• Member Since 31st Mar, 2012
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Piquo Pie

I love psychology and writing. I tend to write origional/experimental stories. I am the head of the School for New Writers and the EFNW writing track. My new favorite quote is "Why so ˈsir-ē-əs?"

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The story that got me into fanfiction, yes it really was an Applejack/Sorin fic. #FebFIMFanFicLove · 1:18pm Jan 31st, 2015

It was late 2011, I had been having some troubles financially and with school, and I had the reading bug. I had a few books that I had yet to read but none of them sounded interesting. Over the Summer I had tried to read my first fanfiction, an Avatar the Last Airbender fanfic, but it didn’t hold my interest. Still, I figured that fanfiction would be like published books. Some would be worth it right?

I had two days off, I was down and lonely, I opened up Equestria daily and started trying to find a fic to read. I read... something that wasn’t that good but was decent enough for me to keep looking. Then I found out that I could search stories on EQD based on ratings, some stories even had a 6-star rating. I picked one at random that was shorter and it was good. it wasn’t really a story for me but I enjoyed it never the less.

Then I found It’s Always Sunny in Fillydelphia.

I loved it. It made me feel good when I was down, it made me laugh and smile, something I hadn’t been doing a lot of, and it was really cute and romantic and is very organic in a lot of ways. Even today it still stands out as one of the best fanfictions I have ever read. Though I’ve sense found fanfics that I liked more, this one was the one that has the most meaning to me. I love it, I’ve read it 3-4 times. I’ll probably read it again.

This post was written for #FebFIMFanFicLove. Spread the love this February by sharing something from the MLP fanfiction community that you love and include the # in the title.

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Comments ( 3 )

Are you a day ahead of me? I was waiting for another four hours to post my own...

I was gonna post about the fist fic I ever favorited, but only about the first half. Only so much of Like Fine Wine is SFW :rainbowderp:

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