Crossing Rainbow Bridges

by David Silver

First published

Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.

Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.

Done for a patron, starting at 1/month rate. Let's begin this journey!

1 - Galloping to Adventure

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Brad stroked along her neck and patted her strong shoulder with little paffs of his flesh striking her muscled hide. "Good girl. Best girl? Yes." He nodded with complete satisfaction even as the horse whickered in soft satisfaction. "And you know it." He ruffled her across the snout. "C'mon!"

He led her back towards the stables, where other horses watched curiously.

Another person, a female, waved as Brad approached. "Hey, can you feed little Daisy tomorrow? I'll be out of town."

Brad sighed softly. "I'll be here."

"You're the best." She strode right past him on to other business.

"It's different when that isn't aimed at a horse." Brad turned back to his cherished mount to give her a pat, mostly for himself. "Let's see how Daisy's doing."

The horse perked, as if, of the few words she knew, Daisy was one of them.

He led her to a specific stable to peek in at a mare that perked at their arrival. The two horses touched noses in a gentle greeting. "Aw, you two get along." He rubbed at each of their big cheeks. "I'll be back to make sure you get your feed tomorrow, promise."

The mare Daisy nickered softly as Brad rubbed her cheek. Her big brown eyes were trusting as she gazed at him.

"She knows she can count on you," said a voice behind Brad. He turned to see Sarah, another stable hand, leaning against the stall door. Her red hair was pulled back under a baseball cap and her freckled face broke into a grin.

"Hey," Brad replied, giving Daisy one last pat before stepping out and latching her stall door. "Just checking in on this girl. Danielle asked me to feed her while she's away."

Sarah nodded. "Going to miss having her around for a few days. She's the best with the younger horses." She paused, then added casually, "Maybe you and I could do something fun tomorrow after the evening feedings? Finally have a night off for once."

Brad felt a flutter in his stomach at the invitation. His mind raced, wondering if she meant it as more than just friends. "Uh, sure," he managed. "Did you have anything in particular in mind?"

"Just be here." She mosied off, looking busy. "Tomorrow, after you take care of both of them."

Bella, Brad's horse, bumped against him with a whicker. "What?" He turned back towards Bella with a smile. "Are you getting jealous? She couldn't be my mare." Even if visions of how that'd look played in his head. A human would be a pretty lousy horse. "That's you and only you." They met, him hugging her around the neck gently and she curling her neck around his in a mutual embrace.

"Let's get you a drink." He led her to where she could slake her thirst, and she did, but she was dancing a little. "You look like you want a ride."

She turned away from him, tail flicking and pacing eagerly.

"Alright, alright, let's go for a ride." Brad moved to her side and climbed up onto her back. It felt like he was on top of the world whenever he was up there, so high, with Bella ready to carry him. "Let's go."

Bella tossed her head eagerly and set off at a brisk walk as soon as Brad was settled on her back. He could feel the power and energy thrumming through the horse beneath him as her hooves clicked a steady rhythm on the concrete floor of the barn.

Outside, the late afternoon sun shone down on the rolling green hills surrounding the ranch. Bella moved into an easy lope as they headed for the trails, smooth and graceful. Brad leaned forward, his body moving in sync with the horse. He always felt so free and alive when they rode together like this, connected as one being.

As they left the manicured lawns behind for the woods and meadows beyond, Bella snorted eagerly, asking for more rein. Brad smiled and obliged. "Wanna run, girl?" he murmured. In response Bella surged into a gallop, the wind whipping Brad's hair as they flew across the landscape. He whooped joyously, all other thoughts vanishing from his mind except this perfect moment of equine partnership.

She picked up speed, then a little more speed, ever hastening, but he always felt under control. She seemed equally in control of herself, each hoof hitting the ground where she wanted it, completely steady despite her rapidly increasing speed. "Girl, you really have a lot of--" He braced himself as they pushed past any speed they had before, wind whistling past him. "Easy there, easy."

But she did not go easy, instead hopping up with a step onto a bump along the path and jumping off the other end to keep her speed. She took flight, life itself slowing around them. He looked down and could have sworn he saw a rainbow streak stretching beneath them in that amazing moment before she hit the ground, but they weren't on the ground.

Belle was standing on that rainbow, looking confused and concerned. With a whicker, she backed up slowly off the arc of the rainbow, which fell to nothing the moment she was completely off of it.

Brad stared in disbelief as the vibrant rainbow bridge vanished. One moment they had been galloping at an impossible speed, the next floating in midair. Now Bella was backing up nervously, her hooves once more on solid ground.

"Easy, girl," Brad murmured, though his voice shook slightly. He slid off the mare's back and ran his hands along her legs, checking for any signs of injury. But she seemed fine. More than fine, actually - her coat appeared to glitter faintly, although the shine faded even as Brad watched.

"What just happened?" he muttered. Bella bobbed her head up and down, then shoved it insistently against Brad's chest, nearly knocking him over.

"Whoa!" He regained his balance and wrapped his arms around the horse's strong neck. Her dark eyes met his, calm and deep. Brad had the strangest feeling she was trying to tell him something important.

"I must be going crazy," Brad said with an uncertain laugh. But when he swung back up into the saddle, hints of rainbows seemed to shimmer at the edge of his vision. Bella's steady hoofbeats as they turned towards home now sounded almost musical.

Brad shook his head, confused but exhilarated. He had no idea what had just occurred, but he knew his partnership with Bella had somehow been strengthened. "Let's keep this just between us," he whispered.

The moment he was securely in place, she began moving, then picked up speed little by little. "You saw what happened last time," He warned, but he didn't stop her. Neither of them had gotten hurt by it. It was strange, but harmless?

But Bella, she seemed to want it again. Why else would she take off the moment she found another large enough bump in the road to do that with. She hit the rainbow road that appeared beneath them in the jump and, that time, she just kept going. They were galloping across the rainbow, higher and higher.

Brad held firmly to her as they began to ascend into the air. "The bloody hell? Seriously, Bella, down. Down!" He tried pulling on her reign, but she wasn't slowing. She had somewhere she wanted to be, and she was going there.

Things became cloudy, though Brad was certain they hadn't gone high enough to reach the clouds, nor did it feel nearly cold enough to announce that. Despite that, the clouds rushed around them evenly, before they began to recede upwards. The rainbow road was going down. Following it, so were they, heading towards some new land that didn't look like where they had departed at all.

As the rainbow bridge descended through the clouds, a vibrant landscape emerged below them. Rolling green hills were dotted with colorful trees heavy with fruit, surrounding a charming village. Brad spotted a large red barn and endless acres of apple orchards stretching as far as he could see.

Bella's hooves touched down right at the edge of the main orchard, her shoes striking the dirt path with a definitive thud. Brad leaned over and wrapped his arms around the mare's strong neck.

"Where are we, girl?" he murmured, peering around in utter bewilderment. The village distant from them, beyond the orchard, looked like something out of a children's cartoon or fantasy novel. Cheerful cottages with thatched roofs and smiling inhabitants bustled about. Brad rubbed his eyes but the vibrant scene remained.

Just then, a voice with a distinctly Southern twang called out. "Well howdy there!" A tan pony wearing a Stetson hat trotted up the path, hitched to a cart loaded with bushels of apples. "Can't say I've seen y'all around these parts before. Just get in?"

Brad's mouth dropped open. The pony was talking. To him. Her green eyes twinkled merrily as she awaited his reply.

"I, uh... Bella?" Brad cast a desperate glance at his horse, but she just whickered softly as if encouraging him to answer.

She let out an excited whicker and stomped the ground once before pawing at it.

Applejack nodded softly. "Pleased as rain to meetcha, Bella. Now, don't take this the wrong way, but what's that attached to yer backside there?"

Bella only half turned her head, though her wide-set eyes meant that was enough to look at me squarely. She nickered softly and shook her head.

"Yer friend? Well, shoot. Any friend of a friend is a friend ah mine." She offered a hoof to Bella and two met, hoof to hoof, as if they understood each other without an issue. "Now, do ya talk up there?"

"Um." Applejack waved for him to continue. "Brad. My name's Brad."

Applejack's broad grin grew even wider. "Well howdy-do, Brad! Name's Applejack. Mighty fine ta make yer acquaintance." She turned and bucked the cart of apples closer. "Any friend of Bella's got friends aplenty here in Ponyville. Though y'all sure look different from us ponies!"

She looked him up and down curiously. "Got a mighty strange way of gettin' around too. But Bella here seems right at home with ya ridin' on her back like that. Y'all must be great partners!"

Bella nickered proudly at this praise. Brad managed an uncertain smile. "Yeah, we definitely have a special bond. To be honest though, I have no idea how we got here." He glanced around, taking in the bright cottages and colorful ponies mingling and chatting everywhere he looked. It was like something from a dream...or a kids' show.

Applejack followed his gaze. "I know Ponyville takes some gettin' used to, but the folks here are real friendly-like. Why don't y'all come meet my family? Bet Granny Smith will wanna getcha some apple cake an' cider. Put some meat on them bones!" She laughed heartily.

Brad hesitated. He had no idea what was happening. But so far, this apple-loving, hat-wearing pony seemed sincere in her hospitality. Bella butted his foot encouragingly.

With a shrug and a trusting pat to his mare's shoulder, Brad said, "You know what, Applejack? Cake and cider sound just about right after the day we've had. Lead the way!"

"Galloped on a rainbow? Mighty curious." Somehow, it seemed Applejack was getting more information from Bella than Brad could ever dream. "Sounds like magic to me. Now, bein' an earth pony, all mah magic's in here." She thumped her chest as she led the way through the apple trees. "Strong, tough, good family. Brad, what kinda magic does whatever you are have? Somethin' flashy, or not? Don't be shy. Earth ponies got a subtle magic, but it's powerful all the same."

Brad chuckled tensely at that. "Would you beleive magic isn't much a thing where I come from? Um, but pleased to be here, with such friendly people."


"Ponies," Brad echoed with a little smile. "Let's meet them."

2 - Dinner With Friends

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"Right this way, then!" Applejack led them through the orchard and into a charming cottage surrounded by apple trees. A small, gray-haired pony with a red apron bustled out of the house, followed by a small yellow pony with a red mane and tail. Both ponies stopped short when they saw Brad. The yellow one squealed in delight. "Oh my gosh! Is that a human?" She bounced up and down in excitement.

Applejack laughed nervously. "Ah didn't ask, truth told. Felt rude to. They're just guests lookin' to enjoy some Apple vittles." She gestured to the large equine under the human. "This is Bella. She only speaks proto-Pony. It's amazin'."

Bella snorted with a spirited shake of her head, and somehow the meaning was understood by all the ponies without any actual words stated. The oldest nodded. "Bella's got the right idea. We should get to eatin'. You!" She pointed firmly at Brad. "Get off her and use yer own feet. She'll have to go around, ain't no way we'll fit her in the front way, but no way we're leavin' her out."

Brad felt like he was in a dream as he slid off Bella's back and followed the ponies into the cozy kitchen. A large wooden table was already set with plates of food and pitchers of cider. The yellow pony chattered excitedly as they sat down. "My name's Apple Bloom! What's yours? How did you get here? Do you live in a big city? I've always wanted to visit a big city!"

Applejack settled next to Apple Bloom. "Calm down. He can only answer so many questions, an' it ain't polite to go so fast."

"Sorry." Apple Bloom folded an ear and looked properly contrite. "Jus' excited, is all."

Brad took a spot, wondering a moment where Bella was. That was answered an instant later as Bella's big head poked in through the window and leaned in over the table easily. "Oh! Hello there." He looked to the ponies, but they didn't seem to be remotely bothered by having a horse join them for dinner.

"I'm Brad. I, uh, came with Bella. She's my best friend. I have no idea how we got here, but it's been a really weird day." He chuckled ruefully. "Weird, but nice. I've never met such a friendly bunch of people before." He took a bite of the apple cake and moaned softly. "And this is delicious."

The elder pony nodded, satisfied. "Good manners. You can stay. Now, what's your story?"

Brad opened his mouth to speak, then hesitated. What was he supposed to say? That he was a horse boy who'd been magically transported to a land of talking ponies? They'd think he was crazy. Or worse, they'd think he was lying. He took a deep breath and began speaking. "Well, it all started when I went for a ride on Bella..."

Bella let out a soft whinny before taking a chomp of the food, sinking her teeth into a casserole. Eating implements were right out for her, so stuffing her face was the only option she knew, and wielded with the usual grace of a grazing horse.

Still, the noise had meant something to the others. Apple Bloom gasped with amazement. "Ya stood on a rainbow?! How?" She looked to Brad. "Tell us! Um, please?"

Brad smiled, off balance but continuing, "As Bella said--" Not that he could understand her. "--When she was going about as fast as she could go, a good jump made us land on a rainbow. Racing across that rainbow led us here, to this place. Does this place have a name?"

"Ponyville," the elder replied, nodding. "A right pretty name for a right pretty town." She patted Bella's cheek fondly. "And you're a right pretty horse. Ain't never seen one like you before, but you seem right at home here." She recoiled suddenly, ears perking. "Oh, bein' rude. Ah'm Granny Smith. Can't believe ah forgot to mention."

Applejack let out a little whisper of a nicker, speaking to Bella perhaps? "I imagine you were quite surprised."

Brad nodded with amazement in his eyes. "I sure was." He took a moment to look around, soaking in the rustic pieces of a dining room lived in for generations. It smelled of delightful meals blended together over untold years and had so many little things tucked along its shelves from foodstuffs to old momentos.

"It's a lovely place." He looked back to the ponies. "And I'm glad to be here, even if I don't know how long I'll be staying. I have a job back home, and a life there." He stroked Bella's neck, feeling the familiar warmth of her coat beneath his fingers. "But I'm sure Bella will take me back when we're ready."

"You mean you ain't stayin'?" Apple Bloom pouted dramatically, sounding disappointed. "But we just met!"

"Now, Apple Bloom, he's got a life outside Ponyville," Applejack said gently. "Can't expect him to drop everything jus' cause we're friendly."

Brad smiled at the whole family. "And you are. Fine food and new fine friends. I can't say today was a waste."

"Drink to that." Granny raised a cider mug up, and soon they all had a drink, minus Bella, and clinked them together. Bella touched her nose to the collected mugs as if trying to take part in the best way she could.

"So, what do you do in your world?" Apple Bloom asked curiously. "I mean, what's a human's job?"

"I work at a ranch." Brad nodded to the ponies. "Lets me take care of and hang out with a lot of horses, just like Bella. But she's special." Bella softly snorted in agreement. "That's right." That one Brad felt confident he understood. "We're a team. The other ones I just keep an eye on and help take care of."

Granny Smith got a sly look on her face. "So if I'm feeling down, ah could ask you to take care of me?"

"Well, I--" Brad felt his face go red. "I mean, if you wanted me to." He cleared his throat. "I'd be happy to give you a massage or rub your hooves. I'll swap out your oats and water and make sure you get a walk." He glanced to the food. "But I doubt you want to eat just oats."

Granny blinked at that. "Oats are hardly no good 'til you bake 'em! Unless yer goin' fer oatmeal, ah suppose." She laughed at that. "W ain't horses. We're ponies. There's a difference! We know how to cook, so we like eatin' cooked food, ya see?"

"You do?" Brad looked to the family, who nodded. "I had no idea." He shrugged with a little noise of thought. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed."

"Don't worry none about it," Applejack said easily. "Yer an ancient human, an' you came on an ancient horse. Ya got some ancient ideas. It's all kinda--" She tapped at her chin. "Ancient?"

Apple Bloom clapped as she hopped to the floor. "Ya gotta tell us about that before ya go. Yer a myth! Ya know that, right?"

"A myth?" Brad shook his head. "No, I'm just a guy."

"Not where we come from." Applejack pointed to a bookcase and a thick, leather-bound tome. "There's a whole chapter on humans in there. But it's all stories. Like, really old ones. No one believed they were real."

Brad went to the book, pulling it down to look at the title. "Generations," it read. It went over the ages of ponykind, through each rise and fall of the ponies. He didn't have the time or patience to read in detail, flipping quickly through with soft hums. He almost dropped the book when he found what he was looking for, a picture of a human.

There was one, a little girl with a bright smile. Megan was her name, and she was a great friend of ponies, who looked a lot more like horses. Those first ponies evidently also used a rainbow road to fetch her back and forth from Earth. "Amazing. I'm not a little kid."

Applejack tipped her hat. "We kinda picked up on that." She was smirking at those words. "A full grown human. Are ya a human mare or a human stallion?"

"A stallion." Brad smiled at that. "I'm a guy."

"Well, that's mighty interestin'." Applejack's cheeks darkened. "I'm a mare, and I'm a pony."

"Filly!" Apple Bloom waved excitedly.

Granny rolled her eyes. "Mare." She reached up to pat Bella gently. "Mare. Glad we got that all sorted out."

Brad laughed at that. "I guess we did. And I'm glad to meet you all. I hope I can come back to visit again."

"Ah'd be mighty pleased if ya did." Applejack nodded. "If ya find yer way back, that is. Don't want ya gettin' lost."

"I won't." Brad turned to Bella. "Right?"

She nodded once, then lifted her head and pointed it towards the door.

"But ya just got here!" Apple Bloom rushed to his leg and rubbed once against it. "Wow, ya got long legs compared to the rest of ya."

Brad couldn't resist, reaching down to gently ruffle over Apple Bloom's head and stroke an ear. "Just the way humans are built, especially adult ones."

Apple Bloom's eyes snapped shut as she gave off an almost purr of a sound. "Applejack, ya gotta try this."

Applejack angled an ear at Apple Bloom as she came in closer. "Try what?"

Not seeing a reason to not do so, he reached his other hand for Applejack, stroking and petting over her head gently. Applejack let out a happy noise, a whicker of sorts. "Woah nilley." She leaned against the touches as the human fingers dancer over her. "That's right nice."

Brad chuckled softly. "I'm glad you think so." He looked to Granny Smith. "Do you want some too?"

Granny Smith gave a shrug. "Ah'm old. Ah don't need to be spoiled."

"C'mon, Granny!" Apple Bloom grinned. "It's amazin'!"

Granny Smith sighed, then walked over to Brad. "Fine, fine, but only cause ya insist."

Brad abandoned Apple Bloom and Applejack to drop to a knee in front of Granny Smith. He started with a gentle scalp massage that worked over her neck and back. It was a rub down, minus the curry brush he'd normally use. "How's that?"

"That--" She turned a little, directing the attention as Brad worked. "--is somethin' you should keep right on doin'."

Applejack snickered softly. "We told ya it was somethin'."

Granny snorted with a scowl. "Don't rub it in. That's Brad's job. Keep rubbin'." She sighed with increasing satisfaction, eyes closed. "Ya didn't mention those fingers were magic thin's."

"They're just hands." Brad chuckled. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"I am." She opened an eye. "Are ya done?"

"I can keep going." Brad paused. "But I should probably be getting back. It's been a long day, and I'm not sure how to get back."

Bella snorted and drew her head back through the window. They could hear her clopping around the house until her soft pawing hit the front door. "Better get that," laughed Brad, moving for it. He opened it so Bella could shove her face against him with a happy nicker. "I understand that part easily enough. Let's get back. Thank you all again for being such great hosts."

"Anytime," Applejack smiled, removing her hat for a proper tip before popping it back in place. "We're always happy to welcome a friend."

"I'll be back." Brad stepped outside next to Bella. "I just have to figure out how to get back."

Bella stomped and fidgeted, and Brad knew those movements. She was ready to go. "You know?" He slid up onto her and she broke away, working up to a trot, then a gallop a moment later, away from the house.

They rode, two working together in the fine machine of a rider and their steed. As she raced at full speed, she veered for a proper bump on the dirt road and bounced off of it. They came down on a glittering rainbow road, racing along towards home.

3 - Once You Go

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Brad guided Bella back to the stables at an easy trot. "You had a full day." He stroked along her neck, ruffling her fur. "You deserve a rest." He jumped off and unhitched her saddle to start rubbing her down. "I wish I had the words to tell you how amazing this was." He patted her muzzle as she nudged at him. "I can't wait to see what's going to happen next, but I should finish my job here."

He nodded to her and started leading her into her stall to rest, but she snorted, keeping in step with him.

He laughed as they continued on. "That's right. I still need to get Daisy taken care of." He detoured to Daisy's stall and greeted the horse. Bella stepped forward, the two gently exchanging breath with a little nosetouch of fondness. "Let's get you all sorted." He grabbed a feed bag and put in the proper mix. "Ready for a snack?" He opened it and slid it over Daisy's head. "Enjoy." He set down her water as she munched happily.

Grabbing a curry brush, he slipped into the stall to give her a grooming pass. Bella he left outside, trusting her even more than usual to not bolt away.

Daisy watched with curiosity as Brad groomed her, giving an occasional flick of an ear but otherwise standing still. He smoothed back her coat with the curry brush, then finished up with a dandy brush and hoof pick. "Looking your best, ain'tcha?" He pat at her neck gently. "Feeling so much better now?" He didn't expect much of an answer from Daisy, but talking felt good anyway. He understood horses. He didn't understand the magic that had brought him to a magical world.

Bella nickered, her nose coming through the bars of the stall door. She prodded Brad firmly, looking down over Daisy's back and into his eyes. "Ain't happening, not tonight." He slipped back out of the gate, closing and locking it behind him. "I'm just as tired."

Bella whickered curiously, giving him a gentle push against him as he secured Daisy's stall. "Yeah, I mean it. I know this is interesting, but I do actually need sleep." He grabbed Bella by both her rounded cheeks, ruffling and drawing her closer. "I love you, I do, but we both need a rest. Won't do either of us good to run off now." He released her and stretched with a yawn. "Tomorrow. Right now, I just want a shower and bed."

He pulled the hoodie to hide his face, glancing around cautiously to make sure he wouldn't run into any other humans. With business handled, he led Bella to her stall, which she entered without a command to do so. "See you tomorrow." He closed the gate with a thump of the heavy door behind her and gave her a loving pat. "Behave."

His place was a five minute walk from the ranch, still technically on the ranch. It was a small house for employees, but big enough for him and his room mate. He did have one of those. "Hey Miguel," he called, seeing the lights were on as he came in.

"Hey Brad." Miguel came out from his bedroom with a grin. "¿Todo bien? Something exciting happened on the news. I recorded it for you."

"Really?" Brad was curious. "Thanks, I'll check it out."

"Then you'll tell me all about your date? What was she like?" Miguel's dark eyes sparkled with excitement as he followed Brad into the kitchen.

"What date?" Brad huffed as he pulled out a can of beer to nurse from. "Unless you count watching a horse for a lady a date, I didn't have any dates."

"All you ever do is work." Miguel shook his head ruefully. "If you could see your face when you're around them, you'd know why every girl around wants you." He wagged a finger at Brad.

Brad colored at that. "W-what? Look, you're seeing things. The horses need me more anyway." He waved away the idea, thinking instead of ponies and that magical world. "Do you know what the schedule is tomorrow? I know we're working double on our off days."

"¡Dios mio!" Miguel laughed, looking Brad over with some suspicion. "Why are you suddenly worried about the schedule?"

"We're training a new hand and someone has to be on shift at the same time." Brad hiked a thumb at himself. "And who better than the lead hand? I just want to be ready. I need a shower and some shuteye. Catch you later."

Miguel shrugged and headed back into his room, leaving Brad in peace. Brad hurried to his bathroom, shedding his clothes in a trail along the way. The soft hiss of hot water soothed the aches of the day, and he washed off in his plain soap. "One day I'll get something for my skin. Maybe a horse-scented one." He laughed at that, but enjoyed the fresh smell and the comfort of a simple routine.

Cleansed and tired, Brad headed for sleep with a soft towel wrapped around his waist. "Hopefully I can get to Ponyville again tomorrow. See how Bella gets there." Another rainbow felt most likely, though exactly how that happened was still a bit of a mystery. Musing on that sent Brad to the dreamland for the next day.

When he woke up, he was still in that same world, looking out the window of his home with the sun shining down on him.

"Time for work." He couldn't rush off to other worlds before handling that. He had a stable of horses to look after, and responsibilities. It wasn't just him anymore, though, not when he had that other world. That world that could bring him and Bella joy. But that wasn't his home. He didn't want to be like most other humans he knew, unreliable to a fault. He checked his phone to confirm the shifts for the day. "I guess it's mostly the new hand for today, so I can get over to Ponyville for a bit?"

He rubbed his temples, but he couldn't deny there was excitement for that.

Brad did his best with the new guy. Another human, barely seemed aware of why he was there, and which way of a horse was forward. Bella nudged him. "What?" Bella nudged him again from the front. "I swear, one little rainbow and you're getting ideas."

He looked back to the other hand, who seemed confused by it.

"Probably doesn't understand horse," Brad said under his breath, then louder, "Going to go on a ride. Let me check Daisy first." Daisy was where he'd left her, all well fed and cared for. "Hey there."

Bella nickered, a playful, sing-song sound. She shook her mane back and forth, then turned away. Brad clapped his hands, dusting them clean. "Favor, finished." Satisfied he'd done his professional and personal tasks, he turned to Bella, ready for the wild ride.

But Bella only pawed at the ground with one hoof and looked up at him.

Brad frowned, tilting his head. "You're in no hurry?"

Bella nuzzled gently, then turned away with a little whicker, showing him her saddle and bags. She looked at them, then back at Brad, then repeated it.

"What's in the bags?" Brad wondered out loud, heading towards the saddlebags to open them. A variety of tack sat inside, with a few additions that were strange and new. "Is this magic stuff?"

Bella nickered a single note, softer than normal, as if questioning something.

"Only the ponies are going to tell either of us." Brad swung up, mounting Bella properly. "Why don't we ask them and find out?" Bella perked at the idea, turning for the barn doors and the path out.

"Hey, where you going?" asked the hand that was on duty, leaning against a fence post and smoking a cigarette. "Need some help?"

"Nah." Brad stroked Bella's side as she trotted along with sure steps. "We got this. I'll be back later. You mind the other horses?"

"Sure, yeah. You enjoy yourself."

Bella let out a neigh and galloped at full speed towards the spot they'd appeared last time. It felt good to have the wind in their faces, the green grass flashing by below, and the endless blue sky above. Brad whooped in delight, then yelled, "Yah!" to urge her faster.

The moment she hit a bump, she leapt and the rainbow road appeared below her hooves. They landed smoothly and she raced up along it, following that glittering path from one world to the next. She paused near the top of it, Ponyville ahead down the other end. "Why'd you stop?"

Bella sank to her haunches, almost tossing Brad in the motion. He grabbed her with a yelp, holding tight as she began to slide, moving down the rainbow quickly in a way a horse normally wouldn't dare. She jumped off the very end, landing in front of Sweet Apple Acres. She nickered gently, touching her nose to the rainbow bridge before it vanished into nothing, then turned to look up at Brad.

Brad gasped for air, grabbing his chest and blinking hard. He had made it, even with Bella sliding down the back end instead of galloping. "That was just crazy, girl. Why'd you do that?" But they had made it, he couldn't argue that. "Silly thing." He ruffled her mane and got himself firmly settled atop her. "Should we visit the Apples?"

Bella swung around to look at Brad and nickered at him. "Alright, we're going to meet the Apples. Hope they're happy to see us."

She kicked at the ground with one hoof before shaking her head with a whinny of confirmation.

"Excuse me." A female voice, immediately identifiable as studious. "Excuse me. Ma'am? I would like to ask you a few questions."

Bella perked an ear towards the voice, slowing her motion to turn. There, before them, was a unicorn, purple, smiling nervously. "Good, hello. I'm Twilight Sparkle." She bowed low, spreading wings that were extra odd for a unicorn to have. "A pleasure to meet you. Where'd you come from? Where are you going?" She tapped her quill to paper, as if to take notes.

Bella whickered with concern, leaning away from her a little, but Brad nodded in greeting. "The name's Brad. This is Bella." He scratched gently at one of Bella's favorite spots behind an ear. "We were going to visit the Apples, since you asked."

"I was asking her." Twilight nodded to Bella. "But, thank you all the same. Hello, Brad. May I ask why you're riding her? I let Spike ride me sometimes, but he's still a little child. Are you an immature sample of your species?" She peered at him as if taking scientific notes.

Brad frowned. "Spike?" That was definitely a pony's name. He knew plenty of ponies to recognize that much. "Are you talking about a baby pony?"

"Baby dragon, actually," corrected Twilight with a smile. "I suppose, at this point, adolescent would be a better term. In either event, what was that rainbow? This is the second time I saw it." She glanced between Bella and the spot in the road she had jumped down from. "Was that your doing, ma'am? Bella?"

"We hit a bump." Brad gave Bella's neck a fond stroke. "Bella, uh, found the rainbow, and then we went to where it led, and we met some nice ponies."

Bella nickered, bobbing her head in agreement with that assessment of the events. She approached Twilight with a flick of her tail and soft equine noises.

"I see." And, somehow, Twilight appeared to understand what Bella was communicating. "She says she doesn't mind giving you rides. She likes it, to be clear. She seems to have a great fondness for you, Brad. I suppose it isn't that different from Spike and I, just not a familial connection." She hummed thoughtfully. "About that rainbow, where did it come from? Where did you come from?"

Bella stomped her hoof to the ground with an eager snort. "I think she wants to show you," guessed Brad. "I'm fine with it." He leaned over and patted her back. "Go on."

The sizable horse turned in place to get a straight line down the road. They raced, horse and man working together. She bounced off a ridge, the rainbow bridge appearing under them, but she just turned there to face Twilight, hovering on that new road.

Twilight trotted up with wide eyes. "Fascinating! How does it appear? Is it a projection from somewhere else or an entirely separate plane?" She glanced at Bella. "May I ride along?"

Bella nickered softly in reply. Twilight inclined her head. "I'll try." She reached up and pawed at the rainbow, but it was like the road was just, well, light. She couldn't stand on it. "Curiouser by the moment." She made furious notes with the scratching of her quill. "But it's clearly supporting you, Bella and Brad. What's different about you that makes this possible?"

"Well, I'm human." Brad shrugged. "Bella is a horse."

"Indeed." Twilight's brow furrowed in concentration. "There must be something else at play." She tapped at her cheek. "Something about one of you, or both of you? Bella, if you're up for it, can you make the bridge by yourself?"

4 - For Two, Not One

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Brad slid down from Bella's back and pet along her cheek. "Can you show us?"

She nodded, a little reluctant to have him off her back, but happy to perform for them. Her ears pricked as she eyed the area, bouncing once as if to stretch, and she charged forward, hitting that little dip, and rising high above, but there was nothing there.

She came down for a smooth, if mildly surprised, landing and wheeled about to return to Twilight and Brad with a little whicker.

"Fascinating." Twilight scribbled with her floating quill. "To be thorough, Brad, can you attempt to make the bridge on your own?"

Brad laughed at the very idea. "I never tried before, but I doubt it?" He waved at the bump Bella had been using. "We know that works." He jogged in place to get things moving, than sprinted down the dirt road. He hopped up onto the bump and right back off of it with a disappointed noise.

"Interesting. And expected, given how I can't touch it. You are the source, then?" Twilight scrawled more notes. "Or, rather, your mare, Bella, is the source?"

Bella nickered, shaking her head. Brad was in agreement without any words between them. "We are the source, together. Either one of us alone, no rainbow."

Twilight charged without warning, launching herself up and off the bump with no rainbows appearing. "Hm. The rainbow has all the trademarks of being Harmony related." She curled a hoof to her chin. "I really should be able to manifest it."

She stared at the spot where the rainbow bridge had been and tried, eyes unfocused and horn glowing. A rainbow slowly faded into view. It was muted, like it was fading or in reverse. The instant she stopped staring, the rainbow blinked away, eager to escape Twilight's attempt at forcing the issue. "Hm." She made a few fresh notes. "Thank you, both of you. You've given me a lot to think about. Would you mind if we conducted further study together? It's been ages since I had so many questions all at once!"

Bella let out a contented sigh at the idea and touched noses with Twilight in an offer of friendship. Twilight smiled at the larger equine. "You're right, I'm being inconsiderate. I live there." She pointed to the jutting crystal tower in the distance. "You can find me there at any time. Stop by when you have the time, kindly." She turned, preparing to race off. "I have so much I want to talk to you about. Well, goodbye."

"Bye, Twilight. Bella, what did she say to you?" He stroked along Bella's closer side. "How you seem to just 'talk' to ponies is a little odd, but less odd than if you started talking to me."

Bella nosed Brad on the cheek and the two curled on one another, the human hugging and the horse curling her powerful neck around Brad. There were no words, but the two seemed to understand well enough the gentle affection between them. Brad gave her broad torso a firm pat on the side. "Alright, well, we're here. Let's enjoy it. Want to visit the Apples again?" He hiked a thumb at the orchard ahead. "Or the town?" He turned his hand for the little town they could see in the other direction. "Wherever you want."

Bella took the reins, heading for the orchard and the homestead beyond it. Brad chuckled at that and followed easily. "Just the Apple family today." He noticed a flash of color in the orchard. "Let's see if we can't say hi."

As the two came to the orchard, a blur of rainbow colors whipped by. It curled around and came right at them, stopping abruptly. "Woah," spoke the new pony, with wings, hovering there. She had a rainbow for her mane and tail, and was looking over Bella and Brad curiously. "Ha, you're just as odd looking as AJ said you were! Welcome back, you two!"

Bella stamped one hoof, shifting a little to put Brad firmly at her side. "Don't worry, she's friendly." Brad gave Bella a reassuring pat on the cheek. "I think? Hey there."

The pony landed in front of them, curling her wings up behind her. "Hey yourself." Her eyes went to Bella. "I'm not a monster, sheesh. They call me Rainbow Dash, fastest pony this side of Equestria! And you are, hmm, what did AJ say?" She pointed up at Bella. "Bella, right?" She looked to Brad. "And you're Brad. Gotta remember the names, if there's a good story here."

"Yeah, we are." Brad reached down and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow perked her ears. "Huh. If you don't mind my asking, what are you exactly?" She reared up onto her hind legs and put a forehoof against Brad's offered hand. "Bella's an ancient pony, which is already kinda odd." She dropped down to all fours, eyes flicking to Bella. "And you look like a human or something? Are you an ancient human? Or a pet? Because, uh, I didn't think there were any humans in Equestria. Not even in legends!"

She smirked suddenly. "Unless you count the legends of Twilight Sparkle, which I do not."

Brad directed a thumb at herself. "You got it right. Human. Horse." He gestured to Bella with that second part. "Pony." He pointed at Rainbow with that last part. "With wings?"

Rainbow huffed at that. "Pony with wings, otherwise known as a pegasus. There are a lot of us." She pointed up to the sky, where other pegasi were pushing clouds around. "We're in charge of keeping the weather on track."

She flicked one wing as she studied him. "So, what brings you back here? Applejack told us how you first met, but she was all over the place. You gotta fill in the blanks, human."

"Well." Brad shrugged, thinking back on it. "We came the first time in the evening. She and her family invited us over for dinner. It was really nice. We were going to say hello to her, when you came along."

"Sounds like Applejack, alright." She nodded proudly. "We all do what we can. Anyhow, thanks for chatting with me, but I got stuff to do, places to be." Rainbow lifted into the air easily. "Tell AJ I saw you." With a snap, she took off, leaving that trail of rainbows behind her.

Brad reached out to feel the rainbow, but it was fading before he could really inspect it. It wasn't the same as the rainbow road they had come in on. "Hm. Well, Bella, let's go say hello to some nice ponies."

With an excited snort, Bella resumed the journey, the two reaching the Apple home shortly. Granny Apple was on the porch, rocking on a chair made for a pony. She brightened seeing them. "Well, lookie who's back!"

"Who?" A massive pony peeked out from around the corner of the building. He was proof that ponies could approach horse in size, though he didn't quite reach Bella's level. "Ayup." He nodded at Brad and Bella. "We meetin' guests at the door now, Granny?" He hustled over to help guide the duo in. "Welcome to Apple Acres, fella, mare."

Bella went around the home without prompting, nickering along the way.

The new pony perked an ear at her. "Oh, see you on the other side then." He focused on Brad. "Name's Big Macintosh, but Big Mac's more'n enough." He offered a large hoof towards Brad. "Pleased to meetcha."

Brad laughed as he shook it. "Pleased to meet you, Big Mac. I'm Brad. She's Bella." He nodded towards the mare as she circled around to the back of the house. "What's back there?"

Big Mac gave a shrug. "Barn an' stables, for the animals. Bella seems t' know it just fine." He motioned Brad forward with a nudge of his nose. "Yer a curious thin'."

"Toldja that much." Granny was watching the interaction with a wry smile. "Pleasant enough though. Welcome back. Couldn't say no to some Apple vittles, couldja?" She winked at him. "Makin' us look good."

Brad laughed, tugging his hoodie down. "Not any better than last time."

Granny clucked her tongue. "Apples growin' apples is in our blood. No surprise we can make somethin' nice for a guest. Mac, go ahead and see him in fer a spell."

"Ayup." He led the way inside, just to start in surprise. "Oh, there ya are." Bella was poking her head in the kitchen window, looking around curiously. "You okay there?" Bella replied in her equine way, and Big Mac seemed satisfied. He inclined an ear at Brad. "Ah'd be scared, comin' to someplace wit' all sorts ah strange creatures, and none ah my own. Ya don't seem worried none."

"Bella's smart. She'll be fine." Brad nodded to the table. "Think she's waiting for me?"

"Could be. One way t' find out." Big Mac paused as Bella whickered gently at him. "Oh. Um." He paced in place, looking suddenly bashful.

Brad looked between Bella and Big Mac. "What did she say?"

Big Mac chuckled awkwardly, rolling a hoof at the table. "Your lady friend ain't shy 'bout askin' fer thin's she wants, is all."

That just made Brad even more curious. "And what is it, exactly, she wants?"

"That'd be rude." Big Mac crossed his arms with a huff. "Ain't gonna go tellin' on her like that. That ain't what a good pony does. Ah'll fetch you a seat. Don't sit on no one!" He scampered off, making it look elegant on such large hooves. He returned with a plushy padded stool with a low back, setting it next to Bella.

He didn't succeed at getting away untouched, Bella nipping him on the tail as he tried to walk away. He squeaked in surprise, scampering away from the large mare's reach. "Nope!"

Brad slipped onto the seat and stroked a hand over Bella's neck. "You know what they say about getting attention from someone smaller than you. At least wait until the meal is ready." He didn't understand Bella's huff, but he did see Apple Bloom's eyes widen.

The filly hopped to the floor from where she had just parked herself. "See ya later!" She scurried out the front door in a scramble.

Brad shook his head as he watched her go. "I probably shouldn't have said anything." He turned his attention back to his companion. "And what has you so interested?" He grabbed an apple from the counter, holding it up near Bella. "Looking for a snack?"

She grabbed the fruit with her big teeth, practically biting it in half. She kept an eye on Big Mac the whole time as she chewed placidly.

"Seriously." Brad put his hands flat on the dining room table he sat at. "It's like there's a big conversation going on next to me in another language."

"Ayup." Big Mac rubbed at his cheek awkwardly a moment. "Look, um." He glanced at Bella and Brad. "She jus' wants to get to know me better, is all."

"Oh, okay." Brad put it down as easily as that. "It is nice to meet more of the Apple family. You are an Apple too, right?"

"Ayup!" Big Mac sat up proudly at that, the nervousness gone with that turn of the conversation. "Applejack and Apple Bloom's brother. Granny's grandson." He pulled up a similar stool and seated himself on the other side of the table. "What about you? Got a family?"

"A little one." Brad smiled fondly, thinking of Miguel and how often he could be a younger sibling, needing to be looked after, when they weren't just two fellas taking care of things on the ranch. "I have a roommate, Miguel. We live on a horse ranch. That's how I met Bella here." He nodded towards his mount. "And, well, we've been together for years."

"Huh." Big Mac looked between Brad and Bella. "Interestin'. Um, we don't have no fancy meals in the middle of the day, but we got some snacks if yer wantin'?"

"Please." Brad nodded, and Big Mac passed a platter over to him with slices of apple and small cubes of cheese. "I do need to get a taste of more ponies." He popped an apple slice in. "But I may be being rude, sorry for that. You don't owe me anything, but you're working to be a good neighbor. I appreciate that, really."

Bella whinnied from outside, making Big Mac jump. "Um, well, if yer jus' enjoyin' lookin' 'round, why don'tcha check out Ponyville? Plenty ah friendly ponies, ready t'say howdy." He shooed Brad off gently. "'Sides, we gotta get to work and all."

Brad nodded, collecting the items left on his plate. "I'm sure I'll find them. We were just considering that way before we got here, actually. Again, thanks for being great." They shared a parting shake of hand against hoof. "Take care of yourself."

5 - Welcome Welcome Welcome!

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Just as they were passing where they had arrived in Equestia, they ran into a new pony, looking at them with a curious smile. "You made it, didn't you?"

Brad blinked at that, drawing Bella to a gentle stop. "Made what, um, and who are you, miss?"

"Rainbow Charm!" She pointed a hoof up. "And every time there's that sudden rainbow, I get the shivers, and my cutie mark glows all shiny, and—" She cantered in place, unable to continue a moment. "It has to be you. You made the rainbow, didn't you?"

Bella tossed her head, sniffing at the new pony with obvious curiosity. "It is nice to meet you."

She paused, tilting her head. "Wait, what?" Bella had not said a word, but Rainbow had heard her meaning quite clearly. "Wow! I never met a pony that talked that way before." She touched her nose to Bella's large one. "Hi there! So, about the rainbow?"

Brad slid to the ground, patting Bella gently. "You caught us, not that we were keeping it a secret. I'm Brad, this is Bella. Nice to meet you, Rainbow Charm."

"You can go with RC if you prefer." She circled around Bella and brad with a giddy little noise. "So what's the deal with that rainbow? Why are you making them?"

"Well, it's a little complicated." Brad grinned. "We aren't sure why, exactly, Bella and I can cross from my world to yours through it. And we aren't sure how we get it either."

Rainbow halted to look at him, eyes narrowing. "Is it like, a random thing?"

"No, it's a rainbow road, that she's found a way to use twice now to bring us to Ponyville." Brad stroked along Bella's powerful neck.

Bella shook her head with a snort.

RC inclined her head. "Oh, you just run and jump?" Bella whuffled, and RC seemed to understand it. "Anywhere? Show me!"

Brad guided Bella forward. "We were about to head into Ponyville for the first time. Come with us?"

RC huffed gently herself. "If that's where you're going, I'm going too." She slid in next to Brad, tail swaying with energy. "Lead the way!"

The three headed through the little town, Bella tossing her head back with excitement and pleasure, looking at all the sights before her. Ponies, so many ponies, with such interesting appearances, and all with their own special flair. Bella leaned aside and nipped at one pony's mane.

Lyra laughed, swatting the horse back. "Thanks, I brushed it extra today."

Brad shook his head at the silent, to him, communication that flowed between his horse and the ponies. Still, both sides seemed to enjoy it, so he let it be. "RC? Do you know about this place?"

"Ponyville?" She hopped forward and twirled to face Brad. "It's a nice place. I live here." She lifted into the air with powerful flaps of her wings. "I help bring the rainbows when they're needed. Speaking of that, you, rainbows! I have so many questions." She grabbed Brad by the shoulder and began dragging him with her flight. "Come on!" She guided him to a park in town, which was deserted, save for a few birds and squirrels going about their business. "Make with the rainbow."

Bella trotted to join them and nudged at Brad.

Feeling trapped between a small horse and a large one, Brad raised his hands. "Alright, alright. Just once. We really do want to look around, don't we?"

Bella nodded, one gesture she knew of the human lexicon.

"Right." He hopped up and mounted Bella firmly, patting her from above. "Let's show her a rainbow."

Bella bolted for the far end of the park, running in a zigzag as she neared the tree there. She leapt for a moment, then hit the ground, racing in a circle back towards RC. She hopped into a grand leap, leaving a rainbow right over Rainbow Charm's head, landing just past it, on a rainbow that extended from the ground, through her hooves and leading up into the sky.

She softly whinnied, as if calling RC to look at what she'd done.

RC's cutie mark was shimmering as she shivered. "Yes! I knew it!" She pumped a hoof in the air as she danced. "This is what I was talking about." Without thinking about it, she darted up the rainbow to join them, standing on it easily, despite Twilight's earlier failures to do the same. "This is amazing!" She spun on the rainbow bridge, letting it slide beneath her hooves. "It's better than amazing!"

Brad laughed at that. "I'm glad you like it. It's...just something Bella and I can do. It's good that it makes someone happy." He stroked Bella's neck gently as the big girl shook out her mane, turning to face the newly arrived pegasus.

"It's incredible, it's, it's..." RC's mouth worked as she tried to find words, then she flung herself at Bella and hugged the older horse. "You are a special pony!" She slid down. "Are you a pony? You talk pony."

Bella whickered gently.

"Not a pony, but close enough. You're a pony in my book." RC giggled as she slid along the rainbow to reach the ground in a smooth motion. "Still, amazing, both of you. Speaking of that." Her eyes settled on Brad. "What are you again? A friend, obviously, but not a pony?"

"I'm a human." Brad dismounted, swinging off with a grin. "In fact, we're so rare that I bet you haven't even seen one before." He considered that with a hum. "The only one around here, I think?"

Bella nudged him and they both walked off the rainbow, it fading the moment they were all free of it. "I'm just visiting, with Bella. This is a very nice town, and, uh, world? I don't want to make a mess of it." He gave Bella a fond pat on the nose.

"Ooh." RC's eyes lit up. "Have you met the princess yet?" She pointed up towards a distant city on the mountainside,. "We have two close by to pick from."

"Two? How do you mean?" Brad couldn't see much of the city from the ground, though it looked impressive. "One for each world?"

"Well, the main one is princess is Princess Celestia." RC pointed up towards the sun. "Ruler of the sun and watcher of us ponies. But then you have her sister, Princess Luna, watcher of the night, guardian of dreams. They work together to keep Equestria safe and running." She stuck her tongue out with a wink. "Or, that's what they want us to think."

"Is it?" Brad chuckled. "Seems like a good plan. I'd like to meet them, someday."

"I haven't. Seen Celestia at some functions, about it." She shrugged, eyes turning to the town. "But this is Ponyville, full of happy ponies that want to meet you."

"Did somepony say happy pony that wants to meet you?!" Pinkie slid in from nowhere. "That's me!" She giggled with a bounce. "Hi! Hi hi! Hello, I'm Pinkie Pie and you're Brad and Bella! Rainbow Dash told me all about you!"

Bella and Pinkie's eyes locked, the pony gasping in surprise. "Nice to meet you too." She popped a party hat atop Bella's head. "And one for you." She held up a hat towards Brad. "May I?"

"Sure, why not?" He let the little pony put the hat on him, but it barely fit on his head.

"But where are my manners? Oh, yes, right here." She stuffed something away, her manners perhaps. "I'm Pinkie Pie, and it's so very nice to meet you both. I don't have my greeting wagon ready, shoot, just pretend. Lots of loud and cheerful music." She danced in tune to the song that wasn't playing. "Anyway, welcome to Ponyville! If there's anything I can do to make your stay more pleasant, just let me know! I love welcoming ponies to new towns." She made a hoof gesture to remind herself to move it along. "Your party will be in two days."

Bard and Bella both started at that. Bella apparently asked first, as Pinkie responded, "Yep, two days. Is that a bad time?"

Brad considered it. "I don't have a show that day. Put it closer to the evening and I'll be there. Where?"

Pinkie spread her hooves wide. "Right here! I'll have it ready for a party, don't you even worry. Just get yourselves here and there'll be loads of ponies to say hi to!" She pointed at Bella with a giggle. "Especially you."

Bella's ears perked, a sign of interest and curiosity.

"Yep, I have to go now. Need to check on my balloons." She waved it away. "And deliveries, so many of those. You two have fun." She smooched both Belle and Brad on the cheek before saluting at Rainbow Charm. "Keep an eye on them!" She rolled her way along the road, pink tail bouncing behind her.

Rainbow Charm stood in place, utterly speechless. "I..."

Brad rubbed his cheek. "Well, she's enthusiastic."

RC shook her head. "Still gets me, every time. She did that to me when I first showed up. That was something." She rubbed at the side of her head a moment. "I'll be there, at your party. We're buddies now, it'd be rude to miss it."

Brad had a feeling it wouldn't have mattered if he turned down the invitation, but he wasn't one to turn down a chance to meet friendly ponies. "We're looking forward to it. It's a relief, actually, knowing we're far from the first ones to get that treatment."

Bella stomped a hoof with a snort, her ears going to a more relaxed position.

"Something to share, girl?" Brad leaned in to speak with his favorite horse. "Anything to help us figure things out."

Bella merely snorted again, flicking her tail.

RC clopped her hooves. "She wants to trot instead of walking everywhere."

Brad gave her a squeeze on the cheek. "Not in the main parts of town, not until we can work out what it is we're doing. Once we have that, you can do whatever you like." He ruffled the top of her head. "Don't want to scare little ponies with us riding around, now do we."

Bella made a soft noise of disappointment, but walked alongside them through the town. Her eyes began to wander, taking in the people and places with obvious curiosity. Ponies were all different, most of them small compared to her. It would be so easy to trample them, she would have to watch out, to avoid them.

A filly poked her head out of one of the little shops along the road. "Wow, they weren't fibbing," came the entitled voice of a filly as she walked out into view, her tiara glittering on her head. "Stop right there, ancient pony!"

Bella and Brad both paused, and Bella stared at her with a tilt of her head. The filly had a pink coat, but her hair was purple and white.

RC shook her head. "Diamond, you're in the way of our guests. What do you want?"

Diamond Tiara looked up at RC. "I've never seen a pony like that. Or the tall creature."

Brad glanced back at himself. "Tall? Well, I guess you're right, I am." He laughed at the absurdity of his situation. "Name's Brad, local human." He offered a hand towards the small filly. "And you are Diamond?"

"Diamond Tiara." She swiped at the offered hand, but stopped as Bella stared at her. "What?"

Bella lifted her lips as she snarled, putting herself between Brad and the young pony.

"Relax, I'm just setting up an order of dom—" Diamond Tiara didn't get to finish her thought.

Bella had snagged the little filly by the scruff and picked her up, casually dropping her several wide horse steps away. With a soft snort, she made her point clear.

Diamond threw up her hooves. "Sheesh! Fine, you're in charge of him, I get it. No need to get physical about it."

Brad just grinned at that. "I think she thinks that she needs to protect me. Thanks for the thought, Bella." He reached up and stroked her muzzle, cooing gently at her. "What's the matter?" Bella turned and leaned in to bump against him gently, offering affection to reassure herself of his safety.

There was a moment with the two bonding with gentle scritches and the press of Bella's large form. They had their own silent communication, and it was quite clear to either that the other cared for them quite a bit.

RC perked an ear. "Say."

Brad looked down. "Yeah?"

RC pointed up at an ear. "If Bella doesn't mind, I'd like to try that?"

But try what? Brad could only think of one thing, with that pointing. He reached to gently rub and scritch around RC's ear and she let out a happy sigh.

"It's as nice as Bella said it was, keep that right up. Thanks, Bella. I'll give him back, promise." RC closed her eyes, thoroughly melting under the careful ear massaging.

6 - Hard Day's Work

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When they decided it was time to head back for the day, they had company. Bella did her leap with Brad, summoning the rainbow bridge, and trotted along it up and away from Equestria, but they could hear rapid hoofsteps right behind them.

RC was following along as if it were nothing. "I wanna see where this goes! You don't mind, do you?"

Brad considered that, and also the practical part of what he could do to stop her, other than asking nicely. That was an option. "It's headed to my world, where horses, and things that look like horses, are expected to not talk."

RC inclined her head, following along without looking at all dissuaded. "Do I look like a horse? Ponies are very different than horses. Maybe they'll be alright with a pony talking." She winked at him. "And I won't be, unless they ask. You mind me seeing the other side? I'll be good!"

Bella neighed in agreement, nickering lightly as she came to a halt, right at the end of the rainbow bridge, staring back at its bright colors that led towards Equestria.

"I don't talk horse like you two, but I think Bella's giving a last chance to turn around and head home before you get into any trouble." He waved along the trail they had arrived at. "My world's not as friendly as yours."

"I don't have any plans," she answered, and let out a contented sigh, settling herself down to lean her weight on her haunches. "I'll be good. If you trust her, I trust her."

"That isn't." He chuckled softly. "Alright, guess I'm not convincing you. Try to keep your mouth shut unless you're absolutely sure I'm the only one that'll hear you."

Bella and RC stepped off the rainbow together, and it vanished away rapidly. RC went around to touch her nose to Bella's larger one. "Thanks for the ride. That rainbow is something else, huh?" She lifted into the air for a moment to see where they had wound up, hovering off the ground to examine the new location.

Brad nodded but made a lowering motion with his hand. "No flying." How he'd explain a little pony with wings was another problem he considered. They made their way towards the stable. A couple of the staff appeared, happy to see Brad and Bella, though just as confused by his new companion.

"I already fed her for the night," he assured them, gesturing to Bella. "But I was wondering if you had something that might fit my new friend here? She's had a long journey."

Miguel hiked a thumb behind him. "Si, there are plenty of stables, technically you could put her in any of them, but, you know some are larger than others. Is she comfortable in larger ones or smaller ones? Some horses are pickier than others."

Brad had met such fussy horses before. He would have just asked RC, but making her talk wasn't the idea. They hadn't raised a fuss about her so he went with it. "Let's put her here." He guided RC towards a larger stall and parked her inside. "She's not ranch property, to be clear."

Bella huffed, her jaw clacking.

"That one is?" Miguel grinned as he watched Bella settle in next to her new friend. "What are you doing with her, bringing friends over or something?"

"Yeah!" Brad got that out a bit too fast, coloring faintly. "Just a friend. If it's a bother, let me know." He pulled the stable gate shut with a click of its latch. "She's well-behaved. You'd almost swear she understands you from the way she acts, so shouldn't be hard to get along with." He paused as he glanced back at her. "Maybe don't pet her, though. She's a bit sensitive about that."

"She looks a little tired. No offense meant, little one." Miguel approached and gave her a light pat on the side.

Bella grumbled lowly, glaring at him.

"Well, maybe she's a little protective." Brad gently nudged Bella away with a push to a cheek, turning her away. "Let's get you retired for the day too."

Bella grumbled more at that, but turned with a huff and let herself be led out of the stables. She tossed her head and dragged him towards the barn he slept in. He laughed as he let her do that much. "Hopefully our guest won't make any trouble." He could imagine RC in that stall, and there were so many ways things could go awry.

He turned his attention back to his best animal companion, as she guided him back to the barn he stayed in. "What's up, girl? It's been a good trip." She stomped a hoof, the door rattling, and gave him a meaningful look.

"I have a busy day tomorrow." He gently pat her on the end of the nose. "I can't go back to Equestria right away." He got a snort in reply, Bella leaning in to rest against him. "Give me some time. I still want to visit and meet more ponies." The two rested their foreheads together. In those moments, they understood one another just fine.

Brad left her behind, going instead to check on the ranch and inspect all the various little things that needed attention. A loose board here, a missing hinge there. Nothing major, but enough to notice. By the time he was satisfied, and his belly rumbled for dinner, he headed back to the main house for some food.

Enticing smells reached him before he saw the kitchen. "Smells great, Anna." She always had wonderful recipes prepared, though it took him a little while to get used to them. Even Miguel struggled now and then, though they'd been eating her cooking for years. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Ah, you just focus on getting your dinner and sitting down." She flapped a hand at him, motioning him away. "You know it's a madhouse in here!"

She wasn't joking, with many other workers of the ranch piling in and taking a seat to get their share of the grub. He grabbed a plate for himself, just to be grabbed by the shoulder before he could finish turning back for the table.

"Whoa!" He spun to find Miguel smiling at him, all smug and amused. "Hey, partner."

Brad just gave his roommate a deadpan look. "Something up?"

"Maybe." Miguel gestured to the nearest empty chair at a table. "We've got a few minutes, come sit down, we should chat."

"Chat." Brad took the offered seat without complaint, but gave Miguel a side eye as he sat next to him. "Okay, what's going on?"

Miguel pulled a folded slip of paper from his pocket. "I've been watching you, amigo. You've been vanishing off the last few days. And I mean that literally. I went looking for you today and you were just gone, not there, no warning."

Brad flushed at that, but couldn't deny it. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand as he did so. "Yeah, just went for a ride, you know?"

"I don't think so, amigo." Miguel rolled a hand. "Go ahead and eat, but I want answers, si? I'm getting a little concerned." He didn't dig into his meal, focusing on Brad.

Brad scooped up a bite of the rice, enjoying the tastes as he chewed. "It's, well..." He considered how to speak about that. "Could we at least wait until the crowd's cleared?" He gestured vaguely at the noisy room.

Miguel inclined his head, continuing to eat as he waited for his chance to talk. As the last stragglers were finishing up, he looked around. "Better? Out with it."

Brad finished swallowing his latest mouthful and wiped his chin clean with a napkin. "Alright, yeah, we should do this. Um." He felt very small. "So, I've been able to, ah, make a road for myself."

"A road? Que? I need a little more than that." He rubbed at the bridge of his nose with one hand. "You are making this weird, and I want to be supportive, but I don't follow."

Brad let out a slow deep sigh, looking once more for other listening ears. "This will sound mad, crazy even. But let me get to the end of it, and try to assume I'm giving it straight. Can you promise that? It's important."

Miguel shrugged, making a vague rolling gesture. "I promise, fine. What is it you're telling me?"

"I have been going to another world, a place where magic is real." Brad squirmed at how impossible it sounded even as he said it. "Bella and I, when we do a good jump, can make a bridge that we can then walk across and get there and back. That pony I brought with me today? She's from there too."

Miguel stared at him. "You've been sneaking off to some sort of mystical magical land where you've been picking up animals? You realize how nuts this sounds, si?" He swatted at Brad's shoulder. "Muy Loco." But he was nodding, and didn't give off truly angry vibes.

Brad patted his hand in return. "It's why I was trying to talk somewhere private."

Miguel chuckled and sat back in his chair. "No one was believing this. So, a bridge." He made a spanning gesture with a sweep of his hand. "A rainbow one?"

Brad nodded, glad he'd said so much. "It's been amazing to see what's there. Real living talking ponies. Mystical creatures and magic and the like." He sat up. "They're nice, so damn nice. The first time we showed up, they sat us down for dinner, didn't even know who we were, and we were eating with a whole family of friendly ponies. It's..."

Miguel squeezed him on the shoulder. "If you're so excited, why didn't you invite me along, hm?"

Brad blinked at that. "You want to go?"

"And see magical ponies? Yes, of course! Do they all look like that one?" He pointed in the direction of the stables.

"Her name's RC. Some have horns or wings, and some don't have either. They're all nice as hell so far I've seen. Very generous."

"Oh." Miguel winced, and seemed to come to a realization. "Wait, we need to bring something." He grinned. "I have a treat in mind."

"It's fine, they really don't expect it." But curiosity burned. "What did you have in mind?"

Miguel stood, gathering up his plate and the remains of his dinner. "You'll see." With a grin, he headed off to take care of his leftovers.

Brad was left to finish his meal. The delicious hints of chicken and green pepper lingered on his tongue. It wasn't the kind of meal that you could just gulp down, after all. He made a slow meal of it, savoring the spices as he took his time.

Only when it was all finished and he had a cleaned plate did he rise and clean up after himself. He thanked Anna for her cooking, then made his way to his room to get some sleep.

He didn't get a full night, interrupted by a gentle rap on his window. He stirred awake, and realized the knocking continued. "Hm?" He rubbed at his eyes, trying to get a sense of what was going on as he slid to his feet and shuffled towards the window. On the other side, RC was looking up at him with obvious delight. She pointed at the barn.

He rubbed at his eyes, trying to work out what time it was. "RC?" He pulled up the bottom of the window, opening it. "What are you doing here? You should be sleeping in the barn."

She smirked. "I can get out without being noticed. That's what I'm doing." She lowered her voice. "I just wanted to talk a little bit."

"Ah. Right." He shrugged softly. "I told you my world's a bit less friendly to ponies than yours."

She shrugged with a chuckle "It's exciting to me, but I could totally see how it's more scary for you." She settled to the ground outside his bedroom. "Can I come in?"

"The window's barely—" He didn't get to finish as she squeezed in with almost a pop, landing with a soft clop on his bedroom floor and shaking out. She looked around curiously, poking through his personal effects without any concern. "Ahem!"

"Oh!" She turned back to him with an innocent expression. "Right! We were going to chat? Nice room you have here. I haven't been in a human room, it's cool." She patted at a painting hanging on one wall. "What is this?"

He snatched it up before she could do much damage. "Careful with that." But her attention had already slid.

She hopped up onto his bed and sat on it. "Why do you get a nice soft bed and they didn't give me anything but some hay? Hay is for eating, ideally fried first."

"That's where I sleep." He rolled his eyes as he walked over. "And if you're going to hang around in here, I don't want you dirtying things up. Please don't pee."

She squinted at him. "What do you think I am, some animal? I won't poo either, if you're worried about that." RC rolled her eyes at the thought. "Does Bella do that? I'm a pony, not a horse."

"Sorry." Brad rubbed the bridge of his nose as he sat down. "So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

She wrapped her arms around Brad, leaning in close. "I was lonely! All I had for company were horses that were either sleepy or complaining about not being able to go out for a walk." She buried her snout into his neck, nuzzling fondly. "This is way more fun."

Brad rolled his eyes at the attention but didn't discourage it. "I figured you would be fine." He stroked along her back and she perked as she arched against him.

"Oh, that feels good." She leaned back against the hand. "Kindly, do continue."

The strange part was petting her felt almost as good on his side, he was just far less vocal about it, and it felt kinda odd to gush about that kind of thing, even if he did feel good, and relaxed, petting and scratching along her form.

"I can tell you want to talk," she chided him, and tugged at him with a hoof to the waistband of his pants. "But what do you say we play first?"

He colored, shoving her away. "Woah there! I'm not ready for that kinda playing." He shimmied out of reach, further along the bed.

She followed with a hop, sitting next to him. "Aww, no?" Her eyes roved over him hungrily. "You smell pretty ready for it." She curled up next to him and reached out a hoof to brush along his side. "But you humans are funny." She teased at his stomach and he squirmed away, grabbing her hoof.

He gently warded her hoof away, but rubbed along her leg, generating those pleasant feelings for both of them. "I can do this. Are you happy with that?"

She hummed gently, still and boneless. "You can keep doing that, sure." Her words came out in a lazy drawl, her legs curling as she found herself incapable of movement. "For a good, long, time." She settled on her back, letting out a happy moan.

So it was that he found himself eventually flopped beside her, petting along her side and belly. They both faded from thinking like that, in that pleasant haze. At least, until there was knocking at the door.

"Brad?" Miguel was at the door. "You need to come out of there now, if you can. We have work to do."

Brad groaned, lifting his head. He grabbed for his phone to see that it was morning. "Coming!"

RC had woken up as well. "Work?" She stretched out happily. "Sounds like a plan!" She hopped off the bed, landing on her hooves. "Race ya!" She scrambled over to the window and popped out without hesitation.

"Wait!" He bumped against the window, not nearly as agile as the energetic pony. "No talking around people!"

"What?" Miguel could hear him through the door, clearly confused.

"Nothing, just..." He slipped on a fresh set of clothes, still rubbing his face. "Getting ready!"

"Don't forget breakfast!" Miguel chuckled as he headed off.

Brad finished pulling on his clothes, checking himself out in the mirror. He was ready for another day. He'd need to shave soon, but he opted not to that day. Striding with purpose, and hoping RC didn't get into trouble, he went in search of breakfast and Miguel.

Both were easy enough to find. "I said I'm coming."

Miguel was in the middle of eating his own meal with a grin. "I heard you getting up, finally." He gestured at the food ready for taking. "A classic."

"Somehow, I feel like you made it happen." Brad was referring to the meal on offer. A standard breakfast burrito. "It's tasty." He bit into the wrapped bundle of sausage and egg, speaking with his mouth full. "What's on the schedule for today?"

"Say it, don't spray it, amigo. You're not that far behind in the schedule." He laughed as he put his mostly empty plate aside. "We have one horse going out, three coming in. We have to break one of them, remember? They spent some time as a stray."

"Right." Brad finished up his meal, putting the plate in the sink to wash it later. "Did you decide who would be breaking them?"

Miguel gestured vaguely. "You know what? Let's go for it. We're a team, aren't we? This one's got spirit, but it could use a little help finding a home." He put the dish he'd been using into the sink. "We'll show them this is a safe place, but we humans are the boss."

Brad nodded firmly. "Fair enough." The pair headed out together towards the stables. Bella met them halfway, seeming more than a little excited to see them. She trotted eagerly beside them. Brad gently pet her side, not getting the same rush he'd gotten when petting a pony, but it was still pleasant in its own subtle ways. "Who let you out? Not complaining, but."

Miguel waved it off. "You know Bella's one of the most trained horses we have. She wouldn't go anywhere we didn't tell her to go. She didn't even move away from the stables until you got here to be next to. You two are like a team."

"That's my girl." He fondly stroked her side. "Are you feeling alright, Bella? Ready to help?"

She turned to face him, pressing her nose to his with a happy whinny.

"That's a yes." He smooched the top of her snout and waved onwards. "Let's get to work. Is the outgoing ready?"

Miguel nodded. "Got his saddle on, just needed your go."

"Thanks." He stepped into the stall to start on that. "I'll take care of this one."

Bella and Miguel both agreed to it in human and equine ways.

7 - Welcome to Equestria

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Brad walked with purpose out to the working pen they had their new horse in. "What a beauty." He didn't reach for the strange horse, not yet. Instead he examined the horse that was examining him in return.

The horse's coat was a pale sand color, not too light, but definitely not brown either. Its mane was white and it seemed to have a gentle nature. It didn't shy away from him, didn't hide, didn't move away. "You're happy to see me, or waiting for me to do something you don't like." Brad approached, always keeping in the horse's view. "I'm your friend." He held up his hand towards the new horse.

The new horse came over to sniff at it. After a moment, the animal let out a huff of air and made a happy sound.

Brad patted the horse on the head. "I'm sorry whoever was caring for you before let you go off like that."

Miguel looked over at him. "Not supposed to get too attached before we break them."

"He needs to feel safe, Miguel. It's clear he hasn't felt that way in a long time." Brad circled, the fence still between them. "Comfortable horses are happy horses, you know that."

"We're not setting him free, not for a long time." Miguel gestured with a hand. "But if you want to try it your way, I'm game. You've never steered us wrong before."

Brad chuckled at that. "I guess I've been doing this long enough to figure out what works." He slapped at Miguel's shoulder. "Not that you haven't. Each horse, especially strays, is a little puzzle. How were they mistreated, and what did they have to survive to get to us? It shapes them."

Miguel inclined his head gently in a shrug. "At least it's something we can do about it. Fix what's broken."

"Sometimes we can't." Brad let out a slow sigh as he settled a hand on the new horse's side. "But I don't think this is one of those. " Feeling confident, he pulled up onto the fence and down the other side. The horse turned to keep face him, becoming a little more tense, ready to fight or flee. "Easy, there. I'm your friend." He opened his arms, hoping to entice the horse to come closer.

After a long moment of hesitation, the horse stepped closer. Brad began to stroke and pet along the animal's sides and flank. "We're all friends at this ranch. We treat our horses right." He rubbed around the neck and ears, where most horses liked it. This one did as well, shifting in place, making soft sounds of enjoyment.

"That's a good horse." He dug his fingers in, massaging the equine's head and shoulders.

"A little down and to the right." But that hadn't been Miguel at all. Brand tensed, looking over sharply to see RC perched on the fence, swaying her hooves idly on the work side of it. "That's where they want it." She smiled in that way ponies did, but not too broadly, not too open.

Brad swallowed, forcing himself to stay calm. "Hello, RC." His eyes darted to Miguel. "Miguel, this is Rainbow Charm."

Miguel was gaping at the small talking equine. "Si. Rainbow Charm? Um. Should I be worried, or have I just gone entirely loco?" He rubbed at his eyes.

Brad reached over and pinched him on the arm. "Not a dream, amigo."

"You didn't say she could talk!" He hissed it in Brad's direction. "Can Bella talk too?! Can all the horses talk? Have they been talking about me?!"

Brad took a firm hold of Miguel's closer shoulder. "Calm down. Just RC here, not Bella or any other horse." He took a moment to breath in, breathing out slowly. "I wasn't sure she'd come with me today."

RC stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm adventurous!" She winked at Miguel. "Nice to meet me. She—" RC pointed at the stray they were working with. "—thinks you're nice." She nodded at Brad. "But she's seen nice humans before. She's waiting for things to stop being nice."

Miguel just stared, running his fingers through his hair. "What. The. Hell?"

Brad held up his hands in a calming gesture. "Alright, you're freaking out, and I get that." He let out a slow sigh. "I wish I could have done this easier, but I guess not."

RC shrugged from her perch. "I was a little surprised when I saw my first human. I guess it goes the other way too. I'm a nice pony, promise."

"Nice, right." Miguel dared to take a step closer to RC, examining her closely. "She does look friendly. Friendly for a horse anyway."

Brad managed a faint laugh at that. "RC, please try not to talk around other humans, especially strangers."

"You are no fun!" She flicked her tail at him. "We'll play by your rules, for now. But you need to know, we ponies love helping others and being of service." She inclined her head down at Miguel. "Also, we're not strangers anymore." She hopped down to the ground and trotted up to them all, the new horse included. The new horse didn't seem to mind RC, as if they'd already been introduced.

"See? You can pet me if you like." She leaned in close to Miguel, nudging at his hand. "Like this."

Miguel had turned to stare at Brad, eyes wide with astonishment. "I didn't wake up today thinking a horse would be asking me to pet it." Still, his hand did wander over her head, fingers teasing into her mane. "This is too weird." He said it, but didn't stop what he was doing.

"You'll get used to it," Brad replied. "But first we have work to do." Moving his rubbing to where RC had suggested seemed to be paying off, the horse relaxing against his touch with approval. "RC, since you're here, and you can talk with horses, maybe you could help us skip a few steps here."

RC shrugged lightly. "Oh sure, no problem. That's why I'm here!" She puffed up her chest as she went to lean against the new horse's side. "Say, girl, you've been really scared of humans lately." She began to whicker and nicker gently, communicating with the horse in the language of horses.

Brad lifted an eyebrow at that, but didn't say anything. Instead he stroked and massaged at the ears and cheeks, showing a great deal of love and affection. "We want you to feel welcome here."

The horse's tension seemed to ebb away, relaxing as they turned to present their side to Brad. Miguel just stared, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"She says you smell nice, but you need to prove it," RC explained. "But I told her you're a good human and that you treat horses like people."

Brad put an arm over her. "Let me show it. We'll go for a nice little walk, no pressure." He slid up onto her, murmuring his thanks and encouragement as he went. "Once around the field. I'm sure you want to get some movement going." He stroked at her head and ears.

The horse obliged, taking off into a trot, moving in a circle as directed.

Miguel followed after, but kept back. "This is so crazy. You have a little horse that can talk a stray down? That's amazing! I've never seen anything like it!"

RC preened, the attention clearly appreciated. "I know how to use my special talent!" She pranced along behind Brad and the new horse, waving her tail about happily. "Well, okay, not my special talent, that involves rainbows. But, well, you get the idea." She fell silent for a few moments, trotting alongside the other two. "If it's not too rude to ask, why did she run away?"

Miguel slid out of the pen once they had completed the loop. "She was having a difficult time finding a home. Some people try to keep them, but don't have the time to invest in a healthy relationship with their horses." He huffed as he leaned against the fence. "People fall in love with the idea of a horse. Once the reality of what it takes to keep one healthy and happy sets in, some of them give up."

RC stood tall, trotting around Brad. "Well, that's dumb! If you have a friend, you stick by them." She made her way to Miguel, pushing her face against his chest, almost demanding affection.

He indulged the pony, petting along her sides. "You're a little small for me to ride, just so we're clear."

RC snorted softly at that. "Be that way. I wasn't offering."

Brad emerged from the work pen. "We made great progress with her. She'll be part of the family in no time, at this rate. Now, look, I really should get RC back where she belongs. I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't keep her here."

Miguel patted him on the shoulder. "It's alright, amigo. Just... be careful, okay?" He shrugged. "I don't know what your plan is, but if she's around, you have to protect her too." He paused then. "Speaking of that, where is she from?"

Brad flushed faintly, rubbing at his face. "Uh, you see, she's a talking pony, so, like, they've got this place in Equestria and—" He squirmed under the attention. "I sound like a raving loon, but the proof is right there." He waved at RC.

RC flapped her wings. "Why don't you come with us? It's a nice place. We'd love to have you over if you want."

Miguel shook his head. "You heard her, amigo. Sounds like an offer you can't refuse. Let's finish up for today, and we'll see if she really meant it."

"Ah, alright." Brad made his way to Bella's side. "You ready for some good work?" He slid onto Bella's back without any issue. "RC, head back to your pen and stay there. We'll get you home after work, and we'll have a Miguel with us, apparently."

RC bounced in place. "Yay! I'm gonna have to go get my saddle." She clopped her hooves on the ground. "I should get to do what I want sometimes." She sped away with fading giggles.

That left the two humans, and Bella, to get to the work the ranch needed. The day sped by with plenty on the list in need of their attention. Miguel followed along with Brad, doing his part, but clearly distracted as he thought about ponies, Equestria, and everything else. By the time the pair had finished up their work for the day, Miguel's eyes seemed a little wild, wide and staring, almost manic.

"I need to see this magical land." He'd settled himself down next to Bella's stall as the sun began to dip behind the mountains. "We've been working so hard, and I feel like I've gotten nothing done. But now, there's a magical land? Amigo, what is your life?"

Brad reached out and took a shoulder. "My life? It's strange, crazy, amazing, and terrifying. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Equestria had been entirely his little secret from a hostile world. But Miguel was one of the few people he didn't really feel that bad about sharing it with. He'd been a friend. Almost as reliable as a horse. Almost. "RC? He pulled open the stall door to her pen. "Come on out."

She peeked out of the barn, stepping up next to Bella's side. "Hi!"

He waved for them to follow him. "There's a very small patch of land we have to walk through. The problem, that I see, is usually I ride Belle across the rainbow bridge."

Miguel squinted. "You literally ride across a rainbow? Like one of those pixie dust things?"

"Pretty much. She takes me to Equestria on it. This will be different." He leaned in to gently stroke and pet along Bella's sides, making a low sound of encouragement. Without delay, he swung up onto her. "I have no idea if we can even get you across it, so I don't suggest bringing anything else with you."

"Shame." Miguel followed them all the same. "I'd love to bring Roswell. Think he could make rainbow bridges too?"

"I doubt that." They had reached the right part of the road they'd been using. "Okay, wait here a moment." He nudged Bella. "Let's make a bridge." Bella sped up into a proper gallop, leaping off the bump along the path. She came down on the rainbow bridge, brilliant and stretching up into the sky.

"Holy shit." Miguel stood with his mouth agape as he stared up at it. "Is this like, magic? Is it really?"

RC flapped her wings happily. "Yup! And check this out." She took flight, just to land on the bridge. "Ta da! I can walk on the rainbow bridge." She did a little dance atop it, just to make that quite clear.

Miguel jogged up to the bridge and reached out, feeling it. It seemed solid to his touches, so he climbed up onto it. "Looks like I can walk on it too, somehow."

Brad gestured for them both to follow. "I don't know how long it will be there if we all stop touching it, but we should probably get moving." He urged Bella forward and she took off in a full run. They left RC and Miguel behind as they raced across the bridge.

RC wrinkled her snout. "Pretty sure this thing goes away if Bella gets off, so hop on, right now."

Miguel sank down onto RC, an awkward fit at best on such a little pony. The moment he was on her, she took off, galloping with all her strength after Bella and Brad. "Slow down!"

Brad looked back and couldn't help but laugh at the sight of RC desperately chasing after them, struggling to catch up. It wasn't too long before she reached them, somehow, even while hauling Miguel. They all reached Equestria at about the same time, the rainbow bridge fading away as they arrived.

RC was heaving for breath. "Bella! Naughty! No running away like that."

Bella huffed, blowing hard through her nose.

"No bickering." Brad held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "We're here now, aren't we?" He turned his attention to Miguel, who had dismounted. "Welcome to Equestria."

8 - Welcome Party

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Pinkie Pie rushed towards them with a big grin. "Hi!" She waved vigorously at them. "It's great to see you!"

Brad rubbed the back of his neck. "I forgot to mention her. She's—"

"Pinkie!" Pinkie landed with a skid on her knees, forehooves spread wide. "And I thought I was doing a party for just two but here's a third, wow! Let me get extra supplies. Don't you worry, I can totally handle this."

Miguel grinned as he gently patted Pinkie on the head. "Good to meet you, Miss... uh..."

"Pinkie!" She couldn't look much happier, though the petting seemed to be having positive effects on her. "Pie."

"Right." Miguel dared to touch one of her fuzzy ears, teasing along it with a fingertip. "Wow, you really are a horse."

Pinkie preened under the attention. "Of course I am! Just, like, a talking one." She burst into giggles. "And smaller." She nodded to Bella, looming as she was over the magical ponies gathering around. "And throwing you all one hay of a par-tay! Now, wait one moment! I've got to get all the supplies." She spun in place and dashed off.

"This world is so amazing." Miguel shook his head as he looked around. "So... Should we go?"

Brad shook his head. "She said wait, and she sounded serious. Why don't we say hello to everyone first?" He dropped to a knee, becoming far more even with the pony in front of him. "Hello there. Are you a new pony?"

A tiny foal, with a pretty brown coat, bounced up to him, pushing her face into his hands with obvious enjoyment. "Hi! Are you Brad?"

"I sure am." He gently pet in long strokes over the little pony. "Aren't you a tiny one. What's your name?"

"Oh! I'm Apple Bloom." She pointed back at the rest of her family. "We live around here and run the apple orchard." She took his hand in both hooves, tugging him after her.

"Oh! I met them before." And yet, he was drawn along towards where the Apple Family was clustered together. "Nice to see you all again. You were so nice when I first showed up."

Big Mac snorted in reply. "Eeyup."

Brad felt like Big Mac understood everything that had happened, just from that short phrase. It was the most impossible feeling. He nodded back.

Bella followed obediently, just for that faithfulness to waver when she noticed Big Mac nearby. She made a happy noise as she trotted up to his side.

"I guess we have a new couple to set up." Brad chuckled as he stood. "Miguel, let's say hello to the Apple family, and then I guess we can find Pinkie."

Applejack gently pushed Bella away despite her size. "Easy there! Big Mac ain't interested, sorry ta say."

Miguel wrapped an arm around Brad's shoulders, leaning on him. "It's too funny. A real-life episode of My Little Pony." He kept chuckling even as ponies approached from all around.

Brad paused. "My whatnow?"

"Mi pequeño pony!" Miguel laughed at the whole thing, patting Applejack just at her withers. "The show? Oh, you never saw it?"

Brad shook his head in amazement. "Never heard of it. Not arguing with you, they're all great. Hey, Granny." He offered a balled hand and bumped it against the returned hoof. "But let's not get lost with just the Apples. There are so many ponies here."

As he said it, a good half dozen of them came over, each greeting him and Miguel as old friends. Miguel seemed happy to meet each and every one of them, petting them and making himself very familiar.

It was like being in a petting zoo, but the 'animals' were all too happy to talk while they got pet, and didn't insist on being fed. Some of them even brought over snacks and drinks balanced on their backs as they took their turn for petting by their human guests.

Brad wandered with his friend through the mass of ponies, not really seeing them as a mob. They parted around him with ease and he kept going. Miguel moved beside him, an ever-present smile on his face.

"Where are you going?" Pinkie sprang in front of them. "I have the cakes ready! I have your favorite fizzy drinks! This party's just getting started, trust me. I'm hosting it, and nothing gets past me." She winked at them both.

"Right, so we can't just keep walking away from the party?" Brad checked with a sly smile.

"Nope!" Pinkie reared up and poked Brad in the belly. "You're having way too much fun for me to let you get away. Besides, so is everypony else? I mean, wow, I never saw a new pony get so much attention."

Brad was about to fight that when Mayor Mare nudged his hand up with her head. "Well, what can I say?" He looked around at all the gathered ponies, all happy to have their space, all talking and laughing with one another. "It's amazing here. The ponies are just so nice and kind."

"Aw!" Pinkie clapped with a big smile. "We're nice to creatures that are nice back, and you two give such nice massages. Really, I bet Aloe and Lotus are jealous." She gently tugged him towards where she had set up the cakes and fizzy drinks. "Come on! We've got dancing and everything."

Miguel mussed at his hair. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not dressed for a party."

Aloe, as if summoned by her mention, slid up to Miguel's left. "Oh no, that is being no problem at all. You are just fine as you are. And no, there is nothing wrong with your jeans." She ran a hoof down his thigh and gave it a reassuring rub.

Miguel patted her back. "That feels nice." He accepted the bottle of fizzy drink from Pinkie, clinking it against Brad's own in a silent toast.

It was a fine evening for both men to enjoy the presence of small horses. Bella could offer no pets, but she attracted attention of her own. Though stallions avoided getting too close, the mares seemed fine conversing with her. With Brad and Miguel occupied, they spoke with Belle in the near-silent conversation of horse, with each flick of an ear or tail meaning plenty, to speak nothing of little chuffs and nickers.

Brad would be the first to admit he had no idea what was going on. They looked happy, but even as they got some looks from the others, they just smiled and kept speaking.

"Isn't she a nice girl?" He pet Rarity as she walked past, away from Belle.

"Mm?" Rarity stopped, leaning against the petting. "Mmm, more of that, kindly dear. Do you mean Bella? Kind enough dear. A curious thing, talking with a pony so old-fashioned. I'm not used to talking that way. It's the strangest feeling, dear."

Brad decided not to say much of anything about that, opting to continue his attention on her. "Just another strange part of this place."

Rarity sighed softly, relaxing against him as he stroked along her shoulders and sides. "I can't entirely argue that, darling. Ponyville is a magnet for interesting things, mm, like you. By the by." She turned to face him slowly. "You look like you could do with a fashion touch-up."

Brad was about to argue that, but then considered how long it had been since he'd had any real variety to his clothes. He had picked out some 'fun' shirts at the time, but nothing much else had changed. "I'll be honest. Me and fashion? I don't get it really. I just get what fits."

"What fits?! That's hardly the start, dear." She reared up, putting her forehooves on his belly. "Give me a moment and I'll get you sized up and we'll work out your palette. Mmm, yes. We'll make you shine! You deserve it. And when you come back to visit next time, I will have the perfect outfit for you."

Brad did a double take. "You can just make me clothes?"

Rarity's smile was utterly smug. "That is my specialty, darling. All I need are your measurements. You're not the first biped I've worked for. Little Spike's adorable in his suits. You're taller, obviously, but the principal is unchanged."

Brad considered the logic of that. "I guess that's true. Alright. It sounds like fun, if you're that excited about it."

"Oh!" Rarity stood tall with a little spring to her hooves. "But I am. Now, dear, let me see if the other human is just as agreeable." She paused, about to retreat. "Oh, did I mention, Dear? My name's Rarity. How silly of me." She chuckled and trotted off towards Miguel.

He didn't hear what was said between them, but within minutes they were both laughing, and he was soon being led off by Rarity. That left him on his own for a few moments. Brad shook his head and considered his options, which were many. Mayor Mare seemed to want his attention. "What's up?"

"A few ponies have noticed you coming and going." Mayor Mare nodded gently. "We were wondering if we might convince you to stay. You would be quite welcome here. As you can see, you'd fit right in."

Brad could almost see the plusses of such an arrangement. He glanced around the town square, at all the gathered ponies. Miguel was being made a fuss over, clearly having fun. "Tempting, but I have a job, Miss Mare. I don't want to just abandon them." Humans were flaky at times. Brad didn't want to be one of those. "You understand, I hope?"

Mayor Mare inclined her head. "As you say. The offer remains open, should you wish to return to us. I understand our little pony town is something of a pleasant holiday destination." She smiled. "We're glad to have you, as a guest, or a resident." She leaned in a little without saying anything.

Brad picked up on her silent wish and gently scritched over her head, making her hind hoof kick against the ground. "Yes, mmm, we would find a place for you quite quickly, if you wanted."

Rainbow Charm suddenly slid in. "Dibs! If he stays, he's coming to my place. I have all kinds of room!" She giggled and bounced in place. "He's nice and strong, so I could teach him how to be a cowpony. We'd have so much fun."

Brad gently swatted RC's side. "I'm already a cowboy."

"Yeah." RC turned to him. "I saw you. You don't understand them, and you've never seen an Equestrian cow anyway! Nope, you'll need a hoof, and I got one ready to lend."

Mayor Mare rolled her eyes as she pulled away from Brad's hands. "Rainbow Charm, be a dear and settle down." She gave RC a Look. "I haven't finished with this." She cleared her throat. "As I was saying, I want to officially welcome any other humans that may wish to visit, if you know others. You brought that 'Miguel' character, did you not? Charming."

"But I get him first!" RC flapped her wings. "Wait! Was that mean?" She settled down again. "I promise to share him if he visits."

Mayor Mare nodded slowly. "Glad to hear it. We're a community, RC. We share what we have, even if they have two legs and magical hands." She shook herself vigorously, as if to lose that thought. "I mean, enjoy your party."

"That's the plan." Brad laughed as he kept petting, not having to reach down quite so far for Mayor Mare standing on her hinds. "This is nice. I really am glad to see you."

"You are quite welcome to see me as often as you'd like." Mayor Mare was melting under the attention, making little happy noises. "But I shouldn't monopolize you. Bad image." She slid back to all fours. "Just think about my offer, okay?"

Brad nodded. "Sure, Mayor." He didn't get much chance to talk after that, as ponies were suddenly all around him, either eager to talk with him or curious about his human friend. The pair had more fun than they had in a long time.

9- Rainbow Powers

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"There you are." The crowd was just starting to disperse, allowing Twilight Sparkle to approach easily. "I've been searching for you for some time." She smiled at Brad, her horn glowing with magic as she lifted a scroll from behind her back. "I took the liberty of writing up some questions about your stay here in Ponyville and everything you've seen so far."

Bella casually captured her scroll in her great teeth and walked off with it, leaving Twilight stunned a moment. "But. Stella!" She fumed at the great horse, but didn't challenge them. "Fine." She turned back to Brad. "I heard that another pony was standing on the rainbow bridge! Tell me everything. I've been wondering about how that would work, given my failure to do the same."

Brad found himself sucked into a lengthy conversation with the very curious unicorn. It felt like it might go on forever, at least until Twilight paused mid-statement to burst into bright lights of all hues. Brad backed away with confusion, which let him see that RC was caught in approach, also glowing. "What the—" And the rainbows came for him as well, and all he could see and think was the power of those rainbows. He didn't see Bella overcome by this same strange force.

It lasted a moment that felt like it went forever, filling them with a sense of euphoric perfection before it shattered, bits of rainbows falling around them. "Woah." Spike fell off Twilight. "That was intense."

Twilight looked down at herself. "No time to think about that! You know what this means!" She almost seemed to vibrate with excitement. "Oh, we have so much to do. We should go to my library right now." She danced in place and broke into a full gallop, leaving the rest behind.

Brad offered a hand towards the abandoned Spike. "You okay?"

"M'fine." Spike stood and adjusted his back. "Thanks." He trotted after Twilight, doing his best to keep up.

Brad let him go, following more slowly. RC fell in at his side. "You have any idea what that just was?"

RC shook her head. "Not a clue, but it left a mark on Bella?"

"Wha?" He turned to Bella, following on his other side. Back on her rump, she had a cutiemark. It was a brightly colored rainbow. This was nothing compared to the glittering stripe that ran through her mane and tail. It was a stripe of rainbow colors that did not belong on any horse of Earth origin. "Bella, you okay?"

She was fine. She just huffed, but he felt like he knew that. She was fine, and she wanted a little petting. So he did that, rubbing her with an unsure smile. "If you're sure?" He could feel something off about her now, though he couldn't say what. Something had changed. It felt as if they were more connected than before.

He almost stopped dead in his tracks at that thought, and not just because it came from outside himself. "Spike?" But he had already gone ahead. "We have to catch up with Twilight and Spike. They might have a clue what's going on." He looked to RC and felt he understood a bit more about her as well, for good or bad. "Stop thinking about me like that."

She made a rude noise at him. "Stop listening in on my thoughts then!"

"It's hard not to!" He touched the cutiemark on Bella's side. "What did this?"

RC shrugged. "My only clue is the rainbow show we just all had. Let's catch up with Twilight." She flapped her wings as she hurried into a trot after Twilight. "Come on, Bella!"

Bella happily kept pace, following RC through the streets.

The walk to Twilight's library was a brief one, and they found her waiting at the door. "We need to get you measured." She took a tape measure in her magic and quickly looped it around him, beginning to take measurements of his height and any other part she seemed to be thinking of on the fly with thoughtful hums.

Bella chuffed. "I know." Twilight waved them inside, understanding Bella in that pony speak they seemed to have with the horse. "I just want to be aware of any changes."

Bella whinnied more forcefully.

Twilight turned and looked at her properly for the first time that evening. "Oh." She was clearly confused. "How long has she had a cutiemark?"

"Just since the rainbow thing." He gestured vaguely. "Whatever that was. Is it... bad?"

"No!" Twilight closed with Bella and circled her curiously. "Fascinating. Have you experienced any other changes I may not have seen?"

RC pointed at Brad. "I think he can read my mind?"

"Can he?" Twilight looked at Brad pointedly, thinking complex magical facts that Brad had no hope of understanding, but he knew she was thinking them.

He swallowed and hesitated a moment. "Something like that. Um, you're thinking about something complicated?"

She nodded slowly. "Interesting." She raised her head. "This may not be relevant, but it does help with an ongoing hypothesis." Twilight nodded with obvious thought. "Ah! RC, is it one way?"

RC shook her head. "I can also feel you thinking about really complicated stuff. Brad's just being confused. Bella's wondering why we're upset, like she knows what's going on, but she isn't sharing."

Bella snorted. Brad knew she was amused.

Twilight tapped at her chin. "This is only more fascinating by the moment. There is just one more test I want to perform, with your permission? Brad, Bella? Could you make the rainbow bridge for me?"

"Sure." Brad guided Bella outside, speaking gently to her as they went. "Up for a little hop?" She whickered in what seemed like a yes and he hopped up onto her. "Alright, one bridge, coming up. Rainbow bridge, please."

The pair set off, running hard and fast. Soon, the bridge had appeared in front of them. Bella slowed to a halt and looked back.

Twilight had been following behind them at a decent clip, but there was no way she could have kept up. Still, she came trotting up beside them. "Incredible! This is all incredible!" She trotted right past, up onto the bridge. She bounced from hoof to hoof there. "It's holding me up this time!"

RC climbed up onto the bridge after her, peering down. "Yep, still holds me."

As if called, Bella stepped up, carrying Brad along with her. All four of them were on the bridge, and it wasn't collapsing, nor dropping any of them. Brad relaxed. "I guess the rules changed a little?"

Twilight nodded in agreement. "They did indeed." She grinned up at Brad. "I think I may be getting a handle on this." She put a hoof on her own chest. "I feel like we've been connected, somehow. I could already understand Bella when she spoke, but that understanding is stretching beyond her words."

RC inclined her head. "I got that too, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "Also, she is one filthy mare. The vibes she puts off when a stallion goes past? She should be ashamed."

Bella did not look at all bothered.

Brad looked bothered on her behalf. "This isn't normal, and how am I going to pass Bella off as a normal horse when she's all glittery." He noticed something new. "Even her hooves are sparkling!"

"It's fine." Twilight couldn't look more pleased. "We will simply tell everyone that Bella got caught in a magical explosion."

Brad slid off Bella with a groan. "There are no magical explosions back where I'm from, Twilight."

"There aren't?" Twilight looked properly befuddled at the very idea. "Curious."

RC laughed as she thumped against Twilight on the way back down the bridge, sliding the last few inches. "His world is way less colorful than this one. No magic, no ponies. Just a lot of Brads worried about their jobs."

Twilight looked towards the ground. "Sounds... dreadful."

"Oh, it's not that bad." He couldn't argue much more than that. "I guess it's kinda dull by comparison." He offered his hands, catching Twilight and setting her down. His little ruffle of her mane made her tense, and he knew she liked it. It was a good feeling, and she wanted more, but she didn't want to ask for it.

Still, he knew she wanted it, so he kept gently stroking through her mane and scritching behind her ears. She became a melted puddle of pony happiness. "Thanks," she murmured with a tired smile.

RC flopped onto the ground in front of them. "Twilight?" She snickered gently. "I swear. Brad! Stop seducing ponies with those amazing fingers of yours."

"I'm not trying!" He gave her a light swat to her rump. "Besides, you're the one that keeps looking up at me all doe-eyed. I just want to pet you."

RC stuck out her tongue at that. "You don't understand how nice being pet is. I think you could just ask a pony for marriage and if you included those innocent pets, they'd probably say yes." She fluttered her lashes. "Including me."

Brad rubbed under her chin. "But what about Bella? You know, she's only just gained a cutiemark and now you're throwing yourself at me?" He paused as he looked back at Bella.

Bella huffed, and he somehow knew she had no interest in Brad that way. She wanted a strong and strapping stallion to keep her company in that way, though a good brushing was nice once in a while.

He shrugged lightly. "Well, at least that's clear."

"What's clear?" Twilight perked up, making happy noises as he continued his ministrations. "Don't stop! Mmm, what is clear?"

Brad played with her twitching ear. "You're distracted, but Bella says my petting doesn't affect her the same way, even if she likes the attention. She has no interest in me besides the normal interest between a faithful horse and their rider, and I'm okay with that."

RC snorted softly. "That's pretty obvious from how she watches Big Mac whenever he's around. I'm not surprised. It's clear he can see it too." She looked up at him with a big smile. With all of them off the bridge, it vanished in a fading rainbow sparkle. "Now, Missus Knows Everything, got any more big ideas about this?"

Twilight huffed at that. "My ideas are rarely 'big'. Most of the time they are just a tiny bit of light, to shine in the dark places." She chuckled at her own words, just to dissolve into a little purr at Brad's attentions. "As I was saying, no. We barely understand what's happening. Still! It seems to clearly involve all of us."

"Right, so I should probably go home and get back to work?" He gently pulled his hands away from Twilight. "If I'm going to be distracted, I should at least have a paycheck for it."

RC pouted at that. "That's not the right answer! You're connected to all these mares." She pointed to Twilight, Bella, then herself. "And you're going to run away? Boo! No, hang around. Besides, your buddy's not rushing home."

Brad couldn't argue with that logic, which meant he didn't. He just scratched RC behind the ears. "I can't help but think this will end badly. I've never had a good long-distance relationship."

RC leaned against the soft touches. "So make it not long distance? You want to hang around? You heard them. We'll get you a house. You're welcome here, Brad."

Twilight sat up, recovering from all the attention. "Since you brought it up, where is Miguel?"

"Uh..." He hadn't actually kept an eye on his friend since the party. He didn't know where he'd gotten off to.

As if on cue, Miguel appeared. He came walking around the corner of a building, Applejack at his side. He was speaking Spanish with her in friendly tones, and laughing about something. He didn't notice the gathered ponies, or even Bella until they were upon him. "Hola!"

Brad greeted him with a grin. "Welcome back, Miguel." He nodded at Applejack. "Nice to see you again, AJ. Getting along with Miggy?"

AJ tipped her hat. "Sure am. A right polite gent. Talks a little funny at times, but, shoot, ponies say the same 'bout me, can't hardly fault that."

Miguel shook his head and spat at the ground in utter contempt. "Brad! Amigo! I'm giving you one last chance." He held up a hand, ticking off the points on his fingers. "If you don't let me keep Roswell, then I won't let you keep these horses. There, I said it."

Brad looked baffled a moment. "Your horse? You want to, what, bring them here? I imagine most don't want to go charging over a rainbow, and can they? Roswell's good, but only Bella does the rainbow dance, so far as I know."

AJ snorted softly. "Now, don't be in such a hurry to say no." She looked to Twilight. "Any ideas?"

"Actually." She put a hoof to her chest. "It seems the rainbow is strengthened by our proximity." She pointed to Brad, RC, Bella, then herself. "So, if we're all there, maybe we could transport this earth horse."

Miguel put a hand on Applejack's side, resting it there comfortably. "That's what I'm asking. So, let me do my part. You did your end. You shared this amazing world with me. Let me bring Roswell here. Besides, she deserves to see this too. Maybe she can do the rainbow thing like Bella. You didn't know until you tried, si?"