Equestria Girls It's Showtime--Johnny and The Sprites: Music Time in The Woods

by Big Imagination E

First published

The Rainbooms head to the woods to camp and encounter a man named Johnny and his Sprite friends

When the Rainbooms decided to go on a Spring Break camping trip in the woods they meet a man named Johnny and meet his friends The Sprites as they hang out and play some music to make this a trip they'll never forget!!!

And this is a gift for my girlfriend Sunrise10 and my friend DragonTheNineRealms.

I: Going Camping

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One spring day in Canterlot City we see a van riding on the road and inside were seven girls. They are the Rainbooms and they have something special planned for today. They are going on a Spring Break camping trip. And in the van when Sunset is driving she was talking with her friends about how excited they were about going camping.

"Ooh! I'm so excited for our Spring Break camping trip! O wonder what camp we're going to this time? Maybe back to Camp Everfree?" Pinkie wondered.

"Not this time Pinkie. I looked up a new camp online and where we are going is a place called Grotto's Grove. I heard there camp is supposed to be really peaceful and quite enjoyable." Sunset replied.

"Grotto's Grove? I don't think I heard about that place before." Twilight said.

"Actually I might have. I remember one time my parents took me and Zephyr there when we were a lot younger and we camped there. It was so peaceful in their woods." Fluttershy replied.

"Really now Fluttershy darling? I didn't know that you went there when you were younger. What was it like?" Rarity asked.

Then Fluttershy started to tell everyone her story of first seeing Grotto's Grove when she was younger. It first started when she was a little girl and they arrived at the place where they're were lots of beautiful flowers and trees, the sun was shining, the birds were chriping, and the insects were dancing. She then told them everything they did at Grotto's Grove and the girls smiled after hearing her story.

"Oh that was a wonderful story darling. I think Grotto's Grove will be a peaceful place for our camping trip. And we can play some music once we arrive." Rarity offered.

"Yeah Rarity. That's a good idea. We can totally do that." Applejack agreed.

Then after a few hours they arrived at Grotto's Grove. But when they got out and grabbed their stuff things were different here and Fluttershy was a little confused.

"That's funny. I don't remember Grotto's Grove being like this when I arrived here." Fluttershy said.

"Maybe they did I little redecorating to the place so they can attract more campers here. I'm sure there's still more things that are the same as you remember back then Fluttershy." Twilight assured.

"I guess so. Well either way I'm glad to get to see Grotto's Grove again." Fluttershy said but then heard a twinkling sound coming from the trees. "Um girls? Did you hear something?"

"What is it Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.

They looked in the trees and tried seeing where that sound is coming from. Then they saw a glowing pink light sparkling and making that twinkling sound and flew straight in the woods.

"HEY! Did I just see a light fly straight in the woods?" Applejack wondered.

"You weren't the only one Applejack. I think there's some kind of magic here at Grotto's Grove. We should investigate and see what it is." Twilight suggested.

The girls nodded in agreement and everyone walked straight into the woods and followed the light. But soon they will realize that it's not Equestrian magic they saw. But it's a different magic that certain sprites use across Grotto's Grove.


II: Meeting Johnny and the Sprites

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The girls followed the light into the woods and when they reached the opening they saw more than just the trees. Right next to the girls was a huge house that had nature like features on it. There was also a garden and so far there wasn't any flowers planted just yet. But besides that the place was quite nice and was definitely a place Fluttershy would take a vacation any old day.

"Wow. This is quite a place. This house is screaming with nature looks. But where did that light go? It has to be around here somewhere." Rarity said.

"What light? You mean me?" A voice asked.

The girls all looked around trying to find where that voice came from.

"Uh darlings? Who said that?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know Rarity. But whoever did must had that light." Sunset answered.

"Of course I have it. Plus it was me that spoke." The voice said again.

The girls all continued looking around for the source but still couldn't find it.

"No. Look in the flower bed." The voice said.

Then they looked in the flower bed and saw someone appearing from it. Then suddenly three others joined in and they emerged from their hiding spot and walked around it and came face to face with the Rainbooms. And from their looks they were Sprites. One was a pink and purple Air Sprite with a spunky, sporty attitude. The second is a light green and green Earth Sprite with glasses. He is very smart and knows a great deal about Sprite history and gardening. The third is a blue and purple Water Sprite who is able to speak Spanish. She is very in touch with nature and loves to paint. And finally the fourth is a yellow and orange Earth Sprite who can already get plants to grow just by talking to them. He is the youngest, shyest, and smallest of the Sprites. Their names are Ginger, Lily, Basil and Root. The girls gasped and Fluttershy squat down to get a good look at them.

"Oh my goodness! They're so adorable! Hey little guys. What are you fairies doing in the woods?" Fluttershy asked.

"Um. We actually prefer the term Sprites. And we lived in Grotto's Grove for over thousands of years. We just don't get many visitors that often. Til we met Johnny of course." Ginger said.

"You're sprites? Like actual sprites? Then how come no one ever found out about you?" Sunset wondered.

"Well we have been good at hiding. But Johnny who moved in this house given to him by his great-uncle has opened it to us and he wasn't scared. Oh I'm sorry we forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Lily." She said.

"I'm Ginger."

"My name's Basil."

"And I'm Root!"

"Well it's nice to meet you Ginger, Lily, Basil and Root. I'm Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, and Rarity." Twilight introduced.

"Pleasure meeting you ladies. So what brings you seven here to Grotto's Grove?" Basil asked.

"Well we are on a camping trip to come here for Spring Break. And Fluttershy remembers coming here when she was younger. Though we never seen sprites here. And I must admit I adore those shades of colors you all have." Rarity answered.

"Oh thanks. I didn't think anyone liked how we look." Ginger admitted.

"When it comes to Rarity she loves anything that's in style and she must adores your looks. But we honestly don't know who Johnny is. Can you take us to him?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure we can. Come on girls." Ginger said as she spread her wings and flew off with the others following behind.

Meanwhile in the other side of the garden we see a man wearing an orange shirt and blue pants raking up some leaves. He is a young composer who comes to live in his great uncle's old house to work on his music. His name is Johnny. Then he saw the Sprites and the Rainbooms come to him as he finished raking the leaves.

"Hey Johnny!" The Sprites said in unison.

"Oh hey guys! How you doing? And who are these girls with you?" Johnny asked.

"These are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Sunset Shimmer. We meet them near the house when they found out about Ginger's light." Lily answered.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you girls! Welcome to Grotto's Grove." Johnny smiled and shook their hands.

"Thank you Johnny. But is this where you live?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. My great-uncle gave this house to me. It's where I work on my music. And I'm glad I finished raking because today is the big garden party I'm throwing for Gwen. She's getting back from the spring fair today and she has a 1st place prize and I want everything to be perfect. Say do you girls wanna help out with the party?" Johnny offered.

"We love to Johnny! And I love to help out!!" Pinkie smiled.

"Great! Well let's get started! And if you like you can stay here for tonight." Johnny offered.

"Thank you Johnny. Since we'll be camping here I suppose we'll accept your invitation." Sunset said.

So the girls, Johnny and the Sprites all worked together to get ready for the garden party and for Gwen's arrival. But it won't be for a few hours.

III: Helping and Ginger's Ability

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The gang were all very busy creating the party for Gwen and of course everyone else. After a few minutes they decided to take a little break. The Rainbooms were resting on benches and relaxing. Then they saw Ginger flying towards them.

"Hey girls. Feeling a little tired from all that yard work?" Ginger asked.

"A little Ginger. But even we need a break from this." Sunset answered.

"Oh I see. Well I gotta get flying. I need to sprinkle some magic dust on the plants so they'll grow. After all it is my chore here." Ginger said.

So she went flying over the plants and started sprinkling the magic dust on them and some seedlings began sprouting out of the ground and morphed into healthy flowers, fruits and vegetables. The girls were surprised seeing such magic happening and they had to get to know her ability. So they got up and went to her.

"Ginger! How did you do that? That was impressive! I know though that the plant can grow through our process of photosynthesis!?" Twilight asked.

"It's a little sprite magic. And here's something you didn't know. I'm an Air Sprite and I fly around Grotto's Grove sprinkling the magic dust on the plants so they'll grow. But there was that one time I injured my wing and I couldn't do that. Thus having us figure out another way to spread the dust." Ginger explained.

"Oh I'm sorry about your injuring your wing. We're you okay?" Fluttershy hoped.

"Yeah. I was ok. But if I didn't have my wing better then the whole grove would had been in huge trouble. But it healed and I can fly again. In fact lemme show you what I can do with my magic dust. See that empty flower pot right there?" Ginger asked.

They saw the flower pot and nodded. Then Ginger went to it and sprinkled some dust in the pot and they watched it grow. It started as a green seedling and then it got taller and taller and finally it bloomed out it beautiful purple and pink petals and the girls smiled seeing that.

"Oh it's so beautiful. Ginger that was quite magical. If fact we all have magic too. Whenever we play our instruments we gain pony forms, wings or horns and we unlease the magic to spread happiness everywhere." Sunset said.

"I had no idea you have magic of your own. I wish to see that one day. Guess i gotta get a heads up on this!" Ginger said as a song begins playing.


As Ginger began singing the others and Johnny joined in. And then the Rainbooms decided to dance along to the song and after it ended they posed and shared a good laugh.

"Wow that was fun! Thanks for the song and dance. Now let's see what else we can do to get ready for the garden party before this Gwen gets back." Pinkie said.

"By the way. Who is Gwen?" Twilight asked.

"Gwen is my neighbor. And she and I were good friends. And this party is the perfect way to greet her when she gets back." Johnny explained.

"Ok. Well maybe we should go find Lily. I wonder what she is doing for the party." Rarity said.

The girls all agreed and they went to find Lily and to see what she is doing.