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Random Episode Review of the Day: Winter Wrap Up · 9:12pm Sep 27th, 2012

Well, it’s the end of September, and every store in America has forgotten that two other holidays exist and set out their Christmas stuff, so how appropriate that we’re reviewing #10, “Winter Wrap Up,” today.



Season: 1
Episode: 11
Written By: Cindy Morrow
First Aired: December 24, 2010


It’s Winter Wrap Up, the annual Ponyville celebration where everypony helps clean up the remains of winter to make way for Spring. After getting up too early out of excitement (and also making a perfect checklist, down to Spike refusing to get up), Twilight is ready and eager to help. It isn’t until the end of the town’s annual song-and-dance number, however, that she realizes a pretty big problem. Not only is she new to Ponyville, but since the town was founded by Earth ponies, the use of magic is forbidden during Winter Wrap Up. Since this is Twilight’s main skill, this leaves her completely out in the cold on what to do.

She tries to hook up with Rainbow Dash’s team, but since they’re in charge of cleaning up the sky, there’s nothing she can do. She next contacts Rarity, who’s putting together bird nests. The process seems simple enough, but Twilight manages to mangle it up so badly that Rarity has to drop everything and rework it from scratch.

Next, she tries to help Pinkie’s team skate over the frozen ice, breaking off the top layer and allowing the water to flow freely again. Unfortunately, Twilight has never gone skating before this, and she ends up losing control and crashing into Pinkie. Once again, she has not found her place within the event.

Her next attempt is to assist Fluttershy’s team in waking up the hibernating animals. Unfortunately, Twilight ends up with a cave full of snakes, which she seems to be terrified of. In her haste to escape, she ends up running into a cave of bats, which in turn send her crashing into a tree. The impact dislodged a beehive onto her head, and in her pained state she runs into a den of skunks. One tomato bath later, she’s ready to join the last available team: Applejack’s. By this point, Spike recommends that she just use a little magic to push herself along, but she refuses because of TRADITION!!!

Unfortunately for her, AJ’s team is in charge of plowing out the snow so the new seeds can be planted. Naturally, Twilight starts having trouble with the plow almost immediately, being a weakling bookworm and all, so she takes Spike’s advice and uses a little magic to get things going. This being Twilight, a “little” magic constitutes bringing the plow to life, causing it to go out of control until it builds up a massive snowball and crashes into Applejack and Spike before causing an avalanche that covers up everypony’s work. Applejack immediately tears into Twilight for violating their most sacred of traditions, but the lecture and all the other failures combined finally cause Twilight to break and run away in tears.

Later on, Twilight’s hiding in a bush, ashamed at being useless on this special day. As it turns out, however, she’s not alone; the entire town utterly sucks at their jobs. Spring has been late every year because nopony knows what they’re supposed to be doing and end up wasting more time arguing than working. How fortunate that Twilight happens to be good at organizing. Before long, she has the entire town running like clockwork, and they make it just in time for Spring’s scheduled beginning. As thanks for finally getting the job done on time, Twilight is given a multi-colored vest, symbolizing her role as the town’s organizer. Unfortunately, Spike fell asleep on the last chunk of ice in town, causing him to come down with a cold later on.

And so the episode ends with Twilight narrating this week’s lesson: Everybody has something they’re talented in, and if everybody works together, anything is possible.


“Winter Wrap Up” is another one of those episodes where my qualms are less with the actual content and more with its implications, so keep that in mind when I tear into it. That being said, this episode has a very important part in the show’s history, as we’ll soon see.

The prologue is mostly a massive ball of exposition, followed by more exposition, and then topped off with a little exposition cherry. We learn all about the holiday, how important it is, what makes it different from Canterlot’s version, and most importantly, that magic is explicitly forbidden. We’re also introduced to Twilight’s leet organizational skills (although if you want to be technical, they’ve been in the show since “Look Before You Sleep”), as she is even able to predict Spike refusing to get up and go back to sleep. We also get some lovely foreshadowing when she fails to get her saddle on without magic. How sad that this scene ends with a major continuity error. When Twilight opens the door, there is no snow on the ground, clouds in the sky, or anything to mark it as being winter, but when she heads into town later, all of Ponyville is covered in the stuff.

Oh, and there’s this line:

Yes, you heard it here. Twilight is not Spike’s mommy. This also sets up Spike’s role as the general flankhole for the episode, constantly putting Twilight down whenever she messes up, stabbing her in the back after she took the advice he gave her, and just being a snappy, unhelpful little ingrate.

The next scene further sets up the intricacies of the clean-up. The ponies are divided into three teams: weather, plants, and animals. Each team has its own vest (made by Rarity, naturally) and leaders. And in a really smart and justified move, Fluttershy is not the leader of the animal team; given her personality, she’s probably happier just working from the ground floor and interacting with the animals than trying to manage several ponies at once. The Mayor gives her standard speech, which really isn’t worth going into save for Twilight hopping about as excited as can be. Even Lyra gets in on the exuberance by the end.

And then it happens:

This is what makes the episode so important in the grand scheme of things. The other episodes had songs, but they were all sung by Pinkie, and were more often than not used to parody the idea of songs in My Little Pony. But this is the first genuine, fully-orchestrated, played-straight song in the entire series, and it’s actually really good. The actual tune is just decent, but the visuals help to prop it back up. Things like the sunshine reflecting on Twilight, the visual representations of each task, and of course, those heads that keep popping into the frame from out of nowhere just make things look really good. And the ending, where Twilight suddenly realizes how isolated she is, perfectly represents how most of the rest of the episode is going to go.

We also get our first whiff of trouble here. Rather than have somepony hook up Twilight with a team, everypony wanders off and leaves her to fend for herself. From a narrative standpoint, this is simply to facilitate her moving between the various teams and failing, but when combined with the reveal of the town’s incompetence at the end, it’s obvious that nopony even noticed Twilight was cut loose.

The scene with Rainbow Dash is just there to set up a punchline. That’s it. Twilight doesn’t even fail here, since she lacks the proper body parts needed to even get started.

Her trying to help Rarity is also a short scene, but I really like how it’s set up and paced. Rarity explains the reason why they make nests, thereby proving their Celestia-appointed domination over the Earth and all its creatures, and quickly offers Twilight the chance to join in. And when Twilight gets her pieces, she even divides them all within moments, again showing how organized she is. Unfortunately, she throws herself into the work too quickly, not giving Rarity the chance to give her instructions, and as a result ends up with something that looks like an actual nest rather than a wicker bowl. Rarity being Rarity, she steps in to try and fix the nest by tearing it apart, thus giving Twilight her first failure of the day. And it won’t be the last…

The scene with Pinkie is, again, fairly short, but also has the some good moments. The idea of skating the ice into smaller, easily-meltable pieces is fairly clever in and of itself, and while Twilight’s failure is pretty easy to predict (it’s a basic gag for anything involving ice skating), I loved Pinkie’s attempts to cheer her up…only to immediately clarify that she’s just lying to cheer her up. What I didn’t like was Spike’s attitude, but we haven’t gotten to the worst of it yet…

Fluttershy and the animal team leaves me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I think it’s nice that they didn’t give all of the leadership positions to the Mane 6, seeing as Fluttershy is far more of a follower than a leader. I also loved the adorable animals all coming out of hibernation, including the porcupines pricking each other when they try to hug. And of course, Twilight’s failure here is an epic for the ages. What doesn’t work for me, however, is Spike here. Our little dragon asking about hibernation just feels like a forced educational moment, which is something the show is usually above. And when he gives Twilight the tomato juice bath after the skunks, he suggests that she just give up and use a little magic, which Twilight refuses to do on principle. That one isn’t quite as bad, but as we’ll see later, it’s a direct link to the worst thing he does in the whole episode.

And finally we have Applejack and her team. This whole sequence leaves me with some conflicted feelings about the episode as a whole, but first, the good stuff. I loved AJ’s stunned reaction to Twilight offering to help; at the very least, she knows her friend isn’t cut out for the intense physical labor. I also adored Twilight’s epic attempt to get moving, only to end in another failure. Of course, she decides to take Spike’s advice and…bring the plow to life. This is a very common plot point, and as we’ve seen every time it’s used, it only ends in pain and tears. Of course AJ figures out what’s going on pretty quickly once the pony equivalent of a 90-pound weakling starts pulling her contraption along faster than anypony else, and the whole thing ends with those cartoon snowballs that let your head stick out of the sides and talk normally while you’re rolling without any injury. All of that is perfectly fine and funny.

Where I start having issues, though, is with what happens immediately afterward. Spike finally sinks as low as he can go this episode and berates Twilight for taking the advice he gave her to begin with. If it was something like “Why’d you use such a stupid spell?” or something like that, it would have been more tolerable, but he basically sides with Applejack in the shame session. Speaking of which, Applejack was well within her rights to lecture Twilight on the destruction she caused and putting her team even further behind schedule. But rather than point out how her carelessness lead to a disaster, or how she should’ve quit when she couldn’t move the plow herself rather than try and bring it to life, she tears into her for daring to use her infernal magic during Winter Wrap Up. After all, this is all about how awesome Earth ponies are, and they certainly don’t need any dumb Unicorn powers to actually get this job done.

And then Twilight finally breaks.

Alas, I can hold it in no longer. Remember when I said that this episode bugged me because of the implications? Well, it’s epic rant time.

Winter Wrap Up is a racist holiday built around a stupid tradition.

Look at the specifics of the day itself. As established, Canterlot (and by extension, other towns most likely) simply uses magic to change the seasons, but Ponyville wants to make the changing of the seasons into a community effort. I have no problem with that; in fact, it actually sounds like a lot of fun. But rather than allow all of its inhabitants to use their talents to the fullest, it specifically curtails anywhere from a quarter to a third of its inhabitants from using the abilities they were born with based on an arbitrary tradition. It’s kind of like the story of the family who always cut the ends off their hams for generations, only to discover that the one who started it did it because she couldn’t fit the ham into the oven otherwise and they had just parroted it without asking.

Ponyville was founded by Earth ponies. I do not dispute that, especially since Granny Smith’s story in “Family Appreciation Day” shows us how it happened. However, this is not…however many years ago it was. (Seriously, it keeps changing.) The town is no longer just one family, but a home to all three of the races, all of whom are eager and willing to help keep the town clean, safe and happy. And yet, one day of the year, you have this spiteful tradition where Unicorns, who have access to power and skills that could help the process greatly, are pushed down and treated second-class because that’s how it’s always been. Even worse is that Pegasus ponies are allowed to do their thing without any incident, despite this being about the Earth pony way.

Before anyone says that this is because my favorite pony was crying and sad and all that, if this episode was about Rarity, I would be saying the same thing. She can use her magic to instantly turn tree branches into works of art and create dresses out of curtains. She was also left alone to deal with the nests, which she has turned into loving little homes for the soon-to-return birds. Imagine how many more she could get done if she didn’t have to do it all with only her hooves. But no, she can’t do that. Why? Because tradition. And what about the rest of the Unicorns? If this episode was about Lyra, or Vinyl, or any other Unicorn in Ponyville, it would not change my opinion of Winter Wrap Up. Even if you want to excuse it as magic just making the work too easy, it’s still bunk. We’ve seen that magic requires a great deal of control and strength on the part of the pony using it, and many Unicorns are only capable of using spells that correlate with their special talents. It would still be hard work, but it would be easier for them as a whole. Holding back ponies just to keep everypony equal only does a disservice to the entire group.

And now, let’s look at what happened to Twilight. Her special talent is magic, and she has spent her entire life studying. Despite the fact that the holiday explicitly forbids her using the thing she’s best at, she still sticks to the tradition as best she can. Despite the many times she failed, she wants to be helpful to the town and her friends, and she keeps getting back up and trying again. But she’s not skilled in anything that doesn’t directly relate to magic. She can’t skate, make bird nests, wake up animals, or plow fields. In other words, the entire holiday is tailored to make ponies like her feel worthless and horrible about themselves; they cannot contribute to the community because they’re not allowed to use their natural talents.

The next scene just makes things worse. We learn that not only do they not allow magic, but that despite the Earth pony way being so awesome and traditional, they all fail every year. The town is always late because they’re a disorganized mess, with the teams spending more time feuding with each other than actually working. We’ve seen this through the whole episode. Nopony assigned Twilight a team she would be suited for. Rarity was left alone to do all the nests. Pinkie skated in random circles rather than the straight lines needed to cut the ice into the appropriate sizes. The animal team goes to one burrow at a time, when there are hundreds of them that need attending to. And Applejack’s team is just plowing in every direction and not planting the seeds immediately after the snow has cleared, thus creating an unnecessary extra step.

In closing, either drop the tradition and allow Unicorns to use their magic to help you do your job, or actually do things the “Earth pony way” by dismissing the Pegasi, grabbing some big ladders, and fanning the clouds away yourselves.

Besides my rage boiling over, this scene has a few highlights. We meet Caramel, who would go on to be the Rainbow Dash of M/M shippers. Rarity still trying to fix Twilight’s broken nest was hilarious. And we also first hear about Ditzy Doo, who would go on to be the alternate name for Derpy Hooves. Granted, both aren’t exactly nice names, but for different reasons.

Fortunately, this is where Twilight’s organization skills come into play, as she rallies the town by nearly murdering a small bird to get their attention. (Okay, it’s just a cute gag, but still…) Having been promoted into management, she quickly organizes the entire town, refining each team until they can perform their jobs perfectly. Mostly it’s just a hard work montage, but there’s a lot here to enjoy. Twilight and AJ sharing a hoofbump is heartwarming considering what happened six minutes prior, the Pegasi using a Psycho Crusher to clear the skies was cool to look at, and Twi clinging to a tree branch to avoid any more snakes was just adorable.

And so Spring arrives on schedule, and Twilight learns that she can find the thing she’s talented in after being locked out of the things she already knows she’s talented in. Spike, meanwhile, is left on a chunk of ice to drown. Okay, he just gets a cold, but still, after all the crap he did all episode, he kind of deserves it. As for the other moral, it’s not a bad one, but it still doesn’t sit well with me considering the episode’s implications.


If taken purely at face value, this is a funny, clever episode. It expands on the amount of control ponies have over nature, has a good song, builds on Twilight’s character, and utilizes the cast very well. If you’re like me and can’t avoid breaking the episodes apart, however, this one is writhe with Unfortunate Implications on just about every level, with the entire reason for the holiday taking its time to beat Twilight for something she has zero control over to the point where even Tevye would be telling them they’re taking tradition too far. All in all, it’s still a good episode, but not one of my favorites.


And now, for your viewing pleasure, this thing:

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Comments ( 22 )

Yes, ponies are, as a whole, xenophobic, hateful, imperialist/expansionist hypocrites.

And that's one of the reasons why I don't want to go to Equestria.


On the other hoof, the fact that ponies ARE racist/speciesist/easily panicked/introverted what have you, is one of the reasons why Friendship Is Magic is much more interesting than the previous sing-and-dance-everything-is-happy-I-poop-butterflies-tralala series.

But how about an alternate Winter Wrap-Up, where it is instead Applejack beign xenophobic and trying to squelch everyone's talents just to pig-headedly do the things the traditional way, only in the end to admit that everyone has their own talents and must embrace them and not try to conform to a set mold? We could even make puns about being unique snowflakes! A story like that has already been done a million gazillion times, and is the concentrated reason why the CMC episodes keep falling flat.

As much as I generally like this episode, it has always bugged me that the pegasi get to use their flying to clear the weather despite the whole Earth Pony Way shtick.

Also, pegasi are scary, they can create tornadoes on demand.

I totally agree with you on the whole tradition thing being stupid. Hell, I woulda bust out the big horns immediately and wrapped it up before mid day.

And humans aren't? :rainbowhuh:

You make a fair point about the holiday being a little racist (tribalist), but I don't really see a problem with that fact. Ponyville is supposed to be a small country town in the middle of nowhere, so that's not an entirely surprising attitude, and it fits with their treatment of zebras and such. It doesn't really strike me as being the bigoted hateful kind of racism, more of the well intentioned innocent kind.

Maybe it's a stupid tradition that has no meaningful role to play in modern Equestria, but when the citizens of Ponyville are all coming together as a community and singing happy songs about it (including the unicorns), I think it's rather shallow to criticize it as overtly wrong. Even if the rules were originated (however many decades ago) by an earth pony majority to lockout unicorn immigrants, that's clearly not how anyone in town treats it anymore. Plenty of real world holidays have ugly roots, that doesn't mean we can't leave those in the past, and so embrace what they have come to mean

In closing, either drop the tradition and allow Unicorns to use their magic to help you do your job, or actually do things the “Earth pony way” by dismissing the Pegasi, grabbing some big ladders, and fanning the clouds away yourselves.

Okay I have to say it. My presumption is that " the earth pony way" only ever applied to the typical domains of the earth pony tribe: plants and animals. In the days before any pegasi actually lived in Ponyville I would assume that teams from Cloudsdale or such would come down to move the clouds, thus there never were any earth pony traditions related to weather in the first place.

Spike finally sinks as low as he can go this episode and berates Twilight for taking the advice he gave her to begin with. If it was something like “Why’d you use such a stupid spell?” or something like that, it would have been more tolerable, but he basically sides with Applejack in the shame session.

If he was a mature and responsible adult, you might have point, but Spike is just a child. So it's not surprising to see him lying through his teeth to shift the blame to avoid getting in any trouble.

In a break down, it is not so happy.
But as whole, it is one of my favs, even if annoying sometimes.

Well, as you put it, I agree with your analysis as far as the "earth pony way" and tribalist stuff goes. But, I do still like this episode.... it has a catchy song, and I do enjoy watching it. :twilightsmile:

I still rather like this episode, but I agree that the implications are really unfortunate.

If it was true that "The Earth Pony Way" only applied to the domains of the tribe then they should have no problem using magic to change the seasons, because that is certainly not there domain. In fact, the entirety of changing a season is far from Earth Pony domain. The reason that Pagasi get a pass is out of necessity. They are, after all, the only Pony race capable of controlling the weather, showing again how stupid it is for Earth Ponies to control Winter Rap Up.


Maybe it's a stupid tradition that has no meaningful role to play in modern Equestria, but when the citizens of Ponyville are all coming together as a community and singing happy songs about it (including the unicorns), I think it's rather shallow to criticize it as overtly wrong.

I never said that the spirit of the holiday was wrong, nor that the community aspect was bad. What I said was that the tradition about not using magic was stupid and based on what feels like a racist belief. The reason nopony even thinks about it is because Rarity got lucky with a skill she could use, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy never had magic to worry about, and Pinkie Pie and Applejack simply grew up in or around Ponyville, so they took the tradition as just being so. The rest of the town was just too steeped in their own incompetence to care.

Even if the rules were originated (however many decades ago) by an earth pony majority to lockout unicorn immigrants, that's clearly not how anyone in town treats it anymore.

Applejack apparently missed that memo. :applejackconfused:

Okay I have to say it. My presumption is that " the earth pony way" only ever applied to the typical domains of the earth pony tribe: plants and animals. In the days before any pegasi actually lived in Ponyville I would assume that teams from Cloudsdale or such would come down to move the clouds, thus there never were any earth pony traditions related to weather in the first place.

That doesn't change the fact that there's apparently rules explicitly forbidding magic. As 387883 said, the Pegasi were given a free pass because of necessity, but the Unicorns are just screwed over unless their physical abilities align perfectly with some task. In other words, the tradition is utterly hypocritical in nature. As I said, magic would make it much easier to get things done, but it will still be work, there will still be things Unicorns can't do with their powers, and the town could still work together as a community. Problem solved, everypony happy, insane rambler stops talking.

"immediately after the show has cleared"

Now, that aside...

Why, I!... Completely agree with you. What a stupid tradition!

Winter Wrap Up is a racist holiday built around a stupid tradition.

I am not gonna lie, this was one of the most cathartic things I have ever read. :ajsmug:
I love this episode, but the no magic thing makes me butthurt RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT BUTT HURT :trollestia:
Especially the fact that pegasus flight is totally ok, because that's apparently the earth pony way too. :twilightangry2:
Also, Caramel? I know Twi just done goofed and messed up all that hard work, but you get to STFU mister losses the grass seeds every year. Given how he was snarling at her in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, I don't think he ever let this go.
Okay, butthurts done.


Dang, AJ has a flaw. What isn't it explored more? We need more interesting plots about that.
AJ, you do deserve 6th place now. RD is ahead of you. How about them Apples? :applejackunsure:

My big issue with the episode was that, despite Twilight's talent specifically and explicitly being organization... she apparently waited until the day of the event to figure out what she was going to do.

That seemed way out of character to me. In-character Twilight would have figured it out days in advance, by looking up the town records or asking her friends or whatever. She would have had a task, practiced, and gotten the equipment. That's just how Twilight would act.

And, yeah, the stupid tribalism thing.

Other than that, though, it was an enjoyable episode.

I do believe Rarity missed the part where unicorns are discriminated against...

No, I think it's not unicorns in general... just Twilight. :twilightangry2:

When Twilight opens the door, there is no snow on the ground, clouds in the sky, or anything to mark it as being winter, but when she heads into town later, all of Ponyville is covered in the stuff.

I interpreted this as the animators trying to suggest that she's wicked early - on the order of months. It would have been a better joke if Spike had been trying to point it out the whole time.

Either that or it really is an animation error. Ah well, Season 1 - we can forgive them,

But this is the first genuine, fully-orchestrated, played-straight song in the entire series, and it’s actually really good.

It's important in another way - a lot of nascent bronies say that, on watching the series starting from episode 1, this is the moment they realized that they loved this show, if not necessarily the precise moment that made them love the show. How can you not sing along?

Also, this song made me wonder if Rainbow Dash somehow knows and is able to cast a spell to summon spotlights onto herself and others. She's the first one in-scene here with a spotlight on her, and then later during the "Find a Pet" song she does it again.

There's probably a crack fic in there somewhere.

Winter Wrap Up is a racist holiday built around a stupid tradition.

Yes. Mostly built around keeping unicorns down, too, since as you pointed out, pegasi seem to be allowed the full range of their talents.

I can only guess that, with pegasi and unicorns having such obvious kewlness factors, Cindy Morrow wanted to get the idea across that earth ponies are still important. I think it could have been done better, though. Much better.


Winter wrap-up winter wrap-up...

I know some viewers are complaining about Applejack not apologizing to Twilight for making her cry, but in light of the new successful organized teams organized by Twilight herself, it's quite safe to assume that Applejack DID apologize to Twilight offscreen at some point, unless, of course, you count Applejack's part in her newly organized team as a way of apologizing/making it up to Twilight. Does that sound plausible enough?


Possibly. I just wish they'd show more apologies on-screen than just leave you assuming they happened once the cameras turned away.

1943785 Well, it doesn't really bother me much.

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