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More Blog Posts73


Friendly Neighborhood Pony Mutant · 3:01am Dec 20th, 2016


Well it's been a while sense I didn't do an other blog post and I hope to make this a habit of it on my part; hopefully I won't board dothe who actually bother reading this. So, here it is.

This is Doctor Radius for Broken Gene by Caddy Finz in his two from that we find in him in the story; his regular gray pony unicorn form and his green friendly neighborhood radioactive mutant form which also include twisted horn, fang teeth’s, acid spit and extra set of pair of legs, along with his customary red bowtie. This has been actually a very surprisingly good story form Caddy Finz, how has improved in his writing skills a lot in such a short time, and I felt that he deserved a little something for his efforts.

This was the first finished project in over a month which to be honest, it really felt good to start going back to the swing of things again. I have tried a few of my tricks that I have used before and this time the work flow was much faster then what I expected and has help be regain some confidence in myself again. I think the fun part was probably putting the gradients and doing the background which was too.

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Comments ( 12 )

The green pony's freaking me out... :twilightoops:

In a good way of course.

4347355 thanks, I think...

4347351 of course...:twilightsmile:

I came here expecting a spider man pony...still liked what I got. Which is surprising because typically I do not like the over mutated mutants but you have a way of making them look pretty good. Even if it's meant to look a bit...disfigured. So to close off my statement I say, needs 20% more memes.


4347459 Hi, it's good to see you again One of the Crowd, I try to keep at least a certain amount of aesthetics to my designs. I hope things are going well for you.

4347491 Things are going pretty much the same so no complaints

4347359 No, really. It's very good work.

4347741 don't worry, I understood what you meant, I didn't talk it badly at all.

4353868 I always knew I could count on you opened mindedness, in not judging other of there outward appearance on your part Kablam Pony.:twilightsmile:

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