• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017

Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

Favourites 309 stories
Found 309 stories in 72ms

Total Words: 6,502,779
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


  • Favourites 309 stories

  • The Good Stuff 71 stories The Best of the Best; my absolute favorites of all time.

  • The Lunar File 74 stories A folder specifically made for all my favorite stories about the Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon

  • The Solar File 30 stories Because Celestia needs love too.

  • Tempest Shadow 24 stories A folder for all stories about best edge-horse.

  • Ponies and People 28 stories Because I like stories about our world meeting Equestria an watching the sparks fly.

  • The New Generation 25 stories


  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed
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