The Legend Of Spyro And Spike

by Dragonfan101

First published

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

During the time Thorax and Ember left ponyville after their argument with Spike, Ponyville is unexpectedly attacked by strange apes that have come for something, they proved to be a strong and deadly foe against the mane 6 which brought fear to everyone, but they weren't here for them, they were here for a certain purple dragon.. Spike. Spike tries to escape the monster's grasps, but he unfortunately is captured by them, and he is taken to a different world before his friends could rescue him, leaving him trapped in a new world.. alone.

Spike wasn't one to give up though, he came up with a way that got himself free from the apes, and he fled for his life to live, it left the apes to start searching for him after he fled, while their master is waiting for the report. During Spike's escape, he runs into a Purple Dragon like him after escaping into a swamp, the dragon's name is Spyro, and with nowhere to go, and Spyro having a kind heart, Spike's taken in by him and joins him and his little brother Sparx with. Spike's life has changed completely, and he and Spyro are about to go on a journey that will change both they're lives forever..

Prologue: Attack Of The Dark Armies

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Spike and the people of Ponyville were currently cleaning up the welcoming party they had for Ember and Thorax, they had just gotten into an argument with him about what happened with is whole triple threat problem, despite Spike's best effort's to solve these problems, it was too much, and it resulted in Ember and Thorax leaving the village, maybe for good.

Spike was really upset about this, despite how hard he's tried, it ended up with him possibly losing 2 friends, who are both rulers of they're own kingdoms, so it was just devastating for him to know this, it felt like no matter how hard he tried with it, he couldn't find a way to work it out, and it resulted in something bad happening.

Spike was cleaning up most of the decorations that were set up in the village, he was pretty upset about this, he didn't think Ember or Thorax will want to talk to him again after this, and thought they didn't need to have them anymore. Spike just tried to think this over the best he could, but he couldn't look at any of it in a positive way, he was just... really upset about this.

"Why couldn't I find something to help? Why didn't I just introduce them to eachother properly? This all could've avoided if I didn't have so much on me.." Spike asked himself while looking over the nearly melted ice statue of Ember, it along with many of the decorations were being taken down by other ponies, he sighed seeing this, he thought today was just gonna have Ember be here, but he forgot that Thorax was also coming here, so it led to a lot of juggling around he couldn't keep a balance off, and he felt devastated from it.
"Hey Spike, you okay?" A familiar voice asked which got his attention, he turned around and saw Twilight had come to check on him, she looked worried for him like he'd expect, and knew he couldn't hide it.
"No, I'm not, all that stuff with Ember and Thorax is just a little much for me right now." Spike said turning away from her to continue taking a flyer down.
"Spike, it's alright, maybe they'll talk it out and make up? You can't just give up on this, after all we've been through, things always get better." Twilight said trying to keep things in a better move, but Spike wasn't having it.

"This is different Twilight, you need to remember what happened, I had over 3 problems to deal with, and it all led to things crashing down, I couldn't find that stupid friendship problem that was caused, I couldn't find a way to introduce Ember and Thorax to eachother in proper ways, they almost got into a fight and they got upset at me for not thinking I could introduce them because of how different they are, it all came crashing downhill Twilight, you know you can't deny that." Spike said burning up the fliers to ash while she was worried to hear him like this.
"Spike, you need to calm down, there's always a second chance with this kind of problem, you don't know if they'll be mad at you forever, I know they won't, there's always the chance they'll come back and try and talk things out with you." Twilight said patting his shoulder, Spike sighed hearing that, while it could be true, there was a part of him that felt like it just wasn't gonna happen.
"I don't know Twilight, there are just things that can't be fixed, people can have they're chances, but they just never take them despite being the better option. I could've took the chance to introduce them properly, and maybe have them get along with eachother while here, but my fears were too much, and it led to.. all of this." Spike said sadly looking over the village.

"Spike.." Twilight said with regret while she tried comforting him, but she didn't know how.
"It's just.. why does this happen to me Twilight? Everytime I get a chance to do something great, it either is always taken away, or it's not given the impact it needs to help me shape into a stronger person. You and the mane 6 all have had that moment.. and meanwhile.. I'm.. still just an assistant.. I haven't gotten to do anything huge on my own, even when they were something, it just wasn't like you all have faced. Is this.. because of why? are my fears and doubts what stop me from finally doing something that would help me live up to all of you? Just.. what am I doing wrong Twilight, you've all done so much more then me, and I've rarely gotten that chance.." Spike asked looking at his claws, he just didn't know how to feel about himself right now, and had tons of questions about himself.
"Spike, you don't need to live up to what we can do, it's not your fears and doubts that hold you back, you don't have to go through something so big that can impact our lives, you've done so much for us, even when you don't realize it. You do have the moments, you just need to stand tall, and accept what's happening. You'll find a way to push through it when you do, and maybe that'll help you Spike." Twilight said sitting next to him, Spike looked at her and thought about it, it could mean many different things to him right now, but she made it sound like a way of confidence, it was something he needed right now, but he still had some questions..

"Then.. how do we fix this Twilight? Can we fix it? I don't know if I can.. Thorax was the first changeling that anyone ever became friends with, and it was thanks to ME Starlight was able to find a way to help reform them, but I don't know if something like this can help with him." Spike said recalling his first time befriending Thorax.
"Spike, you did plenty to help with the changelings reformation, if it wasn't for you befriending Thorax, he changelings wouldn't be the way they are now." Twilight said trying to help again.
"But did I get the credit and attention I was needing? No. Starlight mainly got all of it, she was the one who got the changelings reformed, and got all the credit, I didn't even get a thank you for helping with the idea of changelings reforming be possible, it's not because I wanted glory, I just wanted some people to thank me for helping, make me think, you really helped us Spike, without you, we couldn't have done this. That's all I really wanted after they were reformed, a simple thank you for helping with reforming them would've done so much for me. And now.. I don't even know if what I do can help anyone anymore, in fact I just may make it worse.." Spike said putting his head on his lap.

"Spike, I'm really sorry you feel that way, but I guess I should've seen something like this, you did a lot to help the changelings Spike, and the dragons too, there's more to you then you realize, you do make things better for everyone, I promise you things will get better, you just need to hold onto hope Spike." Twilight said before she gave him another hug, it was a hug that helped comfort him from the person he saw as a sister, one that despite the work she does, is always there for him too.
"Thanks Twilight.. come on.. let's finish cleaning this stuff up.." Spike said sadly before he stood up again and got back to work.
"Just hold onto hope Spike.." Twilight said once more before she tried to help him the best she could.

However, far away from Ponyville, far into the Everfree forest, something was watching the village from afar, something that gave off a dark, sinister aura. Strange shadows move through the trees and hop all the way to the top, crushing most things that were made of nature, with what looks like machines of metal, cannons, arrow launchers, and even some strange beasts that were never seen before, they looked like apes, but far more sinister and evil then the ones here, and they were looking over the village for something.
"He's here, we've found that pest." The general said looking over the village with a telescope from a high tree, he zoomed in closer to the village and saw the pony's working away like normal, but the ape moved it's attention to a certain purple dragon..
"She was right, that purple dragon is here, he's completely vulnerable right now, we must attack." The commander said before he hopped down to the bottom and he looked at a huge number of apes, with tons of deadly swords and weapons,
it looks like they were going to attack the village.
"The purple dragon is in that village, our intel was correct. You all know what to do, capture that dragon, and leave that village to burn, we mustn't disappoint out master." He said to all his soldiers who made ape sounds in response, they all began to get onto they're machines, and weapons made of metal, and they began to aim arrows at the village., the commander held out his hand, and made the gesture.
"Fire!!" He screamed which made all the apes start firing fireballs directly to the village..

Back with Spike, he was finishing up with the last of the decorations, the village looked like how it did normally, and nothing was really different about it, Spike sighed while he and Twilight looked over the village, the very village he's lived in with Twilight since he moved here with her, after being hatched, with no reason on why his egg was found.. alone...
"Twilight.. do you think there will be more to me? I still don't know who my parents are, we barely had anything to give us clues that could help find them.. and I just don't know if I'll.. ever meet them.." Spike asked looking over the place, he had so much on his mind, and didn't know how to process it all.
"Spike, it's alright, no matter what happens, your still family to me, you have all of us, and I promise you, we'll make it through this together.." Twilight assured once more and Spike sighed hearing that.
"Thanks Twilight.." Spike said gratefully closing his eyes for a moment.

But they're talk together was suddenly stopped when they heard a really loud sound come from the village which shook the place badly, they could suddenly hear pony's screaming with fear which got them to turn where it was coming from, and to they're shock, they saw some buildings had been hit with something which lit it on fire!
"What was that?!" Twilight asked worried quickly running to check on it.
"I don't know! How could we have seen it?!" Spike shouted as they inspected the damage, the two of them could hear another person scream while pointing at the sky, they both got a worried feeling and look upwards to see what's going on, and to they're fear, there were massive fireballs flying down to the village, and were about to strike.
"Look out!"! Twilight screamed before she pulled Spike too her and formed a shield around them which blocked one of the fireballs just in time, but the rest of the fireballs hit even more of the village, which made more people scream in terror.

Spike and Twilight breathed heavily while looking around the town and saw tons of people screaming in fear.
"Twilight, what's going on?!" Spike asked again while trying to find the source.
"I don't know! I think we're being attacked!" Twilight shouted as they began to run through the town quickly.
"But who's attacking us?! We haven't had an attack like this! What could be the cause of it?!" Spike shouted while they tried to help people get away from the damage.
"I don't know, but we've dealt with this before, we need to get to the others, fast!" Twilight shouted before taking out a letter, Spike took it and was about to write a message to the others, the two of them screamed as something just shot through the letter, it was an arrow that came from high above. The two slowly looked above them once again and they saw something they've never seen before, it had a large deadly sword, and weird fur on it's body, it had some explosives on it, and was looking directly at them both, specifically.. Spike.
"We've found the purple dragon! Capture him!!" He screamed before he tossed an explosive at them, Twilight quickly ducked them out of the way just as it made a large explosion which was scarring them both.

"Twilight, what is that thing?!" Spike shouted looking at the monster, and to their horror, they found more monsters that looked like him, both bigger and smaller, and they looked extremely dangerous, they weren't like anything they've seen before.
"I don't know, but.. I think they're after you!" Twilight shouted as one of them lunged at the two with it's sword, Twilight screamed right before she teleported them out of the way and to another rooftop to avoid it while the monster growled at them.
"Why me?! What could they possibly want with me?!" Spike asked with fear as even more monster's were charging into the village and throwing more explosive weapons.
"I don't know, but we need to get you out of here, now!" Twilight screamed before the two of them were making they're way across the roofs of the buildings, but the apes weren't gonna let them escape, and one threw a TNT stick directly at the next roof in front of them which Spike saw.
"Look out!!" Spike shouted right before the thing exploded in front of the two of them and knocked them down, but they got separated, and ended up on different sides.

Spike groaned in pain while he was getting up, that blast did leave a mark, but it wasn't anything to serious, but he quickly noticed Twilight was gone after he got up.
"Twilight?! Twilight?! Where are you?!" Spike shouted looking around for her.
"I'm alright Spike! i'm on the other side of the house!" Twilight shouted from the distance, Spike turned around and saw the house they were just on was now on fire, and there was a blocked path to get to her.
"Twilight! There's no way to get to you! We have to find another way!" Spike shouted again looking for another path ahead of him.
"Try to head for the main fountain, I'll get the other's and meet you there! Be careful Spike!" Twilight shouted again right before a loud screech hurt they're ears, Spike looked up in the sky again and looked horrified as he could see huge bat like monsters flying in the sky, they were carrying what looked like bombs with they're claws, and they all began to drop them down on where he is!
"No no no no!!" Spike screamed while running away just as the bombs landed on the ground.

This sent a large explosion that pushed Spike back a good distance and he slammed against a wall yet again, Spike groaned even more while trying to get up, he could hear weird sounds from behind him which was making him afraid. Spike turned around and saw there were more of these ape monster's marching to him, with some coming out of the exploding bombs those monster's were carrying.
"This cannot be real.. this has to be a nightmare.." Spike said with terror while looking for a way to escape. The apes charged at him with weapons drawn, Spike screamed again before he ducked under a sword slash that almost hit him, he slid under one of those monsters and tried to make a run for it.
"Gotta get back to Twilight! I need to get out of here!!" Spike told himself while running away from the monsters as fast as he could, but the monster's saw this and began to chase after him which made him run even faster.

Twilight was running through the town as fast as she could, what was once a regular village that was going about it's day just minutes ago, was not being lit on fire by strange ape monster's who were after Spike, of all people. Why would they go after such a small dragon, a child at that! Twilight had to get the other's quickly since this is something they had to face together, she was making her way to Rarity's Boutique, she hoped that Rarity was okay and prayed nothing happened to her.

But when she got to her home to, she had a look of horror as she saw the place was on fire too, and she saw Rarity crying at the sight of it.
"Rarity! Are you okay?!" Twilight shouted running up to her.
"No I'm not Twilight, what's happening?!" Rarity shouted looking around the village which was burning up.
"I don't know, but there are monster's attacking the place, and they're after Spike! We have to get the others and get to him quickly!" Twilight explained while making sure there were no monsters, but she could see more pony's screaming with fear while running from the houses, which really showed how bad the situation is.
"Spike's in danger?! We mustn't waste another second! Let's go now!" Rarity shouted grabbing her hoof before quickly running off with her too.

The two of them made they're way around the now on fire town as fast as they could, they could see so many houses and places they've been to had been desolated badly, even places like the Library and the restaurants were being burned down, and it made them both awful for not just the people living there, but for this town as well.
"Twilight, what are these things? What do they want with Spike? And why must they attack our home?" Rarity asked with fear looking around the place while more apes were attacking it.
"I don't know what these are, but if they're after Spike, it can't be good, we need to drive them out of town now!" Twilight said seriously as they could hear the sounds of fighting.
"You don't scare me you stupid apes!" A familiar voice shouted which got they're attention, they quickly turned the next corner and to their surprise, they saw Rainbow Dash was trying to take on some of the monster's, but they were proving to be a difficult challenge for her.

"Get out of our town you jerks!" Rainbow Dash screamed while she tried to deliver a drop kick on one of them, but that ape grabbed her leg and suddenly slammed her across him to the ground which made her groan in pain, this was followed up by one of the apes giving her a strong punch to her chest which sent her rolling right to where Twilight and Rarity are.
"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?!" Twilight asked worried helping her up.
"I'm fine, what's going on? What are these things?" Rainbow Dash asked as the apes were marching over to them with swords drawn.
"I don't know darling, but Twilight said these things are after Spike! We need to get to him fast!" Rarity said while backing up a little from these gross creatures.
"What?! Oh they are gonna get it now!" Rainbow Dash said with anger getting in her fighting stance again, Twilight tried to charge up a magic blast and she fired it at one of the apes, but the largest one held out a strange staff with a gem inside it, and he used the staff to deflect the blast away, and it somehow absorbed into it!

"What?! How is that possible?!" Twilight asked with fear seeing the ape charge up something with that staff.
"I don't know! Get down!!" Rainbow Dash screamed right as the ape fired a lightning blast at them all which they barely dodged, but it destroyed a food store in the process.
"Ugh! These things need to be taught a lesson!" Rarity said really upset at they're reckless destruction.
"I don't think they're gonna go down easily guys! We gotta find Pinkie and the rest! Come on!" Twilight shouted again before she ran past the apes, the other's quickly followed behind her just as the apes began to chase after them too.

Spike was running as fast as he could through the village that was being attacked, there were explosions going off from multiple houses and he could see even more of those weird monster's in the sky, and he was still being chased after that previous group who were gaining on him.
"Why are they after me?! What do they want with me?!" Spike asked himself turning another corner while the monster's chased him still.
"Why did this day have to go so wrong?! What reason do they want me?!" Spike thought with fear while running as quickly as possible, but his running soon came to a halt when he found himself in an alley that didn't have a way out.
"No no no no..." Spike said with terror as he could hear the apes behind them, he turned around with terror and could see the monster's marching to him, and Spike was backing up with fear since he's never seen these things before.
"Please.. stay back! Don't touch me!" Spike begged as they were only a few feet away from him one of them held out some chains and was whipping it around ready to strike.
"No! No!!" Spike screamed just as the monster raised it's hand up, but a familiar fire blast suddenly came in and roasted the monster down which was followed by a loud roar.

Spike looked really surprised seeing that and quickly looked up and to his surprise, he saw Ember and Thorax came back! Ember had a look of rage along with Thorax, but it wasn't at Spike, it was at these monster's, Thorax turned into a bear in an instant and roared at the monster's before he came in and slashed the rest down. Ember landed down near Spike as he was breathing heavily, both relieved and shocked that they were taken down like that.
"Spike, are you okay?" Ember asked worried kneeling down to him, Spike didn't say anything, instead he came in and gave Ember another hug which surprised her, but she could understand it with what just happened.
"Ember, Thorax, I'm so sorry for what happened.. If I just introduced you too eachother properly.. I'm.. I'm.." Spike said with tears trying to find his words, but Ember put her claw on his chin and helped him look up at her, he saw she and Thorax didn't look worried about that, but worried for him.
"Spike, it's okay. We know you were trying, and to make things a bit better, we actually got along well, there's actually some stuff that we relate to with how we rule things, we can understand what you weary about though, but we're not mad at you for this, we understand it all." Thorax said walking up to him while Spike was really surprised to hear that.

"Ember, Thorax.. thank you.. I'm sorry for all of this, I just didn't know how things would go out from here, I had a lot to work with, and I didn't know what to do.." Spike said shamefully.
"Hey, you aren't the only ones, we'll make it through this, just stay close to us, okay?" Ember asked putting her claw on his shoulder which made him smile lightly.
"Thanks Ember.. this means so much to me.." Spike said gratefully as they all stood up.
"No problem Spike, so do you mind telling me.. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" Ember shouted suddenly which surprised both of them, but they could understand her anger and fear right now.
"We leave for like 30 minutes or so, and then we come back and see the entire village is being attacked, and is on fire! Is this a dragon attack Spike? Cause if it is, I'll show them who they're dealing with!" Ember asked clutching her fist, even if they saw those apes, they could be working for a stronger foe.
"You don't know how shocked we both were when we found this village in this state when we got back, i've never seen anything like it." Thorax asked looking around the burning village with fear.

"I.. don't know, all I know is, those monster's were trying to capture me, they called me.. the Purple Dragon or something? I don't know what that means, but they separated me from Twilight, we need to find her and the others before they cause more harm." Spike said with fear as another explosion was heard in the distance.
"Why are they after you?!" Thorax asked really afraid to hear that.
"I don't know, but we need to get out of here, we gotta find the others, now!" Spike shouted trying to move past Ember.
"He's right, we have to stay close, let's go, but stay on guard you two, we don't know what these creatures are." Ember said seriously which they both nodded in response from.
"She's right, let's find the other's Spike." Thorax said as the three of them quickly made they're way through the village that was burning up badly while more pony's were screaming with fear.

These dangerous bat monster's continued to drop down these craters that contained more and more of these ape monster's, they had strange magical weapons that seemed to absorb some kind of magic that was far different from the ones they used, they began to fire lightning and fire blasts all over the town to cause further chaos, more people were screaming with fear as these huge bat monster's had landed down on the ground and screeched over the village. The commander was on top of one of these creatures and was looking around for Spike, and fortunately for him, he saw Spike running with Ember and Thorax down a nearby path, which made him growl in response.
"Get that purple dragon! Dreadwings! After him!!" He ordered again which made the now called Dreadwings screech and they began to fly to the groups direction while the apes continued to attack the town.

Spike and his friends were running as fast as they could to find Twilight, but they're movement was stopped when they heard another loud screech.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Ember said annoyed as they could see multiple Dreadwings flying down to them, the group tried to escape from them, but there were too many to squeeze by, and they were surrounded by at least 10 of them.
"Guys, how do we stop these things?!" Spike asked worried while they all were back to back.
"Easy thing to answer, we fight them off!" Ember said getting in a fighting position.
"uh I don't know Ember, these things are really scary.." Thorax said a bit afraid from these creatures.
"So am I.." Ember said before she lunged at one of them while making a loud roar.

Ember lunged directly on one of the monster's head and began punching it repeatedly at the face, she used her strength to twist it's body around so she could land on the ground while still holding it, she then roared even more as she tossed the thing around her with incredible strength which sent it flying into another. Thorax decided to help out, and transformed into another bear yet again and began clawing away at one of them who tried to attack them, Thorax roared at the monster and kneed the thing in the chin before he headbutted it, he then used his strength to lift the thing into the air and tossed it far away from them, but there were still more to fight off, and Ember and Thorax were trying to slash at them the best they can. Spike tried to avoid the monster's that were being tossed around, he was about to make his way to hide until something grabbed him by the throat roughly.

"Finally, I've got you purple dragon!" The commander said gripping him tightly while Spike was struggling to escape.
"Let.. me.. go!!" Spike screamed which got the other's attention, Ember and Thorax quickly turned around and saw Spike was being raised in the air by what looked like the commander.
"Spike!" They both screamed before they quickly charged at the monster, the commander scoffed and raised his staff at them both.
"Pathetic creatures." He mocked before the staff suddenly shot a powerful blast at them both which shocked them, they tried to push through it, but the blast was powerful enough to send them flying back a great distance which made them scream in pain, Ember and Thorax both landed on the ground weakly while Thorax became his normal self again.
"Ugh.. what.. was that?" Thorax asked rubbing his head.
"I don't know, don't care! Give us back our friend!" Ember shouted quickly recovering from it and facing the commander.

The commander scoffed and reached into one of his pouches, and he pulled out a strange vile that contained what looked strange dark blood inside, it was dark red and had black spots inside it, like it was some kind of poison..
"We've been searching everywhere for you, and now, we're bringing you back. And she will be pleased." He said as he slowly brought the thing to Spike who tried escaping.
"No, no! Get away from..." Spike shouted right before he stabbed the thing in Spike's arm which made him scream in pain much to Ember and Thorax's horror.
"No!!" Ember screamed with rage before she tried charging at him just as he finished injecting Spike with it.
"Your supposed to be this worlds Dragon leader? All I see is something that's pathetic, and knows she can never lead her kind." He mocked before he delivered a strong kick just as Ember reached him, it sent her flying back to Thorax in an instant which surprised them both.

Spike was breathing heavily as he felt that blood enter his own, he didn't know what it was, but it made his arm feel like it was on fire, and that's saying something for someone who can't feel burns like this. Ember groaned while Thorax helped her up, the commander laughed mockingly at the both of them while holding Spike up.
"You two are pathetic, I thought you'd at least give me a challenge, but this was too easy. We'll be taking this purple dragon back to his home, and the Dark Master will decide what to do with him, or maybe Cynder will first." The commander said evilly which got they're attention.
"Dark.. master?" Thorax asked worried to hear that name.
"Cynder?" Ember asked getting back up finally as he held out his staff again.
"It doesn't matter what you do, we're taking him with us, and we're leaving now!" He shouted before he suddenly took off with Spike just as he passed out.
"Spike! No!" Ember shouted with fear before they quickly tried to run after him.

Back with Twilight and the other's, they had grouped up with the rest of they're friends and were trying to find Spike, the town was burning badly and more of these monsters kept on coming, it was an attack like nothing they've seen yet, and something says that it's gonna get worse.
"Twilight, do you know where we'll find Spike?!" Fluttershy shouted while they tried to help more pony's escape the town.
"I told Spike to meet near the center of the town, hopefully he's there by now!" Twilight shouted while Applejack whipped her rope around a piece of rubble, she made a little pull and she managed to pull it down on another group of these monster's while they were under it.
"How can so much happen so fast?! And that's saying something with what Rainbow Dash can do!" Applejack asked while they were nearing the center like Twilight said.
"Hey! How was any of us supposed to know these things would attack us out of nowhere and be here for Spike?!" RD shouted in defense.

"Nopony knew! Once we get Spike, we gotta get the rest of the pony's out of here and contact Celestia and Luna, but I'm sure they've gotten the reports of it by now." Twilight said hoping that was true.
"I hope so Twilight, I can see the center of town! Come on!" Pinkie Pie shouted bouncing ahead with the group, they all quickly made they're way to the center where the fountain was, it was pretty much destroyed at this point from the attack, but they tried to look around for Spike, but they couldn't find him anywhere.
"Twilight, where is he?!" Rarity asked looking around for him.
"I don't know, he should've made it here by now! He couldn't have gotten in trouble could he?!" Twilight asked starting to freak out over this, they heard another loud sound and suddenly saw Ember and Thorax crashing down from a rooftop, they were surprised to see them here, and quickly ran up to help them.

"Ember! Thorax! You came back!" Pinkie said really happy they're back.
"Ugh.. I wish we made it back under better circumstances.." Ember said annoyed while rubbing her head.
"Especially with how bad things are here right now." Thorax added getting back up again.
"I'm just glad you two are here, but do you know where Spike is?! We were supposed to meet up here?" Twilight asked really worried for him which made them remember what happened.
"Right! We need to find him fast! The commander of this attack kidnapped him!" Ember shouted with fear which made them look terrified.
" WHAT?!" They all shouted terrified to hear that news.
"And what's worse, the commander injected Spike with some strange.. dark blood.. I don't know what it was, but it's definitely not anything good." Thorax said really scarred for his friend.
"Where did they go?!" Twilight asked looking directly at them.
"We saw them going this way! Come on!!" Ember shouted quickly running in one direction, the other's quickly took after her and tried to find they're friend.

Meanwhile with Spike, he was knocked out cold after he was injected with this strange blood, even while passed out, he could still feel the stuff moving around his bloodstream, and it felt like his body was on fire. The commander had placed Spike in a cage and was on top of another Dreadwing.
"We got the Purple Dragon! Let's get him back to Cynder! Fall back for now!" He ordered which made all the apes who were attacking the village stop, they began to regroup back with the commander who was at the entrance, he raised his staff in the air and he charged up a powerful magic blast, he aimed it directly behind them and shot something to the entrance, this somehow created a dark portal that was made of black and purple energy, it seemed to lead somewhere completely different, and they began to move to it.
"Let's leave this world! We'll come back here when the Dark Master orders us to! These horses won't stand a chance." He said mockingly as dozens of apes were jumping through the portal,

The commander was about to make his way through himself until a magic beam shot directly next to him.
"Your not going anywhere!!" Twilight shouted while she and they're group was charging at the commander with rage.
"Give us back our friend!!" Ember roared while charging up another fire blast.
"Pathetic, you don't know when to quit." He mocked before he raised his staff up yet again and charged a powerful blast.
"Let our friend go!!" Thorax screamed while they all made a battle cry and lunged directly at him in slow motion, but the commander charged up his staff with enough power, and he shot a powerful blast at all of them with a force strong enough to send them flying away from him.

Everyone screamed as they hit various parts of the village and landed down while groaning with pain. Twilight coughed roughly and tried to get back up, but she could feel her body was weak and her vision was fading out, but she could see the commander looking down at her, with Spike held captive.
"You are all supposed to be this worlds protectors? This is just sad, when the Dark Master comes, there will be nothing you can do to stop him and Cynder." He said evilly once again while Ember was getting up again.
"No.. let.. him go!!" Ember begged trying to reach to him, but the commander didn't even respond to this and turned back to the portal as the monster began to fly in the air.
"See you soon, you pathetic pony's." He said mockingly before the bat was flying directly at the portal.
"No.. no!!" Ember screamed while she lunged at him in a last ditch effort, she tried to reach him as fast as she could, but the monster had reached it's way to the portal, and in an instant, they vanished in a purple light, and the portal vanished too just as Ember reached it, but fell on the ground after being too late.

"No.. no! No!!" Ember shouted with terror while everyone was horrified to see Spike get kidnapped.
"This cannot be real, this can't!" Rainbow Dash said with terror not knowing how to process this.
"Oh my Celestia!!" Pinkie screamed with terror really loudly which hurt they're ears.
"Spike! no!" Fluttershy said horrified while she tried to find any way to help, but she didn't know how to do it.
"Spike.. he can't be.. he's.. gone.." Twilight said with terror seeing her little brother get kidnapped.
"Spike.." Applejack said with fear while horrified at the thoughts of where he is now.
"No.. no.. SPIKE!!!!" Ember screamed with terror and anger as the camera pins over the village that was burning badly, with only smoke and ash being seen from the sky's, Spike was kidnapped, and they all feared what could happen with him..

1: A Grim World

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1 day ago, before the attack of Ponyville, and the capture of Spike..

We open to a shot of a dark and grim fortress, there was dark lightning flashing all around the place, there were strange monster's made of both metal and the strange crystals that surrounded the place, the energy of the crystals were seemingly being absorbed into these strange machines to power them, like they were some kind of weapons.

There were dozens of familiar ape soldiers guarding the place, and they were all marching around and growling with anger, but one of them was larger then the rest, it had a very large staff with a green gem in the center and was marching to the center of the huge tower, it was filled with dark black metal that surrounded the entire place, there were sharp traps and spikes coming out from the outside, and inside, it looked like a stronghold, for something powerful and dark.

The commander marched through the place and didn't look at any of the scary stuff that was around him, at this point, he's been used to it. He's been serving under his dark master for decades, he's embraced the darkness and all the scary stuff that comes from it, he doesn't have a single hint of fear or sorrow when around this place, but his master was on a whole other level.

He recently got reports of a certain dragon they've been trying to track down, and destroy. While they searched all around this world to find it, they couldn't, the purple dragon. He was a dragon prophesized to defeat they're dark master, and put an end to their reign, and they didn't want that, so they struck first, and hard, making sure no dragons could be born in order to help fight back, they captured 3 of the elemental master's, but the master of fire Ignitus was still out there, but they will find him soon.

They're master has been searching all over the world for this dragon, she is a cruel and merciless black dragon with a roar that can pierce into ones soul, it was the sound of dread and fear, she was known as the Terror Of The Skies, Cynder..
She was the Dark Master's right hand, a dragon that was born from the master's dark magic which corrupted her, and made her a purely evil being, with no real way of being redeemed, she was cold, cruel, and would even kill her own soldiers if they fell out of line, and that would even be him if he messed up, and what she summoned him here for is something important, and he cannot fail it.

The commander went up an elevator that slowly rose all the way to the top of the fortress, he could just feel her presence the closer he got to the top, she gave off such an aura that no one could ignore, she was something that truly gave anyone fear and dread, she's easily the strongest dragon to be in this world yet, and not even the Elemental master's together could stop her.

But soon, he finally came to the top, lightning flashed over the dark fortress in a grim fashion, it was a place where hope goes to die, and Cynder had personally built this with her claws, and she is rather proud of how dreadful she made this place, and knows anyone foolish enough to come here would lose all bravery they had.

The commander had arrived at the very top of the fortress, and the sight was like normal, lightning was flashing all over the place as dark clouds surrounded the place, there were heavy winds and monster's that flew around the sky's for any intruders, and at the very top of the fortress, the commander could see her, she was sitting on the tip of the roof glaring down at him.

"Cynder.. you summoned me.." He said bowing in respect, Cynder scoffed seeing this and lunged directly down to him, she landed on the ground which made the ground shake a little, her being up so close gave him so much fear, he never tended to show it to anyone, but with Cynder, she's the one thing that scares him.
"I did, I've heard reports you've found the Purple Dragon? After over a decade of searching for him, you finally did something useful, where did you find him?" Cynder asked in a demanding tone.
"We.. looked through some of the spells we had, we found one that opened a portal to another world, this world is called Equestria, and after looking over it, we found one small Purple Dragon within a village of pony's, he's very small, and weak looking, he must be the one." He reported respectfully which made her scoff hearing that.
"How do you know he's THE one, and not just one dragon that looks like most of that world?" Cynder asked circling around him, like she was gonna strike him like a tiger.

"We looked around that world some more, we couldn't find any other dragons that looked like him, and plus, we detected a strange familiar aura coming off of him, something that's different from the rest of the dragons in that world, he's different, and that must mean he's the one we've been looking for." He explained some more which made her shake her head again.
"Commander Claw, we have searched all over this world to find him, you think that this little dragon is what we're looking for? I wouldn't even bother to go after him if he's just as pathetic as the dragons of that world." Cynder said not really interested in this.
"That's the thing ma'am, we looked into where that dragon came from, and the origins are unknown, the only thing we could find after close examination, was that he was hatched from a purple egg, with darker purple spots, it was found in the woods nearby that town, and no one knows why it was abandoned." Claw explained which finally got Cynder's interest.
"It was left alone in the woods? Without a parent with it?" Cynder asked sounding a bit upset hearing that.
"Y.. Yes, the only thing we can conclude with is that Ignitus might've found a way to sent it to that world with a spell, and if that's true, this could be the one, or it could be something just as important." Claw explained more while she hung up from the ceiling looking down at him.

Cynder thought over this, while this could be the purple dragon they've been searching for, it was a huge IF, and even then, she has her own secrets to keep, but this may tie into this prophecy after all.. after some heavy thinking, Cynder got a little plan to capture that dragon, and even make this dragon loyal.
"Very well.. I want you to gather your best soldiers, go to that world and capture that dragon, and bring him to me, alive." Cynder demanded landing back down to him, and she towered over him which made him afraid.
"Y.. Yes Lord Cynder, is there.. anything else you need me to do?" Claw asked shaking a bit, Cynder smirked and used her tail to grab something in a case, after a few seconds, she pulled out a strange vile with some dark blood inside it, she put it on her claw and held it to him.
"When you find this purple dragon, inject this into him, it is my own dark blood, and it will corrupt him over time, this will destroy any chances the prophecy has of being fulfilled, and I'd prefer seeing the Purple Dragon suffer then dying easily. Inject this into him, and bring him to me alive, do I make myself clear. Commander?" Cynder asked looking at him dead in the eyes with rage.

"Y, yes lord Cynder, we won't fail!" Claw said taking the vile from her while she scoffed hearing that.
"I've heard that before, pray you don't Claw, or you'll be another dead ape among the ones who've fallen in the war, and I'll personally make sure you join that pile." Cynder warned before she turned away from him and it made him even more afraid.
"Yes Cynder! We'll be back with him soon!" Claw said respectfully before running off quickly leaving her alone, Cynder looked at the dark clouds that surrounded her fortress, it was a darkness she's been embracing for so long, something she enjoyed to see, but while she looked over it, she thought over that egg she was told about, purple with darker purple spots.. While the Purple Dragon was meant to hatch from a purple egg, this was a specific detail, and she had one idea on what this could mean, and she didn't just give him that vile to corrupt this dragon, it was for something else.. something more important..
"We will see you soon little one." Cynder said to herself looking over the sky's, and waited for the news of this dragon to come to her again..

Present time..

Spike groaned in pain as he finally felt himself waking up, but his body hurt a lot, he felt like there was something inside him he couldn't get out, it made him feel sick to his stomach and it's one of the things that woke him up, followed by the sounds of chains, and the sounds of apes..
Spike's eyes opened up instantly hearing that sound as he remembered what that sound came from, he woke up with a gasp and quickly stood up, but ended up hitting what looked like the bars of a cage.
"Ow.." Spike said annoyed rubbing his head, Spike shook his head a few times before he finally regained his focus, and to his fear, he found himself within a cage, that was being carried by some of those weird bat monster's, Dreadwings as he remembered what they're name was.

"Where am I? What's going on? Twilight?! Ember?!" Spike asked trying to find a way out of the cage until a loud bang hit the cage.
"Keep it quiet down there you pest!" A familiar voice demanded which got Spike's attention, Spike peaked out of the cage and saw that strange monster looking down at him, he was riding on the Dreadwing, and looking around some more, he was being carried in the skies somewhere, but it wasn't Equestria, it was somewhere completely different, somewhere that looked ancient..
"Who are you?! What do you want with me?!" Spike shouted trying to escape this cell which made him growl in response.
"Keep quiet down there! Or we'll feed you to the Dreadwings!" An ape shouted before he suddenly shocked Spike with one of the crystal staff's he had which made Spike scream in pain as a green energy went around his body.

The ape finally pulled back after a few seconds and Spike breathed heavily after he pulled away, he then groaned even more as he felt his arm feeling like it was on fire, he looked down to it and saw there was something wrong, the spot where he was injected with that strange blood was changing a bit, he could see some strange veins moving spreading, it was really small right now, but Spike's heart was starting to beat rapidly seeing it, but he needed to find out where he is.
"Who are you monster's, where are you taking me?!" Spike asked again looking at the apes, there were at least 3 groups of them on these Dreadwings, and they were flying through the skies, seemingly heading somewhere.
"We're taking you to our master, we were ordered to bring you here, and your fate will be decided whether you live or die by her hands, now shut it!" Claw shouted again which scarred Spike a bit.

Spike needed to find a way out of here, hearing those words meant they had bad plans for him, and if he just sits around and waits, he won't make it back home. Spike was breathing heavily while he tried finding a way to escape this cell, while there was a door with a keyhole in it, he doubts he can get the keys, but maybe he could pick the lock? But even then, he had do deal with the people watching him, he looked over the numerous apes guarding the cage, and the Dreadwings flying above, but then he got an idea.

He looked over at the staffs the apes were holding, and remembered what they did, while it's gonna be a painful idea, it may be just what he needs to get out of here. Spike took a deep breath and began to shake the cell around, he was gonna try to get their attention, and that's what the shaking did, Spike kept rocking the cell back and forth to annoy them, he had one chance of escaping, and he hoped it would work.
"Stop doing that you brat!" Claw shouted finally noticing his shaking.
"why? I can't just shake around in a cell? Talk about being no fun." Spike mocked which made him growl in anger.
"Taze him again!" Claw ordered to the one next to him, the ape grinned and held out the staff yet again, and Spike braced himself as the staff hit him and tazed him really badly.

But Spike knew this was coming, and pushed through the pain and grabbed the staff with his claws while he was being tazed which surprised the ape.
"Let.. me.. go!!" Spike screamed before he finally pulled the staff away from the ape and took it himself, he breathed heavily after being freed from the tazing and held the staff in his claws.
"Give that back you pest!" The ape shouted before it tried reaching for him, but Spike held the staff and used it's own power against him, he tazed that ape back and got it's body badly tazed which made him make a monkey screech. This got everyone's attention and they saw Spike was somehow tazing one of they're own men!
"Stop him now!!" Claw ordered with anger which made more of the Dreadwings fly right beside the cage, Spike saw more of these apes with more staffs to taze him, but he quickly ducked under they're attack and it missed him, Spike knew what he had to do. So Spike carefully put the staff out of the cages bars and slammed it upwards.

This caused the staff to painfully Taze the Dreadwing as well, it screeched with pain and began flailing around violently, this shook Spike's cage around roughly while he kept on tazing him.
"Come on.. a little.. more!" Spike told himself while the monster screeched even more, eventually the Dreadwing couldn't take the pain, and finally let go of Spike's cage, but it ended up with the cage beginning to fall to a strange forest far below.
"No!!" Claw shouted with anger before he smacked the Dreadwings head to make it stop, this finally made it regain focus and it began to fly down after the falling cage while Spike was in it.
"Oh boy.. Celestia help me!" Spike told himself while he tried to find a way to escape, the cage was getting faster as it fell, and he could hear the screeches of the monster's trying to catch him.

Spike's cage continued to fall more and more to this strange forest, Spike could see just how different it was, there were large trees that looked like ginormous mushrooms, they were so large one could build a house on it! There was plenty of swamp like areas around it too, and Spike was falling directly to one of these mushrooms, Spike closed his eyes and braced himself for the pain that's about to come.

The cage slammed against one of the trees really roughly, this caused the cage to continue to tumble and fall while Spike was being tossed all around it.
"Ow, ow ow ow!" Spike shouted as he hit multiple parts of the cell, the cage kept tumbling violently down the trees, until it fell down to one more large one, this finally weakened the cage enough to loosen up the gate, and the cage was slammed open and Spike was sent flying out of the cage finally. Spike screamed as he went flying over the place, he kept on tumbling down the trees and hit multiple parts of his body, and his right arm was the spot he got hit the hardest, Spike hit his arm really hard on one of the branches that was right below the ground which made him wince in pain.
"At least.. I'm finally free.." Spike said weakly trying to get back up, but the branch suddenly started to break apart which got Spike's attention, and looking below him.. he was right above a river..
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear before the branch finally collapsed and Spike screamed while he fell directly into the river.

Spike held his breath the best he could after falling inside, he tried to swim his way back up, but his arm was hurt to the point he could barely move it, on top of the pain his body is feeling, it made it really hard to reach the surface.
"No.. I can't.. go like this.." Spike thought to himself as he felt his arm hurting badly, he tried swimming as hard as he could to the surface just above him, he was mere inches away from reaching it, and tried pushing past whatever pain he was feeling.
"Just.. a little.. closer.." Spike thought again as his head was about to reach it, Spike finally managed to reach the surface and his head popped out of the water, Spike took a big breath of air as he was floating in the river, he tried to get his bearings, this was all so overwhelming right now, and Spike needed to keep focus.
"Come on Spike.. you can get out of this.." Spike said to himself while trying to swim for the ledge, but something was pulling him through the river, something strong, and something he could feel in the river, it was the river's currents.
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear again as he felt his body being dragged down the river to somewhere else.
"No.. no! Someone help!!" Spike begged trying to find anyone to help him, but he only could hear more screeches which made his pupils shrink.

Spike looked up above and saw those same monster's flying around the area looking for him, Spike had no choice on this, he needed to be swept up by the river in order to escape them.
"I'm sorry Twilight, I promise I'll find my way back home.." Spike told himself before he took a deep breath and ducked under the water again. Spike could feel his body being dragged by the river's currents, he was being swept somewhere else, he could see the shadows of the Dreadwings on the surface, but kept himself in the water to not be seen by them. Spike knew he had to do this, it was the only way of escaping them, and with the river's guidance, he let himself be dragged by the river to places unknown, his nose only peaking out the surface to keep himself from drowning, and with that, Spike closed his eyes, and he just let the river take him wherever it went. Spike's body floated on top of the river once he was in the right pose, and he went far far into the swamp where he may be safe, all the while the monster's tried to find him.

Claw had searched over the trees he fell through, he only saw the cage that was burst open, it meant he managed to escape, which infuriated him, he was ordered to bring that dragon to Cynder alive, and if he's escaped, she could kill him for failing to do his job.
"Sir, what do we do? How do we find that dragon?" A soldier asked while Claw looked around for any signs of him, he growled with frustration and couldn't find him anywhere.
"Search the area, capture him again, we must bring him back to Cynder as soon as possible!" Claw ordered which they all understood, the Dreadwings screeched again and they began to fly around the forest trying to find him..

Meanwhile with Spike, he had passed out once again as he was floating down the river, his arm was pretty roughed up from the fall, and on top of the strange blood he was injected with, Spike was breathing slowly as the river just kept moving his body down it's stream, a calm and majestic score played while Spike's body went through the strange forest, and strange world, wherever he was now, it was something that would change him forever..

Spike didn't know how long it's been since he passed out, his body was still in pain even when asleep, he could just feel something moving around inside of him, like a parasite or something much worse, Spike could still feel the river dragging him somewhere, he just didn't know where, he at least hoped he escaped those monster's for now, and could try and find his way back.

Eventually though, Spike felt his body stop against something, like he washed up on a shore of a place, Spike groaned in pain as his body just hurt pretty badly, he tried to move, but he was afraid of something coming for him if he did, so he tried to stay still the longest he can. Eventually, he could hear what sounded like footsteps, but they weren't as loud and heavy as the monster's steps made, they felt smaller, and calmer, which did help him calm down a little.

Eventually he felt something come over his body, like a shadow was looking over him, and he didn't know what to expect, but soon, he heard a strange voice come behind him.
"What's this thing? How did it end up here?" The voice asked seemingly looking over him.
"I don't know, but it kinda looks like you, only a bit less chubby then you are." Another voice said in a joking tone.
"Come on Sparx, we don't even know what this is, it could be hurt." The voice said sounding concerned.
"Do we even know it's alive? Look at it, it's barely moving at all." The other one said looking at Spike who was named Sparx apparently.

Spike knew he shouldn't wait for them to leave, so he decided to finally move. Spike made a little groan of pain and finally moved around a little.
"Hey, it is alive!" Sparx said really surprised as Spike finally opened his eyes, Spike groaned weakly and stood up the best he could.
"Oh my head..." Spike said holding it with his claw, he didn't know how long he was out, but he hurt a lot from what he just went through. But he soon saw something come to his side, and he heard the voice speak again.
"Hey, you okay? You look pretty hurt." The voice asked again which got Spike's attention, he slowly turned around to see who it came from, and to his shock, he saw a small purple dragon in front of him! He had dark purple scales with purple eyes, and strange orange horns as well, Spike was shocked to see another dragon was here, and besides him was what looked like.. a dragonfly?

Spike stayed silent while he looked at the two, the dragon didn't look like the ones he's seen in Equestria, it looked far different, and how he and the dragonfly can talk is beyond him, it must be how this world works maybe.
"Hey, can you hear us? Are you deaf, or are you blind? Do. you. hear. us?!" The dragonfly asked loudly which annoyed him a bit, but it's time he responded finally.
"I can hear and see you both, you couldn't give me a minute to process this at least?" Spike asked the dragonfly who he could only think was named Sparx.
"Geez sorry, didn't think you heard me." Sparx apologized flying back up to the dragon, Spike groaned while he tried getting up, while he could walk on his legs, his right arm hurt after falling on it, on top of the stuff he was injected with.
"Sorry about this, but I'm not really in the best situation right now." Spike said clutching his arm which they both noticed was twisted up a little.

"I can see that, you look really hurt, mind telling me what happened?" The dragon asked coming up to him, while he wanted to tell them both about what happened, they may not believe him with how crazy of a story it sounds, being taken from another world by ape monster's and injected with strange blood, so Spike needed to come up with something simple.
"I.. was simply making my way through this forest, I was trying to find a place I could stay at, I.. have nowhere to go, and I may have fallen down on one of those trees really hard, and I fell into the river that swept me down to this place.." Spike said already regretting this lie, while it is a lie, it was something that could be believable.
"What kind of fall could do this to your arm? It looks way worse then a simple fall." Sparx asked looking at Spike's arm.
"Not all of us can endure huge amounts of pain, a fall like that would crush you if you weren't careful, and I fell into the river and got swept down here like I said, and now I don't even know where I am.." Spike said sadly looking over the place, it looked a lot like some sort of swamp, while it wasn't like any swamp he's seen back home, it felt more peaceful then whatever he saw with those monster's.

"Well, to answer that question, Your in our home, me and Sparx live here with our parents, it may be a swamp, but it's a place that we all just like to stay at." The dragon explained which interested Spike, he didn't know whether he meant dragon parents, or dragonfly parents, but he's sorta going to the second option, since this doesn't look like a place a dragon would live in.
"Well, I'm' really sorry to intrude like this.. there was just.. a lot going for me right now.." Spike said shamefully holding his arm again, they could see he was upset about something, but wanted to help him.
"Hey, it's okay kid, we all go through rough times, we can help you if you'd like?" The dragon offered which surprised Spike a little.
"Really? We just met, and your already wanting to help me?" Spike asked surprised to hear that.
"Now hold on there big boy, we don't even know his name, you mind telling us what it is?" Sparx asked looking over him.
Right, sorry, my name's.. Spike, and you are?" Spike asked looking at them both.
"I'm Spyro, and this is my little brother Sparx, nice to meet you?" Spyro introduced which made Spike curious, a strange name, but he liked it already.

"Nice to meet you.. sorry for all this trouble.. I just didn't know where to go.." Spike apologized looking around the place.
"Hey it's no trouble kid, the occasional Frogsweed can be a pain, but it's nothing we can't handle right Spyro?" Sparx asked looking at him while Spike was confused hearing that name.
"You mean nothing I can't handle, he only means it's not a problem, and I think it's best we help you out, especially with that arm right now." Spyro said looking at him, it made Spike feel really relieved knowing that they're friendly, especially after all he just went through.
"I'd really like that.. thanks a lot.." Spike said gratefully while he tried to move.
"Hey, we're only looking out for others, it's what we like to do. Let's take you to our parents, they may know what to do." Spyro said while he helped him move.

But it didn't take more then a few steps for a couple more dragonfly's to suddenly come flying in, one of them was blue while the other was pink, so Spike was right, this dragon may be.. adopted.. kinda like him.
"Spyro, Sparx? What's going on? Who is this?" The mother asked looking at Spike who was still hurt a bit.
"Mom, dad, sorry for the concern, we just found this kid by the river, his names Spike, kinda looks like Spyro, but he said he got hurt when traveling through the forest, took a hard fall from one of the trees and got swept up by the river, and he broke his arm as a result and ended up here." Sparx said bluntly which concerned them hearing it.

"Are you okay little one?" The father asked flying up to Spike, Spike knew he couldn't lie, and he had to talk properly with them.
"I'm.. fine.. really sorry about all of this, I was just looking for somewhere to stay, I had nowhere to go, and I got hurt when making my way through this swamp, I didn't expect to wind up here, really sorry for this you two." Spike apologized which worried them a bit.
"You have no need to apologize, we can understand it, but you really got this injured after taking a hard fall?" She asked looking at his arm again.
"It may seem hard to believe, but it's true, and I don't really know where to go after this.." Spike said sadly looking around the place.

They all had a sad look hearing that themselves, they all looked at eachother like they were thinking the same thing, soon enough, the mother came up to Spike to ask something.
"Child, what is your name?" She asked softly, it honestly reminded him of Twilight's own voice, something calm and assuring, something he could trust.
"My name is Spike ma'am.." Spike said politely which made her smile a little.
"Thank you Spike, I'm Nina , and this is my husband Flash." Nina introduced while Flash waved at him.
"N.. nice to meet you both.." Spike said nervously looking at them all.
"Spike, even though we just met you, we can see you have a kind heart, someone who wants to help others the best way he can." Flash said looking at him too.
"Thanks.. but do you have anything to ask me?" Spike asked curious with what's going on.

Sarah sighed a bit and decided to just tell him.
"Spike, with what's going on right now, and with what we see in you, if you'd like, you can stay here with us, it's safe in this swamp, it may be the best place for you to rest right now." Nina offered which really surprised him.
"Really? You'll let me stay here?" Spike asked amazed to hear that.
"Of course, you are but a child, and we wouldn't just let one be out there, alone, so what do you say Spike?" Flash asked hoping he would agree, Spike didn't really have a choice, but it was the best option he's had all day to be honest.
"Of.. course! I'd be happy to, I'll do whatever I can to help around here!" Spike said with a smile which made them all happy hearing that.

"That's great to hear Spike, glad to have you here." Spyro said helping him up again.
"Nice to finally have someone new to talk too, even if he strangely looks like Spyro here." Sparx said looking at how similar they looked.
"Don't mind him Spike, you'll get used to it after a while." Spyro assured which made him chuckle a little.
"Something tells me I might, can we get going please? It's getting a bit late.." Spike asked as he noticed the sun was starting to set.
"Of course, come on you three, we should go back home now." Nina said as they started to fly off.
"Sounds good to me!" Sparx said flying ahead of the group.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll be alright, so will you, we'll help you however we can. I promise you that." Spyro assured which made him smile again.
"Thanks Spyro, really.." Spike said gratefully as they all went to rest now, even with the bad stuff Spike went through today, he still met some people that were really kind, and whatever comes next, he hopes he can handle it in this strange new world..

2: A Little Game Gone Wrong

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It's been at least one day since Spike was captured to by those strange apes and taken captive to this strange world, he was glad he was able to escape, but the worry's of why they were after him in the first place concerned him greatly, and he's got a bad feeling he's gonna find out why real soon.

But after Spike was found by Spyro and Sparx, he's been trying to adjust living in this swamp the best he can, it's nowhere near as organized and clean like how he was used to, but it's a really nice place surprisingly, Spike is still interested with how Spyro was found by a pair of dragonfly's, but it may be a bit too soon for asking that, so he's just been trying to get along with him the best he can.

While they've only known eachother for a day, Spike and Spyro are getting along pretty well, and even if Sparx is a bit annoying at times, he's just gotta learn to adapt to what's happening with him right now, he got his arm taken care of for now, he had some straps on it to help it move better, it's no longer looking twisted and bent up like it did before, so that was something good.

But Spike could still feel that strange blood within him, and he doesn't know how he should tell this family what happened to him, especially since he's feeling something really strange from it, something.. really dark..

But right now, after all of that, Spike and Spyro were now playing a little game of hide and seek with Sparx, while they did have to find him like normal in this game, they also had to catch him for some reason, but Spike's just glad he can have a little fun at least after what's happened, and hopefully he can find his way back home soon.

Spike and Spyro were currently a bit off from they're home in the swamp, it was a large open area that had plenty of space, with Sparx being so small, it might be a bit tough to catch him.
"8, 9, 10. Ready or not, here we come!" Spyro announced as they finally opened they're eyes, while Spyro already has wings for some reason, Spike didn't, it was something Spike was a bit weirded out by, because he may not be able to fly, but then again, he could be adopted, so he just had to roll with it.
"Where are you, you glowing bug?" Spike asked looking around for Sparx, they could only hear the sounds of frogs and crickets in the distance, it was a strangely peaceful sound that Spike liked to hear, it made him feel more relaxed.
"You see him anywhere Spike?" Spyro asked looking around still.
"We see a golden light, that's him. Do you remember why we're even here again?" Spike asked still a bit weary on all of this.
"Sparx just wanted to have fun, even if it means messing with us. It'll only take a little bit of time, you okay with that?" Spyro asked once more, that sounded simple enough, so Spike didn't mind it.
"Sure, that's fine with me, where is he.." Spike asked as they kept looking around the swamp area.

This place was pretty peaceful compared from what Spike's seen in this world, while he's only seen a bit of it, there's something calm and quiet about this place, and Spike couldn't help but admire the scenery, but eventually, he saw a golden light hiding behind a nearby tree.
"There he is.." Spike whispered to Spyro who saw him, they both decided to walk up to him to end this.
"We see you Sparx, hard to not see you when your body's glowing like that." Spyro teased which finally made Sparx come out of the tree.
"Seeing and catching are two different things big boys." Sparx teased before he suddenly went flying off somewhere else.
"Why do we have to catch him? I thought this was just hide and seek?" Spike asked while they were moving after him.
"That's mainly how we do it around here, you'll get used to it Spike." Spyro assured which was understandable.
"Okay then.. let's just get this little bug.." Spike said while they started moving through the place again.

Spike and Spyro moved they're way around the swamp as they saw Sparx fly off to a higher ledge, the sky was mainly a strange orange color right now, and most of the trees around them looked like huge mushrooms, it wasn't like anything Spike's seen in Equestria, but it was something unique. Spike and Spyro mainly had to jump over a small gap which wasn't too big for either of them, but they soon found Sparx was moving to what looked like a unstable bridge and flew far across it just to tease them some more.

"Sparx what are you doing, you shouldn't be going that far out!" Spike said a bit annoyed with him again.
"Aw what's wrong you two? Can't fly, oh wait that's right you both can't cause you walk everywhere, that's too bad." Sparx teased in his own weird playful way which made them scoff.
"Your toast when we catch you!" Spyro said ready to run across it.
"This bridge looks a bit unstable Spyro.." Spike said a bit uneasy about it.
"Just run as fast as you can Spike, on 3, Okay? !.. 2.. 3!" Spyro announced before he and Spike quickly started to run across the bridge, the vines they ran on were stable enough for the both of them, but they just barely made it across as it all collapsed/
"I don't know how Sparx hasn't gotten squished or something yet with how reckless this is.." Spike said shaking his head at the sight.
"That's just luck my friend, but his will run out eventually. Let's go get him." Spyro said brushing it off, Spike nodded in response and they went after him yet again.

The two kept chasing after him the fastest they could, Spike could still feel his arm hurting from what he was injected with, but it must've calmed down for a bit, so it may not be something for concern for now, but they were about to finally catch Sparx who was just ahead of them.

"We got you now Sparx!" Spike said confidently while he was just above them.
"Aw that's a lot of confidence coming from someone who's so sma.. AH!!" Sparx screamed before a strange frog monster suddenly jumped out of the ground and ate him!
"What the heck is that?!" Spike asked a bit scarred of the thing while Spyro didn't show much fear at all.
"Don't worry Spike, it's just a Frogsweed, nothing to big to worry about at all." Spyro assured which was a bit strange to hear, but he just decided to roll with it.
"Okay then.." Spike said weirded out while they turned back to the monster.

"Alright let me out of here you overgrown fungus! Hey Spike, Spyro! Give me a hand here will ya buddy's?" Sparx asked sounding a bit desperate from within the monster.
"Jeez i don't know Sparx, Frogsweed has to eat too." Spyro teased which made Spike chuckle a little.
"Spyro, Spike whack it! Come on I'm your buddy my wings are getting moldy!" Sparx said annoyed from inside the thing.
"Let's just get him out of there." Spike said clutching his fists.
"Leave that to me, all it takes is a small whack.." Spyro said before he whipped his tail right at the things face which sent it to the wall and it finally spat Sparx out who went crashing into Spyro's chest.

"And it's easy as that." Spyro finished which impressed Spike to see it.
"Just like that huh? Neat." Spike said impressed while Sparx was getting up.
"Ugh, now I smell just as bad as Spyro does.." Sparx mocked suddenly before he got up again.
"Oho, and that's pretty bad! Give him some bathing advice Spike, see ya later suckers!" Sparx teased before he flew off yet again.
"So much for gratitude." Spyro said a bit upset to see that after they saved his butt.
"Let's leave him in a Frogsweed a bit longer next time alright?" Spike teased which he smiled a bit at.
"Sounds fun, let's just get this done with." Spyro said while they began to move after him yet again.

Spyro had flown through a bit of a blocked path which didn't take too much for Spyro to knock down with his horns, Spike was quite impressed with his strength, even for his size, Spyro can pack quite the punch with his horns, and it helps give Spike motivation to step up his game with his own, they had to take care of a few more Frogweeds along the way, but Spike got used to them pretty fast as they weren't near the level of scary as what that ape did to his home.

"So Spyro, I gotta ask, how'd you learn these little moves you know?" Spike asked looking at his small moveset.
"Taught it myself, when your on your own you gotta at least be able to defend yourself, I can show you it sometime if you'd like? You look like you need some moves to protect yourself." Spyro said recalling what they were told.
"I'd like that, thanks.." Spike said a bit glad to hear that.
"No problem, I'm just glad to have another person to talk too, it's been kinda boring around this place without anyone to talk to besides our parents." Spyro said looking at him too.
"I'm just glad to have someone with me in general, I just hope we can stick through this together, right?" Spike asked hopefully again.
"Of course, Sparx is just up ahead, come on." Spyro said quickly moving ahead some more while Spike followed behind.

Unfortunately though, Sparx found what looked like a corpse of a strange dead creature, and it looked like the entrance to a cave that was blocked off.
"Hey! Sparx that place is somewhere we're not allowed to go!" Spyro said annoyed with him possibly endangering them all.
"Are you trying to get yourself hurt?" Spike asked upset with this too.
"Psh, that doesn't matter to me, either catch up or give up dudes!" Sparx said before he flew into the thing which was just annoying.
"I swear I'm gonna slap that dude someday." Spike said pinching his nose at this.
"You and me both pal.. mom's gonna be real mad at him for this.." Spyro said already afraid of what she'll say, but with that out of the way, they both looked at the cave with concern.

"Okay.. just a little jump and spin.." Spyro said before he jumped in the air and somehow spun his tail around multiple times to carve open the path for them to move through finally.
"And we are good to go." Spyro said proudly landing back down while Spike was amazed.
"Your really talanted with your moves Spyro, especially with how young you are." Spike said smiling at him which he chuckled at.
"Hey you'll learn this stuff too, come on, let's go after him." Spyro said before he climbed up into the cave, Spike didn't waste another second and climbed in too to catch up.

Spike and Spyro made they're way through this small cave, while it did look a bit scary on the outside, on the inside there wasn't much to say much about, it definitely was something that used to be a creature for sure, but he didn't see anything other then a rib cage along the walls and ceiling, and some gross water they had to walk through, and that was mainly it.

"Why is this place blocked off Spyro?" Spike asked looking around the cave.
"Cause mom said that it's a bit closer to the exit of the swamp, and she hasn't really wanted us to go outside the swamp, I don't know why, but I'm sure it's for a good reason." Spyro explained reflecting on what Sarah told him.
"I wonder why.." Spike thought to himself while he kinda figured out why that was, for protection. They both looked around the cave trying to find him, Spike clutched his arm again as he felt it sting a little yet again, but it soon went away and he sighed in relief.
"Where did that little bug go?" Spyro asked looking around for him until they heard a nearby voice speak.
"Has anyone seen two giant purple things around here I think I lost mine?" Sparx teased which they both shook their heads at hearing.
"Dudes practically begging us to smack him a little when we catch him." Spike said as he saw a nearby light in the distance.
"Let's just get him and get out of here quick, this place gives me the creeps." Spyro said before they started running through the place yet again.

Spike and Spyro continued to chase after Sparx through the narrow cave, while it could be considered scary to some, for Spike it wasn't anything at all, with the Everfree forest and other scary things he's seen back home, this wouldn't do much for him if he hadn't seen them, but he was getting a bad feeling the further they went through the place, like something was warning him of a bad thing to come..

Eventually, Spike and Spyro finally made it out of the cave, and it looked like the game was about to end.
"We've got you cornered Sparx, let's just go home now." Spike said ready to end this.
"It's gone on for long enough Sparx, just stop this now." Spyro said agreeing to this too while Sparx kept flying above them.
"Come on guys, I'm starting to get a little bore... AH!!!" Sparx screamed again before something else grabbed him, but it wasn't a Frogweed, instead it was something much worse. Spike's eyes widened in fear as he saw the very same apes that captured him, but there were far fewer in numbers, and Sparx was placed into a cage by the leader.
"Sparx!!" They both screamed before they chased after the apes, even if Sparx was annoying at times, he was still a friend, and they had to save him.

The apes had noticed them both and Spike was a bit afraid, but more angry then anything for what they've done to him, and what they're doing now.
"Well well, looks like there are more dragons then we thought, 2 purple dragons? Now that is something special." Claw mocked as he towered above all of them.
"You stupid ape! Let me go now!" Sparx shouted from within his cage which made him laugh in response.
"Take care of them, and make sure that little dragon is properly secure this time!" Claw ordered pointing at Spike which made him growl hearing this.
"Do you know him Spike?" Spyro asked seeing his expression.
"No, but he's ticking me off. And he's gonna pay." Spike said clutching his fists, he felt a strange strength coming from his arm with the anger he was feeling, like something was giving it more power..
"I don't know who this guy is, but he's not gonna get away with this!" Spyro said before they turned to the apes and got ready to fight, even if Spike's never fought properly, this is something he needs to adapt with.

They both stood they're ground and charged at the apes with anger, Spyro bent his head down and charged directly into one of the small groups, he ran right into the thing before he slammed his head upwards which sent the ape in the air like an upper cut, Spyro then jumped in the air and twirled around a bit before he slammed his tail on the ape which sent it back down into more, they went down a bit easily surprisingly, but these must be smaller ranked if this means anything.

Spike dodged out of the way of one of their sword slashes, and he delivered a kick the best he could to the ape which sent it back into another group, Spike could feel his arm getting more tense the angrier he got, he didn't know what was going on, but knew this isn't normal. One of the larger apes saw Spike and roared at him, he quickly charged at Spike while raising up another staff like the ones that tazed him before, but Spike didn't fall for this one, Spike didn't know why, but he raised his right arm up and delivered a punch to the monster, while he expected to feel some pain from it, surprisingly he didn't. And instead the punch was strong enough to knock it down in one fell swoop which surprised him and Spyro.

"Whoa dude, are you alright? I thought your arm was injured?" Spyro asked concerned while he tail whipped another small soldier behind him.
"I.. thought so too.. I don't know how but it feels.. stronger.." Spike said gripping it, he didn't feel any pain from it anymore, but it did give him something to fight with, even if it's a basic arm punch, it's something.
"So the dark blood is working.. it shouldn't be long till he starts to feel the affects.." Claw thought to himself while Spike and Spyro continued to fight off the apes, Spike jumped off of Spyro's back and delivered a new air drop kick to one of the apes, he's seen Rainbow Dash do it before, and tried to replicate it the best he can.

Claw was beginning to get frustrated seeing them still hold they're own, and now tried throwing TNT at them, Spike saw this and didn't wanna play around with him, so Spike quickly grabbed the thing and threw it b ack at him as payback for what he did, and Claw barely dodged an explosion that was sent right to him which made him growl even more.
"That little pest.. " Claw said with anger while Sparx began to laugh mockingly.
"Oh you afraid of being beaten down by them? That's surprising coming from something like you, but then again I don't even know what you are, so maybe being afraid of losing is your thing!" Sparx mocked which angered him even more.
"I've had about enough of you!" Claw said before he slammed the thing on the ground, he raised his foot up in the air and was about to crush Sparx.
"Sparx! No!!" Spyro said with fear before it suddenly turned into rage, Spike felt this too and should've done something he's had from the beginning.
"Leave him alone!!" Spike shouted before he took a deep breath, and he and Spyro both breathed fire at him which made him make a monkey screech and he finally backed off while trying to put the fire out.

They kept breathing the fire on the apes for a bit longer until they finally stopped, while Spike was glad Sparx was safe, Spyro was really surprised with what he just did.
"Whoa, was that fire dudes?!" Sparx asked amazed with what they did.
"I.. I think it was! You can do that too Spike?!" Spyro asked looking at him with surprise as well.
"I may have told you how I got to this place, but I haven't told you everything, but that'll come for later, for now, we have someone to save." Spike said turning back to the apes who were surrounding them.
"Right, we'll talk about this later, let's get this done." Spyro said getting in his stance while Spike readied his arm again. Claw growled at this and knew he had to retreat, there was clearly a problem if they had 2 purple dragons here, and this needed to be known.
"Take care of them! I gotta report this to Cynder!.. she won't be happy to hear this.." Claw said whispering that last part to himself before he ran off while Spike looked confused.
"Cynder?" Spike asked trying to figure out who that was, but that didn't matter right now, and they had to focus one the task at hand.

Spike didn't know why he tried breathing fire on them from the beginning, with his and Spyro's fire, they were able to burn most of they're weapons to ash, these were definitely some of the smaller ranked soldiers, because the ones he saw had tons of huge metal weapons and more magical stuff, so these clearly were the weaker ones, why they didn't send the stronger ones after Spike when he escaped is beyond him, but this gave them the chance to end this.

Spike breathed his green fire on another soldier while Spyro charged into it with his horns, they both did enough to play a part in fighting these monster's off, Spike grabbed one of the smaller apes arms and tossed him around like the puny ape it is, Spike's arm just felt so much different, and it had to be because of that dark blood he was injected with. Spyro smacked another ape with his tail which knocked him down, the numbers were getting fewer and fewer the more they fought, and they weren't getting tired, they were down to the last group of enemy's finally, and with one final fire stream, they took them all down.

Spike breathed heavily as they took in this moment, this was the first fight he really did by himself, without Twilight or any of his friends back home to help him, even with Spyro, this was something he did himself, and being able to have fought them off gave him a rewarding feeling, and he was glad to know he can fight when against the right people.
"That was a bit tough, but we made it through, you alright Spike?" Spyro asked looking at him while he held his arm again.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. Don't know how my arm can punch so well, but it's something else for sure.." Spike said looking at it with interest.
"There's a lot more to you isn't there? Where did you come from exactly? That commander seemed to know you?" Spyro asked curious with him, Spike sighed as he knew he couldn't keep his secret up forever, but it was to soon to explain everything.
"It's a lot to go over, but I'll say this, we have met before, and he's not friendly, he's the reason I was out in this swamp alone, and that's all I really wanna say right now, I'll explain more later, but I don't wanna talk about the rest right now okay?" Spike asked hoping he doesn't' have to drag this out.
"That's alright Spike, I'm just interested that's all, but I can understand, thanks for at least telling me part of it." Spyro said glad to know a bit more about him.
"No problem.." Spike said as they went over to Sparx's cage to free him.

It didn't take too long for them to smash the cage open which finally freed Sparx, they got into a lot of trouble because of him, and Spike just wanted to go back now.
"You alright Sparx?" Spyro asked looking up at him.
" You almost torched me dudes! Wait.. did you two breath fire?!" Sparx asked remembering what they both did.
"I.. think we did.. you've done that before too Spike?" Spyro asked turning to him once again.
"Like I said, there's a lot about me that you don't know yet, but I don't wanna go to in depth on it right now, it's just too much for me alright?" Spike asked not wanting to talk about it right now again.
"Yeah, I can understand that, we did just meet you yesterday dude, and now we suddenly get involved in a fight with those weird.. furry creatures." Sparx said looking at the soldiers who were down.

"Yeah, trouble that you got us into Sparx! What were you thinking going off like this?!" Spike asked really angry at this.
"Spike's right, we wouldn't have gotten into this if you hadn't gone in that cave in the first place." Spyro said agreeing with this too while he was surprised by this, but it was needed.
"Okay wow! Look I'm sorry dudes, sometimes I get too full of myself and I.. make mistakes, you can understand that.. right?" Sparx asked hoping they did. Spike sighed and looked at him, even if this was because of him, this did set something up for them both, so there's that at least.
"We all can Sparx, but just don't do that sort of thing again. We have a lot of explaining to do back home.." Spike said unsure of how to think of this right now.
"Don't worry, we'll learn more about this hopefully with mom and dad, come on guys, let's get out of here, this game went way to far." Spyro said turning around to the exit.
"I hear that, let's go Spike." Sparx said flying with him while Spike followed too.
"Let's just be glad nothing to bad happened here.." Spike said as the three started making they're way back, they had a lot of explaining to do with Nina and Flash, but there was one thing that concerned Spike as they went back, when the commander mentioned someone.. Cynder. He didn't know why, but that name gave him chills when thinking about it, and he got a strange feeling this is the start of something far bigger..

3: The Start Of A Journey

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Spike proceeded to make they're way back to Sarah and Zon as soon as they could after getting into that little fight, Spike had a bad feeling those apes were still after him, and this incident proved that. While he was glad they were able to save Sparx, they didn't know who this Cynder was, while Spike heard the name, he just felt strange when thinking about it, like it was something he's heard before, he just doesn't know where..

But after a bit of a walk back to their home, Spike and Spyro met up with they're parents, and they started explaining what exactly happened with them.

"And Sparx went to far into the swamp when we were playing the game, we got into some trouble with these strange apes started to attack us, Sparx would've been crushed or kidnapped if we weren't there to save him." Spike explained while Sarah and Zon glared at Sparx after hearing that, he looked really nervous seeing this and knew he was gonna get chewed out for this.
"Sparx, while I know you are always wanting to see new things, you shouldn't put yourself in danger like this, you are a dragonfly, and there are many ways you could get hurt or even die if your too reckless, you need to be more cautious about where your going, at all times." Nina said looking at him who was a bit ashamed.
"She's right Sparx, you got us all into some trouble, if it wasn't for luck, we wouldn't have made it back here. I care for you, but we can't keep getting into stuff like this if it means we won't get out." Spyro said agreeing to this too.
"Alright look, I'm sorry. I was reckless and I apologize, but you should've seen what happened, they both breathed fire! Nearly torched me, and took those apes down easily, and I mean fire, from the mouth!" Sparx said recalling how they did that which made them look at the two with surprise.

"I.. don't know what happened, I just got really mad and then.. whoosh, it was flame city. And Spike's seemed to have done it before, right?" Spyro asked looking at him once again who sighed being asked that.
"I have, there's a lot to me that needs explaining, but I think you two both know what this means.. right?" Spike asked looking at the two dragonfly's, they both had a concerned look being asked that, but they knew it was true.
"What's the matter?" Spyro asked concerned with they're expressions.
"Well it's hard to explain, but it's just that.. we both knew this day would come, especially when Spike arrived, it was the sign that we'll have to tell you.." Flash said rubbing his head a bit nervously.
"Tell us what?" Spyro asked concerned to hear that, Spike had a sad look hearing this, and he knew what this was meaning.
"The day.. we'll have to tell you the truth, and with Spike here, we just didn't know how fast it would come.. but now.. we have to.." Flash said sadly which concerned all of them.

Spike and Spyro continued to listen in on what they had to say, Spike's worry's were proven real after hearing this, while Spike knew something was strange, this confirmed it, Spyro was adopted, and his egg was found by the two near the same place Spike met Spyro, and it.. honestly gave them something to relate too.
"So it's true.. Spyro's adopted?" Spike asked looking at them who were sad to explain this, while Spyro was really shocked to hear this.
"So what your all saying is.. I'm not your real son?" Spyro asked really sad to know this.
"No, no Spyro, you've always been our son, we've cared for you since the day we found you, you just came from somewhere... really far away. Far away from here in a distant, wars rage on and on , and innocent people seem to pay the price for not being strong enough.. and we feared Spike was from this very same land, since coming here was a perfect reason, to avoid such bloodshed that land causes." Nina said looking at them both while Spike was worried hearing that.
"Those apes seemed to be causing a lot of trouble, and the wars are probably because of them, and whoever else they're working with. I was captured by those apes and was being taken to their master, but I found a way to escape, and I ended up here after barely avoiding them." Spike admitted telling more of the truth of what happened.

"What.. happened to the village you grew up in? Is your family still...?" Sparx asked concerned to hear that.
"They're still alive.. I know it, but they wanted me for something else, and from the looks of it.. they'll be wanting Spyro too." Spike said looking at him who was a bit scarred hearing that.
"What could they possibly want with us? What are we Spike? Who are we?" Spyro asked really wanting to know what there is to them.
"Honestly.. I don't know myself anymore, I've always been conflicted on whether or not I had to do something great to prove my own worth, but now I'm practically forced into it, but there's one thing I remember from my family, and my sister, she told me that sometimes we just have to adapt to tough situations, and if we push through it, we'll be special in ways we may not realize it. It was one of the last things I heard from her before my home was attacked, and I was captured by them.." Spike said with regret while they were all sad to hear that.
"That's rough buddy.." Sparx said patting his back which did help a little in ways.

Spyro had a lot to think about this, this meant that he was from somewhere really different, and possibly dangerous from what they described, but he can't just stay around here forever, if he's from somewhere else, he needs to find his home, and know who he truly is.
"Is everything alright buddy?" Sparx asked noticing his silence which made everyone look at him too.
"Mom.. Dad.. Sparx.. while I've always been glad to have spent most of my life with you, this kind of news is something I can't ignore, and I don't think any of us can, if my homes out there somewhere.. I can't stay here, even with the dangers I have to face, I need to find out, I'm sorry to say this but.. I need to leave, I have to find out where I came from.. and who I am.." Spyro said sadly which surprised Sparx, while Spike and the other two looked worried.
"Spyro.. I know this is a lot, but I can understand this.. if your gonna go out there, I'm coming too, those apes harmed my friends and family, and I'm not gonna let them get away with it, even if it means going to dangerous places, I'm not gonna let you go alone on this, and that's a fact." Spike said walking up to him while he was surprised to hear that.

"Are you sure about this Spike? Your still a bit hurt from after we found you?" Spyro asked really concerned for him.
"My arm feels fine by now, in fact I think it's stronger then before, I don't know what those apes want from me, but I'm gonna find out. And I'll be by your side, I promise you that." Spike assured with confidence, and Spyro felt a bit relieved to hear that.
"Whoa whoa whoa dudes, are you two seriously bailing out on us? Leaving people like me behind to go on some spiritual journey?" Sparx asked flying around them both.
"We can't just stay here Sparx, that threat will most likely come here too, and we won't let them harm you too." Spike said looking at them all.
"He's right Sparx, this is your home, our home is out there somewhere, you just need to stay here, where it's safe, where you belong." Spyro said looking up at him while he was a bit upset about this.
"Well I thought I belonged with you Spyro, but I guess I was wrong right?" Sparx asked crossing his arms which made Spike shake his head hearing this.
"You know what, I'm sure I'm wrong with this, you know what? Your both right and I'm wrong." Sparx said before he quickly took off and left them alone.

"Don't you worry about him you two, Spike, Spyro, while I know this is sudden, there is a world out there that is just waiting to be seen, this could change your lives in ways you may not know, but just know whatever happens, you both have a home here." Flash said smiling at them both.
"Thank you, Sarah and Zon, even if I've known you for a short time, I'm just glad to have had someone to take care of me when I needed it." Spike said smiling at them too.
"Your welcome child, all we ask is for you two keep your chins up, and use your fire breaths wisely, while I know you've used it plenty of times probably Spike, just be sure to use it carefully." Zon advised which they nodded in response from.
"Don't be too concerned by your father's preaching Spyro, just be yourselves, that's all any of us can do. Take care of him for us Spike, he's still a young one, and something tells us this may be the last time we see him for a while.." Nina said sadly which Spike perfectly understood.
"Don't worry you two, I'll be by his side every step of the way, you ready to go Spyro?" Spike asked as they knew where the exit was by this point.
"Ready as I'll ever be I guess, goodbye mom and dad, thank you for everything." Spyro said lookin gat them both one last time.
"Your welcome Spyro, safe journey you two, and be careful." Flash said giving them a bow which they returned in response. Spike and Spyro looked at eachother and nodded before they both started to head out to start they're journey, while Spike may be worried on what's to come, with Spyro by his side, something tells him they'll be just fine.

After that last talk with Sarah and Zon, Spike and Spyro started making they're way through the swamp together, even if they have a long journey ahead of them, they'll have eachother for support, and they both has a lot of stuff to think over as they continued on through the swamp.

For Spike, this was the first real journey he was going on by himself, without Twilight or any of the other friends he's had back in Equestria, this is something that can be life changing for him if things go the way they look like, and with the path ahead, something tells him there's far more to this journey then what it seems.

For Spyro, he was just worried on what the future holds for him, he's been raised here for most of his life, and he barely knows much about who he is, and with this bombshell dropped onto him, he just doesn't know if he'll be able to handle it all. They both continued to make they're way through the path that was leading to the exit by themselves, while they thought they didn't have more trouble to deal with, a familiar ape sound got they're attention.

"They're watching us Spyro.." Spike said looking around for them.
"Where could they be? What do they want with us?" Spyro asked not seeing them anywhere.
"I don't wanna know, all I do know is we need to move, now!" Spike shouted as they heard a really loud ape sound which made the two of them run faster into an open area, while they knew they would be followed, they didn't expect it to be this soon.

While the two of them kept making they're way through the swamp, Spyro decided to get to know Spike a little, since he's from somewhere far away.
"Hey Spike, you mind if I ask you something?" Spyro asked which got his attention.
"And what would that be Spyro?" Spike asked turning to him.
"What was your home like? What was your family like? What did you do before you.. ended up here?" Spyro asked curious with his own past.
"Well.. there's a lot to talk about honestly, but my home is certainly a beautiful place, while it does go through it's own problems every now and then, it did have so much to it that was special, my family meant a lot to me, even after all the trouble we've been through, I've always been by there side.. until recently that is.." Spike explained while he remembered the adventures he did have with Twilight and the others.
"What about your parents? Did they look a lot like you or me? What was it like for you?" Spyro asked wondering what it is like, Spike looked a bit sad being asked that, since he himself didn't know who his parents were either.

"Truth be told Spyro.. I never knew my real parents either.. I was adopted.. just like you.." Spike said sadly which surprised him.
"Did you.. find this out in a similar way that I just did?" Spyro asked concerned being told that.
"To be honest, I knew it from the very beginning, I'm from a place far different then where my own family lived, and the times I did go to own kinds land.. let's just say I'm glad to know you, there's not many like you or me back in my own home.." Spike said chuckling at that thought, but it was also a bit sad that he barely knows much about the dragons, and what he does know.. is just very lazy to be honest.
"Do you.. think we'll ever know who our real family's are? What if they do care for us? Or what if.. they.. never did?" Spyro asked really worried when thinking about it.

"You shouldn't put to much on those thoughts Spyro, believe me, I know that. But there's one thing I do know, even if we're adopted, our found family's are just as important for our lives. They helped us be the person we are today, and whether we know it or not, they'll always be our family, a family that we wont' ever forget.." Spike said smiling at the times he's had with his own, even if he's never known his real parents, Twilight and the other's did so much to make his life great..
"That's.. really nice to know, I'm glad to know there's someone who understands what I'm going through, with all that's happening right now, someone like you is what I need most right now.." Spyro said glad that he was with him on this.
"I'm glad about this too Spyro, having someone to relate to is always important. It helps give us more understanding of who we are, and wherever we're going, I'm glad to have you with me on this." Spike said smiling too.
"Thanks for that Spike.. really.." Spyro said gratefully as the two of them continued on through the swamp.

Spike and Spyro continued making they're way through the swamp together, and there wasn't really much to write home about, other then a few more Frogweeds and some new spider monster's, is wasn't much that they're fire breath couldn't handle, they're journey was starting off rather simple right now, but it may get more complex the further they go through it, but soon they saw a familiar golden glow flying up to them.

"Hey, Spyro Spike wait up for a minute, a little moment will ya?" Sparx asked coming in front of them which made them stop moving.
"What do you need Sparx?" Spike asked looking up at him.
"So, me and our old man were chatting for a bit and with this whole belonging thing you talked about, we both decided that best friends should stick together, so I was allowed to come with you both." Sparx announced which did make Spyro happy to hear that.
"Even if two of them are purple, and one of them has weight issues." Sparx joked looking at Spyro which made Spike chuckle a little bit.
"Weight issues huh? At least We've never been turned into a lantern." Spyro joked as well which made Spike laugh hearing that.
"He got you there Sparx! But it's true, best friends should stick together no matter what, so if you wanna come with us, then it's fine with me." Spike said happy to hear this.
"I'm glad too, come on guys let's see what's out there." Sparx said ready to move ahead now.

Now the three of them continued to move through together, while Spike did find Sparx a bit annoying at times, he was still Spyro's brother technically, and best friend, so it wasn't to big a deal he was coming along with. But as they continued to get closer to the exit, they were suddenly ambushed by even more of these apes, who came down from the cliffs above.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed as they were surrounded yet again.
"We've beaten them before Spike, we can beat them again!" Spyro said getting into his stance again.
"He's right Spike, go ahead and show em who's boss!" Sparx encouraged which did motivate him some more.
"You know what, let's have some fun!" Spike said getting ready to go.

All the apes charged at them from all angles, and they both worked together to take em down, Spike jumped in the air as one of them lunged at him, and Spike delivered a drop kick in one they're faces to knock it back, he then dodged another sword slice by ducking under it, he then took a deep breath and let out another stream of fire against the group which made all of them screech as the green fire was all over them. One of the larger ones took out more dynamite and threw it to Spyro, but he managed to whack it back at him with his tail with quick thinking, this sent it right below the apes feat which then exploded around him and the group surrounding him, which did give them more time to breath.

"That ape needs better tactics.." Spike said shaking his head at this sad sight.
"tell me about it." Spyro said agreeing at that statement, but they're little break was soon stopped when they heard a loud crash was heard ahead of them, heavy footsteps were heard and they both looked surprised when a new large monster was marching to them, it looked like a huge swamp monster that was huge, and it roared at them both.
"Okay, now that is a big one!" Spike shouted as the two backed up from it.
"How do we stop this thing?!" Spyro asked while they barely dodged a large fist smashing down.
"Let's combine our breaths at it! That'll do extra damage hopefully!" Spike shouted as he took a deep breath.
"Good idea, ready.. aim.. fire!!" Spyro shouted before they both breathed they're fire on that monster at once, the monster screamed as the fires was consuming it, Spike's fire was different compared to Spyro's, it was a bit more magical, but he could do just as much damage as Spyro's can, but after a lot of fire breathing, the monster soon fell on it's knees and was finally defeated.

Both of them took heavy breaths as they looked over the defeated enemy's around them both.
"That sure felt underwhelming.. but then again.. this is only the beginning.." Spike said recovering his stamina.
"Yeah, and we've only fought against a few dozen of them at this point.. how many more do you think there are?" Spyro asked a bit worried thinking about it.
"Something tells me it's far more then it should be, but that's just my opinion.." Spike said as they started moving down the open path.
"You know you both make a good team together, even if you just met eachother." Sparx complimented which they chuckled at.
"Hey, we're just looking out for eachother, right Spike?" Spyro asked while they kept moving.
"You got that right buddy." Spike said with a smile while they kept moving.

But as they kept moving through the swamp, they were finally nearing what looked like a cave, it did look like it lead out of here, but before they could start moving to it.. a very loud.. monsterous roar was heard all across the sky's, and that terrified them both.
"Move, move!!!" Spike screamed as they quickly ran for the cave.
"Breath Sparx old boy, breath!" Sparx told himself while they tried to take cover from whatever they heard.
"What in the world was that?!" Spyro asked really scarred of what that was.
"I don't know, but I'm gonna go this way, far from it!" Sparx said quickly moving into the cave.
"Good idea.. let's go.. now." Spike said moving inside as well, Spyro nodded and followed them as they entered the cave, and a huge familiar shadow flew over where they just were.. like it was searching for them both..

Spike and Spyro tried calming down after what they heard just moments ago, but not even 10 steps inside the cave, they were greeted by a large red dragon who looked old, but really ancient.
"Whoa.." Spike said with shock as the dragon looked over them both, he had a look of surprise seeing them both, like he wasn't expecting them at all.
"And I thought you two were big ones.. goodness.." Sparx said really surprised to see this huge dragon.

"Your.. your alive? And there's.. two of you?" The dragon asked looking at him and Spike with interest.
"What do you mean by that? Who are you?" Spike asked confused on this.
"Hmm.. even if your here.. it's too late.. too late..." The dragon said closing his eyes which confused them even more.
"Too late? To late for what? Who are you? Do you know where we're from? What are you, what are we?!" Spyro asked extremely concerned at this.
"Hey, please calm down, I know there's a lot you have to ask, but we need to ask one question at a time, okay?" Spike asked trying to calm him down.
"Your.. your right, sorry about that.." Spyro apologized before they turned to the large dragon again.

"You mean you don't know? Either of you?" He asked again which made Sparx scoff.
"Does it sound like they know? I mean Spike here might but even the.." Sparx replied not really getting this.
"While I do know what we are, my friend here doesn't really know, could you explain this?" Spike asked looking at him who was interested to hear that.
"You are both dragons, when you were but an egg, it was my job to protect you, it was my job to protect all of you, but I didn't think there would be two of you, are you brother's?" He asked looking at how similar they are.
"Um.. no.. I'm from somewhere far away, but it was because of those apes I'm here now, and that's just the simple version of it.." Spike admitted which concerned him hearing that, but it only interested him even more.
"Are there other's like us?" Spyro asked wanting to know more about them.

"Other's? There were, four of us, we were guardians, and we had one job, to ensure all the eggs were hatched on the Year of The Dragon. Our very survival depended on those eggs, in order to combat the dark forces that we've been against for a long.. long time.." He explained looking over them both while they both were worried the more they heard this.
"But, our temple, and our home, we're overrun by dangerous forces, numbers that were too much for us to handle, and taken over by them.." He said sadly which just made this worse to hear.
"You mean.. those apes that we've seen before, right?" Spike asked which made him surprised hearing that.
"You mean you've seen them too?" He asked concerned to know this.
"It's the reason we're out here in the first place, what's this about a temple? Can you take us there? Where we come from I mean?" Spyro asked really wanting to know more again.

"No.. no.. it is far to dangerous with what forces occupy the temple now, and what state it could be in. You both don't understand.. after they came for you.." He replied even more before Spyro asked something else.
"They? You mean the same apes that took Spike from his home? Why did they come for us?" Spyro asked which concerned him even more.
"Yeah, they seemed after me and Spyro, I don't know why, but they took me from my home, I was taken from my family, but I met up with Spyro and Sparx not to long ago, but I don't know why." Spike said recalling the events that recently happened.
"Interesting.. but if you must know, there are prophecies of a special Purple Dragon, once born every 10 generations, you two.." He answered looking over them both.
"Wait.. I thought you mean only one dragon? Are you saying that.. I'm a part of this too?" Spike asked looking at himself.
"I only thought there was going to be one purple dragon, but if they were after you two, then it must mean they believe you two are the dragons spoken of, or at least one of you, but if two of you are here.. then that changes everything we know.." He answered once more which just raised more questions.

"Hold on, your saying Spike and Spyro are some special purple.. things? I uh.. think you might have that one mixed up, it's a bit of a stretch.." Sparx said a bit worried about all of this.
"Spyro and Spike? Those are your names? Well I assure you I'm telling the truth, even if you may not believe it. Our home was attacked by the Dark Armies, and they were intent on destroying the dragon eggs, and killing the rest of us. They almost succeeded.. and now they lay siege to the lands far from this one.. we were at war with them.." He explained as he began to tell them about what is going on in this world.
"For many years we have fought in a war over the islands surrounding the lands, we were in brutal clashes with the armies of the Dark Master. He was intent on the prophecies from coming true. Me and the other 3 guardians led our small, but skilled forces into battle, but when we were turning the tide.. Cynder came.." He explained as they hear a familiar roar through the memory's of the war he went through which worried them all.

"Cynder?" They both asked really worried hearing that name.
"Yes.. Cynder.. she is a monsterous.. horrific.. ferocious.. she is a black dragon that fills the skies with terror.. and an unstoppable force of nature.." He explained ominously which was scarring them both.
"Uh yeah you had me at ferocious, it sounds like the thing that was chasing after us guys." Sparx said turning to them both.
"I don't know why.. but whenever I hear that name.. i feel.. really strange when I hear it.." Spike said holding his arm as it felt like it was burning again.
"Yes.. she still searches for me even to this day. And years ago, I watched Cynder defeat the other guardians with no effort at all.. she took them away.. and without them.. all could be lost.. and only I.. Ignitus, managed to escape." Ignitus explained reflecting on his dark memories.

"Wow.. that.. that is a lot to take in.. I.. I need to sit down.." Spike said sitting near the wall to think about this all.
"I can understand it's overwhelming to hear, and to this day, I still wonder what could've been.. what else I might've done to help.." Ignitus said regretting what he's told them.
"Wow.. that sounds fun.. I really wanna hang out with this guy.." Sparx said sarcastically really afraid of this.
"Yeah.. but why have you given up? Spike and I just find out were some special purple dragons, and your telling us all is lost? That we have no home or family left? We've come to far to give up now." Spyro said not giving up on this, Spike soon stood up after hearing this, and knew he was right.
"Spyro's right, if Spyro and I are said to be a part of a prophecy.. then it means there's still a small hope it could come true, and I'm not wanting this world to fall to darkness." Spike said standing besides him.
"He's right, we wanna see where we come from." Spyro said seriously which surprised Sparx.

"Hold up guys, your seriously going along with this guy? He's talking about war and horrific fights and a bunch of bad stuff like that, and your gonna go along with it?" Sparx asked looking at them both.
"It's not like we can go back now, I'm not just gonna sit around and do nothing, I'm wanting to go, and do what I can to help out." Spike said clutching his fist.
"Spyro, Spike, it's not as simple as that. While the prophecies spoke of a purple dragon to put his stamp on this age, they did not tell of the devastation that surrounds us now." Ignitus said not sure of this.

"Well, they weren't sure about Spike showing up too right? He's a purple dragon just like me, so that makes him just as special, we're willing to try, and that's all we really need to do. We both wanna take the first step." Spyro said with Spike nodding in agreement.
"The future isn't easy to predict, even in prophecies, but if I'm here, and me and Spyro are supposed to be dragons of legend, then we need to take the first steps, no matter what it takes." Spike said with a smile.
"Your both actually going along with this lunatic?" Sparx asked really surprised with them agreeing to this.
"Very well you two, we'll go. You both deserve to see the beginning.. before it all ends." Ignitus said as they started to move through the cave.
"Am I the only one sane here? He say's we're all doomed." Sparx said following them both.
"Even if he does, we're not gonna give up on this world, and I'm not giving up hope either, let's go guys." Spike said following along, even with the news they just learned, this is the start of a new beginning for them both, and it is something that will change they're lives forever..

4: The Dragon Temple

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Spike and Spyro proceeded to follow Ignitus through the cave after learning of the legend of the purple dragon, it was a lot to take in for the both of them, Spike was really shocked to know that this world has such a dark history to it, it's quite the unexpected jump from his world to this, but with how the apes attacked him back in Equestria, he should've expected something like this.

But as they continued to make they're way through the place, Spike reflected on what Ignitus told them, specifically this other dragon.. Cynder. From the sounds of it, she may be more dangerous then any villain he's seen in Equestria, she's been commanding armies that layed waste to this land, and she's almost succeeded by now, and the more he thought about her.. the more scarred he was, because it means he and Spyro will have to face her eventually..

But as they kept going, they soon were finally making they're way to what looked like the Dragon Temple Ignitus mentioned, it looked extremely old and ancient, like something out of a fantasy book, this world has a history that is fascinating, probably has more history with the dragons then Equestria ever could..

"Whoa.." Spike said in awe as they were finally here.
"This is something else.." Spyro said amazed as well, and they were only at the front door, Ignitus had went up to it to try and open it, since he's been here many many times before, but he noticed there were some golden statues pushed over some pedestals, like they were the key to going inside.
"Cynder's soldiers must have knocked the other statues out of they're places.." Ignitus declared looking at both of them.
"Other statues?" Spike asked confused on hearing that.
"There are 2 statues on the other side of the statue just like these ones, and when all 4 of them are properly placed, the door opens." Ignitus explained ominously which was interesting to hear.

"Uh yeah that's good, I was never good at geometry, so what do you want us to do?" Sparx asked not getting this at all.
"Spyro, Spike, I need you two to get in there, and move the statues into their place, and that will let us continue forward." Ignitus asked which seemed simple enough.
"Us? How do we do that?" Spyro asked looking for a way inside.
"There is a small tunnel around here that animals use to access the place, find it and use it yourselves." Ignitus said looking around too, Spike looked around for just a little bit until he saw an open tunnel just to their left, it was large enough for the two of them to go into, so it showed they're goal.
"There it is Spyro, let's get in there." Spike said pointing at the tunnel.
"Right, we'll be back in a bit." Spyro said while they put the two statues in front of them in they're places, they were really heavy since they were made of gold, but they managed to put it back on soon enough.
"Be careful you two." Ignitus warned as the two made they're way to the tunnel.
"Don't worry big guy, we got this." Sparx assured while Spyro knocked down some branches blocking the path, and they all finally started making they're way through.

Spike and Spyro proceeded to make they're way through the tunnel, it was pretty easy to make they're way through, other then some larger insects they had to take down with they're fire, it wasn't much to talk about, Spike was interested with how ancient this temple must be, since it looks far older then most sights in Equestria, he just gets more and more interested with this world the more he goes through it, and just wants to know more about it. Soon the two of them came to a path that had a weak area below them, and looked like it could be broken through.
"Hey Spyro, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Spike asked with a smirk looking down below them.
"Oh absolutely, ready to do this?" Spyro asked preparing to break it.
"Hey, when it doubt break it right guys? Go nuts." Sparx encouraged which made them eager to do so. Spike jumped in the air and shot a fire blast at the path to weaken it, and Spyro jumped in the air two, he then twirled around in the air to deliver smash his way down the path which had them fall down safely.
"Man, that felt good!" Spike said stretching his arms.
"Tell me about it." Spyro said feeling great from doing that too.

They could see the other statues just in front of them, so they both knew what needed to be done. Spike and Spyro both pushed the separated statues onto they're pedestals, it was simple and clean to do, and soon enough, the pedestals glowed for a moment before they heard a click sound, which meant the door was unlocked. The door finally opened up after who knows how long, and they saw Ignitus come through to check on them.
"Any trouble you two?" Ignitus asked hoping there wasn't much.
"A little insect stuff, but nothing we couldn't handle." Spyro said brushing that off.
"Yeah, it wasn't much, pretty easy honestly." Spike said confidently while Sparx scoffed a t that.
"Little insects, my tail section." Sparx said crossing his arms again.

"Hmm... at least you two can handle yourselves, that's good to know." Ignitus said relieved at that while they kept moving to yet another door, and it looked locked as well.
"Another locked door huh? This kind of stuff gets tedious after a while.." Spike said shaking his head at this, Ignitus walked up to it again, and tried to speak something that sounded like a password from the sound of it.
"The past is prelude, tomorrow is a dim promise, allow us entrance, do not reject us" Ignitus told the door while they looked at eachother and shrugged at this.
"Was that supposed to do anything?" Spike asked confused still.
"Spike's right, you making that up?" Sparx asked agreeing with this too.

"It should open for us, there.. is a disturbance.. it looks like they desecrated the interior of the temple as well, looks like we'll have to open it the old fashioned way." Ignitus said looking up at a nearby structure that seemed to be a lock of sorts.
"There is a path that connects to the interior, make your way through it, and place any statues back in they're places, it'll open the path forward." Ignitus explained again looking at an open entrance that was a bit of a stretch to reach.
"That looks a bit to far for us to reach Ignitus.." Spike said a bit unsure of how to go forward.
"Spike's right, why don't you help us a little?" Sparx asked looking up there too.
"You want my help? Very well, I'll give you a boost up." Ignitus said as he went over to the entrance which gave them some way to reach the top.

"Great, let's.. ugh.." Spike said with pain as he suddenly felt his arm hurting badly again.
"Spike, you okay?" Spyro asked worried while Spike went on his knees again and held his arm again.
"Yeah, I'm.. okay.. I think I need a bit of a break okay? Sorry about this, but it'll just be this once okay?" Spike asked as it was hurting badly again which Ignitus noticed.
"Well.. alright then.. just be careful here Spike, we'll be back in a few." Spyro said before he hopped up Ignitus and was able to reach the top of it.
"Be careful Spyro, Cynder's forces are surely on they're way, I'll look after Spike while you go through the place." Ignitus said moving to Spike who kept clutching his arm.
"Take care of him for me Ignitus." Spyro said hopefully before he and Sparx started making they're way through the rooms while Spike stayed behind for a bit.

Spike kept clutching his arm as he felt it hurt badly again, even when he didn't think that it would hurt again, this proved him wrong, it felt like that blood he was injected with was spreading throughout his arm.. and it may get worse the longer he has it in him..
"Spike, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Ignitus asked worried sitting down next to him.
"I'm.. okay.. my arm just.. feels really bad right now.." Spike said holding it closely, Ignitus went in to give a closer inspection to see the problem, Spike had to let it go so he could see it fully, and Ignitus saw that something was injected into him.
"Spike.. you said those apes took you from your home.. and you escaped, correct?" Ignitus asked turning to him again.
"Yeah.. they did.. it's a long story.. but I should tell you what's happened.." Spike said taking heavy breaths while he looked at him.
"What did those apes do exactly, where do you come from little one?" Ignitus asked waiting for his story.

"I'm.. from a land called Equestria, if you haven't heard it I don't blame you, I'm from a completely different world, those apes had attacked me and my home, they were there to capture me, me and my friends tried to fight them off, but even after all we've been through, they proved to be too much.. and they captured me.. and took me away from my home, and to this world.." Spike said regretfully recalling what happened to him.
"Equestria? Are there dragons like you or me there too?" Ignitus asked hoping it was true.
"Yeah, but let's just say.. they are far more barbaric then either of us.. I was adopted and raised by pony's, they were some of the only family I ever had, but I did make 1 dragon friend named Ember, and she's the ruler of the dragons now, but something tells me it'll be tough trying to get all of them to be more.. civilized after what been shown to be.." Spike said sitting near a wall while he kept listening, and had a bit of a disappointed look to hear that.

"So our kind isn't nearly as developed as we are?" Ignitus asked sitting next to him.
"No, they seem to just be more brutes then anything, I may have been raised by ponies, but they were more developed and raised me better then they could've, even if I never knew my own parents.. I still loved Twilight and everyone else dearly, and now.. I don't think I'll be seeing them for a while.. especially with this journey I'm going on.." Spike said looking back at his arm with worry, it still hurt even after all this talking, but he still felt the strength from it, he just didn't know how to properly describe it.
"I'm.. really sorry to hear that, but I must ask, what did the apes do to you when they captured you?" Ignitus asked looking at Spike's strapped up arm.
"They.. injected me with something.. I don't know what, but it was some.. dark blood.. they're commander injected me with it.. and it feels like.. the blood is spreading through me.. and while it hurts.. I also feel a increase in my own strength as a result.." Spike said clutching his fist while Ignitus looked worried.
"Dark.. blood?" Ignitus asked concerned to hear this.
"Yeah.. I don't know what it is.. I haven't told Spyro about it either so he doesn't worry.. but it's hard to ignore when it feels like this.." Spike said wincing as his arm was finally calming down again.

Ignitus had a lot of worry's being told this, even if he just met him, being told something like that shouldn't be glossed over, especially with his story in mind. But there was one other thing he needed to know too.
"Spike.. how did you end up being raised by.. ponies? Did your parents give you to them? Or did they..?" Ignitus asked thinking they may have.. stolen him..
"No. they didn't steal me, they would never do that. And I was given by them.. they would've told me when I was ready, and I've been wanting to know this for a long time, my egg was just found in the forest without explanation, we don't know if I was abandoned or not, but we never found out why I was left alone, I was hatched by Twilight with a magic spell, and I've been raised by her for most of my life, and I never really knew where I came from.. or who my parents were.." Spike explained feeling sad at the thought of it.
"Have you.. tried to find anything about them?" Ignitus asked really concerned to hear this.

"No.. we never found anything, and I've started to believe I wouldn't ever find them.. now with this.. I don't think I ever will.." Spike said sadly while Ignitus felt really bad for him.
"I am.. sorry Spike, no hatchling should ever be abandoned, it is our job to ensure all of them are raised and taken care of, and if you were abandoned.. I can't describe how furious the other guardians would be if they hear about this." Ignitus said knowing that this is really bad for any dragon in this world.
"Yeah, I may have had it rough right now.. but I'm trying to get better, but why are you asking me these questions exactly?" Spike asked wanting to get back on track.
"Right.. Spike.. there's something I noticed in that spot you were injected with." Ignitus said looking back at Spike's arm.

"If what your saying is true, about you being injected with dark blood, then I believe it may be spreading through you, and it may.. corrupt you over time.." Ignitus explained which made Spike scarred to hear that.
"What?! What do i do?! How do I stop it?!" Spike asked looking all over himself.
"I don't know, but if we can master your fire, and any other ability's you obtain throughout this journey, something tells me that'll all tie into stopping the blood, but there's something you should also know." Ignitus said looking over him while Spike was really worried.
"And.. what would that be?" Spike asked as Ignitus looked directly in his eyes.
"Spike.. I'm sensing a strange aura around you.. a familiar.. dark aura.. that I only felt from one other dragon.." Ignitus said looking at him.
"Who.. who would that be?" Spike asked while he got an idea of who it could be..
"Cynder." Ignitus said dramatically which made him more worried hearing her name.

"What do you mean by that?!" Spike asked scarred to hear that.
"If my assumptions are correct Spike, you were injected with Cynder's own blood, and it is spreading through you, if you aren't careful, you could be corrupted.. and may become a dragon.. just like her.." Ignitus said already afraid of the thought.
"What?!" Spike shouted with fear hearing this awful news.
"I cannot hide this, if you were injected with Cynder's blood, you are at risk of being corrupted, the signs of you changing will show over time, from your scale color changing, to your features becoming more monsterous like her, you need to be really careful when on this journey, because if your captured by Cynder, I don't think you'll be able to be saved, especially if she knows how to finish the process." Ignitus explained while Spike was terrified.
"Wh.. why would she have me be injected with her own blood?! She doesn't even know me!" Spike said looking at his arm again.. and he could already see some of his scales were becoming far darker then they should be..
"It may tie into you and the prophecies, this is all I can come up with for now, but you must know, you will be at risk during this journey, and you must find a way to stop the process before it corrupts you completely, do you understand little one?" Ignitus asked really worried for him.
"I.. I do.. I have to find a way to stop this.." Spike said looking at his arm with fear now knowing what's happening.
"We'll find I way, I promise you that." Ignitus assured as they concluded this talk.

Soon enough after they finished talking, they saw the door at the top open, and saw Spyro and Sparx arrive, meaning they must've unlocked the door finally.
"You guys take care of the statues?" Spike asked while he jumped down.
"All properly placed, you doing alright Spike?" Spyro asked worried if anything happened.
"I'm.. fine now, let's just get going now alright?" Spike asked ready to move forward.
"He is right Spyro, we must move forward, come." Ignitus said moving to the door himself, Spyro and Sparx did look concerned a bit, but soon brushed it off and followed them too.

It wasn't to far after they passed that door until they came upon a strange glowing crystal, it felt so strange when around it, Spike could feel a powerful energy coming from it.. something far different then anything he's felt.
"What are these things?" Spyro asked looking at the crystals to.
"These are Spirit Gems. A gift from our Ancestors." Ignitus answered looking at them too.
"They're.. amazing.." Spike said looking directly into them.
"What kind of gift is it?" Spyro asked interested with this.
" A gift that is spoken across generations, a gift that empowers you with the spirits of the past, and strengthens you with the wisdom of ages." Ignitus said ominously while they all looked confused once again.
"I feel more powerful already.." Spyro said amazed looking at the crystals.

"Amazing.." Spike said looking at it, he didn't know why, but he felt like he had to hit it. With a fist clutch, Spike made a battle cry and began striking the crystal repeatedly, he felt a strength surge through him the more he punched it, like something was giving him far stronger strength then he ever had before, it was something he never felt before, and it felt amazing. Spike breathed heavily as he felt the energy flow into him, it felt so strong and different, it was like he had new ways of understanding the world after he hit it.
"Are you okay Spike?" Ignitus asked while Spike recovered finally.
"Yeah, in fact.. I feel even better then before." Spike said as his body felt way denser and tougher now.
"I felt that way too, I smashed a similar crystal not to long ago, glad I'm not the only one to feel this." Spyro said happy to know this.
"Me too Spyro.. me too." Spike said as they finally started to move yet again to another door.

But as they were all making they're way to the door, they heard a familiar ape sound which got they're attention.
"Do you two hear that?" Ignitus asked looking at a distant hole in the wall.
"Hear what?" Spyro asked not knowing what it is.
"It's.. them.." Spike said clutching his fist at the thought of it.
"Spike is right, it's what i've feared, Spyro, Spike, perhaps we should turn back.." Ignitus suggested wanting to leave by now.
"What? After coming this far? We can't give up now." Spyro replied refusing to leave.
"He's right, we can't just leave after getting so close now." Spike said not wanting to leave either.

"Listen you two, if the door is closed then it means there are intruders behind it. It's how the temple can protect itself." Ignitus said stopping his movements for a moment.
"Well that doesn't work to well does it?" Sparx joked which made Spike scoff a little.
"So what are you saying then?" Spyro asked not getting the full thing yet.
"What I'm saying, is that the only way the door will open, is if the intruders are dealt with from the inside." Ignitus finished which made Sparx really scarred.
"Oh great, we have to fight off more of them now?" Sparx asked really not happy about this.
"All this just to get into the temple too.." Spike said annoyed at this too.
"I see a way into the temple over there, come on Spike, let's take care of them." Spyro said moving to the path that is easy to be seen.
"Let's deal with these beasts." Spike said with a slight growl while they moved forward to stop this.

The two of them made they're way through as fast as they could, they already heard more sounds from those apes and knew they were close.
"You ready to take them on Spike?" Spyro asked while they turned another corner and saw a large group of them waiting.
"Let's do it." Spike said seriously while they charged at the group with anger. One of them took out another dynamite stick and threw it to them yet again, they both knew how to counter it, and Spike came in and delivered kick that sent the thing back at it which exploded right in front of them all. They knew they weren't done however, and charged into the temple to take care of these pests.

Spike and Spyro could see the largest one just above them, and it was retreating to get more help, they didn't want to let it get away, and Spike and Spyro hopped over more platforms that led to the higher ledge, some smaller ones were trying to stop them, but Spike and Spyro were able to knock them down with they're fire breaths, the strength they got from the crystals helped a ton when they ran through the place, it made them feel more confident they can take the largest one. And they eventually came upon him, it held out it's crystal staff and shot a blast at the two of them, but Spike rolled out of the way while Spyro jumped above to avoid it, Spike quickly charged directly under the ape and went under it's legs, he made a battle cry and jumped in the air, he delivered another strong kick to it's head which knocked it to the wall, and Spyro added in by charging at him with his horns, and knocking him into the air, they both finished the beast off by jumping in the air together, and delivering one strong strike together, that finally knocked the large ape down, and they both sighed in relief after beating it.

"This isn't as hard as I thought it would be.." Spyro said surprised with how well they're doing right now.
"Don't say that so soon Spyro.." Spike said as they continued to charge through the temple to deal with the rest of the apes. This temple was pretty ancient looking even from just the outside of it, Spike could feel so much history has been made here in this world, like it was on the most ancient places in this world, but soon enough, they managed to take down what looked like the last of the apes, and were coming upon the area Ignitus was waiting in.
"Ignitus, I think we're done now.. Spike reported jumping down to him.
"We took care of a few large ones, but I think we're done.. right?" Spyro asked hopefully.
"I fear we may not be done yet.." Ignitus said seriously as they heard more apes coming from behind.

They turned around and saw even more of those apes come into the room from where they entered, and they saw the same commander who took Spike from his world, and Spike growled with anger seeing him here.
"Well well Ignitus, we've finally managed to find you. We've managed to secure your other guardians in places more deadly then you can think of, and you just happened to come across the 2 purple dragons, especially that little pest, this makes our job all the more easy.." Claw said with a grin while Ignitus growled hearing that.
"So you were the one who took Spike from his home? I shouldn't expect nothing less from a monster like you, you've done far to much to my world and kind for too long now! And kidnapping a child is something I will not stand for!" Ignitus shouted spreading out his wings while Sparx and Spyro were suprised with his rage.
"Didn't know the old guy could get so angry.." Sparx said surprised with this while Spike stood by Ignitus.

"You! You took me from my home! Brought me to this place and imprisoned me! What do you want with me?!" Spike shouted growling at him.
"Hmph, the little dragon is mad is he? If he wished to know, we were ordered to capture you, and bring you to Cynder. She has plans for you little pest, and something tells me you will suffer dearly when your in her grasp." Claw mocked which made Spike even madder.
"Why you little..!!" Spike shouted about to charge at him before Ignitus blocked his path.
"Please stand back Spyro and Spike, and let me show you what a dragon like me, trained in the ancient ways can do." Ignitus said getting in a fighting stance.
"They're all yours Ignitus." Spike said backing up to Spyro.
"Capture them all!" Claw ordered which made all of his men charge at Ignitus.

Ignitus roared at all of them and breathed a huge stream of fire across the large group, one of the larger ones tried striking him from behind, but he was whipped away by his tail in response, Ignitus jumped in the air and delivered a powerful ground smash which shook the area greatly, and Ignitus charged his head directly at another group which sent them flying through a wall.
"Whoa, the big guys got some moves!" Sparx said amazed with this display.
"He may be old, but he is really skilled." Spike said agreeing with this display, Claw growled with rage as Ignitus finished the entire group of his men, Ignitus growled at him back and held his wings close to him, like he was charging up a special attack.
"You will all perish!!!" Claw screamed as he lunged at Ignitus one last time, but Ignitus opened his eyes finally and they had fire all around them, and with a powerful roar, a huge fire blast went flying out of him and spread across the room, Claw screamed as he was instantly taken with how powerful the blast was, even with what he showed back in Equestria, Ignitus was skilled enough to put him down.

"You took Spike from his home, tried taking him to someone who is well known to be a ferocious monster, and you know he will never make it out if he was taken to Cynder, I must ask you this, why would you work for such a force?" Ignitus asked looking over him as Claw couldn't recover from the intense burns he was dealt with.
"Cynder.. has an interest with him.. we were told to bring him to her, or else she would kill me if I failed, but now, as I lay here, dying by your hand, is far better then what she'd to to me.." Claw said weakly looking up at the ceiling while Spike walked up to him too.
"From the sounds of it, Cynder would've done far worse to you if you continued to serve her, I guess you can take this as a way of saving yourself, because you won't have to suffer under her claws anymore." Spike said looking at him too.
"Heh, you don't know what's coming, and when your time comes, you will never be the same.. again.." Claw said before he finally passed from the pain of the flames, everyone looked worried as he said those last words, Spike and Ignitus knew what it meant, but Spyro and Sparx didn't.

"What does he mean by that? Are you two alright?" Spyro asked coming up to them too.
"There is a dark future ahead for us all, and the least we can do now, is prepare for the worst." Ignitus said taking heavy breaths while they turned to the door again.
"Whatever comes next.. we'll be ready for it.. come on Spyro.." Spike said moving forward with him.
"Jeez, someone's a bit moody right now." Sparx commented which made Spyro roll his eyes again.
"Let's just go Sparx." Spyro said as they finally could move into the temple now.

The door to the temple finally opened up, and the group made they're way inside, this temple looked extremely ancient, both inside and out, there was a strange green pool in the center of the room they're in, and there were multiple doors that led to other parts of the temple, Ignitus sighed in relief as he was glad to finally be back here.
"Ah.. home.. sweet home.." Ignitus said glad to finally be back here after so long.
"It's nice to come back after so long isn't it?" Spike asked smiling at this, and he nodded in response. The 4 of them continued making they're way through to the next room, Spike had a look of amazement as they entered the next room, there was a huge stone dragon statue in the center of it all, and it really showed how special this place really is.
"I've never seen a place like this before.. it's.. amazing.." Spike said looking at the huge statue above them.
"Yes, but you could only imagine, what it was like in it's prime.. when we didn't get driven out of this place, it was something to behold for all ages.." Ignitus said while they were making they're way to the exit.

They could see what looked like a platform that gave them a view of the land they were in, and with a few more steps, they could finally see where they were, and to say it was a sad sight was.. an understatement. Compared to Equestria, this world looked really messed up because of all the wars that it's been through, there were island he could see in the distance that had smoke coming out from it, and a lot of places that looked like it was once lived in were destroyed, it was a really sad sight to see..
"Wow.. this is.. this is just.. sad.." Spike said really feeling bad at the sight of this place.
"What happened to this place?" Spyro asked really shocked to see it's devastating state..
"This is what Cynder has done with what she's taken, with her iron rule over all the islands, she had her soldiers lay siege to what was once a peaceful land." Ignitus explained with regret while they all were really sad to see this world's state.
"I wanted to see where we came from.. but I didn't think it would be like this.." Spyro said really sad to know what his home is like.
"Yeah no offense old man, but this place is kind of a dump.." Sparx said really surprised with it's bad state.

"Spyro, Spike, this was once our home, if we can work together on this, we can reclaim what's rightfully hours, and make our home a peaceful land once again." Ignitus said looking over his home with regret.
"What do you mean by that?" Spyro asked a bit surprised hearing this.
" What I mean is, my time of fighting has passed, but with you and Spike's help, we just may be able to defeat Cynder for good.." Ignitus said with hope.
"I.. I don't think I can.. not after what we've just learned.." Spyro said really unsure of what to do.
"I don't know if I can do anything.. how could I be of help, if I'm tied to this prophecy somehow, I don't know if I can do it either.." Spike said feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that's happened today.
"You both can, Spike and Spyro. You are both purple dragons, a very special creature, and with two of you, our prayers could finally be answered.." Ignitus said trying to encourage them both.

"You both have given me hope again, and now it's time to give hope to all of them.." Ignitus said looking over the land, while Spike was really nervous on doing this, he realized that if he doesn't try to help, his home could be next, and with the state this world is.. Equestria may not ever recover from what devastation these monsters would do to it.
"I've only been here for a day, but this world has suffered so much even with just this sight, imagining what else has happened to this world is something I won't stand for.. no matter what happens.. I'm wanting to try to help.." Spike said holding his arm again, as he could see more of his scales becoming darker then usual..
"Spike's right.. even if we can't do much.. I want to try, we both will. No matter what.." Spyro said as they both felt confident enough they can help.
"Good you two, that's all I can ask. Come with me please, I have something for you both." Ignitus said moving back to the temple, they both decided to follow him after learning what must be done.
"Spike.. you really sure we can do this? With what we're up against, will we be able to save this world?" Spyro asked worried as they looked over the land together.
"We have to try Spyro.. we have to.." Spike said with hope as they followed Ignitus into the temple again, hoping they could stop the war across this world..

5: Fire Training And First Flight

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Spike and Spyro followed Ignitus back into the temple not to long after they're little talk, they went back into the room with the dragon statue to begin they're next talk, Spike had a pretty good feeling on what he was about to show them, and he was honestly feeling really eager to see what it is.

"So Ignitus, what did you want to show us exactly?" Spike asked while they entered the ancient temple again.
"To make it simple for you, your style of fighting is a bit easy for most to counter, but what you've done is enough to get the job done, you both did your parts when taking back the temple, and you should be proud of that." Ignitus explained as he looked over the huge statue above them.
"Thanks, I guess.. but what are you trying to say?" Spyro asked still wondering what he's gonna show them.
"While you two don't know much about what it means to be a dragon, you both have been raised differently, but you are still dragons at the end of the day. " Ignitus said looking down at them again.
"But if you both are going to have a chance at standing against Cynder and her armies, you will need to learn, far more." Ignitus said ominously which could only mean one thing.

"Oh good.. school" Sparx said sounding a bit uninterested with it.
"Hey, School's fine with me, I have no problem with it at all." Spike said shrugging his shoulders.
"This is unlike any school you've ever known my friends, it is something far different." Ignitus explained moving over to what looked like a switch.
"It is time to unleash the true dragons within you two, each of us guardians is a master of an element. I as you may know by now, am the Master of Fire." Ignitus said while pulling down on the switch, this somehow made the dragon statue begin to lower down into an area that can contain it, and the area opened up a huge amount, so they both can have a dojo from the looks of it.
"Wait, you mean your gonna teach us fire techniques?!" Spike asked sounding a bit excited hearing this.
"Yes I will, and when you master them, perhaps one of you will be as well, let us begin you two." Ignitus said before he moved over to the door to watch over them both.

Spike and Spyro looked at the center of the room and both knew what to do, they both slowly walked into the center to wait for what happens, Spike never thought he would be trained to learn fire techniques, and something tells him he's gonna learn far more then just fire. Soon enough, some dummies that looked like the apes they've fought before dropped down from above and were ready to be taken down.
"You both have unique fire breaths to you, but they can be one and the same, they are both strong and burn with a passion, and you two should start off with learning something simple, and that is shooting a fire ball, it's simple to learn, just focus on one target, and fire it at them, and the fires will surround them both." Ignitus explained as the dummies were moving around them somehow.
"Fireballs huh? Sounds easy enough.." Spike said as he took a deep breath.
"Let's see what we can do.." Spyro said while they took aim at them all.

Spike took the deepest breath he could and homed in on one of the enemy's, and with one move, he shot another fire blast from his mouth, but he was able to make it into a circular fire ball like Ignitus instructed, and the blast exploded around the enemy's as soon as it touched them, and Spyro was able to shoot a fire ball as well, it was easy enough to learn, but it felt so good to be able to use, it would definitely come in handy in the future.
"We actually did it!" Spike said proud to see they did it well.
"That felt really great, I didn't think it would work!" Spyro said amazed as well.
"Good work you two, now onto the next lesson, knock your foes into the air, and use your fire to finish them off." Ignitus advised as even more dummies dropped down, they must have a stash of dummies to use for training.

"Okay.. let's do this!" Spike said confidently while they both charged at the dummies, Spike readied his arm and came right to one of the dummy's heads, and with a confident jump, Spike punched the dummy in the chin and sent it flying into the air, Spike then took another deep breath, and shot another blast at the largest ones which roasted them to ash, while these were simple lessons, they did help Spike learn how to fight more, Ember would be proud.
"Wow, we actually won! This is awesome!" Spyro said amazed while they landed down yet again.
"This is really cool!" Spike said looking at his claws with awe which Ignitus chuckled at.

"Okay you two, now you must try to harness the fire in your claws, try to move it around you, let it flow, unleash it to all the foes." Ignitus encouraged again which was a new lesson to learn.
"Hold the fire in our claws.." Spike said looking at his own, he had an idea of what it meant, and knew what to do. Spike breathed his green fire onto his claws, they swooshed around it like they were trying to escape, but Spike moved his claws around to keep them contained, Spike and Spyro both did this with they're fires, and they were able to start forming they're fire into something, Spike tried stretching his fire out just enough to keep a grip on it, those crystals must've given him knowledge on how to do something special, because with a few more twists, Spike was able to make his fire look like a sword, which he was able to wield around.
"A fire sword! Awesome!!" Spike said swinging it around as the dummies charged at them yet again, one of them swung they're swords at Spike, but he blocked it with his own and parried it back, Spyro joined in by shooting another stream of fire at it and pushing it back, Spike then jumped in the air and raised his fire sword high up, and with one little slice, he was able to cut through the dummy in half with no trouble, it felt awesome to use, and something any dragon back home would be jealous of.

"How can you learn this so fast young ones? I don't think I've ever seen a student progress this quickly before?" Ignitus asked surprised with they're quick learning.
"I'm a fast learner, I have a lot of ways to learn things easily, and this is one of them." Spike said as his fire sword finally dispersed again.
"Yeah, and the fact we're purple dragons could lean into this more too you know?" Spyro asked while they walked up to him again.
"That could explain it, now onto the next lesson. Knock your foes into the air, and hit them back to the ones behind them." Ignitus instructed again as the dojo had a couple more they had to take down.
"This is something we'll get used to." Spyro said while they moved up to the dummy's again.
"Let's hope this just doesn't drag out." Spike said as they got ready again.

Spike and Spyro charged at they're respective targets, Spike slid on the ground before he used his feet to knock the large dummy in the air, he quickly got up and jumped up into the air as well, he then took aim for where the next dummy was behind it, and delivered and air kick to it's head which knocked it down into the other dummy, and Spyro managed to do it too with a horn dive.
"Done and done." Spike said confidently while they stretched they're arms.
"Wait till the folks back home hear this!" Spyro said as they high fived eachother.
"Oh I hear that!" Spike said with a smile while they went back to the start.
"Now you must try and take down your foes from afar, there is a fire wall that will block you from reaching the enemy's, use your fireballs to take them down from a great distance." Ignitus said again while a fire wall appeared in the middle of the room, and they both had to attack the dummy's from the other side.

Spike and Spyro both went up to the wall a good distance, and they could see the dummy's moving around on the other side, they both took a deep breath and jumped in the air again, and with a careful aim, they shot more fireballs at the dummy's through the wall, and with the right spot, they were able to take them down once more, Spike hoped the lessons wouldn't go on forever, but something tells him they're on they're last one.
"Okay Ignitus, what's next?" Spike asked ready to go now.
"Yeah, what's out next lesson?" Spyro asked eager to know too, Ignitus hummed being asked this, and knew they were ready to learn his own fire storm technique, even if they were training for 10 minutes.

"You two must continue taking down each foe that attacks you, let the fire inside you both build up as it continues on, and when the moment is right, unleash it all like a storm, and destroy the rest of them." Ignitus instructed as more dummy's came down and surrounded the two of them.
"So we're learning that move Ignitus used to finish off those apes, this is gonna be good." Spike said getting in his stance.
"Let's take em down!" Spyro said confidently while they began to fight the enemy's yet again.

Spike breathed his fire into his claws again and quickly formed a fire sword again, Spike quickly swung it at one of the largest ones and sliced it down easily, Spyro charged his horns at another group and knocked it in the air, he then jumped up and delivered a tail swipe to sent it into more foes, the camera circles around them both as they kept fighting off the dummy's, Spike jumped in the air and delivered a roundhouse kick to one of the dummies, and Spyro breathed fire on a couple more to toast them, Spike then slid under another one and kicked it behind it's back, and Spyro knocked it back to Spike with his tail, and they both kept knocking it back to eachother like it was a game.

But as they continued to kick these dummies butt's, they could feel the fire in them start to be built up, Spike's never felt this before in his life, but even with the little training he's done now, he was learning something no dragon back home could do. The fire in him was building up, he could feel it start to burn him the longer they contained it, the more they fought the dummies, the fire kept swelling inside of them until it was ready to burst out like a storm, just like Ignitus said.

"Now you two, unleash the fire within you!" Ignitus announced as they were both surrounded, Spike breathed smoke out of his nose and could feel his body start to be surrounded by his green fire, Spyro's body began to ignite up too and they're fires started to swell around them both, they could feel the fire over take them as they began to float into the air, the fire was so strong, much stronger then anything Spike's felt before in his life, and Spike's pupils could be seen having the fire inside them too, and with a loud scream of rage, they both unleased a powerful blast that was like the one Ignitus used.

Spike breathed heavily as they both landed down, that was a feeling Spike's never felt before, he felt his anger build up more and more until.. it just burst out like Ignitus said, it was something so amazing.. and Spike's never felt more alive.
"We.. we actually did it.. We leaned how to use our fire.." Spike said completely amazed with what they just did.
"I.. didn't think we'd be able to learn it.." Spyro said amazed at this achievement as well.
"Okay I'll admit, that was really cool you two, or really hot I should say." Sparx joked coming up to them again after seeing them do great with they're training.
"Well done you two, while you have learned a bit for today, I believe you are skilled enough, to get ready to save the first guardian." Ignitus said before he pulled on the same switch which began to rise the dragon statue back into the room.
"I didn't think we'd be able to do it, to be able to control my fire like this.. it feels amazing.." Spike said as he could still feel his fire swirling inside him now.
"That is what happens when you master your element, you both will go through more training in the future, but these are the basics that will help you both." Ignitus said as they began moving back into the room with that green pool from before.
"I wonder what else we'll have to learn.." Spike said fascinated with this, even if he just learned to use his fire, if he really is connected to Spyro in a way.. he could learn far more then he thinks..

After they finished up with they're training, they went back into the room from before, Ignitus was looking into the green pool, seemingly trying to look for something, or someone.
"What are you looking for Ignitus" Spike asked trying to see if there's anything he could see.
"I am trying to locate one of the other guardians, this is what we call a Vison Pool, certain dragons like me can see visions in it, which allows us to prepare for what to do next." Ignitus explained which was interesting to know.
"This day just keeps getting stranger and stranger.." Spike said really amazed with this information.
"Are you seeing anything Ignitus?" Spyro asked hoping there was something to learn.
"I do see something, one of the next guardians, Volteer, is being held at a ice fortress called Dante's Freezer, Spyro, Spike, while I look for where the other's are, I need you two to go there, and find out what you can, and hopefully save him too." Ignitus advised which they were surprised by.
"Dante's Freezer?" Spike asked confused hearing that name, it did sound like a tough place to go to, and it may get worse the further they go through it.
"Yes, but I must warn you, if you see Cynder there, run or hide from her. You are not ready to face her, especially if she manages to capture you Spike.." Ignitus warned which worried the two of them.

"How can we go there? It's probably really far away, and I can't really fly at all.." Spike said as they saw he didn't have wings.
"Neither can I, being able to fly? It's something that sounds like a dream.." Spyro said not sure he can do this too.
"You may not believe you can Spyro, but you can. Even if Spike doesn't have wings, he's still different compared to us, and something tells me he'll grow them at one point during this journey." Ignitus encouraged as he knew they could do it.
"But.. how can we? How can I fly?" Spyro asked looking at his wings, he's only been able to glide at points, but never fly completely..
"Allow me to help you.. follow me outside please." Ignitus said as he started making his way to the balcony from before.
"Oh great, this I gotta see." Sparx said interested to know as they all made they're way outside again.

They all went outside to the balcony once again, and Spyro was wondering how he can do it.
"Alright young one, all you need to do, is close your eyes, and focus your mind. Concentrate, feel the powers of your ancestors flow through you, and in times of crisis, they will come to your aid, it will unlock powers you both never knew you had." Ignitus instructed while Spyro had his eyes closed.
"Come on Spyro, you can do it.." Spike said hoping he could actually do it.
"Just forget everything you thought you knew, forget yourself, be at one with the world around you.. and embrace it.." Ignitus encouraged while Spyro had his head down, but soon enough.. they started to see Spyro's wings flap rapidly and he began to float in the air.
"And only then will you feel your ancient blood flow through you.." Ignitus finished as Spyro finally opened his eyes, he looked extremely surprised to see he actually is off the ground.

"Your doing it, your actually flying!" Spike said amazed to see him be able to do it.
"I am! Oh my gosh I actually am! I'm flying!" Spyro said amazed as he was flapping his wings properly, it made Spike glad to see him achieve this, and he only wished he had wings too, hopefully he will get his during this journey like Ignitus said.
"Good, now you three best be off, you must be careful when traveling there, Cynder's forces will be on the look out." Ignitus instructed while Spike tried hopping on Spyro's back, if he couldn't fly now, going for a little ride wouldn't hurt one bit.
"Don't worry Ignitus, we'll be careful." Spyro assured as he got ready to go.
"Spike, remember what we talked about, be careful, if Cynder is after you specifically, she won't go easy with you, be on your guard, and push past whatever pain you feel inside you, and I know you will make it through this." Ignitus said looking at him who had a serious look.
"Don't worry Ignitus, we will. You ready to go Spyro?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Let's go, hold on tight Spike." Spyro said as he began to take off into the skies at fast speeds, Ignitus watched them leave together, on a journey that could save this world.
"May the ancestors look after you, may they look after us all." Ignitus prayed as they finally left to save the next guardian.

After taking off from the temple, Spike and Spyro flew through the skies that led far off the main land, they could see dozens of islands far off in the distance, and they knew it was leading to their next location, Spike looked around the sky's with amazement, even if he wasn't flying himself, the feeling of moving through the air and feeling the wind pass by him as they flew around this new wonderous world, it was something that Spike never thought he'd feel.
"So how's it feel Spyro?" Sparx asked while they kept flying in the air.
"It feels amazing, to be able to go wherever we want, and go so far.. it's just something that I never thought we'd be able to do.." Spyro said amazed with what he's feeling.
"I know.. and with all that's happened just recently.. it's hard not to appreciate sights like this.." Spike said really taking in this moment to appreciate the beauty.
"Yeah well welcome to the club guys, enjoy your stay." Sparx joked which made them chuckle a bit.
"Yeah, we could get used to this!" Spyro said amazed as they kept flying through the skies at fast speeds.

They all continued to fly their way past the lands beyond the edge, it was such an amazing experience to fly through a world like this, even with the devastating state it's in, it's sights like these that help calm Spike down, even with all he's going through right now, it still feels like something he'll never feel again..
"So Spike, gotta ask, what was going on with you earlier before we got into the temple? You looked really hurt when we left to restore the statues?" Spyro asked worried as he recalled the incident.
"Yeah dude what's going on with you? Your arm's been like this since we met you, I know it was from an injury and stuff, but something tells me there's more to it.. isn't there?" Sparx asked crossing his arms again, Spike knew they would catch onto this eventually, while the story of him being from Equestria should be explained later, he should at least tell him what's going on with his arm..

"I guess it's about time I explain it.. you remember that commander we fought against? And how you asked that we met before?" Spike asked ready to tell them what happened.
"Yeah, you said he was the one who captured you from your home right? What else did he do to you?" Spyro asked concerned for him, Spike sighed and prepared to answer this question, it was a bit hard to explain, but he tried doing it the best he could.
"When he took me from my home, II was injected with something before I was imprisoned, it was something that I keep feeling through my body as we keep going through this journey, even with the extra strength I've got now, it still hurts badly from time to time.." Spike explained looking at his arm with worry.
"What were you injected with dude?" Sparx asked worried on hearing this.
"Well.. from what Ignitus could see.. he said it may have been Cynder's own dark blood.." Spike said with fear as he recalled the scary news he was told.

"Wait what? Why would you be injected with her own blood?" Spyro asked really worried hearing that.
"It may be because she's been searching for me, because if we're believed to be the purple dragons of legend, my being captured by her would definitely be a priority, and I think this blood is meant to try and slow me down.. and.. corrupt me.." Spike said shivering at the thought of it.
"What do you mean.. corrupt?" Sparx asked suspicious of that statement.
"From what I know.. this blood will spread throughout my body.. and it will.. start to morph my body to look more like Cynder's.. I've already noticed the affects.. and if it hurts now.. I'm really afraid of what else I'll feel the further it spreads.." Spike said as he showed them his right arm again, and they could now see that a part of it has become way darker, and more black them purple.

"So you mean.. you could be turned into a monster like Cynder if we don't stop her in time?" Spyro asked scarred to hear this.
"I think so.. I don't know how we can fix this.. if I get corrupted before I can find my way home.. I don't know what I'll do.." Spike said with some tears in his eyes while he thought of it.
"Whoa dude.. that's.. really harsh.. that's like losing your own free will.. what kind of world is this?" Sparx asked feeling really bad for him knowing this.
"Spike, why didn't you tell us this before?" Spyro asked looking up at him.
"I was just.. afraid of what to do, I had just met you two, I didn't wanna overwhelm you with such a story, and I didn't know when to properly tell you.. but.. now you know I guess.." Spike said ashamed to have kept it from them.

"Spike, i'm really sorry for this, but know this. Even if your at risk of being corrupted, I won't give up on you. We'll find a way to save you, and this world too." Spyro assured which did make things a bit better again.
"You really mean that Spyro?" Spike asked having a bit more hope hearing this.
"Of course Spike, I'm here for you, count on it." Spyro said confidently which was really nice to know.
"Yeah don't worry buddy, we got your back, just like you got ours alright?" Sparx asked flying next to him too.
"Thanks guys.. I really appreciate this.." Spike said gratefully as they could feel the temperature began to become really cold, and they could see icicles in the water's below.
"No problem Spike, anything for a friend. Hang on, I think we're here.." Spyro said as they could see a huge fortress in the lands ahead, which meant they had arrived, at Dante's Freezer..

6: Dante's Freezer

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Spike and Spyro were coming up upon Dante's freezer finally after a while of flying, the place looked like a cold and desolate place that was made for forging weapons, Spike has never seen a place so desolated and cold before, while Spike's been on plenty of adventures before, something like this is just.. sad..

"Dante's freezer is a desolate, artic expanse that's littered with the machinery of war, a cold desolate place, where soldiers and weapons are frozen forever in the aftermath of the destruction, and the slaves forced to work there will suffer the same sad fate.. you two must find Volteer.. before he's lost forever.." Ignitus narrated as the three of them were arriving at it finally, but Spyro was going a bit too fast to slow down.

"How the heck do i land guys?!" Spyro shouted as his wings couldn't stop flapping.
"I don't know! I've never flown before!" Spike shouted as they were just about to hit the floor.
"This.. doesn't look good.." Sparx said really worried as Spyro couldn't control himself.
"Incoming!" Spyro shouted right before he harshly hit the ground roughly, Spike was flung off Spyro and fell into a pile of snow as a result, and they all groaned with pain after that.

"Nice landing ace, sent the passenger into the snow from it." Sparx joked as Spike pulled his head out of the snow and was shaking.
"Ugh.. it's freezing here.." Spike said as he tried using his fire breath to keep himself warm.
"Sorry about that Spike, you alright?" Spyro asked as they all came together right now.
"I'm fine, I've been hit worse then this.." Spike said as he tried adjusting to the cold temperature around them.
"Maybe this flying isn't for me right now, let's just stick to walking for a bit alright?" Spyro asked adjusting to the icy floor they're on.
"Good idea." Sparx said with a smug while they all looked around the harsh fortress they are in now.
"Not exactly a friendly place huh? Any ideas where we should start?" Spyro asked trying to figure out where to go.
"I think i see a path that leads to the interior of the place, so let's start there." Spike said pointing ahead to the broken down wall ahead of them.
"Good idea, let's get started then." Spyro said as they both started to make they're way within the fortress.

The three of them started making they're way to the entry point, even from just the first steps into this place, Spike could see how much this place has been torn down thanks to the wars that's happened here, Spike never thought he'd see a war that could leave places like this so desolated, it's really awful to know what's happened to this place. But as they were passing by what looked like a frozen soldier, one they thought was long dead, Sparx seemed to notice something from it.
"Is it weird that that blinked at me?" Sparx asked nervously as Spike swore he could see them twitch.
"It.. may just be a trick because of all the cold around us.." Spike said nervously as he didn't want to be seen by these things.
"Just keep moving guys.." Spyro encouraged while they carefully made they're way around the frozen bodies.

But they're hopes were shattered like glass when the soldiers suddenly broke free from the ice and started to move around freely.
"The ice cubes are alive!" Sparx shouted with terror as the monster's roared at them.
"Oh great, and we haven't even been here for 5 minutes!" Spike said annoyed as he summoned his fire sword again.
"Let's deal with these guys, fast!" Spyro shouted which Spike agreed to.

One of the soldiers clashed it's sword with Spike's and Spike tried to push it back, Spike got an idea and took a deep breath and shot a fire ball right at it's face, Spyro came in and helped take it down by delivering a tail stomp to the ground which crushed it, they heard another roar from behind them and quickly turned around to see more one more, Spike quickly flipped in the air and twirled his sword around, Spike went directly in front of the armored monster and made a battle cry before he swiftly sliced at it, Spike landed back on the ground and the monster fell to his knees, right before it's head fell of, which gave them a minute to rest.

"Wow Spike, that was really cool, to think all we needed to have better chances at fighting was just a little training with our fire." Spyro said amazed with his cool finisher.
"Tell me about it, I've never fought this well before, but we shouldn't get too cocky, we'll be facing stronger and stronger soldiers the more we travel through this place." Spike said as his sword disappeared for now.
"You say that like you've been through something like this before Spike." Sparx said flying above him.
"It's mainly because I've gotten into situations like this, let's just move on." Spike said as they started moving ahead again and saw what looked like a cannon launcher. Spyro looked at the launcher and looked to his right and saw a wall that looked like it could be burst down.
"Hey Spike, you see that wall over there?" Spyro asked which made him turn to see it too, and they both got an idea.
"Great idea, let's find something to fire at this thing." Spike said as they tried to find something that can destroy that so they can move on.

Spike and Spyro looked over the area before they saw a little snowy tree, and saw some large snowballs were piled up on it, Spike and Spyro both got the same idea and went over and whacked it, this made the snowballs fall down to the floor, Spike smiled at this and began to roll it upwards to the cannon, Spike carefully placed it inside and Spyro finished the job and launched the snowball directly to the wall, and like they thought, the wall burst down thanks to their smart thinking.
"Alright! Great work Spyro!" Spike said giving him a high five.
"Hey we both got the same idea, it just helps us develop better as a team." Spyro said proudly which Spike chuckled at.
"You got that right, come on, let's get going, this place gives me the creeps." Spike said with a shiver as they started making they're way to the exposed path now.

Spike and Spyro made they're way through the wall pretty quickly, while they thought they didn't have to face against anything again, unfortunately they did. A wall of fire suddenly came across the gate that led out of the place, and Spike and Spyro saw another commander at the top of the gate, and more soldiers began to jump over the walls and charged at them.
"Ugh, this is getting annoying at this point!" Spike said as he got ready to fight again.
"Hey your the heroes who agreed to challenge an army basically." Sparx said shrugging his shoulders again.
"Let's just make this fast." Spyro said seriously before they charged at the apes yet again.

Spyro bent his head down and charged at one of them with his horns, he quickly slammed one of the larger apes up in the air, and Spike jumped off his back to combo it, Spike summoned his fire sword yet again and delivered fast and strong slashes to take it down, Spyro backflipped over another enemy attack and shot a fireblast at the monster from behind, Spike then landed on the ground and they both combined they're fire breath to take down the swarm of enemy's together, they're strength was way better together, and this proved it. Spike saw another one coming from behind them and quickly turned to face it, Spike readied his right arm again and delivered a powerful punch right to the monster's skull, this sent it flying into the tower the other commander was on, and the fire wall had vanished for now.

"Man, it gets a bit annoying having to face them like that wave after wave." Spike said stretching his arm after delivering that punch.
"I know, but we're doing good so far at least, come on, I see a way forward just ahead, let's go buddy." Spyro said moving ahead to a broken down path on one of the stone walls.
"Right behind you." Spike replied before they quickly made they're way into the path.

Spike and Spyro both ran through the path as fast as they could, they could feel there were enemy's moving around the base, they most likely know of they're presence by now, so they needed to hurry fast. Spike and Spyro emerged in another open area, and saw yet another wave of enemy's behind a wall, but they did notice one of the cannon launchers right besides them, and got an idea.
"This is gonna be easy." Spike said confidently as they punched the tree next to them, and a snowball fell down to them, Spyro rolled it up for a bit until it was large enough, Spike then helped Spyro place it into the launcher, and with a little smack, the snowball went flying over the wall, and landed on one of the piles of bomb barrels there were, which defeated every last one of them.

"Whoo! Talk about fireworks!" Sparx said impressed with how well that worked.
"Tell me about it, they shouldn't keep that kind of stuff so close to them, it's an easy target for enemy's." Spyro said as they were moving through the ruined place together now.
"Hey, they're probably doing what they're told, maybe this is the best they could make it." Spike joked as they climbed up some more snowy paths.
"Well we are new to this whole hero thing, so maybe we'll see way scarier ways of defense in the future, but let's just enjoy the moment for now at least." Spyro said glad they could rest for a moment.
"You know guys you work really well together, I know I said this before but this teamwork makes it look like you've been life long friends." Sparx said looking at how well they work together.
"Hey, if we're both purple dragons, we gotta help eachother out. Let's just get to finding this Volteer guy, I'm sure he's freezing by now." Spike said with worry before they all started moving on yet again.

Spike and Spyro continued to make they're way through the narrow path together, it was snowing pretty lightly right now, and the sun was out, but that didn't help with how cold it was right now. Spike hasn't really been used to solo adventures like this, while he has been through really cold places in the past, something like this is far worse, Spike could still feel his arm hurting from the blood spreading within him, Spike looked at his arm again and looked more worried, he could now see the corruption is spreading to his claw, and his entire right arm is almost corrupted, and now more of a black color..
"How much longer will I have with my own will?" Spike asked really worried with what he was seeing.

"What are you saying Spike?" Spyro asked worried as that got his attention, they all turned to look at eachother, and Spike showed them his arm, which was a lot worse then it was previously.
"Whoa dude, how did that happen so fast? It was like.. one large spot on your arm before, now it's.. all the way up to your claw.." Sparx asked worried seeing how far it's spreading.
"I don't know, but I was warned about this, it may be because of how often I use my arms strength, if Cynder really is as strong as she's said to be, and my new strength is from her, it explains how I'm getting corrupted faster.. I just need to watch myself.. and try not to let it spread any further.." Spike said really worried with what he was seeing.
"Hey it'll be okay Spike, we're doing a good job, let's just keep moving alright? You can take it easy when you need it." Spyro assured while Spike clutched it, it felt like it wasn't stopping, and if Spike doesn't get this cured soon..
"S.. sure. let's just keep going.." Spike said a bit relieved before the two of them started moving through the snowy forest again.

But not even 5 minutes after they kept moving again, dodging more enemy traps, ice cannons, and more apes, they heard a really loud, terrifying roar that was all so familiar..
"Do you think that was Cynder?" Sparx asked really worried for that.
"I sure hope so.." Spyro replied shaking at the thought of her.
"And.. why is that?" Sparx asked confused to hear that.
"Then.. it means there's more then one giant evil dragon around here.." Spyro answered which made a lot of sense.
"Yeah, let's hope that's her.. and not someone.. worse.." Spike said with worry before he clutched his head in pain.
"Spike are you okay?" Sparx asked worried while Spike's vision was fading out, Spike's head was pounding, he could feel the blood in him swelling up from the corruption, it was like a fire that spread throughout him, it hurt.. a lot..
"It.. hurts.." Spike said with pain while he held onto a wall, Spike's head continued to pound even more, he even could hear his own heartbeat, but as he felt the pain.. he heard a faint.. sinister voice..
"I will see you one day again.. I will tear through whatever's preventing me from getting you back, I will find you, no matter how long it takes, even if it means, watching this world burn." The voice said sounding really upset over something.

Spike gasped in shock as he finally could hear himself think again, and looked at himself with fear, he didn't recognize that voice at all, he's never heard it before.. but at the same time.. she sounded.. familiar in a way...
"Spike, what's wrong with you?" Spyro asked really worried for him again.
"I'm.. okay now, let's go, we can't stay here forever.." Spike said with fear as he pointed above them, they looked above and looked afraid as they saw a huge, deadly, black dragon flying over the area, and it made a loud roar that scarred them all.
"Cynder.." Spike said with fear as they all recognized that roar perfectly.
"Your right, let's go, come on!" Spyro shouted before the three of them kept moving through the fortress, while staying out of Cynder's sight, all the while Spike wondered who that voice was.. and what it meant...

After that little moment, they kept moving they're way through the fortress even more, and had to keep on fighting through hordes of enemy's, while Spike was glad to be on an adventure on his own, something like this never ever crossed his mind. They had to push through multiple hordes of apes and enemy's together, using they're own weaponry against them, Spike could handle his fire really well by now, Ember would really be proud to see him learning to fight better, but it didn't take away how tedious a lot of the hordes jumped in, and it wasn't like they could be ignored either, there was always some path that blocked them when the enemy's ambushed them, so they had to fight through em.

But soon enough, Spike and Spyro made they're way out of the narrow path and came into one of the larger areas of the fortress, they could see a lot more enemy tower's and camps everywhere, and were getting closer to the cave sections since they're near the mountains.
"Be careful Spike, you never know when an enemy is gonna pop out to attack." Spyro warned while they both stayed on they're guard.
"Oh believe me, I know that by now." Spike assured as they looked around together. But as they were approaching one of the enemy towers, they heard a loud sound from the top of it while new soldiers were coming out of it, and they saw a lightning blast about to be shot at them!
"Look out!!" Sparx shouted right as it shot directly at them.

Spike and Spyro screamed as they felt themselves be hit with the lightning, Spike felt his body tingling all over, he felt something within him changing as a result of the attack, he and Spyro twitched all over as they felt something different surge through them, something far different then fire.
"Hey guys you okay?!" Sparx asked worried while Spike's eyes glowed yellow, and cackled with lightning through them. And with a deep breath, Spike and Spyro both shot a stream of lightning directly at the soldiers and electrocuted them, which shocked them both, both figuratively, and literally.
"Wow! I guess so!" Sparx said amazed while they were really surprised to see this.

"How.. how is that even possible?! I get you could use lightning since your a purple dragon of legend and all that, but me?! I was hatched in a completely different way! This shouldn't be possible!" Spike said surprised while looking at his hands which had a bit of lightning coming out of them.
"Maybe it's a result of Cynder's blood, if she can use more ability's then one dragon can, then lightning could be on the table too right?" Spyro suggested shaking the lightning off of him.
"Could be.. but what if it's something else? Maybe a result of me being tied into the prophecy with you or something?" Spike suggested as that could be a real fact as well.
"We'll be sure to ask Ignitus about this latter, come on, I think we're getting closer to the end of this place.." Spyro said moving ahead once again, Spike looked at the new lightning that was in his hands again, and he was just wondering what else they're gonna gain from this journey..

Spike and Spyro kept moving through the place the quickest they could, they knew more enemy's were arriving to hunt them down, Spike could swear they've encountered over 100 of them at this point, Spike was getting more nervous with how big Cynder's army is, and if they attack Equestria again.. even the Elements of Harmony may not be able to stop it..
Spike looked around the place with sadness, he could see just how devastating this army is, the forest was almost chopped down and had tons of places of stone and metal built on top of it, they could see huge bridges that helped soldiers transfer weapons to other parts of the fortress move along, Spike could even see more of those Dreadwings in the sky, and Spike gulped in fear as they saw all of these monster's move around the place.

Spike and Spyro soon came upon another tower, and heard another loud horn which alerted more soldiers, the gates opened up again, and they saw some new armored soldiers marching out to them, they weren't like the apes before, they looked far tougher and had armor that couldn't be burnt through.
"Spyro, let's try out our new lighting powers on these guys! Once we get a good open spot, we'll burn the bones to a crisp!" Spike suggested as his hands lit up with lightning again, they were like lightning fists that could deal fast strikes.
"Good idea, let's do this!" Spyro said ready again as they charged into battle with they're lightning powers ready for battle.

Spike readied his lightning and focused on the foes in front of him, they all tried to slash at him from all areas, but Spike quickly jumped over them and went behind one of they're backs, Spike's lightning flared up and he made a battle cry as he delivered multiple fast strikes to each of them, he kept punching each of them rapidly like it was a comic book, Spike's lightning flared up even more until Spike charged up another final charge and delivered a strike that sent a shockwave of lightning around the area which knocked most of the armored monster's down.

They looked behind them and saw the largest one carrying a huge sword at them, the monster slashed it's sword on the ground and created a burst of lightning that shot out of the ground, but they quickly rolled out of the way and made a counter attack, Spyro shot more lightning blasts at the monster to stun it for a brief bit, Spike followed this up by leaping in the air and delivering a lightning punch to the monster's helmet, this finally knocked it off, and the armor fell of, and it revealed itself to be a floating skeleton!
"Okay.. that's pretty new.." Spike said with a bit of fear as the monster roared at them.
"Spike, remember the fire idea!" Spyro shouted as he tried to ready his fire.
"Right, let's hope this works!" Spike prayed as they both took deep breaths, the monster was about to slash at them one last time before the two of them shot they're breaths at the monster together, this burned it's bones to a crisp like Spike suggested, and it gave them an idea on how these enemy's can go down faster.
"So, lightning for the armor, fire for the bones, let's be sure to remember that." Spike said as they took heavy breaths again.
"Good call, good work Spike." Spyro complimented before the two of them started to get back on track again.

After that little battle and testing out they're new lightning powers, the two of them continued to make they're way yet again, Spike was starting to get a bit bored at this point, they kept moving through the place for what felt like an hour, and they kept going through enemy encounters over and over again, there wasn't that much to say other then it was getting old to him, maybe Spike just has been used to crazier things in Equestria, but it felt like all this trip was doing was freezing up his tail, they kept moving through more enemy bases and taking down monster's, Spike's lightning was becoming more formed and could be used to cause extra punch damage, but that was mainly it for now, Spike just hoped there would be more to do, but he just had to get used to it.

"Hey Spike, you doing alright?" Spyro asked again which got his attention.
" Yeah, I'm alright.. it's still a lot to take in you know? Going on an adventure that is something that could change our lives like this, gaining powers of lightning, fighting through nonstop horde after hordes of enemy's, it's something one isn't used to, especially after being.. taken away from his home.." Spike said sadly as he knew his family are really worried for him now.
"Yeah.. that makes sense.. at least you have more experience with being properly raised, I was raised in that swamp for most of my life, while I had Sparx to talk too, I didn't really receive proper education on history, and combat, while learning to speak and having a home is more then enough for me, I just wish I could've had more of what you did you know?" Spyro asked while they moved through an old fortress, there were pots and tables around for eating, and there wasn't much to say about this place other then it looks like a lunch room.
"Yeah, I can get that. We both had different ways when growing up, while I may have been adopted too, my adopted family was still as important, and now that I was taken from them.. it.. hits harder in ways I wouldn't expect.." Spike said sadly while looking at his black arm, it still had some signs of his purple scales, but it was almost taken over by this point..

"We both know how it's like, to never have known our real family's huh? I gotta ask.. where did you come from? If this world is in the middle of this huge war, shouldn't your home have known about it too?" Spyro asked curious on where he was from.
"Yeah, where are you from Spike? We know your from far away from the swamp and all, but where specifically?" Sparx asked wanting to know as well, Spike knew this question was coming, he had been worried about how he could tell Spyro and Sparx where he's from, he's only known them for a day by now, and he's already having to explain everything, but if it's to keep they're trust, he has to explain.
"Alright, I'll tell you everything, but just to let you know.. it's.. gonna be a long story.." Spike said nervously as he prepared to explain where he's from.
"Oh boy here we go." Sparx said crossing his arms as Spike began to explain who he is, and where he was from.

Spike continued to explain where he's from and what he's been through as they kept making they're way through the fortress together, he told them everything, about Equestria, Twilight and the mane 6, the Elements of Harmony, the adventures he's been through, all of it, it was a really long story to explain, especially with the recent events that's happened, but if Ignitus had to be told about his home, so should Spyro. They both looked really confused and surprised to hear this story, it was an insane one, but with what they're going through, it could be easy to believe by now.
"Wait, so you were raised by.. pony's that can use magic?" Spyro asked really confused to hear this.
"And your from another world called Equestria, where mythical creatures that could only be in fairy tales are real?" Sparx asked wanting to make sure he's caught up with this really long story.
"Yeah, that's where I'm from, I wanted to hold this back for a bit longer, because this kind of talk being repeated just would get irritating, I wanted to make sure you guys were ready for what I had to tell, and now that you do.. you can probably see why I held it back, and that I.. did lie a bit about where I'm from?" Spike asked nervously while the two kept walking through the snow.

"Wow Spike.. that's.. insane.. to think you've been through so much more then me, and the fact you and I are supposed to be special purple dragons, I'd say you may have the edge on this with experience and everything.." Spyro said really surprised to hear this insane story.
"Yeah.. sorry I had to say this, but just to let you know, Twilight and her friends mainly did the adventures, while I honestly was just.. there.. I never really got the chance to prove myself and make my mark, and now that I'm here.. I don't really think I'll see them again.. especially with what's happening to me now.." Spike said looking at his arm once again.
"Wow kid.. that's.. really rough, but you shouldn't look down upon yourself like that, if your times coming, you'll know it. You and Spyro are taking on an entire army by yourselves basically, and I'm just there besides you. Your doing something that these friends of yours hasn't before, taking on an army commanded by a huge black dragon that's out to kill us, you should be at least proud of yourself that you've made it this far Spike. I don't think the average person from your world would've made it this far." Sparx said trying to encourage him.

"Sparx is right Spike, even if your from a different world, and went through crazy events, being able to push through them at all is a feat in of itself, I don't know much about adventures, but I do know going through what you have is something special, and you should see that Spike." Spyro said putting his claw on Spike's right shoulder.
"You really think we're doing much here? Look around us Spyro, this world is suffering from these apes and Cynder's harsh and cruel rule, if we are doing anything.. will it leave an impact on the people of this world?" Spike asked a bit unsure of what will happen.
"If we're both purple dragons of legend, then I'm sure we will. Even if your from another world, you having powers like these and going on this adventure, this is already proving your doing something special, just like me. Count on it." Spyro assured which made Spike feel a bit better hearing that.
"Thanks guys, sorry I had to hold back on where I'm from for a bit.. but at least you know now right?" Spike asked looking at them both.
"It's no problem kid we understand, let's just rescue this next dragon, I'm sure he's through that cave somewhere." Sparx said pointing at a nearby ice cave that was big enough for them both.
"Sparx is right we understand, let's head to the cave, we'll talk more about this later, alright?" Spyro asked looking at him.
"Yeah, that sounds good, thanks for understanding this guys.." Spike said gratefully as they moved through the cave.

The three of them kept on walking through the ice cave for quite a bit, there wasn't any surprise enemy encounters from what they've seen, and they're handling themselves pretty well by now.
"Hey guys, check this out, echo!" Sparx shouted through the cave which echoed around them.
"Heh, that's pretty cool, echo!" Spike shouted joining along with this which made them laugh.
"Alright guys it's my turn.. hello!!" Spyro shouted through the cave as they all came out into another area, there wasn't any enemy's from what they can see, and they seemed to be in the clear.
"Alright, that's enough for now guys, I think we're getting closer to the base finally." Spike said looking at the narrow path in front of them.
"You guys ready for what's through there?" Sparx asked looking down at them.
"Let's do it guys." Spyro said with confidence as they all started moving through the cave, while smashing apart some more spirit gems to give them strength.

Soon enough, the two of them jumped open into a huge icy arena of sorts, it was in the center of the cave, and they couldn't see another way out, but looking ahead of them.. they could see a large yellow dragon that was being held captive, and looked really exhausted.
"Guys, I think that's Volteer.." Spike said with worry as they knew he was in trouble.
"Hey if that's him let's get him out of here and leave, come on guys." Sparx said really ready to go by now.
"Hold on guys.. I don't like the looks of this, it looks too easy.." Spyro said a bit suspicious of why there's no one guarding him.
"Spyro's right.. if he's this important, he should be guarded by something.." Spike said catching onto this as well while Sparx flew up to the large throne in front of them.

"What part is easy guys? Getting chased by mad men and gorillas?" Sparx asked crossing his arms until they noticed something move behind him.
"Um.. Sparx.." Spyro said nervously as the thing moved behind him.
"He's right behind me isn't he?" Sparx asked with fear as a huge metal warrior rose up from above him.
"Yep, get out of there, now!" Spike shouted which made Sparx scream with fear as the monster towered over them both, Sparx came back to them both as the monster jumped down to the arena and roared with rage.
"Well, guess we're on to the boss fight by now!" Spike said seriously as they got ready to fight.
"Let's take this guy down!" Spyro said with rage as the monster summoned some ice weapons out of the air around them.

Spike and Spyro charged at this ice monster with rage, they were facing against this fortresses guardian by now, and they knew it wouldn't be easy, Spike and Spyro both shot multiple fire blasts at the monster to deal damage to it, the monster roared with fury and created a shield around it, this caused icicles to begin falling off the ceiling and they needed to dodge them.
"Look out, move!!" Spike shouted as they slid across the arena to avoid the icicles.
"The thing looks like it takes heavy damage to fire! Let's try and shoot multiple fire balls at it!" Spyro shouted as they came together to face it.
"Got it, let's take him down!" Spike shouted before they both shot dozens of fire balls at them, this continued to make some large explosions of fire which shook the cave they were in, the monster's armor began to fall apart from the heavy damage, which meant they were doing something to it.

The monster screeched at them both and summoned shards of ice around it, it fired at them rapidly and they both flipped out of the way to avoid being hit, Spike changed his fire to his lightning quickly and readied his fists.
"Let's see you take some lightning!" Spike shouted before he shot multiple lightning blasts from his hands to block the icicles, Spyro changed to his lightning powers too and shot multiple some of his lightning breath to the monster to electrocute it, Spike then jumped in the air and charged up his powers, he made a battle cry and smashed his fist on the ground which created a powerful lightning shockwave that went across the cave, this made the huge monster even madder, and it began to shoot icicles out of the ground like an earth attack, Spike quickly rolled out of the way while Spyro slid to him, they could tell the monster was strong, and knew they needed to try harder.

"Spike, be careful when getting closer to this guy! He's really tough!" Spyro shouted while the monster swung it's weapons at them, Spike got kicked to one of the ice pillars on the wall from it's reflexes and tried to get back up.
"I think I know how we can take it down! Remember when we got taught that Fire blast move back at the temple?" Spike shouted while Spyro slid next to him.
"Yeah, why?" Spyro asked while they kept dodging more swings from this monster.
"Let's build up our fire, and combine our blasts to take it down!" Spike suggested forming his fire sword again and he blocked one slash coming from behind him.
"Good idea! Let's go!" Spyro shouted before they both started to deliver a flurry of attacks.

Spike and Spyro both combined they're moves to deliver multiple attacks at the monster, Spike gave Spyro a boost in the air that let him deliver a horn dive directly to the leader, Spike went under the monster's legs and used his fire sword to slash down it's armor, he kept slashing at him repeatedly to build up the fire within him, and he could feel the fire burning within him by now. Spyro landed down next to him and they both shot more fireblast at the monster's back while it was stunned, Spike could feel his arm getting stronger, and couldn't contain it.
"Take this!!" Spike screamed before he jumped in the air, and delivered a powerful punch that knocked the king to the floor. Spike and Spyro both breathed heavily, they could feel the fire surging within them, and they're eyes were showing the flames in their pupils.
"You guys gotta do it now! Knock that guy down!" Sparx encouraged while he hid behind a pillar for cover. Spike and Spyro didn't waste another second, they both began to float in the air as the monster was finally recovering, fire swelled around them both, and they could feel so much power flowing through them, the monster tried doing one last desperate attack, he shot all of the ice powers it had at them, but the fire melted the ice in an instant, and they both looked furious. With a loud battle cry, they both unleashed they're fires fury and combined they're blasts that was sent through the entire cave, this blast was too strong for the monster to resist, and it was sent off of the arena as a result, the fires burnt it badly, and the monster screamed with pain as it finally fell into a bottomless, pit, and was defeated for good.

Spike and Spyro breathed heavily as they landed on the ground again, that blast takes a lot out of them, and they should only use this very sparingly.
"You guys alright?" Sparx asked as he came out from his cover and came up to them with worry.
"We're fine... we just need a moment.." Spike said catching his breath for a bit.
"At least that things gone, let's just get Volteer and get out of here.." Spyro said as they turned they're attention to him who was finally getting up after seeing such a battle.

Spike and Spyro were able to get Volteer out of the place he was being held in, he seemed to be a lightning dragon from the looks of it, and it fascinated Spike to know there are more dragons that breath other elements then just fire, maybe his world has something like that who knows, but one things for sure.. he was.. a bit of a talker.. even more then Sparx.
"I must say you two, that was one the most amazing things I've seen! Two dragons of your size defeating that thing! Thank you so much uh..." Volteer said in an extremely fast tone while not knowing they're names.
"Spyro and Spike." Spyro introduced while Spike waved at him.
"Two purple dragons named Spyro and Spike, amazing! Oh this is certainly fascinating, it was said only one purple dragon would appear to save this world, but there being two here, this is such a discovery!" Volteer said amazed looking at them both.
"I can see why they gagged this guy." Sparx whispered which they both understood perfectly.

"I must ask, how is there two purple dragons here in this world? Are you two brothers? Or distant relatives perhaps?" Volteer asked curious with who's the prophesied one.
"It's a long story, but it's best we get back to the Temple, we have a friend that's waiting for you." Spike said while clutching his arm again, he could feel it spreading even more now, and he flinched a little.
"Ignitus?" Volteer asked a bit confused if it's him.
"Yes Ignitus." Sparx answered already annoyed with him.
"Of course I have much to help him! We must get going at once!" Volteer said already ready to leave.
"Good, then let's go.." Spike said with pain as he felt his arm hurting again which got they're attention.

"I say, What is going on with your arm?" Volteer asked as he took a closer look of it, and they all saw it had turned completely black by now and was moving past his shoulder..
"Spike's got a little problem going on right now, well.. more like a really big one.." Sparx said really worried from what he told them earlier.
"What kind of problem to be exact?" Volteer asked curious with what's happening.
"Oh nothing, just the fact that he was injected with Cynder's own dark blood, and it's seemingly spreading through his body, and is gonna get a lot worse of if we don't go now." Sparx explained quickly which made him really surprised to hear that.
"Yeah, he's been getting worse the longer we go through here, we need to head back to the temple to figure out what to do." Spyro said really worried for him.
"If he was injected with Cynder's own blood, this is really bad, we need to get going at once, come you two, we should leave while we have the chance!" Volteer said picking Spike up for a ride since he can't fly right now.
"Way ahead of you on that, let's go guys." Spyro said seriously as they started to leave the cave together. Spike breathed heavily and looked at his arm with fear, he knew things were not gonna be easy, and now it may just be getting worse..

7: Lightning Training

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After Spike and Spyro had finally rescued Volteer and defeated that ice monster, they all headed back to the temple after a pretty tough journey with moving through that fortress, while Spike was glad they rescued Volteer, even if he's way more of a talker then Sparx, there was still stuff that worried him.

He still didn't know how the heck he could use lightning, he wasn't hatched like a normal dragon, he was hatched with magic from Twilight, even if this is something most dragons can use in different situations, this is something different. Spike has two thoughts on how he could be using lightning. 1, it could be from Cynder's blood like Spyro suggested, he's been experiencing a lot of strange things after being injected with it, he may have enhanced strength sure, but it's at the cost of his body getting more and more corrupted from it, Spike's arm is completely covered in black scales by now, and it's still spreading which made him scarred on what he'll turn out like if he doesn't get rid of this..

2, this could be because he's tied into the prophecy after all, while Spyro was born in this world and hatched naturally, he's also the purple dragon that could've been prophesized, but not all prophecy's are accurate, and sometimes there are unexpected turns to it, like how this world had experienced an extremely deadly war as a result of them, and how the Dark Master wants to ensure the eggs were destroyed during it, so if there's one purple dragon that could save the world, why not two? It's all a theory to him right now, but he may find out soon, because he may be running out of time if they don't do something..

After a long flight back to their new home, they all finally came back to the temple, Spike felt a lot of relief when coming back here, it was like the only safe haven this world has right now with how the war is affecting everywhere else, Dante's freezer was already a chilling and somber experience with what they saw, so whenever they came back here, it was like coming back home..

Spike and the group landed back on the ground after a long flight, Spike hopped off of Volteer and held his arm, it was still hurting after spreading even more, but he had to push through it for now.
"Oh my, I must say this place has certainly been twisted, but I'm sure with a few months of repairs, it will look like how it should be." Volteer said observing the temples pretty roughed up state.
"Hey, that's if we can put a stop to Cynder.." Spike said really concerned about what's to come from this.
"Hey we got Volteer back, let's just hope Ignitus found where the other guardians are at." Spyro said hopefully while they started making they're way inside.
"Let's hope he has.." Spike said clutching his arm as he could feel the dark blood in his veins..

They all went through the large room with the dragon statue once again, no matter how many times Spike looked at it, he felt like it was watching him, and no matter where he was, it felt like something was looming over his presence, but he could just be a bid paranoid right now with how his arm is affecting him. Soon enough, they went back into the room where Ignitus was, he was looking into the vision pool and was trying to find something.

"Uh, hey Ignitus, we're back." Spike announced which got his attention.
"And we've got someone with us too." Sparx announced as Volteer walked up to him.
"Volteer, your alright, thank the ancestors, I was afraid a worst fate happened to you after you were taken.." Ignitus said relieved to see he's okay.
"It was a pretty harsh time with what I've been through, but I was thankfully rescued by our two purple dragon friends here." Volteer said turning to them both.
"And a small little dragonfly." Spike added referring to Sparx which made him smile a bit.
"Thanks kid." Sparx said glad to hear that from him.

"You two have done a great task with rescuing Volteer, you both did something no one could do, you both really are showing your growth from this journey you two." Ignitus said looking down at both of them.
"Thanks Ignitus, we did our best with this, but we know it's not over." Spyro replied a bit worried of it still.
"Hey, at least we won't have to go through that ice cold place again.." Spike said a bit relieved from that, but Ignitus seemed to notice Spike's arm, and how it's covered with black scales now.
"Spike.. how much of your body's been affected by Cynder's blood? Your arm is changing in bad ways.." Ignitus asked as he took a closer look at it, Spike sighed and saw that the scales past his shoulder were turning black too.
"It's only my right arm that's turned by now.. it still hurts.. like there's something trying to pierce out of it.. it's.. a really scary thought.." Spike said worried as he now noticed that some sharp horns were sticking out of his elbow, and his claws were becoming way more sharp..

"Hmm.. it's getting worse Spike, while I'm trying to figure out a way to stop this, you need to be careful when using it's strength, we may not be able to save you if your fully corrupted." Ignitus said with a stern tone while Spike just looked more afraid being told that.
"Understood.." Spike said with fear while he kept seeing his arm continuing to change more and more.
"It's gonna be okay Spike, we'll find a way.." Spyro assured once again while everyone looked at him, Spike took a deep breath and calmed down a bit.
"Thanks, let's just move onto what's going on now alright?" Spike asked ready to move along with this which they all agreed too.

After that little talk, they went back to discussing what happened with Volteer when he was being held captive, and he was talking a bit too fast for them to understand.
"Volteer please slow down with your talking, we can't understand if you speak so fast." Spike said really not getting what he's trying to say.
"Spike is right, while it's good to see you Volteer, we don't have time to properly talk, back to Cynder, what was she doing to you?" Ignitus asked again hoping he could explain more clearly this time.
"Cynder's a chick?" Sparx asked which made Spike slap him across the room as a result.
"We've been saying that this whole time dude." Spike said annoyed with that pretty bad joke.

"It's hard to be sure on what she was doing, but she was seemingly using me as a sort of.. organic power source.." Volteer explained which they both did understand a bit.
"What does that mean?" Sparx asked as he recovered from that little whack.
"She was using him as a battery." Spike and Spyro both answered at once.
"Why didn't he just say so?" Sparx asked really not understanding his fast talk.
"And it's not only that, but she left with some glowing yellow crystal, and I believed I somehow powered it.." Volteer explained more which did worry them from hearing that.
"What could this mean? You have any ideas Ignitus?" Spike asked looking at him again.
"I have an idea on what it could be.. but one thing I do know is, we need to rescue the other guardians, before she can power more of those crystals, I fear something awful will happen if she succeeds.." Ignitus replied worried on what she's planning.

"I agree on that Ignitus, but first, I would like to share some knowledge to Spike and Spyro, with they're recently acquired electricity exhalation devices." Volteer said turning to the two.
"What?" Sparx asked confused even more.
"He means he could teach us more about that electricity breath we gained." Spyro explained to put it simply.
"Whatever I learned with fire, I could learn more with lightning too.." Spike said a bit eager to do this too.
"Yes, you especially Spike, you seemed to have formed the lightning around your fists, like some sort of boost to your attack, I myself have never seen a technique like this, but I would be thrilled to see you develop more in the dojo." Volteer said looking at Spike's hands which he had a little lightning spawn in for an example.
"A little more training couldn't hurt, ready to go Spyro?" Spike asked looking at him again.
"You know it, let's go." Spyro said before they both went with Volteer into the dojo again while Ignitus went to search for the next guardian.

They both followed Volteer into the dojo again, the dragon statue began to lower once again so they both could have more space to train, Spike never thought he'd be learning to use freaking lightning, but it honestly excites him with what he's going to learn, all he has to do is follow the instructions, and see what can be developed from it.
"Alright you two, class is in session. electricity is a spark of life, listen closely and I will teach you both it's secrets." Volteer instructed while the two of them got ready for what's to come.
"Bring it on." Spike said confidently while readying his powers.
"Let's do it!" Spyro said seriously too while they both came into the center of the room to begin again.

A loud gong was heard from over the room as Volteer watches over the two dragons who were ready to begin.
"Alright, first lesson, lightning has certain affects on enemy's, and one of them is dragging, if you can get them close enough to another enemy or cliff, you could drag them off to spare yourself time, take down the enemy's by using your lightning and drag them into the targets." Volteer instructed as more dummy's came down, as well as 4 target markers.
"Seems simple enough.." Spike said before he took a deep breath, he and Spyro both shot separate lightning attacks at the dummy's, and they were being shocked really bad, but they both followed this up by using they're lightning to fling them to the targets which broke them down, this was definitely gonna be helpful in the future, they took care of the last two dummy's soon enough, and they were all down.
"Let's be sure to keep this move in mind for later alright Spike?" Spyro asked which he nodded in response from, it would definitely help later.

"Good work you two! You are fast learners! Next lesson, your lightning can affect multiple enemy's at once if they are close enough, if your a good distance from them you could strike multiple at once! Let's see you two try that with some more of these dummy's." Volteer instructed again as more groups of smaller dummy's appeared from both they're sides.
"Where do you keep these dummy's? And how do they keep appearing out of nowhere like this?" Spike asked confused with all the dummy's they have.
"We have a huge storage supply of them, it's for helping train the young dragons who need to learn to fight, now, let's begin." Volteer declared before the dummy's started moving around them both. Spike looked for a certain point he can shock these jokers, he soon noticed the one in the center was the closest to the others, Spike took another breath and shot more lightning directly at him, this caused the entire group around it to be electrocuted from the lightning, this shows there is some unique variety to each element, and Spike should expect something different from each one he uses.

Soon enough, Spike and Spyro both took out the groups and they fell down, and it made them pass yet again.
"Well done again you two! This next technique is quite useful! Well all of them are useful but this one is something else, now you two must shoot a homing Electric arc at the larger dummy's, this will send them into the air so you two can deliver multiple strikes to it." Volteer instructed which did sound interesting.
"So it's kinda like how we did the fireballs right?" Spyro asked wanting a bit more clarification.
"They both have they're differences, but yes. Just home in one one of them, and shoot some lightning." Volteer instructed again which they understood.

Spike and Spyro both focused in on the dummy's like last time, they could feel they're lightning building up inside them, Spike's hands started to cackle with lightning and they both took aim, Spike shot another lightning blast out of his hand which flung into the air, but soon homed down on the dummy, and this sent the dummy into the air while twirling around, Spike and Spyro both took this and delivered multiple strikes to it, Spike's hands had more lightning form around them until Spike was punching it rapidly, Spike made a battle cry before he delivered another final punch to it, and the lightning covered it's body.
"I say Spike that was an excellent display! I've never seen someone harness lightning like that before, you certainly are unique, you and Spyro both are!" Volteer complimented which made them chuckle a bit.
"Tanks, we're trying our hardest." Spyro said gratefully while the lightning was flowing around Spike.

"Alright, next lesson, since Spike's been using lightning differently then you are Spyro, I want Spike to try and form a new move of his own to make himself stand out, meanwhile I want you to shoot more electric arcs at the smaller foes." Volteer instructed which was a good idea.
"A new move to develop.." Spike told himself as he looked at the lightning flowing around him, he looked at the dummy's surrounding him and tried thinking of something, but then he got a little idea on how he can defeat them.
"Let's see if this works.." Spike told himself as he held his arms to his chest, and curled himself up into a ball, the lightning began to flow around him, and Spike was suddenly starting to spin across the ground at fast speeds.
"Now that is new!" Sparx said impressed as Spike charged up his lightning, the lightning lit up his whole body with a yellow color and Spike suddenly went zooming around the room at fast speeds, Spike used this new move to quickly smash down all of the dummy's he was facing, Spike zoomed around in the room while curled up like a ball, Spike went all over the room like lightning, and soon took down the last one from his move, Spike's body soon calmed down and he stood back up again feeling a bit dizzy from what he just did.

"Whoa! That was really cool Spike! How'd you do that?!" Spyro asked amazed with what he just did.
"I just.. followed my instincts, guess that's one new move I can add to my moveset, lightning fists, and now a curling up into a lightning ball, this is just something else.." Spike said shaking his head, he couldn't believe he was learning such a thing, but was also really glad he's developing his own moves.
"You have done really well so far you two, you'll rescue the other's in no time if you keep this up! Final lesson for now, you both learned the Flame burst move from Ignitus, that move certainly proved useful during the fight against that Ice king, but now you two must try and do the same with your lightning, let the storm swell within you, and unleash it in a Electric Fury." Volteer instructed as even more dummy's came around them both.
"This again huh? Let's see what this does!" Spike shouted before he harnessed his lightning into his fists again.

Spike and Spyro both charged at the dummy's yet again, and Spike was delivering multiple fast strikes with the lightning, it was helping him with his reflexes a ton, and he could only imagine how Twilight and the other's will react to know he has elemental powers. Spike curled up again and the lightning surged around him, Spike charged himself up a bit more until he went flying across the room and took down more enemy's at once, Spyro was shooting multiple blasts at the dummy's, he kept dragging them around into eachother and using the electric arc to send them into the air, Spyro jumped up in the air and delivered a strong ground pound to the area, and Spike finished it off by using his lightning to send a shockwave across the dojo like before.

Spike and Spyro breathed heavily once again as the lightning was flowing around them, even larger dummy's had appeared around them both, and charged at them, that's when they knew they had to use it. Spike's eyes glowed yellow once again and they both began to float in the air like before, lightning surged around them both while loud thunder was heard, dark clouds formed around them both like a lightning storm, and a loud crack was heard as the power flew around them both, and with a battle cry, they both sent another powerful lightning blast around the room which destroyed all of the dummy's in an instant. After that move, they both landed down on the ground and took deep breaths, the lightning surged around them both from the move, but it felt so dang good to use after all that buildup, and releasing it.
"That was really insane.." Spike said amazed with what just happened.
"Well done you two, your training is complete, for now." Volteer complimented as they both went back to him, the ground beneath the center opened up again, and they both watched the dragon statue rise from the ground again, it made Spike wonder what is making it rise up and down like that.

After that, they both went back into the main room again, hoping that Ignitus had found the next guardian.
"Hey Ignitus, we're finished with our lightning training." Spike announced while he turned to face them again.
"You both have learned faster then most student's we've taught, but that must be because of your ability's , you both have been doing really great, I hope you didn't get too shocked when training." Ignitus said lightly joking which made them chuckle a bit.
"Oh, puns like that are so last decade. I taught them all they should need to know about lightning for now, while we are just at the basics, this will help them with rescuing the other's." Volteer said proudly while they were surprised to here that was the basics.
"Well even if we've learned a little, we know a lot more then we did previously, it'll help a lot." Spyro said hopefully while they all came into the center again.

"Okay, back to the topic, do you know where the next guardian has been taken?" Spike asked hoping he found out by now.
"I have, the Ice Guardian, Cyril, has been taken to the Tall Plains, while it'll be more simple then what happened with Dante's Freezer, you both must go there at once, and find him." Ignitus instructed which they both understood.
"As long as my tail won't be freezing I'm down for it." Spike said confidently stretching his arms a bit.
"But if we see danger, we have to run right?" Sparx asked recalling what they were told previously.
"There are times where we all must stand up to danger Sparx, Spike and Spyro have been doing that this whole time." Ignitus replied looking down at him.
"Yeah maybe next month.. or next summer.. or even next year.." Sparx said sarcastically which made them roll they're eyes.
"Let's just get going guys.." Spike said as he turned to the exit.
"Spike, please wait a moment." Ignitus asked which made them stop for a few.
"What is it Ignitus?" Spike asked curious with what he's wanting to say.

"While this place won't be as dangerous as before, you still need to be careful, if your arm was taken over by Cynder's blood in a short time like this, then it could be even worse if you overuse your strength, I am already seeing a resemblance between you and Cynder, and if your not careful, you'll end up looking more and more like her, and your body will change in a painful way." Ignitus warned which worried him yet again, he almost forgot about what's happening with him, and looking at his arm.. he could see how different it is now.
"Ignitus is right young Spike, you must be cautious with when you use your strength, Cynder's blood is like a poison, and if your not careful, you could end up feeling the same rage and killer instincts she has, on top of you possibly inheriting her powers of darkness too, you need to be careful Spike." Volteer warned as well which made Spike shiver being told that.
"I.. I understand, I'll be careful.." Spike said nodding his head while Spyro looked at him.

"Don't worry, we'll be in an out for this one, let's go buddy." Spyro said confidently before they all finally started to leave while Volteer and Ignitus are just worried.
"Volteer, do you really think we can find something to cure that corruption that's spreading? if Spike's feeling pain now, it will only get worse if we don't do something soon." Ignitus asked really worried for him.
"This is concerning indeed Ignitus, but they are purple dragons after all, they'll find a way, we just have to have faith." Volteer replied looking at him which was a good piece of advice.
"Right.. right.. let's just hope they handle this just as well." Ignitus said hopefully as Spike and Spyro took off into the skies again, and now were heading to the Tall Plains..

8: Tall Plains

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After Spike and Spyro had received lightning training from Volteer, they started making they're way to where they needed to go next, the Tall Plains. While they were told where it was by Ignitus, the place from the looks of it was far more peaceful looking then what Dante's freezer was.

Tail Plains were like dozens of islands within the sky, raised high up like mountains, there were deep ancient jungles and stone structures within them, almost like it was made centuries ago, Spike felt a bit better as they had finally arrived at this place, given what's happening with Spike right now, a calm place like this could help him.

But that still didn't help the fact that Cynder's blood was still spreading through him, his arm was far sharper and his claws were deadlier then anything he's seen, they looked like they could cut through steel, or even a limb, Spike could even feel his spine being stretched out and becoming more sharp, it just made him worried with how much longer he has till he's corrupted..

But soon enough, Spike and Spyro had finally arrived at the Tall Plains, and looked over the place as they reflected upon what Ignitus told them about it.

"Tall plains was once home to an ancient tribe called: The Atlawa." Ignitus narrates as they reflect on what they're seeing right now.
"Oh bless you." Sparx joked which made them a bit annoyed again.
"Sparx, shush." Spike said annoyed wanting this to get back on track.
"The Atlawa were people who were entombed with the rhythm of the seasons, focuses on their relationships, to their crops, their surroundings, their gods. They've all been driven underground by Cynder and her forces, who've taken over the tribes shrine. I sense that's where Cynder is keeping Cyril, and is trying to power another crystal. You must find him, before she succeeds, but be careful Spike, you are forming a scent that is familiar to hers, and if your not careful, she could capture you, do not let that happen" Ignitus said seriously as they keep their focus on the place and Spike clutches his arm again.

"This looks like the place, already a better looking place from the last one huh?" Spike asked as he liked how peaceful it was so far.
"Tell me about it, let's hope we don't have to face as many enemy hordes as we did last time, let's just find Cyril, and get him out of here as soon as we can." Spyro said ready to go.
"It's never easy is it guys?" Sparx asked a bit nervous on what they're about to go through.
"Nothing ever is, let's go guys." Spike said confidently as they hopped over to the small islands that led to the larger ones.

They start things off pretty simple right now, they head directly into one of the main entrances that led into the jungle, they only could hear the sounds of the wild around them, and it gave Spike a bit of relief as the sound of nature is something he enjoys, it helps him relax, and with what's happening right now, something like this helps him a lot. They did have to take on a few more grunts like normal, but with Spike and Spyro's lightning ability's, they made short work of them with no time at all. And soon enough, they had went through a large log that led them into a more open area, and they could see what looked like stone switches on the ground.

"Hmph, looks like we're needing to find a few switches to raise these columns, if I know Daring Do's books, this is something that would happen in them at one point." Spike said as he pressed on one of the nearby ones, which did raise up one of the columns to prove his point.
"Good work Spike, guess all those adventures you've had with your friends has payed off huh?" Spyro asked while Spike smiled proudly.
"It feels better when you get a chance to do it yourself, and help a lot with what situation we're in." Spike said giving him another high five.
"Well you heard him, let's find the next switches." Spyro said confidently before they all went to trigger the next ones around the area.

They both went through more large logs that were like pathways for them, it was certainly interesting with what they went through with these obstacles, but they all just helped them push through more obstacles, Spike and Spyro had made they're way into another area, and it looked like there were tons of booby traps around the place.
"Careful Spyro, I've seen this kind of thing before, there are traps if we're near the wrong place." Spike warned which made Spike halt for a moment.
"How do you think we should approach this then?" Spyro asked wondering what to do.
"Come on Spyro, there can't be that many tra.. AH!" Sparx screamed as he was almost hit by an arrow that shot from the wall, and they could see there were more holes containing them, and with that, Spike got an idea.
"Let's see if our powers can help with this!" Spike said confidently as he charged up his lightning, and formed himself into a ball like before again.
"Let's see if this helps!" Spyro said seriously too as he bent his horns down too ready to go.

They could see the next switch ahead of all the traps, and once Spike finished up charging his new move, he quickly zoomed past each arrow that flung at him within the second he went by it, Spyro charged directly through the booby trapped path too, he flipped over multiple arrows that shot at him, and he twirled around in the air and dodged a column falling down on him, Spike zoomed up and down a ledge to speed things up, and Spike and Spyro finished it off by landing down safely on the area where the next switch was.
"Great work Spike, that move really comes in handy!" Spyro complimented which made him chuckle again.
"Hey, it wasn't as cool as you flipping over all those arrows!" Spike said nudging his shoulder again.
"How did you even see that? You were curled up into a ball like a spiny animal or something? Sparx asked curious with how he did that.
"Oho, I have my ways Sparx." Spike said proudly before he pressed down on the next switch, and they heard something rise in the distance.
"Looks like there's one more left, come on, let's go find it." Spyro said as they saw another path just ahead of them.
"Let's go." Spike said confidently before they continued moving through the jungle area once again.

They continued making they're way through the place with caution, since this place was an ancient shrine, they knew there would be more traps waiting for them, and they were right on that. They had to keep dodging more arrows that shot through the wall again, spikes that sprung out of the ground, and they had to flip off of more platforms to help keep them moving.

But as they were heading to the end of the path, they noticed another that was to their right, and heard a large screech which caught they're attention.
"Let's check it out." Spyro whispered as they peaked around the corner to investigate, to their surprise, they found more of Cynder's soldiers taking the natives hostage, they all were being taken away in cages like the ones Spike was trapped in, seeing this made Spike feel really angry, he knows what it's like being falsely imprisoned like this, and seeing that made the dark blood in him swell up and spread even more. Spike could be heard making a pretty scary growl which concerned them both.
"Spike you okay buddy?" Sparx asked worried for him as Spike's eyes locked onto the monsters.
"We gotta free them.. now!" Spike shouted before he suddenly lunged directly at them which surprised the two.
"Whoa! Wait up Spike!" Spyro shouted before he chased after them.

Spike quickly ran to the enemy's who were about to take the last Atlawa away, but Spike made a loud roar which got they're attention. One of the Dreadwings screeched at Spike and tried slashing at him, but Spike used his lightning fists to deliver multiple strong strikes at the monster's head, Spike finished that combo off by sending it flying into the sky and striking a lightning blast at it, Spyro helped him out by flipping over the apes heads, he used his lightning breath to drag off multiple soldiers and make them fall off the ledge, and Spike took down another one by using his fire sword and slicing it across the chest, which sent it screaming into the void.

Spike breathed heavily as they took down the rest of the group finally, Spyro came up to him with worry as he hasn't seen something like that in him before.
"Spike, are you alright? You kinda lost yourself there?" Spyro asked worried which got Spike to regain focus, and he realized what just happened.
"I.. I.. I don't know.. I just.. seeing those people being taken away.. it reminded me of how I was taken away from my home and family.. and with that.. I felt.. rage.. pure rage that only told me one thing.. to attack.. I don't know why I embraced it.. and.. it felt.. horrible.." Spike said with tears as they all realized what's happening.
"Geez.. Cynder's blood is really taking a hold on you.." Sparx said worried to hear this, they could see Spike's spine becoming more sharper and they could see something begin to form around Spikes back, but that shouldn't be the main focus here.
"Spike, it's alright, what matters is we saved this guy, let's just get him out of here and see what's going on, we'll talk about it later, okay?" Spyro asked trying to calm him down.
"Y.. Yeah.. let's help him out.." Spike said as they turned to the Atlawa who was still in the cage.

Spike and Spyro went up to the cage and smashed it open so they could free him finally, but he didn't give the best response.
"Hey watch it would ya?" He asked annoyed which surprised them a bit with him being a bit rude.
"We were just trying to help." Spyro said in defense while Spike crossed his arms.
"We couldn't just leave you in that cage." Spike added looking over it's remains.
"Well, the Atlawa and Kane, need no help." Kane said dismissively which made them roll they're eyes.
"Oh, so you just sprung into action huh?" Spyro asked pretty annoyed with this already.
"And probably were gonna get captured again?" Spike teased which upset him a bit.

"Forget this guy Spyro and Spike, come on." Sparx said as he just wanted to leave by now.
"What did they want with you anyway?" Spyro asked a bit concerned on what he was captured for.
"It's none of your business you two, just be careful out there, no move, I gotta tribe to save." Kane said as he began to walk off without a single thank you.
"Oh your welcome!" Sparx shouted annoyed with this talk.
"Sometimes people just don't push past their pride.." Spike said shaking his head at this.
"Let's just try and find Cyril guys, let's go." Spyro said as they started to move through the jungle again.

Eventually, they were able to find the last switch which was at the top of the ledge from the starting room, and with careful precision, they hopped over the columns and ran across the log on the top which led them into another path, they did have to take d own a couple new enemy's, they could curl up into a ball like Spike can, so Spike had a little fun and took them down with his spin attack move. They had managed to break down some more spirit gems which gave them more strength, the more Spike absorbs these gems power, the stronger he feels, it's like he's gaining the strength of the fallen sprits who've lost they're lives to this war, and it only made Spike more and more determined to keep moving.

Spike and Spyro continued to walk through the jungle together after going through another enemy gauntlet, Spike clutched his arm again as he could feel it burning up again.
"Dear Celestia.. how are we gonna be able to stop this?" Spike asked really worried about what his state is right now.
"Come on Spike you'll be alright, I'm pretty sure we're just getting out of this jungle by now, we're heading into the open areas, it's gonna lead us to Cyril a lot faster, you can hold out right?" Spyro asked hoping he could, Spike looked at his body and sighed seeing that a quarter of it has been taken over by now.
"I don't know Spyro.. my back feels like something's forming around it.. Sparx do you see anything from back there?" Spike asked looking up at him, Sparx took a quick look behind Spike to see what's happening, but he did see something familiar start to sprout from Spike's back..
"Well aside from your spines getting far sharper and darker.. I am seeing something sprout from your back, something that looks pretty familiar, I don't know what it is, but it's sprouting up, and something tells me it'll fully sprout by the time we're done here.." Sparx reported which just worried Spike even more.

"Even when I don't see it, I'm just getting more corrupted.. why? Why did Cynder have her own blood injected into me? What does she want with me? I know we're supposed to be the purple dragons and all, but you were born in this world, I.. wasn't.." Spike asked feeling upset from what's happening again.
"There's always a reason for everything Spike, it may take a while to figure it out, but we will. But if you want my suggestion, I'd say Cynder has a different plan for you then we may think, think about it, she could've had you be killed if she wanted, but instead she's having her soldiers capture you and bring you too her, don't you think that's a bit odd?" Spyro asked as they kept moving through the place, and weren't running into any traps as of right now.
"It.. is a bit odd. but if Cynder wants me.. why didn't she come capture me herself? Sure she's looking to capture both of us, but if her men were able to travel to Equestria, why didn't she do it herself?" Spike asked confused with her decisions.
"I don't know Spike, but we'll find out, and I promise you'll be okay. We both will." Spyro assured which made him take another deep breath.
"Okay.. your right.. let's just keep going.." Spike said a bit worried still, they could see the exit to the islands around the place, and kept moving forward to keep up the pace.

After that next talk, Spike and Spyro had to cross their ways over some large bridges to reach the islands ahead of them, they did have a few enemy encounters to deal with, but with they're lightning ability, they pretty much won instantly by dragging them off the ledge so they can fall into the clouds, definitely not the best enemy placement. Spike just felt so calm and a bit more relaxed seeing a place like this, being so high up in the sky's, and going through an ancient jungle like this, it reminded him a lot of what his adventures in Equestria were like. Soon Spike and Spyro made they're way down to another island after moving through those bridges, and came up into a large spiral like area, where they were once again greeted with dozens of large enemy's to take down.
"How many of these punks are there?" Spike asked as they were surrounded once again.
"Don't know, but we've had enough training to take these guys down, let's go!" Spyro shouted before they begun another arena fight once again.

Spike charged up his lightning and shot a blast directly from his hands, this electrocuted one of the largest enemy's extremely badly, and Spyro followed it up by shooting a fire ball directly at it's chest which sent it to the wall, Spike dodged more of these rolling creatures that moved around the spiral really fast, so Spike countered this by using his spin attack again and zooming himself around the room with lightning flowing all around him, Spike took down most of these enemy's easily, and Spyro charged directly through more of the apes that were small enough to ram through eachother, Spike finished off the last one by jumping off a smaller apes head and using his fire sword to slice the thing down, this finally opened up they're path to the larger island next to the place, and they both sighed in relief.
"You know, while I was a bit excited to get to fight more enemy's at first, these all just feel the same to me aside from a couple different enemy's, sure those rock monster's are pretty tough, but these apes all feel the same." Spyro said as they walked to the exit of the spiral room.
"Yeah, but each one has to be stronger, they did put up more of a fight then usual, let's just hope we find something more interesting up ahead." Spike said shrugging his shoulders as they left the room finally.

They kept on moving through the Tall Plains without having too much trouble, they did have to take down more enemy's here and there, but it would go like how you expected, so there wasn't much to report there, Spike and Spyro had been going through what looked like a crop field given the various foods growing out of the ground, so it helped show how much this tribe connects to nature. They did have to trigger some more switches to get the door that was at the end to open like usual again, but it felt pretty much the same to how they did a puzzle earlier.

So by now, Spike and Spyro made they're way through a room where the water was flowing into the rivers nearby, it was shallow enough for them to walk in, so they didn't have to worry about anything bad happening, but Spike did reflect on how it was a river that brought him to where Spyro was.
"Hey guys, remember how I ended up at your swamp a couple days back? With me having to flow all the way down a river to your home, pretty convenient that I ended up there of all places huh?" Spike asked which made them chuckle a bit.
"Yeah, you turning up at our home like that was pretty convenient, at least we got to meet eachother and become friends after that right?" Spyro asked as they were nearing the exit again.
"Oh absolutely." Spike said with a smile as they left the next room again.

But when they reached the next one, they saw more enemy's all over the place, but they weren't focused on them, looking just above a nearby ledge, they saw Kane being backed up by one of the larger monsters who tried fighting them off, even if he was pretty rude earlier, they had worries for him.
"Kane watch out!" Spike shouted as they tried to help him with his problem, but Kane was being backed up by these walking rock monsters and was at the edge of the ledge.
"Kane!" Spyro shouted with fear as Kane screamed while he fell down the water and got knocked out, but what made it worse is that that river was heading to another cliffside, and there was no bottom to be seen.

"No! We can't let him die!" Spike screamed before they tried finding a way to help him.
"Guys you gotta do something fast! Any ideas?" Sparx asked trying to make sure nothing happens, but at that moment, something within Spike and Spyro triggered yet again, Spike's eyes began to glow a dark blue, and all of a sudden, Spike and Spyro both shot out freaking ice blasts directly to the river! This completely froze the entire river solid, and Kane was saved from the fall, but had a look of shock seeing that the entire river was frozen over by them.
"What in Celestia's name?!" Spike asked shocked as he looked at his hands, they had shards of ice coming out of them, and feeling they're power, he could see they gained another new power... ice.

"Guys you are getting weirder and weirder.." Sparx said weirded out by this which they nodded in agreement from.
"Well, Ignitus did say something like this would happen if we're in a dire situation, it happened with our fire, then lightning, and now ice." Spyro said thinking about how they keep getting powers like this out of the blue.
"Well, if we have a new power, it should help us with saving Cyril, let's let Kane rest for a bit, he looks like he needs it." Spike said looking at Kane who was taking heavy breaths.
"Good idea, let's just move ahead for now." Sparx said as they kept moving through the place after saving Kane, and gaining their new power, ice. They just hoped that whatever's going on with Cynder, she hasn't collected the crystal yet..

Unfortunately for them, far above the Tall Plains, Cynder was making her way to the place Cyril was kept at, she and her forces has been keeping this place under their control for some time, while this place hasn't been affected by her iron rule yet, she plans to make more fortresses and bases from across the islands, with the traps placed around the island, it would make a good stronghold for her soldiers to use for operations.

But as she flew through the skies, she could feel that there was another presence similar to her.. which meant one thing, that purple dragon was here. She had been tracking down that little dragon since she got the report he escaped, but was more infuriated with the fact that there are reports of TWO purple dragons saving the guardians, this infuriated her, it not only proved that she was right like always with what she was told, about this little dragon not being the one they need, but it just made her soldiers look like idiots as a result.

Cynder flew down to where the next crystal was, Cyril was knocked out after having his power drained from him like the others, and the crystal in front was glowing a bright blue, one of her generals came up to her and bowed respectfully.
"Cynder, the crystal is fully charged and is ready for you, we made sure nothing was touched here." He reported with a respectful tone which made her proud a bit.
"Good, that leaves 2 more to go, I'll be heading to collect the Earth crystal next, and all that's left after that is to find Ignitus, and drain his fire too." Cynder said with a smirk as she went over to the crystal and began taking it out.
"But Cynder, there's something else you need to know, those purple dragons are here, they're most likely on their way to save this dragon." He said sternly which made her flinch being told that, the very thought of two purple dragons made her really mad, they had stolen that dragon from his world, dragged him into a conflict he had nothing involved with, but now that he's starting to interfere with her plans, she had to keep a larger focus on him now.

"I can feel his presence, he's getting closer with that other purple dragon, I must ask, what's the status of his corruption, my blood is something he can't just get rid off, it will corrupt him over time, and if he's still pushing through it, it shows he has a stronger will then I first thought." Cynder asked towering over him.
"He.. He's had a good quarter of his body corrupted by now, I've gotten repots that his arm is like yours now, and his spine and right half is being altered by this point too, how much longer do you think he has before he gets corrupted?" He asked which made her scoff hearing it.
"I'd say he has about a day or two left, if he continues to overuse my strength which he's gained from the blood, it will only corrupt him faster, and the more corrupt he becomes, the better chance I'll have with capturing him." Cynder said with malice as she looked up at the skies again, but the general had some questions.

"But, if he's such a problem, and if he isn't the dragon stated in the prophecies, then why don't you have us just kill him since he's practically useless to us, even with what he's done now, I don't think there's any reason he should be continuing through this place." The general asked which triggered something in her, Cynder could feel something familiar about that dragon, even before he got more and more corrupt, she can practically sense it.
"You should not question that to me general, you have orders, find and capture him, and bring him to me, alive. Or I will do it myself." Cynder ordered as she was about to leave, but he didn't let her yet.
"Why are you insisting we keep capturing him? He's a useless child who's making things worse for our plans! Even if he becomes fully corrupted, what reason do you have to keep him alive?!" The general shouted which made Cynder growl with his back talk.

"You should not deny your master! You are just a pathetic ape! I have my own plans for that dragon, and I want him brought to me! That is your order! Say something like this again, and I'll throw you into the abyss! Is that clear?!" Cynder shouted with a booming voice which destroyed any anger he had, and replaced it with fear, she looked like she was about to kill him, and he didn't want to die by her claws.
"Y.. Yes Ma'am! Forgive me please!" He begged and gave a respectful bow, Cynder calmed down a bit and grabbed the crystal.
"I'll give you one last chance general, bring that dragon to me, and don't question anything else. By the time he's almost fully corrupted, that's when I'll capture him myself, and I'll explain what I want with him. Do not fail me." Cynder said in a threatening tone which made him really afraid.
"Yes Ma'am! We'll keep the lookout for him!" He said with fear before he ran off to do his job, Cynder sighed and calmed down after she was left alone again, there was multiple reasons why she wanted that child, and he will find out soon enough..

Back with Spike and Spyro, they had just made they're way through area where they had to avoid more traps, and that was after they took on more enemy's on a boat too. They met up with Kane again after meeting with him near another room with a lot of spheres, and were now just about to head to a bridge that led across the last island, hopefully where Cyril is being held at.
"I must admit, you two do have your ways of making your way around here, but you should be warned, our Shrine God hasn't been happy since Cynder's forces came here. And if your looking for that ice dragon, you'll have to face him first if you want to save him." Kane said looking at the two, Spike's underbelly was now showing some more pink to it, but he didn't want that to bother him right now with what situation they're in.
"Even if this Shrine God is upset with what's happened, we'll be able to take him on together. With our powers we could be able to help calm him down." Spike said as he formed some ice around his hands, he was trying to form another weapon out of it, but was having a bit of trouble right now.
"If you three are gonna head to the shrine, there are some things you should be warned about.." Kane said right before they all heard a loud roar.

They quickly looked over to the end of the bridge and saw her.. Cynder. She was flying off into the sky's again while holding a large crystal of sorts, Spike's blood went cold as he felt her fly just above them, seeing her in way more detail let him know just how terrifying she really is, and with what he's turning into.. he has huge fear of what he's gonna become if they don't stop this blood..
"She must've gotten the next crystal by now.." Spike said with fear as she flew far away by now which did relieve them a bit.
"She most likely has kid, you should be careful. If you two can subdue our Shrine God's anger, we Atlawa could finally come home, and finally restore what's been desecrated since her forces invaded the place." Kane said as they looked over the large bridge together.
"Well don't worry, even if we're here to save Cyril, we gotta help other's out along the way." Spike said with confidence as they started moving past him.
"Be careful you two, even with your powers, he'll be pretty tough to take down." Kane warned which didn't really scare them.
"Hey we've faced a lot worse by now, this shouldn't be too much by now." Spyro said casually as they started to head across the long bridge.
"Whatever happens, good luck you three." Kane said as they headed across the bridge together.

Spike and Spyro hurried they're way across the bridge as fast as they could, they knew that this kind of stuff doesn't end well, and they made they're way across the bridge after a minute or so. And they were just upon the shrine where Cyril was at.
"You ready for this Spike?" Spyro asked looking at him, Spike held up his hand and formed a little ice around it to show he's ready.
"Let's do it." Spike said confidently before they both hopped over the ledge, and saw a huge open area, they could see Cyril was resting near the very end of the shrine, but didn't see an Ice King or something else around him.
"Be careful, remember what happened last time guys." Spyro warned as they tried looking out for something.
"I know guys, but Cynder just left and I don't see any Ice Kings around this place.." Sparx said right before a large rock suddenly started to move, this caught they're attention, and they watched with shock as all the rocks around the area began to move, they attached themselves to a new, huge monster that was like a Rock Golem. It smashed it's fists on it's chest and made a loud roar at the two and began marching to them.
"Looks like we have to fight this thing again! Let's go!" Spike said seriously as they jumped into the shrine together.
"Let's take him down!" Spyro shouted as they engaged in another battle wit h the monster.

The monster roared at the two of them and slammed it's fist on the ground, this created a shockwave on the floor which Spike and Spyro jumped over, Spike tried focusing his ice to form it into a weapon like he has with his others, and soon enough, with some patience, he was able to form a spear made of ice, and he looked at it with amazement.
"Just how many more cool weapons will I get?" Spike asked as he twirled the thing around as the monster delivered another punch to Spike, but Spike quickly flipped over the arm and began slashing at the arm repeatedly and he flipped over the head, Spyro joined in from below and used his fire to heat up the legs to make it lose it's balance, the monster screamed as it's legs were being burnt up badly, and it tried shaking the two off of it, Spike flipped back down to Spike and now used his lightning fists to fight it.

"The things even madder now guys! Any ideas?!" Sparx asked while they rolled out of the way from more rocks being thrown at them, Spike used his lightning fists to punch straight through the rocks, he then quickly jumped on them and hopped across them as the monster kept throwing it at them.
"Let's head for it's head! Build up our power to unleash a fury blast like last time!" Spike shouted as he landed on the monsters shoulder, he used his fire to shoot multiple fireballs from his hands, and the monster tried to shake Spike off of him.
"Good idea! Let's use both Fire and Lightning on this one!" Spyro shouted as he joined in, Spyro flipped into the air and shot multiple lightning blasts at the monsters head like Spike suggested, Spike quickly flipped off the monsters arm as it got knocked back into a wall, Spike landed on the ground and used his ice powers to shoot his ice directly onto the arm, he had an idea on what he could do, and with enough time, Spike was able to freeze the monsters arm in place.
"Let's see if this works!" Spike shouted before he jumped high into the air, and changed to his fire again, Spike held his hands together, and began forming a huge fireball in between them, Spike could feel Cynder's blood swell within him, and he made a loud roar as he was about to fire at it.

"Burn!!" Spike screamed before he finally shot the fire blast at the monsters arm, and this was so strong that it was enough to completely blow it off which surprised Spyro with his strength.
"Whoa dude! That may be a bit to far don't you think?" Spyro asked concerned as the monster roared with rage after that blast, Spike breathed heavily and could feel his strength surging through him, it was something he's never felt before, but he could also feel his fire swelling up inside him to the point he can use his Fire Fury move.
"We need to take that thing down Spyro, if you've charged up your lightning enough, let's use both our blasts at once!" Spike shouted as he put his arms closer together to get ready to unleash it. Spyro could see the monster was at a weak point, and new they had to finish it off, so Spyro took a deep breath, and let his lightning surge inside him.

Spike and Spyro both began to float into the air again, they're elements flew all around them as they charged up another powerful move, Spike's fire began to cover his body, Spike's eyes became a blood red color and he could feel something sprout out of his back after using this power, Spyro's body cackled with so much lightning, it began to turn the clouds above them into a storm, lightning flashed around them both and they began to charge up they're power to the point they could unleash it, but while Spyro made a typical dragon roar as he unleashed his.. for Spike, he made a loud ferocious roar that sound ever so slightly to Cynder's.. but with that, they both unleashed they're powerful moves at once on the monster, this blast was so powerful it completely blew it off of the ledge, and the monster screamed as it was sent flying into the void, and was defeated just like the Ice King was.

Spike and Spyro breathed heavily and landed back on the ground, they could see they defeated that monster again like the last one, and felt a bit proud to know it.
"I'll never get used to using that move.." Spyro said feeling really tired after using it.
"Yeah.. tell me about it.." Spike said taking heavy breaths as they began to stand up, but Spyro noticed something was different about Spike after using that blast, something that concerned him.
"Um.. Spike? How much.. power did you use with that blast?" Spyro asked worried which got his attention.
"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked concerned to be asked that.
"Look behind you dude." Sparx said pointing at Spike's back.

Spike quickly turned around to see what they were, and to Spike's shock.. he saw wings had sprouted out from his back! They were a strange black and dark pink color that looked so much like Cynder's.. but they were wings!
"Holy Celestia! I.. I have wings?!" Spike asked both amazed and shocked to see them on his back, he tried to flap them around to try and lift him into the air.
"How is this possible?! I thought you were born without them?" Spyro asked surprised to see this himself.
"Dragons are pretty different in Equestria, so sprouting wings after some time must be apart of this, I.. I still can't believe this!" Spike said extremely shocked as he finally could fly, he flew around the area for just a bit to get a good start on it, they felt so great to use, it was like the dreams he's had of being able to fly had finally came true.
"But dude, you need to look on the other side of this, those wings look a lot like Cynder's dude, and your.. eyes.." Sparx said with worry as he could see they've changed color.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Spike asked as he finally landed back down.
"They've.. changed color dude, they're a blood red now compared to the emerald green they were before.. and a lot more of your body is.." Spyro said with concern as they both looked over Spike's body, and saw almost half of it had turned by now, and Spike's joy of having wings turned to fear as he realized that he used a lot more power then he should've, and Cynder's blood spread through him far faster as a result.
"I.. I used too much power again.. and now.. I'm.. halfway turned.." Spike said with fear as he saw most of his scales had turned black by now, and he could even see now his spine was a lot sharper too.
"Spike, it's gonna be okay dude. You need to remember what Ignitus said, only use this power when it's the best time, if you don't.. " Spyro said with worry as Spike looked more corrupted then before, and Spike could see that this was a bad move on his part.
"I guess there's shorter time for me then.. at least we stopped that golem, and we were able to save Cyril." Spike said a bit relieved as they could see Cyril getting up after being drained.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll stop this, I promise." Spyro assured as they went up to Cyril to help him out.

After they had that talk, and the revelation that Spike now has wings, Kane had come back with his tribe, and they all bowed in respect to them for saving their tribe.
"You two have subdued the God of the Shrine, restored balance to seasons, the land, and our world. The Atlawas want to worship you both now." Kane said respectfully looking at Spyro and Spike.
"That's a really big offer, but we were just here to help save Cyril, and those who needed it." Spike said pretty surprised with this respect they were given.
"Spike's right Kane, we have to get back to our own home, we have to save it too. This place is just as important as our own, and we shouldn't let anything bad happen to it. We have to figure out how to stop Cynder for good, and stop her blood from turning Spike into a dark dragon like her." Spyro said looking at him who was concerned hearing that, but understood it perfectly until Cyril came in to help out.

"They are right sir, we'd like to stay and be part of this primitive, barbaric society, but we have our own duty to fulfill, especially with there being a purple dragon at risk of being corrupted, I heard Cynder say some interesting things about this kid earlier, and I must let the others know at once." Cyril said looking at Spike who was concerned to hear that.
"I can understand that, just know I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier, and just know, that you are part of the Atlawa tribe, one of us." Kane said respectfully which made them smile a bit hearing that.
"That's really nice to know Kane, we'll come visit whenever we can." Spike said as they hopped back to the ground and were ready to leave.
"By the way, you two were right. Maybe 3 heads are better then one, or two." Kane said as they started to leave the place while the tribe was extremely grateful for them being saved.
"There's always a better chance of winning when your not alone Kane, try to remember that alright?" Spike asked as he spread out his new wings.
"I will Spike, even if one of them belongs to an annoying mosquito." Kane said referring to Sparx.
"Mosquito is that?.. Oh.." Sparx said in realization which made Spike laugh hard hearing that.
"He got you there Sparx!" Spike laughed while pointing at him, even if they had some trouble here today, they were able to rescue Cyril and gain new ice powers, and were one more guardian away from finding out how to stop Cynder..

9: Ice Training

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Spike and Spyro had once again made they're way back to the temple after rescuing Cyril, while the Tall Plains were a nice place for a place to travel through, something tells Spike that they're gonna be going through somewhere far more dangerous next time, and Spike needs to be prepared for what's to come.

But as they flew back to the temple, Spike could feel his body getting weaker, since he overused more power then he should've when they fought that golem, Spike could feel his blood being altered by the second, like each cell inside him was changing, it hurt badly, even with the new wings he has, with his eye color now being blood red, and about half of his body being turned by now, they needed to hurry this up before Spike's fully corrupted, before something worse happens to him..

Soon they all arrived at the temple once again, again, every time Spike comes here, he feels relief after going through a tough mission, something like this is a lot to handle, and a place where he can rest and try to recover, since half his body has been taken over by this point, a little rest really helps a lot.

Spike and the other's walked up to the temple and took in the moment to rest.
"I must say, the temple has seen better days since we all were captured, but at least the place is still standing, given what horrific things Cynder's forces has done to the places they've taken over." Cyril said a bit relieved to see their home is still standing.
"Yeah.. even if I've only been here a few times by now, it's still really nice to see a place where we can rest for a moment.." Spike said as he took heavy breaths, the blood is still spreading through him, and he feels it's getting even worse.
"I agree on that, at least we can rest for a bit here.." Spyro said agreeing to this as they all went inside once again.

They passed by the dragon statue once again and just admired how ancient it was, it was probably one of the few things that wasn't badly damaged during Cynder's take over, he just hoped this nothing bad happens to this place in the future. Spike and the others soon entered the room where Ignitus and Volteer were waiting for them, it always felt nice to see them, since they were the few friends Spike had in this world that makes him feel at home.

"Hey guys, we're back.. and we rescued Cyril.." Spike announced which got their attention, they turned to the group and saw Cyril has returned safely much to their relief.
"Cyril, it's a relief to see your okay, I hope you didn't go through anything too dire during your time as a prisoner." Ignitus said walking up to him who scoffed a little.
"It takes more then being held captive to break me, in fact I'd argue that the place I was held at was the most.. pleasant out of the rest of our prisons, the Tall Plains didn't have the dreadful look that most of Cynder's fortresses do." Cyril said with a bit of pride which meant that even after having his power drained, he did have some pride in him that helped him push through what he went through.
"Your still prideful like always Cyril, but it's still magnificent to see you none the less, with how long we've been separated I was wondering if they were going to.. " Volteer said rapidly which made Cyril shake his head.
"I've got more pride and endurance then most people out there, and I will not go down easily, just like our two purple dragons did too." Cyril said as he looked at Spike and Spyro, and that was the moment they all realized that Spike's body has changed even more.

"Spike, how much more power did you use? I know it helps you with pushing through Cynder's forces, but you may have used way to much here." Ignitus asked as he saw Spike's new wings, and saw they were a lot like Cynder's.
"I.. didn't think about the consequences.. we were in the heat of a tough battle.. and we needed to use something to take the monsters down, and I had to overuse my power.. again.." Spike said sadly as he saw his reflection, and he indeed had blood red eyes now.
"We made sure we used our powers the best we could Ignitus, there was just a lot we had to go through, it isn't easy trying to rescue multiple guardians in such a short time you know?" Spyro asked trying to defend they're little action, Ignitus sighed and just was more worried for Spike now that he's like this.
"I will need some time to think over this, but I think it's best we get back to our main topic." Ignitus said as he looked over the other guardians.

"Yes, yes of course. Terrador." Cyril said as he knew where this talk was going.
"Precisely, now, how do we proceed with finding him?" Ignitus asked looking over the group.
"I believe I can help, I did hear some interesting things from Cynder regarding Spike's state, I was close enough to hear it, but what I learned was a bit concerning to say the least." Cyril said which got all of their attention.
"And.. what did she say about me?" Spike asked worried about what he heard.
"It's hard to describe what she's meaning, but from what she's said, she is not wanting you to be killed, that blood is for something else, it's almost like she knows your were not the purple dragon of this world, but she also knows your just as important to this world too. When one of her generals asked why they don't just kill you, Cynder got strangely defensive, and threatened him if they ask that question again. But I also heard that you only have at least 2 days left, if we don't find something soon, or if you overuse your powers even more, you will be corrupted by her blood Spike." Cyril warned which made them pretty afraid to hear what's gonna happen.

"2 days?! And I may have even less time thanks to this?!" Spike asked with fear as he looked over his half corrupted state.
"I'm afraid so, she said she has her own plans for you, but there was something I also sensed between the both of you." Cyril said to all of them which made them curious.
"And what would that be Cyril?" Ignitus asked concerned to hear this.
"I am sensing a strange aura from both Cynder, and Spike, even with Spike being corrupted by her blood, I'm sensing a strange similarity to them, it's almost like Cynder knows something about Spike, and that's why she wants to capture him." Cyril announced which was even more worrying.
"What could she know about me? I wasn't born in this world, I'm from Equestria, a place she probably didn't even know about until I was captured.." Spike asked worried about what this means.
"I don't know, but we must be careful when she's near, because if she's after Spike, it's for a reason other then him being mistaken as the purple dragon, but then again.. he could also tie into the prophecies too, given he's able to use different powers like Spyro here." Cyril said recalling how they both used they're powers.

"This is worrying to hear, it just shows that Cynder is more cunning then we know, if she wants to capture Spike, we must do what we can to keep that from happening." Ignitus said as he had a bad feeling about what she knows.
"I agree Ignitus, which is why I'd like to teach Spike and Spyro a few more things about ice, since they learned a couple things about it on Tall Plains, some more moves to use wouldn't hurt at all. Especially since Spike is able to make an ice spear, making weapons of our elements is something really unique, and I'd like to see what else Spike can develop." Cyril said looking at the two, even though this news was really worrying, learning more ice techniques to keep Spike safe would help a lot.
"With all that I'm gaining during my time here, It's best I learn as much as I can, I'm up for more training, again." Spike said as he tried to form some more ice in his hands.
"That sounds good, let's head to the training room." Spyro said agreeing to this as they all began to leave the room while the others were still worried on what Cyril's explained so far.

After that talk with the other guardians, Spike and Spyro made they're way to the dojo once again, Cyril pressed on the switch that began lowering down the dragon statue again so they had more room, Spike just couldn't believe all he's learning, even with him being corrupted, all of these new moves he's learning just is something that would make Ember really jealous of.
"Fire and Lightning are some of the more simple elements for other dragons to use, but now you two are about to learn about Ice and it's secrets, a power worthy of you both, take in what I have to say, and you will learn in no time." Cyril instructed as the two stood in the center of the ring again.
"Got it, let's see what there is to learn!" Spike said ready to go now.
"Let's do it!" Spyro said confidently as they were ready for they're first lesson.

"Okay, first lesson, your ice breath is cold enough to freeze enemy's solid, and when they are, use your skills and attacks to break the ice, and do extra damage to them." Cyril instructed as they had some larger dummy's appear around them.
"Freeze and break, sounds good!" Spike said ready to go, he and Spyro both took deep breaths and breathed streams of ice directly to the dummies, they tried to break free from it, but the more ice they were hit with, the slower they got until they froze solid.
"And break them!" Spyro shouted before he charged at one of them with his horns down, Spike jumped in the air and delivered a strong drop kick to the dummies, this attack was strong enough to break the ice like Cyril instructed, and that indeed did a lot of extra damage which would help a lot in the future. Spyro used a tail swipe on another one of the enemy's and shattered the ice around the dummy, and he finished the rest off by ramming them into eachother for stronger damage.
"That will really be useful for later!" Spike said clutching his claw as he felt his ice flowing through him, it was way more awesome to use Ice for moves like this, and he's ready for the next lesson.

"Good job so far you two, next lesson. Since Spike is able to use the ice to summon his own weapon, I want you to try and get more focus and be able to summon it easier, and Spyro will chase down the dummy's and freeze them." Cyril instructed which was similar to the lightning lesson they learned.
"Let's see if this can help.." Spike said as he focused his ice into his hands, the ice flew around his arms and he began to form the icicles in them, Spike concentrated his powers to make the ice form around both of them until they were large enough to use as a weapon, Spike smiled and grabbed his new ice spear, and twirled it around like a fighter. Spike saw more of the dummy's were charging at him, and Spike did a backflip into the air, Spike twirled his spear around at fast speeds, and shot towards the ground extremely fast, he slammed his spear on the ground which caused a shockwave to come from the ground which froze most of the enemy's around him. And like Spyro was instructed, he was able to freeze all the smaller enemy's around him and freeze them in place, and Spike finished them off by charging into them and taking them down.

"Well done you two, I myself haven't learned to use Ice to form weapons, so to see the young take in my lessons this well makes me very glad to know the young respects our legacy." Cyril said proudly as Spike put his ice spear away for now.
"Hey, we may be young, but we have to respect our elders." Spike joked which made Spyro chuckle a little.
"I am glad to hear that, now, your next lesson is to learn to fire ice shards from your mouth, and ice stream is different, this is concentrated ice that you will shoot directly at your foes, while it takes most months to learn, with you two, I feel like this will be simple like it is for your other lessons." Cyril instructed which made some larger dummy's land down around them.
"Ice Shards huh?" Spike asked as he tried focusing his ice into a shard. Spyro did the same and took a deep breath as the dummy's surrounded them. And with enough time, Spike and Spyro both began firing Ice Shards from they're mouths, the fact Spike and Spyro learn this quickly is pretty surprising to Cyril, but it gives them more time to rescue Terrador before something bad happens to him. And soon enough, Spike and Spyro took down the last of the dummy's again and shattered them completely.

"Well done once again! I hope this shows you how deadly Ice can really be, now onto the final lesson for now, I'm sure you've had similar ones with Ignitus and Volteer too, so to make it simple, harness the ice within you, let it surge and swell around you like, and unleash it in a ferocious blast like you did with your fire and lightning, you used it to take down that rock golem with ease, so this shouldn't be any different." Cyril instructed which made them smile even more.
"Alright, let's unleash the ice!" Spike said seriously as more dummy's came around them both.

Spyro and Spike charged at the dummy's and used they're ice powers to the best of they're ability's, Spike summoned his ice spear again and used it to slash around at the ones surrounding him, Spike dodge rolled from one of they're attacks and went behind it, Spike used his spear to slice that dummy to bits and he shot multiple icicles at the others to shatter them, Spyro used his ice breath to freeze more foes solid, and he used his tail stomp to shatter them once enough was froze, it was enough to take down more and more dummy's as they kept spawning in, Spike used his ice to freeze the foes solid like before and he delivered another slash at them with his spear to shatter them.

Spike and Spyro both felt they're ice surging in them as they felt so much energy surge through them, like the Fire and Lightning before, they needed to unleash they're ice as well. Spike and Spyro both came to the center and were back to back as the larger dummy's surrounded them, and with the right timing, they both charged up they're powers. Like before, Spike and Spyro began to float in the air, Spike's wings spread wide open, and his eyes became a dark blue color as the ice surged through him, they're ice began to freeze the entire ground which in turn, froze the enemy's that were on it completely solid, Spike and Spyro let the ice flow through them and it became strong enough like it was an ice storm, and with two loud cry's, they both sent they're ice out like a huge blast like before, and that completely shattered the dummy's and destroyed them, and made the area around them snow as a result.

Spike and Spyro breathed heavily once again, those moves took a lot out of them, but for Spike specifically, he felt even weaker after using that blast, it showed he is more fragile then Spyro is, and he really needed to be careful with his power.
"Well you two, you have mastered your ice ability's, very few have mastered it, so you two should be proud for knowing something this special, use it wisely you two." Cyril asked while the two came up to Cyril as the statue rose up from the ground again.
"We'll.. take that in mind.." Spike said as he took heavy breaths again.
"Spike, are you okay buddy?" Sparx asked worried again as he took longer to recover then Spyro did.
"I'm fine, just need a minute.." Spike said tiredly as he knew what was wrong with him, they all did by now.

After that short training, Spike and Spyro headed back into the main room with Cyril again, and they hoped Ignitus knows where Terrador is by now.
"Ignitus, did you find out anything about what Cynder wants with the crystals?" Spyro asked as they all sat around the circle again while Spike was looking really tired.
"I'm afraid I have, but it's something I wish I did not know, with what Cynder's trying to do, it brings me the most fear I've felt in a long time." Ignitus explained while looking worried.
"What did you find out Ignitus?" Spike asked holding his body as it felt really strange right now.
"I have found out something terrible, Cynder is planning to use the crystals she's gathered, to open a portal, she needs our powers to do it, this is a portal that must never be opened." Ignitus said with fear which was concerning.
"Why? What's behind the portal?" Spyro asked worried on what it is.

"That doesn't concern you two right now, but what does concern you is that you have to get to Munitions Forge, you must free Terrador before Cynder can use his powers to make the next crystal." Ignitus explained which gave them they're next location.
"You two must hurry, that place is an active volcano, and you need to get there before it blows.." Volteer said making an explosion sound for dramatic affect.
"That's enough Volteer, we have plenty of time.. plenty of time.." Ignitus said as he looked really worried for what's coming.
"Plenty of time? For what, more terrible things to happen to us?" Sparx asked crossing his arms again.
"If Terrador's in danger, we need to save him.. come on Spyro.." Spike said as he was about to get up, but then Ignitus came in to stop him.

"Spike, while I do want to let you go, with your state, I'm afraid you need to stay here for this." Ignitus announced which surprised him with what he just heard.
"What? Ignitus, Spyro can't just go alone, even with Sparx, that place is the last one we need to go. I'm sure I can push through one more area.." Spike argued trying to move past him.
"Spike, please. While you do have powers like Spyro does, you are losing yourself more and more, and your body is looking weaker. Cynder is still looking for you, and I do not want her to capture you if your too weak." Ignitus countered which just worried them all.
"I'm afraid Ignitus is right Spike, you may be like Spyro in ways because of your powers, but Cynder's blood is making you weaker, and if you overuse your powers.. you could.. well..." Volteer said as he tried to put this the best he can.
"You need to think about what's happening here Spike, even with your skills, overusing them will corrupt you faster, and if you really do have less then 2 days before your turned.. you could never be the same again." Cyril added as they all were worried for him.

"I know what's happening with me is really bad, but even if I'm at risk, I have to do this, my friends back home always had to push through so many tough obstacles during they're journeys, some even made sacrifices of they're own, and if I'm gonna become a dark dragon like Cynder, it doesn't matter to me. I have to save Terrador, I can't just sit around, and let the people who kidnapped me from my home, and tortured you all keep causing terror to others, I need to do this, please." Spike begged as he could practically feel his blood being altered as he speaks, even with what he's turning into, he just wants to make sure the people who've caused his pain, and the other dragons here so much suffering, are brought to justice for good.

Ignitus was really worried to see Spike like this, even if it would be the safest option for him to save here, it still wouldn't change the fact he's being corrupted, and if they stop Cynder as soon as they can.. maybe they'll find something to stop his corruption in the process. After some heavy thinking, Ignitus sighed and looked at him.
"Very well, but you will not leave the temple again after you save Terrador, until we find a cure for your corruption, you need to be extremely careful when rescuing him, you need to use your powers sparingly, and do not overuse them again, please." Ignitus begged as he moved out of Spike's way for now, even if he's halfway turned, he has to push through the pain to stop this evil.
"I promise I'll come back safely Ignitus.. you ready go to Spyro?" Spike asked walking up to him who was unsure about this too.
"I'm ready as I'll ever be, just stay close to me for this alright? We're heading somewhere very dangerous." Spyro warned as they started to leave the room.
"Don't worry Spyro, we'll make it through this.. I know it.." Spike said hopefully as they left the temple once again to save Terrador.

Ignitus and the other guardians were really worried about this, and wondered if Spike leaving with him was the best choice.
"Ignitus, are you sure you should've let them go again? I'm sure Spyro could've handled himself, but with Spike's state.. are you sure he should be going somewhere so dangerous?" Volteer asked worried while he looked through the vision pool trying to find something.
"I am honestly unsure of that myself, there has to be a way to stop this corruption, we must keep an eye on him, he is at a bigger risk then all of us are, if Cynder does know something about him that we don't, we need to find out what it is." Ignitus said with a serious look while they nodded in response.
"I don't know about you two, but I have a bad feeling we're gonna find out something we didn't expect, and Cynder may be the only one who knows.." Cyril said with worry as they looked through the vision pool, while hoping Spike and Spyro can make it through this place before it explodes..

10: Munitions Forge

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After Spike and Spyro had more Ice training done thanks to Cyril, and were told where to go next, Spike and Spyro finally started making they're way to this Munitions Forge, even though Ignitus wanted Spike to stay back, since Spike is feeling weaker by the minute because of his near corruption, he has to keep moving in order to save Terrador, even if it costs something to do it.

Spike and Spyro flew quite a good ways away from the temple, they headed to where they were told to go, and where they headed next, was something Spike never thought he'd see. Munitions Forge is a island with an active volcano in the center, and it's on the verge of erupting, there were dozens of iron workers and deadly weapons being forged, it was worse then the Dragon Lands, and that's saying something, Spike and Spyro were completely shocked with the sight they were seeing, and had arrived on the beach of the place.

"Wow.. this is really where we need to go guys?" Sparx asked a bit nervous about the deadly place they're at by now. Spike was feeling even weaker as they made they're way here, and knew he had little time left.
"Looks like it, Terrador must be somewhere here.. we need to find him before it's too late.." Spike said weakly as he held his arm, his blood was hurting way more now that there's about a day left, and it made Spike afraid of what's gonna happen to him if it fully takes over..
"Spike, you don't have to be here for this, you should go back to the Temple, Ignitus and the others will keep you safe." Spyro asked as he didn't want Spike to be here for this.
"No.. we've gone to far now.. we need to go through the place, and get out of here as soon as we can.. I can push through one more area." Spike said taking heavy breaths as a lot more of his body had become way darker and sharper from the corruption, Spyro sighed and knew he couldn't be convinced right now, and knew he just wanted to help.
"Alright, we'll be careful, don't overuse your powers again Spike, if we get into trouble, leave most of the foes to me, alright?" Spyro asked hoping that was fine with him.
"Sounds good, let's find Terrador or any Manweersmalls that are held here, let's hope we have enough time.." Spike said hopefully as he recalled what Ignitus told them about the inhabitants, and that they're called.. Manweersmalls, and that, they all started making they're way through the mines of the active volcano.

Spike and Spyro had started things off with a bit more intense stuff then usual, since they are in an active volcano, the place constantly shakes roughly, and the only way through the place was through an open mine that could shield them from the falling rocks that were coming from the volcano, it was without a doubt one of the most dangerous places Spike's been too yet, and that's saying something.

Spike and Spyro made they're way through the mine tunnels that led into the place, they had to deal with some pesky fire beetles that were living in the tunnels which made things more irritating, Spike didn't mind most bugs as of recently, but these are just pests. Spike used his ice breath to freeze them solid and they seemed a lot weaker to ice, probably because of the environment they live in. Soon enough, Spike and Spyro came out into another open area that led further in, but they saw one of the larger generals use a magic staff to block the way forward.
"We gotta take that guy down if we need to move forward." Spike said a bit irrigated as they keep getting blocked by enemy's like this.
"Don't worry, it'll be over soon, come on!" Spyro shouted before he charged directly at the enemy's again. Spike sighed and summoned his ice spear again and engaged too.

Spike flipped over multiple apes with his new skills, he used his ice spear and slammed it in the ground, this caused multiple spikes of ice to pierce out of the ground and hit directly at the apes in front of him, Spyro charged for the largest ape that blocked they're path, the general tried shooting magic blasts at Spyro, but he quickly jumped over them and used his lightning breath, Spyro used his lightning to drag the general off the platform and have it fall a good distance, the apes weren't good at taking fall damage at all, and that was enough to take it down, and the way forward opened up finally.
"You know, while I was into beating these guys up at first, after going through 3 areas like this, these guys are more annoying then challenging.." Spike said as he put away his spear again and breathed heavily, the more he used his powers, he just felt weaker, and he had to be careful like everyone's told him too.
"Tell me about it, and not to mention that they're getting a lot tougher too, they were easier at first, but now they take quite a few hits to go down. It just gives us another reason to be careful here." Spyro said as they could see dozens of lava pits around the place.
"Let's just keep moving, we need to hurry.." Spike said seriously before they started moving towards the door that led deeper into the place.

It wasn't that long until after Spike and Spyro burst that weak door down, they found one of the prisoners from the looks of it, it looked like a Manweersmall, which did look like a mole creature of sorts. Getting the same idea, they both went over to him to see if he's okay, but he seemed to be startled by they're presence.
"What is that?! Who's there?!" The mole asked as he looked like he was blind, but tried sniffing the air to feel where they are.
"Don't be afraid sir, we're not gonna hurt you, we're here to help." Spike assured as he didn't want to start a fight.
"He's right, I'm Spyro, and that was Spike, are you doing alright?" Spyro asked concerned for him.
"You don't carry the stench of Cynder's soldiers, so you must be friends. But I am smelling a strange stench that's similar to Cynder's from one of you." The mole said looking at Spike specifically who sighed hearing that.
"It's a bad situation I'm in, but we don't have time to explain, what's going on here?" Spike asked wanting to move this along since they're in a volcano right now.
"He's right, but who are you?" Spyro asked as they didn't get his name yet.

"I am Mole-Yair, leader of the Manweersmalls. But I'm not much of a leader now, my people have been forced to slave away in the mines, and more of them are held up deeper in the volcano, and they're really scarred because of it, and they are waiting for Boyzitbig to blow." Mole-Yair said as the ground shook violently around them which meant things were looking worse by now.
"Whoa!" Spike shouted as he tried staying on his feet because of the shaking ground.
"And that shouldn't be long, if you two could help free them, perhaps I could do something for you?" Mole-Yair asked hoping they needed something too.
"I don't know, but we're here to rescue a friend of ours." Spyro suggested hoping he knew about Terrador.
"Is he a mighty dragon?" Mole-Yair asked which meant he did thankfully.
"Yeah, that's him, do you know where he is?" Spike asked hoping he did.
"I do, he's being kept in the mines near a labor camp not to far from here, it's where my brother Exhumor is toiling away." Mole-Yair answered which gave them something.
"Great! Come on Spyro, let's free these guys, quickly!" Spike declared before he quickly made his way to free the other Manweersmalls that were being held nearby, but before Spyro could go after him, Mole-Yair asked Spyro something

"Why is it that I'm smelling something similar to Cynder from your friend? I may be blind, but his stench is strangely similar to Cynder's." Mole-Yair asked concerned for him while Spike freed one of the little guys and kept moving to save the rest.
"That's because he's being corrupted by Cynder's blood, if we don't hurry soon he'll become a dark dragon like her, it's why we need to hurry as fast as we can." Spyro explained which made him more worried hearing that.
"I would not want that fate to be on my worst enemy's! You best make your way to the labor camp quickly, I'm sure there will be something to save this guy." Mole-Yair advised as Spike took down more of the apes in the background and freed a few more as they kept talking.
"We're hurrying as fast as we can, we can't stay here for much longer, how much longer will it be until Boyzitbig explodes?" Sparx asked really worried on how long they have.
"An hour at the most, at the least, it's half an hour. We need to be fast if we're going to save the others." Mole-Yair answered which just worried them even more.
"We will, thanks for this Mole-Yair." Spyro said gratefully as Spike finally came back to give the report.

"I've freed all the nearby Manweersmalls around here, there wasn't that many, but they're free now." Spike reported which did relieve them a lot.
"Oh thank you thank you! This means a lot to us!" Mole-Yair said thankfully while Spike took heavy breaths.
"It was a pleasure, so where is Terrador being kept?" Spike asked as they saw the way forward just up ahead now.
"He's being kept in the center of the volcano, just past the labor camp where my brother is, find him, tell him we're friends, and he'll tell you how to move forward." Mole-Yair advised which made them glad to hear it.
"Got it, thanks for this Mole-Yair. Come on Spyro, let's go." Spike said as they started moving through the tunnels that led to this labor camp that Exhumor was said to be.

After helping him out, Spike and Spyro hurried to the labor camp as fast as they could, Spike could see a ton of spirit gems being mined around the place, and they made sure to break down as many as they could, since it did help make them a lot stronger, it only gave Spike some slight relief as he felt his corruption calm down a bit, but he could still feel it spreading, like a virus that won't go away, he just hoped there was something to stop it.

Spike and Spyro had way more enemy encounters to deal with now, this place was like a base of operations, kinda hard to believe since it's in a volcano about to explode, but it just meant more bad guys to take down, Spike made sure to keep a count of how many enemy's they've defeated during they're missions, and from what he can count, he'd say they've taken down over 500 at this point, and if Cynder does have an entire army that has even more apes and monsters, it made Spike worry what would happen if they invade Equestria again.

Soon enough though, Spike and Spyro made they're way into another mine area, they fought through a lot of enemy's and monsters on the way here, and they took down a lot of the metal machines mining through the place too, just to help make things harder for the enemy's.
"Man, to think the last place we were at was a safe and calm area like Tall Plains, and now we're in an active Volcano, about to blow up, quite the jump in difficulty huh?" Spike asked as they could see the gems light up the cave in a green light that looked pretty beautiful.
"Yeah, and to think we just started this a couple days back, can't believe how far we've come in such a short time.." Spyro said as he reflected on the time together since they met.
"All of this from a simple hide and seek game gone wrong, to going through a almost life changing journey.. hard to believe we've been through so much, but even with what's happening to me.. I'm just glad that I had friends here to help.. it really helped me feel better about being in a different world.." Spike said with a soft smile, even if he was taken to another world, he did make some good friends because of it.
"I'm glad I met someone like you too, I didn't think I would go on an adventure like this, but I'm just glad I have you and Sparx here too, you've been a great friend and partner Spike." Spyro said smiling at him as they walked through the place together.
"You too Spyro, let's try and make it through this, I know we can." Spike said hopefully as they now came upon what looked like an old bell of sorts.

Spike and Spyro looked at the thing with interest while Sparx was interested in it too.
"Why would they make an old bell like this, especially around a volcano like this?" Spike asked confused on why this is here.
"I bet you two can't ring that bell." Sparx teased which made them look confused.
"Why would we want to during the time we have now?" Spyro asked a bit annoyed with this.
"Oh your scared, I think Spike's brave enough to go for it, but you? Scared of a big old bell? I thought you were a special dragon?" Sparx mocked which made them shake they're heads.
"If something goes bad from this, I'm sure Ignitus will want to fry you if they hear about this." Spike said as they walked up to the rope and struck it which made the bell make a loud ring. But like they expected, the thing began to shake around and was too unstable, and it fell directly onto both Spike and Spyro which made Sparx extremely scared.

"Spyro! Spike! Are you okay?! Can you hear me?!" Sparx shouted as he tried getting a response from them inside the bell.
"Look I'm sorry for all those jocks I made about you Spyro, and Spike's a great friend, please be alright guys! I'm' sorry for what happened.." Sparx said as he soon looked regretful for this, but the bell suddenly began to shake and that made him back up a little.
"What?" Sparx asked shocked as the bell shook violently, and that was until a green Earth blast erupted from the bell and broke it down, Spike had his fist forward and Spyro looked like he took a deep breath, which means they learned yet another new Elemental power!
"What was that you were saying Sparx?" Spyro asked as he didn't hear from inside the place.
"Uh.. nothing.. I was.. talking aloud.. I'm just glad your alright guys.." Sparx said really glad that they're okay.
"Well thanks for that.. and now we have another new power, Earth." Spike said really surprised that they had 4 powers now, and just at that moment, they saw more apes coming down from the exit ahead of them, they must've heard the bell sound not to far from here.
"Well let's test it out!" Spyro shouted before they charged at the apes again to test out they're new powers.

The new power they got was pretty interesting, Spike could feel his punches be slower from it's power, but it delivered way more damage then the others, which gave him some risk vs reward elements to it. Spike slammed his fist on the ground and made the rocks form around him, one of the largest apes charged at Spyro and he used his new Earth breath to blast the ape away easily, Spike concentrated his new power into the rocks around him, and with focus and concentration, Spike was able to form another weapon from the element, this time, it was a large ball attached to a chain. Spike twirled his new weapon around and struck it directly at the enemy's heads, it was heavier then his other weapons, but it made up for the extra damage it caused. Spike twirled the chain around all over him and spun it around the area, this rapidly hit each enemy and took them down from a few hits, Spike soon stopped twirling his chain around and soon slammed the ball on the floor which shook the ground, and Spyro finished the rest of the enemy's off by blasting them to the wall that defeated all of them.

Spike took heavy breaths as he put away his new weapon again, even if he just got his Earth power, using it really took a lot out of him, and he felt even weaker now because of that.
"At least.. they're all gone now.." Spike said taking heavy breaths as Spyro was worried once again.
"Spike, you sure your alright? You look really weak.." Spyro asked as most of Spike's body was sharper now, and just showed he was being corrupted faster.
"I'm.. okay, I think the labor camp is just ahead.. come on.. we need to go now.." Spike said weakly as he started moving to the exit, Spyro and Sparx were both very worried for him, but they had little time, and headed after him to help the other prisoners out.

After that talk and gaining another new power, Spike and Spyro hurried as fast as they could through the place, the ground was shaking a lot more because of the unstable volcano, and it gave them less time as a result, while Spike's new Earth power is cool, something tells him he'll have little time to use it because of his state, but they made sure to toast any enemy's they came across, but soon enough, they came upon another area, and just up ahead, they could see a commander in a train about to head through the mines.
"Come on you worthless wastes of flesh lets go! We got to hop on Steam and get back to that flea-bitten dragon! The crystals almost ready, and the volcano is right on the brink. Let's go now!" He ordered as his men got on the mine cart and they began heading through the mines.
"He must be heading to where Terrador is! It also means he's near the labor camp too, come on, we gotta go after him!" Spike said as they quickly made they're way to one of the spare carts that was right behind it, it was big enough for them both to fit in, so they could go after it together, Spyro decided to drive it, and they both hopped onto it and got ready to go.
"You both don't know how to drive this thing guys!" Sparx pointed out while Spyro tried turning it on.
"It doesn't seem that hard. It's on rails, I think we'll be fine." Spyro said as he started the thing up finally, Spike held on to his back tightly and they began to move.
"Oi.. famous last words.." Sparx said really worried about how this is gonna go, and soon enough, they headed through the mines to catch up with them.

Spike and Spyro had a tough time when moving through the mines, even when they were on rails, they were often at risk of falling off into the pits below them, they did often have to fend off against the conductor and his men, but they were able to push through it at the end of the day, Spike could feel Cynder's blood spreading even more, and he could even feel her presence here.. she may be waiting for them at the center..

But after a long and grueling rail ride through the mines, Spike and Spyro burst out of the mines and landed roughly on the ground, and the cart they were riding on flew into the lava and melted up completely.
"Ugh.. let's never do that again.." Spike said as he held his head, it was hurting a lot from all that grinding, and he hoped they don't have to again.
"Oh don't worry, we won't, I see the labor camp just up ahead, let's go." Spyro said as they could see the way out just above them, Spike used his wings to quickly fly them up there, and they could see the way through another mine rail just ahead of them.
"Let's home Exhumor is there.. come on Spyro.." Spike said weakly as they kept moving through the volcano while the ground was shaking even more.

But it wasn't long until after Spike and Spyro went through the place, they finally came upon what looked like Exhumor, he did look like Mole-Yair in many ways, but they did hope he was friendly. But as soon as they walked up to him, he quickly turned to them and raised his fist and looked ready to attack.
"Whoa hold up! We're on your side!" Spyro said with fear while they backed up a bit.
"We're not enemy's, we're friends with Mole-Yair!" Spike assured which made him surprised hearing that.
"My brother is alive?" Exhumor asked shocked to hear this as he lowered his guard finally.
"He sure is pal, all safe and sound, but I gotta say, he's the friendly one of the family." Sparx said seeing his aggressive reaction.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry, in these dark times, we can't take any chances. I'm just glad to hear my brother is alive! But why did he send you here?" Exhumor asked confused with they're presence.
"He said you may know where our friend Terrador is." Spyro said recalling what they were told from Mole-Yair.
"If he's the big dragon I certainly can. My people are being held here in this labor camp, they are being forced to live above ground and mine for Cynder's army. But there are rumors that your friend is being kept somewhere inside the place. In the darkest pits of the volcano.. all of us are doomed.." Exhumor said as they looked over the labor camp, they could see a lot of Manweersmalls being held in cages, and they all looked really scared and helpless, seeing this made Spike very angry, he wasn't wanting anyone to be kept a prisoner here.
"Not if we have anything to say about it, come on guys." Spyro said as he was ready to fight again.
"Let's free these guys." Spike said as he charged up his lightning again and got ready to fight and they both charged into the camp to free the prisoners.

Spike and Spyro charged at all the apes as fast as they could, this sent out they're alarms which made all of them prepare to fight. Some of them fired arrows at Spike and Spyro which they had to flip over, Spike used his lightning to shoot multiple blasts at the platforms the apes were on, this made the metal platform collapse and it fell onto more apes that were just under it. Spike and Spyro both did they're parts when saving these prisoners. Spike used his fire sword to slash down multiple cages that freed the prisoners, they all were really grateful for being freed and went underground to be safe.

Spike could sense another enemy coming from behind him and quickly ducked under another attack, Spike then summoned his Earth weapon and flipped over the huge ape, Spike threw his chain and ball at the apes staff which shattered the crystal inside, Spike then landed on the ground and used his chain to sweep the apes legs, he then quickly changed to his lightning fists and delivered repeated strikes at the apes face.
"Stop getting in fights you can't win!!" Spike screamed before he grabbed the apes leg and threw the ape far away and out of the labor camp. Spyro used his ice shards o freeze multiple enemy's solid and shatter them completely, he then used his Earth power to blast multiple apes into the lava pits, he used his powers to free the other Manweersmalls that were being held still, Spike saw one of the large platforms that had some of the apes on top of it, they were throwing down more TNT sticks and Spike had to take them down, he used his Earth breath to shoot a powerful blast near one of the legs, this was strong enough to weaken it, and it began tumbling down right into some explosive crates, Spike and Spyro both took cover as the platform landed on the crates, and that made a huge explosion which defeated every last one of the apes there, and broke the rest of the cages that freed the rest of the prisoners.

Spike and Spyro came out of they're cover and saw that the place was ape free now, and the prisoners were free.
"Whew, at least that's over.." Spike said a bit relieved that they're all free now.
"That was a pretty smart move to take down the platform, really made things easier for us dude." Sparx said as he saw Spike's cool move.
"Thanks, one thing always leads to another, and this proves it.." Spike said proudly as they could see Exhumor coming up to them, and Mole-Yair was with him too, so they must've seen the whole thing.
"Well we see you two crazy kids found eachother." Sparx said as he was glad they're back together now.
"Yes we are, thanks to you three." Mole-Yair said glad to be with his brother again too.
"We're just disappointed you didn't leave any for us." Exhumor said as they looked over all the defeated apes around them.
"Maybe next time guys, so now, which way to Terrador?" Spyro asked looking for the exit.

"He's just beyond that door, but be careful you two, that Conductor and his machines will surely be close by. " Exhumor warned as he pointed to a large door that was just ahead of them.
"When you say be careful, does that mean try not to die? Well we're trying not to die anyway." Sparx joked as they've been told that enough at this point.
"We'll be careful, thanks for the help guys, really.." Spike said gratefully while he took heavy breaths again, he could feel his tail being stretched out even more, and he could feel it becoming far sharper now..
"Thank you as well, come on Exhumor, we must get the Manweersmalls back underground, where they belong." Mole-Yair advised just as the ground shook even more now.
"Yes, it won't be long now, be careful both of you, please." Exhumor said with worry before they both dug into the ground with the rest of they're people.
"Well, we know where Terrador is, you ready for this Spyro?" Spike asked as they turned to the large door ahead of them.
"Ready as I'll ever be, let's go!" Spyro said with a serious look before they started moving to the last area they needed to go.

Spike could feel his blood being altered even more as they kept moving, it hurt extremely bad, it feels even worse then what it was like before, Spike groaned in pain and felt his claws becoming far sharper and deadlier then before, and Spyro and Sparx looked really scared for him.
"Spike, come on, we're almost done here, we just have a few more steps, and one more fight, you can do it buddy, come on." Spyro said as he tried helping him move, Spike breathed heavily and his body was feeling weaker by the minute.
"Maybe you were right Spyro.. I should've stayed with Ignitus and the others.. I can.. barely think.." Spike said holding his head, he could feel his spine stretching out, and becoming like sharp spikes because of it.
""Come on Spike, you can push through this! We'll find the cure soon! Come on Spike, keep going, come on!" Sparx encouraged as well, Spike could see that they were almost as the center, and could feel a strange presence as they got closer.
"Okay guys.. let's just.. be careful.." Spike said weakly as he used what strength he had left to keep moving on his own, they were only a few steps away from saving Terrador, and the volcano was getting worse and worse the longer they waited..

Soon enough, after moving up another spiral that led to the top of the place, and to the center of the volcano, Spike and Spyro soon emerged within the center, and could see the place was shaking violently, and they felt that there was a short amount of time left. But at the very center, they saw a large dragon inside a container, and his power was being drained into a crystal just below it.
"You think that's Terrador?" Spyro asked as they hopped onto the ground.
"A giant dragon being held in the center of a volcano? I'm guessing that's Terrador." Sparx replied as it was pretty obvious by now.
"Come on guys, we're so close.." Spike said as they tried to make they're way to him.
But just before they could reach him, one of the doors surrounding the area opened up, and they saw the conductor from earlier moving through the rails and he surrounded the two.
"Ugh, here we go again." Sparx said annoyed as the conductor glared at the both of them.
"Your both too late guys, the crystals already charged, and the volcano is ready to blow, but before it does, me and Steam are gonna take a great pleasure in running you both down!" He mocked before the train began to move around the rails at fast speeds, they all were in a circle that led in 4 directions, so it gave them room to attack it.
"Come on guys, we're almost done, let's go!" Spyro said seriously before he charged at the conductor, Spike took heavy breaths and summoned his fire sword again.
"I'm not going down without a fight.." Spike said with anger before he engaged in the fight too.

The train moved around the rails around them at fast speeds, the conductor threw multiple sticks of TNT at them and they had to dodge the explosion's coming from them, Spike quickly kicked one of the sticks right at the cart to weaken it, and they used all the openings they got to take it down. Spyro jumped in the air and shot more ice shards at the top of the train to damage it, and this did slow it down a bit as it kept moving around, Spyro used his Earth power to shoot blasts at the walls it was heading too, and that sent multiple large rocks to fall down onto the train that did heavy damage to it, they could even see some smoke starting to come out of it
"That's doing some damage! Let's keep it up!" Spyro shouted before he started to shoot multiple lightning blasts at the the back of it.

Spike took heavy breaths and summoned his ice spear again, he raised in the air and took a close aim for one of the wheels, he made a battle cry and threw it with the strength he had right at it, the spear flew directly into one of the trains wheels and pierced through it, that made the train screech to a halt and the conductor almost went flying off, but he did the best to keep his grip on it.
"You little pest! Just go down already!" He shouted before the train activated again, and began to drive to Spike with fast speeds, Spike quickly rolled out of the way and to Spyro to avoid it, and they changed to they're fire powers to do more damage, Spike jumped in the air and repeatedly stabbed the train in the engine with his fire sword, Spyro meanwhile used his fireballs to damage the side of it, they could see the train was falling apart with each attack they made, and they could see the conductor was furious.
"Get off my train!" He shouted before Spike jumped away from another TNT stick which exploded in the air.
"Come on Spike, we're so close!" Spyro shouted with anger, Spyro changed back to his Earth powers again, and began shooting multiple blasts at it's wheels to make it spin out of control.

But as they kept fighting the the train and conductor, something inside Spike snapped. Spike could feel all the anger and hatred he's felt for these apes build up inside him, he reflected on the pain they caused him, why he's the way he is now. The reason he's turning into a dark dragon.. the reason he's suffered so much because of Cynder's blood.. and not to mention the torture they've done to the other guardians.. the enslavement of innocent people.. and the destruction of so many homes..

After reflecting on so much of what these monster's have done, Spike felt his anger build up to a point where he needed to unleash it, Spike's teeth bared and showed that they were even sharper too, Spike's blood boiled in him and he felt both his claws sharpen even more, his tail stretched out even more and became a lot longer, and his tip became like a blade, Spyro noticed Spike's changing, but he also saw Spike's scary look.
"Spike.. are you okay?" Spyro asked worried for him, Spike didn't respond, and he instead went directly onto one of the rails the conductor was on.
"It's your death wish punk!" He shouted before the train charged at Spike with fast speeds.
"Spike what are you doing?! Get out of the way!" Sparx shouted while Spike stood still, Spike's eyes narrowed and he felt something build up in side him. Spike took a really deep breath and waited for the right moment, Spike's anger flared up and at the moment where he was about to be hit.. Spike made an extremely loud.. ferocious roar that sounded exactly like Cynder's, but this also sent a strange shadow like fire directly at the train, the conductor screamed as the flame flew directly into both him and Steam, and that fire was so powerful, it completely destroyed them both in an instant.

Spyro and Sparx were shocked beyond belief to see what just happened, Spike soon felt his rage leave him after using that move.. and he felt even weaker as a result.. Spike took heavy breaths and fell on his knees, he looked at his shaking body with fear, and realized what he just did.
"What.. what was that?" Spike asked with fear as Spyro and Sparx went up to him.
"Spike what happened man? Are you alright?" Sparx asked as they saw him trying to walk again.
"I.. I don't know.. I really don't! I just got.. really angry.. and so mad.. at what these monster's have done to us.. and then.. I just did.. that!" Spike said as he pointed at the remains of the train that was destroyed at this point.
"Spike, that roar. It sounded like Cynder's. Did you overuse your power again?" Spyro asked really scared for him.
"I didn't mean to! I promise! That blood is changing so much of me.. and.. I just felt so much rage... I don't know how to describe it.." Spike said with tears after reflecting on what just happened, they both felt really bad for what's happening to him and knew this was really bad right now.
"I promise we'll figure this out, count on that. Come on, the place is about to blow." Spyro said as they turned to Terrador who was freed from the cage now, and was trying to get up, Spike walked alongside him and felt really afraid of what's happened, and couldn't bear the thought of it being any worse..

Terrador groaned and was finally getting up after being held in there for so long, and he soon saw the two dragons below them, he did see there was some purple on Spike, but only barely by now.
"The purple dragon lives. And there are.. two of them?" Terrador asked looking at Spike with worry while he breathed weakly.
"Hey they have a name you know." Sparx said as the ground was shaking violently.
"Yeah, my name's Spyro, this is Spike, and you must be Terrador." Spyro introduced looking up at him.
"Yes I am, but I must say I never thought I'd live to meet you two, thanks for the save you two." Terrador said gratefully while Sparx crossed his arms.
"Yeah look I'd love to stay and chat and everything, but how about we leave before the volcano blows up?" Sparx asked really wanting to go by now.
"Yes, your right. I've got to tell the other's what Cynder is up too. Can you walk little one?" Terrador asked looking at Spike.
"I.. think I have enough strength for one more flight.." Spike said as he tried to get ready to fly.

But before all of them could leave, the ground shook even more and they felt something was off, Spike's senses went off like crazy and he felt something really bad. And just at that moment.. something emerged from the lava in front of them and into the sky's.. and they saw a huge black dragon show itself in the sky's, Spike's blood went cold as they all knew who that was in an instant.. Cynder. Cynder looked down at them all and roared at them all, and she specifically looked at Spike, and saw he was almost turned by now.
"Run!" Terrador shouted while pushing them out of the way, Cynder roared at Terrador and lunged directly at him, Terrador spread his wings and flew into the air at fast speeds and tried to hold her off.
"Look, when he says run I think he knows something!" Sparx shouted as he wanted to leave now, Spike's body was shaking with fear as they watched Terrador try to fight her off, but Cynder was just as strong as she's said to be, and took him down with ease and slammed him to the ground.
"Terrador!" Spike shouted with fear as the place was shaking violently.
"Go you two! Fly like you've never flown before! Don't let her catch you! I'll go back to the temple for help!" Terrador shouted as Cynder grabbed the crystal with one claw, and soon glared at the two dragons next.
"Guys, we need to get out of here, go!!" Spike screamed before he spread his wings and quickly took off, Spyro did the same too and they tried flying as fast as they could as Cynder chased after them both.

Spike and Spyro flew as fast as they could through the volcano, it was finally exploding from all the build up it's had over the years, and lava and rocks were flying all around the area, Spike screamed as he barely avoided some of the rocks from hitting him, and they tried flying through the tunnels while Cynder roared from behind, she took a deep breath and began to shoot a dark blast at them.
"Look out!" Spyro shouted before they quickly flew out of the way from the blast, the blast then hit one of the pillars directly above them, and it began falling down towards the two.
"Out of the way!" Spike screamed as the pillar almost hit them and fell far down into the lava below them. Cynder roared even more and began to speed up which made them try and fly as fast as they could.

Spike and Spyro flew through the volcano with all their might, they could see there were more bases and camps within the background, and could see them firing more cannons directly at them, Spike and Spyro flew around in circles and tried avoiding each one the best they could, and were now flying directly upwards as Cynder was gaining on them. But as they kept flying, Spike felt his corruption taking affect, and his body was feeling even weaker and weaker with each passing second.
"No.. come on.. I have to.. keep.. moving.." Spike told himself as he was starting to slow down.
"Spike come on, not now dude!" Sparx shouted with fear while Spike looked like he was about to pass out.
"Come on Spike, we're almost out of here! Please keep moving!" Spyro shouted trying to keep him up, but Spike felt too weak to keep flying, and his wings began to slow down.
"I'm sorry.. I can't.. keep going.. save yourself Spyro.. I'm.. sorry.." Spike said weakly before he finally passed out from exhaustion, and they both watched with fear as he began to fall.

"Spike! No!" Spyro shouted with terror, Spike turned tail and tried flying down to catch him, but Cynder had seen Spike falling too and took the moment.
"No no no! Come on Spyro! You can catch him!" Spyro told himself as he dove directly to him as fast as he could.
"Come on Spyro, your almost there!" Sparx encouraged as he was just within reach, but they're hoped dwindled as they heard Cynder's roar once again, they both quickly turned to their right and saw Cynder swooping down at them, Cynder roared at them both and knocked Spyro away with her tail, Spyro quickly recovered and watched with horror as Cynder dove to Spike, and with one swift move, Cynder was able to catch Spike in her spare claw, and kept him firmly in her grasp.
"No!!" Spyro shouted with terror as Spike was held by her, Cynder laughed evilly and glared at Spike.
"After all this time.. I've finally got you.. now.. to finish the last pest.." Cynder said while turning back to Spyro, Spyro looked even more terrified and tried to avoid any attack she threw at him.

Spyro burst out of the tunnels of the volcano after more flying, and Cynder was almost catching up with him, Spyro flew as fast as he could, but soon another roar was heard, suddenly out of nowhere, Ignitus came in and tackled Cynder away from him and roared with rage.
"Let Spike go!!" Ignitus screamed as he tried clawing at her, but Cynder used her tail to whip his attacks away, and grabbed him by the waste, and Spyro watched as Cynder took Ignitus with her into the clouds, and Spike was taken with them too.
"Spike! Ignitus!" Spyro screamed before he tried going after them, but Terrador soon came in the way and blocked him from going any further.
"We've got to find them! Save Spike and Ignitus!" Spyro shouted as he tried moving past him.
"They're gone Spyro, there's nothing we can do.." Sparx said regretfully looking at the volcano as it was erupting finally.

"I don't care, neither Spike, or Ignitus would leave me. We have to help them!" Spyro said as he didn't want to lose them.
"He's right Spyro." Terrador replied which surprised him.
"I'm right?! Oh my god that's a first!" Sparx said amazed to hear that.
"You'll never find them in this mess, and your not ready to face Cynder yet. The time to fight will come, but not now." Terrador advised trying to calm him down, Spyro sighed and felt awful for having to do this.
"I guess your right.. but what about Spike? Cynder's been after him since we met him.. what's she gonna do to him?" Spyro asked really worried for him.
"I do not know, but if Spike's as strong willed as you, he will be okay. We need to head to Temple now, we'll save them soon, I promise.." Terrador assured which made him feel more regret.
"Your right.. let's go.." Spyro said with regret as they began to take off for the Temple as the volcano's smoke covered the sky, he just hoped that whatever happens.. he'll be able to save Ignitus and Spike..

11: A Dark Truth..

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Spike could only feel pain after he passed out from the blood flowing through his body, he had been trying to endure the pain as long as he could when they were trying to save Terrador, he had been holding off hope that they could find a way to save him once they freed the guardians, and maybe the answer would lie with Cynder, but now.. he could feel so much of it flowing through him..

Spike groaned with pain as he finally started to open his eyes, his vision was blurry and his head was pounding, but he was trying to push through the pain the best he could still.
"Where.. am.. I?" Spike asked weakly as he tried to wake himself up, but the instant he regained focus, he was greeted with the sound of thunder, and a dark flash of lightning, this finally made Spike's eyes widen and he finally woke up fully. Spike gasped with shock as he finally remembered what happened, he passed out during the flight to escape Cynder, but from the looks of it.. he may have been captured by her..

"What.. is this place?" Spike asked worried as he tried getting his bearings, he was on a tower of sorts, that was surrounded by a dark fortress below, around a field of strange crystals, lightning flashed over the area, and the clouds were pitch black, it was the darkest place Spike had ever been too, even Nightmare Moon would be afraid of this place with how dreadful it feels.

Even within these first few seconds, Spike felt dread as he looked around the place, the fortress was made of dark iron and spiked surfaces all around the place, it was higher then any place Spike had been too here at this point, and his blood felt cold the more he looked around the place. But that's when Spike suddenly felt his body's pain, regaining consciousness must've had all the pain stored in him finally release, and it hurts.. really.. really bad.

"What.. is happening to me?" Spike asked weakly as he tried to move, but that's when he heard the sounds of metal and something prevented his arms from moving, that's when Spike finally turned to his arms, and saw his arms and legs were chained to the wall, but what made Spike look more worried is that most of his body had turned as black as Cynder's was by now, and looking at his wrists.. he could see sharp white horns had grown around it, and that made Spike breath heavily.
"What's going on? Spyro? Sparx?! Anyone there?!" Spike shouted as he hoped to have someone answer, but he heard a groan of pain which got his attention finally, he quickly looked ahead and his eyes widened in shock, he saw Ignitus was here too, but he was being held within a container or sorts, and his power was being drained into a crystal..

"Ignitus! Ignitus can you hear me?! Are you alright?!" Spike shouted hoping he would hear, thankfully Ignitus did hear him, and he looked up and saw Spike finally woke up after passing out from the pain.
"Spike! Your awake, thank the ancestors! I'm.. okay, but what about you? Are you okay?" Ignitus asked worried as well.
"I've.. been better, but where are we?! What is this place?!" Spike shouted looking around where they are.
"We're in Cynder's fortress! We were taken here after she captured us, I tried saving you and Spyro when you were being chased by her, but it resulted in us being captured, but Spyro is safe." Ignitus answered which relieved Spike a little bit.
"That's.. a relief to know.. but what's going on here? And.. where is Cynder?" Spike asked as he tried breaking free, but the metal was too strong, and his body felt too weak to use his powers right now.

But from above him, on the very ceiling, a familiar large black dragon was looking over him, and saw he had awoken, and was struggling to break free.
"Here..." Cynder answered which made Spike's eyes widen in fear, Spike quickly looked up and saw Cynder was looking at him from above, and with a sinister chuckle, she hopped off the ceiling and landed down in front of him, her body towered over his, she was imposing, threatening, and Spike felt fear from being in her presence.
"Y.. Your.. Your.. Cynder..." Spike said with fear as his body was shaking, Cynder chuckled at this sight and looked only at him.
"Yes, I am. And I must say, it sure was some trouble trying to capture you, but those pathetic apes were too weak to do it, so I just saved the time, and captured you when I had the chance." Cynder said mockingly while the lightning flashed over them.
"Why.. why do you want me?! What reason do you have to have taken me from my home?! Why are you doing all of this?!" Spike shouted trying to get the answers out of her.

"Oh my, the little dragon has a fire does he? A fire that burns strong and proud, it only makes me want to burn it out till nothing is left.." Cynder said in a malicious tone which made Spike's body shake even more.
"What do you want with me? Why did you take me to this world? Why was I kidnapped in the first place?!" Spike asked again as he didn't want her intimidation to make him back off from questions.
"Hmph, you have some boldness to ask me these questions, but I suppose it's only fair I answer them, but I'm sure you've figured out by now, the reason you were taken here, is because you were seen as the purple dragon of legend, while I had my doubts, my armies were convinced it was you, and I had sent them to bring you too me. And now that I've seen you close and in person, I see they may were mistaken ever so slightly.." Cynder said as she took a close look at Spike, even when his body's almost like hers by now, she knows what Spike looked like from the reports she got.

"Then it's true? I.. wasn't the purple dragon stated in the prophecies? But if that's the case.. why did they assume I was? And how were they even able to locate me in a completely different world?" Spike asked as he knew it was a far cry that he was actually stated to be a legend.
"Not exactly little one, while you were hatched in this.. Equestria, you were still a unique purple dragon, my commanders detected something different about you, compared to the other dragons of Equestria. But I have to say, after closely looking at the dragons of your kind.. they are really pathetic, even that new friend of yours, Ember, she may be one of few civilized dragons in that world, while the rest are just brutes, that can easily lose a fight against a stronger foe because they don't have the wit we have. At least the guardians put up a fight, even if they did lose in the end.." Cynder mocked as she looked at Ignitus who growled hearing that, but even with that insult.. Spike can't deny that the dragons are kinda weak in terms of history, even with what he knows from Ember, it wasn't nearly as large as what this world has.
"There are reasons why I didn't want to stay with those guys.. but why did you have them capture me then? Why can I use powers if I'm not like Spyro?" Spike asked looking back up at her.

"You may think you aren't as important as that little dragon, but you couldn't be more wrong. We sensed something different, and unique about you compared to every dragon in that world. Every. Single. One. And after watching you through your journey, gaining powers like the guardians, and learning to fight and defeat so many of my soldiers, that showed me you ARE just as important as Spyro, and thats' what really took my interest with you." Cynder said really showing that she's been doing what she can to find him.
"Then.. why did you inject me with your blood? What did you want with me?" Spike asked as he felt Cynder's blood flowing through him even more, Cynder smirked as she could see he had grown white horns around some parts of his arms and wrists, and they were like the ones she had too.
"Let me ask you something first child, do you know who you parents were? I've been digging into your worlds history when I've had my free time, and we haven't found any reason why you were raised by.. ponies.." Cynder said clutching her claw as she said ponies..

"I.. I.. never knew them.. I was hatched and raised by Twilight Sparkle, and even if I never knew my parents, Twilight and her friends were the best family I could have, and you took that away from me!" Spike shouted giving her answer with some rage, but she didn't seem phased by that at all.
"Please, I only took you somewhere where you could finally start reaching your true potential, look back on what you've done for them, even with the few victory's you've had, they've always happened because you were assisted by one of them, even when those Changelings reformed, that pathetic unicorn Starlight got all the credit, while YOU were the one who befriended one in the first place, doesn't that infuriate you? Make your blood boil for not even been given an ounce of thanks or praise? Sometimes it felt like they completely ignored you, and just left you alone to simply be an assistant. They never let you try and do something that could help you make a name of yourself, and even when you did get the chance.. you were too weak to fully take it.." Cynder mocked as she had known about Spike's " Achievements" To her, they never were something he did on his own, and it made him look weak because of it.

"Even if I wasn't thanked once.. the fact it still helped at all was enough for me.. helping them at all means something, no matter what little I can do, at least it helps them win against evil people like you." Spike countered which did surprise her with his backtalk, but it showed her he had guts.
"Hmph, to me the foes you've faced are nothing more then an ant to crush. My dark powers far accede what they've done, and all I've seen of them is nothing but pathetic villains of the week. Once they fail once, it just becomes sad that they try again, and it just lessens the presence of them being a threat. To me, the villains you've defeated aren't threatening after you've beaten them, because it just makes it feel like a repeat of defeating them in either a less fulfilling way, or could make it more worse, depending on how the villain comes back. But that is just my opinion, after all, what they've done won't matter until my master returns, and once this world is gone, those pathetic ponies will be next.." Cynder said with a growl which made Spike look afraid hearing that.

"Why do you want to hurt them?! They never did anything to you! So why should you care about invading they're home too?!" Spike shouted as he didn't want his home to be destroyed one bit.
"Because it led to you catching my generals attention, and it led to you being taken here, and now lead to the guardians being freed one by one. They actively led to this chain of events, and they must pay for it." Cynder said with a growl which just worried him even more.
"I'll never let you hurt my family! They were the only ones who made me the way I am! I'm far better then I ever could've bene if I was raised without them!" Spike shouted as thunder was heard above them, and Spike tried breaking free of his chains still.
"You really never knew did you?" Cynder asked which confused him.
"Never knew what? Who my parents were? Why would I now when I have people who are a family to me?" Spike asked not understanding this, Cynder scoffed again and turned to him again.

"Child, why do you think your egg was abandoned in those woods? Did you really think there wasn't a reason you were left alone there? Without a parent to raise you?" Cynder asked which made him think about it, even with what he knew, no pony ever found out why he was found alone..
"We never found out why.. but we had some hope we could find out why.. hold on a minute.. did you have some involvement in this?! Did you kill my parents?!" Spike shouted suddenly as he thought she actually knew who they were, but Cynder didn't look upset being asked that at all.
"No, I never killed any dragon that looked like you, I was too busy focused on the guardians, the war, and making my rule known throughout the world to hunt down more, and it wasn't like there was many left. But you are close little one." Cynder said with a smirk which turned his anger to worry.
"Then.. were you involved with me being abandoned? Why? Why was I alone? And how were you able to know about this?" Spike asked as she should not have known about Equestria at that point.

Cynder sighed being asked that, and began to explain something truly game changing for him.
"Child, why do you think I had my blood injected with you? This wasn't just to give you strength, corrupt you into a dark dragon like me. It was for something, much more important.." Cynder said as she showed how similar they're claws were by now, and Spike's fears were rising up.
"I thought it was to corrupt me into an evil dragon like you.. right? To cause destruction.. and harm others..?" Spike asked as he felt his spine was far sharper even more now.
"It wasn't just for that child, it was so the aura that was sensed could finally grow, and the potential inside you, could finally be unlocked. My blood didn't just alter your appearance, it was what unlocked your powers in the first place, but because of that pony's spell that hatched you, you had it sealed deep inside you, and only my blood awakened it." Cynder explained which did explain a bit on how he can use powers now.
"But.. how? How is it your blood that was able to awaken my powers.. why are you.. asking me all of this?" Spike asked as Cynder went over to one of the nearby pillars for something.

"Child, what was your egg color like? What do you know about it once you were hatched?" Cynder asked as she pressed on a strange switch of sorts which opened a small wall.
"It was.. purple.. with darker purple spots, but you should know by now, right?" Spike asked as Cynder was grabbing a small piece of paper, she looked at it for a moment, and Spike could see some level of sadness in her expression.
"I should, and I do. After all, it was the first thing that I saw.. that ever gave me a sense of joy.." Cynder said before turning back to him, and Spike's eyes widened hearing that.
"W.. what do you mean by that?" Spike asked as she held the paper in front of her, and it looked like a photo of sorts.
"See, for yourself child.." Cynder said as she held her claw out, Spike used his free space to take the photo while still being confused, and he took a close look at it..

But once Spike did.. Spike dropped the photo in pure shock of what he saw.. the photo drops to the ground and shows the front of it.. and as the lightning flashed over them again.. it revealed Cynder.. was holding a egg of her own.. that was exactly like his..
"No.. this can't.. be possible! This.. can't be true!!" Spike screamed with fear and shock as he saw this, but Cynder picked the photo up again and smirked seeing it.
"You've seen it for yourself Spike, all this time, there was a reason you were alone, but it wasn't in a way anyone would think.. the reason no one was able to find out who your parents are.. why they couldn't find a trace of them..." Cynder said as she began to drop the bombshell that would change his life.
"No.. please don't say it!! Please!!" Spike begged which only made her chuckle in response.
"Don't deny it.. Spike.. I'm.. your... mother.." Cynder revealed which made Spike look horrified hearing that he's her.. son.
"No.. no.. NOOOOO!!!!!" Spike screamed which echoed through the entire fortress as lightning flashed over the entire area..

Spike breathed heavily and tried processing this the best he could.. he was just told something that he wished he never knew now, that Cynder... is his.. mom..
"I trust you see the reason why I wanted you here now, and alive at that. I didn't want my generals to find this out. It's a secret I've kept to myself for years. And now that I've finally told you it.. it makes me all the more glad.. to see my son in front of me.." Cynder said as she trailed her claw up his chin while he was in tears.
"There's no way! I can't be your son! I didn't look anything like you when I hatched! How could I be your son when I look nothing like you?!" Spike shouted as this was something he never would've expected.
"Let me go back to the beginning son.." Cynder mocked as she prepared to tell Spike how this exactly came to be.

"Years ago I came into this world, as I was a creation of my master's dark and poisonous magic, I was created as his greatest weapon, any strong willed foe or anyone who opposed the Dark Master, would suffer by my claws. I drove this world into darkness with the power he granted me, and I was a force to be reckoned with, the strongest dragon that was known at that point, and my dark powers showed it.." Cynder said with malice as she formed some shadows in her claws to prove her point while Spike was still trying to process this.
"But.. even when I felt pride for all I've done.. none of anything I did.. made me feel.. truly.. happy.." Cynder said as her voice became softer and she put out the shadows which confused him.
"While I was the strongest and most respected by my master's army's, I felt so alone in the darkness, I never had anyone that could be by my side.. and maybe show me some happiness, being a dark dragon like me, and the war that I've fought in for years, it didn't give me any time to really find something to make me feel.. whole.." Cynder explained while looking at the fortress around them.

"That's when my idea to have you came into my mind. Even if it went against my master's wishes, I wanted something, anything that could show me a form of joy, and with some special spells I had, I was able to form you with my dark magic, you are of my own, flesh, blood and power. You were the first thing I had in my claws, that made my soul feel something other then hatred.." Cynder said looking at him who was in complete shock of hearing this dark backstory of his.
"You were the first thing I ever had that gave me some form of joy, something that maybe.. could break me free of this horrendous curse.." Cynder said as she looked at her corrupted form.
"But it wasn't even a day after I had you, until my master was able to find out, his connection to me is like a puppet, to it's strings. And once my strings were attached again, he saw what I did when free, and was furious. He told me that if I didn't want to suffer in the darkest pits of Convexity, and proved I'm still loyal to him. I needed to.. crush you and make sure there was nothing left.. it was to prove I was still loyal to him, since he's the one who made me what I am.." Cynder said as her voice had regret from the sounds of it.
"But.. this means you didn't.. but.. how?" Spike asked while in complete disbelief of what's happening.

"Even thought I was told to destroy you.. I couldn't find it in my heart to destroy my child. So I found a spell that would send you to another world, a world where you could hopefully avoid ever being involved with this war. I used my magic to suppress your dark powers to the point you'd never awaken them without me, change your form enough to the point where my master couldn't track you. And that world I sent you, was Equestria. The reason you were alone in that forest you were found in, was because I wanted to ensure my child would live his own life. Even if it meant never meeting me." Cynder explained which surprised Spike even more to know she was doing this.. to save his life..
"Alas.. my generals were able to track you down finally, and with your appearance and strange aura around you, they believed you were the purple dragon of legend, so I had no choice but to order them to bring you to me. And I knew that if my master met you, he would either destroy you, or destroy me and have you replace me. And that's when I discovered an alternative.." Cynder said as she looked at Spike's almost turned body.

"What kind of idea?" Spike asked shaking a little while Cynder inspected him.
"You see.. son. The reason you looked the way you did previously, was from both a mix of my own magic, to make sure you don't have my aura and dark powers, but it was also a result of that pony's magic, when she used it to hatch you. And the only way that could save your life when my master meets you.. hopefully.. is that if you became a dark dragon like me, one that is loyal and powerful. My master could spare your life, and have you fight alongside me. That's why I had you injected with my blood, to not only awaken your dark powers and your elemental powers, but also to change you back to how you originally should've looked like, just. Like. Me. All of this wasn't to make you suffer a horrible fate, I did all of this.. so I could save your life, and maybe you could be spared.. I know you've suffered a lot because of my blood corrupting your body, but it's for your own sake.. I don't.. want to lose the only thing that made me feel.. happy.." Cynder said sadly while rubbing his head.

Spike was in complete shock as he learned his dark backstory, he was the son of a dark dragon who's been causing so much trouble across this world.. and to learn she had him.. and sent him to Equestria in order to keep him safe.. it.. it hit him in so many ways..
"So.. I'm.. really your.. your son? All my life.. I was.. a creation from your dark magic?" Spike asked horrified to know all of this.
"Yes, you are. You may have inherited my dark powers, but I was the one who had you, you've always been my son, and you always will be.." Cynder said while the thunder boomed over them again as Spike breathed heavily.
"No.. this can't be real.. this.. can't.." Spike said with tears as he never thought this is where he really came from..
"It is real, and I know you need to process it. Once I get that last crystal, this world will know the power of my master, and you and I will be at his side.." Cynder said with a grin before she took off to another nearby pillar to let Spike have the time to process it.

Spike looked at his body with horror, he had just learned a truth he should've never known now, all this time, he was from this world, he was sent to Equestria in order to live a life without her.. and.. Cynder was doing all of this, corrupting his body with her blood.. trying to capture him.. this corruption wasn't to end his life it was.. to save his life..
Spike was trying to process everything he just learned from his now revealed mother, Spike tried to deny it, and he tried to pretend he didn't hear any of it.. but.. this is so life changing for him.. he can't ignore it..

But as Spike tried processing the dark truth of who he really is, an elevator in the middle of the tower was rising up, and to Spike's shock and relief, he saw Spyro had arrived to save him and Ignitus.
"Spyro! Sparx! Your here!" Spike shouted with relief which got they're attention, and they saw he was chained to the wall.
"Spike! Are you okay?! What happened?! What did she do to you?!" Spyro asked really worried while breaking the chain with his Earth powers. Spike fell on his knees and tried to get up, the blood had almost fully turned him at this point, and his body just hurt all over, but with this new news he's learned, he can't just let his mother continue to be used as a pawn.
"I.. learned so much.. She told me.. something I never thought I'd learn.. and.. I both wish I never learned it.. but also did know sooner.." Spike said with fear as his body was shaking from all he's learned.
"Why? What did she tell you?" Sparx asked crossing his arms again, while Spike did want to tell them about what happened, they have very little time, and they need to stop the crystal, now.

"I'll.. tell all of this later.. we need to save Ignitus.. now!" Spike said seriously as he regained enough strength to move properly, while Spyro wanted to know what he was told, he's right on what they need to do. They turned around and saw Ignitus was having his powers drained still, and he was looking really weak.
"Ignitus!" Spyro shouted with worry while they all started to march to him.
"Spyro, Spike! Destroy the crystal.. quickly!" Ignitus begged as the crystal was glowing a bright red.
"Guys, I don't like this, I feel like she's baiting us.." Sparx said a bit worried while looking around for her, but Spike knew where she was, and looked up at another tower.
"She is.." Spike said seriously while pointing above them, they all looked above and saw Cynder was watching them from below, she spread her wings open and flew directly down to them and made a loud impact when she hit the ground.

"You have such determination little one, to come all this way to die." Cynder mocked as she towered over them both.
"S s s so.. b b b big!" Sparx said with fear as she was extremely large. Spike growled with rage and tried to get ready to fight.
"You've done to much to this world Cynder, even with what I've learned now, I won't let you harm it, or my home!" Spike shouted as he charged up his fire powers.
"Then it's time you learn how complicated life can really be!" Cynder said with rage before she hit them with her tail to the wall, Spike groaned with pain and tried getting up, he could feel the blood has almost taken over, but he wasn't gonna go down without a fight.
"No matter what pain I take.. I won't go down without a fight!" Spike said with rage as he and Spyro both got up from the attack.
"We both won't go down without one!" Spyro shouted as they stood against her.
"Hmph, bring it!" Cynder roared while she got ready to attack them both.

Spike charged up his fire and shot multiple fire blasts at her, she used her wings to block them despite they're increased strength, Spike's body was feeling stronger thanks to Cynder's dark powers, even if they were risk vs reward right now, Spike's strength has increased a ton by now, and the more he pushed through his pain, he felt stronger with each attack he used. Spyro used his Earth powers and shot multiple blasts at her, this sent some strange tornados in the air, and Spyro used them to deliver some air combos, he must've gotten his Earth training done from Terrador.

Spike joined in on this and used his own Earth powers to attack, Spike charged up his fist and raised it in the air, he then smashed it on the ground which sent sharp rocks to pierce out of the ground, but Cynder quickly rolled out of the way, and slashed them down with her tail. Cynder roared at them both and shot some dark fire blasts at them, Spike got in front of them and shot his own fire blast back at them to block it, Spike could feel his blood boil the more he fought, and with all these powers in his hands, he felt something was forming inside of them both.

They both tried to fight her off the best they could, but Cynder was as relentless as she was said to be, and with one strong strike, she knocked them to the pillar again to put them down.
"How disappointing, I expected something more from you. Especially from you Spike. But I shouldn't expect much from a child, now.. where was I?" Cynder asked before she turned back to Ignitus.
"Cynder, no!" Spike screamed before she lunged to the crystal and ripped it out, it was fully charged now, and she had what she needed to open the portal, Ignitus fell to the ground and soon took off through the glass ceiling and to the dark sky above.
"Does she ever use doors?" Sparx asked as they saw her leave, Spike took heavy breaths and tried getting back up, they both turned to Ignitus, and tried helping him back up.
"Ignitus, are you okay?" Spike asked really worried for him.
"I'm.. okay... what about you?" Ignitus asked as Spike's body was almost turned completely by now.
"I've.. been better..." Spike said looking at himself, he still didn't know how to process this news, it was something that he never thought he'd learn.

"Spike.. Ignitus.. there was something in her eyes.. something.. familiar.." Spyro said with concern as they saw her fly off.
"There should be Spyro. You, Cynder and Spike share more then you know, especially you Spike, it's time I told you the truth.. all of it.." Ignitus said as they let him explain what happened after Ignitus sent Spyro's egg away.
"When I returned to the temple, it was in chaos, the guardians were defeated, and all the eggs were smashed.. all except one. You see.. the Dark Master was torn, while he needed to destroy the eggs to prevent the birth of the purple dragon, he also needed a dragon." Ignitus explained which made them both looked shocked.
"So you mean.. Cynder was stolen from the temple when she was an egg?!" Spike asked with complete shock hearing this.
"Why would he do that? Why does he need a dragon?" Spyro asked really shocked at this as well.

"Because, only one born in the Year of The Dragon, could open the portal to the Dark Master's prison." Ignitus explained while looking really regretful.
"So she was stolen from her home.. because of.. him.." Spike said as he felt his anger building up knowing what's happened to her.
"But if she is like me, why is she so.. so.." Spyro asked trying to find a proper word.
"Imposing?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Y.. Yeah.. imposing.." Sparx said as he was gonna say something a bit worse then that.
"Because, after the night of the raid, she was.. poisoned by the Dark Master's powers.. turned into what she is now.. and since that day.. I've felt huge regret for not being able to save her.." Ignitus said sadly while they were all sad to know this, especially Spike because of what he's learned..

"Why? What does this Dark Master want?" Spyro asked really worried with what they've learned.
"He wants to be freed from the portal of Convexity. To wreak havoc across the realms, and if Cynder gets there.. he may succeed.." Ignitus said with fear at the thought of it all.
"That.. explains so much.. it all.. makes.. sense.." Spike said with shock while he felt his body hurt from her blood still.
"Spike.. what did she tell you? What did.. you learn from her?" Spyro asked turning back to him, Spike sighed being asked that, and prepared to drop the bombshell on them.
"Guys.. the reason Cynder wanted me.. the reason I was taken to this world.. and corrupted by her blood.. it's because.. I'm.. her.. son.." Spike revealed which made them all look extremely shocked.
"Whoa what?! Your.. her son?!" Spyro asked horrified to hear this.
"How is that possible?! You didn't look like her at all when we met you!" Sparx pointed out while Ignitus sighed hearing that.
"I.. had a feeling this was the case.. I sensed something between you and Cynder that connected you both.. and now.. the truth is revealed.." Ignitus said sadly while they were in complete shock.

"But.. how did she find out where you were?" Spyro asked looking at him while Spike looked really sad.
"It's a long story, but I can't explain everything.. we have to stop Cynder before she opens that portal!" Spike said seriously which they all agreed too, but before they could do anything else, a huge portal opened up in the distance, and they felt a powerful dark energy coming from it.
"I'm afraid.. we are too late..." Ignitus said with fear as the portals light shined over the entire fortress.
"No, I'm not gonna give up! I'm gonna stop Cynder, and stop the Dark Master!" Spyro said seriously as he was ready to go.
"Whoa hold up Spyro, you heard the Dragon, he said it's too late, we'll get him next time.." Sparx said nervously trying to leave.
"No, Cynder is my mother! I can't let her be used for the Dark Master's own gain! If she's my family, I'm gonna save her! No matter what!" Spike said with rage while spreading out his wings.
"Okay you two, your right. You both have to try, if the Dark Master escapes, a shadow will fall over all the land, and who knows what will happen next.." Ignitus said with fear as thunder boomed over them all.
"We won't fail, come on Spyro, let's go!" Spike shouted before they all flew to the portal of Convexity, to try and stop a disaster from destroying everything...
"May the ancestors look after you.. may they look after us all.." Ignitus prayed as they flew directly into the portal.

Spike could feel so much power flowing past them as they traveled through the portal, this was to a completely different world that wasn't like Equestria, or this one, Spike could feel the dark presence as they flew into Convexity, and Spike's dark blood only felt stronger and stronger. Soon enough, Spike and Spyro emerged into the dark world that is Convexity, it was the weirdest place Spike has ever been too in his life, and something tells him he'll never see another place like this. They soon landed on a platform that was near the center of the place, and saw there was a alter with 3 crystals, and they saw Cynder coming to it with the last one.
"We're here, we need to hurry, we have to stop her!" Spike said seriously while he felt so much dark energy around him, but Spyro did look concerned as they started moving to the alter quickly
"Spike, are you sure you want to do this? Cynder.. is your mother.. and if you fought against her, what if you get extremely hurt?" Spyro asked really worried for him.
"I've suffered enough pain because of Cynder's blood, and that was all because of the Dark Master, I'm not gonna let him hurt my mother any more, or let my family in Equestria fall to his claws! I'm gonna stop her, no matter what. You with me Spyro?" Spike asked hoping he was ready for the final fight.
"I am, let's do this!" Spyro said with anger as they glided down to the center of the platform just as Cynder arrived.

Cynder held the crystal in her claws and placed it in with the rest.
"My master returns.." Cynder said with malice as the crystal began to power up the portal just as Spyro and Spike landed down.
"We're too late!" Spyro said with fear which got her attention, and she turned to see them both.
"You two really don't know when to quit do you?" Cynder asked with anger while turning to face him.
"Cynder, please stop this! You know you don't want this! If your really my mother, you can't give into what he wants! If he's freed, he'll get rid of you! He's using you Cynder, please stop this!" Spike begged really wanting her to not fall for his tricks.
"The world will fall by his claws my son. So will your home, but you and I won't! I'll give you one chance, join your mother, and we shall watch this world burn together!" Cynder said with rage while holding out her claw, even if she was Spike's mother, her corruption is forcing her to do this, and Spike wasn't gonna let her suffer any more.

"No they won't, We're gonna stop this Cynder, we're gonna save you! Your coming home with us! And we are NOT gonna give up!" Spike shouted as he prepared his powers which disappointed her.
"Hmph, then this is where it really ends, son!" Cynder said with rage while she spread out her wings.
"Bring it!" Spyro declared while getting in his stance.
"We're not gonna let anything happen, mom!" Spike screamed while making a scary growl.
"Then let's see what you've got.." Cynder growled before she lunged at them both while making a loud roar.

Spike and Spyro quickly rolled out of her attack, Cynder roared at them both and shot multiple fireblast at them, Spike quickly flipped over each attack, he summoned his Ice spear and twirled it around with fast speeds. Cynder used her wind powers to stir up a harsh wind attack that tried blowing Spike off the platform, but Spike used his spear to keep him on the ground as the wind flew past him, Cynder then used her shadow powers and shot multiple blasts to the ground, this sent some spiked waves of shadow around the arena and Spike and Spyro jumped above them to not get hit.

Spyro used his Earth powers to shoot more Earth blasts at the ground, Cynder quickly flipped in the air to avoid them, she then roared at them again and shot multiple blasts at the ground which exploded into more fireballs. Spike summoned his fire sword one more time and slashed through each one to block them, he slid under one of the blasts and leaped into the air directly at her, Spike made a battle cry and delivered a strong slash at her that sent her back a good distance, Spike landed back on the ground next to Spyro and they continued to fight her. Cynder's rage was building up even more, and she was having enough with all of this. Cynder's body was flaring up with her dark powers, and she felt all she's stored up swelling through her.
"This world will fall!!" Cynder screamed before she shot a powerful blast at them both, Spike used his lightning to spin out of the way and avoid being hit with it while Spyro flipped out of the way too, this blast was strong enough to destroy some of the platforms that were surrounding them, and it showed them they needed to be careful.
"Come on Spike! We're so close!" Spyro shouted as they felt they're powers surge in them, Spike breathed heavily again and his eyes were turning purple with each lightning blast he shot at her.
"You are not gonna get away with this!!" Spike screamed as he and Spyro shot multiple blasts at her.

Cynder flew out of the way for most of the blasts, and was using her tail to block each one as they're powers were building up still.
"I think it's time we end this!!" Cynder screamed as the ground began to shake all around them, Spyro and Spike felt they're powers merge into one somehow, and they felt a power so huge, it could combat her own dark powers..
"I agree with that.." Spyro said as they're eyes glowed bright purple, and they began to float in the air.
"Now.. it is time to unleash the true dragon within you both.." Ignitus's words echoed as they began to form a huge purple spear above both they're bodies.
"What is this?!" Cynder shouted as the entire world around them shook from the power they had.
"It's time to free you.. mom.." Spike said seriously as they finally unleashed they're powers, and they sent powerful blasts of Aether directly at her.
"No!!" Cynder screamed as she was repeatedly attacked with the power. Cynder roared with pain as she power hit her repeatedly, the ghost like beings flew in and out of her and held nothing back, but this was the power of light, and Cynder could feel all the dark poison she's had in her, finally leave her. For Spike, using this power finally got rid of Cynder's dark blood, he didn't feel it spreading in him anymore, which did save him from complete corruption.
But soon, after so many powerful strikes from Aether, Cynder's body fell on the ground, completely defeated. Cynder groaned with pain and they watched as she somehow shrunk down to a size that made her look so much like Spyro.
"She is just like me.." Spyro said with shock as the place shook violently.
"She's.. really my mom.." Spike said with shock as he saw how similar they looked now. But they didn't have time to process Cynder's change, and they felt the portal begin to collapse, and everything around them was being dragged in it, even Cynder!

"Guys, we gotta get out of here, now!" Sparx shouted as the force was getting even stronger.
"We can't just leave her behind! We got to save her!" Spyro shouted while Spike tried to get closer to her.
"What? Save the beast that's been trying to kill us?!" Sparx asked really shocked to hear that.
"It wasn't her fault! She was being used by the Dark Master!" Spyro countered as the force was getting even stronger.
"She's my mother Sparx! No matter what she's done, it was because she was being used! And I won't let her be used again!" Spike shouted as he grabbed her tail just before she was sucked in the poral, Spyro helped out and flew to him to grab her body, and Spike spread out his wings and they finally began to leave.
"Now we can go!" Spyro shouted while they finally began to leave.
"Right behind you buddy's!" Sparx said as they quickly began to make they're escape, but as they began to leave.. Spike could hear a malicious voice in his head.
"Spyro... Spike..." The voice said with malice which made him and Spyro look back at the portal, almost like they both heard the same thing..

Spike and Spyro held onto Cynder's body as they flew through the portal back home, they could feel their strength leaving them after using so much power, but they used the last strength they had to push through it, soon enough, the portal opened up near the Temple, and Spike and Spyro went flying out with Cynder and Sparx, and they landed roughly on the ground.
"Mommy.. fluff my pillow.." Sparx said weakly before he passed out from exhaustion as Spike held his mother close..

Soon enough, they were all found by Ignitus and the other guardians, and were taken back to the Temple to rest, Spike felt extremely weak after using so much power, but as long as they won, it didn't matter what happens.
"Feeling better you two?" Ignitus asked looking at them both.
"Hardly.. that battle drained every last bit of our strength.. I can hardly lift my head.." Spyro said weakly while trying to move.
"That power we used finally stopped Cynder's blood from fully taking over, even if I'm a dark dragon like her now, at least it gives me more to relate to with her.." Spike said looking at Cynder who looked really regretful for what's happened to him.
"Yes, it will take time for your powers to return. But for you Spike, you becoming a dark dragon like Cynder has opened up more paths for you to grow stronger, since you are.. her son, it means you will learn to use her powers at one point too. And when that happens, do what you can to protect her.." Ignitus asked while Spike looked at his new dark body.
"I'll do what I can.. especially for my mother.." Spike said as he clutched his claws before Ignitus turned to Cynder.

"Cynder, ever since you were stolen that night.. I've dreamt of this day.." Ignitus said regretfully as they all felt awful for her.
"It wasn't just you Ignitus.. we all failed.." Volteer said sadly while t he others shook they're heads in agreement.
"Be that as it may.. we're together again.. finally.. thanks to Spike and Spyro.. well done young dragons.." Ignitus said gratefully while the two smiled a bit.
"But.. we still don't know what happened to the Dark Master.." Spyro said as he was still worried with what they heard back there.
"There will be time to talk about the Dark Master later, now, we must be grateful for your success." Ignitus said as this was more important right now.
"Yeah, let's just be glad we stopped the portal and saved.. my mother from suffering any more.." Spike said while he gave Cynder a hug, she looked really regretful for what's happened, but felt a small touch of joy feeling him.
"I'm just.. really glad that I finally have you back.. after so long.." Cynder said regretfully while holding him close.
"Don't worry mom.. it's all gonna be okay.." Spike said with tears as they all took in this moment together.

And that night, Spike and Spyro went out to the balcony to see the the stars, and they both felt something wrong as Cynder came out to see it too while looking at the photo she showed Spike and felt regret still.
"See anything Spyro, and.. son?" Cynder asked feeling hesitant to call him her son while putting it away for now.
"No, but we've got a bad feeling.." Spyro said with worry as they looked at the sky together.
"Yeah, me too..." Cynder said worried as well as they felt a dark presence coming.
"Whatever happens.. let's try and face it.. together.." Spike prayed as they hoped whatever comes next, they'll stop it.. and one day.. Spike could reunite with his friends again..

Interlude: Worry For A Friend

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It's been about a day since Ponyville was attacked by these strange apes, and Spike was kidnapped from Twilight and the Mane 6, and everyone has been worried for him. They've been trying to rebuild the town after it was attacked, trying to rebuild what was destroyed, but the villagers of the town were afraid if the place was gonna be attacked again, and if those armies may attack again and destroy what they've tried rebuilding.

Twilight and the others were extremely scarred and worried for their friend, Ember has been feeling regret for not being able to save Spike when she could, and when the commander called her weak, it made her feel like she was because she couldn't stop him, and they lost a friend because of it, Thorax was having multiple panic attacks a day knowing his best friend was kidnapped, and the mane 6 were all trying to process how to deal with Spike's kidnapping.

Twilight sent a message to Celestia as soon as Spike was kidnapped, she hasn't gotten a reply yet, but she has a feeling she and Luna are trying to pinpoint the cause of the attacks, most of the village was completely destroyed after the attack, whoever these apes were, they were after Spike for something, and they were willing to destroy whatever came in their path that stopped them.

Twilight and the other's met back up at the center of the town, it was mostly in ruin after the attack, but everyone hasn't been able to rest after Spike was taken, and they needed to figure out a plan, but Twilight was pacing around back and forth rapidly since she had her little brother kidnapped and no one knows where they are.
"This can't be happening.. this can't be happening.. this can't be happening!!" Twilight repeated while she paced around in front of the others.
"Twilight, please try to calm down, we won't get anywhere with you freaking out like that." Fluttershy asked, but that made her look Fluttershy in the eyes while looking more worried.
"How can I freak out?! Our friend was kidnapped by strange apes that destroyed most of Ponyville, injected him with some strange.. dark blood! And now we have no idea where he is, or how we can even find him!!" Twilight shouted to the top of her lungs, but Ember came in and grabbed Twilight before she slapped her across the face.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! THIS IS NOT HOW A PRINCESS SHOULD HANDLE THIS!" Ember shouted while the wind blew right past her, but Twilight had a different reaction to that.
"Did you just smack a princess in the face?" Twilight asked a bit mad at her for that.
"Yes, and I'll do it again till you calm down!" Ember shouted before she slapped her again to get the point across.
"Okay Ember that's enough, I think she gets the point." Thorax advised pulling her away to stop this while Ember took heavy breaths.
"Sorry it's just.. I myself don't know how to cope with this! I just need to.... Raagh!" Ember roared before she shot a fireball at a nearby statue and destroyed it instantly to take out her frustrations, she even was tearing down some old broken wood to try and calm herself.
"She's been really pent up after the place was attacked.." Applejack said worried as they watched her destroy a few things in the background.
"How can we not be worried after what happened, we have no idea what those things were, or what they wanted with Spike!"" Rainbow dash pointed out while she tried repairing a nearby market next to them.
"Why would they kidnap such a small dragon like Spike? What could they want with him that caused them to do.. this!" Rarity asked looking at her destroyed store with despair, she had cried for over an hour after that place was burned down, and she could not stop pointing this out.

"I don't know, but they are not getting any parties from me! Unless they mean a surprise attack party!" Pinkie said with a bit of a crazed look on her, even she couldn't keep her happiness up after all of this. Ember finally destroyed another crate to put out her frustrations, and took heavy breaths to get things back on track.
"Everything better now Ember?" Thorax asked patting her back, but Ember only punched him away as a response.
"Now.. I'm.. slightly.. better..." Ember said between breaths before she finally turned back to the others so they can discuss what's happened.

"Okay girls, I know things look bad.. but we have to figure out what's happened, Spike is.. gone, our town is almost destroyed because of the attack, we don't know who or what those apes were, and worst of all.. we have no idea on how to track them down, they vanished through that.. dark portal that the commander created.. and I don't think Spike will be able to contact us because of it.." Twilight said regretfully while everyone looked down sadly too.
"I tried so hard to save him.. but I was knocked down easily.. and that commander injected that.. blood into Spike, we don't know what it will do to him.. but the fact I wasn't able to save him.. what kind of.. ruler am I if I can't save a friend?" Ember asked while she sat down for a moment to process what's happened.
"Your not a failure Ember.. but even if we didn't save Spike.. that doesn't mean we still can't find.. and rescue him.. right?" Thorax asked a bit unsure about this himself, but Twilight sighed hearing that too.
"I've struggled with being a princess since I became one, but now that Spike is gone.. I just don't know if I'll be able to do.. anything until we find him.." Twilight said regretfully while sitting down too.

Everyone looked regretful because they weren't able to save they're friend, despite the threats they've faced together, this one was to much for them, and they're friend is in the enemy's hands now..
"We can't let them do what they want with Spike, we need to find out where they took him, so we could hopefully go rescue him." Rainbow dash said as she wanted to take the stand for this.
"But how do we even know where to find them? They don't look like anything we've seen in Equestria, and they're really strong too.. and I get a dark presence from them whenever I think of them.." Twilight asked as she doesn't know where these things could be from.
"Yeah.. those things felt so much more.. monsterous then what we've seen before.. it was like they weren't born naturally.. but created by some.. dark monster.." Fluttershy said with a shiver thinking about them, but that's when Ember remembered something the leader said.

"Hold on.. I remember the leader saying something important.. something about.. bringing Spike to.. Cynder..." Ember said trying to recall what she remembers which got the other's attention.
"Cynder?" Pinkie asked while she got a chill just saying that.
"Why does that name.. give me a bad feeling.." Twilight asked not knowing how to describe this.
"If.. they came here for Spike, and were working under a higher force.. then whoever had them kidnap Spike, must've wanted Spike for something, otherwise why would they have taken him of all dragons?" Ember theorized trying to figure something out, but that's when Twilight also remembered something the leader said.
"Hang on girls, I remember the leader saying something specific about Spike, he called him.. the Purple Dragon, while that name could mean many things to us.. if they were looking for a purple dragon.. then Spike may have been they're first idea right? So what if.. Spike is tying into something we all don't know about?" Twilight asked as well which interested all of them.

"How can that be Twilight? You hatched him didn't you? And Spike isn't what we call the.. fighting type, but how could they have known about him if you raised him basically?" Applejack asked which got Ember's attention hearing that.
"Hold on.. you.. hatched Spike? From his egg?" Ember asked pointing at her, while looking a bit upset.
"Yeah, I used a spell I was practicing during a little experiment, he was magically hatched, and I've raised him ever since." Twilight explained, but Ember got a bit suspicious of her on how this happened.
"And.. how did you acquire Spike's egg? Dragon eggs are the most valuable thing our kind has, and we wouldn't just give any away, did someone steal Spike's egg from us?!" Ember asked getting mad at them which did scare them a bit.
"No! Ember it was nothing like that! Spike's egg was found randomly in the woods, we don't know how it ended up there, but Celestia wasn't just gonna let it stay there to be crushed, so she took it in and gave it to me, we didn't steal anything Ember!" Twilight said in defense, but Ember puffed some smoke out in response.

"While I appreciate you raising and caring for him Twilight, our kind does not just leave our eggs out in the woods like that, if you girls haven't found out how this happened, I'll have to take those matters in my own claws, I'm the Dragon lord, and if Spike's parents are out there, they'll need to explain in good detail why he was abandoned." Ember said stomping her foot down while the others gulped a bit.
"We've tried finding anything that could help us find his parents Ember, but we haven't found anything, I don't know about you.. but it is pretty strange for Spike's egg to be alone like that.. don't you think?" Twilight asked while Ember was calming down again.
"Yeah, it is pretty strange.. hold on a minute.." Ember said as she finally realized something that could answer this.

"What's wrong Ember?" Fluttershy asked while she had a look of realization on her.
"If those apes were after Spike, and were calling him this.. Purple Dragon, and this.. Cynder wanted him.. what if they tie into how Spike's egg ended up there in the first place?" Ember asked which they all realized could be true as well.
"That could explain why we never found anything that helps us track down Spike's parents.." Thorax said fascinated with this too.
"And if those apes came for Spike after so long.. then this Cynder needs him for something, but for what?" Rarity asked moving this theory even further.
"I don't know, but does anypony else got a bad feeling we're gonna find out soon?" Rainbow Dash asked while they looked at the sky together.
"I've gotten a bad one for a while.. and now that all this is happened.. maybe this all ties into his origin.. and where he came from.." Twilight said scarred to think of what his origin really is.

"Then we need to find out what world they're from, and find a way to get there." Ember declared with a serious look.
"Then it's settled, but we have to find out where we'll be able to find him first, any ideas girls?" Thorax asked wanting to move things along.
"Hmm.. did ya contact Celestia and Luna after the attack Twilight?" Pinkie asked looking at her who nodded in response.
"Yes I did, not one hour after the attack, but they haven't responded yet, what do you thinks taking them so long?" Twilight asked wondering where they are now.
"I don't know, maybe they're researching what these apes were?" Applejack suggested right until two huge familiar figures appeared right behind her.
"You could say that Applejack." Luna said which made her yelp seeing them teleport behind her all of a sudden.

Everyone turned to the two and saw Celestia and Luna had finally made it here, they looked just as worried as everyone else here, and they felt awful with the state of the village right now.
"Celestia, Luna, it's nice to see you again.. I just wish we could've talked under better.. circumstances.." Twilight said regretfully while they saw Spike wasn't with them.
"We got your message Twilight, it's true? Spike was really.. kidnapped?" Luna asked as they saw the villages ruined state right now.
"Yeah.. they were too strong for us to handle.. and Spike was injected with some dark blood.. and taken to another world probably.." Rainbow Dash said with worry.
"Sorry we took so long to get here Twilight, after you described what those enemy's were after, and them calling Spike.. the Purple Dragon, we had to take a deep dive into our history to find something relating to that name." Celestia said while she tried helping repair the village a bit.
"And.. did you find anything that can help? We got an idea on what it could mean, but what about you?" Thorax asked hoping they got something.
"We'll have to show you to make things.. simpler. Come with us, all of you." Luna advised as the two princesses gathered around them, and they used they're magic to teleport them away from Ponyville in an instant.

Twilight and the others all appeared suddenly within Celestia's castle, and they were within the library of the place, they all had to take a moment to gather they're surroundings right now after the sudden teleportation.
"I'll never understand how you can handle teleporting like that Twilight.." Ember said a bit dizzy from that.
"You'll get used to it Ember." Rainbow Dash assured while they looked at the two princesses above them.
"So.. what do you want to show us? Why are we here?" Twilight asked looking around the place.
"Give us a moment Twilight.." Celestia said as she went over to a specific shelf to get something.

"What are you looking for Celestia?" Fluttershy asked while she and Luna were both worried with what's happening.
"We've looked into detail with every history book we have, and that one name.. the Purple Dragon.. it dates back way farther then even my own rule.. the Purple Dragon is a title.. that is said to come once every ten generations.." Celestia explained which caught all of them off guard.
"Ten generations? But.. how is that possible?" Twilight asked while Luna pulled out a really ancient looking book, it had the symbol of a dragon on it, and Ember got interested with what that is.
"Where did you get that book?" Ember asked concerned while they put it on the table.
"It is one of the most ancient books we have, we never thought it's story's would tie into our world, but now with Spike taken, and those apes that you described.. we realized this all ties into something.. far more important then all of us.." Celestia explained which worried them all.
"And.. what kind of story is this?" Pinkie asked as they all got chills looking at the book.

"The story.. of the Purple Dragon.." Luna said as she used her magic to open the book, and they began to tell the tale of what's known about it.
"The Purple Dragon is one special dragon once born every 10 generations, a dragon that can possess unique powers different to any dragon around them. This story was created within the Dragon Realm, a world that is far more ancient then ours, the dragons they're have a history far beyond what's known about our own, and they're world has developed eons worth of time, and they're world, is far more special then ours.. will ever be.." Celestia explained while they were all in awe.
"There's a world of dragons? Completely separate from our own? How come this wasn't in any of our kinds history books?" Ember asked upset this isn't known by them.
"Because the dragons of that world are far different, they have they're own legends, fairy tails, and story's that accede our own, but within all tales.. of an ancient hero being born into that world.. there is also.. a horrific evil that emerges.." Luna continued as they turned the pages a bit to reveal a huge monsterous looking, black dragon.

"Who.. who is that?" Twilight asked already scarred to see him.
"That is.. Malefor, otherwise known as.. the Dark Master. A being far more ancient then any of us, but his evil is unmatched, and his heart is a black hole of evil, Malefor is far more evil then anything Equestria has ever faced, his power and dark magic can bring havoc on the worlds he's emerged into, he can destroy any sense of hope the moment someone hears his name.. and most importantly.. he is.. heavily against the tale of the Purple Dragon.. because it is the only thing that can stop him.." Celestia explained which made all of them surprised again.
"And.. does.. Spike have a tie in with all of this?" Fluttershy asked getting scarred as they felt like the room was closing in around them.
"It's possible, Twilight, when I found Spike's egg in those woods, I had a suspicious feeling it was for a dark reason, and even during the times I've seen him.. I've always felt a dark aura coming from him.. something that could either corrupt him.. or help him move towards a brighter future.." Celestia said ominously while everyone was getting more worried.

"But.. if you've felt this from him.. why didn't you ever tell us? Why didn't you tell Spike if this ties into where he's from?" Twilight asked a bit upset with her keeping this secret from them, and Celestia looked more afraid being asked that.
"Because Spike's tied into a dark origin Twilight, Malefor was hellbent on making sure the Purple Dragon doesn't come to be, and with what I can gather, that dragon was meant to be born years ago, and begin it's destiny to stop Malefor before he destroys our worlds. And as much as I tried to deny it.. I knew Spike would have to leave us one day.. and face this journey.. alone.." Celestia explained which caught all of them off guard.
"But.. why would he have to do this alone? We're his friends, his family! We can't just let him.. face some evil being by himself and potentially get killed!" Twilight argued not wanting to believe this.
"Let me finish Twilight.. because although Spike ties into this origin.. the story of the Purple Dragon.. it's made me realize he's.. not from this world.. there was something that brought him to Equestria, something that tried to stop this prophecy from coming true. And I have a bad feeling I know why.." Celestia said turning the pages more to show of a brutal war between the dragons, and the Dark armies.

"What are you saying Celestia?" Rarity asked again as they were all trying to process this all at once.
"I've been having visions, nightmares of a darkness that's to come, one that will swoop over Equestria.. and leave it in ruins if it's unleashed. And from that darkness. I've seen a large black dragoness that brings terror into the skies, something that I could never defeat.. nor would the Elements of Harmony defeat together.." Celestia said with fear which scarred them all.
"And.. who would that be?" Luna asked as she hasn't had these visions, but she is feeling something bad is coming for them all.
"Cynder..." Celestia said ominously which somehow made thunder flash outside, almost like a storm was coming..
"She's the person who ordered the apes to kidnap Spike right? Why did she order them to do it?" Ember asked crossing her arms.
"She is.. but she's also the Dark Master's weapon.. and I've felt a strange similarity to her.. and Spike.. which meant only one thing.. that the two of them.. are somehow tied together.. in ways we don't know.." Celestia finished while she closed the book, and everyone was even more scarred with what they've learned.

"So.. Spike's off in a world we may not reach, but has a history that far accedes Equestria's, and your saying Spike ties into an ancient prophecy that could decide the fate of not just Equestria, but this.. Dragon Realm as well?" Twilight asked wanting to make sure she understood everything.
"Yes Twilight, and I've feared that Spike's origin.. is tied into all of it, and now this attack only proves my fears right.." Celestia said sadly while she put the book away.
"But.. if that's true, then we need to save him! If he's in grave danger, we have to find a way to get to this world he's in!" Applejack said not wanting him to be alone.
"Applejack, this is Spike's destiny, we should not interfere with it, there's a time when someone has to face what's to come, and if Spike ties into all of this, then it's up to him, to decide whether or not Equestria will continue on.." Luna said regretting to tell them this.

"But even if it is his destiny, we still can't help him out right? He's got to have friends, and the motivation he needs to keep going, we can't just.. leave him in a world that could be destroyed.." Ember said wanting to save him too.
"Ember, even if we did try go after him, it would take years to even locate him, the Dragon Realm is a world that we know of, but where it is is beyond us, it may take decades, centuries even before we can locate him, and even by the time we do, he may already be a full grown person by then, and not the small baby dragon he's seen as." Celestia said turning back to them all.
"I don't care how long it takes.. we have to find him... we need to make sure he's safe.. if it's his destiny, we should at least be there to see him grow.. and if we can't.. I don't know what I can do.. especially if we never see him again.." Twilight said as she was begging them at this point.
"She's right you two, we should at least try and find where he is, and if Spike does end up fulfilling this legend.. then it'll show us he's way more then what we thought, and we should be proud of him for it." Thorax said coming in on this too.

"We're his family Celestia, Luna, and we're not gonna let him be alone on this." Twilight declared as all of them stood together, Celestia could see clearly that they weren't gonna say no to this, even if Spike has to do this alone, they should at least see if he's able to become the dragon of legend.
"Sister, even if there is a darkness coming, we need to see if Spike's able to stop it, and if he does find out about his past, then we should try and find him when the conflict is over, and maybe we'll get to see him again." Luna said with hope knowing there was no way around this, and Celestia sighed knowing they had no choice.
"Alright then.. we'll try and locate him, but we are going to need, a much.. much larger power to help find him, and we cannot do this with the Elements of Harmony alone, we need.. someone else.." Celestia said as she knew who they had to free in order to find him.
"And who would that be Celestia?" Ember asked again as they all awaited her answer.
"That would be.. a certain.. God of Chaos.." Celestia revealed which made everyone look hear this, Celestia knew his power could help locate Spike, and even if it takes years to find him.. they have to try and find him.. before Malefor destroys all the realms..

12: Adjusting

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It's been a few weeks since Spike and Spyro had saved Cynder from her corruption and stopped the Dark Master from being freed, while they all have been trying to recover and rebuild the temple after it's attacks, they all need time to process what's happened to all of them.

Spike's still had a lot to process after going on this first adventure, he's stuck in another world with no current way to get home or contact his friends, he's been turned into a dark dragon that was almost fully corrupted by Cynder's blood, and on top of all that, Cynder is his birth mother, the one who gave him the life he has now, but after learning all of what's happened to him, Spike doesn't know how to process all of it, he never thought he'd ever find out who his parents are, but to suddenly know that he's the creation of dark magic and was born in a world where dragons have been at war for years.. that's a lot to take in.. and Spike doesn't know how to handle it all.

Spike was currently in the vision pool room looking within the pool, he was trying to see if there was anything he could see that could help him with his problem, but he hasn't found anything yet. Spike's body has changed thanks to the corruption, his scales are far darker and more scary looking, he has white horns on his wrists and neck, his spine stretched out more and it became far darker and sharper, his claws and tails became so sharp they're almost like a blade, and Spike's eyes were now a blood red color because of the corruption, Spike sighed looking at his reflection, and felt sad seeing his state.

"How am I gonna explain all of this to you Twilight? How am I gonna show you.. this?" Spike asked with fear while he looked at his claws, he felt so different compared to how he used to, and he felt a dark power within him that he's afraid to find out more of, because it could turn him into a monster like Cynder used to be.
"After all that's happened.. will I still be seen as Spike? Or will I be seen as the Dark Master's next monster if I'm fully corrupted.. just.. what's gonna happen with me from here out?" Spike asked unsure of what's to come next, he's felt a bad presence is coming after they saved Cynder, but Spike's noticed the Celestial moons are getting closer to eachother each night, and they looked like they were going to begin an eclipse.. a dark eclipse..
"I wish I had somepony here for this.. I just don't know what's gonna happen.. Twilight.. how can I explain all of this?" Spike asked shamefully while he started moving through the temple some more.

The place was currently being cleared out of any pests that made they're homes here, Ignitus and the Guardians may be old, but they know how to get the place together after a long time of collecting dust. Spike slowly walked through the halls and felt upset, even after this adventure he went on, the circumstances that brought him here made him feel like it was the start of his crisis, he doesn't know what to do, and he's afraid he and Spyro may not be able to stop what comes next.

"How are we gonna be able to stop this? What's the Dark Master's next plan? Where did he go, and what more is there to come after this?" Spike asked while he looked out of the windows, seeing the land trying to heal after such a long war is something Spike admired, a lot of Cynder's iron camps were being taken down by the residents around the place, and they've been trying to rebuild what was damaged, Ignitus and the others currently were out to get supplies to rebuild the place, and they would be gone for a few more hours because of it.

But as Spike continued making his way through the halls, a familiar purple dragon and dragonfly saw him moving down, and decided to see if he's alright.
"Hey Spike, you doing okay buddy?" Sparx asked which shook him out of his thoughts for a bit, he turned to his right and saw Spyro and Sparx were coming up to him..
"You okay Spike? You've been a bit distant lately?" Spyro asked concerned while they followed him for a bit, Spike sighed being asked that and didn't know where to start.

"It's hard to explain Spyro, after all we just went through with saving Cynder, I'm just having trouble adjusting to the situation I'm in, I don't know what to do." Spike said with worry while they made they're way into an old garden for a bit.
"Yeah, I can understand that.. we all can, I'm still trying to handle this whole Purple Dragon thing that's happened to us, and the other's have been trying to get a handle on what's happened too." Spyro said agreeing to this too.
"Yeah Ignitus and the other's have had quite the talks lately about rebuilding the temple, it's gonna take a while for any progress to start though.." Sparx added while they looked around the damaged place.
"Yeah.. to think this place was nearly destroyed when the Dark Army's attacked.. now look at it.." Spike said regretfully while they moved through another large door.
"Kinda hard to live here after what's happened huh? But I still see this place can recover, it's just gonna take a long time to recover.. a really long time.." Spyro said trying to keep the mood positive, but Spike looked at himself and didn't know how to respond.

"That's if we can move on from all that's happened, we still have the rest of the Dark Master's forces to deal with, and I still need to figure out how to use my dark powers.." Spike said unsure if he can even tap into them after they used Aether.
"I see your upset about what's happened Spike, but I still believe we'll all turn out fine in the end, no matter what challenges come our way." Spyro said with a level of hope, but Spike still looked upset about all of this.
"Come on Spike, just tell us, how've you been holding up after becoming a dark dragon?" Sparx asked worried for him, Spike looked at his claws again and felt guilt for not being able to stop this corruption.
"I don't know how to describe it guys.. I do feel a lot stronger then I used to be.. and yet.. I feel.. weak and afraid.. I feel something dark in me Spyro, something that makes me feel like I'm gonna become a monster.." Spike said with fear as he couldn't shake off this feeling.

"I'm really sorry you feel this way Spike, we tried finding a way to cure you, but we were only able to do so at the last second.. but what's important is your still here, your still you, and that's what matters most." Spyro said as they both sat near the ledge together while the sun was almost setting.
"Am I Spyro? Look at me.. I've become so much like my.. mother.. I don't know if I'm even the same person.. Cynder's blood didn't just corrupt me.. it helped bring me to how I was supposed to look like when I hatched.. if it wasn't for Twilight's magic, or Cynder's own magic to suppress my powers and form.. I would've looked like her from birth.." Spike said shamefully while not thinking of anything positive right now.
"Do you really think that's a bad thing Spike? Look at Cynder now, she's so much like us, which means your like her, and that's nothing to be ashamed about. She's your mother Spike, even though we went through a lot together, she still cares for you, she cared for you even when you were corrupted, you wouldn't be here if she didn't, but now that she's back, it gives you and her to make up the time you've lost because of this war." Spyro said while they looked over the view outside.

"Spyro.. I was the creation of dark magic.. my entire existence I was born was because of dark magic, I was never born naturally.. I wasn't properly hatched by a dragon and didn't ever know how to properly be one, Twilight's the only reason I was hatched, even then my egg was a part of an experiment to hatch a dragon egg, she could've hatched any other dragon egg, and if that's the case.. what's so special about me?" Spike asked while putting his head down from shame.
"Spike, buddy, you shouldn't let that stuff get in your head, look at what you've done, you helped Spyro save the lands from the Dark Master, you saved your mother from corruption, and you've made new friends here, like us." Sparx said while trying to make him feel better.
"Sparx is right Spike, you've done so much no other dragon could've done, you think any dragon could stop the Dark Master from emerging back into this world to destroy it? Of course not, you and I did it together, even though were in the aftermath of all of this, we still did so much for everyone, and now it's important we look out for eachother when recovering. You've done something no one could do, your special because of the courage you had to keep going, and if that's special.. I don't know what is." Spyro encouraged which actually helped Spike a bit.

"You really think that guys?" Spike asked while he started looking up at them again.
"Of course buddy, we're here for you, no matter what." Spyro assured which did relieve Spike a bit, and he started to stand up to try and think this over.
"Thanks guys, your the best, I'll meet up with you on the balcony for some sleep later, we should try and rest while we can." Spike said with worry as he still saw the two moons growing closer and closer..
"Sure thing Spike, take care of yourself." Spyro said while he and Sparx began to leave, Spike turned away from them and began heading down the halls again, and wondered what to do next.

Spike walked down the halls some more to think about what Spyro said, even though he was the creation of dark magic, what's happened to him during his life was because of the people who cared for him, even if he came from such a dark origin.
"If Twilight and the other's knew about me from the start.. would she still have raised me from the start?" Spike asked again as he just had so many questions going through him, even with Spyro's assurance, he didn't know what to do, and he didn't know where to go next.. but that's when he remembered, Cynder was near the training room and needed time to herself, maybe a talk with her could help him feel better.
"Hope Cynder's feeling alright enough to see me.." Spike said hopefully before he went down the halls to find her, she's felt nothing but regret for what's happened, even with the other's comfort, she doesn't know what to do after all that's happened.

Spike made his way to the training hall hoping she was there, even though Cynder is his mom, she doesn't know how to properly spend time with him after what happened, but Spike hoped a talk with her could help them open up to eachother more. Spike made his way through another large door and went into the training hall, he saw the dragon statue was lowered and Cynder was in the ring, she was trying to attack some of the dummy's to keep up with her skill, but she had a look of shame still. Spike sighed seeing this and went into help her.
"Hey Cynder, you doing alright?" Spike greeted which made her stop for a moment, she turned to him and started to look more sad the closer he got.
"I'm.. okay Spike.. I'm still not used to all that's happened right now..." Cynder replied while they stepped out of the ring to talk.

Spike felt awful for what's happened to her, she's been through so much pain and feels nothing but regret for what's happened, even after they saved her, she still can't properly recover from all of it.
"Yeah, I'm having trouble too.. I still can hardly believe I'm in another world, and I can't contact my friends either.. if I had some way.. maybe they could help us.." Spike said sadly while they sat next to eachother.
"I don't think that will be possible Spike.. this world is far from Equestria, it may take decades for them to even find you, even then we'll still have this war to worry about, you and Spyro still have to regain your powers, and find out how to stop the Dark Master.." Cynder said while feeling regret for taking him from his home.
"Yeah.. decades.. without any way to contact them.." Spike said sadly while he looked at his corrupted body yet again, he and Cynder looked so much alike now, and it really showed that they're mother and son from the looks.

"Spike.. I know you've been questioning so much about yourself, I have too.. I can't stop feeling regret for what's happened, every night I remember the horrible things I've done, and the only thing I keep remembering is how I had you.." Cynder said regretfully while she came closer to him.
"Mom.. you said I was the first thing that made you feel joy, that I may have helped you find a way to escape your corruption.. did you really believe that could happen?" Spike asked unsure if she meant it.
"Every word.. having your egg in my claws made my heart feel something I never felt since I was born.. joy.. the feeling of maybe being a mother.. the thought I could raise you as my son.. and maybe break away from all I've done.. it gave me a spark of hope I've never felt before.. and yet.. after all I've done.. I don't think I should be even called your mother after all of this.." Cynder said shamefully while they both reflected on what's happened.

"Cynder.. I'm so sorry for what's happened, maybe If I was born in this world from the start.. I could've freed you from your corruption much sooner, but what's important now is that you are free, and we could start over.. right?" Spike asked hoping she felt the same way.
"I don't know Spike.. I tried to kill you and Spyro.. what kind of mother tries to kill her own son? On top of how I tortured Ignitus and the guardians.. the people I have killed.. I still hear they're screams of pain in my sleep Spike.. It's just.. so much.." Cynder said as she began to cry, and Spike came in and gave her a hug to help comfort her.
"It's okay mom.. you need to remember it wasn't your fault.. it was the Dark Master's.. he did so much to all of us.. and you went through the worst of it.. but your finally free, and I want you and me to try and properly grow from this.." Spike said with tears of his own too.
"Was it really his doing? Or was I doing this out of joy for the pain of others? Did I really have a choice from the beginning? If so.. why didn't I take the moment to escape since I was so much stronger?" Cynder asked while she looked at her claws.
"Mom.. if you were completely in his control, you wouldn't have had me.. even if I came from a dark origin.. you had me because it might help you move away from this, and now that that's all over.. and your free now, we just need to try and adjust.. and hopefully move on." Spike said while they hugged eachother.

"Do you.. really think I can move on from this? People still call me the Terror of the Skies, and I still see myself as that monster.. I don't know if I can move on.." Cynder said still unsure of this.
"That's how they see you, but you can't let what they say get to you, it never ends well. What's important is that you need to push through it, and try and see the bright side to all of us.. and I do too.." Spike said while they looked at the dragon statue above them, Cynder thought over this, and she knew he was right, despite all that's happened, there's some hope for her to move on.
"Thank you.. son.. no matter what I've done.. the choices I've made.. having you was the best choice that I could ever make.. and I'm so happy for how you turned out.. as the strong and caring dragon I hoped you could be.." Cynder said as they both started feeling a bit better, and they kept hugging eachother like a mother and son.
"Thank you so much.. mom.. I promise that no matter what comes next.. we'll make it through this.. I promise.." Spike assured while they both had tears in they're eyes, but also had small smiles too.
"I hope so.. son.." Cynder said hopefully as they took in this moment together, but even after this.. Cynder couldn't get what she's done out of her mind.. and even with her son.. she doesn't know if they can push through what her master has planned...

13: A Rising Darkness

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It was around midnight currently for Spike and the other dragons at the temple, they all had gone to sleep after the sun had set, Spike still had a lot on his mind with what's happening, even with his real birth mother here, he's still having trouble accepting he came from such.. dark origins, Spike and Spyro had went to sleep on the balcony because they enjoyed the night sky view, but Spike's nerves of the moons growing closer grew more and more as each night passes, and he feels a dark power rising within him, something he may not be able to control..

Spike and Spyro were fast asleep and trying to wait for tomorrow, but Spike and Spyro have been having strange visions whenever they sleep, dark visions of terrible places that house the Dark Master's forces, Spike felt his heart race whenever they saw those places, and in this current dream/ vision, he and Spyro saw a dark mountain far far away, and a green spiral shot up from it as they hear the echoes of they're battle against Cynder happen.

Spike and Spyro both see the moment where Cynder is returned to normal, and she's now at the same age as the both of them currently, which is 12. The scene where they rescue her plays out like we last saw them, Spike saves her from going into the portal, and he and Spyro carry her off to safety, but as they left, that same.. malicious voice was heard again.. something that gave them chills..
"Spyro.. Spike..." The voice echoed again as Spike and Spyro look back at the portal collapsing along with the Convexity dimension as they escape once more..

But as they kept trying to sleep, back in the real world, Sparx had come out of the door to tell them something.
"Spyro, Spike, you awake guys?" Sparx asked in a different voice which woke them up.
"Ugh.. what is it Sparx? It's the middle of the night?" Spike asked tiredly while rubbing his eyes as he and Spyro got up.
"Sorry, but it's some night huh? It's beautiful.." Sparx said as they looked at he night sky, but Spike just felt chills when looking at the moons.
"Not to me it's not.." Spike said with worry while they tried waking up.
"What is it you want Sparx? It's literally midnight by now." Spyro asked a bit annoyed with being woken up.

"Heh, why would I want something, I'm just ready to begin the best day ever now that that evil-psycho- she dragon is gone." Sparx said referring to someone they know.
"Sparx, watch your mouth, that's my mother your talking about." Spike threatened while showing his claws.
"Your talking about Cynder? What do you mean, where is she?" Spyro asked getting worried for her.
"Whoa calm down you two, your awfully tense. You haven't been sleeping much? You should listen to Volteer and his stories, that'll put anyone to sleep." Sparx joked while they yawned again.
"It's hard to sleep when you wake us up like this." Spike added while stretching his wings a bit.
"Sparx what happened? Where's Cynder?" Spyro asked really wanting to know where she is.
"Okay you two ready?" Sparx asked as we see a flashback of where Cynder went.

Sparx was currently flying through the halls trying to collect his thoughts after all that's been happening.
" I got up to get some air, haven't gotten much sleep since.. Spike's mother has been hanging around, but low and behold, I saw her sneaking out into the garden on my little stroll." Sparx said as he saw Cynder sneaking out of the place.
"She can't just go out like that, it's not safe for her." Spike said already getting ready to go.
"Your right, come on guys, it's not safe to be out at night, especially with right now." Spyro said as they started to move.
"Hold on a minute guys, it's dangerous for any of us, besides you still need to wait for your powers to return.. because your weak.." Sparx said snickering a bit which made Spike shake his head again.
"There's no time to argue, come on guys." Spyro said as they started moving through the place again.
" Ah.. ( cough) you two would be lost without me, so it's better I .. ( cough) come with you." Sparx said as he was coughing a bit.
"You alright Sparx? What's up with your voice?" Spike asked as he noticed it's a bit lighter then normal.
"Just going through growing up stuff, you'll go through it too, it's nothing to worry about alright buddy?" Sparx asked which did assure him a bit.
"As long as it's not something serious.." Spike said as they started to move through the Temple again.

Spike, Spyro and Sparx had went into the dojo room again, it looked a lot different compared to it in the daytime, Spike just felt strange whenever he looked at the night sky, it's almost like something was watching over him.. and Spike specifically..
"So Spike, how you been holding up with this whole.. dark dragon thing that's happened recently?" Spyro asked with concern as they kept moving around the statue.
"It's a lot to take in Spyro.. I feel this.. dark power within me.. and I feel like I'll lose control of myself if I overuse it.. yet.. I feel like I'll HAVE to use it at one point.. I just don't know when.." Spike said with worry while he still felt different then he did before.
"Yeah, you've become like a second Cynder as of lately with how you two look, but I guess it's because you are.. mother and son.." Sparx said shivering at the thought of it which made Spike look down sadly again.

"How you processing the news she's your mother? I'm sure your friends back home will need to hear all of this too.. that is.. if we can ever find a way back for you.." Spyro asked feeling bad that Spike's basically stuck here at this point.
"I honestly don't know.. one the one hand, while I'm wanting to do whatever I can to support her, the reason I'm even here just makes me keep questioning myself.. and I worry if the Dark Master will use me as another puppet.. or something worse.." Spike said shivering at the thought of it.
"Yeah.. Cynder herself said that you could have dark powers that are like hers, and with the state your in.. you could awaken them at any moment.. and I still don't have mine back either.." Spyro said a bit afraid of what could happen if that comes to be.
"I know, and that's what scares me Spyro, each night when those moons get closer and closer, I feel like they're another step into me awakening them, and I don't know if they'll corrupt me fully.. or if I can control them.." Spike said with fear while looking at his dark body.
"Hey try and keep things positive buddy, we still have time to rest and recover, and whatever comes our way, we'll stop it together, right?" Spyro asked while they moved through the vision pool room again.
"I hope so.." Spike said unsure if he'll be able to control it..

Spike and Spyro made they're way through another door that was to their right, and they emerged into the other room where Ignitus and the other guardians were sleeping, they still didn't have proper rooms yet with all the repairs being made, so they had to share some rooms to save up space for now, and it was a bit loud in here with all the snoring they were making.
"Careful, we mustn't wake the." Spyro whispered to them both, but Sparx didn't hear it.
"What?! I can't hear your over all this snoring!" Sparx shouted loudly which didn't wake them up somehow.
"Shh! Let's go quietly.. slow.. and steady.." Spike whispered while they quietly began moving through the room past each one.
"Yes.. of course..." Cyril said in his sleep as he was dreaming about something with the others.
"In the truth of the matter.." Volteer said in his sleep while they passed by him too, Ignitus was the only one sleeping soundly as they passed by him and they made sure not to make any noise at all.

Soon enough, Spike and Spyro made they're way out of the room and were about to come upon the garden, they sighed in relief with not being caught and quickly made they're way to it, and after bashing down a weak door in front of them, they finally found Cynder was walking through it, she still looked upset about everything, and they both were worried for her.
"Cynder, wait up." Spike announced which got her attention, she turned to them and sighed sadly with seeing them both here.
"Spike.. Spyro.." Cynder said sadly as they all came up together to talk.
"And Sparx miss dragon." Sparx added while crossing his arms.
"Cynder, what are you doing out here, it's not safe?" Spyro asked wondering what she's doing.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have followed me you two.. especially you.. son.." Cynder said sadly looking at them.
"Well, that's enough for me, see ya!" Sparx said really wanting to go now.
"Please, don't make this harder then it needs to be, I didn't want to tell you this because I knew you would come after me.." Cynder begged while looking at them both.
"We're just trying to understand what's wrong." Spyro replied concerned for her which made her sigh again.
"I'm leaving you two.. I don't belong here... not even with my own son.. after all I've done and what I've put you through, i can't stay.." Cynder said while looking down again.
"Cynder, no one blames you for what you did.." Spyro said while he was feeling sad to hear this.

"Mom.. you don't have to go, what you did wasn't your fault, it was the Dark Masters, no matter what happened, it was all on him, we talked about this earlier, didn't we?" Spike asked while trying to make her stop this.
"I'm sorry son.. every day I'm reminded of what happened.. and I can't get the thoughts out of my head, Spyro, son, your place is here, your destiny is here. You need to help find Spike a way back home.. where he can be with his real family.." Cynder said with a tear saying that herself.
"Cynder, we don't want you to go, there is a place for you here, you just need to see it." Spyro said while they came up to her a bit more.

Spike sighed seeing her like this, and tried to stop her from leaving.
"Mom, I know what we've been through is.. rough. With the threat of the Dark Master still lose, and the world still trying to repair from the war that was waged here, I understand it's tough for all of us, especially you. But you need to try and look past this.. there's more to you then you think, you aren't a monster, you aren't anywhere close to being one. You are my mother, you have no idea how much I've wanted to know who my birth parents were, even though my origin is dark, I know that it came from a place of care because of you." Spike said while he rubbed her head.
"Spike.." Cynder said regretfully while they looked at her.
"Spike is right Cynder, no matter what's happened, we know your a good person deep down. Spike has a great life because of what you did, and it wouldn't be complete without the one that gave him it. I know you feel like a monster for what happened, but this wasn't your fault, no matter what people see you as.. Sparx especially.. your not a puppet or monster, you are Cynder, and that is whoever you choose to be." Spyro said comforting her as well.

"Cynder.. It's been a lot for us.. but I don't think I can go on without you, especially with me having dark powers like you, I don't think I'll be able to control them without your help, and if something happens to you.. I don't think I'll be strong enough to save you.. I want to protect you, just like you want to protect me. But leaving this place won't do anything to make it better, Ignitus and the other's are here to support you, Spyro's here for you, and most importantly.. your son is here for you.." Spike assured while he gave her another hug which made her cry a bit.
"Son.. I'm.. so sorry.." Cynder said sadly while he looked at her, Cynder pulled out the photo she's had for a long time, and sighed seeing her corrupted form with Spike when he was an egg.
"Mom.. what you did was your choice, and that choice had compassion and care, I know you would've protected me my entire life if I did hatch under you, and I want you to experience what it's like to have a family, I don't wanna continue on without you, especially with how your handling things right now, I'm not handling them well too, but I know.. we can make it through it together.." Spike said with a soft smile which made Cynder feel a bit better.. no matter what dread and sadness she's felt, seeing her son in front of her always gave her some form of joy..

"Cynder, you have a place here just like us. You need to be here, not just for us, but for your son. Please don't go Cynder, we can't just let you go off to either get captured, hurt.. or even killed.." Spyro begged hoping she would stop this.. and after some heavy thinking.. she knew that during this time it's far too dangerous for her to be out there alone, and she had to help her son with his powers, if she can't help him with them.. they may completely corrupt him..
"Spyro.. son.. your right.. it's far too dangerous for any of us right now, and the best thing for us is to stick together, no matter what.. especially with you my son.." Cynder said while she looked at them both.
"Don't worry mom, we'll make it through this, I promise." Spike assured while the two hugged eachother again.

And after a few minutes, they finally pulled away and looked at eachother, and while they were about to head back inside, Spike and Spyro were suddenly feeling drowsy.
"So can we finally go back inside and get some shut eye? It's way past our bedtimes." Sparx asked while yawning a bit, but that's when Spike and Spyro were feeling odd, and felt something strange happening.
"Ugh.. what is this?" Spike asked while holding his head.
"What's going.. on?" Spyro asked while they're heads were shaking around.
"Spyro, son, are you okay?" Cynder asked worried for them, but they didn't even have time to answer before they both fell on the ground and fell asleep suddenly which shocked them both.
"What? Spyro, Spike! Can you hear me, wake up!" Cynder shouted while she tried shaking them awake.
"Guys, anyone there?! Yoo hoo?!" Sparx shouted as they were passed out completely..

Spike and Spyro groaned as they were finally waking up somewhere, but they didn't feel the ground of the garden they were at before, instead they felt a solid rock like structure which shook them up.
"Wha.. where are we?" Spike asked while they were standing back up again, they looked around the place and and were confused with what they were seeing, there was dozens of ancient floating objects in the distance, and they could see the huge moons up close, this place almost looked like the Convexity dimension in a lot of areas.
"Hello? Is anyone there?!" Spyro asked around the dark void hoping someone would answer, and luckily someone did.
"Do not be frightened young dragons. You are not alone here." The voice answered which worried them a little.
"Who are you? What is this place?" Spyro asked while they both looked around the void.

"I have summoned you both here so that you might be warned, the Celestial Moons are counting down, and time is running out." The voice warned which concerned them as they were hearing more voices around them.
"So much.. darkness.." Spike said with fear as the voices were almost screaming in they're heads.
"Make it stop!!" Spike and Spyro shouted at once with wanting it to end, but that somehow caused a strange affect in front of them, a spinning object suddenly came to a snails pace in front of them which led to the other platform, and that surprised them both.
"How.. how is this possible? Is this.. a time ability?" Spike asked shocked while they hopped on it and slowly made they're way to the other side, and once they got to the other side, they hopped off again and were in complete shock.

"How did we do that?" Spyro asked looking around for this voice.
"The purple dragon can wield many ability's that others cannot, including the manipulation of time itself, even you young Spike, are capable of this ability. Learn to master this ability, and you will be able to see things almost before they happen. But, use this gift sparingly, only when certain moments demand it. Manipulation of time is not to be done without the utmost care." The voice advised which they nodded in understanding from.
"Right.. being able to slow down time.." Spike said amazed that he's able to do this with Spyro now.

After gaining enough awareness of what they need to do, they began to use they're new time powers to slow objects around the area so they could use them to get across, this place was like a dream, yet it felt so real at the same time, even here Spike could feel an ancient history in this place, it was like something even Luna could never reach despite her own powers. But after a few platforming and time slow downs, Spike and Spyro saw a red and black platform just ahead of them, and Spike felt strange as they came upon them.

Spyro went to the platform that looked like one of fire, and Spike went to one that looked to be made of.. Shadow..
"You both seemed to have abandoned your true callings. It is your destiny to harness the power of the elements, yet you cannot. And Spike has the potential to wield far more power, then he could imagine, and it can be controlled" The voice said while they looked down at them.
"We haven't been able to use our powers for some time now.. " Spyro said a bit ashamed they haven't gained them on your own.
"I'm honestly afraid of what my true calling is by this point.. especially if it means the shadows will corrupt me fully.." Spike said as his heart felt something strange happening.
"Yes.. right now your powers lay dormant within you, but you have the chance to awaken them again, and you Spike, can gain powers you haven't used before, and trust me, they will help you, you just need to find the courage to move through it." The voice advised which gave them a bit of determination.
"Well.. let's see if we can awaken them.." Spike said as they took a deep breath, and they walked onto them together.

Spike felt something dark awakening within him, a power he hasn't felt before compared to what else he's used, and Spyro felt the fire's around him begin to swell and surge like they once did before.
"Clear your mind you two, let the fire run through your veins, don't give into your fear of the dark, embrace them both, and let them surge.." The voice advised as Spike and Spyro began floating in the air again, they felt the powers of both Shadow and Fire swell around them, and Spike made a low growl of anger as he felt the shadows give him a power he's never used, and with a loud battle cry, they unleashed the Fire and Shadow around them both in a huge explosion, like the Elements they've used before.

Spike and Spyro breathed heavily as they finally landed back down, and they felt they're powers begin to awaken again.
"Excellent young dragons! Your a natural!" The voice said proud of they're work while Spike looked at himself, and he could feel the shadows forming in his hands.
"The power of darkness.. it's.. just like Cynder's.." Spike said both scarred and amazed with what he's doing right now.
"You two have a lot in common Spike, don't worry, if she can use the Shadows, so can you, just focus your mind and try to use them, they'll be a big help for us in the future." Spyro said as the fire door in front of them faded away which opened up another path with platforms floating in the air.
"What else can she use?" Spike asked as he felt the darkness grow inside him even more, but he didn't feel pain or fear from it, in fact.. he felt a lot stronger for embracing some of it..

Spike and Spyro quickly made they're way across the platforms again, they were some of the weirdest platforming they've done yet, but it felt like a trial of skill and wit for learning they're new powers, and this only proved to be the case when they reached the next platform, and they saw some old statues begin to move with weapons drawn.
"Looks like we have to torch these guys." Spyro said as he began to ready his fire.
"Let's see if they fear the darkness.." Spike said as he held out his hands and the shadows began to form in front of it, Spike focused his mind like how he did with the other powers he's used, and thought of a weapon he could use to fight with, and with the proper focus, Spike's hands gripped the shadows as they formed into a weapon, it was a 7 foot long Scythe, with a razor sharp blade that could cut through foes easily, and Spike twirled it around like it weighed nothing at all.
"Let's fight." Spike said seriously before they lunged at the statues with rage.

Spike twirled his Scythe around with fast speeds, he was easily deflecting any sword slashes the stone statues tried hitting him with, Spike quickly ducked under another sword slice from behind him and twisted his weapon around and sliced through a statue in one slash, Spike then put his weapon on the ground so the stick was facing upwards, and Spike jumped off of it to go into the air, he raised his weapon in the air to deliver a strong move, Spyro torched most of the statues in the ring to ash, and Spike finished the rest of them by delivering a powerful Shadow attack, and he slammed his weapon on the ground which created a shockwave which knocked the rest of the statues off the platform, which made them the winners.

"That felt.. strange.." Spike said as he put his weapon away, he didn't know he could wield a weapon like that, but this proved him wrong.
"It's really amazing with what weapons you forge with your powers, let's hope you make things just as cool the further we unlock them." Spyro said with hope as the path began to appear before them, and they saw a teleporter of sorts just ahead.
"If I'm gonna have dark powers, might as well have scary but cool looking weapons right?" Spike asked as they stepped onto it, and they teleported somewhere else.

Spike and Spyro appeared on another platform with more statues around them, but they saw they were closer to an ancient temple just ahead of them, and they saw a purple gem in the center, it was like the Spirit Gems they've used before to gain power.
"If we know anything about this, we should get through this easily." Spike said confidently as they saw the statues moving again, and began attacking them yet again.
"Let's do this like pros." Spyro said confidently as they began smashing at the Sprit Gem and slashing fighting off the statues at once.

Spyro jumped in the air and used a new move that made him twirl into a cyclone, it let him smash through the enemy's in a straight line which took most of them down easily, Spike kept smashing the crystal with his new weapon, and they both felt the power of Aether beginning to flow through them, knowing what's to come next, Spike and Spyro waited for the next wave to appear around them, and they knew what they had to do next.

Spike and Spyro took a deep breath and harnessed the powers within them, Spike's body began to become pitch black as the shadows swelled around him, Spike felt his anger growing, his strength surging, and his eyes briefly flashed white as he embraced the darkness, and Spyro felt the fire swell around him like what's happened before, and when the statues were about to strike, they made a loud roar of rage and the combined powers exploded around the area, the blast was so strong it shook the area in a powerful manner, and this destroyed any statue that was still attacking them, and they finally landed on the ground again, and felt the power surging in them still.

"So this is what Cynder felt when using the darkness.. it feels so strong.. yet I can understand the fear she has when using it now.." Spike said with worry while he looked at his body, and saw the shadow fade away which made him look like how he does now.
"It just makes you and here more special, I'm sure with time you and her will be able to use your powers with full control, and can use them to protect others." Spyro assured again as a final set of platforms appeared ahead that led them to the temple ahead.
" I hope we can master them together.. and maybe she can teach me some of it one day.." Spike said hopefully before they both hopped over the platforms and made they're way to the temple ahead.

Spike and Spyro went into the large door that led to the center of the place, there was a large vision pool in the room, along with symbols that represented the elements of the guardians, this place felt so ancient, it felt more ancient then anything in Equestria's history, and Spike just wanted to know more of this world and the story's that are told. Spike and Spyro went to the vision pool and looked through it, and hoped they could find something from it.
"You both have done well, and now you must return home. But be careful young dragons, the enemy approaches." The voice warned which Spike already got a bad feeling about..
"Wait! You still haven't told us who you are!" Spyro pointed out as he didn't tell them yet.
"Yeah, who are you, what's your name?" Spike asked wondering who this was as well.
"You two shall know me as the Chronicler, seek me out young ones.." Chronicler instructed as they saw a strange tree within a dark forest.. and they felt themselves fading from this world.. and back to their own..

14: A Dark Strike

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Spike and Spyro were finally starting to wake up after passing out on the ground like that, they felt a new power flowing through them as a result, Spike felt a dark power coming through him, one of the shadows, but it felt like it could give him strength, something that could help him and Spyro face the Dark Armies.
"Spike, Spyro, wake up!" Cynder shouted with worry while she slapped Spike's face, that finally caused him to wake up with a gasp and he finally woke up.
"Hello! Anyone home? You waking up dude?" Sparx asked looking at Spyro who was finally waking up too from passing out like that, they both groaned and were finally starting to get they're bearings.

"Ugh.. what happened?" Spike asked while rubbing his head, he did feel slightly different after awakening a dark power, he did feel stronger, but not in a way that he should be afraid of.
"You and Spyro suddenly passed out on the ground here, what happened?" Cynder asked while they finally remembered what happened, and got back up after a few minutes of processing it.
"I don't know, but something's happening, I don't know how to explain it, we both don't." Spyro said with concern while he felt his fire return finally.
"I don't know what happened, one minute we felt wide awake, and the next.. we just.. passed out like that." Spike said while he stretched his arms, but Cynder noticed something different about him after closer inspection.

"Spike, why do I feel a dark power in you has awoken? One that's similar to my own powers? Cynder asked concerned if it's a bad thing.
"I don't know, I felt the power of Shadow awaken within me during or.. little trip, I feel stronger because of it, but not one that looks too concerning." Spike assured while he formed some shadows around his hands, and Cynder looked surprised and worried seeing this.
"Spike, you need to be careful when using the Shadows, they're not as simple as your former powers, mine can put quite the strain on those who use it if they don't be careful, just make sure to manage them the best you can, okay?" Cynder asked while she put his claw down.
"Oh.. Okay mom.. I'll focus on using them when it's the right time.." Spike assured while he looked at himself again.
"So now that that's settled, can we finally go back in for sleep? This place has been hooting and howling all night, listen." Sparx said as they heard the crickets and owls around the area, but they were hearing a loud clang that was getting louder.

"What's that sound?" Spike asked with concern as they heard it get louder, but that's when Cynder recognized what it was, and had a look of fear.
"Get down!!" Cynder shouted right as a strange bomb dropped out of the sky and knocked Sparx to the wall, everyone looked up in the sky and they saw the temple was being attacked by Dreadwings, and the Dark Armies, they tried making they're way back in the temple, but the way was blocked from rubble because of the explosion.
"No no, we're trapped out here!" Spike said with fear while they could hear loud screeches above them.
"The other's are still inside sleeping, we have to find another way in! Come on!" Spyro shouted before he suddenly ran forward to another path.
"I doubt that explosion kept them asleep Spyro, but your right, we have to get back in, come on Spike!" Cynder said while they followed him behind.
"Oi we never get it easy do we?" Sparx asked shaking his head while he followed suit.

They all made they're way to the other parts of the temple that could help them get in the place, this place had multiple hidden exits and entrances that were there in case of enemy attacks, and they were just on the verge of one of them. Bombs were being dropped all around the temple which shook the place a bit, and just ahead, they could see a commander of dark apes at the top of the ledge.
"The purple Dragon! Cynder is with them too! Capture them all!" He ordered his monsters who began running to them all.
"Let's put our new powers to the test!" Spike said confidently while he focused his shadows again and formed another scythe like before.
"Cynder stay back, we got this!" Spyro assured while they began charging at the monsters with battle cry's.

"I can fight too, I'm not gonna let them harm my son!" Cynder shouted before she took a deep breath and shot a blast of Fear at one of the larger monsters. Spike flipped over one of the enemy's lunging at him and swung his scythe around and struck it in the back, Spike then blocked multiple slashes from some wolf like monsters and slammed his scythe down which made a shockwave which stunned them for a moment, Cynder joined in by this by lunging off his back and she used a move with her Wind powers and created a tornado with her powers, this swooped over the area and sucked in almost any enemy there was on the battle field, and Spyro finished them off by combining his fire with Cynder's wind powers, and they set the enemy's on fire and defeated all of them.

Spike and the others looked around the area and saw all the enemy's were down for now, so they could move on for a bit.
"You two still know your moves well, impressive considering you just got your powers back Spyro, and Spike got my powers of Shadow recently too." Cynder said impressed while they were pushing some pillars to a pedestal to reach the higher ledge.
"We may have been weak for a while there, but we still know how to fight." Spyro said confidently while they looked around the place, and felt sad seeing all the fire that surrounded.
"It's hard to believe it was all peaceful just a few minutes ago, and now we're suddenly having to fight back against the Dark Armies, again." Spike said regretfully while they hopped up to the ledge.
"The Dark Armies are cruel people Spike, they will bring despair and sadness to anyone they come across, they enjoy the pain of others, the only thing we can do is press on from what destruction they bring." Cynder said regretfully as she felt responsible for all of this still.

"I can see what you mean.. they still haven't stopped after we freed you, even when trying to rebuild the place, reports of them still came up pretty often, they won't really go away until we stop the Dark Master for good.." Spyro replied as they opened the door to the temple after placing the last pedestal in.
"Of course we never get a break, we didn't even get 1 month off until we have to fight through an army again. And I just have a feeling it's gonna get worse from here.." Sparx said while shaking his head at the thought of it.
"I don't know what's making them attack the temple, maybe it's because they wanna capture me, or the two of you.. I.. can't say for sure why they're here, but it's definitely a part of a warning of something worse to come." Cynder said as they could always feel a growing darkness coming closer.
"I think we all know it just means bad news, we can't let them cause more damage to the temple, I'm sure Ignitus and the others are up by now, but we need to get back to them, come on guys!" Spike said as they all ran ahead some more to hurry up.

They all made they're way through the temple as quickly as they could, the temple was a lot larger then they thought, they've only been through a small part of it before, but they're having to go through what looks like multiple floors to reach the others. They had to light a few torches to open some more doors that led forward, the floor around them was weak to the damage that was caused, and they luckily didn't have to face more enemy's since they fell through it which bought them time.

Spike still felt worried about all that's happening, the Dark Armies don't just suddenly attack the temple like this for nothing, they're always here for something, Cynder may be right, this could be a warning of the war that's to come to this world, and with how this world has handled recovering after the last few years from it, Spike just feels bad knowing he and Spyro have the pressure of saving this entire world. His dark powers grow stronger in him each night, and now that he's awakened his Shadow powers, he has no choice but to use it, along with most of Cynder's other ability's that she has as well.

Soon enough, they made they're way back out of one of the temple's halls, and back outside. They could only see more destruction being caused by the Dark Armies who destroyed most of the ancient structures around the place, but this actually caused some giant spider creatures to be enraged by the destruction, and they began attacking the armies to fight them off.
"Wow, guess even nature hates these guys huh?" Spike asked surprised while they quickly made they're way through the battlefield.
"Survival of the fittest Spike, that's what this is to those creatures.." Cynder said a bit disgusted as they kept on moving through.

They had to keep fighting they're way through more hordes of enemy's to keep moving forward, Spike had to smash himself down on the spider's soft sides once they flipped them over, these spiders often came out at night to hunt some prey, and that only gave more reasons to stay in the temple where it's safe, but they all didn't let these obstacles slow them down, Spike used his shadows to blast some more of them into some spiked floors below to save time, Cynder used her powers of Fear to blast multiple away to free up the space, and Spyro used his Cosmic Dash and rammed into a ton of enemy's at once. They were able to get back into another hall of the temple after defeating a Snail Rider together, Spike could feel his powers building up the more he stored them in, Cynder's powers felt so different compared to the other elements he's used, even Nightmare Moon may not stand a chance against them when they're all combined..

As the group kept making they're way back to the main part of the temple, Cynder looked at Spike with interest, and wanted to learn a bit more about him since.. she sent him away.
"So.. Spike.. what was it like for you back in Equestria before.. my men kidnapped you?" Cynder asked already regretting that last part, but Spike only sighed hearing that and had a lot to explain.
"Well, it's a lot, I was hatched by a pony named Twilight Sparkle, I'm sure you all know by now I was raised alongside her family, and often got into some crazy stuff with them." Spike explained as they heard more wolf howls in the night sky.
"Yeah, you said you've faced big threats before right? From this.. Nightmare Moon, to Discord, a Changeling named Chrysalis, and tons of other stuff like that right?" Sparx asked making sure that was right.
"Yeah, Twilight and the others had a lot of stuff happened over the years, helped a dragon named Ember become a rightful ruler of our kind back home, helped a friend named Thorax learn important stuff that helped him reform and become a king, and just a lot of stuff that while dangerous, was also fun." Spike admitted which interested them all.

"So, how much did you play a part in it then?" Spyro asked wondering if he's done something like they did here.
"I did a few things.. but for the most part, I was mainly.. on the sidelines you know? Twilight and the others often had to do things without me, Twilight often said I was too young to help, or it was too dangerous for me. While I understood her worries.. deep down, I always felt like there was a way I could help.. but after seeing all they've done together, as friends, even a family, I never got to do something that fully defined me.. even the stuff I did do like helping Ember, stopping Sombra, and helping reforming the Changelings, it all felt.. minor, and not like it helped make me stand out as my own person.." Spike said regretfully which made Cynder feel sad, she knew about the stuff with the Changelings, but hearing it all in detail was sad to hear knowing how he felt deep down.
"I.. can understand that son, even with all the.. horrible things I did in the past.. it was all because of the dark powers I was given, I don't think if I didn't have them.. I would be seen as weak, I didn't want any of that.. all I just wanted.. was a normal life, and now all of this happened. I never wanted to commit so much bloodshed, but it was because of.. him I was forced to do it.." Cynder said while shaking at the thought of her former master.

"Cynder, it's okay, we told you this before, it's not your fault. We know things would've been different if you were left alone, the Dark Armies are just ruthless monsters who do what they're told, if they didn't exist, I know you would've had a better life, even if I was never born.. you being happy is the only thing I could wish for.." Spike said softly while he hugged her again, they were making they're way through the deeper underground parts of the temple by now, and were almost back to the main path to the dojo.
"I don't even think a life without you, would've made me happy, so much would've been different, but what I question is, would it be for the better? Or for worse?" Cynder asked unsure which is the right answer.

"it mainly depends on who you ask Cynder." Sparx said while he flew above them.
"If you wanna hear from me Cynder, even after all the stuff we've gone through, where we are now is what's made it better for us. You have a son who you each care for, I care for you too Cynder, I know our lives haven't been the best, even during this dark strike that's happening, having you here is what's important." Spyro said with a smile which she felt a bit better hearing.
"He's right mom, life's always a struggle, nothing's ever easy, but when we push through it, we can really show others who we are. And with what I'm doing now, it only makes me more determined to see it to the end, right?" Spike asked turning to her who felt more confident now.
"Of course, thank you son, thank you Spyro. I'm glad I decided to stay, even if Ignitus will be upset at me trying, at least I'll have you besides me." Cynder said with some relief after this talk.
"No problem Cynder, come on guys, we're almost back to the others." Spyro said as they got back on track and headed towards the exit that led to where the balcony was.

After that last talk they had, all 4 of them had made they're way across the battlefield as the Dark Armies kept attacking, they had just made it back to where they were sleeping previously, but even with the short time they were gone, the place was already up in flames, there was so much damaged that it looks unrecognizable, and within the center, they could see Ignitus fighting off the rest of the Dark Armies while the others fought back inside the place.
"Ignitus!" Spyro shouted with worry while he headbutted another one down.
"Are you okay?!" Spike shouted while trying to get his attention, and he luckily saw them all on the cliff just ahead.
"Get down here young dragons! We need your help!" Ignitus shouted as another group surrounded him once more, Ignitus growled with anger and charged up his fire like he's done before, and with a powerful roar of rage, he unleashed a devastating blast that cleared the balcony.
"Come on, let's go!" Cynder shouted as they all took off and glided down to the path to help him out.

As soon as they landed back on the platform ahead of them, the place was bombarded with more enemy's coming from the cages, and they were surrounded once again while Ignitus got blocked off from some rubble.
"How do these guys not take damage when the explode out of these things?!" Spike asked annoyed while he grabbed a small one by the head and threw it into a larger ape which sent them off the ledge.
"They are really tough when it comes to situations like these, believe me, I know!" Cynder shouted while she used her Shadows to phase out of attacks, she then used her poison breath to weaken some one of the larger groups, and Spyro finished them off with shooting a fireball at them.
"Why did they have to destroy the spot we were just sleeping at?! It's so annoying when there's more stuff we have to rebuild!" Spyro shouted while he and Spike charged at one group with they're horns down, and they flung them off of the cliff like before.

They all got ready as another enemy horde joined in once again, and Spike felt his anger building up as more and more kept coming, he used his shadows to blast some more enemy's off the balcony, he then jumped over one of their leg swipes and slammed his fist down on the apes head, he then took out his scythe and sliced down multiple groups in an instant, Cynder shot multiple poison blasts at them, and was able to weaken them to a point where Spyro could use his Comet Dash on them, Spike ran up to Spyro and jumped off his back and went to the pillar above, he raised his weapon and made a battle cry as he flipped off the thing and slammed his weapon down which created a huge shockwave with the power of Shadow.

The fire kept burning around the place and they saw that most of them were defeated, they did see some more Dreadwings in the sky, but they were too far away to cause trouble right now, but that moment of relief had to go once they saw what looked like the leader of the attack flying up to them on the back of one of the Dreadwings.
"Prepare to die!!" The monster shouted in a muffled voice which Sparx couldn't understand.
"Either he said, prepare to die, or he's gonna bake you a pie, I prefer the ladder, but I think we all know that's not gonna happen." Sparx joked while Cynder glared at the monster.
"You get out of my home! You've caused enough pain for me and my son long enough!" Cynder screamed as she charged up her powers of Fear for a strong blast.
"You've caused too much damage here, get out!" Spike shouted as well while he twirled his weapon around and threw it directly at him, the scythe twirled around through the air and stabbed the Dreadwing in the back which made it screech with pain, Cynder and Spyro finished the job by firing a combination of fear and fire, which was strong enough to defeat them both at once.

The commander growled at them all and saw they were standing strong, and were not gonna back down.
"You all haven't seen the last off me!" He screamed before he finally had the Dreadwing fly off with the army, and they all sighed in relief at them leaving.
"At least that's over.." Cynder said gladly while Ignitus finally came back out to the others.
"Is everyone alright?" Ignitus asked while he made sure they were all here.
"We're fine Ignitus, what about you? is Cyril and the others okay too?" Spike asked hoping they were fine.

"We're alright, we got up as soon as we heard the explosions, we fought off all the forces inside the temple, even with our age slowing us down a bit, but where were you?" Ignitus asked as they looked over the damage of the place.
"We got knocked outside during the battle, we had to fight our way back here, sorry we weren't here sooner." Cynder apologized which was enough for him to believe.
"What matters is your all alright, come, we need to discuss this with the others." Ignitus said while turning around to the main entrance.
"Yeah, we need to discuss how to handle this, if there's more danger coming, we need to be prepared for it, come on." Spike said as he followed along with the others, they all had a lot to worry about going forward, this was just the first attack of many to come.. and they all fear that the darkness will only spread even more..

15: Dark Visions

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After Spike, Spyro and Cynder were able to fend off the Dark Armies from attacking the temple, everyone went into the main room to discuss they're next plan of figuring things out, they all had a feeling of dread and that there was a darkness coming, and this attack must be a sign.

"And then, we made our way back here after fighting through the apes, I'm starting to unlock my mom's powers, but even then, I don't know how to fully use them.." Spike finished while he formed more darkness in his hands, they explained what happened during they're way back here, and they were all fascinated with hearing this.
"Fascinating Spike, no dragon could hold so many elements at once, but you being Cynder's son, and being tied into Spyro, it allows you to possess more then all of us can, but you must be careful, the darkness is strong, but if your not careful, it could corrupt you fully." Ignitus warned as they all looked at Spike's dark body, he'd been trying to get used to looking like his mom by now, but there was just something that didn't feel right with it..
"I know.. that much I learned when we were rescuing all of you.." Spike said sadly since he didn't know how to explain this to Twilight if he sees her again.

Everyone looked at Cynder who looked regretful for trying to leave on them like this, she would've left it if wasn't for her son, but there were parts of her who wondered if this was the right choice.
"I'm sorry I tried to leave guys, but I don't know if this is really my place, Spike and Spyro have a destiny here, and I.. I don't know if I have one that won't have me go fall into darkness again, there's so much that can go wrong with it.. I don't know how to properly describe it.." Cynder said regretfully while Spike gave her a hug to comfort her.
"It is okay Cynder, we all know what your feeling right now, what's important is that all of you are safe. I only hope you stick by Spike and Spyro's side going forward, because they will be able to help you, you just need to see it." Ignitus said calmly which lightened up her moods a bit.
"I know that for sure, especially if my sons trying to awaken my powers, there's a lot he has to learn in order to use them, and it's best I be there for him." Cynder replied while looking at him.
" While we're glad everyone's safe and all, what do we do now? Are we just supposed to move on from this attack or what?" Sparx asked wondering what they're gonna do.

But Ignitus shook his head and knew this was a bad sign.
"No, this attack is a sign of what's to come, we've all feared it for a while now, and it's only a matter of time." Ignitus said to all of them who were worried on what to do too.
"Guys.. what's.. that?" Spike asked as he noticed something forming in the vision pool.
"What is this?" Ignitus asked curiously as they all could see a shot of Spike, Spyro and Cynder near an ancient looking tree which may be foretelling the future.
"This is peculiar.. I see you, Spike and Cynder at the base of some strange tree.. amidst a lake of mist and gloom.." Ignitus said fascinated with what they're seeing.
"A tree! We've seen that tree! But only in our dreams.. though it only feels like nightmares.." Spyro said with a somber look as that image gave him dread.
"I don't know what it is, but there's something about those nightmares we've had that do not feel right.." Spike said with a shiver which got all of they're attention.

"Young dragons, you've been keeping secrets What are you seeing in these dreams of yours?." Ignitus asked a bit upset that they've been keeping this from them.
"Don't be mad at them, what they see may just be fake, but if this ties into something else, it only gives them more of a right to worry.." Cynder said coming up to defend them.
"We're sorry, we thought they'd go away, but they just kept getting worse.." Spyro said regretting to not have told them this yet.
"There was one that worried me.. one that.. terrified me.. I don't know how to describe it.." Spike said dreadfully as he recalled one specific nightmare that worried him.
"And what did you two see? Calm yourselves, and try to remember." Ignitus instructed which made Spike and Spyro take a deep breath, and they closed they're eyes.

Spike's mind suddenly flashed and he saw what looks like the Dragon Lands in Equestria being attacked by the Dark Armies with dozens of forces, they kill dozens of dragons who couldn't fight them off, destroy dozens of ancient places that could've honored their kind, and what's worse.. he saw a vision of an orange dragoness being taken like he was, he saw Twilight and Ember trying to save her, but they were too late.. and then.. he saw her being horribly corrupted by a dark shadow, and turning into a black dragon of terror that is so similar to how Cynder looks, it's almost like they were replacing her.
" I saw.. my home being attacked, the Dragon territory to be exact, many dragons lost they're lives, and so much was destroyed, but what's worse.. I saw the Dark Armies kidnapping someone like what happened to me.. only she was never rescued.. she was corrupted.. and turned into a dark dragon like Cynder once was.. I can hear her screams of pain.. her cries of agony that beg it to go away as she's turned into a monster.. I just.. I don't know what it means... " Spike said with tears while everyone was worried and horrified to know that news.
"If that's true.. then the Dark Master could be looking to make another Terror of the Skies, someone who could even be worse then what Cynder used to be.." Terrador said worried on when that will happen.
"Used to be? Or still is..." Cynder asked quietly not knowing how to respond to this.

And For Spyro, he was seeing something that he and Spyro both have seen before, and it frightened him.
"For me, I see.. a mountain draped in shadow, a face of stone, beneath two moons of darkness.." Spyro explained which they all knew what it was.
"The Mountain of Malefor!" Terrador said with fear mentioning that name as lightning flashed above them all which scared Sparx.
"Whoa! Did anyone else see that?!" Sparx asked worried if that was just him.
"There was another.. but it was more like me and Spike were looking into the future all at once.. and there was a voice, who called himself the Chronicler, that's when Spike and I saw the tree." Spyro explained which confused them all.
"Impossible..." Terrador said in disbelief to hear this.
"You've been keeping this from us? How long ago was it?" Cynder asked concerned to know this, she's had nightmares too, but nothing on this level..

"The Chronicler?" Cyril asked fascinated to hear that name.
"Come on, don't encourage them please!" Sparx advised coming up to Cyril's face.
"I have not heard that name in ages, nor has anyone for the matter." Volteer said surprised at this too.
"And there's no way Spike or Spyro could've known. This is fascinating.." Ignitus said in awe of what this means.
"Who is the Chronicler?" Spyro asked curious of who this is.
"The Chronicler is an ancient dragon of immeasurable wisdom, from what Spike's told me, he is even more ancient then Celestia and Luna, but I've only heard the stories about him. In fact I've had my doubts hearing such tales.. Yet now, I am left to wonder.." Ignitus explained which interested all of them.

"As are we all.. but if this is true, then it is not a good sign that the reemergence of the Chronicler, not to mention to
coincide with an attack on the temple, and to add with these visions Spike and Spyro have been having." Terrador said with huge worry to know all of this.
"Yes, it is, tales of the Chronicler often interwoven with tales of doom, if he is speaking to Spike and Spyro, this is a sign of something worse to come." Ignitus said while thinking of something to do.
"Oh goodie! I was worried about us having to spend the rest of the night without hearing the word doom!" Sparx said annoyed to know this is just gonna get worse from here on.

After that talk within the vision pool room, everyone went outside to see what's happening, the Celestial Moons were even closer then Spike last saw them which gave him dread, they all were feeling the same thing, they know a darkness is coming, and it's only a matter of time before something worse comes..
"It was only a matter of time Ignitus, we've all felt it, a great evil is on the horizon.." Volteer said with worry while everyone looked at the pitch black sky, and barely any stars could be seen.
"Perhaps, but we mustn't rush to judgement, this evening has brought many unexplained things." Ignitus said trying to calm everyone down.
"Something tells me there will be more to come because of that.." Cynder added while standing by Spike's side.
"We may not have time, the Celestial Moons are almost at an eclipse that is for certain. We all must prepare for the worst, the Night of Eternal Darkness draws nigh.." Cyril said scared on what's to come.
"Even Nightmare Moon's Eternal Night doesn't compare to this.." Spike said dreadfully while he felt his darkness growing inside him even more..

"We have been trying to hold out as long as we can, but there's too much to come, and we cannot stay here because of it. This first attack is most likely one of many to come, the forces of the Ape King know of Spyro and Spike's existence, and they will not rest until they see their demise." Terrador said looking d own at them who were even more scared to hear that.
"If they're gonna try and get my son, they have another thing coming.." Cynder said with a growl at the thought of Spike being harmed again.
"I'm afraid Terrador is right you two, as uncertain things are, we cannot stay here and watch our worst fears unfold before us.. if even Spike's world Equestria isn't safe from the Dark Master, then we need to find a place to prepare for the worst." Ignitus said while they looked over the ruined temple, Spike felt sad that they had to leave like this, but it's for they're safety, even if it means having to leave something behind..
"Exactly guys, we need a good hiding place!" Sparx said ready to go by now.

Ignitus got an idea on what to do, it may not do much, but it could help them all prepare for what's to come.
"Volteer, you and Cyril must go to the mainland and learn what news you can about this. And Terrador, make haste to the Shattered Vale and warn the inhabitants of that region that darkness is spreading in Malefor." Ignitus instructed to the other guardians who understood this perfectly.
"For me, I shall stay back and learn what more I can, a war is coming upon us all again, and we need to prepare for it." Ignitus finished which made Spike's heart drop in his stomach knowing this.
"What about us Ignitus?" Spyro asked wondering what they're gonna do.

"You, Spike and Cynder make your way to where that ancient tree is, it is in a place known as the Ancient Grove, it is a dark forest with monsters inside, but as long as you two stick together. You will be alright, may the Ancestors look after us all.." Ignitus prayed again while everyone looked out the view together.
"If that tree can lead us to the Chronicler, we need to go, I'm not gonna let both my homes fall by Malefor's claws.." Spike said seriously while he formed more darkness in his hands.
"None of us will son, and I won't make the same mistakes twice.." Cynder said hopefully while they got ready for what's to come, this night is just another step for the Eternal Night to begin, and Spike dreads more of what's to come in the future.. especially if his visions come true..