• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2023


More Blog Posts143

  • 261 weeks
    New 2nd Person Fic

    I've been wanting to try my hoof at a 2nd person fic for a while now. Please let me know what you think! It stars everyone's favorite Kirin!

    ...also, I'm a shameless musical theatre dork and this fic feeds that quite a bit. ALSO, that's why Autumn Blaze is awesome. Cause who doesn't love musical theatre, amiright?

    0 comments · 428 views
  • 270 weeks
    For Heaven's sakes

    Life's a terrible prankster...

    I'm about to graduate college, I got sick the other day, got cast in another play...

    Time crunch for life.

    Summer fast approaches though. More chapters will follow.

    Plus, I've been percolating a new story involving everyone's favorite Kirin... :ajsmug:

    Anywhoozle, just give me April, guys! I'll have more for you soon.


    1 comments · 423 views
  • 279 weeks
    New Cover!

    The Return has got a new cover courtesy of Robsa990!

    Next chapter will be here soonish! School and life come first after all!

    Enjoy this fresh coat of paint!

    2 comments · 441 views
  • 282 weeks
    Return's new chapter is live!

    The title says it all friends!

    A special thanks to Robsa990 for being editor-man this time around! He is literally the best and I owe him so much! He's even gonna be producing a fresh coat of paint for the cover art here soon! He's the man!

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    1 comments · 420 views
  • 284 weeks
    Preview of Rot7E Chapter 10...proof it still lives

    I'm sorry guys.

    I went to Maui over the Christmas break. I got sick in Maui and it still hasn't gone away...

    But I'm working on it.

    And here's a little sneak-peek for you: (A/N - Zander is the name of the zebra leader who found them)


    “There. Our camp is there.”

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    0 comments · 375 views

CURSE YOU ANON! >:O · 4:32pm May 31st, 2012

I am the victim of a form of hazing called tagging? Um yeah. Thank you, AnonJ17...

Just kidding. Love you, dude. :3


1. You must post the rules.

2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal

3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. (will probably skip this...why? I've got other stuff to write more important than this!)

5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.

6. No tag backs

7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people. (seriously, will probably not tag 11...maybe 3 or 4...)

5 things about me:

1. I'm a musician.

2. I'm an actor.


4. I am an extreme video game junkie.

5. My favorite car? The Chevy Corvette!

1. What is your favorite pony?
Ugh...again with this question... Rainbow Dash, all the way.

2. What is your favorite MLP: FiM episode?
A three-way tie between Sonic Rainboom, Luna Eclipsed, or the Return of Harmony.

3. What is your favorite MLP: Fim song?
Hm...Smile, definitely Smile.

4. How old are you (don't have to answer that)?
17, 18 in a couple of days on June 8. :)

5. Do you live in the States?
'MERICA!!!!! >:D

6. How were you introduced to MLP: FiM?
It started out with the discovery of Derpy Hooves as a phenomenal meme. I thought she was awesome, so, with support from a good female brony friend of mine, I looked into the show. I really enjoyed it, finding it better than most crappy cartoons on TV these days, and hence, Daniel the Brony was born!

7. Who is your favorite author?
Hm...that's a tough one, as I don't really know the brony fan fiction community all that well yet. For now, I'll say the authors of the original Fallout: Equestria stories. Being a Fallout fan, they were awesome. Props to you guys, whoever you are. :)

8. Do you have a job?
Yep, at a retail store, selling electronics and lawn and garden supplies. *sigh* Kill me...

9. Are you writer? If yes then how many did you write?
Yes, that I am. I have 4 stories out right now. 2 are complete, 2 are still in the works. I have requests in the works as well.

10. How long do you usually stay up, burning the midnight oil, reading fanfic and watching MLP: FiM episodes?
Probably about 11. Yeah, yeah, I know. Early. But my parents? Yeah, if someone else in the house is awake, even if we're being quiet as a mouse, they know. And they can't go to sleep when someone else is awake. It's annoying. :(

11. Do you live in the State Utah?
Wh-what!? This is an oddly specific and right on the mark question.
Yes, I do...
I'm scared, now. D:

12. You wake up to find Pinkie Pie bouncing around in your room. What do you do?
Well, first, I'd wonder why in the world she's real and in my room in the first place! After finding out the details, I'd use her to throw a huge party. It'd be a blast.

13. You lived you normal life as a pony, and you find out that Princess Luna loves you. What do you do?
"Sorry, your Highness. I've kinda got a kid? With Rainbow Dash? Yeah. Sorry. Lunar Eclipse is still up for grabs, though!" :3

14. Who is your favorite Brony author?

15.What do you do for fun?
Aside from writing, I play games, abridge anime, voice act, act, sing, play the piano, drive, go hunting, ride horses, goo off-roading...
I'll stop there. :)

16. Do you like writing?
If I didn't, would I even be writing this stupid thing?! >:/

17. If you were a pony, who would you want to be together with? (yes, it can be another brony/pegasister)
Dashie... (hurr-durr)

18. Why do you think I tagged you?
Because I'm a good friend? Is that what you do to friends, Anon? IS THAT WHAT YOU DO TO FRIENDS!?
Sorry, ignore the Royal Canterlot voice I just used...please...heh... :)

19. If you are a writer, what stories have you written?
My first was The 7th Element, which is done, then I wrote a request story for QTXAdsy, called One Last Chance, about his OCs. I am currently in the process of writing sequels to The 7th Element called A New Dawn on The Horizon, which follows Blazing Dawn and the Nightmare incident, and The return of the 7th Element, which chronicles Dan's return to Equestria. I am currently also working on a request for a FanFiction user named bluebreeze15, called The Story of Bluebreeze and Shadow Dusk, about her OCs.
Whew, I've got a LOT on my plate.

20. Is there anyone special in your life right now?
Kind of...
I'm not sure where it's going yet.
Upside is, she's a brony! :D

21. Why are you so awesome?
I'm...I'm awesome?! THANKS, ANON!

22. How do you think you have/will get famous?
Well, my genuine dream is to go into show business or voice acting, so...
Yeah, kinda. Haha. :)

Here's Anon's questions: T_T (I'll get you!)

1.How did you discover MLP?

2.What was the first episode you saw?
Hm, it's name escapes me. The one with the buffalo and the cowponies and the pie fight. It got me hooked! :)

3.If you go to Equestria and you were given the choice to either remain human or become a pony (no alicorns) which would you choose and why?
Eh, probably for the heck of it, I'd go pony. I mean, for real. It's not like you get transported there every day, right?

4.Once you get to Equestria, what would be the very first thing you'd do?
Meet the Mane 6 and my favorite characters.

5.What would your reaction be if you woke up one day and your favorite pony was asleep right next to you?
That's all I'd be able to say until I got more info.
Granted, if it was Dashie, I'd kinda freak out.
Just saying.

6.Who is your favorite pony?
GAWL! >:(

7.What is your favorite episode?

8.If you could, would you change something that happened in an episode? If so, what episode, what would you change, and why?
No, they're all awesome just the way they are.

9.Do you live in the US?

10.Do you know any bronies in real life?
That I do. Some of my best friends at school were bronies.

11.What would you do if you woke up and everyone on Earth was a pony?
I'd...be a tad confused.
But I'd accept it. :)
Because it would be awesome.

Okay, now that THAT'S done, time to condemn a few friends and followers...bwahaha...

1. Henry Anthony Courtler (of course)

2. QTXAdsy

3. Dragon Emperor Geon

4. Akkura

5. Kenseirabbit

6. Robsa990

7. Pelicandude

8. Thunder Seethe

9. MidnightThunder

10. Anteh

11. Ashturi

HEY! Whatdya know? I got all 11! Sorry, guys! Blame Anon! >:D

Okay, here's MY questions...

1. Favorite background pony?

2. Favorite male pony?

3. Who is best villain?

4. Favorite kind of food?

5. Favorite band?

6. Own a car? If so, what kind?

7. Go to school? If so, what kind?

8. Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader?

9. Do you read my stories? If so, which story is your favorite and what is your favorite part?

10. Favorite song?

11. Favorite movie?

And there you go.

Quick update. A New Dawn On the Horizon will be updated today or tomorrow. The new chapter is almost done.

Thank you.

Report thunderhawk7865 · 607 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Fav BG Pony: Vinyl Scratch.

Fave Male Pony: Either Dr Whooves or Big Mac. :pinkiesmile:

Best Villain: IDK, Chrysalis, or Discord...DISCORD.


Fav Band: I dont got a fave. I listen to Video Game Music of Classics.

No car.

Applebloom Best CMC.

Love 'em. 'Nuff said. To have a favorite part would be insulting. All of it is.

Fav Song: Hmm...Jungle Japes? Super Mario Theme? Green Hill Zone?

Zimprus Nalune: Herpina derp, on FIMfiction... wait, is that a ta-
NONONONONONONONONONON- *tagged* Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, crap... CURSE YOU DAN!:flutterrage: I hate being a tag shield for Henry...
BG Pony: Derpy Hooves
Male Pony: Dr Whooves
Best Villain: Hmm, kinda tied between Nightmare Moon and Discord...GIYGAS:yay:
Food: Mac and Cheese
Band: Crush 40
Car: Psh, screw cars, gimme a Gauss Hog!:yay: But sadly, no vehicle for meh...:fluttershyouch:
School: Yep, in public.
Dan's Stories: Do I...you did not just ask that question. I WORSHIP your fics!:yay: Favorite part? ALL OF IT.
Song: Don't have one, really. As of RIGHT NOW? Hrm...Burning Love, Lilo and Stitch version.
Movie: ...No data available. If I HAD to pick, Star Wars Episode II. I watched it EVERY DAY as a kid. No joke.

THERE. HAPPY? I HOPE SO.:flutterrage::fluttershysad::fluttershyouch::fluttercry:

I cant believe you tagged me you monster! :raritycry: lol Just kidding! :pinkiehappy:
My favorite background pony?: Octavia!
My favorite Colt?: Easily the Doctor.

Best villain?: Discord! (He makes it rain chocolate milk! COME ON!:flutterrage:)
Food?: Sweet and sour chicken.
Band?: Daft punk.

Car?: I HAD a Nissan Sentra special edition, but it got burned by my neighbors flaming vehicle :raritydespair:
School?: Yes, I am a senior attending Smithville high school. ( Located in the middle of nowhere in southeastern most corner of Oklahoma.)
CMC?: Scootaloo. I just feel like i have a special connection to her? You know what I mean?

Story?: Hmm I don't know.... Have I read your stories? I have I cried from them? I have I practically obsessed over the fact that it needs to be finished? I just don't know.... :scootangel: In all seriousness, Yes i have read them all and my favorite is 7th Element. My favorite part was when Dan came back as the 7th element in the crater at the battle for Canterlot!
Song?: Something about us Daft punk
Movie?: My little pony the movie! (give it time :pinkiehappy:)

There I have answered the questions! Do i get to live?

Thanks a lot thunderhawk7865.
1. You must post the rules.

2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal

3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal. (will probably skip this...why? I've got other stuff to write more important than this!)

5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.

6. No tag backs

7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people. (seriously, will probably not tag 11...maybe 3 or 4...)

Questions from thunderhawk7865.
1. Favorite background pony?
2. Favorite male pony?
Dr. Whooves.
3. Who is best villain?
Discord! I wish the fight was much like '7th Element' though. Would have been a hell of an episode!
4. Favorite kind of food?
Pizza. I swear... I just bought like 10 microwaveable pizza's, and 15 oven baked... For some reason, I'm still only 110Lbs. So yea, WDF?
5. Favorite band?
Don't have a favorite band. OH WAIT, if choirs/orchestra counts, then definitely Two Steps From Hell
6. Own a car? If so, what kind?
Only 14... so yea, kinda sucks.
7. Go to school? If so, what kind?
Yes, I go to public school. I'M PART OF THE SYSTEM!
8. Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader?
Due to me liking Rainbow Dash, I favor Scoots.
9. Do you read my stories? If so, which story is your favorite and what is your favorite part?
I have a habit of waiting for stories to have at least 5 unread chapters before I read them, so I actually only got through 1 or 2 chapters of A New Dawn On the Horizon. So as of now, YES I READ YOUR STORIES! THEY'RE EPIC! And I love 7th Element (After you posted it on this sight, a few days later I saw so many of the same titles), and I love the chapter when Dan made the shining rainboom (I think thats what it's called.) and obliterated the dragon, then saved Dash, then Dan was dying, then BOOM 7th element, then epic Discord battle, then Discord dies... basically that whole battle scene against Discord. :heart: it man!
10. Favorite song?
Archangel by Two Steps From Hell
11. Favorite movie?
I honestly hate movies... partly because the only movies I see are from books, and books tend to be more exhilarating than the movie. :rainbowlaugh:

I... cannot tag people because I'm too lazy :3. THATS MY EXCUSE AND I'M STICKIN' TO IT! Btw, TREE MODE ACTIVATE! (_)
| <-- thats a lollipop.
/)(>.>)> You don't know that.
Seriously though. I'm way to lazy to post a blog about it, so if I ever do tag people, I'm going to link it to you. :yay:

You do realiuse MLP The Movie is G1 right?

146324 well i meant a sixth generation.....

146635 lol i thought it was obvious.....:rainbowhuh:

Favorite Background Pony: Derpy/Ditzy Do:derpyderp1:
Favorite Male Pony: Big Macintosh (eeyup):eeyup:
Best Villain: Queen Chrysalis
Favorite Kind of Food: Spaghetti / Pasta
Favorite Band: Error code 1 (does not exist) :rainbowhuh::twilightangry2:
Own a Car?: nnnnnope:eeyup: i do own a learners license though
Go to School? If So What Kind?: I'm a High School Student in grade 11, turning 17 on June 5th :twilightsmile:
Favorite Cutie Mark Crusader?: Scootaloo:scootangel:
Do you read my stories? If so, which story is your favorite and what is your favorite part?: "The 7th Element" the shining rain-boom, when Dan acquires his element armor and the 7th element, when Dan pulverizes Discord into extinction and when Lunar Eclipse resurrects Dashie.:rainbowkiss:
Favorite Song: Forever Young by Youth Group
Favorite Movie: Final Fantasy 7:Advent Children, mostly cause its from the final fantasy series and I love FF8 for ps1.

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