• Member Since 22nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2022


More Blog Posts97

  • 377 weeks
    Story Idea Time

    This is a story idea I've had rattling around my head for a while. If anyone's interested, feel free to make use of it, just make sure to drop me a post when you do, I'd love to see your take on the idea.

    Story: Hero In Equestria
    Genre: Human, Slice of Life
    Rating: Any, depending on writer's preference.

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    0 comments · 402 views
  • 380 weeks

    It's raining outside
    Maybe inside too
    I can't tell though
    Inside, I can't feel the rain on my skin

    Perhaps it's just the temperature
    That would explain the cold
    But not why I hear the rain falling
    a steady drip-drip down my nose

    I'm standing in the rain, you see
    It splashes from skin to shirt
    And if it's not raining
    Then why are my eyes so wet?

    It's hailing outside

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    0 comments · 413 views
  • 380 weeks
    For the first time ever...

    I'm not going to be single for Valentine's Day.

    I don't know how to feel about that, so you guys tell me how to feel.

    Anyways, happy Single's Awareness Day! Those of you enjoying the day, kudos to you. Those of you suffering from this day... my condolences.

    0 comments · 319 views
  • 381 weeks
    It's Been Awhile | Stories for the Future

    Hey everyone; today I realized that I've been doing a ton of reading on this site... but not so much of the interacting and stuff. SO!
    A blog post about what's going on, what I'm doing, etc.

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    2 comments · 407 views
  • 418 weeks
    Another year

    Another year I walk the sands
    They shift and change beneath my feet
    Yet through it all I walk.

    Another year I see the others walk the sands
    Some falter and slip beneath the sand
    Others lay roads for still later others to tread

    The roads vanish beneath the sands
    And yet they are the sands themselves
    So perhaps they never were, or still are

    Some do not walk the sands like I

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    4 comments · 468 views

The End of All Worlds · 2:04am Oct 15th, 2012

If you are reading this, then you have been given a chance to save the world you call... "home."
With all of the possible iterations of creation collapsing, I am giving you a chance for you to save your world.

You may not think yourself special.

But you are the Chosen of your world.

There are 15 worlds that will be saved, out of a pitiful 100 that will be competing.
You had better do your best, or yours won't be among them.

this is simple. Send in an OC, the name of its homeworld, species, etc.
I will add it if I don't already have that world or a close equivalent, and assign it a team.
If you would prefer a specific team, please mention this.

I will need basic powers, personality, etc.
To Submit a character, just post him/her/it into the comments below. Check out the other submissions for examples.

You may send in up to 15 characters, if you want, but you don't have to.
These are going to be relatively average-Joe people, with maybe a few key things that differentiate them from the crowd. The first two OCs are mine, and have been assigned to Team Delta.
I will update THIS BLOG as more OCs are added to the ranks.
Use my two characters to figure out what basic info I need, add anything else you think I should need, that other wouldn't know, like personality and mental traits, like multiple-personality disorder, or other such quirks that aren't obvious at first glance.
Another thing to add is the world derivative your OC is from. Read here to learn more about world derivatives.
Also, remember to use any and all fandoms at your disposal.

If you don't know what this is, go ahead and shoot me a PM and I'll tell you about it and invite you!
Also, if you want to know more about each world derivative's tags, see [here], it's going to be constantly expanded upon and updated as more world tags are needed, or simply remembered by me. Or, suggested by you, the viewers, who might wish to explore the glorious vastness of the interstitial.

And if you need more ideas for Pony Species that aren't Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, or Changelings, check [HERE] for some great ideas. That list is similarly open to expansion if you toss ideas his way.

Maximum participants for currently entered Species:
Ponies: 14/15
Sea-Ponies: 2/6
Griffins: 2/5
Changelings: 1/ 3
Donkeys: 1/3
Constructs: 4/6
Fae: 1/4
Elves: 1/3
Trolls: 2/2
Humans: 20/20
Sangheili: 2/2
Zabrak: 1/1
Wookies: 1/1
Salarians: 1/1
Were-Beasts: 2/2
Yetis: 1/1
Protoss: 1/1
Crab Person: 1/1
Creeper: 1/1
Hylian: 1/1
Myconid: 1/1
Misc: 9/15
NOTE: These are not the only species available, simply ones that have at least one representative among the participants!
Total Entries: 69/100

Homeworlds Participating Maximums:
Earth: 8/10
Equestria: 21/25
Star Wars: 2/6
SCverse: 1/4
Soul Society: 1/2
Minecraftia: 2/4
Hyrule: 1/2
Xanth: 1/4
Mass Effect: 2/6
Gamma World: 1/5
Steamtech: 1/2
Realm of the Elder Scrolls: 2/6
The Infinite Planes: 1/5
The Forgotten Realms: 1/3
DCverse: 1/3
Cybertron: 1/4
Red Faction: 1/1
Middle-Earth: 1/1
HALOverse: 4/4
Discworld: 1/1
Sanctuary: 2/2
Valhalla: 1/1
Bioshock: 1/1
Misc: 12/15
NOTE: These are not the only homeworlds available, simply the ones that currently have representatives among the participants!
ALSO: If you make a good enough case, or have an intriguing character that would "overfill" the current maximums or would not fit into the rules, I might put him/her/it into the Misc category. This is not a guarantee, and only for those who produce truly innovative characters, who would normally only be discarded for being the 'one too many'.

Full Teams: 11/20!!!
Adopted Teams: 3/20
We're getting far, thank you for all the support!
Any authors who wish to join in on this project, taking over the writing for a team, PM me, and I'll coordinate it. You'll get your name in green!
Our Authors and World Designers:
QuintupletPony (Author)
ItsMyFuneral (World Designer, Challenge Designer, Sanity Breaker, Assistant Author For Hire)
Sharky White (Author)
Captain Literal (Author)
The-Pieman (Author)

Teams and People in them:
Anaglyph: This team has been adopted by writer Captain Literal.
- Excelsior, Earth Pony Male
Equestria 1007, Standard Derivation, Local year 1002 CR (Celestia's Reign)
As a homosexual male, he has been ridiculed and taunted for a long time, and occasionally beaten.
He has trained and honed his skills at intimidating others and learned how to box in order to prevent this treatment, and tends to be very mistrusting if you haven't earned his trust.
- Andrea "Acey" LeMat, Human Female
One Piece, Unique World, Local Year 28 PE (Post Execution)
A crack shot with most forms of firearms, she can also blast a stream of explosive powder from her hands, as long as she doesn't get seawater on her.
Easily bored, she's a pirate because it seemed like a good idea, and so far it has been.
she doesn't like emotional times, and tries to avoid them. She also doesn't like the standard view of being a "lady" and tends to act it to the max.
- Zawaz, Unggoy (Grunt) Male
HALOverse 117, Standard Derivation, Local year variable
Quick to shoot and quicker yet to run when the tide's against him, Zawaz is a cunning but mildly idiotic soldier, though he's a startlingly good leader.
He is trained in and capable of using a wide variety of weapons, from the high-tech Plasma weapons of the Covenant to the sharpened throwing rocks of his homeworld Balaho.
He is also a surprisingly good driver of nearly any vehicle one could care to name, picking up the essentials quickly and reliably.
- Construct, Construct (Masculine)
Steamtech 010657, Standard Derivation, Local year unknown
Strong and tough, he's a steam-tech wonder, capable of fueling himself by "ingesting" fuels of incredible variety. He is able to construct useful devices from scrap, and convert one machine to another, provided it's not above his understanding. He is a full AI, though his thoughts are slow due to the medium used.
He has several quirks common to early robots; such as being very literal, not being particularly stealthy, and occasionally calling organic beings "Meatbags", although he apologizes when he does.
- Regis Evander, Human Male
Amular 1, Root Derivation, Local year 28 AE (After Exile)
While once he was a king, his kingdom was lost to him when a powerful, evil sorcerer drove him from his home and forced him into exile.
He is very skilled as both a soldier and as a commander, though he prefers not to ask others to do anything he himself wouldn't do.
After the fall of his kingdom, he made a vow never to turn his back on anyone who needed him, ever again.
He is strict and taciturn, but he is kind to those that need it. He cannot stand foolishness, but will make exceptions for children. He also hates to see innocents harmed or sad, as it reminds him of the fallen of his lost kingdom.

- Kris Skyfire, Human Female
Earth 1265, Standard Deviation, Local year 2020 AD (After Death)
Canadian Heavy Sniper, very non-nonsense. Dislikes chivalry.
Mistrustful at first, protective of friends and family.
- Steadfast, Unicorn Male
Equestria 3001, Dystopia Derivation, Local year 25 AR (After Return)
Lunar Paladin, adopted into royal family by Luna.
Specializes in defensive magic.
Combat veteran, has lost a lot of good soldiers, heavy drinker when reminiscing.
- Kazahiru Isamu, Human Male (Deceased)
Soul Society 23, Standard Deviation, Local Year 2012 AD (After Death)
Works as a Shinigami, working to guide souls to the afterlife, has visited Equestria, but doesn't presently reside there.
Is currently locked in an enhanced Gigai (Physical Form) capable of wielding his Zanpakuto and spiritual powers for the duration of the competition.
Uses magical fire from his blade, which is also sentient.
- Sol Markson, Were-Gorilla Male
Earth 0987, Tech Derivation, Local year 2222 AD (After Death)
After an experiment to see if the government could enhance the human body via nanites, Sol gained the ability to transform into a huge, greenish gorilla-like creature using specific harmonics, usually embedded in his music. His intellect decreases slightly, and all his emotions are dramatically heightened.
He is easily provoked, and might use the beast form to avoid emotional conflicts.
- Gustafv, Human Male
Earth 54612, Standard Derivation, Local year 1703 AD (After Death)
A fairly standard soldier, and a devoutly religious man, he has a good amount of combat training, along with practical experience.
he is not used to high technology or magic, and considers magic (even perceived magic) as the work of the devil, and will respond accordingly.
He hates childish behavior, and abhors sloppy behavior more, as either can cause injuries to ones self, but being sloppy can kill allies and innocents, too.

- Sssplodey, Creeper Female
Minecraftia [PRIVATE IP], Heavily Modded Derivation, Local date 153 DAC (Days After Creation)
A very friendly creeper, she is not as easily enraged by the presence of humans as her kin.
Able to use an explosive, short-ranged teleportation as an offensive or defensive ability, and is comparable to several sticks of dynamite going off at once.
She is utterly inaudible while standing on stone, and is able to see living creatures no matter what if they're within 3 meters of her.
Do not insult the hat she wears, she will kill you, as it is a gift from an old friend of hers, who first taught her that humans are not all bad.
- Nicole Swiftwind, Hylian Female
Hyrule 27, Standard Derivation, Local year unknown
As a Skyloft Knight, she has basic military training archery, mounted combat, and swords skill, though she is very unskilled with the sword.
A skilled diplomat and survivalist, she dislikes combat, preferring to talk through issues rather than fight them out.
- Quicksilver, Earth Pony Male
Equestria 0447, Dystopian Derivation, Local year 22 AR (After Return)
In spite of being an Earth Pony, he uses an enchanted Diadem that allows him to control and shape silver with the application of his will.
While he is capable of enhancing and changing the properties of silver using the Diadem, the effects only last as long as he is nearby and concentrating on the effect.
He is unfortunately trusting, nearly to the point of suicidal trust being placed in the hands and hooves of those who shouldn't be trusted so easily.
- Zephyr, Human Male
Realm of the Elder Scrolls, Unique World, Local year unknown
A talented mage from the land of Skyrim, he specializes in offensive spells and has eschewed the use of defensive spells in their favor. Strangely, he prefers Ice spells over Fire spells, deeming the latter to be "Too Destructive"
A terrible liar and quiet person all around, his ego is surprisingly easy to inflate, and he makes friends easily.
he is mildly pyrophobic, due to an incident where he badly injured a few other students while training as a mage.
- Sskttktkckee "Skitchy", Sliver (masculine personality)
The Infinite Planes, Unique World, No Local Year (extratemporal location)
Using a form of natural Telepathy, each sliver contribute to its hive, and transmits its breed's powers to its fellows. Skitchy is cut off from its hive, and has recently gained sentience.
Though basically a newborn, Skitchy retains all the memories of its Mnemonic Sliver component, which includes the racial drive to find a new Queen to command it, along with the basic knowledge absorbed from prey on how to survive in the world.
Skitchy is capable of drawing on the mana of the land to increase density of its armor or claws, and is able to transfer this ability to any creature connected to its telepathic net. Skitchy's personality is still not set, and may change drastically over time, as exposure to its team-mates influence its mind.

Delta: This team has been adopted by writer Sharky White.
- Alex Micheal, Human Male.
Earth 8817, Standard Derivation, local year 2017 AD (After Death).
Good with electricity, works as a wiring engineer.
Early childhood trauma results in combat paralysis.
Has an uncanny talent working with electricity
- Glitchy Picture, Unicorn/Changeling crossbreed Female.
Equestria 0119, Dystopia Derivation, Local year 19 AR (After Return)
High magic strength, but uncontrolled. Cannot control shapeshifting powers, shifts every 0.5 to 30 seconds.
Cutie-Mark and Eyes never change. Has Changeling Wings that allow flight.
- Pandorius Redeemer, Human Male
Sanctuary 9076, Standard Deviation, local year 1278
Demon Hunter, good knowledge of weapons and tactics.
Well known for allowing the Archdemon Ulux-Ragnaron to live, allowing him to nearly destroy Sanctuary before having a change of heart and rejoining the Angellic caste as Ragnaron.
Poor with magic, good shot with a hand-crossbow.
- Stalker, Lupan Male
Earth 47108, Horror Derivation, local year 572 MR (Magicae Reditum, Magic's Return)
Good tracker, but a bit of a wise-ass. Good tracker, not particularly afraid (more than usual) of supernatural threats.
Terrified of Humanity, because of the things he's seen them do, and heard of them doing.
- Sharky White, Human Male
Equestria 2271, Standard Derivation, local year approx 3~4 AR (After Return)
High magic resistance, can absorb and copy nearby magical signatures to temporarily gain similar abilities. Has a Thundraga embedded in his hand, allowing powerful but physically exhausting lightning spells to be cast.
Violent Alter-Ego has control during main consciousness' absence or remission.
Very little practical combat training, all training is "On The Job" and patchy. Very tough, has minor deity invested in his survival (entity classified as a class-3 avatar, designate "UNITY")

- Timb, Minecraftian Human Male
Minecraftia 12.234.87, Extremely Standard Derivation, Local year unknown
Capable of removing and placing cubic chunks of matter from like chunks, and able to compress matter into solid state with the aid of a block of wood with a grid on it. Tools of a more advanced nature allows for faster excavation of materials, though not all materials are able to be broken.
Has a supernatural "inventory space" allowing him to hold and "equip" and incredible amount of stuff. However, his punches are weak, and he cannot climb. Without good quality weapons, armor, and tools he is actually rather helpless.
Makes a mean loaf of bread, somehow using only wheat and a table.
- Matthew Gizmo, Human Male
Pandora, Distopia Derivation, Local year unknown
A Skilled swordsman, he has an extremely destructive and hard to focus fighting style that endangers all of those around him.
Prefers the company of non-humans, and mistrusts all but a few close friends until you can earn his trust.
very lazy, preferring to rest unless the situation is truly serious.
- Nicky Scott, Crab Person Non-Breeder
Marklar, Unique World, Local year Unimportant
As a Crab Person, Nicky is able to pinch hard with his pincers, and maintain a very firm grip.
Using a form of passive telepathy natural to his race, he can disguise himself as virtually anyone he can imagine, but can't fool machines too well.
While very easy-going and easy to make friends with, his decidedly non-human appearance can throw off many potential new friends. Also, he has a really annoying habit of chanting the song of his people.
- Silas "9" Rigby, Enhanced Human Male
Bioshock 04, Standard Derivation, Local year 1965
Very protective of his sister, Lisa, Silas has been reduced to a nearly non-sentient state by the trauma that lead to his careful repair and "enhancement" using the Big Daddy program.
He has ridiculously enhanced strength, and is extremely resistant to damage from nearly all sources. However, all of his attacks are concentrated on brute force, and he has almost no finesse.
Using a modified "Bouncer" class suit, he is able to survive extreme pressure and cold, and can even survive for a short while in a vacuum. He can temporarily gain back some of his mental faculties when trying to save or help Lisa, but is otherwise very much like a large, violent child in heavy armor.
- Lisa Rigby, Human Female
Bioshock 04, Standard Derivation, Local year 1965
Silas' little sister, she has a couple of residual plasmid effects, most notably an Incinerate stage 2 plasmid, though it tires her greatly to use it.
Lisa is bright and inquisitive, but easily frightened, a side-effect of her conditioning.
she is considered a part of Silas' entry.
- Kahnlaar Vakzon, Zabrak Male
Star Wars 072, Standard derivation, Relative Year 73 ABY
Born with an extra heart, Kahnlaar has a much greater physical stamina than most Zabrak.
He has a low-level connection to the force, only a slightly greater amount than what most Zabrak have. He is well-trained in martial arts and uses the force to increase his expertise in it.
A dedicated bounty hunter, he understands the need for team-mates, but doesn't like having team-mates that are useless. he prefers working alone, but won't send allies into death-traps without good reason.

- Axel, Pegasus Male
Equestria 2133, Dystopian Derivation, local year 27 NR (Nightmare's Reign)
Descendant of a derivative race called "Shadow Walkers" which can manipulate shadows without magic
Relatively weak, only fights from a sneak-attack
- Arshad, Yeti Male
Valhalla 05, Standard Derivation, Local year unknown
Very strong and somewhat agile, has the power of the Word of Ni, though it hurts him some to use it.
Feels guilty, believing himself to be the one to have wiped out his village and family.
Very slow to trust others, and uses a diamond-hard axe made from unmelting Ice from the heart of his home's guardian glacier.
Only speaks in Yiddish.
- Resonance, Human Female
Earth 24877, Utopia Derivation, Local Year 1124
Psychologically damaged, Resonance is unable to speak on her own. Instead mimicking the words others say, she repeats other words flawlessly, eventually getting to the point when she can precognate other's words and meanings before they are spoken.
very paranoid, has some basic combat training, mostly in an unnamed martial art.
- Gwendolyn Myres, Human Female
Mars 213, Tech Derivation, Local year 4052
As an 11-year-old girl, she's physically frail and largely incapable of any form of hand-to-hand combat.
She is a brilliant inventor, and hold all form of religion and magic, having been raised in and around technology from early age.
She has no survival skills, and acts childish once her facade of maturity is breached.
- Narox, Protoss Male
SCverse 975, Standard Derivation Local year unknown
As a Dark Templar, Narox is more or less an outcast from the majority of his race, but is an accomplished blade-master.
Has serious trust issues, and despises puzzles and mind games, preferring a straight-forward approach to problems.
He'd be amazing at stealth if he didn't always announce his intentions out loud, which also destroys any and all pretenses of tact.

- Yuan, Human Male
Land of Four Nations, Standard Derivation, Local year unknown
Easy to anger and very boastful, he backs up his brash attitude with strong and skilled Firebending.
He tends to take charge and take the credit, but is quick to shift blame, keeping his image untarnished.
Very easy to provoke into fighting, especially over women.
- Shad Owens, Human Male
Paradox, Unique World, Local year 3523 AED (After Earth's Demise)
Very long-lived, Shad has spent a long time training to use his telempathically-controlled shadow to aid him in fighting and surviving in a world where the average IQ is less than 40, and violence is the way of life all over.
While partially blind, he can vaguely sense using his shadow, but it's not much better than normal sight.
He is a skilled fighter, though his shadow can't be used to kill, or it dissipates for a short while.
- Gunter 57, Penguin Male
Land of Ooo, Unique World, Local year unknown
While affably evil, this Ice-Ninja penguin happens to be irritable and gullible, a bad combination.
While skilled with his attacks and extremely capable, he's a an absolutely a glory hog, and will do almost anything to get to the top.
His tendency to plot and scheme is countered easily by his realization that it won't really get him anywhere.
- Azrael the Fallen, Fallen Angel
Sanctuary 2201, Standard Derivation, Local year Unknown
Gifted with the power of Creation, Azrael's power has been diminished since he was framed for treason. As such, he is only able to summon simple objects, such as swords or other single-piece creations.
Strongly moralistic, he is difficult to relate to, as he was banished to hell for a very long time, though he weathered the storm of corruption. Only time will tell if he is ever to return to his home, even if he can never return to heaven, if only to fight once more for the forces of good.
- Helena, Griffin Female
Equestria 5011, Horror Derivation, Local year 12 NR (Nightmare's Reign)
Helena has found a fondness for battle featuring large pieces of metal being wielded to smash her opponents that she would have never guessed she had in her if not for her father more or less ignoring her request to become a diplomat.
She is an accomplished blacksmith, focusing on making weapons, and views the blacksmith she trained under as the closest thing to a father-figure she's ever had.
Very brash and hot-headed in combat, she's extremely cool and collected at the negotiating table. While she's constantly trying to prove herself, she's actually quite self-centered.

- Private 'captain' Literal, Pegasus Male
Equestria 0071, Standard Derivation, Local year 1002 CR (Celestia's Reign)
Captain is a well-meaning, amiable pony, and finds it hard to take things seriously. As such, he often pulls pranks and tells jokes.
he's fairly skilled in Hoof-to-Hoof combat, and a skilled flier, but he's brash and often doesn't think of the consequences of his actions.
he's extremely tenacious, even stubborn, and this has been one of his greatest assets. However, he often works himself too hard, coming to injury from overdoing it and not taking breaks when he should.
- Azailh, Majin Male
Blue Lands, Unique World, Local Year 532 BA (Before Apocalypse)
Azailh is a talented and straightforward assassin, with some magic training. Most of his powerful spells require the blessings of a god to cast.
He isn't truly evil, per se, but is incredibly amoral, ignoring or actively injuring anyone that gets between him and his goal.
Azailh is usually silent, unless spoken to. He's very calm and collected, but when angry is cruel and ruthless.
- Loam, Troll Male
Discworld, Unique World, Century of the Fruitbat (Time's a little wonky at the moment, something about her son being born or something. Twice.)
Loam is a rather young Troll, rather slow after an run-in with a narcotic designed for his silicon-based metabolism and a much more destructive run-in with Sergeant Detritus' one-step program.
While not dumb, really, his mind works much slower in warmer climates, and as such is usually going to be thought of as "stupid" by most others, at least until they wander through an arctic wasteland.
As a living pile of stone with diamond teeth and a superconductive nervous system, he's incredibly strong and durable, and tends to take the long view, seeing as how he's only about 50 or so years old, and as such, young.
- Lor'Den'Ai "Laurie", Sangheili Female(?)
HALOverse 102, Standard Derivation, Local Year 2567
'Laurie' split off from the covenant before the Great Schism, preferring the company of humans to her(?) own kind.
She(?) only has basic weapons training, and doesn't particularly follow the honorable traditions of her(?) forefathers.
Her(?) main beneficial quality is that she is highly logical, not letting emotions really effect her judgements. She(?) is a good strategist, and refuses to hate anyone who hasn't directly provoked her(?) into it.
- Eldir, Elf Male
Middle-Earth, Unique World, Local year Unknown
Eldir is an accomplished dark mage, and uses curses and the like to hinder and weaken his opponents. His magical power is actually rather low.
In spite of using dark magics, Eldir is actually a fairly down-to-earth person, and isn't all that bad. He prefers to be a hermit, and chooses seclusion over crowds.
He has a firm grasp of magic theory and practical application of the same, but is really only average in most other fields (and very sub-par in the remainder)
- Seraphim's Sin, Animate Object (Part of Eldir's entry)
Seraphim is grouchy, irritable, and generally full of useful tidbits of knowledge. He's had a long list of owners, and only choose to help some of them, at his whim.
He is able to amplify the power output of his wielder, though this leaves his wielder exhausted if they put him down. He can choose to suppress this ability (and its drawback) at will.

- Stormy "Storm" Sunrise, Pegasus Male
Equestria 7003, Apocalyptic Derivation, Local Year 18294
Stormy is an Equestrian from before the Mega Spells destroyed the world. He is fairly lazy, though mostly because higher metabolism consumes more oxygen.
He happens to be a great shot with revolvers, though he's no slouch with shotguns. He's got something of an iron stomach from eating so many disgusting and unhealthy things.
He a bit of a loner, and just sort of... wanders the wastelands, almost as if he's looking for something, or maybe someone.
- Mr. Blue, Human Male
DCverse 3176, Standard Derivation, Local Year 1998 AD (After Death)
Mr. Blue is permanently cold, and his touch spreads this chill rapidly. as such, he's always followed by trails of ice like a snail's tracks, and anything he touches has patches of ice form immediately.
He can forcibly form ice, and even control its shape, to a degree. However, he often forgets that Ice is Ice, not steel, and that strong opponents will shatter his thinner walls easily.
He is generally standoffish, and doesn't like it when others try to touch him. He often wears heavy clothes, saying it helps, but it really doesn't.
- Owl, Bast Male
Equestria 3939, Vacillative Derivation, Local Year 1000 +|-5 RC (Reign of Celestia)
A fairly average tribe-cats from the jungles of equestria, and is an exceptional survivalist.
Very protective of the manticore-skull helm he wears, as it marks him as an adult.
Extreme compulsive in regards to his traditions, he refuses to give up on the old ways, which have sustained and protected his village for generations.

- Walkie Talkie, Unicorn Male
Equestria 1010, Dystopian Derivation, Local Year 1003 EW (Empyrean War)
In a world where Harmony never Reigned, if only because Discord never did either, Talkie has flourished with his unique talent for mid-range communication spells.
Working for the so-called Lunar Republic as a stealth-ops agent, he is usually very much soldier-like all the time, with an attitude that reflects his years serving in a military that is centered around destroying and undermining the Solar Empire.
Talkie's communication spells have one major flaw, in that their transmissions can carry sudden extreme sensations, such as pain or shock, to others, if they are in the midst of communications.
- Karkash, Wookie Male
Star Wars 071, Standard Derivation, Relative Year 1 of the Clone Wars
Karkash is very strong, and follows the traditions of honor and loyalty native to the Wookies of Kashyyk.
He is a berserker, using his battle-rage to ignore injury and pain until after a fight, often injuring himself further, but causing incredible damage to his foes.
he wears the traditional armor of his clan, and wields his claws and fists in battle, eschewing the use of more advanced
- Duncan "Colander" Meyers, Human Male
Red Faction 01, Root Derivation, Local year approx. 2075
An excellent cook and mediocre fighter, Duncan can whip up incredible meals out of the most basic of materials, in even the worst of conditions.
While he is okay with almost any form of blunt melee weapon, he prefers the stun baton. He isn't particularly skilled, but his is persistent.
Never insult his cooking. He got his nickname from putting a colander up where the sun doesn't shine of someone who said his cooking sucked. The handle was no longer visible.

- Greyscale, Unicorn/Changeling Male
Equestria 0986, Dystopian Derivation, Local Year 1004 CR (Celestia's Reign)
Greyscale is a noblepony of Canterlot, and is a skilled swordsman, a fine gentlecolt, and currently hiding his changeling half. He is a very skilled duelist, though he isn't very good with non-swords.
He is able to shift between his natural Unicorn form and the Changeling form he acquired by merging his life-force with one.
A major problem with the merging, is that he must change to his changeling side occasionally or risk having it die, and kill him with it.
- Quickdraw, Construct (Autobot) Male
Cybertron 094, Standard Derivation, Local year 1 BCD (Before Cybertron's Destruction)
Quickdraw is a human-height (I.E. short) transformer, with a specialized pair of energy blasters that he wields with two-gun mojo. He is agile and accurate with his guns, and his armored body is very tough compared to purely organic being's form.
With a sound tactical mind, he's a fast planner, and his plans are always quite good, provided you don't mind danger too much. He definitely understands the risks, and simply isn't fazed by them.
His transformation ability is slightly faulty, preventing him from keeping a transformed state "saved", forcing him to find a new shape each time he reverts to his normal self.

- Delgado de la Cruz, Donkey (Burro) Male
Equestria 7011, Standard Derivation, Local year 935 CR (Celestia's Reign)
Practically born with a Luchador's mask on, he quickly became a champion in the ring, and even found love.
However, when a griffin opponent fought without honor, and killed his beloved, he left the ring for good, wanting to leave the memories behind. However, he chooses to keep him mask on, as a reminder to never lose sight of his honor.
He refuses to fight dishonorably, and has a long-standing dislike of griffins ever since that fateful title match. He also hates is wen people call him a donkey or mule.

- Jet Stream, Seahorse Female
Equestria 9109, Standard Derivation, Local year 2004 UE (United Equestria)
A fast, agile swimmer, she enjoys competition and loves to race. She is trained in karate, and also knows some brawling techniques as a result of her time 'on the streets' of the Softsands sea-pony town.
She hides a broken past and a deep sadness behind a facade of happiness and playfulness. She doesn't make friends easily, but makes ones that last.
Jet dislikes being on land, as her armor dries out, making her a slow, barely mobile pony, and her wing-fins can't actually let her fly, leaving her without much of the grace she's accustomed to.
- Trinka, Troll Female
The Veil 0001, Root Derivation, Local year unknown
Fairly average for her kind, Trinka looks up to a psychopathic troll named Vriska, and seeks to emulate her in every way possible.
She has acquired a sort of raging alter-ego, in which she ignores her injuries and fatigue, though it will catch up to her, after wards. Deceitful and conniving, she relies on a knife that spews random poisons, though this seems to have been lost in the transfer.
While she protects those she calls her friends, she'd never risk her life for anyone, and her apparently happy personality is really just a facade.

NovaThis team has been adopted by writer the-pieman
- Dream Eater, Nightwing Male
Equestria 1375, Utopia Derivation, Local year 1010 LR (Luna's Return)
Dream is a skilled veteran of the Equestrian Special Forces, Lunar Division, and is well-versed in swords and hooves in combat.
His specialty is in covert operations, such as stealth and sabotage missions. One problem is that he hates when others break the chain of command, he despises incompetent (from his point of view) leaders and officers.
He is very fast, and can see in near-total darkness. However, this comes at a drawback: he is nearly blind in the light, and is extremely disoriented during the day. He is almost strictly nocturnal, though he can force it if he feels the need.
- Gloop, polymorphic ooze
Fallout 134, Standard Derivation, Local Year 2414 AB (After Bombing)
Gloop is the result of esoteric radiation animating a pile of semi-organic sludge and tar, forming a sentient ooze. Gloop is unable to speak, but can hear and see just fine.
It is able to change its shape, stick to walls and ceilings, and is very inquisitive. An omnivore in almost the literal sense, Gloop is able to consume anything biological in nature, given enough time.
Gloop's morals and mindset are still new, as it hasn't yet spent enough time around other sentient beings to learn anything of the sort, though it seems to have picked up the art of writing and reading from... somewhere.
- Ahsphit Wazere, Kajiit Male
Realm of the Elder Scrolls, Unique World, Local Year Unknown
Ahsphit is an adept mage in the Illusion and Alteration schools, and is quite cowardly. While a very moralistic person, he generally runs from any frightening situation, often abandoning his allies.
With a keen understanding of intimidation and scare tactics, he's an incredible force to be reckoned with in the field of mental warfare, as long as he doesn't have to take any of the psychological attacks.
He is very fast on his feet, and is very good at long-distance running with gear, something he picked up out of a fear of accidentally leaving his stuff behind while fleeing, and from wanting to flee as far as possible before having to stop.

- Mikalah, Griffin Female
Equestria 8009, Standard Derivation, 13 LR (Luna's Return)
Mikalah is trained as an assassin, and has been on the run from the Griffin Empire for a bit more than four years now. She is a fast flier and fighter, but has low endurance.
She prefers not to interact with others, preferring to be on her own. She hate direct confrontation of any sort, and will try to fly away if the situation is getting too intense for her.
Using swift, one-strike attacks, she attempts to kill quickly and efficiently. She absolutely hates listening to orders, and will often ignore them.
- Tank, Construct (Warforged)
The Forgotten Realms 0001, Root Derivation, Local year Unknown
Tank, as a warforged, is dependable, loyal, and absolutely dedicated to keeping his purpose.'
In battle, he uses himself as a living wall, protecting his team from harm, and often acts as bait for foes to follow.
He is tough and very capable, but he must always keep himself active, and that's what keeps him alive.

- Ryn Ulrich, Human Male
Gransys 005, Standard Derivation, Local Year 2 BD (Before Dragon)
Ryn was trained as a mage knight, and is skilled with both low-level magic and sword work, but has almost no skill with any other type of weapon, and takes a while to cast any strong spells.
Very jocular and laid back, Ryn tends to sleep and joke around a lot, almost refusing to be serious when the situation doesn't absolutely require it.
He is absolutely dedicated to becoming stronger, as he has sworn to kill the dragon that killed his father, but knows he isn't currently strong enough to do so. His mild resistance to magics makes it difficult for him to cast magic, but also protects him from harmful enchantments to a degree.
- Dr. Johnathan Doe, Human Male
Earth 130982, Horror Derivation, Local Year 1998 AD (After Death)
Dr. Doe is fairly average in appearance. He's skilled as a general practitioner, but that's mostly a result of time and effort spent into learning.
After the Raccoon City Incident, Dr. Doe went on the run, fleeing from the zombies, the memories of his now-lost family, and the Umbrella Corporation agents chasing him.
He refuses to fight, preferring to stand on the doctor's credo of fixing harm, not causing it. He's never been sick a day in his life, and he can only hope he can find somewhere that this, along with his medical knowledge can mean he'll be accepted, and maybe start over again.
- Speedy, Lawn Gnome Male
Unknown Designation, Unknown Derivation, Local Year Unknown
Speedy is a Lawn Ninja Gnome, and is both fast and sneaky. He is very quick and agile, and his attacks are ruthless and precise.
Unfortunately, due to universal discrepancies, he's approximately 17 inches tall.
He has been trained in pseudo-mystical martial arts as a part of his ninja training, and as such can teleport (only when he isn't visible) jump ridiculous distances, and carry far more shurikens than should be physically possible.
- Charming Masquerade, Changeling Male
Equestria 0081, Standard Derivation, Local Year 11 LR (Luna's Return)
Charming is naturally adept with the natural shape-shifting abilities of his race, and is also trained in mid-level hoof-to-hoof combat.
While not naturally inclined to use magic, he can cast a few basic spells (such as light). He is incredibly loyal, never running from a friend in need.
He has a bad habit of shape-shifting into any pony he's recently seen, without thinking about it. Mostly, it's just embarrassing, such as when he comes across a pony he looks like at that point.
- Pixel, Fae (Pixie) Female
Earth 04890-P, Derivation in Flux, Local Year 2012
Pixel is absolutely sure that Magic doesn't exist, possibly the result of her reality attempting to consume and subjugate the parasite world that has attached itself to it.
Pixel is fully rational, and expects the same of others, but hates the topic of magic and the like. She is very capable on her own, due to a strange interaction with the square-cube law that has made her just as sturdy as a 6-foot-7 ant would be, proportionally speaking.
She is a great lover of explosives and pyrotechnics, and always treats such things with respect, and thinks of them as a great equalizer.

River This team has been adopted by writer QuintupletPony.
- Jynx Charm, Unicorn Female
Equestria 1198, Standard Derivation, Local year 1003 CR (Celestia's Reign)
A talented and inventive unicorn, she was one of the leading researchers into ancient and obscure magics, until her horn broke while trying to teleport a grown dragon.
She is a very good engineer, and has made several items designed to make life easier for ponies, including a tentacle harness, a (faulty) jetpack, and an artificial horn replacement prototype.
Jnyx is very competitive, especially with other so-called "eggheads" about knowledge.
- Church Reeds, Human Male
Shift_Earth 4, standard Derivation, Local Year unknown
A high-ranking tech working for Black Mesa at the time of the Cascade Resonance, the combination of the black hole radiation and the lunar dust from the prototype Quantum Tunneling device he tested while working at Aperture Science has given him the ability to form linked portals on flat surfaces he can put his hands on.
He has the ability to induce minor regeneration in inanimate objects, but doing so, or creating portals, eats up a lot of his energy, and can knock him unconscious if he isn't careful.
He finds it difficult to trust other people, and to feel empathy for their emotions. he also heals slowly, the result of a genetic illness.
- Cubey, Companion Cube (Masculine Personality) (part of Church Reed's entry)
Cubey is a miniaturized Companion Cube with Optional Synthetic Personality Drive and Data Storage (CCOSPDDS) or Smarty Cube+ (The scientists couldn't say the acronym with a straight face)
Capable of storing an immense amount of data, Cubey helps Church any way he can. He uses a micro-speaker to communicate with others, and is able to sense his environment via a complex sensor system. Hates mud and anything that covers his hearts.

- Eliphi, Altmer Female
Realm of the Elder Scrolls, Unique World, Local Year unknown
Eliphi is a talented mage, and has already mastered the average spells of an experienced caster a mere year into her studies. She has a quickened rejuvenation of her magical energy, though it tends to speed up in bursts, rather than consistently.
While she prefers to go into battle with a plan, she's startlingly disorganized, though she can often find what she's looking for in her belongings easily enough.
She dislikes questions relating to family, as she lost her parents when she was fairly young. She tries to avoid questions about her past, as well.
- L-2A, Construct (Geth, Masculine personality)
Mass Effect 301, Dystopian Derivation, Local Year 3607 AA (After Arrival)
L-2A broke the legion programming, becoming fully self-sentient, and chose to leave after becoming disillusioned about the legion's practices.
L-2A is an excellent mechanic, but needs access to fairly advanced materials to be in his 'familiar territory'. He is quite good at constructing weapons and devices of a high-grade.
'He' possesses an innate curiosity about mechanical objects, often taking apart and re-configuring them to understand their workings better.
L-2A uses an Omni-Tool embedded in 'his' core to mimic the natural regenerating of living creatures, though this works best and most efficiently on surface wounds and shallow damage.
- Flair, Dragon-Pony Male
Equestria 8787, Utopia Derivation, Local Year 1031 CR (Celestia's Reign)
Flair is the son of a now-grown Spike and the love of his life, Rarity. Flair has tough, emerald-hued scales in place of a coat, and has leathery dragon wings in place of normal wings.
Flair happens to be a talented hat designer, and enjoys making head-wear for all sorts of ponies of both genders. Though he has faced ridicule for both his odd appearance and his talent, he still strives to lead a relatively normal life.
He is generally shy, and tries not to scare others, something he has gotten used to over the years, due to his appearance.
- Fungai, Myconid (?)Male
Gamma World 01, Root Derivation, Local year Unknown
As a member of a very jovial and kind family of Dwarf-Mushrooms, he prefers to be light-hearted and friendly.
Relatively frail, he is nonetheless quite resilient to damage of a wide variety of forms, due to his sodden flesh and rapid regeneration. He is only truly vulnerable to toxins, arid conditions, and extremes of temperature.
He uses a large amount of specialized spores and can poison, paralyze, stun, or even 'infect' others with these spores. When infecting another person, the spores used are more or less infants or his kind, that take root in the target's lungs and grow rapidly.
However, he can't use this ability at all often, as it takes a long time to grow this type of spores.
- Sac Ire, Huragok (Masculine)
HALOverse 343, Standard Derivation, Local Year Variable.
Sac Ire is a fairly standard huragok (or Engineer) except in that the is willing to set up weapon emplacements and explosives to 'discourage' others from harming him.
He is very curious about, well, everything mechanical. He is able to adjust the content of his gas sacks to float in most atmospheres.
As a huragok, he is extremely adepts at putting together and taking apart machinery, and is an incredible repair-person. However, he is very much vulnerable to stray shots, as these can cause him to deflate, which would be lethal for him.

- Kaisen, Brightscale Male
Equestria 3104, Standard Derivation, Local Year 1275 CR (Celestia's Reign)
Tough, argumentative, and brash, Kaisen picks fights over minor disagreements and uses his large body-weight to slam opponents in a fight. He rarely fights dirty, but won't hesitate to if he feels he's losing.
In spite of his decidedly abrasive nature, he hates making others cry, and will immediately apologize if he accidentally hurts someone's feelings.
He happens to enjoy humming random tune. He owns a talisman that allows him to have a set of back legs, allowing him to walk on land if he wants, though his tail still looks like a large yellowfin tuna's tail.

- Re Pete, Human Male
Xanth 3, Standard Derivation, Local Year 35 years after the Black Wave
Pete is able to 'skip' himself back 7 seconds along his own timeline, his magical Talent.
Pete is very accepting of others, no matter what they look like, as he's used to the many non-human inhabitants of Xanth, most of which are sentient.
Working as a woodcarver for 15 years has toughened his hands and given him a working knowledge of how to use axes, knives, and other tools of his trade.
- Tylun 'Shumnaree, Sangheili Male
HALOverse 1056, Standard Derivation, Local Year Variable
Very honor-bound, even for an Elite, Tylun prefers close-combat, and carries a Plasma sword that his clan patriarch gave to him a gift for honoring the clan in battle.
Tylun is willing to be sneaky and strike from behind, but is always sure to see his dying opponent, and makes sure his opponents get at least one look at him before passing on.
he is brash, and tends to get himself in trouble if he feels the leader of whatever group he's in is inferior to himself.
- Echo, Unicorn Male
Equestria 1221, Standard Derivation, Local Year 1008 RC (Reign of Celestia)
Echo was born completely blind, and was kept indoors much of the time.
To counter his blindness, he learned spells to let him read books.
He also created a Sonar Pulse spell that lets him "see" nearby solid objects with incredible clarity, though constant white noise can drown out the effects, and high-pitched vibrations at the time can also cause false images.
He isn't terribly sociable, and has a distinct lack of the natural fear of the unknown many others have.
- Four Wheel, Pegasus Female
Equestria 4137, Standard Derivation, 827 CR (Celestia's Reign)
Fast and fierce, Four Wheel is a messenger extraordinaire, who loves nothing more than beating a foe senseless at high speed.
She is hard of hearing (due to an unfortunately well-placed enemy mine) but hates it when people repeat themselves time and again just because of it. She gets frustrated easily, and often takes it out on others.
While she does like the occasional laugh, she's usually very serious, only smiling when going a quickly as she can to her next enemy.
- Dr. Tedril, Salarian Male
Mass Effect 181, Standard Derivation, Local Year 2254 AA (After Arrival)
Tedril is an intellect-driven doctor, with a great interest in research, to the point where it's nearly obsessive. He has medical knowledge of a dizzying array of flora and fauna, and takes great pride from his knowledge of how to use them to form potent bio-toxins and for field remedies.
While he isn't particularly moralistic, he still feels compelled to assist those in need of help, a relic of his days as a doctor he still feels no need to discard.
He is extremely egocentric, and honestly believes that his is the greatest mind ever, and that all other minds in comparison are weak and barbaric by contrast.

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Comments ( 667 )

Diablo time! Year: 1266-1300 (Doesn't matter, really- after Diablo II). Species: Human. Name: (Damn! Not the names! They're the hardest part! Uh...) Pandorius, maybe? Occupation: Demon Hunter. Gender: Male. Description: Like most demon hunters, Pandorius was rescued from a village razed by remorseless demonic cultists, and again, just like most demon hunters, is bent on revenge. Pandorius is sharp and smart, but soft-hearted. Unlike most demon hunters, however, his need for vengeance is limited to demons alone. His intensive training in the use of advanced weaponry and discipline did not break his soft nature, and he is prone to sparing those most would consider too dangerous to live. It often comes back to bite him in the back, and sometimes completely compromises his missions, and he never learns. Thusly, his order often gives him the assignments most mundane, and he is often accompanied by another demon hunter in less trivial missions, to ensure he doesn't slip up, and to coach him, usually to no avail. He wields a hand crossbow, and his magical capabilities are poor. So his quirk would be that he's just too gentle towards any living creature that is not his quarry.
There, that's twenty minutes of brainstorming on my part, I'll return if I come up with more.

I gave him a moment of Epic-ness, and the one reason that the other Demon Hunters haven't banned him from going on missions :raritywink:

Well, I hope things go well for him!

138970 Nice! You're getting a shout-out in my next chapter, as this endeavor is one I do not want to see fail to get off the ground, and I shall do what I can. I really like your concept of universe numbers and derivations, it gives me a sense of the true vastness of this multiverse concept.

Yeah, the numbers are actually related to that Tchokisa stuff.
When a world is discovered, it's assigned the next number along that world's line, with a derivation to say whether it belongs on the same line or a parallel one.
so yes, there are over 9000 basic Earth's discovered. it's an incredibly prolific reality, spawning new realities on a constant basis, every time something that could happen to make it significantly different. for example, think of the amount of wars we've had. What if someone discovered any of a number of just slightly more powerful versions of the discoveries made at the time? For example, a Fusion bomb, instead of a fission bomb? Or if the other side discovered it first? or the bombs were never launched, and Japan peaceably stood down? Or any of a million different little things that make such a huge difference, but in another world would barely change a thing.

Like in the WoW timeline, there's so many things the developers at Blizzard have ret-con'd and changed over the years, and yet it's stayed so similar no matter what.
Same with the WarHammer worlds, both the sci-fi and fantasy versions. So many details have been changed, but some many little and big changes alike have not changed how they're doing there.
As such, there's only a few hundred versions cataloged of those, but many thousands of Earth have been checked. And most of them are left alone, because of this world's iteration of humanity's incredible xenophobia.
And those are just the worlds we here on earth would recognize. What about the Naros worlds? The unpronounceable Ignflhlhlhy worlds? I don't even know what they are, and I made this whole concept!

139168 Prolific indeed; at this very moment, infinite different universe branches are being formed. By making each keystroke, hitting backspace when I make a mistake, each time I'm creating a different universe, and infinite branches for each of those universes. And that's just one thing! So much stuff.

however, thankfully for those that explore the interstitial, the concept in which all the realities exist (sort of), when only a minor change, that has no real effect on the outcome of that world, it simply absorbs the changes, negating them to leave the one that remains at present. Thus, there's only one of you typing at that computer, unless there's one that was born the opposite gender but had ridiculously similar preferences in life, a very rare occurrence in gender-bender alternates.

Year: ...2020, sure lets go with that Species: Human Name: Kris Skyfire Gender: Female
Occupation: Canadian Heavy Sniper
Description: large military background, and proficient with most firearms. Best shot in Canada and US. Suspicious of everyone she first meets, but very protective of those she trusts. No nonsense personality. Hates Chivalry.
I hope this is good enough to join a team. Time to think up another:derpytongue2:

Year: 25 Species: Unicorn Name: SteadFast Gender: Male Occupation: Luna`s Paladin
Description: Raised in an orphanage. Stronger than all the other orphans at young age both physically and magically(defensive spells mostly). Luna adopted SteadFast for his calm and caring heart. Trained as a knight. Saw battle for first time in year 18, only his unit survived the first wave with the griffins. Gained paladin rank in year 22 for killing griffon war leader. Heavy drinker when remembering past.

here`s another one

Accepted and added!

154748 Question, I just noticed that you have a list of humans and ponies. Is this the maximum amount of the species aloud in the battle and is it possible to add another species in the fight?

The allotment count is the maximum number of a given species, based on how prolific its timeline is in the local Interstitial.
Add new species to your heart's content, but remember that species from neighboring worlds may be rejected if too many from a given world-set are already entered.
I.E. We need more aliens,darn it.

156517I don't have the time right now to think of one but hopefully at the end of the day I can get three more for your story

I can't accept this, I'm sorry.
As a Spartan, William is over-qualified for this, being, at minimum, super-human.

However, that's not to say I'm rejecting you, I'm merely rejecting a super-human cyborg with high-tech healing apparatuses.
If you could refine your character, perhaps change him to a Marine or make a Sangheili (Elite) with similar traits, that would be fine.

As is, he would be far more powerful than any of the other characters entered so far.
Again, sorry to reject your character, but he's presently too far above the limits of this project.

Okay! works for me.
And please, remember that these are "Average Joe+" characters, not super-heroes.

Pegasus male. Age 19.

From Equestria (Distopian)

Ability- Has the power to walk into a shadow and then walk out a different one that's in the area. Can use the dark to change his coat color and become more camouflaged in the dark. Expert at staying hidden in dark places.

Bio- A descendant of what where known to be 'Shadow Walkers', he has the uncanny ability to slip into to shadow without the use of magic. He is specialized in small blades, and is very skilled in sneak kills, but he is not very good in self-defense and usually needs that advantage.

Personality- Very silent, and shy. He's protective over friends, and will speak up when the time calls for it.

Please Add the following information before this character can be accepted:
-Current date

As soon as that's up, I'll add him.

156675 Well I honestly don't know what kind of date to put in Equestria :applejackconfused:

Uhm... Have you heard of the punctuation mark known as a "Period" ? They're used to indicate the stop between one sentence and the next.
And if you've played the games, you'll see that the medical dropshield heals injuries.

but the main point I was having problems with is that he is too overpowered even without his armor.
He's a partially cybernetic human being enhanced with a wide variety of modifications, including skeletal modifications and hormone treatments to make him physically stronger, faster, and generally more capable than the average tank, let alone human being.
you do realize that the Master Chief is only luckier than average, but is perfectly (in Spartan terms) average otherwise? And he can flip an eighty-ton TANK in mid-combat, unassisted. He can absorb energy attacks that go through Titanium-A battleplate like it's butter. He can sprint at 60 KPH for as long as two hours.

As such, I am rejecting having a Spartan, from any of the generations, in the project.
They are too powerful

DR is Discord's Rule, before the Sisters took down Discord the first time
BF is Before Founding, the time after Discord's Rule and before Nightmare Moon's banishment
RC is Reign of Celestia, the thousand years in which Nightmare Moon was exiled to the moon
AR is After Return, the next 5-1500 years (depending on timeline) in which Princess Luna has returned
NR is Nightmare Reign is if Nightmare Moon return unhindered or defeated Celestia before being banished, resulting in her being the ruler

Just as a list :twilightsmile:

Dude, you said you are a Spartan. Have you not read any of the backstory? The Spartan's were genetically enhanced super-soldiers long before they had the fancy armor. If you haven't bothered to check out any of the backstory, please don't try to add to it. At the least, check out the wiki, it's pretty accurate last I saw. The Spartans were abducted as 6-year-olds, and then put through a grueling and horrific training process before being subjected to gene-therapy, ceramic bone augments, hormone induction, and a long list of other "upgrade" designed to make them nearly indestructible and incredibly lethal.
They were trained to be weapons, and the most average of them was able to kill six fully-grown ODSTs in unarmed combat at age 14.

Don't try to tell me they aren't ridiculously over-powered. They're supposed to be.

156698 Would '27NR' be appropriate date? :applejackunsure:

Yes, one more question, is this Return or Replace?
That is, did Nightmare Moon get banished and return, or did she overcome her sister? It places very differently on the timeline.

156810 When she overcame her sister:pinkiecrazy:

Alright, Axel's been Accepted and Added!

Dude, John's actually underpowered for a Spartan, he's just got plot armor to keep him from dying.
And I'm not accepting any more Ponies at this point, sorry.

Please come up with a character from a different fandom.

And please, please use punctuation. I will reject the application out-of-hand if you refuse to use punctuation on the next one.

was too tired to make three, so I have one and a half.
here's the one, the half will show up later tomorrow.

Species: Lupin/Werewolf (doesn't change) Name: Stalker Gender: Male
World: Horror Job: Hunter
Small Bio: Raised to be a solo hunter. His kills have been mostly non-human, afraid of real humans.
Loves the thrill of the kill, like all of his race.
Description: Tall like a human but walks on two or four legs (situation depending), dark brown fur, has sharp teeth and claws.

There you go

little vague on the world of origin.
you simply stated a genre, what world in particular is he native to?

158668 ya sorry about that
Earth 47108 Horror Derivation. Local year 572 AFD(after first discovery)

holy crap!!! I must've been away from Tchokisa for longer than I thought if Earth has over 30,000 derivatives catalogued!
Very well, good sir, I shall input your were-wolf on the morrow.
After one quick line of inquiry: What style of were-beast is he? Is he a herditary? Cursed? Species? Blessed? Is he a Voluntary shifter? Involuntary? Mixed? It does make a difference.

And what is he like personally?

Sorry for being so inquisitive, but I need to be as thorough as possible. :twilightblush:

The wolf I have is a natural born were-wolf, no changing for him or his pack mates.
if you want here's a description of his looks: 6'1"(on hind legs), dark fur (there you go).
Stalker is smart and has to be at what he does, he's also a wise-ass. As stated before he's scared of humans and what they can do.

As with the year, it should be MR, magic rediscovery. Need more info on that, sure thing, magic was rediscovered in the year 3108 (on this earth) and instead of using it wisely, humans fucked up, zombies are around, vampires resurfaced, and other monstrosities showed up. With the return of magic the wolves were given a chance to fight back the darkness, and natural born were-wolves came about.
yay for back story. hope this helps

Changed year name just a little, and species name, but it's just a tweak.
If you want it changed back, just say so.
Otherwise: Accepted and Added!

Do they have to be human or pony? I have a sort of other
With no artwork of my own, just an example of his species that i stole from someone is school :P

Actually, I'm not accepting Ponies at this point. And there's only a limited number of Human slots available.
If you can give me a frame of reference about his/her world of origin and such, that would be awesome.

161088 I don't mind the changes you've made

Okay, just making sure there. I have something of a talent for improving story ideas and building on pre-existing worlds and stories.

Name: Subject #23 Nickname: Resonance
Race: Human/Female Age: 21
From: Britan Psychological Ward (Utopia) Year: 1124

Bio: After the death both of her parents, she stopped speaking and was then taken to psychological ward. There, the doctors tried to help her, and were able to make some progress, whenever they talked to her she would repeat everything they'd say. It got to the point where she could speak simultaneously as the doctors that spoke to her.

Ability: If she is able to listen to someone for a long period of time, she can connect with them on a psychological level. The more she hears them talk, the better she can connect. She goes from being able to predict their words, too being able to predict their thought.
She received some training in sharpshooting by her father and karate by a club she used to belong to.

Personality: She is very paranoid about people she meets until she is able to hear them speak for a long period of time, once she has heard them talk she can decide to trust them or not. Once she trust someone, she becomes very kind. She still can't communicate by words, so she uses body language.

167339 I find it funny how your explanation for my character makes my explanation look silly.:moustache:

:twilightblush: sorry. I tend to over-epic-size my descriptions

Just wondering, why are the teams named so oddly? Some of them correspond to the NATO terminology, (Ex. Lima, Kilo, Bravo, Delta) but most of them are just unusual words.

Some of the NATO words make no sense without from Earths 0116~3725 or Earths 12986~13021, into which ranges we fall into.

As such, with literally uncountable numbers of worlds out there (Earth has over 40k variants of its own that are still "Earth" and counting, and thousands of worlds that are similar) I felt it was necessary to simply use words that available to most team-members, and would be remembered at the least for their starting letter in a pinch.

Plus, the "host" of this little thing isn't native to our Earth anyways, if in fact he/she/it/they are in fact from any known world.


I can't remember if you've joined or not, (:facehoof:) at the moment. If you have, thank you! if you haven't, I'd be honored for you to join!

Joined what now? This? I've got one OC, the first one up there.

Yeah, I have a shoddy memory, it's one of the reasons I'm having everyone be detailed about all this. I'll remember it once I start writing in everyone's involvement in the story line.

Modification suggested in PM implemented, Sharky is Approved and Added!

I have one question. Does the home world have to be in the physical realm?

The world's composition does not matter.
however, remember that all the slots available for Equestrian and Pony applicants are now closed. Sorry, but too many people wanted to have their ponies in. If you have a starcraft, star trek, girl genius, dr mcninja, minecraft, lord of the rings, halo, etc. OC, please post them!
Basically, check the allotments list, as they detail how many more of the species that have already been entered, but don't think it's a limitation on what you CAN choose, simply on who you CAN'T choose. So, at this point, no-one from Equestria or who is a pony. And we're running out of Earth-based slots.

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