• Member Since 15th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2015


Not much to tell. Just a book readin', game playin', Internet usin', nerdly-nerd. I don't talk much...

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  • 627 weeks
    Got tag?

    Tagged. Never thought that would happen. Well, I'm always one for these kinda questionnaires.

    1. You must post the rules
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer

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    4 comments · 597 views

Got tag? · 1:41am Jun 4th, 2012

Tagged. Never thought that would happen. Well, I'm always one for these kinda questionnaires.

1. You must post the rules
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
5. Go to their page and tell them you've tagged them
6. No tag backs
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this" You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Five Things About the Technophage:
1. My average intake of soda is about 3 cans a day. Usually in an hour period.
2. My screen name originated as a misnomer. I could not remember the name for someone with mastery of electronics (a technopath) and gripped for the closest word. A technopage is a computer virus, literally "electronics eater."
3. I collect and own over 30 fabric wristcuffs.
4. My favorite snack food is rice cakes. Not even I am quite sure why.
5. I choose my career path, engineering, because I ultimately wanted to make a suit of cybernetic armor.

Questions given to my by SaddlesoapOpera.
1. What is your favourite MLP:FiM song?
Tough one. I don't have a particular favorite, I love them all. If I had to choose, it would be Winter Wrap Up. Fun to sing the colt-version, hitting all those voices.
2. What is the next-best kids' cartoon after MLP:FiM?
That depends. Is anything on CartoonNetwork today for kids anymore? (According to everyone I know, no, they show stuff for the hipster parents. 'Pparently I'm hipster :trixieshiftleft: ). I'm going with Looney Tunes. Mine and my parents' childhood, just like MLP.
3. If you were an Equestrian Pony, which would you be -- Earth, Unicorn, or Pegasus? Why?
I'd be a unicorn. In some worlds, technology is magic and vice versa. Being a future electrical engineer, I need something a little more tactile than hooves and more creational than wings. It seems all the high-tier careers such as engineers would be unicorns, unfortunately... Plus, the allure of using magic is just to much to resist. Nuts to you, I'm a wizard! :trollestia:
4. What would that Pony's Cutie Mark be? Why?
Either a blank-flank, a video game controller with a wrench behind it, or two ponies arranged in a yin yang orientation. I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life or what my thuper-thpecial talent is... :applecry: High school's like that. I'm a major gamer, and like to work with technology (Techno-phage: I eat it up), but I'm heavy on dualism philosophy, and was long before I was going to be an engineer. Or, if I could actually choose, a cutie mark of a flank with a cutie mark of flank. CUTIECEPTION.
5. Which would you prefer - a 4th MLP:FiM season, or a feature-length, wide-release film?
A fourth season as a film. Like, the fourth season as one long continuing arc as opposed to the day in the life episodes we all know and love.
6. Who is your favourite Pony fan-artist, and why?
JohnJoseco or egophalic. Joseco's got a wonderfully true style and is hilarious to boot. Ego's fillies always make my smile. Wittle Woona just wooks so adowable! :rainbowkiss:
7. What cartoon would you most like to see crossed over with MLP:FiM in animated form?
Adventure Time. Pinkie goes to town devouring the Candy Kingdom, Twilight and Bubblegum would hit it off being science types before Twilight becomes best friends with Turtle Princess (apparently princess of the library :unsuresweetie: ) AJ and Tree Trunks share apple-y secrets, Rarity mines the Crystal Dimension dry to make her dresses, Rainbow races with Lady Rainicorn, Fluttershy can have a close second to being a tree by living with Finn and Jake in a tree, and Ice King would get his butt kicked after he tries to kidnap the alicorn princesses. Also, in another universe, I'd love to see Solaris and Artemis deal with Ice Queen as Fionna combs the pretty ponies. Gumball's totally a closet brony. :rainbowlaugh:
8. Choose: $100,000 tax-free... or voice a small speaking role for an OC pony of your own design in Season Three.
Well, 100 grand is a good sum. And I could probably use it to help a lot of the fandom. Only reason I don't donate to charities often is because I'm kinda low on funds.
9. Who is your favourite Writer for MLP:FiM? Why?
I don't particularly have a favorite. They've all got some good qualities, and some poor ones. Fullerton did a lot of great character development with most of her episodes, and is one of the best writers next to Larson, but unfortunately, we must blame someone for Trollestia's creation. Rogers' episodes are all hallmarks of the show, but many are gimmicky and even recycled plots at times. Larson's flaws are the most excusable: his episodes are amazing, with more emotion than most, making me forget I'm watching a little girl's show at times. However, I'm with you with Discord's GLaDOS style of mentally destroying the Mane 6. Actually made me swear off pony until Part 2 premiered. And everyone's got their mixed opinion's with how Luna was handled. McCarthy's are the episodes that most use to justify watching the show: the horror of Pinkimena and Chesire Twilight, Queen Chrysalis, the love poison, reality-bending Pinkie and dragon staring Fluttershy. Morrow did some great ones, Winter Wrap Up struck a personal chord with me, but the history of Ponyville was kind of a let down. Polsky's were hilarious, though the obvious allegory of manifest destiny wiping out the natives was kind of disturbing when thought about. Savino's were great, some fun with Trixie and the Crusaders. And finally, William's were good, yet a few plot holes presented themselves and still bother me today. With good v. bad measured, I'd probably say Larson. /waytoolongexplanation
10. Who is best Pony?
Twilight. Obvious answer is obvious.
11. Wassup?

Now, I gotta find somepony to tag... Let's hit 11 random peeps!

Twifight Sparkill
The Psychopath

Mai ?s fer joo:
1. First and foremost, why did you join FiMFiction?
2. What's your favorite fan-fiction and why?
3. Describe your own ponysona (color, mane, species [pega, uni, or earth], cutie mark, etc.).
4. Would you still enjoy the show if it didn't have the big fan following?
5. Do you own any pony merch, official or not?
6. What is your favorite type of cheese?
7. Is your desktop background pony? If not, what is it?
8. Do you prefer watching the show online or on the Hub?
9. Who is cutest filly (or colt)/ as a filly (or colt)?
10. What show would you replace all the characters with ponies?
11. Best pony?


Report Technophage · 597 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

YOU! How... what? I thought I was invisible! Cripes. What to do now. Guess I have to "tag" along.


1. First and foremost, why did you join FiMFiction?
To make stories, durr!

2. What's your favorite fan-fiction and why?
I don't have any favorites. Too many to choose from.

3. Describe your own ponysona (color, mane, species [pega, uni, or earth], cutie mark, etc.).
I don't have a ponysona (that would just be weird). I do, however, have The Psychopath as a favorite character.

4. Would you still enjoy the show if it didn't have the big fan following?
No. Because then I wouldn't have learned about it in the first place.

5. Do you own any pony merch, official or not?
6. What is your favorite type of cheese?
I hate cheese.

7. Is your desktop background pony? If not, what is it?
Nothing but Lunas.

8. Do you prefer watching the show online or on the Hub?
On youtube.

9. Who is cutest filly (or colt)/ as a filly (or colt)?

10. What show would you replace all the characters with ponies?

11. Best pony?
There are no best ponies, but I do like Luna.

I have just been informed by the one who tagged me that this sort of chain-letter thing is strongly discouraged on this site! Bummer!
I took mine down -- I certainly don't want anypony to get in trouble. :fluttercry:

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