. They didn’t betray me or anything like Lyra and Bon Bon did. If that makes any sense.”

“It does yeah,” I admitted after a moment. I placed a wing over the ball that was Sunset and wrapped my forelegs around her. “Oh you’re warm.”

“I try,” Sunset mumbled into the pillow. “What do you think Trixie and Diamond are doing?”

“Knowing them, probably something reckless and crazy that will get them in trouble. Like bringing up the fact that she is dating the princesses daughter or that Diamond Tiara is said princesses daughters child.”

“Maybe,” Sunset chuckled into the pillow. “Trixie is probably just taking her around. I was worried about them getting lost or in trouble but Mom has Raven following them around just in case of anything happening.”

“Hmph I can see that. This town is so much more different than our Canterlot. Same street names though I noticed earlier. Weird how little things like that carry over,” I commented as I waited for Sunset to reply as she let out a snore and I snorted. “Looks like someone was tired.”

I gave a yawn as I stretched out my hind legs and waited for Trixie to return.

I laid on my back as Trixie snuck into the room quietly and shoved some bags under the bed as I glanced at her.

“You’re back late,” I noted as Trixie jumped and looked at me as Sunset snored quietly. I lifted the blankets and gestured a hoof as she blushed slightly

“Yeah we were busy,” Trixie answered as she awkwardly climbed into bed between me and Sunset as I let the blankets fall over her. “Did you two have any luck at Sunset’s former fuck buddies house?”

“It went well yeah. Explained a few things, anon a miss and stuff. They’re pretty angry about it. It was awkward at first but they don’t want any trouble with us,” I answered as she sighed in relief.

“That’s good,” She said and groaned slightly as she relaxed. “Your wings are soft.”

“Mhm,” I commented as I inhaled before kissing her and Trixie froze. She was either gonna hit me or well, hit me. I vaguely remembered she wasn’t fond of physical contact.

“Isn’t this cheating on Sunset?” Trixie asked after I pulled away.

“No? I’m dating Sunset, you’re dating Sunset, I’m dating you and vice versa remember? I think Sunset would be more worried if we didn’t do anything together,” I commented as I ran a hoof along her side. She was unsurprisingly very soft too.

“Fair enough. I won’t have sex with you though. Sex is gross. I wouldn’t even with Sunset. Hopefully she doesn’t like, hate me for it in the future.”

“I wasn’t about to suggest that. I know you’re unique about that,” I rolled a hoof in the air and she shrugged. “And Sunset definitely wouldn’t hate you for just being you.”

“Fair enough.”

“So what did you and Diamond do?” I asked as I pressed my face against her neck and kissed her neck as she sighed contently.

“Went to some stores, watched some street comedy acts. Got her some gifts. Apparently she’s never had stuff like toys before so I got her a few. It feels weird to be sympathetic to anyone other than Lavender, Fuchsia and myself,” Trixie admitted as she rested a hoof on my wing and I shivered. “What’s wrong?”

“That feels weird,” I answered and she hastily removed her hoof. “Like good kind of weird. Sunset did say wings were sensitive.”

Trixie turned bright red and I chuckled quietly before I kissed her again and she opened her mouth. She tasted surprisingly like blueberries. If you had told me months ago I’d be kissing Trixie of all people, I’d have laughed in your face. Hard. Before telling you good joke of course.

Trixie hugged me back as she rubbed my back and kissed me back as I tightened my hooves and wings around her.

We both turned redder as we separated and glanced at the still snoring Sunset in her ball she had curled herself into with her tail wrapped around herself. She kinda reminded me of a cat if I thought about.

“That was unique,” Trixie commented as I gave a smug grin her way.

“Mh yeah I bet it was,” I maintained my smug grin and she rolled her yes. “I’m the best.”

“Okay Rainbow Dash,” Trixie snarked and I snickered as Sunset rolled over next to her. “She looks peaceful in her sleep. You can’t even tell she went through stressful stuff.”

“I know right? It’s impressive really.”

We both watched Sunset drool slightly on her pillow and we laughed quietly. She had been doing that all night and at least it was on her pillow and not mine.

“She dreams about food a lot I noticed,” I commented as I gave Trixie a mischievous grin. “Wanna go again when she wakes up?”

“Yeah sure.”

Trixie flopped back down and rolled over as I wrapped my hooves around her. She smelled faintly like lavender, but I didn’t really know if it was her mane or her coat or both.

“Night Trix,” I muttered into her mane and kissed the back of her head as Trixie shifted closer to me.

“Night Cloudy.”

I tilted my head in surprise as Trixie yawned. I didn’t even really know she had a nickname for me. Sunset and Lavender usually only called me that.

I gave a shrug as I kissed her neck again and closed my eyes.

Chapter LVI

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I groaned as I covered my eyes with my foreleg to block out the sun shining through my window as I slammed the blinds shut with my magic, finally removing my hoof.

“Stupid sun,” I grumbled as I rolled over to stare at the other two mares in bed as I raised an eyebrow slightly. When I had fallen asleep, Cloudkicker had been hugging me but apparently that changed sometime in the night because her and Trixie were currently asleep hugging each other. I only rarely see Trixie smiling so it was nice to see. “Woah, I didn’t see that coming.”

I levitated a camera up and took a quick picture before setting it back down and quietly getting out of bed after kissing both their foreheads. Might as well let them sleep and I’ll go check on Diamond or something.

“Sleep well,” I commented quietly as I glanced at the sleeping mares before I snuck out the room. Seems they fixed my squeaky door in my absence, I remember I couldn’t sneak out without some guard hearing it and stopping me.

I stood in front of my daughter’s room and inhaled sharply. It was still a bit foreign to think of me as a mother of ponies. If you told me years ago I’d be willingly taking in a filly, I’d have laughed in your face and shoved you to the ground for my cruel amusement but here I am.

I went to push the door to her room open as I paused. I remember I hated when mom would just trot into my room without knocking.

“Are you awake?” I called out quietly to avoid waking my partners. “Diamond Tiara?”

I waited patiently a few moments before knocking again, stepstepping back as Diamond Tiara opened the door, stifling a laugh. She looked exhausted and her mane was sticking every which way.

“I’d say good morning but it looks like it’s not one for you,” I quipped with a smile as Diamond Tiara yawned and nodded. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah sure,” Diamond coughed out as she trotted into the room and I followed her. Diamond inhaled before running at at a chair and jumping off it to get onto the messy bed as I raised an eyebrow. “It’s how I get up on the bed. I was up all night trying to climb up there. Bit too tall for me but it is what it is.”

I made a mental note to get her a shorter bed before I fell asleep tonight.

“You could have told me last night and I would have helped you,” I said casually as she blushed. “Or Cloudkicker, or Trixie herself. You were with her last night.”

“You were asleep so,” Diamond answered with a shrug as I levitated her up in the air, quickly making her bed before setting her back down.

“Raven gets annoyed when the beds aren’t perfectly made and trust me, you don’t wanna make Raven annoyed,” I explained at her confused look.


“Did you and Trixie have fun?” I asked curiously as I climbed on the bed next to her.

“Yeah, we went exploring around town for a few hours. She was strangely insistent on me looking at toys but I don’t know why. All I said was never had any growing up and next thing I know, she’s practically shoving me in the direction of a toy store. It was weird.”

“Huh,” I mused as I levitated a mane brush to her. “She’s asleep hugging Cloudkicker right now, so she will probably talk about it extensively for hours in detail but it’s what I love about her.”

“Bit early for that word isn’t it?” Diamond asked with a head tilt. “You’ve only been dating Trixie for a few weeks. And what about Cloudkicker?”

“I know it has been pretty new but I’m sure,” I turned red as I shrugged. “I’ve never been happier. Other than meeting you of course. I wasn’t even this happy when I was dating Flash.”

“Didn’t you say you were using him?” Diamond asked and flinched as I gave her a flat look. “Sorry that was rude.”

“Forgiven. And a major part of me was using him yes, but a small part did genuinely like him. I knew his Equestrian counterpart before I came to your world so I already knew him in a way. And as for Cloudkicker, I love her too. She was one of the first people to side with me after my fight with the Rainbooms. Granted, she didn’t entirely believe me until later but she still was with me. That counts for something DT.”

“You raise a fair point,” Diamond admitted after a moment.

“I know. Now come on, Mom and Aunt Luna might be getting ready for breakfast and Mom doesn’t like ponies being late trust me. We gotta wake up the two Sleeping Beauties as well,” I said with a grin as Diamond snickered.

“What time is it anyway?”

I glanced at the sun quickly out her window as she mimicked me, scrunching up her muzzle. I will admit, I wasn’t expecting that action to be as adorable as it was.

“Nine am,” I decided after a moment. I still used to tell the time from looking at the sun, even back at the human world. It did always impress my former friends. I cursed in my head and shook it. Now is not the time to be depressed.

“Are you alright?” Diamond asked worriedly as I glanced down at the filly leaning against me. I gave a sigh before giving her a quick hug.

“Yeah kid I’m fine. Just thinking of stuff is all,” I forced a smile and jumped off the bed. “Now let’s go wake up my girlfriends, shall we? I’ll even let you jump on em.”

“Really? Spoiled used to get angry when I did that when I was little,” Diamond said hesitantly as I levitated her next to me on the ground.

“Really. Now come on, we have two sleeping mares to awaken!”

I forced a laugh as I trotted out the room hastily and Diamond hesitated before following me with a faint smile.

Chapter LVII

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I gestured for Diamond to follow me closer as we watched the two mares sleeping quietly as Trixie nuzzled Cloudkicker in her sleep and I stifled a giggle as Diamond glowed light blue from my magic.

“Geronimo!” I shouted with a smirk and tossed Diamond onto the two sleeping mares.

“Gah!” Cloudkicker shouted as she and Trixie jumped, hastily looking at each other. “What on earth was that?”

“We got attacked by a furry freaking missile!” Trixie said as she rubbed her eyes.

“Good morning,” I snickered as I trotted over and kissed them both on the forehead. “Diamond Tiara doubles as a missile, did you know that?”

“You’re so lucky I don’t have fingers otherwise I’d be showing you one right now!” Trixie shouted as I levitated Diamond off of them and onto the ground next to me.

“What on earth was that for?” Cloudkicker demanded as she narrowed her eyes and I laughed into a hoof.

“Well, it’s morning time and it’s time to get up. I wanna show you three around Canterlot before we go watch the yearly tree lighting downtown,” I explained as Cloudkicker rolled over. “It’s really amazing. I loved it as a filly every year. One of the better memories I have with mom.”

“Five more minutes?” Trixie said hopefully as Cloudkicker and nudged her.

“Unfortunately I’m awake and so are you. I don’t know why I didn’t feel cold. I fell asleep holding Sunset last night,” Cloudkicker said as I snorted. “What?”

“You were holding Trixie all night and vice versa. Kinda glad to see you two liking each other as much as I like you both. I was a bit worried about that.”

“Okay I’m leaving to find the dining room before this gets even grosser,” Diamond gagged as we all laughed and she hastily left the room.

“Well, she obviously doesn’t do well with that type of talk,” Trixie noted as I sighed and nodded.

“It wasn’t really said in her old house so that’s to be expected. I’m not used to it either in all honesty but uh I’m trying,” I admitted as the other mares faces fell.

“Damn. Well, you’re doing good at it,” Cloudkicker said as she rested a hoof on my thigh. “Now come on, we should follow her. I don’t want Diamond getting lost or accidentally coming across the other three kids your mom brought over. I have a feeling that would end poorly.”

I had a feeling I agreed with her on that one. Partially while I was avoiding the west side of the castle so I didn’t see them either. I didn’t necessarily know that’s where they were but the increased guard president and Raven, Grace and Peachy Plume visiting every day told me something was up.

I trotted down the street with Cloudkicker in between me and Trixie with Diamond on my back. Mom and Aunt Princess Luna had long since gone ahead for the lighting as we walked around large crowds.

“So what’s it like?” Diamond asked as she peered over my mane. It still was a bit to get used to carrying a filly on my back but I can adapt.

“Pretty much just like it is back home except they use magic here and the same thing is probably happening in Ponyville as we speak. I do wonder how your sister and the others are faring,” I said as we dodged a large group of ponies.

“Hopefully they aren’t raising too much problems. Otherwise I’d be concerned,” Cloudkicker muttered.

“I’m sure they’re fine,” I reassured the pegasus. “Now we should hurry, I haven’t seen this in years. Kinda miss it in all honesty.”

I gave a frustrated groan as Trixie snickered and Cloudkicker placed a wing on my back.

“Alright chill. We’re right around the corner now calm down your inner filly or no hugs tonight,” Trixie groaned as Diamond Tiara nuzzled the back of my head.

“Right right sorry. I don’t really get excited about much anymore in all honesty. Unless we are talking about video games because I am [iall over that.”

The three chuckled as we rounded the corner and they all stared in silence.

“Now that is a lot of ponies,” Diamond whistled.

“Forget the ponies, that is a big tree,” Trixie commented as Cloudkicker nodded.

“They always go big here,” I answered as we all stared at it. “It’s used to be just mom but now with Aunt Luna back, it’s a bit more important to us now.”

I couldn’t necessarily make out what Celestia was saying but I pretty much knew her speech by heart after hearing it for years.

“Woah,” Diamond said as she stared over my mane as the tree burst out in different glowing colors as the lights turned on. “Pretty.”

“It is, isn’t it?” I said as I smiled. “I missed this. No offense, but tree lightings in the human world don’t even compare to one’s here. You should see the ones in Manehatten, I’ve only seen it once.”

“What do you normally do for Christmas?” Cloudkicker asked as her wing pulled us closer.

“Well I used to do nothing except get me some random books or Xbox. Clothes to survive ya know. Got to sleep early normal stuff really,” I answered with a guilty frown. “And well, now I have a daughter to think about. I can’t sleep in anymore.”

I paused and looked back at Diamond snoring on my back. She seemed peaceful in her sleep, I won’t ever admit this out loud but I do enjoy watching her sleep. Feels kinda weird to think about. Does that make me a stalker?

“No it doesn’t,” Celestia said as I jumped. I didn’t even notice her approaching or my partners talking quietly to Aunt Luna. “Just makes you a mom. I did it all the time when you were growing up. Also, what should Luna and I get Diamond for Hearths Warming?”

“I uh said that out loud?” I asked with a blush as I shifted Diamond so she didn’t fall. “I know she hasn’t really had a childhood like I did or Trixie or well, anypony normally does. Anything is fine as long as the toys aren’t too childish please. And don’t go overboard, don’t want her overwhelmed.”

“Quietly to yourself but yes in a way. I do approve of your marefriends by the way. They seem like a good pair of mares. And I promise, we won’t go overboard. Don’t worry.”

I glanced over at Trixie poking at Cloudkickers wing as the pegasus playfully swatted her hoof away as the two laughed about something and I smiled fondly at the two.

“Yeah, yeah they are.”

Chapter LVIII

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Lavender Lace

I dropped down to my stomach with Raindrops and Blossomforth as a piece of wood flew over our heads at a high velocity.

“Carrot Top, what the fuck!?” I shouted as I glared at the mare. “You could have killed us!”

“Seriously,” Raindrops chimed in as she uncovered her head. “Is it safe to move yet?”

“Yeah, you are good,” Carrot Top said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head. “When Twilight suggested I practice bucking in the apple fields, I didn’t expect to be so damn strong. I mean, did you girls see how hard I kicked that piece of wood?”

“Oh believe me, we saw!” Blossomforth shouted as we all sat up nodding. “A warning would be nice!”

“Or just not kick wood at us!” Raindrops snapped angrily. “And great now it’s snowing! Why God, why?”

“I don’t think they really believe in God here Rainy,” Blossomforth said with a smirk as she hovered in the air.

“Fine. Why is it snowing? Where’s the snow trucks and the snow plows?”

“Because Hearths Warming is next week,” a voice behind us said and we all turned to stare at a strong looking yellow pegasus gazing at us. “We bring all the clouds in from Cloudsdale. While this is awkward to meet another me, Princess Twilight caught up with me, Cloudkicker, and the magician along with Carrot and Blossomforth to tell us about well, you all.”

“This is awkward,” human Raindrops muttered as she circled the mare. “She looks exactly like me and I quite frankly don’t know what to say.”

“You’d didn’t sound too enthused about two Trixie’s,” I noted with narrowed eyes as the Equestrian Raindrops grimaced.

“While I didn’t entirely approve of her at first, Trixie has a charm to her. A arrogant, brash and loud charm but not different from Rainbow Dash. I just wish I didn’t really let the public opinion make me go along with the others hating her.”

“Ah. Hey, is my sister Cloudkicker slutty here as she is back home?”

“Lavender Lace!” Blossomforth snapped with a blush.

“Yes she is but she has her weird rules that she follows about banging it’s weird. And yes, I will admit she’s got me in bed once or twice but don’t ask. Now come on Blossomforth and well me, let’s get your flanks up in the air.”

“Oh this should be entertaining,” I whispered to Carrot Top who grinned.

“Oh absolutely.”

I laid on my mattress in the castle, watching the snowflakes fall as I smirked at Blossomforth and our Raindrops laid groaning on their own beds.

“That Raindrops really put you two to work eh?” Carrot asked with a grin.

“Apparently she’s something called a Wonderbolt reservist,” Blossomforth moaned as she sighed. “Really put us to work like you said.”

“Got that right.”

“What do you girls think Sunset, Diamond Tiara, Trixie and Cloudkicker are up to?” I asked as I watched Blossomforth yawn.

“Who knows?” Raindrops shrugged and it looked admittedly funny as a pony.

“Probably sex knowing Cloudkicker,” Carrot Top said. “Wild threesomes, keeping half of the castle up.”

“Are we sure Cloudkicker is the slutty one?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “You seem to know a lot about getting laid, Carrot.”

“Just because I’ve had sex before doesn’t mean I’m slutty and I certainly don’t sleep with everyone I see,” Carrot corrected instantly with a frown.

“Oh tell me more,” I grinned as I rolled on my stomach.

“Welllll, Caramel is a very good lay. He has a soft touch and hit all the right places repeatedly and-”

“Agh ew never mind I thought I could handle it but couldn’t,” I cut in and she snickered.

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve only slept with Caramel once and he was the only one so I’m exactly as clueless about sex like you,” Carrot Top clarified with a blush. “Don’t worry, I’m in my twenties and still don’t know much.”

“Wanna fuck?” I asked as Blossomforth turned red.

“Not in this room you aren’t,” Raindrops snapped and hid her blush. “We sleep in here too. I don’t wanna wake up to moans and seeing you two going to town on each other’s nethers.”

“Never call it that again please,” Blossomforth said with a grimace. “Like ever or at least in my presence.”

“You can join us Rainy,” I suggested as the pegasus raised an eyebrow.

“You’ve been spending too much time with your sister. You’re starting to talk exactly like her.”

“Well if she is starting to settle down with Sunset, one of us has to be the wild one in the family getting laid all the time with girls and guys, sometimes at the same time,” I said as they all stared at me.


“Yes Raindrops?”

“Smack her.”

“Oh with pleasure,” Blossomforth said as my eyes widened and I hastily held up a hoof before pointing at my horn.

“Hey! I’m the only unicorn of the group, I can easily blast you all. Don’t even try me,” I warned as they all gave me flat looks.

“You don’t even know how to control your magic yet Twilight said,” Carrot Top said dryly as she rolled her eyes.

“I can control my magic!” I shot back as I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth as I focused on my. I opened my eyes in time to see it spark for a few seconds before stopping and I slumped over in defeat.

“You can do this. Tomorrow you can do awesome spells with Twilight,” Blossomforth encouraged as the others grinned at me.

“Now I’m going to bed. Goodnight,” Raindrops said as she slid under her blanket and sighed happily. “Ooh warm.”

“Me too. Night,” Blossomforth said as she rolled over on her side.

I slammed a hoof on the light switch and my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness.

“Hey,” Carrot Top’s voice came from next to me. “You awake?”


“Good,” Carrot Top said as she climbed on the bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked as she smirked down at me.

“Well, you asked if I wanted to fuck earlier soo.... here I am,” Carrot answered as she laid on top of me.

“Uhm, my cousin and friend are currently knocked out snoring in the same room. We literally can’t and even then, why?”

“I know they’re here. It’s kinda my thing,” Carrot explained as she sat on top of me and hugged me.

“You’re an exhibitionist,” I said slowly as she nodded. “That actually explains so, so much.”

“Yep now shut up and lay there. If you uh consent of course. I’m not a bad person or well, mare.”

I stared at her before shrugging. Not like it was a complete stranger, it was just Carrot Top and who was always pretty attractive.


Chapter LIX

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Rainbow Dash

I gave a low sigh as I stared up the ceiling in my room as I idly watched the ceiling fan spinning around.

“Hey Dash!” Mom called out as I stifled a groan. “We’re making cookies and they’re your favorite. Wanna join us?”

“No mom I don’t. Now please leave me alone.”

“No Dash. You come out this room right now and join us. You haven’t left your room for days since break started and your dad and I worried about you. So come join us, we have your favorite hot chocolate, cookies and movies. Please?” Mom said and I sighed, rolling over and slamming my face into the pillow.

“No mom I just wanna be alone. I’ll take a shower later. Now please go so I can wallow in my self pity about how awful of a friend I was.”

“Look, I understand you’re upset-”

“Understand what? There wasn’t no bad guy forcing me to throw Sunset away or anything like that, no freaking weird super saiyan Equestrian thing forcing us all to do this. It was my own decision and I promised always I would never abandon a friend and that’s what I did. And then I talked bad about her behind her back instead of telling her my small stupid issues I had with her. All because of three kids with a vendetta so please just go. I want to be alone damn it.”

I listened to mom walking away before a plate slid under the door and I stared at the cookies on it.

“You better grab that plate because I’m coming in.”


The door swung open and I jumped slightly as Rarity placed her foot back down before picking up the plate and walking inside, kicking the door shut behind.

“Did you just swat kick my door in?” I asked in disbelief as Rarity nodded before giving me a dirty look and I gulped. I will admit, Rarity could be scary when she wanted. “What are you even doing here Rarity?”

“Yes I did,” Rarity admitted as she sat down on my bed. “You look awful, you smell like a boys locker room, the less said about your hair admittedly the better darling.”

“Gee thanks for the vote of confidence. Now what’s up?”

“I’m doing my rounds, checking up on you and the other girls. Just left Fluttershy’s house,” Rarity said as she took a bit of a cookie from the plate.

“How did that go?” I asked curiously as I laid back down.

“About as can be expected. I talked, she listened from a cocoon of blankets while bawling her eyes out. Her mother wasn’t much better. Apparently her mom yelled at Sunset and told to get out so she feels bad about that,” Rarity answered as I nodded.

It was common knowledge if you got Fluttershy’s mom angry, you did something wrong. Well, not that Sunset did anything wrong of course.

“Wait, isn’t this usually Applejack’s gig?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Coming by and checking on us individually whenever we’re dealing with something stressful?”

“Yes well Applejack is currently otherwise occupied at the moment. You know how she gets when she feels she messed up. She just throws herself into her work,” Rarity answered and sighed. “I worry about that girl.”

“Oh boy it’s just like when her parents died, ain’t it?” I asked and Rarity nodded. “Damn.”

“Yeah, Big Mac said she is up before the sun and is in bed ahours after the sun has set. You know how annoying that family can get with compartmentalizing everything,” Rarity said as I gave her a confused look and she groaned. “Keeping all their feelings locked inside Rainbow darling. Applejack cries on the inside, remember?”

“Oh yeah right. So uh how are you doing?” I asked before laughing. “It’s like we’re talking about someone who died.”

“It does feel like that, does it not? And I’m okay I suppose just you know, falling back into bad old habits,” Rarity admitted as she sheepishly held up a pack of cigarettes. “It’s gross I know but well, it helped with stress back in middle school and yeah it’s not been easy.”

“Yeah,” I sighed and tossed my basketball into the hoop hanging on the wall, watching it fall into the laundry basket.

“Yeah I know that feeling. Haven’t really left my room,” I said and examined Rarity closer. She looked pretty awful herself and her normally well taken care of hair was tangled and uncombed. “I know what’s wrong, you’re not wearing makeup. I’m used to seeing you wearing it all the time.”

“Kind of hard to wear makeup when you don’t feel pretty on the inside right now. And besides, I don’t really have anyone to wear makeup for,” Rarity sighed and I gave her a confused look. I always thought she was wearing it for herself which seemed normal.

“Uh what?”

“Sunset darling. I was wearing it for her. I will admit, my chances of things ever going far with her with slim considering our personality differences but I still hoped one day. And then well, you know what happened next because you were there,” Rarity explained and crossed her legs.

“So hold on, you were trying to jump on Sunset?” I asked with a grin as she blushed.

“Don’t be uncouth, not like that at all. Of course I wouldn’t have minded years down the road but that is me. Anyway, I’m worried about Pinkie. No one has heard from her. She’s not answering her cell, texting back or anything. I was thinking me and you could pay her a visit,” Rarity said as she handed me a cookie.

“I don’t know Rarity. I fucked up with Sunset and I’ll fuck up here too. It’s pretty much all I’m good for,” I grumbled and threw my pillow. “Maybe Sunset was right when she said all I’ll ever be is some dumb jock back in freshman year.”

“You know that’s not true. And deep down, so does Sunset. If I recall, I was there when she apologized for that.”

I sighed and bit my lip as I looked at the door and Rarity hugged me before gagging.

“You won’t screw up. You may have not been loyal to Sunset but you have a chance to be loyal to Pinkie. Just like I wasn’t generous to Sunset but I have the ability to at least help you girls. I wasn’t there for Sunset and I can’t go back in time to have control over what happened but I do know I have control over what happens to you four and I don’t plan on letting any of you slip through the cracks so to speak,” Rarity said as she let me go before standing up and holding out her hand. “Now are you coming darling?”

“Yeah,” I said and Rarity pulled me up. “Let’s go.”

“Ah not so fast darling. First you need a shower and a change of clothes. Yoh smell a bit uh fresh.”

I sniffed my shirt and gagged.

“Mhm,” Rarity said smugly as she placed her hands on her hips.

Okay, maybe she was right in some circumstances.

Chapter LX

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I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel as I admired the snow flakes falling and the silence. Rainbow on the other hand clearly wasn’t the same.

“Can we at least listen to music? And why did you bring your dad’s mom van to get me?” Rainbow asked as she continued playing with her seat belt.

“Yes and I will tolerate you playing rap music in this car this once. It’s the only car I had available, mine is in the shop darling,” I explained as I turned down a road.

“This thing is practically a rape van,” Rainbow grumbled as she pulled out her phone and I gave her a dirty look.

“That is completely inappropriate to say Rainbow Dash!”

“Yeah well I’m gonna say a lot more inappropriate stuff once I start rapping so get ready,” Rainbow said she draped an arm out the window and I rolled my eyes.

“I have no doubt about that.”

“Money, hoes, cars and clothes. That’s how all my bitches roll in a drop top Chevy with the roof wide open, my partners looking at me to see if my eyes open,” Rainbow sang and I grimaced. “I had to change some words around, I’m way too blue to be saying racial slurs because that’s what they said in place of bitch.”

“Yes Rainbow Dash I heard,” I said flatly as we parked outside Maud’s house.

“You should like this song, it talks about clothes. Fashion is your thing.”

“They are merely saying clothes darling. That is not enough to get me to like an honestly awful song Rainbow,” I corrected as I turned the car off and took my keys out.


“Hey Maud darling,” Rarity smiled at the grey girl feeding Boulder crackers. “How are you?”

“Fine. You?”

Rainbow and I made eye contact before shrugging. Maud was a bit of a strange girl, but most of my friends are strange in more than one way. Heck, I’m weird in my own way.

“We’re getting there. Is Pinkie here?” I asked as Maud pointed up at the ceiling. “Thanks.”

We both moved to the stairs as Maud cleared her throat behind us, glancing back.

“Help Pinkie. Please.”

I nodded before continuing up the stairs, passing a grey door with a rock engraved into it before stopping at a bright pink door with various baked goods stickers all over it along with balloon stickers.

“I’m coming in,” I said flatly as I stepped back before kicking the door open as Rainbow’s jaw dropped.

“Where in God’s name did you learn to kick doors down? Is there some sorta secret police training that you’re taking we don’t know about?” Rainbow demanded with a stunned expression.

“I do martial arts,” I admitted as Rainbow gave me an impressed look.

“Color me impressed- woah, Pinkie what the hell?”

I gulped as I followed Rainbow’s eyes. Pinkie sat in the middle of the room, the only light being a TV on. Pinkie’s hair was flat and I’ve honestly never seen her with such a dead expression before.

“This is scary. What if she is gonna kill me, rip out my internal organs and use my body parts to make baked goods like cupcakes?” Rainbow whispered as I gave her a disgusted look.

“Don’t be dramatic. This is Pinkie Pie we are talking about, not some psychopathic murderer.”

“Are you of all people seriously telling me not to be dramatic?” Rainbow demanded as she raised an eyebrow.

“Shush darling,” I muttered as I turned red. “Pinkie Pie?”

“Oh hey girls,” Pinkie said as she faced us. “What brings you here?”

Rainbow and I gave each other wary looks as we approached her, sitting on opposite sides of her.

“We decided to drop by and see what’s up. Wanna go catch a movie or go get some baked goods?” Rainbow asked with a smile and Pinkie shook her head. “What? You love dragging us to do that.”

“So did Sunset.”

We both fell silent as Pinkie handed us some wrapped packages.

“I’m probably not doing the Christmas party after all so here is your presents. Applejack’s and Fluttershy’s are in my closet along with Sunset’s. If you see her, can you give them to her?”

“Yeah sure,” Rainbow said as we both set them aside. “I’m not good at sappy shit so Rarity? This is your show so to speak after all.”

“Out with it,” Pinkie sighed as she tossed her Xbox controller to the floor. “I can’t even play video games anymore. All my games remind me of our sleepovers, which therefore include Sunset. Gta reminds me of the time Sunset managed to make a submarine fly into the air.”

“This is bad. She’s speaking smart!” Rainbow hissed in my ear as I glared at the rainbow haired girl.

“Don’t be mean. Now Pinkie darling, we all were affected by our past mistakes-”

“This was bigger than a mistake,” Pinkie gazed at me. “This was the worst fuck up we’ve ever done. And my name is Pinkamena.”

“You hate that name!” Rainbow pointed out and gave her a stunned look. “You begged me to never call you it, ever!”

“Times change and so do people. I’m not really interested I’m doing parties anymore. Might take up that cave exploring thing Marble and Limestone love so much.”

“I believe the term is spelunking darling.”

“Yes, thank you. Maybe get a degree in geology,” Pinkie sighed as she flopped onto her back. “What about you?”

“Uh I don’t know darling. I always thought I’d be living with Sunset, maybe married,” I admitted with a blush as Rainbow gagged. “What?”

“That’s such a white picket fence dream. I always thought you’d shoot for Applejack or something,” Rainbow snorted as she picked up a balloon.

“We dated in elementary school,” I admitted and blushed. “It was okay but neither of us really knew what we were doing back then. We were only ten and eleven, after all.”

“Uh huh. Anyway, Pinkie what are you doing later tonight?”

“Wallowing in self pity and hatred while I come up with various ways to exact revenge in Sunset’s honor,” Pinkie answered flatly. “If Sunset hates me, I might as well hate me too. And it’s Pinkamena.”

“Absolutely not calling you that,” I muttered as I looked at my phone. “Oh look darling, it’s going to snow in a few hours and I’m afraid of driving in the snow. Do you think we could stay the night?”

“It’s not gonna- OW!”

I slapped Rainbow upside the head and glared at her.

“Shush,” I whispered in her ear. “If we stay the night, we can come up with more ways to help her become the Pinkie Pie we know and love.”


“You can stay. I’ll go get you blankets and pillows while you two open your gifts,” Pinkie swung her legs up and sighed. “Thanks for visiting, I love you both.”

“God this was creepy as hell,” Rainbow muttered after Pinkie left the room. “I’m not opening my gift, parties are her thing. She was so excited about this Christmas party man. We gotta convince her to get with the program.”

“That was when Sunset was our friend though before we well, fucked up for lack of better words,” I admitted as Rainbow gave me a stunned look. “Yes, I cursed. I know it’s rare.”

“God, we’re awful,” Rainbow sighed and I swore I thought I saw a tear.

“Are you crying?”

“No!” Rainbow insisted and wiped her eye. “I don’t cry!”

“Sureeee darling,” I drew out my word with a grin. “Come here.”


I wrapped an arm around Rainbow’s shoulder and hugged her.

“Don’t worry darling, we will sort this out,” I promised as Rainbow sighed and rested her head on my shoulder.

“Will we?”

For once, I didn’t have an answer.

Chapter LXI

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I stared up the ceiling as Apple Bloom floated past, kicking her hindlegs helplessly as I snorted back a laugh.

“This ain’t funny!” Apple Bloom snapped as she glared at me. “Sweeetie, wake the hell up!”

Our unicorn friend shot up in bed as Apple Bloom quit glowing green, falling on top of me as we both grunted in pain.

“Sorry girls. Still not used to this,” Sweetie glared up at her horn as she looked around the messy room. “Did I do that?”

“Yep,” I said flatly. “Woke me up with a desk flying past.”

“Stupid horn,” Sweetie grumbled as she rolled onto her hooves and took a shaky step. “Woah!”

“You’ll get the hang of it shortly, all three of you.”

We jumped and our heads whipped over to a grey pegasus watching us idly stretching her wings.

“I’m Silverspeed,” she pointed a hoof at herself. “I do the weather in Ponyville. Raven asked me to collect you before I go back. Follow me.”

We all nervously looked at each before shakily trotting after her.

“So how do you do the weather?” I asked curiously as she gave me a warm smile.

“Pegasi have the ability push clouds and make them produce rain, snow and we can make tornadoes by having enough pegasi flying fast enough in a circle. I’ve done it once. We’re have a higher tolerance to lightning stikes.”

That sounded kinda cool not gonna lie.

“But I’m just supposed to escort you three. I have to get back to my sister and take her to school. She goes to school in Ponyville.”

We all raised an eyebrow as we examined the pony as she opened a door and jerked her head.

“I’ll see you three around. And don’t worry about Silver Spoon treating you bad because of no cutie marks, I’m trying to straighten her out,” Silverspeed promised with a smile before she flew away, waving at us.

“That was a bit strange,” Apple Bloom said finally. “Ah ain’t know Silver Spoon had a sister.”

“Me neither,” Sweetie mused as we all gulped, looking at Ravens unreadable expression. Ever since we had been brought here for punishment, she’s been bossing us around. Not even her human counterpart was this strict.

“Good morning,” Raven pointed at empy chairs. “Sit.”

“Yes ma’am,” we said in unison and complied, sitting across from her.

“What are ya gonna do with us?” Apple Bloom asked nervously as Raven stared at her.

“From my understanding, you went after the Princess’ daughter. I helped look after Sunset when she was a filly and she is like a sister to me. I will admit, I was less than enthused to be put in charge of you three but I follow orders my princess gives. To help you further get adapted to your bodies, I’ve enlisted help.”

“From who?” I asked nervously as Raven smiled faintly.

“Two twins and their younger sister of course,” Raven answered as the door was shoved open, two ponies trotting in that looked similar. Same light purple eyes, black manes with a purple stripe and black coats. The only difference was their cutie marks of different berries and their race, one being a unicorn and the other a pegasus.

“Mornin,” the pegasus yawned and stretched her wings. “I’m Berry Blitz and that’s my sister, Berry Blast but they just call me Blitz.”

“Guess their folks really liked berries,” Apple Bloom whispered.

“Where’s Wallflower?” Raven asked as Berry whistled. A green earth pony with a messy green mane and a striped sweater that seemed familiar with a potted plant cutie mark trotted in with a shy smile. “Ah, hello Wallflower. I see you three met my cousin, Silverspeed.”

“Yes ma’am,” Sweetie Belle nodded and stared at her hooves. “What are you three going to do with us?”

“Oh you’ll see,” Blitz grinned and I shivered. “I’m taking Scootaloo, Wallflower is going with Apple Bloom. Sweetie is going with my twin and Raven.”

“Hi,” Wallflower said quietly as Blitz hugged her with one foreleg.

“She’s my little girl. Now go before I teleport you to the Everfree,” Berry threatened casually with a smirk. “Joking of course but get a move on. I’m not one for waiting around.”

I gulped slightly as I stared down off my cloud nervously as Blitz stretched her forelegs out.

“Hey!” She called out and I jumped. “I suggest you back away from the edge before you learn how to fly the birds way!”

My eyes widened as I stumbled back nervously.

“Good because you being a stain on the ground would suck,” Blitz sighed and yawned. “Whaddya know how to do?”


Blitz slammed a hoof into her face and groaned dramatically, pulling her hoof down.

“Do you know how to spread your wings?” She asked and I shook my head. “Alright, well this is gonna be complicated.”

“What is?” I asked as she paused and examined my wings.

“Teaching you to fly. I’m under strict orders to fly and I’m not too keen on disobeying orders, no matter how much fun it can be,” Blitz sighed as she sat down next to me. “So what’s your story?”

“What do you mean?” I gave her a confused look as she rolled her eyes.

“I may be the more crazy, fun loving twin but don’t think you can lie to me. You trot around like you did something wrong so spill before I get Berry to do her magic stuff on ya to make you,” Blitz said casually as she gave me a flat look with narrowed eyes. “Now start talking.”

I inhaled and admitted to everything. Framing Sunset, exposing all my classmates. I left out being blackmailed by Diamond Tiara because frankly, she still scared me even though she did betray us.

“That was bucked up,” Blitz said bluntly and I shuddered. “I’ve done stupid shit as a kid, but nothing like this. You’re telling me everypony believed you?”

“Trixie didn’t,” I muttered. “Cloudkicker did for a while. She even made Sunset cry when she cornered her in the hallway and yet, she’s somehow dating her now. I’m not sure if Fuchsia, Lavender, our worlds Wallflower and others believed her but considering Wallflower exposed us, I think she knew all along.”

“I see. So how do you feel now?”

“Rainbow refused to talk to me before I was brought here, Fluttershy wouldn’t look us in the eyes and nor would Pinkie. We fucked up so bad. Sunset even wanted us to like her by trying to spend more time with us and we practically spat in her face.”

“Well, get up off your bucking flank and do something about it,” Blitz shrugged. “You think Foaland was liberated in a day? Hay no. It took six years to liberate the country. You sure as Tartarus aren’t gonna be forgiven in a day.”

“That much is obvious,” I snorted and laid on my back. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the school is out for our blood when we get back.”

“Can you blame them?”

“No, I can’t,” I admitted. “I would be too. Hell, I was just as bad as Sunset used to be if not worse.”

“Mhm,” Blitz hummed as she kept her unreadable eyes directed at me. “I see.”

“Yeah. I don’t know how I’ll fix this whole thing. I don’t even know what’s going to happen to us when we go back. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re expelled.”


I rolled over the edge of my cloud and stared down at Apple Bloom smelling a flower with Wallflower. I idly wondered what was going on down there.

“Stand up,” Blitz said and I shakily stood up. “Remind me to teach you how to walk properly. Firstly, I have to preen your wings so stay still.”

I had no idea what the hell that meant but she’s the expert after all. She was born here and I wasn’t.

Blitz jammed her muzzle into wings, occasionally yanking out a broken one before spitting it out.

“Don’t let anypony other than me fix your wings. If somepony does, tell me or the others when it happens and we will sort them out. Wings are sensitive and let’s leave it at that,” Blitz commented as she focused on my left wing as I blushed. “And don’t moan again, that was weird and made me uncomfortable.”

“Oh, okay. Sorry.”

“Yeah, s’all good. Now that we have that sorted out, let’s get you flying,” Blitz said with a smirk.

“How so?” I asked curiously as her grin grew.

“Oh, this is gonna be awesome. Haven’t done this in forever.”

“Are you gonna push me off the cloud?” I asked suspiciously as she laughed.

“No, not yet. That’s for the final test. It’s how I leaned after all,” Blitz explained as she spread her wings. “Now focus.”

I was so not looking forward to that final test.

Chapter LXII

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Apple Bloom

I nervously followed the green earth pony into a large garden outside the castle. Wallflower hadn’t entirely said much or well, anything at all. She reminded me of her human counterpart that we saw briefly back home.

“Do you like plants?” Wallflower asked finally as she tugged at her sweater with a hoof.

“Ah like em. Depends on the plant of course, ah hate poison ivy and oak,” I answered as she frowned. “What about ya?”

“I love all plants, even the poisonous one.”

“Uh why? Aren’t they bad for ya?” I asked as she nodded slowly.

“A lot of things ponies like can be bad. Caffeine, drugs, alcohol other stuff. They’re just plants and they have a job, like every other living thing on this planet,” Wallflower answered as she picked up a watering can.

How she did that with hooves, I’ll never know. I can barely pick up a fork or make my bed.

“And what exactly does this have to do with me?” I asked as she gave me a flat look.

“Normally I wouldn’t have even agreed to show you around but mom begged me so. I’m more than happy to be by myself working in the background as I always do but mom wanted me to so here we are.”

“Why does your mom want you to show me around?” I asked as I sat next to her and she shrugged.

“Probably because my mother is with the unicorn filly right now?” Wallflower offered as she stood up. “Whatever her name is.”

“Sweetie Belle.”

“Yeah her.”

I sat quietly as Wallflower continued watering her plants, occasionally whispering to them as I watched. It wasn’t too weird for her to talk to her plants, we do that on the farm all the time. Mainly Big Mac, believe it or not.

“You don’t talk much, do ya?” I asked finally as her brown eyes looked at me.

“Not really. I prefer silence. Don’t really have many friends so there’s nothing much to say,” Wallflower commented idly as she set down her can. “You?”

“Ah had friends,” I answered and kicked the dirt. “Ah fucked up.”

“I don’t understand what that means,” Wallflower said after a moment as she tilted her head. “Is it bad?”



I watched in silence as Wallflower grunted and lifted a large tree with her back as my eyes widened before I glanced back at my own back.

“Don’t try it,” Wallflower warned as I jumped. “I know you’re thinking about trying to lift a heavy tree but don’t. I’m older than you.”

“Yes ma’am. Why don’t you have friends, you seem nice,” I pointed out as she gave me a small smile.

“Thanks. I just don’t really get along with most ponies. I’m really shy. Fluttershy is nice, she’s my pen pal,” Wallflower said as she tossed the tree into a nearby pile. “When I was six, I had a birthday and I invited a bunch of my classmates. Nopony showed up except my family and I was crying. Mom was furious and was threatening to fight their parents. My older sister gathered up her friends instead and they sang me happy birthday.”

“That’s awful,” I commented and scratched my mane. “Ah’ve never been through something like that. Ah can be ya friend if you wish.”

Wallflower stared at me before she hugged me.

“What did you two get up to?” Sweetie Belle asked as I continued practicing picking stuff up with my hoof like Wallflower instructed me to do.

“Talking mainly. Planting and stuff. You?” I rolled a ball back and forth before picking it up with a smile.

“Berry and Raven helped teach me magic,” Sweetie answered as she yawned and curled up in a ball. “I’m exhausted. Using magic is hard. I passed out and fell asleep after. They carried me to bed.”

“You look out of it,” Scootaloo commented as she hovered above the bed before crashing into it with a grunt. “Buck.”

“Still having trouble flying?” I asked as she nodded.

“I can hover for a few seconds like Blitz taught me but I caught fully fly yet. She said it would take practice and it was the best feeling. Did they talk to you about ponies touching your horn, Sweetie?”

“Yeah but I don’t know why,” Sweetie answered as she tried to look at her horn. I gave a shrug and trotted over, placing my hoof against her horn as she made a weird purr. “That felt weird. Kinda like I was being electrocuted. Berry and Raven told me to tell them immediately if someone touched my horn.”

“Same with Blitz,” Scootaloo said as she slid under her sheets. “She said to tell her, Raven, Wallflower or her sister immediately if anyone touched me wings.”

“Wallflower only told me about ponies touching my flanks and that was it,” I answered as I removed my hoof from Sweetie’s horn. “Which is the equivalent of our ass in the human world, which ah don’t really have that problem to begin with back home or else AJ and Big Mac would have to bury a body.”

“So maybe somebody here touching our wings and horns is their equivalent of like assault?” Scootaloo offered as we both gave Sweetie stunned looks.

“A-Ah didn’t mean to!” I stammered with a blush as Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“It’s fine. I didn’t even know that would happen. You two miss home at all?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo and I said in unison. “I mean, sure we fucked up and Equestria is eh but it’s not home. Berry and Blitz seem friendly.”

“Even if Rarity hates me and I’m not happy with her either doesn’t mean I don’t kiss home. We never should have framed Sunset, we should have posted it on our accounts and just not cared what our sisters thought. Maybe Sunset wouldn’t justifiably out for our heads,” Sweetie sighed. “Then we’d only have three embarrassed girls, not a hundred embarrassed students. And a depressed, enraged Sunset.”

“Meh,” Scootaloo hummed as she stared at the ceiling. “At least we’re stuck here together. We could have been separated on purpose as punishment.”

“Damn right,” I agreed and kicked the ball at the wall. It was not so difficult like I thought. I still have no real clue how ponies can hold stuff but hey, maybe it’s one of those mysteries where it’s better to not question it.

“I’m glad you two are here with me,” Sweetie admitted as she hugged me. “At least we go down together I suppose.”

“Agreed. Now I’m gonna go to sleep, goodnight yall,” I jumped up onto my bed and curled into a ball.

At least I don’t have any nightmares anymore. They weirdly stopped when we came here.

Chapter LXIII

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Lavender Lace

I yawned and shifted on the bed I collapsed on last night as I wrapped a hoof around pillow. I didn’t necessarily know what time it was but I didn’t care. Sleep is love and life.

“Wake up.” A pillow slammed into my head as I glared at a smirking Raindrops and Carrot Top. “The sun’s up and Sunset is here so come on. Don’t you wanna see your sister and Trixie?”

“You’re lucky you said because I was five seconds away from blasting you,” I grumbled as I kicked the blankets off me and stumbled out of the bed.

“Yeah yeah sure and the sky is gold,” Carrot rolled her eyes as I stepped into the hallway. We continued walking into the kitchen as Blossomforth hovered next to Twilight.

“Where are they?”

“You’re so damn impatient. They’re right there,” Raindrops pointed as hoof as Sunset set down a coffee cup.

I tapped Trixie with a hoof and smiled faintly as I hugged her and Cloudkicker.

“I have so much shit to show you,” I said as they released me. “I can levitate and teleport now!”

“Congrats,” Cloudkicker wrapped a wing around me as Blossomforth hovered over us. I wasn’t exactly surprised she loved flying over being stuck in the wheelchair. I’d be in the same boat if I was in her shoes. “You gotta show me that later. I’d kill to see that.”

I more so wanted to show off to the Trixie. She may not be as arrogant to me as she used to be, but it still felt kinda nice to show off. Lord knows Trixie still loves to now and again, especially with her guitar.

“You two go with her,” Sunset waved a hoof. “Twilight and I have some catching up to do with some family business. See you two later tonight.”

She hugged the two as I watched quietly.

“Have fun. Now come, I’m bored,” Trixie proclaimed as I snorted a laugh.

I feel like I should have seen that coming.

I tossed my water bottle into the trash can once I finished drinking, panting slightly as Sunset, Cloudkicker, Trixie, Diamond Tiara and the others clapped their hooves.

I don’t know how Sunset or Twilight can teleport so many times with ease. Doing it six times in a row made me want to pass out from exhaustion, but I suppose they were stronger than me with their magic.

“That was impressive,” Diamond commented as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. “Trixie tried to teleport a few days ago and almost set the whole room on fire.”

We all burst out laughing as Trixie blushed for the first time I’ve ever seen in my laugh as she gave Diamond a mock glare.

“You wound me, I thought we had an agreement. I sneak you cookies in payment for your silence,” Trixie huffed and folded her forelegs as she turned away to hid a faint smile.

“Sorry,” Diamond shrugged as Trixie rolled her eyes before tossing a cookie from a container she had sitting next to her on the hill I had dragged Trixie and Cloudkicker to.

“We leave in four days, anything else you wanna do before we go?” Sunset asked Diamond as she shook her head.

“Nah. Meet myself today, that was awkward. Apparently we each hate our moms with a burning passion but love our Dads so we have that going for us. We explored all of Canterlot, saw the house you stayed in as a teenager,” Diamond answered as she yawned.

“Still find it crazy it’s normal to move out when you’re fifteen or younger here,” Blossomforth muttered as she sat on her hind legs.

“It’s pretty like you said. Most leave once they get their cutie marks to do what they’re destined in life. Heck, Twilight moved out when she was only fourteen. It’s not really a rule to do so when you immediately get your mark but the option becomes available once you do. Most stay with their parents until they’re eighteen to learn more about life. I’ve know some who stayed in their twenties because of how close knit ponies are with their family,” Sunset explained as she wrapped a foreleg around Diamond and me.

“I can’t imagine that,” I shook my head. Normally I’d be surprised by any partner of my sisters hugging me but I suppose we were closer than most of my sisters exes, considering everything that’s happened. Benefits of being close to her and all I guess. Wasn’t a bad experience by any means.

“I’m just looking forward to my first Hearths Warming in years,” Sunset admitted. “I never really celebrated Christmas in the human world. Never had a reason or anyone to celebrate with.”

“That’s definitely changing. We always do something every year for Christmas together. That was one of the few times Trixie and I put aside our differences and got along,” Cloudkicker shrugged as she watched the sun set. “Well, before this of course.”

“Of course,” I replied dryly and rolled my eyes as we listened to Diamond snore. “Well, she’s out.”

“And so is Trixie,” Blossomforth poked Trixie laying on her back snoring loudly. “I guess she will have to be carried to bed. I call not it.”

“I’ll levitate her or something. Might as well head back. Mom will be here sometime tomorrow, she just had do something with the other guests at the castle apparently. Why she couldn’t come tonight she said,” Sunset stood up as she levitated Diamond on her back before levitating Trixie above her. “You coming Lavender?”

The others looked back as I shook my head.

“I’ll be along,” I answered as Cloudkicker trotted back to me. “I wanna watch the sun set. It’s nice from up here, you can see everything for miles damn near. You can go, take care of Diamond and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You go ahead. I’ll stay with her,” Cloudkicker waved a wing as she dropped down next to me. We watched the others disappear with a pop as I yawned. “You good?”

“Duh. I just like the sunset’s. Especially here. It’s different from back home. Less buildings in the way.”

“True that,” Cloudkicker agreed readily as I stuck out my tongue to catch a snow flake. “That’s something Alula would do.”

“This reminds me of that episode from SpongeBob,” I mused as she gave me a look. “The one where Squidward thinks SpongeBob is gonna die with the wall between us?”

“I know the episode, Lavender,” Cloudkicker said with an eyeroll. “Wait am I Squidward or are you? This is important to know.”

I gave a quiet laugh as she wrapped a wing around me and we watched the sun set in silence.

Chapter LXIV

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Carrot Top

“You’re pretty good at this for someone who is barely my height,” I admitted as I stood next to Spike as I helped him stir something in a pot. “Do you normally cook for the Princess?”

“Mhm! It’s a hobby I enjoy. Of course, Twilight does help when she isn’t busy with princess duties or reading or solving life threatening emergencies like we always deal with,” Spike answered as I examined his white apron with a red heart in the middle. “Don’t question the apron.”

“I wasn’t,” I reassured him as I slid him another spoon. “But now that you mention it, why do you have a heart apron?”

“Rarity made it for me for Hearths Warming one year,” Spike admitted with a blush. “Shame it’ll never happen like I hoped.”

“Aren’t you a kid?” I asked curiously and tilted my head to the left.

“I’m eighteen I’ll have you know Golden Harvest,” Spike rolled his eyes as he glanced up at me. “Or Carrot Top I suppose. I’m pretty close to your pony counterpart. She’s super nice actually.”

“I’d hope so,” I patted him on the head. “How old is Rarity and well, me?”

“Rarity is twenty nine and Carrot is twenty four,” Spike answered as I rubbed my chin with a hoof.

“I’m twenty two so just date my counter part,” I shrugged as he gave me a look. “Isn’t she coming over as Princess Twilight said?”

“I’m actually right here.”

I looked back at a perfect copy of me, right down to my green eyes as she set down her saddlebags.

“This is awkward,” my counterpart mused as she examined me. “Now I know how Raindrops, Blossomforth and Cloudkicker felt. I love Trixie but thank the stars she’s out in Foalida for the holidays. Having two Trixie’s would be impossible to deal with. Shame I got her a nice gift too.”

“You’re telling me,” I muttered as she smirked slightly. “Never in a trillion years would I ever expect this.”

Spike watched silently as my counterpart knelt down to pick him on her back.

“I ship it,” I announced as the two blushed. “Hard as heck. Harder than the time I shipped Raindrops with my cousin, Wind Tunnel.”

“I can’t with you,” Spike rolled his eyes as we both laughed. “Either of you. You’re lucky you’re pretty.”

We both looked at each other and snickering as he froze.

“You’re never living this down. How about to tell us apart, I’m Golden and you’re Carrot?” Golden suggested as I nodded in approval. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. “Excellent. I’ll claim Spike as a partner later with you, now enough talking. Let’s get to work and be the most amazing ponies this side of Equestria.”

I gave a laugh as he turned red.

I feel like I should be way more embarrassed about her saying that then I currently am.

“I’m not entirely sure how I should feel about the fact my counterpart has a kid,” I mused and pointed a hoof at Noi. “She’s not even older than me. And has a six year old. It’s a bit weird. And don’t even get me started on her trying to convince me to get with her and Spike.”

“She’s what?” Twilight demanded as she turned to look at me and I gulped nervously, pulling the sweater Sunset had given me tighter around myself. “Huh, I can see it. I always figured he’d be stuck up on Rarity but apparently not.”

I didn’t entirely know what to say to that as I idly watched Spike and my counterpart hug before glancing at me and I turned red before giving a sheepish smile.

“Sunset is apparently having some super private conversation with her mom that we can’t be apart of,” Trixie huffed and crossed her forelegs as she intently watched Diamond talking to Noi.

“Trixie, we literally see her everyday and spent half the time here with her,” Cloudkicker said flatly as she stared at her. “Let her spend time with her mom, we can be away for an hour from her.”

“Even I wasn’t allowed so it’s obviously serious,” Twilight added with a faint frown. “Only Luna was so it’s hopefully just family business.”

“Or maybe they’re warning her about a super evil version of Twilight hellbent on taking over the world and Equestria to learn about magic, resulting in Sunset becoming a literal angel and saving the day?” Pinkie suggested as she took a deep breath and we all gave her confused looks.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s the case,” Rainbow said finally as she yawned. “Twilight is the last pony I’d ever see going evil. I’d bank on Fluttershy going evil first before Twilight.”

“Why me?” Fluttershy complained and I snickered as she set down a mouse.

“It’s always the quiet ones.”

I ignored the two talking and stretched my forelegs with a yawn.

“Pinkie was oddly specific,” Raindrops mused and scratched her mane with a hoof.

“She’s like that darling. We’ve all gotten used to it and accepted her quirks,” Rarity reassured us. “She is very unique. She once sat on Rainbow’s face after Rainbow tried dragging her to a party we had planned.”

“Did Rainbow at least like it?” Cloudkicker asked with a grin as Rarity gave her a confused look. “Or Pinkie at least?”

“I don’t understand darling,” Rarity said as Lavender snorted.

“She’s making a dirty comment as usual, the sex crazed freak she is,” Lavender explained and gave Cloudkicker a slight shove as Rarity turned red.

“O-oh I see,” Rarity stammered as she took a drink of water and set it down hastily. “I uh don’t know? It never came up thankfully in conversation.”

“There was no tongue whatsoever,” Pinkie grumbled as she plopped next to me. “Even though I was depressed then, I still wouldn’t have minded getting off. At least I have hooves.”

“Ah have honestly no words,” Applejack shook her head with a stunned expression as Rarity went even redder and I joined Cloudkicker in laughing. “Ah can’t even with you two. And ah thought Rainbow was the immature one.”

“I’m literally right here.”

Raindrops and Applejack both smirked slightly at the blue pegasus hovering above us with a scowl.

“Ah know.”

I kinda wonder what the others back home are getting up to. I may not entirely be their friends anymore after this but still.

“Curiosity killed the cat,” Pinkie said flatly as she poked my side. “Don’t get too curious about them.”


“Oh nothing,” Pinkie shrugged and rolled away to the kitchen and I gave her a stunned look. I didn’t entirely think ponies could move that way.

I just decided to chalk that up to Pinkie being Pinkie and move on with my night.

Probably the best way to keep my sanity and I quite like having it.

Chapter LXV

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I stepped out from the hallway into the living room, pausing to examine Diamond Tiara snoring in a corner with a dog as I nodded before continuing to sit next to Cloudkicker and Twilight.

“What did your mom and Aunt want?” Cloudkicker asked as she held her hooves to the fireplace.

“Catching me up on all I’ve missed in Equestria. Cadence getting married, Tirek, Discord, Chrysalis all that fun stuff,” I explained as Twilight frowned slightly.

“I see,” Twilight commented as she shifted to look at me. “I was there for all of those. Wonder why she didn’t ask me to tell you too.”

“Not sure,” I said and looked away. “Mom is asleep right now so you can ask her in the morning, Twily. Where’s Trixie and Blossomforth?”

“Trixie is currently scouring the castle for alcohol, Blossomforth is attempting to keep her out of trouble while I keep warm,” Cloudkicker answers as she cracked her neck. “Carrot is currently upstairs with Spike and Golden, Raindrops is out flying with Rainbow and Fluttershy, Rarity and Lavender are in the kitchen talking fashion apparently. I also chose to stay and watch Diamond use Winona as a pillow and Twilight decided to get to know me better apparently as she put it. Applejack and Pinkie are with the rest of Applejack’s family for tonight.”

“I see.”

I watched idly as Twilight levitated another log on as I shifted closer to the fireplace. One of the things I missed most was having a fireplace in my house. Humans don’t really have them in houses anymore, that idea died off years ago once better ways to heat houses were created unfortunately.

“Weird to know we’re related,” Twilight muttered as I shrugged. “Distantly of course but still family. But more closer than Pinkie and Applejack are. You have to come visit more now.”

“Yeah sure,” I waved a hoof. “I still have Wallflower and Fuchsia to show around Equestria so we will be back. And besides, Equestria goes through a lot more national emergencies so I’ll be able to help out with that if you need me.”

“It’s been pretty peaceful recently. Tirek is in Tartarus, Chrysalis is who knows where and I haven’t seen nor heard anything from Starlight recently,” Twilight commented and stretched her wings. “So that’s a plus I suppose at least. I was hoping she would come to Ponyville and apologize but there’s been nothing yet.”

“I have a feeling I’m not gonna like knowing what you’re talking about,” I muttered as Cloudkicker snickered and Twilight nodded.

“It’s complicated and I’m tired. I’m gonna go sleep and I’ll tell you later about what happened. Goodnight,” Twilight stood up and stretched her forelegs before trotting away.

“Just wait until Trixie finds out Rainbow drank all the alcohol in here earlier,” I mused as we both laughed. “She wasn’t even drunk, kinda makes me wonder about our Rainbow being an alcoholic.”

“Me too. She isn’t that great at hiding stuff though unless she’s determined enough,” Cloudkicker said as I put the fire out. “Now I’m cold, thanks.”

“Well, I’m warm and so is our bed so you’ll be fine,” I bumped my flank against hers and smirked as we both stood up. “You wanna carry Diamond?”

“You can. Don’t want to accidentally drop her,” Cloudkicker admitted as I level Diamond on my back and made eye contact with Winona.

“You can come too,” I said after a moment and tapped the ground. “Come.”

“You’re pretty good with pets,” Cloudkicker noted as I scratched Winona’s ear.

“Dogs are easy. Feed and love them, they’ll love you back and stay loyal,” I answered and started trotting away.

“True that.”

I flopped on my bed with a yawn, stretching my hind legs out as the other two watched from the floor as Trixie shakily levitated a card in front of Cloudkicker.

“You’re getting better with magic,” I noted and Trixie gave a smug nod. “Did you find any alcohol?”

“No, I did not,” Trixie huffed and crossed her forelegs. “I blame Rainbow or Applejack. I’m not entirely sure how different cider is from our worlds alcohol but based on how much they were talking about it, they are suspects.”

“It’s pretty much similar to beer,” I answered. “Except much sweeter, ponies naturally have a sweet tooth.”

“That explains Pinkie Pie,” Cloudkicker commented casually as she hovered above me before sitting down and I shuddered. How Pinkie didn’t die from diabetes yet was beyond me. That girl has to consume insane levels of sugar each day.

“I think she’s gonna outlive us all in a weird twist of fate,” Trixie muttered and finished putting away her playing cards on the nightstand before joining us on my left. “Goodnight.”

“Are you seriously going to sleep? I wanted to go over what we were doing when we get back home tomorrow afternoon,” Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow and the two looked at me as I levitated the blanket over us.

“I’m going to go check and see if Alula is home. She went to stay with Grandma and Grandpa when the whole anon a miss stuff started. If she is, I’ll call you or something,” Cloudkicker rolled on her side and paused. “You have chocolate on your face.”

“Oh. Thanks,” I levitated a nearby towel as she licked it off and I turned red as she snorted. “Thanks? I think?”

“Did you just lick Sunset?” Trixie demanded.


“I’m not entirely sure how I should feel about being licked like that,” I muttered before kissing Cloudkicker and Trixie gagged dramatically into a hoof. “I literally kissed you last night Trixie, I don’t know why you’re being dramatic.”

“Because it’s not moi.”

I rolled my eyes and ran a hoof down Cloudkickers wing as Trixie rolled her eyes again.

“Get a room,” Trixie snickered and we both gave her a look. “If you say what I think you’re going to, I swear to all things holy.”

“We’re in a room right now,” Cloudkicker reminded her flatly.

“Knew it,” Trixie groaned and flopped on her stomach after throwing her hooves up. “I walked into that one.”

“Yes, yes you did,” I agreed with a small smile. “Remind me not to touch your wings without asking.”


“Technically it’s like a form of rape without asking in pegasus culture. Pegasi get angry if it happens,” I explained as both their eyes widened. “It’s like a unicorn horn or a earth ponies hooves. Touching a unicorns horn without asking is a major no and only ponies who are dating allowed to.”

“What happens if it is touched?” Trixie asked curiously and looked at her horn.

“Feels kinda nice. Imagine getting electrocuted,” I explained. “But in a good way. Most ponies see it as well, a form of masturbating for a unicorn to touch their own horn unless to check for cracks.”

“Oh. What happens if a unicorn horn breaks?” Cloudkicker asked and I grimaced.

“It’s painful. Imagine breaking a bone but it’ll never heal. Plus, unicorn horns don’t grow back or anything. Once it’s gone, it’d gone forever. I’ve personally never met a hornless unicorn but I know they are out there.”

The two nodded and I wrapped a hoof around them before nuzzling them both.

“Anymore questions?” I asked and they both shook their heads before kissing my cheek. “Wow, Trixie actually kissed me. I feel I should be like Spike that one time Rarity kissed his apparently and he literally framed it.”

“I have no words,” Cloudkicker shook her head as she placed a hoof on my horn and I tensed up. “Sorry?”

“No it’s fine,” I sighed and yawned. “Felt weird at first. I haven’t had anyone touch me on my horn in ages. Last pony was what’s her face, Lemon Dust. That earth pony from Mooresville.”


Trixie let out a snore as we both looked at her curled in a ball.

“She reminds me of a soccerball,” I mused and poked her as Cloudkicker snorted.

“I don’t even know what to say except goodnight,” Cloudkicker commented as she wrapped a hoof around me and rested it on Trixie’s side. “Sleep well.”

“Yeah you too.”

I stared at the ceiling and sighed contently.

I should have started dating these two awhile ago.

Chapter LXVI

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Diamond Tiara

I laid on the floor of my room I was being allowed to use, idly examining the doll of a unicorn Trixie had given me when the door opened, glancing back at Raindrops standing there.

“Hey. Your mom asked me to check on you and make sure you’re packed. We’re leaving in a few hours,” Raindrops said as she trotted closer and tossed me a bag. “Sunset said this is enchanted to protect anything you bring from here into the human world.”

“Oh thanks,” I hummed and examined it before glancing back at my flank. “Why does it have my butt tattoo cutie mark thing on it?”

“To help you know it’s yours, I suppose. She’s gathering up her stuff and the others, told me to tell you to say goodbye to anyone you want to. And uh, fair warning, the movie club is at the portal with two royal guards, twins or something because the three kids are being sent home for Christmas and then they’re coming back,” Raindrops said as I grimaced and she nodded. “I feel the same, don’t worry. Just don’t look at them. It’s why Sunset is making herself busy so she doesn’t have to be near them.”

“Okay thanks for the warning.”

“Welcome. Blossomforth is currently keeping an eye on them,” Raindrops shrugged and rolled her eyes. “Because the two guards can’t do that themselves.”

I hummed as she quietly left the room and I started packing, leaving the doll out on the bed so I could continue my careful examination of it. I didn’t entirely know what to do with it except put it on my shelf in the room back home. I’d die if I accidentally broke it.

I pushed some wooden stairs to the edge of the bed and fluffed the pillow before I started placing it back where it goes.

“Would you like some help?” Twilight asked behind me and I jumped, glowing pink as Twilight held me in the air. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Spike and I normally make the beds of guests rooms after our guests leave. It’s appreciated you thought to do so. Based on what I know about Trixie and Cloudkicker, I’m going to have to make their beds once you all leave.”

“It’s okay,” I muttered as she set me down gently and smiled fondly.

“I must say, you’re a good kid. I’m glad Sunset has someone like you in her life,” Twilight ruffled my mane with a hoof.

“I’m just glad I have her in my life. It’s kinda weird having a nice mo- caregiver,” I corrected myself as she tilted her head curiously.

“I see. Well, anytime you wish to visit, the castle will always be open to you. With Sunset’s permission of course,” Twilight winked at me. “Just let me know ahead of time so I can stock up the fridge and some games. Maybe next time you all can meet Cadence, Shiny and Flurry Heart.”


“Members of my family. You’d all really get along with them. Flurry Heart is am adorable filly but can cause some chaos,” Twilight admitted as I continued packing and grunted, trying to force the bag closed. “Don’t forget this.” Twilight levitated the doll to me and I blushed. “I would hate for you to accidentally leave it behind, it’s obvious it means a lot to you.”

“Thank you Princess Twilight,” I bowed my head slightly as she lifted my chin with a hoof.

“None of that. I don’t really feel comfortable with my family or friends calling me by my title. You can can call me Twilight and I have a gift for you,” Twilight chided and she levitated a book to me. “It’s enchanted so you can write to me whenever. And I’m also hoping you can keep me updated on Sunset.”

“About what?”

“Everything,” Twilight answered as she wrapped a wing around me akin to how Cloudkicker does occasionally. “I want to know how she gets along with her new friends and her marefriends. Consider it a friendship report from you to me.”

“I’m twelve, not five,” I scoffed and folded my forelegs. “But I suppose I could for you. You did help turn Sunset into a nice person, after all.”

Twilight gave me a warm smile as she nuzzled me and I blushed again.

“Thank you. Now come on, my little pony. It’s time for you all to go back home-” Twilight started to stand up as Pinkie swung the door open, flinging a hoof at Twilight.

“She said the thing!” Pinkie screamed as she continued pointing at Twilight as we gave her confused expressions and she disappeared with a pop.

“I’m not even sure what to say,” I muttered finally and Twilight shook her head with a smile.

“It’s best to not try to think about to too much.”

I stood in front of the mirror with a yawn as Sunset finished hugging Fluttershy, watching the other ponies leave the room. I didn’t know where Apple Bloom, Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle were but I didn’t care frankly.

I gave a quick glance to the black royal guard mares as one gave me a faint smile before she looked away.

“I’m gonna miss my wings,” Raindrops sighed as she fluttered them.

“Me too,” Blossomforth admitted as Sunset shrugged.

“Actually, we have something for yo0u,” Luna said casually as she and Celestia stared at Blossomforth. “Please don’t move or else the spell might go poorly.”

“What are you doing?” Sunset asked nervously as Cloudkicker and Lavender raised eyebrows.

Blossomforth glowed black and yellow briefly before she quit glowing, the two bigger ponies stepping away.

“Walk,” Luna waved a hoof and pushed her forward gently with her magic.

“She can’t remember, she’s paralyzed,” Lavender pointed out as Carrot Top hugged Spike.

“Not anymore,” Celestia answered as Blossomforth took a hesitant step.

“I-I can walk again?” Blossomforth gave her a stunned look before she spun around. “Cloudkicker, I can walk again?”

In the short time I’ve known them, I’ve never seen Cloudkicker or Lavender Lace cry before.

“How is that possible?” I asked Sunset as the three hugged and Raindrops eyes widened.

“It takes a lot of magic for an alicorn to heal physical disabilities like that. I assume Twilight helped out too,” Sunset answered as I leaned against her as Trixie smiled faintly.

“I assume you knew,” Trixie nudged Sunset who blushed and shrugged.

“I knew they planned on giving Blossom something but I didn’t know it was this. They usually try to stay out of ponies lives like that because then everyone would be begging them and well, that’s not just realistic unfortunately.”

“We’d love to help everypony but we have limits to our magic as well. We won’t be casting any real complex spells for a long time,” Luna answered.

“You still speak Old Ponish? You’ve done it three times in one sentence,” Sunset smirked as Lavender kissed Blossomforths cheek.

“You’re a feisty one,” Luna noted dryly. “I like that. I wonder where you get that from?”

“You,” Celestia said flatly.

“I vaguely remember you being exactly like her when you were a teenager Celly, not me,” Luna shot back with a grin.

“This conversation is not over,” Celestia huffed as she rolled her eyes before focusing on Sunset. “I hope you’ll come back in the future. I’m very proud of the mare you’ve become. You’d have made a fine princess.”

Sunset turned red as I watched quietly.

“Thanks,” Sunset scuffed a hoof on the ground. “And yeah, we will be back. We still have Wallflower, Redheart and Fuchsia to show Equestria to. And uh thanks again for this.”

“Anytime,” Celestia said as she sighed. “Be safe.”

“You too.”

“This is gonna be a bit hard to explain to Redheart,” Cloudkicker mused as Blossomforth nodded. “Don’t even get me started on your boyfriend. They are going to freak the heck out.”

“I’m freaking the heck out,” Blossomforth shot back as she faceplanted and laid on her stomach. “Damn legs.”

Twilight hid a smirk before she levitated her up, dusting her off as Carrot Top and Raindrops stepped through the portal.

“I think it’s best if you go get acquainted with it in your human body first,” Twilight sug’
gested and Blossomforth nodded.

I inhaled and stepped through the portal, squeezing my eyes shut as I slammed into what felt like two other people. I opened my eyes as Carrot groaned, the three of us stuck in a pile.


“Are you three okay?” Wallflower asked and we jumped. I hadn’t seen her standing in front of us and apparently nor had the other three. She stared down at us with a confused expression before stretching out a hand. “Fuchsia asked me to keep an eye out while she’s stuck in the hospital.”

Wallflower helped me out and handed me a backpack that I guess my saddlebags turned into? I’m not entirely sure how it works but I’m just glad nothing in it is broken.

I didn’t remember it matching my hair though with my cutie mark emblazoned proudly on one of the shoulder straps.

“We should probably move,” Carrot notes dryly as I raised an eyebrow.

“Why?” I asked as I took a shaky step away from the statue. “Woah!”

Wallflower caught me and straightened me with a small smile as Cloudkicker, Lavender and the other two shot out onto the ground.

“When I said I wanted to be tangled up with you two, this is not how I pictured it,” Cloudkicker groaned as Trixie rolled her eyes and Sunset snickered.

“Keep it pg. Diamond is here and hey Wallflower,” Lavender grunted as she pushed herself up. “How’s Fuchsia?”

“Tired, high as a kite on pain meds, bored of being in a hospital room,” Wallflower answered. “But good. I practically live at the hospital right now. Hospital chairs aren’t comfy to sleep on now that I’ve done it for almost two weeks or so.”

“We can visit her tomorrow but I need a bottle of Advil right now,” Sunset rubbed her forehead with a grimace. “Come on Diamond, I’ll see you all around.”

I gave a wave as I started following her to the car, kicking some of the snow out of my way.

“I’m hungry. I’m thinking McDonald’s. You in?” Sunset asked as she looked around at the large snowbanks on the curb.

“Never been to McDonald’s before. I guess so.”

“Oh the shakes are the best. Strawberry is my favorite.”

“Okay. I like chocolate,” I commented as she opened the car door.

“I know. You’re obsessed with chocolate. Kinda like Rarity is,” Sunset mused as I sat next to her. “Oh seatbelt on. Safety first.”

“True,” I muttered as I complied and set my backpack in the back seat. “Thanks by the way.”

“It’s nothing. If we get there in a fast time, I’ll even give you the toy,” Sunset smirked as I gave her a confused look.

“They come with toys? What kind of restaurant is this?” I asked as she laughed.

“Oh, I have so much to show you. This is gonna be cool.”

Chapter LXVII

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I took a sip of my water as I paused my pacing around the the hospital room, Fuchsia idly reading Fifty Shades Of Grey on her hospital bed, what I think was an IV in her arm.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked as Fuchsia smoothed down her hospital gown before giving me a bored look and she set down her book on top of her piled romance novels she was reading.

“Yes, Wally I am fine. Bored, tired and in pain but high as a damn kite. Morphine is a gift from god.”

I gave a low giggle and sat down in the chair.

“Cloudkicker and Trixie were pretty close to each other, huh?” Fuchsia mused with a smile. “It was nice they saw me yesterday and well, all the past three days they’ve been back.”

“I guess so. They’re your friends,” I shrugged as Fuchsia focused on me intently in a way that made me nervous.

“They can be your friends too. If you give them a chance. Sure Trixie can be a bit much at times but deep down she’s a caring girl. She just wants to be cared for and well, that’s something we can all relate too. We all secretly want to be cared for, whether we’re willing to admit it to ourselves or not.”

I gave her a stunned look as she gave a tired smile.

“I should take your morphine away. You’re making sense and that’s not good,” I grumbled with a smile as she rolled her eyes.

“Take my morphine and I’ll give you a fate worse than death.”

I hummed in response as Fuchsia took a sip of her water before setting it down on the table next to her.

“I’d bet Sunset would be your friend too. And mine as well I think. The others know her way more than me but she technically saved my life so I owe her my life forever,” Fuchsia mused as she flicked a hair tie at me. “I know you disliked her a lot more than I used to but she’s really nice. And if I remember correctly, you helped hold her back from killing the Movie Club kids.”

“I suppose,” I grunted and bent over to pick up the hair. I sat back down and started playing with it. “She wasn’t even too angry about the memory stone.”

“Hm. Your phone is ringing by the way,” Fuchsia pointed as she pushed her plastic spoon into her jello and we both listened to my pop music ring tone for a few seconds. “Are you going to answer?”

I gave a shrug and swiped answer as we both looked intently at it. I didn’t entirely recognize the number so I assumed a telemarketer.

“Hey,” Sunset said casually as I raised an eyebrow. “Trixie got me your number, what are you up to?”

“Uh just sitting here with Fuchsia at the hospital. You?”

“How is she?” Sunset asked as Fuchsia leaned closer. “I’m just hanging out around the apartment.”

“I’m okay. Just exhausted.”

“Makes sense. I just realized I don’t have any Christmas tree or ornaments or well, any decorations. I was gonna offer Wallflower to come with me and Diamond to go look around the store but if she’s busy-”

“She’s more than happy to go,” Fuchsia interjected and I frowned slightly. “Look Wallie, I’m tired and I love you for everything you’ve done for me but can I please have a day to sleep without you sitting by my side? Or at least two and a half hours?”

“Are you sure?” I asked nervously as I faintly made out Sunset talking to Diamond Tiara about something that I didn’t make out.

“Yes for the love of God. I’ll see you tonight and bring me back some pop. The hospital won’t even give me a single freaking french fry, a big mac, strawberry shake or even a freaking Hershey bar,” Fuchsia fumed as I made out Redheart outside the door.

“Okay. Uh can you pick me up please?” I asked and I pictured Sunset tapping her finger against her chin like she did so often.

“Yeah, we will be there in ten to fifteen, give or take.”

I strode down the aisle of the store, walking alongside Diamond and Sunset. They had stopped by a briefly to talk to Fuchsia and dropped off some bright purple Alliums that smelled nice. It also helped that they were Fuchsia’s favorite. I assumed Sunset found out by how she always found out information, by digging and asking around.

“How was Equestria?” I asked as Diamond eyes lit up and the smaller girl tightened her grip on her phone.

“Amazing. I’m an adorable little earth pony and Sunset is a gorgeous looking unicorn. Hearths Warming was cool, Princess Twilight was very friendly. Had some minor issues with the other versions of Rainbow and the other elements as Twilight called them at first but it’s okay. How was your time without us?” Diamond asked as she paused to examine a dress.

“It was okay. Practically lived at the hospital but Fuchsia is getting discharged next week so there’s that. I’m getting used to sleeping on the floor or a chair,” I answered as Diamond nodded.

“What do you girls think of this tree?” Sunset asked as she nudged a green box with a boot. “I think it’s pretty.”

“I think one that’s alive would be nice too but this works for your apartment,” I mused as Sunset added a box full of ornaments to her cart that had some groceries in it.

“Why don’t you go look at some of those special looking ornaments with the names or different shapes like pizza?” Sunset suggested to Diamond. “Pick out as many as you want and a star too please.”

Diamond nodded as I picked up a flower seed and idly started reading it curiously as I watched Sunset watching me out of the corner of my eye.

“How did you get to know Diamond?” Sunset asked finally as I put the seeds back.

“She accidentally ran into me and spilled her lunch tray all over me. She followed me to the bathroom and cleaned my shirt off. She also kinda forced me to come to her house and get a new shirt along with Fuchsia. We were business partners for a good while I suppose,” I answered as she nodded slowly.

“Makes sense.”

I hummed softly as we continued down the aisle and I picked up a Santa hat, curiously examining it before setting it back on the shelf. Christmas used to be my least favorite holiday till recently. It used to just be me and Fuchsia every year.

“I’m still certain a green tree is best love,” someone said an aisle over and Sunset tensed up visibly as her smile disappeared and she scowled as a mint green girl, a grey girl with black hair and a very light green girl rounded the corner, freezing as they locked eyes with Sunset. “Sunset?”

“Octavia,” Sunset folded her arms across her chest. “Lyra and Sophisticata. What are you three doing here?”

“Uhm getting Christmas decorations and last minute gifts,” Lyra muttered as her eyes shifted nervously behind me, Sunset and Diamond.

“I’m so so-” Sophisticata started and closed her mouth nervously as Sunset focused on her.

“Don’t even,” Sunset cut her off with an upraised hand. “Diamond, go to the toy aisle. Find something you like and a gift for Alula. I’ll be back.”

Diamond nodded as she watched for a moment before walking away.

“What do you three want?” Sunset said finally as she continued staring. “Here to ruin my life yet again?”

“No love we’re just shopping,” Octavia answered timidly as she rubbed her neck. “That’s all. We just happened to come across each other is all.”

Sunset hummed in response as Octavia looked around uncomfortably, Lyra and Sophisticata avoiding eye contact.

“I’m sorry,” Octavia said finally as Sunset raised an eyebrow slightly. “I’m so, so sorry.”


“I understand if you hate us all,” Lyra said finally as she toyed with a lyre necklace around her neck. “All of us treated you like, well shit. Especially me during the whole thing. I under-”

“You don’t understand a damn thing,” Sunset snapped and Lyra flinched and looked back down. “Don’t you dare try to act like you understand anything of what I’ve been through this past month because you won’t. You don’t understand how lonely I was, how much I hated going to school and how often I thought about killing myself to just get this shit over with.”

“I never meant to hurt you,” Sophisticata commented and ran her hand down her skirt. How she could wear one in the snow, I’ll never know. “We have no excuse for what happened.”

“Got that right,” I spoke finally and they jumped.

“Who are you?” Octavia asked curiously as she tilted her head to the side and I detected no rudeness in her tone, just honest curiousity. “You were up on stage with the Princess.”

“I’m Wallflower Blush,” I answered with an amount of confidence that startled me. “Yes I was. I knew she was innocent after I caught the movie kids talking about their plans.”

“And you didn’t stop them or tell anyone?” Lyra asked as she glanced at me. “Why?”

“Let’s see,” I tapped a finger against my chin. “You all were out to get Sunset and had already blamed her so that was out. I couldn’t tell their sisters because they would call me a liar. And if I showed them the video of them talking, who knows. They could have said I made the video with some editor or something. We have talented students here with computers after all. And besides, DT needed them so she could use them.”

“Why are you three even hanging out? You’ve never been friends before,” Sunset chimed in as she examined the three before smiling faintly at me.

“Well, I don’t know. I just needed to be around people. Especially since the Student Council is taking time away from each other,” Sophisticata answered. I had partially forgotten she was the leader of the Student Council. She was probably going into politics one day.

“It’s almost Christmas and we’re in public with people watching us so I’ll not kill you,” Sunset commented as she leaned against her shopping cart and we all flinched, my eyes widening nervously. “Don’t ever approach me like this again right after anon a miss. Because I promise you, I won’t be as a kind as I’m being right now. And I can’t bury you in the woods because of my girlfriends and Diamond now run along before I change my mind.”

“Would you actually hurt them?” I asked as we watched the three retreat. “I think they accidentally came upon us, I don’t think they were following us.”

“I know,” Sunset sighed. “And no, I wouldn’t hurt them unless I was angry enough. I don’t wanna go to jail.”

“Did you actually try to kill yourself?” I asked and she looked away before nodding.

“I thought about it a bit fairly often but well, Cloudkicker found me the day I was planning on it. She still doesn’t know about that part. I probably won’t tell her, I don’t know yet. She’d either be mad at me for considering it or be happy she stopped me unknowingly.”

“Probably both,” I noted with a grimace. “I’ve watched you both long enough to know you well enough. That uh sounded less creepy in my head.”

“I imagine.”

“Anyway,” I coughed into a fist. “You wanted help finding Fuchsia a gift. She really likes art and stuff. She’s more soft-spoken compared to Trixie and Lavender, much like me. Only real difference is she stands up for herself more and I well, don’t.”

“And what do you think you’d like?” Sunset asked as she started walking with her cart and I gave her a startled look as I followed her.

“You actually want to get me something?” I asked in surprise as she nodded. “Why?”

“Well, you’re part of our group too after all. Same with Fuchsia even though I don’t know her well yet. You’re my friend after all even if you didn’t entirely want to be at first, you still saved me from a hate mob.”

“I like plants,” I shrugged. “That’s about it it really. Horror movies are good too.”

Sunset nodded as we approached to the toy aisle and I idly examined a stuffed bear.

“Hey,” Sunset said as I turned to look at her. “Don’t kill me.”

“Why would I?” I held the bear as she stepped forward and hugged me. “What?”

“Shush and just accept it.”

I gave a silent nod, knowing I was too weak to fight back against it anyway.

I hesitated before hugging her back.

Chapter LXVIII

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After our awkward run in Sunset that made me feel even more guilty and sad than I already was, I stepped outside with a few bags in my wrist with Lyra and Octavia on each side.

“Hey, what’s that?” I asked and pointed to the night sky at a weird orange object in the sky.

“The moon I’d assume,” Octavia answered and scrolled on her phone. “I feel just freaking awful. Sunset looked genuinely heartbroken to see us.”

“Octavia? The moon is behind us. What the hell is that?” Lyra said finally as she tensed up, golden eyes focused on whatever that was in the sky.

Down the street, Sunset, Wallflower and Diamond Tiara stopped and stared up at the sky with confusion on their faces.

“What on earth?” Octavia breathed as a police officer stood next to us and took a picture on his phone. “I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life.”

“It’s a fucking UFO!” Lyra shouted happily and took out her phone. “Oh my God yes. I’m so happy.”

“Lyra, UFOs don’t exist,” Octavia reminded as Lyra started recording.

“Yet one is right there,” the officer commented and Lyra gasped.

“Woah,” I breathed as the orange dot shot across the sky and Octavia’s jaw dropped as Sunset and the other three followed suit.

“Nothing human made can move that fast,” Lyra continued. “Or glow orange like that. Or just hover in one spot. Believe me, I’ve done research.”

“Well, it’s gone now and I suppose we do have credible witness being this officer,” Octavia jerked a thumb his way. “We have to talk about making things up with Sunset.”

“I have a plan,” Lyra reassured us and we gave her doubtful looks.

“This isn’t gonna end well,” I muttered. “I have one too. Meet me in the school basement meeting room.”

“On winter break? Are you insane?!” Lyra shouted after me and I just waved in response.

I walked away to my car, fishing my phone out my jacket pocket and pressed call, listening to it ring three times before Indigo Wreath answered.

“It’s currently ten pm. What’s up?” Indigo sounded groggy as I listened to him sit up.

“Get all the Student Council at school tomorrow in the basement meeting room. We need to talk,” I said as he groaned.

“It’s winter break and Christmas is three days away. You seriously expect people to show up?”

“Yes, it’s an emergency. It’s about Sunset.”

“I’m listening,” Indigo answered and sounded more awake. “If it’s about making things right, I’m all ears. I’ll send out the messages and get people together.”

“Excellent. Have Cloudchaser come,” I looked at my phone. “Oh and either Roseluck, Daisy or her sister Lily attend at eight am too.”

“Cloudchaser was kicked from her position of the weather club and isn’t the leader anymore. Curly Winds and Soarin are,” Indigo commented. “Because of her jumping Sunset and her friends with Flitter at the mall that one day. And why the flower trio?”

“Wallflower is in charge of the gardening club. I overheard her telling Sunset about it but I doubt Wallflower would be interested in attending. We need all clubs represented and the flower girls are the best option,” I reasoned as I sat inside my car and started it. “Tell them I’ll be bringing donuts and chocolate milk paid by me.”

“Ah yes. Bribery by food,” Indigo chuckled as I blushed. “Alright, drive safe. I’m going back to sleep after I text everyone.”

“Thanks. I owe you big time Indy.”

I stood in the center of the room, slamming my hand on the table and everyone looked at me expectedly as I made eye contact with them one by one.



Curly Winds.



Lavender Lace, shockingly.

Indigo Wreath.

Tennis Match.

Blueberry Cake and Derpy since they were acting in Pinkie’s spot on the baking club.

Octavia and Lyra, Vinyl.

Bon Bon.

Micro Chips.

Flash Sentry and two of his bandmates.

“I officially call this meeting to order,” I announced as they all watched me.

“This better be important,” Tennis Match grumbled as she set down her tennis racket and leaned against the pool table with her arms folded against her chest. “I was with my family. What’s this about?”

“It is. I’ll say after roll call. Spitfire?” I looked at my clipboard.


“Excellent. Soarin?”


“Nice to see you again. Curly Winds and Roseluck?” I looked up at the two.

“Present,” Curly Winds raised a hand.

“Here,” Roseluck said as I examined her black leggings and blue coat with a rose on the side. “Why am I here again?”

“Because you represent the gardening club temporarily,” I answered as she gave me a confused look.

“We don’t have a gardening club otherwise I’d know about it,” Roseluck placed her hands on her hips.

“We do. I overheard Wallflower Blush telling Sunset she was in charge but without Wallflower here or wanting to be here, you’re acting till I get in contact with her,” I explained and everyone looked guilty at the mention of Sunset’s name except Lavender who watched with a bored expression.

The only reason she was here was she represented the gaming club along side Trixie but Trixie wanted no part of being here in lesser terms.

“Watermelody?” I called out as she set down a paint brush.

“Present and accounted for,” Watermelody answered as she adjusted her beret.

“Lavender Lace?” I asked as she smirked slightly at me.

“I’m here don’t worry about that. Hurry up because I wanna get back to spending time with Cloudkicker and Alula,” Lavender scoffed as she plopped in a beanbag chair and crossed her legs. “I still have to wrap Sunset and Raindrops gifts.”

“Uh huh. Indigo Wreath?” I said as he set down his cup of milk.

“I’m here.”

“Excellent. Thanks for rounding everyone up,” I flashed him a warm smile and he blushed. It was no real secret he liked me and I was still waiting for him to make the first move.

“Tennis Match?”


“Baton Switch?” I looked around but didn’t see the band leader. “Anyone see Baton?”

“She’s out of state,” Watermelody called out.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I finished calling out everyone’s names, sitting in front of them in my own beanbag as they either stood or sat down.

“So why are we here on winter break?” Lyra broke the silence. “I see this school enough as is.”

“Firstly, Sunset. She’s our top priority of making up how badly we messed up with her,” I answered as everyone excluding Lavender found the floor more interesting. “We’re gonna talk about her mostly. And then the Friendship Games.”

“You mean the games we always lose?” Starlight commented bitterly as she leaned against the wall. “Let’s face facts, we will never beat the Shadowbolts.”

“Shadowdolts,” Flash corrected quickly and she rolled her eyes.

“Can we even talk about making things right with her here?” One of Flash’s bandmates pointed at Lavender and she shot to her feet. “She’s close with Sunset and Sunset would be furious about this.”

“Listen here gerbil teeth,” Lavender sneered and more than one person visibly suppressed laughter. “What is said here stays here. That’s the fuckin rules. Unless it’s gonna hurt Sunset physically, mentally or any other way that betrays my loyalty to her stays here. Don’t question me again or else. Got me?”

“Yes ma’am,” he answered nervously as Flash shot him a dirty look.

“Alright so what ideas do we have?” I asked as Lavender settles into her beanbag again and bit into a donut she had swiped on her way back.

Vinyls face lit up as she waved her hands in the air and pointed to her laptop.

“She’s suggesting a rave,” Lyra translated helpfully. “I don’t think blowing her eardrums out would help Vinnie.”

“Muffins always help,” Derpy suggested. She and Vinyl sat away from Lyra and Octavia pretty much as far as possible. They clearly hadn’t fixed their issues with each other yet.

“Sunset likes chocolate chip muffins,” Blueberry Cake mused to herself. “She always buys them at work.”

“Okay so muffins from Derpy or Blueberry,” I added it to the white board. “Or both. Anything else?”

“If Pinkie was here, she’d know what to do,” Spitfire muttered as she frowned. “But she’s in a really bad spot Maud said. I’m worried.”

If Maud was worried enough to talk publicly about it, then I was worried too. That family usually kept things wrapped up tight if you get me.

“We all fucked up here,” Roseluck grumbled and shook her head. “I called her a demon. She hates me I bet and it’s more than damn near justified. I say we just try one on one till things cool down. It’s important we fix this. It’s not like we’re gonna win the games so.”

“Agreed,” Soarin said.

“So we all agreed to try to get her alone in a way that isn’t cornering her?” I asked they nodded. “And we might win the games this year. Micro, if you will please.”

Everyone focused on the projector screen as Micro pointed at it.

“Athletics are on the rise here. So is our grades in every subject, from Art to Computers. We’re pretty close to the level of Crystal Prep is so our chances our significantly higher,” Micro Chips explained as Starlight gave him a proud smile before kissing his cheek. “Thanks. If I was the Shadowbolts, I’d be pretty damn worried about us this year.”

“We got this,” Spitfire said confidently and stepped forward. “We’re Canterlot Wondercolts. We band together in times of crisis.”

“Funny coming from you,” Blueberry Cake mocked her with a frown. “You personally kicked Sunset from the soccer team and we lost a game because of that poor choice.”

“And I also kicked Rainbow Dash from all the teams. I got a petition to kick Sunset off and I got one to kick Dash off. The only members to not want Sunset off was Soarin, me, High Winds and Cloudkicker so don’t you put that on me,” Spitfire snapped as anger flashed in her eyes.

“It’s just funny since you say we all band together in crisis’ yet you didn’t back Sunset even publicly. Derpy, Vinyl, Lavender and the rest of Sunset’s friends at least had the courage to do so,” Blueberry continued as she smiled. “Sunset hasn’t even talked to Vinyl and Derpy yet they still supported her publicly to the point of Octavia, Lyra and Bon Bon throwing the two out.”

“We thought they revealed our secrets, not because of them supporting Sunset,” Octavia spoke for the first time and Derpy gave her a hurtful expression that made me even more sad.

“Vinyl is your girlfriend and you accused her,” Watermelody said flatly as she glared. “Surprised she’s dating you still. And Derpy is one of the sweetest girls, she’d never do anything like that ever.”

I watched helplessly as the room descended into chaos, everyone turning on each other with the exception being me, Soarin, Derpy, Vinyl and Lavender.

Soarin stepped between Spitfire and Blueberry Cake nervously as Octavia shouted at Watermelody.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I demanded as I looked at Lavender. She started eating another donut and casually watched the chaos.

“Eh, maybe a little bit. Everyone’s too scared to come at me because of Sunset dating my sister and one of my best friends at the same time so I’m safe,” Lavender shrugged.

“She’s dating both Trixie and Cloudkicker?” I gave a stunned expression. I hadn’t know that at all.


I turned to help calm things down when it happened.

“Enough!” Derpy screamed and everyone froze, giving her shocked looks. “This is absolutely fucking ridiculous!”

Lavender choked on her donut as we gave her stunned looks. Derpy has never once cussed in all the time I’ve known her.

“Even I screwed up because I was too heartbroken about my own friends tossing me. Vinyl was the only one to know what I was going through and was there with me along with my sisters and boyfriend. The only way we can make things right is if we stop fighting each other and start working together. So shut the hell up, sit the hell down, eat a damn donut, say thank you to Sophisticata for spending her own money on this and listen to her speak damn it!” Derpy shouted and everyone slumped over on the ground. Even Spitfire willingly submitted and sat down.

“Hello Derpy!” Micro called out and Derpy’s eyes widened before she blushed and hid behind Vinyl.

“I’m so sorry,” Derpy mumbled and her blush her. “I don’t know what came over me. I just hate people arguing, especially friends. We were all friends before anon a miss in here.”

“Yeah we were,” Starlight commented fondly. “We had some good times in this room as a Council.”

“Yeah we did,” Bon Bon sighed as she tucked her legs under herself. “Lyra and Octavia saw Sunset yesterday with this Wallflower girl and a kid so what do you recommend? This is your circus after all Sophisticata.”

“Her daughter,” Lavender said simply and we gave her confused looks. “The kid is Sunset’s daughter.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Flash waved his hand as I tilted my head to the side.

“Sunset was named Diamonds guardian. So therefore she’s legally her mom as of a few weeks ago I think. I don’t remember the exact timing. Case closed,” Lavender finished and brushed some crumbs into her hand.

“Uh case opened!” I shot back. “I had heard about their arrests. It was a pretty high profile case. I didn’t know Sunset knew Diamond at all honestly.”

“I refuse to give any more details to the likes of you all,” Lavender sneered and gestured to us all. “But yeah she does. I faintly remember someone at that assembly saying Sunset was a bad influence on Diamond. When I find them, I will make his or her life a living hell.”

“Please don’t start arguing again,” Derpy pleaded and placed a hand on Lavender’s shoulder. Lavender paused and softened her glare, nodding. “Thank you Lavender. H-how is Sunset and Cloudkicker and Trixie and Diamond Tiara?”

“Good,” Lavender answered as she gave us a distrustful gaze. “We went on a uh trip out of town so to speak. I can’t remember seeing Trixie genuinely happy since middle school. Or Cloudkicker genuinely in love with someone.”

“Trixie isn’t normally happy? What do you mean?” Tennis Match chuckled. “That girl is always smiling.”

“Trixie hides her pain well,” Lavender answered. “Just like Applejack and me.”

Applejacks name made the room seem darker as multiple people scowled, myself included. While I didn’t go after their sisters, I wasn’t about them starting the account.

“I gotta take this,” Lavender looked at her phone and held it to her ear. “What’s up, Kicker?”

The room fell silent as I made out Cloudkickers voice and someone that sounded like either Sunset or Cloudkicker laughing in the background. It did make me happier to hear her laugh after all she’s been through. She was a tough one and I admired that greatly.

“Yeah, I’ll tell her and I’ll head over. Just taking care of business at school. No, it’s not me fighting Rainbow Dash don’t worry. I could easily take her though. Anytime, anywhere,” Lavender boasted with a smug grin. “Just name a place. Fine, fine I won’t start a brawl. Love you too sis, tell mom and dad I’m on my way.”

“Bye Lavender,” Indigo called out with a shy smile.

“See you all around. Have a good Christmas,” Lavender gave a lazy wave. We watched her leave as we all turned to each other.

“Are we sure trying to be friendly with Sunset is a good idea? I still think giving her space is best for now?” Watermelody asked nervously. “We already made her hurt and suicidal. We all saw those cuts on her wrist when she accidentally moved her shirt sleeve. I don’t know about you all, but the mere idea of being responsible of someone taking their own life makes me want to vomit.”

“We’ve talked about it all night and yeah,” Micro Chips answered and pushed his glasses up. “Sitting around doing nothing doesn’t fix our errors. It’s like a malfunctioning phone. Just hoping it will fix itself does nothing. You have to put the work in.”

“I find you comparing this to a broken electronic adorable,” Starlight mused and squeezed his hand as he turned bright red. “Don’t ever change.”

“Alright, you’re all free to go home. Sorry for keeping you here on break and remember, respect Sunset’s boundaries if you do approach. If she says to go away for a bit, do so. Personal space is key in general,” I reminded everyone flatly. “I don’t want to hear any rumors of people harassing her for forgiveness.”

“Why is it mainly females here? Where’d all the guys in charge if the clubs go?” Soarin asked as I shrugged.

“Over half the clubs we have aren’t represented unfortunately today. I tried but most of the clubs didn’t want to attend or were out of state. I respect people wanting to be with their families and I didn’t push. I’ll call them later and fill them in,” I answered as I started cleaning up and idly listened to people walking out.

I tossed the remaining empty donut boxes into the trash can and sighed, jumping up and sitting on the pool table.

“Tired?” Indigo asked as I opened my eyes and smirked slightly.

“Yeah. Look up,” I gestured at the mistletoe I had hung up before he and the others got here. “Well, now you have to kiss me. That’s the rules after all.”

“What?” Indigo Wreath said as I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

“You really are bad at hiding your feelings, you know that?” I gave a quiet laugh as I pulled away and he turned red. “Waiting for you to make the first move was taking too damn long in my opinion.”

He stayed silent as I kissed him again and leaned backwards on to the pool table.

“Uhm this is an awkward position,” he muttered and shifted from where I had pulled him onto of me.

“Relax, we’re just kissing,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “You’re not that lucky, Indy.”

“Hey, me and Roseluck left our bags and-” Soarin froze as Indigo kissed me back and I sighed contently, my eyes flicking to the two stunned and blushing classmates as I turned red. “Actually, I think it can wait until school is back in session. Goodbye!”

The pair bolted and Indigo pulled away briefly.

“Do you think we should stop them or-” Indigo trailed off as I hugged his neck.

“Let them go. You have about seven months of kissing to make up that I missed out on,” I teased and smirked as he blushed again.

“Kinda surprised you’d actually go for me and not Norman.”

“Norman is dating Blueberry Cake, remember?” I pointed out. “And besides, you’re easier to tease and your blush is adorable.”

“I’m never gonna get away, am I?” Indigo asked as I snorted.

“Nope. You’re stuck with me,” I stuck out my tongue and smirked at him. “Now shush and hug me.”

I could probably stay here forever if I could, idly musing to myself as Indigo hugged me back and I smiled slightly.

As long as Soarin and Roseluck didn’t walk back in, of course.

Chapter LXIX

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I sat outside, idly kicking some snow with my boots as I watched Alula and Diamond Tiara continue building a snow man.

Mine, Raindrops and the others snowman sat nearby. Wallflower had built a damn near perfect one and had impressed the hell out of all of us.

I glanced over at Sunset’s lopsided snowponies as she called it, faintly resembling all of us.

“I still think mines the worst,” Sunset mused as she sat on the porch and wrapped her hand around a mug. “Damn shame really. Surprised we managed to drag Wallflower away from Fuchsia for a few hours again.”

“Me too. ‘Lula and Diamond seem to be getting along,” I commented as Diamond tossed a snowball at Alula.

“Yeah they are,” Sunset leaned against me and I wrapped an arm around her. “You’re warm. Where’s Trixie?”

“Inside with Lav cooking apparently. Mom and dad are stuck at the base so they said to just go ahead and have dinner without them,” I answered as I kissed her. “Wanna go inside?”

“What about those two?” Sunset asked and pointed out to the two kids.

“Alula! Time to come inside, there’s wolves out here still after nine!” I called out as she gave a thumbs up.

“You too Diamond! Come here please,” Sunset said as Diamond ran past.

“During the warmer weather, you two should come out and we will teach how to fire a heavier weapon than a glock,” I commented casually as we stood up. “We have shotguns, assault rifles, a few snipers and handguns. Take your pick.”

“Are you sure this isn’t an attempt to see me in tight clothing?” Sunset asked with a smirk as I tapped a finger on my chin.

“I mean, I already do consider we sleep together often and I slept with you and Trixie as a pony. Ponies don’t wear clothes soo,” I trailed with a smirk of my own. We followed the two kids and I ran a hand down Sunset’s side. “And my room is soundproofed so we have all night if you don’t mine letting Diamond stay over. I’m sure she’d like the time to get know Alula better.”

“Why do I get the feeling you mean you’re interested in getting to know other parts of me?” Sunset tilted her head as I shrugged.

“There’s always a chance,” I snickered as we stood around the kitchen table. I shrugged and started walking into the living room with Sunset behind me.

“You’re right,” Sunset agreed as she nudged me with her hip once I stopped walking. “You’re confident, I’ll give you that. I like that.”

“Confidence is key,” I grinned back and rested my hands behind my hand, sitting down on the couch. “Hey, Trixie!”

Trixie poked her head in and walked into the living room and sat between me and Sunset. I will admit, while I used to not care much for Trixie I did always notice how nice she looked. I may or may not have always thought of her as a ten. Pretty eyes and blue and white hair that matched her skin well.

Same with Sunset. My only real problem was how often she pushed me around and the others I used to be friends with. Used to being the key word. I dropped damn near my entire friend base during anon a miss when I started doubting everything.

“The Great and Kind Trixie is exhausted,” Trixie yawned as she stretched. “I’ve spent hours with Carrot Top cooking. Raindrops is asleep in the chair outside with Carrot. I’m gonna laugh hard when she wakes up. Can uh I stay here? I don’t really wanna go home.”

“Yeah sure,” I waved a hand dismissively. “What’s mine is yours. You can stay anytime. You can sleep with me tonight.”

I kissed Trixie, hugging her as Sunset rolled her eyes with a faint smile.

“I’m kinda surprised you two didn’t date before I came along. You guys go well together,” Sunset mused and propped her head up with a hand. Trixie kissed my forehead and I shrugged.

“Yeah well, we both kinda didn’t trust each other for a while there,” Trixie admitted and untied her ponytail. “I will admit, if we did this may have happened sooner. It’s nice to finally be cared about in someone’s house.”

I exchanged a worried look with Sunset. I knew from Lavender that Trixie’s home life was complicated but she never said more than that. Whether she was refusing in order to protect Trixie or genuinely didn’t know more, I didn’t know.

“I get the feeling you’re only inviting me to sleep with me,” Trixie huffed as I gave her a look.

“Nah, I’m not,” I said honestly. “Just figured you’d want to be held or something. You did enjoy my wings a lot in Equestria so I figured I’d offer here too. I may not have them here but I can always figure something else out for ya.”

“Hmm,” Trixie gave me a look before smiling slightly. “I was gonna sleep on the couch. But I suppose I could sleep in there. As long as it’s not on the floor.”

“Did I make you sleep on the floor in Equestria?” I shot back, Sunset looking between the two of us. “Hell no, you slept next to me and Sunset the entire time.”

“True,” Trixie admitted and hugged us both with one arm.

I shrugged her off and stood up, grabbing her and Sunset’s hands, moving for the stairs.

“Are we sure your room is soundproof?” Sunset asked as she flicked her eyes to Diamond Tiara reading a book with Alula.

“I’m sure. Before Lyra and Bon Bon started dating, mom caught me with Lyra and a bottle of chocolate syrup,” I admitted with a blush. Being caught sleeping with your friend by your mom is always embarrassing. “After that, I made sure to soundproof the whole room and get a lock for the door. And now, no one hears what goes inside the room, whenever I’m getting myself off or playing video games.”

“I see,” Sunset commented as I finished leading them up the stairs and shoving my door open.

My room was clean how I preferred, my bed neatly made how I was raised to make it with a tv in the corner along with an Xbox, various movies and video games lining the shelves of my book shelf and a few books.

My desk was neat as the rest of the room, a few schools book and homework sitting on top next to a lap top with my cutie mark emblazoned on the front. The walls were a light purple.

“I didn’t know you wore makeup,” Trixie mused as she examined my desk. “I rarely ever see you with makeup.”

“Makeup really isn’t a thing the military used to allow except eye shadow but I like to make myself look nice now and again. I have a few dresses too like the one at the fall formal but I prefer skirts or just jeans. Lot easier to move around in,” I explained as Sunset nodded.

“You always keep your room this clean?” Sunset asked and I realized this was the first time either of them have ever been in my room.

“Yeah. Mom and dad being in the army practically drilled cleanliness into us as kids. Especially me because they wanted me to follow in their foot steps but I decided to not. Then they had Alula shortly after my decision,” I answered. It was pretty obvious they were disappointed in my decision and only had Alula to continue the family legacy.

“How long has your family been in the military?” Trixie asked curiously as she sat done carefully on my bed.

“Long as I can remember. Revolutionary War, Civil War on the northern side, World War One and Two, D-Day, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq, all major wars pretty much,” I answered dismissively. “I have a huge family, cousins and aunts and stuff. Half I know as being related to me but I don’t have a big connection to. We’re all over the US family wise. Most of my dead family members are in Arlington.”

“What’s Arlington?”

“It’s a place where a shit ton of soldiers get buried, Sunset. It’s been a few years, but I believe JFK is buried there as well. I’ll have to Google it later to be one hundred percent sure,” I explained as she sat down next to Trixie. “Do you have something similar in Equestria?”

“Not really. Wars in Equestria are so rare, royal guards dying isn’t entirely a thing. Most of the time it’s from natural causes or accidents. I’ve attended a few funerals with Mom before I ran away.”

“Must be nice,” I scoffed and gestured for them to sit up, pulling my blanket up from under my pillow once they did so. “While I don’t know many of my family members, I’d rather they not get killed. Maybe we can go to Arlington one day and I’ll show you all around. There’s the tomb of the unknown soldier too there.”

“I uh didn’t bring pajamas,” Trixie said slowly as she shifted her weight. Trixie tossed her leggings into a neat pile in the corner of the room and we both blushed as we tried to not watch.

“That’s uh fine,” I muttered and took off my boots, setting them on the floor. “Sunset and I probably weren’t gonna get much sleep tonight anyway.”

“Lord help us all,” Trixie muttered as she locked the door. “So no one walks in, like Alula or Diamond.”

I gave a thumbs up and stretched under the blanket with Trixie and Sunset, Sunset kissing Trixie’s neck as I hugged her.

“You two get on whatever you’re doing. I’ll be here,” Trixie commented as Sunset continued kissing her neck.

“Watching is your kink?” I teased as she nudged me with a blush.


I held Trixie’s hand and sighed as Sunset pulled her head from between my legs and laid down next to me.

“You’re right, this room is soundproof,” Sunset teased as I rolled my eyes.

“Shush,” I shoved her and kissed Trixie again.

While Trixie didn’t join in during the lord knows how long we were here, she spent a majority of the time kissing the two of us whenever we had switched positions.

Trixie wrapped an arm around me and kissed me back as she closed her eyes and Sunset kissed our foreheads.

“Your mouth tastes weird,” Trixie commented after I separated.

“Yeah well, that happens after going down on someone,” I answered as she blushed. “I’m just glad I did soundproof this room. Sunset was louder than me.”

“No I was not,” Sunset scoffed as I ran a hand down Trixie’s leg.

“Go for it,” Trixie waved a hand and pulled me on top of her. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will prove she is the best in the room.”

I’d be lying if I didn’t say her third person speak was a turn on as I resumed kissing her and she stretched slightly.

“That’s actually kinda hot,” Sunset mused as she propped her head up and watched Trixie wrap a hand around my neck. “I’m exhausted so I might go sleep while you two do whatever you want. Have fun.”

“I have a feeling that’s going to be the case,” Trixie answered and smiled slightly, making a fist with my hair. “I love you.”

I paused and gave her a startled look before she tossed her remaining clothes into the pile of mine and Sunset’s on the floor. I can’t remember if Trixie had ever said that before. I know Sunset has said it a few times to the two of us. But if Trixie is obviously comfortable saying it, then I suppose I can be.

“I love you too.”

Trixie probably gave me the widest smile I’ve ever seen her give anyone in my life.

Chapter LXX

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I stared nervously up at CHS, shouldering my backpack as Diamond Tiara, Lavender and the others stood by my side.

“Are you sure about this?” Cloudkicker whispered and she kicked a pile of snow across the sidewalk. “Winter break may be over, but we can head to your place. Hot chocolate, movie and wild sex with Trixie and myself. Might even use a gag to keep you two quiet.”

I shook my head slowly. I was tempted by that offer, I’ll be honest but I couldn’t avoid this place forever. I would have to come back and face my classmates sooner or later.

“No,” I answered finally. “Let’s do this. Diamond Tiara, why don’t you an Alula run on ahead and get to your lookers?”

“Yes ma’am,” Alula nodded respectfully my way as Diamond hugged me. I bent down to hug her with a smile.

“Have a good day and behave,” I warned after she let go of my waist. “And maybe I’ll let you have ice cream after dinner.”

Diamond’s eyes lit up as I ruffled her hair and she took off running after Alula.

“Time to face them I suppose,” I sighed as Lavender and Fuchsia both nodded, opening the doors for me, Wallflower, Cloudkicker and Trixie. “Thank you. Nice to see you finally discharged.”

“It’s nice to be out of that hellhole,” Fuchsia scoffed and I watched Redheart wave at me from down the hall along with Cheerilee, Luna and Celestia. “Uh, everyone’s staring at us with weird looks?”

“It’s called regret,” Wallflower answered quietly as I watched her grip her backpack closer that held the memory stone and I placed a hand on her arm, shaking my head. “Okay.”

I strode past my classmates watching me sadly. Flash, Captain Planet, Derpy, Vinyl and Micro Chips watching me quietly as I approached my locker. Derpy was holding a plastic container and staring at the ground with Vinyl next to her.

I stopped at my locker and idly listened to someone walking behind me that wasn’t anyone I knew.

“M-muffin?” Derpy asked nervously as she held out a container. “P-please?”

Trixie and I examined it warily before I nodded and accepted it. Derpy and Vinyl treated me with the most respect outside of my girlfriends, Lavender and the rest of my friends.

“Thanks,” I took it as Derpy beamed. A very small amount of classmates talked badly about her but a majority I knew loved Derpy. She had a very warm smile that was admittedly adorable.

“I’m so sorry I was not doing anything to stop them,” Derpy muttered and I inhaled internally before I hugged her.

“It’s okay. I’ll forgive you and Vinyl because you two never thought it was me at all during this. Cloudkicker only thought it was me for a few days so it’s different with her. She changed her mind unlike everyone else here,” I scoffed and pointedly ignored several others looking down at their feet. “Join us at lunch today. You and Vinyl please.”

Derpy smiled warmly as Vinyl gave a thumbs up, pulling her sunglasses back down to cover her red eyes.

“I’d like that,” Derpy admitted as I opened my locker with my spare hand that wasn’t stuck in her hug. “Uhm, we will see you then.”

“See ya,” I waved as I set the muffin on the top shelf in my locker.

“Surprised you aren’t mad at her,” Wallflower commented idly.

“It’s hard to ever truly be mad at Derpy,” I chuckled and opened the container and bit into the muffin. “Mhh, chocolate chip and blueberry. Even back when I was the Alpha Bitch of CHS, I never truly hurt or got angry at Derpy. She stayed far away from me and I stayed away from her. And hey, maybe you can be friends with her and expand the gardening. You two are both pretty shy.”

“Derpy cursed a couple of days ago,” Lavender said and shuddered slightly. “It was scary as hell.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I highly doubted Derpy of all people would cuss. I don’t even think she knows a single curse word in general honestly. I’d put money on Fluttershy cussing first and I know she has because I’ve heard her mutter damn once after dropping a pencil.

“Oh shit we gotta get to our lockers,” Cloudkicker grumbled and looked at her phone. “I’ll see you two at lunch. Love you both.”

“Love you too,” I answered and hid my blush. “You as well Trixie.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie humbly accepts your affections,” Trixie boasted with a smug grin before hugging me. I was getting a lot today, might set a new record. Though Pinkie set a pretty high bar to beat.

“That was unique,” Wallflower muttered as she opened the locker next to me, Fuchsia opening the one to my left.

“Indeed,” Fuchsia nodded and started putting her books and backpack away. “Oh and thanks for the gifts you got me. I always enjoy getting more books.”

“You mean your sex novels,” Wallflower shot back and I listened with a smirk. “How you can read Fifty Shades Of Grey is beyond me.”

“Don’t knock it till you try it,” Fuchsia pointed out.

“Oh believe me, I am. I can loan you some of my vampire romance books if you want,” Wallflower offered and Fuchsia scoffed with an eye roll.

“Alright, calm the fuck down over there Dracula before I get out my garlic and a stake.”

“What on earth do you need garlic for?” I asked and they both gave me confused looks.

“Because garlic can repel vampires, stop them from biting people and can potentially kill them,” Wallflower recited with a small smile. “It can also ward off witches, werewolves, the fair folk and prevent curses and bad luck. Do you have vampires in Equestria?”

“Hell no. And what the hell is a fair folk?”

“Fairies,” Wallflower said helpfully and I nodded. “Vampires might be real. I mean, you’re a unicorn and real so why can’t vampires be real?”

“I don’t think the world would benefit from vampires Wally,” Fuchsia interjected with a frown. “Last thing we need is another Vlad the Impaler. Dude was fucked up.”

I watched back and forth as the two continued going off about vampires and mirrors before the two waved goodbye and I waved back, shutting my locker as the bell went off.

“Fuck!” I cursed loudly and I hastily looked around, hoping no teacher heard me. Being late on the first day back was definitely not going to be a good look.

I slammed my locker and locked it, taking off down the hall, sliding around the corner and a startled group of classmates.

“You’re late,” Mr. Doodle said flatly as I stood in the doorway panting slightly. He looked up from his desk and his expression softened slightly. “Oh Sunset Shimmer. I can make an exception. Take your seat and get your history book out please.”

“Thanks sir,” I gave him a grateful look and took my seat next to Fluttershy as I ignored her giving me a small smile that faded.

My phone vibrated in my pockets and I hastily looked around, Thunderlane gave me a nod as he shifted to block Cranky’s view as I read Redheart’s message.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are back in school. Just a warning.

I scowled and tapped my finger on the screen. I faintly remembered Mom saying they would be here during the week and in Equestria on the weekends excluding Sunday.

I know.

I stepped out of the lunch line and scanned the crowd of tables, Vinyl waving me over to a table with her and Derpy.

I smiled faintly as I started walking over, ignoring everyone around me watching me quietly as I sat down across from the pair.

“Where’s the others?” I asked and looked around.

“Here,” Wallflower said quietly as she sat next to Derpy with Fuchsia and Lavender, Trixie and Cloudkicker sitting on either side of me with Diamond Tiara sitting next to Cloudkicker, setting her tray and some papers on the table.

“How was class?” I asked everyone as I examined my lunch. It was my usual, a salad and pineapple pizza with Sprite and a piece of apple pie that was suspiciously larger than normal.

“Good and you?” Vinyl asked and we all froze, giving her stunned looks. “Cat got your tongue?”

“I didn’t think you spoke in general was all,” I answered finally and shook off my shock. I’d known her for a few months and she never once spoke, not even at band practice or anything. Vinyl always texted or used hand gestures so I always thought she was mute or something.

“Yeah, most think that,” Vinyl gave a low chuckle as she dangled her pizza above her mouth. “I prefer to let my silence speak for me. Actions speaks louder than words after all.”

“True that,” Wallflower gave a brief nod. “I’m pretty shy so I just watch in the background.”

“Same I’m shy but I just give muffins as a way to get out of my shell. Might join some more clubs,” Derpy stirred her spoon in her pudding and Fuchsia smirked.

“Well Wallflower here has her gardening club,” Fuchsia flung her arm around her younger sister. “She’s also the only member. I’m sure she’d love to have you join.”

Wallflower gave her a flat look as Derpy smiled warmly.

“I’ve always liked plants,” Derpy thought aloud as she tapped the table. “I could use the time away from Amethyst and Dinky. Much as I love my sisters, they’re a handful at times. Especially Amethyst.”

“I suppose you can join,” Wallflower sighed and made eye contact with Derpy. “It’s winter so I don’t do much about in the garden obviously, but I’ll show you it later. Where’s the other two you run with?”

“Octavia and Lyra?” Derpy asked nervously and scrunched up her nose. “There’s Bon Bon too so there’s three but I’m not really friendly with them right now.”

“No, Raspberry Fluff and Blueberry Pie,” Wallflower clarified as I examined Diamond Tiara’s math work.

“Carry the five,” I whispered and she nodded.

“I don’t know, they’ve been staying home since their secrets came out,” Derpy admitted.

Those two’s secrets hadn’t honestly been that bad. Apparently something that happened in elementary school about peeing their pants or something.

“Oh. You can join, I’m fine with it. Might make life a little bit less lonely,” Wallflower answered before hastily looking at us all. “N-not that I don’t appreciate you all, of course!”

“Don’t worry, we know,” Diamond commented and bit into her apple.

“When’s that due?” I asked and leaned around Cloudkicker.

“Tomorrow after noon,” Diamond answered as she erased something. “Saw Silver Spoon earlier today at breakfast.”

“Eat first and I’ll help with your homework at home after I get mine done,” I answered before picking up my pear. “I was actually gonna try to become your friend but a bunch of stuff happened.”

“It’s okay,” Derpy waved a hand dismissively. “I understand. Is that your sister?”

“Not really. I’m her guardian so I suppose daughter would be more appropriate here,” I answered as Derpy gave me a confused look that felt a bit forced before she nodded. “I’ve been dealing with so many people trying to apologize to me, it’s been so annoying. I just wish they’d leave me alone.”

“Don’t worry, I got this,” Lavender cracked her knuckles. “Diamond, cover your ears.”

“What are you about to do?” Cloudkicker asked warily as Diamond covered her ears and we all watched Lavender stand on her bench. “Oh boy.”

Lavender stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled, causing everyone to stop and stare, including Rainbow Dash sitting nearby at my old table with Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack. Pinkie’s hair seemed off and not poofy as usual. She was also lacking her normal sweets she had on her lunch tray.

“Leave Sunset the fuck alone or else we fighting!” Lavender shouted at the top of her lungs, making us jump. She glowed a faint blonde color, her hair spilling down her back in a long pony tail as my eyes widened.

“Would you sit down?” Fuchsia hissed angrily and rolled her eyes. “Cheerilee is coming, you crazy girl.”

“Oh, fuck me,” Lavender groaned and jumped off the bench before sitting back down. “Hey, Miss Cheerilee. How was your Christmas?”

“It was okay. Please refrain from standing on the lunch table.”

“But I wasn’t on the table-” Lavender started and Cheerilee gave her a look that practically left no room for arguing. “Yes ma’am.”

“Are we gonna talk about the hair and ears shebang?” Vinyl asked and gestured to Lavender still glowing. “I thought only Rainbow Dash and the other Rainbooms could pony up.”

“I have no idea,” I answered finally and Derpy lifted her ponytail. “I’d assume magic in general is affecting you when you do something you are good at.”

“This happened the other day too,” Lavender admitted. “When I was building a firework for a magic show for Trixie.”

“Your cutie mark is a fireworks in Equestria so I assume that’s your special talent. Interesting,” I muttered and leaned foreword. “Maybe you going to Equestria and then you your doing special talent here triggered something?”


I shrugged and continued eating. I’ll figure it out later.

This is a problem for future Sunset, not present Sunset.

Chapter LXXI

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I shouldered my back pack as I stepped out of Cloudkickers car as she followed me up to the door step.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said nervously as I shifted to look through the window.

“Anytime,” Cloudkicker answered and looked around me. “Can I come inside? I’ve never been inside your house before.”

“Uhm dad’s home so maybe next time. I can already smell beer though the door so,” I said as Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow slightly.

“Uh huh. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow at school Trix,” Cloudkicker turned to leave as I inhaled and kissed her.

“Love you,” I rubbed my neck with a smirk as she nodded slowly.

“Love you too. Stay safe, have a good night.”

I turned around and opened the door, stepping through as I gagged slightly at the smell. I should have brought more Febreze as I shrugged my backpack off onto the floor next to the door where I usually left it.

“Trixie is home!” I called out and grumbled a curse word as I sprayed the last of the Febreze around the living room, my boot nudging an empty bottle over. I didn’t entirely like lying to Cloudkicker or well, any of my friends but a house full of empty beer bottles isn’t necessarily the image you wanna convey to people.

“Why do you insist on talking like that?” I sighed as dad glared at me from the doorway of his room. “What are you, a retard?”

“No sir,” I answered and internally rolled my eyes. Last thing I needed was another beer bottle thrown at me. That had been a hard lie to sell to Lavender and Fuchsia months ago about why I had a bruise on my back. Really shoulda said I fell in the shower on soap or something.

“Who was the girl?” Dad asked curiously as he opened the fridge.

“A friend who gave me a ride home,” I answered casually. Technically it wasn’t a lie. Cloudkicker was a friend now. Just one I happened to be dating but not like I’d ever tell dad that. He’d get really annoyed about it. More than annoyed. Pretty sure I’d die if I admitted to dating Cloudkicker.

“Then why did I see you kissing her from my bedroom window?” I paused and he glared at me as my mouth went dry.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I forced a laugh and a smile. “I’m straight. I don’t date females.”

We made eye contact for a few seconds and he showed me a picture on his phone of me kissing Cloudkicker and I stared, cursing internally. I forgot we recently got a camera on the porch and I winced in pain and slammed into the ground with a grunt.

“You actually hit me,” I muttered in shock and stared up at Dad as he turned around and got another beer before disappearing into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

I pushed my self up and shakily stepped toward the bathroom, staring at my reflection.

“That’s gonna bruise,” I grumbled and winced and let out a hiss as I touched my eye. Times like this made me glad I had makeup and eye shadow that matched my skin tone well to hid any incidents. I just had to find it. “Sunset and the others are gonna be hard as hell to lie to. Might just get sunglasses too.”

Better than nothing I suppose.

I adjusted my sunglasses and inhaled before I stepped into my school, ignoring the students walking around me with their friends. I hadn’t seen Sunset yet so I assume she had to go ahead to class for something.

“Hey Trixie!” Cloudkicker called out and I froze as she and Wallflower walked up, giving me curious looks. “What’s with the sunglasses?”

“It’s bright outside,” I answered weakly and continued to my locker. “Where’s Sunset at?”

“She texted us that Diamond Tiara was sick with a cold and was staying home. Apparently DT had a panic attack or something so they’re not coming today,” Wallflower answered and held up her phone. “You’re in the group chat, surprised you didn’t see it.”

“You’re inside. I hate when people wear sunglasses inside,” Cloudkicker rolled her eyes and I smacked her hand away. “Ow!”

“Leave the sunglasses alone,” I said and gave her a flat look that I forgot she couldn’t see. Cloudkicker paused and examined me before she held up a finger and flicked them up briefly. “Hey!”

”Who did that to you?” Cloudkicker demanded and I froze. I’ve never heard her this angry before in the entire time I’ve known her. I gulped and looked nervously at her angry expression and she narrowed her eyes.

“I fell in the shower. No one hit me.”

I felt myself being shoved into the bathroom and the two gave me angry looks. I’ve never really seen Wallflower angry either but it was surprisingly scary.

“I know what a black eye from falling looks like,” Cloudkicker said flatly and folded her arms. “And that sure as hell isn’t it. That’s from someone hitting you.”

“Uh my family saw me kissing you yesterday evening,” I admitted finally as she shifted on her feet. “They uh weren’t happy to say the least. Or well, he wasn’t but it’s okay. We had a good morning and he gave me some magic stuff as an apology.”

“Your dad?” Wallflower asked and I nodded as Cloudkicker looked angrier if that was possible. I was glad Sunset wasn’t here or anyone else. I know she’d be angry as hell.

“Just because he gave shit as a half asked apology isn’t even okay,” Cloudkicker grumbled and grabbed my wrist. “I get really pissed when people defend their abusers so don’t you fucking start.”

If Cloudkicker was cursing this much, I knew she wasn’t messing around and I shouldn’t make a smart remark that I planned. She almost never curses like this.

“Where are we going?” I asked as the two started dragging me out. “Can I at least get my sunglasses back? I don’t want our classmates seeing me like this. Normally I put eye shadow that matches my skin color but I couldn’t find it.”

“We’re going to the nurse. You’re going to tell her what you told me, then we’re going to the police. Wallflower, give Trixie her sunglasses back,” Cloudkicker ordered as I felt Wallflower slid the glasses on my face.

“H-hey wait!” I snapped as Cloudkicker started dragging me. I started dragging my feet but she was much stronger than me. “Don’t. I’ll handle it.”

“Trixie, you literally got hit in the face,” Cloudkicker said flatly as Wallflower nodded. “We have different definitions of handling things. Yours is forgiving him, mine is punching him in the throat. At least get it looked at.”


“And don’t worry, I got you,” Cloudkicker squeezed my hand as I returned the gesture.


I gave a sigh and rolled over slightly in bed as I continued reading my book. I had to lie to Redheart about what happened, which may have annoyed Cloudkicker more but it is what it is. Just gotta save up more money then I’ll be outta here and my problem is solved.

Dad was asleep when I got home so I had no real trouble there. Got my homework done so there was that. If Sunset was on, I’d be playing video games but it’s boring playing solo.

I paused as I heard the window scrape open slightly and looked up to see it being shoved open from the outside and my eyes widened.

A purple hand reached inside and Cloudkicker rolled inside with a grunt as I gave her a stunned look.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered angrily and glared at the door. “My dad is down the hall!”

“If you seriously think I’m letting you stay here alone, you’re out of your damn mind,” Cloudkicker said quietly as she shut the window. “You really should lock your windows, by the way. You’re asking to get robbed.”

“Sorry, I didn’t plan on my girlfriend breaking in!” I hissed softly as Cloudkicker plopped down on my bed and propped her head up with a smirk.

“Eh. Anyway, you’re looking nice. How are you?” Cloudkicker asked with that infuriatingly smile that made me happy deep down.

“I was good till my room got broken into-” I commented dryly as Cloudkicker kissed me.

“You really talk too much,” Cloudkicker noted after she pulled away. “Anyway, I’m staying here for a few days in here. I’ll come and go out the window. I’ll figure out the bathroom and shower situation later on.”

“You’re insufferable, you know that?” I asked as I rubbed the bridge of my nose in frustration.

“I know.”

“I also love you.”

“I know.”

I rolled my and yelped as Cloudkicker rolled on top of me and kissed me again.

“Are you insane?” I grumbled and glared at her. “Are you trying to get us caught? Imagine if he hits you? Then it’s my damn fault.”

“Nah it ain’t,” Cloudkicker shook her head and kissed my forehead before sighing and rolling off next to me. “I’d like to see him try hit either of us. I hit back.”

“Please don’t. I just gotta get enough money together and I’ll be good,” I said as my eyes fell on my dumped out old lunch bag where I hid all the money I earned. “Fuck my life.”

“What?” Cloudkicker eyes followed mine. “What is it?”

“My money is gone. I hid it all in the closet behind my dresses. He never looks in there,” I sighed as I slammed my head against the pillow. “Fuck.”

“How long have you been living this like?” Cloudkicker demanded as she started to get out of bed.

“Middle school. Where you are going?”

“To get your money back,” Cloudkicker said as she looked back and I grabbed her wrist. “Let go.”

“No. I’ll do anything,” I said as we made eye contact. “I’ll go to the police if you don’t go try to start a fight. Besides, maybe there was a genuine family emergency. Grandma has been sick for a bit so we don’t know.”

“Fine. But we go in the morning,” Cloudkicker said after a moment and made sure the door was locked. “Now what?”

“Hug me?” I suggested with a grin and held out my arms as Cloudkicker gave a small laugh.

“Now that I can easily do.”