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  • 86 weeks

    I will be opening a Patreon for those who want access to chapters early. Keep in mind its not required and I will always eventually post the chapters on here and other sites for free. But some support will help so I don't have to overwork at my second job for money.

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  • 194 weeks

    For those who wish to chat with me. I have a discord.

    9/16 th The link has been updated now.


    Anyone is free to join and invite your friends as well.

    I am going to try and use the Discord more for those who want to contact me about their original character submissions or story ideas.

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  • 209 weeks
    Broken Images/Pictures are being fixed.

    been going through the chapters and fixing all the broken links for images. So far first 75 fixed and will continue fixing more in the following hour.

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    Looking for an Artist!

    Now that I'm back to doing chapters I need an artist. If anyone can do anthro art message me and I'll review them. Willing to do 5 to 10 dollars an image and I would be asking for tons of images.

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  • 223 weeks
    Equestrian Heroes chapter post pushed back to 2/19

    Pushing back the post a few days to proofread and add more content. Its my intent to hurry up and finish this arc so we can finally get to the end parts of season 3. I know some of you have been dying to get into season 4 so I'm working to see that a reality.

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Equestrian Heroes! Twilight Sparkle Profile! Updated! · 6:22pm Jun 10th, 2016

Name: Twilight Sparkle

Nicknames: Twi; Sun's Favored Foal; Sparki

Date of Birth: May 1st h 2004 AD.


Weight: 144 (Pre Training) 163 (Post Training

Age: 20 (At start of Story) 21 Currently

Mane: Long moderate sapphire with blue moderate violet and brilliant rose streaked mane with bangs hanging forward in a style known as a bangtail after the style of a short cut tail.
Eyes: Moderate Violet

Cutiemark: A large violet star located on the upper portion of the side of her hips surrounded by five white smaller stars.

Bust Measurement: 34 C

Waist Measurement: 24

Hip Measurement: 36

Occupation: Student and Town Librarian.

Education: Graduate of Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns.

In process of getting degree of Magical theory.

Master’s in Library science.

Bachelor’s in Chemistry and Psychics

Minor in Economy, History, and Managerial skills.

Personality: Twilight Sparkle has shown herself to be a very capable and intelligent mare. Her studious nature has allowed her to go far in many fields of education. She is an apt organizer and very rational minded while being something of a skeptic without facts supporting anything she had learned about.

Magic – Being the Element of Magic it only makes sense that Twilight Sparkle is gifted in the field of magic. During her stay here she so far learned fifty-six new spells while mastering twenty of them, something that is practically unheard of when compared to other Unicorns her age. Obviously considering her talent is magic itself its difficult to compare her progress without another noted Unicorn of high magical talent to compare herself to.

Potion Brewing -Has started training under local brewer Zecora.

Organizer – Since I started working with Twilight she has shown herself to be an adapt organizer. Hardly a day goes by without me seeing her with some sort of list and checklist.
Student – Rather Self explanatory.

Scars, Allergies, and Illnesses: She has an allergy to Shellfish.

Family – Name – Occupation

Father –Night Light- Member of Celestia's Council in Canterlot.

Mother – Twilight Velvet –Author.

Aunt- Shine Spark- Captain of the Solar Guard.

Brother - Shining Armor- Captain of the Unicorn Guard.

Sister in Law- Princess Cadneza Mi Amore - Princess of the Crystal Empire

Other traits to attribute to Twilight

Strong-willed and highly motivated

Sharp thoughts

Beautiful physically and mentally

Firm standpoint


Good debating skills

Loves literature and the arts


Characterization and Background

The Ace: Is very skilled and educated with magic. Being Celestia’s prized pupil and the Element of magic tends to help.

Action Girl: She's one of the best fighters in the story with vast reserves and powerful spells. Season two of the story picks up with her and the others having spent several months training and mastering their growing power.

Action Girlfriend: Being one of the mares in naruto’s herd qualify her for this position.

Adorkable: Whenever genuinely excited about something, such as her first slumber party ever her awkwardness comes into focus and it is adorable. Dialed Up to Eleven during her flashback in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" and then again immediately afterward — "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!"

During the events of Rarity's Birthday she dances like such a nerd it's adorable.

Also tends to flare up whenever she and Naruto have a romantic moment.

Affectionate Nickname: Often referred as “Twi” by one of the elements.

Agent Scully: Tends toward this despite being a lavender unicorn who can do magic. She justifies this in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" by explaining that true magic as can be done by all unicorns has been boiled down to a science.

All-Loving Hero: She can be a bit cynical, but qualifies nonetheless

Arbitrary Skepticism: The fact that she's a talking unicorn who can perform magic and uses dragonfire to send letters to an alicorn who controls the rotation of the sun, does nothing to dissuade her from often declaring things she doesn't recognize as bogus and hooey.

In "Bridle Gossip", she dismisses the idea that Zecora cursed the group, and declares confidently that ghosts, spirits and zombies are just as ridiculous.

Badass: She is perfectly willing to risk her life for her friends, Equestria, and Princess Celestia, and, with the help of her friends, succeeds.

Badass Adorable: She's adorable... and sure can pack a punch!

Badass Bookworm: Her book smarts and knowledge of magic lend her an uncanny level of badassery.

Berserk Button: Has about five:
Do not threaten her friends.
Don't make fun of Princess Celestia.
Don't mess with her books/desk.
Perhaps the most prominent of them all, don't say the phrase "just a test".
Under no circumstances threaten the ones she loves.

Big Sister Mentor: Has become this to the reborn Nightmare entity now known as Nyx.

Blue Blood: The Sparkle clan comes from one of the lesser distinguished noble lines, but a noble line nonetheless.

Bookworm: One of her defining characteristic. She is often seen reading a book and always gave Spike books for his birthday.

Born Winner: She was innately born with unparalleled magical potential, which led to her becoming Princess Celestia's protégé, the bearer of the Element of Magic.

Break the Cutie: She got hit with this hard in "Return of Harmony arc". What starts out as the Mane Six finding the Elements of Harmony that can defeat the latest Arc Villain becomes a twisted game of Discord's design where he separately Hate Plagues Twilight's True Companions into their polar opposites. Discord points out it was Twilight's idea to go to the maze and claimed that her friends' corruption was her fault. When Twilight does figure out where the Elements of Harmony are, her town has already been turned into a World Gone Mad ruled by Discord. With Naruto’s help they were able to save and reharmonize the five bearers. What started off as a Hope Spot is quickly put to an end when Naurto and the five bearers are seemingly killed while Twilight is kidnapped and helpless to save her friends.

Sometime after this traumatic event Twilight begin experiences a serious mental breakdown as a result of being broken and mind torn apart because of said previous incident.

Break the Haughty: A Lighter and Softer version; she starts as an Ineffectual Loner who believes she simply doesn't have time for friendship and is convinced that Celestia will naturally listen to her concerns. Then Celestia seemingly blows her off, sends her off to run mundane errands, and expects her to make friends in a town where she thinks she's the Only Sane Pony...

Character Development: During the first Nightmare Arc, she started out as a somewhat asocial loner who wouldn't be caught dead working with others, although she is polite enough. Over the course of the arc she learns the value of friendship and she is now often seen working with or helping her friends.

Character Tics: She has a few linked to her obsessive-compulsive nature, slightly bigger when she's panicking. She'll pace around, and sometimes Teleport Spam around the room.

Child Prodigy: Even as a filly, Twilight was unusually adept at learning new spells. In the Power Incontinence scene referenced below, Princess Celestia — a physical goddess — says she has never seen so much raw talent from magic in a pony before.

The Chosen One: Hinted at to Naruto from Celestia during the first chapters of the story.

City Mouse: The first portion of Twilight’s life in Equestrian Heroes deals with her getting acquainted with Ponyville and its traditions, with varied success.

The City vs. the Country: Her initial plot arc is a downplayed version of this. She's sent from Canterlot to Ponyville in part to prepare for a celebration held there, but is also told to make friends while there. She resents having to do this and focuses on work instead, but by the end of the arc, she's warmed up to her newfound friends and wishes to stay with them. It took the resurrection of an ancient Sealed Evil in a Can to make her understand that.

The Comically Serious: Anytime she attempts to look dignified and intellectual, expect it to be ruined by some other ponies' antics or her own hidden goofiness.

Control Freak: Though not overbearing, per se, her over attention to detail and occasional annoyance with her friends leads her to be insistent on her own direction of things.

Crazy-Prepared: Twilight is very well-read and has a variety of spells for when she needs them, or knows she can look up the spell in her library. And if there's something important coming up, she will go berserk making sure she's ready for it.

Cry Cute: Even in her initial Sugar and Ice Personality, Twilight's vulnerable side could break hearts.

Deadpan Snarker: Often due to her initial role as Straight Mare.

Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Twilight takes her duties to Celestia as Serious Business, be it academics or saving Equestria, to smallest details.

Determinator: When she wants to do something, she'll keep trying no matter what. For better or worse.

Ditzy Genius: She's so smart that she can name all the stars in the sky, and recite the square root of 546 to eleven decimal places, but so ditzy that she needs a reference guide to understand how to throw a slumber party, and doesn't know what a pillow fight is.

Emperor Scientist: She is also knowledgeable in the sciences as well as magic.

Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic: introverted, organized, and high expectations.
Friendless Background: Early on, it's shown that "she's more interested in books than friends." This is a result of her trust being betrayed more than once by ponies more interested in Twilight’s connection to Celestia than Twilight herself.

Go-Getter Girl: She had always strived to be the best she can as a mage-in-training and as an apprentice to Princess Celestia over relationships with others prior to meeting the other five. On the downside, this led to her having little ability to connect with others, but on the upside, she's a natural-born leader and very intelligent and talented.

Good Is Not Soft: She's one of the kindest, sweetest and most compassionate ponies around, but try to harm her friends and her love and you're in for a world of pain.

Hot Librarian: She takes up management of Golden Oak Library in addition to living inside of it. She fits the personality type, but her personality gives her more of a cute appeal then being hot.

Humble Hero: Wants nothing to do with being associated with the greatness of her deeds. Rather, she wants to be viewed as an ordinary unicorn.

I Just Want to Be Loved: There are times she obsesses over the idea that others might hate her for any reason whatsoever. This comes from her The Perfectionist tendencies, but also from a surprisingly low self esteem and a secret belief she isn't good enough for others.

I Just Want to Be Normal: What she really wants is for others to love and accept her, and wants whichever her talent in magic will get her to. She alternately loves and hates her abilities as a mage because they distance her from others and make her a Socially-Awkward Hero but they also make her valuable and give her a higher sense of self worth. See Inferiority Superiority Complex for details.

I Just Want to Have Friends: Defied at first; she doesn't want friends when she first comes to Ponyville and it isn't until she hears them come looking for her just as she's facing Nightmare Moon all by herself that she truly realizes how much she needs them.

Incredibly Lame Fun:
A bookworm through and through, Twilight considers re-shelving library books, doing research, or "a crazy weekend of studying" the height of entertainment.

Innocently Insensitive: Sometimes she doesn't realize her feelings are necessarily feelings anypony else will share, and she doesn't realize her point-blank bluntness can hurt feelings.
Example the baby sitting incident in which she suggested to Pinkie that she didn’t feel the mare was qualified enough to babysit the cake twins on her own.

During the incident of Spike's Birthday, Twilight is embarrassed to realize that the books she's given Spike for his birthday every year were not appreciated as birthday presents by the little dragon.

Innocent Prodigy: She took up studying magic in the first place because she adored Celestia, not for power or vanity or anything like that.

Intelligence Equals Isolation: She's very smart, even as a child, but she didn't care that much about making new friends.

Irony: When you think about it, for all her insistence that books and studying are the answer, Twilight tends to be able to flawlessly replicate spells when she sees someone cast them first, as opposed to when she studies them out of a book.

Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Arguably began the story as this but has grown softer as the story goes on becoming far more outgoing and friendly.

Just Trying to Help: She tries to say this to Applejack when attempting, and failing, to use magic to clear up the snow, and runs off crying.

Lethal Chef: Toned down compared to most examples as her food came off as rather bland than the usual comic over-exaggeration. As of the latest chapters her food as become edible and she is steadily improving.

Lovable Nerd: She starts out as socially awkward, and after she learns to socialize, she's still depicted as being organized to a fault and as a compulsive learner whose joy of studying is absolutely adorable.

Mama Bear: She is willing to stand up to dragons whenever Spike is in danger.

Meaningful Name: Twilight Sparkle. The time period of Twilight is the period between Daylight and Nightfall.

Muggle Best Friend: Applejack qualifies for this being an earth pony and the element Twilight is closest to besides Naruto.

Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Her attempt to use magic to stop the Parasprites from eating all the food in town causes them to start eating the town instead.

When she tries to use magic to clear a field during the "Winter Wrap Up", it results in the plow going out of control and causing the part of the field already plowed to be covered up again.

In "The Return of Harmony - Part 1", she figures out Discord's riddle... only to fall into his trap. It turns out she took it too literally and as a consequence, she leads her True Companions on a wild goose chase that results in all of them getting broken and Brainwashed by Discord. In her defense and knowing Discord, figuring the riddle correctly would probably not have made a difference.

During the Lesson Zero incident, she decides if she can't find a friendship problem to solve, she'll make one to solve. Cue the whole town fighting over her old Smartypants doll she enchanted with a "Want It, Need It" spell she isn't able to disenchant.

Nice to the Waiter: Upon her arrival in Ponyville, politely and sincerely thanks the Royal Guardsponies that had been pulling her chariot, even calling them "sirs" (to which they react very positively). This is despite the fact that she is currently in a very sour mood over being sent to Ponyville in the first place. It serves as one of her Establishing Character Moments, proving that while she may be a bit obsessive and thoughtless at times, she is a good pony at heart.

Obsessed Are The List Makers: Examples are her slumber party and in "Lesson Zero", in which she makes a list of the things she needs to make a list. It comes in handy in "Winter Wrap Up", as she's the only pony there who knows how to prioritize.

Only Sane Man: When Naruto is not serving this role Twilight picks up the slack as the voice of reason among the Elements.

Parents as People: Her relationship with Spike leans her as the surrogate variety of this. While Spike is more an assistant, she hatched (effectively gave birth to) him and was enlisted to take care of him. For the large part Twilight is respectful and compassionate to Spike and tries to treat him more as a friend and co worker than a servant. Though the nature of that relationship soon changed to one more like siblings.

Personality Powers: You might not think that the bearer of the Element of Magic and one of the most powerful magic users in the story would be a logic-based skeptic, but here magic is logical because it works how you expect it to work.

As the story goes on her ability and its uses evolves as she learns more spells and starts studying other brands of magic.

Pride: Clearly takes a lot of pride in having Celestia as her mentor. However, she's afraid of being seen as too prideful after witnessing how ponies react to Trixie's bragging. By the end of that incident she explains to Celestia and Spike that she's learned it's fine to take pride in your talents and put them to use when appropriate, as long as you aren't a braggart or a show-off about them.
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Despite living in the Ponyville library and functioning as its librarian, she seems to have no library duties aside from caring for the books, because nopony ever comes in to borrow them.

Proud Scholar Race Girl: Unicorns have a reputation as being intelligent magic-users, and Twilight takes it Up to Eleven since she's the apprentice of Celestia.

Resigned to the Call: Played with at the start of the story; she's ready to stop Nightmare Moon when she reads about a prophecy about her return, but when Celestia told Twilight to make friends, she was against it, but went along with her orders while expecting her to realize Nightmare Moon is more important. It eventually turns out that making friends is required to defeat her.

Sanity Slippage: Gets hit with this during the “Lesson Zero” incident happening shortly after the heels of her traumatic torture from Discord.

Seriously Scruffy: She has a tendency to turn into a disheveled mess whenever stressed or preoccupied. She usually ends up turning her library inside out in the process.
Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Not to an excess, but she has a more advanced vocabulary and more correct grammar than her friends. This makes her a Foil to Rainbow Dash and Applejack, both of whom tend towards Buffy Speak, and to Pinkie Pie, who is a Cloudcuckoolander.

Tempting Fate: Twilight seems to have an unfortunate habit of asking whether things could possibly get worse. They always do.

Took a Level in Badass: Like the rest of the Elements there is avast difference in her combat effectiveness in season two of Equestrian Heroes compared to Season one. The trend continues further in season three

Took a Level in Idealism: She never believed in the power of friendship until her adventures with her friends made her understand why Good Feels Good.

Turn the Other Cheek: Twilight isn't the type of mare who holds a grudge towards anyone unless they did something absolutely unforgivable.

Such as forgiving Trixie for her reign of terror over Ponyville when challenged to a magic duel as a result of being drunk on evil due to the Alicorn Amulet and Midnight’s machinations.

Undying Loyalty: Princess Celestia's "most loyal and faithful student".
Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She is terrified of snakes and bats.

Wise Beyond Their Years: Sort of. She's a young adult, but she has been shown to be much more effective at leading than the old gray mayor of Ponyville.


Anti-Magic: Her force fields can cancel out most magics.
Awesomeness by Analysis: While not heavily emphasized Twilight was able to hold her own and effectively defeat Trixie by analyzing Trixie’s abilities and fighting style.

Badass Bookworm: Not only talented at magic, but perfectly capable and willing to lead a charge.

Barrier Warrior: She can create force-fields. To what degree has yet to be seen.
Beam Spam: She can fire beams of destructive magic at enemies practically at will.

Cute Witch: Most of the time, she uses magic for mundane tasks.
Elemental Powers: She has several of them thanks to her status as a Red Mage but most of them are non-weaponized spell versions:

Blow You Away: She can create a strong gust of wind.

Light 'em Up: She can light up a mine.

Playing with Fire: She can spark a candle, and one time she literally seemed to catch fire in anger.

Frickin' Laser Beams: One of her offensive spells is a beam of destructive magic.

The Gift: Her special talent is magic itself, thus she can learn any type of magic.

Gravity Master: She can reverse gravity for herself.

I Can't Dance: Dancing is one of the many social activities she's yet to master, though she doesn't really seem to care.

Jack-of-All-Trades: Most unicorns can only learn a handful of magic related to their special talent, which got them their cutie mark. Being that Twilight's cutie mark is the symbol of the Element of Magic, her special talent is magic itself, thus she has unparalleled versatility in the variety of spells she could potentially learn.

The Leader: Leadership is one of Twilight's main secondary abilities, thanks to her organizational skills and levelheadedness. She serves as a Mastermind Type and Level-Headed Type co-leader for the elements and effectively leader for the whole town of Ponyville at times.

Magical Girl: She fits a lot of the criteria (being a prodigy in magic and using powers over friendship) of a traditional version of this trope.

Magical Girl Warrior: When she's fighting, she qualifies as this.

Magic Librarian: She's a powerful magic-user and the librarian and a resident of Golden Oak Library which holds books about magic and monster lore.

Mind over Matter: A particularly strong telekinetic. She can simultaneously levitate a humongous bear and a huge water tower.

New Powers as the Plot Demands: Justified, as she is usually seen studying and learning new things (magical and otherwise). She can improvise spells as well, though this does not always work out so well.

Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Telekinetically, anyway. Physically occasionally.

Power Copying: Unicorns use magic spells associated with their special skill. Twilight's special skill is magic, allowing her to learn spells used by any other unicorn.

Her "Want It Need It" spell used in "Lesson Zero" may play on Princess Cadance's love-infusing magic that she saw as a filly.

Power Incontinence: A flashback reveals that the awakening of Twilight's magic immediately turned her into a immense danger to everyone and herself, up to and including turning her own parents into potted plants. Her attempts at using magic to rectify a problem have about a 50% chance of going this way. She qualifies as Pony of Mass Destruction during these moments.

Psychic Powers: Has telekinesis like all unicorns (albeit said telekinesis is orders of magnitude more powerful than most), and also has limited telepathy, as seen in "Swarm of the Century" and "The Return of Harmony".

Renaissance Man: Has displayed skill in Magic, chemistry, mathematics, history, neuroscience, physics, even athletics. The only thing she's consistently bad at is arts and crafts.
Squishy Wizard: Being a unicorn Twilight is naturally physically weaker than an Earth pony. She has gone into training to rectify that.

Summon Magic: Is seen summoning a Parasprite to eat up Trixie's pies in "Magic Duel". As soon as it did its job she banished it before it could multiply out of control.

Superpower Lottery: Short of Celestia and others like her, Twilight is the single most powerful pony in the story. For bonus points, she isn't limited by a specialized discipline and instead has magic itself as her skill.

Swiss Army Superpower: Her magic. Sure, spells have some vague rules, but she specializes in every kind of magic and has an enormous amount of raw power.

Telepathy: While there is a spell to grant temporary telepathy the bearers have shown that the latest use of their elements have connected them in this way.

Teleporters and Transporters:
One of her signature spells which is steadily increasing as the story goes on.

Teleport Spam: As her power grows Twilight shows the ability to do this more.

Unskilled, but Strong: Bar a few rivals she is the most powerful Unicorn in the story.
With Great Power Comes Great Perks: Like all unicorns, she uses magic for just about everything (where appropriate) and she gets more perks than most unicorns, because she can use any type of magic.


Color-Coded Characters: Her name is Twilight, so naturally she's lavender. She also tends to dress up in blue, which reflects the color of the night sky.

Color-Coded Wizardry: Her horn and objects affected by her magic glow when she uses it. It was at first lavender and matched the color of her coat, but it is later a magenta color that matches the center of her Cutie Mark and her mane's Skunk Stripe. Her mother and big brother have the same magenta magic aura, so it may run in the family.

Curtains Match the Window: Both are purple.

Dark Is Not Evil: Her first name is Twilight, a time period of night, and she can use magic that's more or less Black Magic, but she can also use magic to create light like most unicorns and she's a decent girl most of the time.

Glowing Eyes of Doom: A side effect when she uses especially powerful magic, such as her Power Incontinence episode in her flashback in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" and any time she uses the Elements of Harmony.

Motifs: She tends to be associated with stars to go along with her name.
Multicolored Hair: Dark indigo with a purple and pink streak.

Purple Is Powerful: She's a lavender unicorn, has purple eyes, and is one of the most powerful magic users in the show.

Skunk Stripe: The purple and pink streak in her mane.

Supernatural Is Purple: She is mostly lavender and she is a powerful sorceress-in-training.
Symbol Motif Clothing: Her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala is decorated with stars, and she has a star around her chest at the Canterlot Wedding.

True Blue Femininity: Both her Grand Galloping Gala dress and her cape use this trope. Her early concept would've also had dark blue hair with a light blue Skunk Stripe.

Badass Family: She is a certified Badass Bookworm, her brother is the captain of the Royal Guard who possesses one of Equestria's most potent defensive spells.

Big Brother Worship: As a filly, she thought of Shining Armor as her best and only friend (until she hatched Spike).

A Boy and His X: A Young Lady and her Baby Dragon. She hatched Spike as the entrance exam for a magic school, but he's more like her sidekick/little brother.

Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: While most characters play this to Pinkie Pie, Twilight is her most prominent foil.

Cool Big Sis: Vacillates between this and Parental Substitute toward Spike.

Et Tu, Brute?: If there is one thing that she couldn't bear, it's betrayal from her friends.

First Love: Having little to no interest in romance until growing closer to Naruto he essentially fills the requirement of being Twilight’s First love.

I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: Twilight’s feelings/thoughts in regard of Naruto liking and wanting to be with her despite others like Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie being there.

The Kirk: She's generally at the balance between being emotional and logical, hence why she serves the unofficial leader of the seven with Naruto either assisting her or playing the role as her Lancer.

Loner-Turned-Friend: To the rest of the Mane seven.

Odd Friendship: Has one with Pinkie Pie who's a foil to her.

Pals with Jesus: She's the personal apprentice of Celestia, became a good friend of Luna during the events of "Luna Eclipsed", and had Cadance for a foal-sitter.

She's the Blue Oni to the rest of the Mane Five, except for fellow Blue Onis Naruto and Fluttershy.

Renowned Selective Mentor: She was just trying to get into the royal academy. One magic overload later, she's studying directly from Princess Celestia.

The Spock: When not being The Kirk, she takes a very logical and scientific view on the world.

"Well Done, Son!" Guy:Twilight obviously idolizes Princess Celestia and desperately seeks her approval. Her freak out in "Lesson Zero" is caused by a crippling fear that she will disappoint the princess if she's so much as a minute late on one assignment.

Twilight is entirely oblivious to the fact that Celestia's love for her is unconditional and that she couldn't be more secure in Celestia's affections if she were the Princess' own daughter.
Plays this towards Spike at times. Her occasionally dismissive and easily distracted behavior sometimes leaves Spike feeling unappreciated as her assistant. This is more Innocently Insensitive behavior than anything however (the one time she outright lost him because of it she was visibly guilt ridden and frantic to get him back).

Comments ( 3 )

Is there a profile for Spike too?

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