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One moment leads to another. There's a box sitting outside a house at night. It brings thoughts about the contents during the small hours and in time, there's a new kind of box. Something small, something which leads to little meetings in the dark.

The smallest things can change a life.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bad Decisions Make Better Stories

Sunset Shimmer's class at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns is having a reunion, and naturally she is a tad surprised to find out just exactly what they've been up to since the last time she saw them. Especially after what happened during their *ahem* last class gathering.

And this time at least, everything is definitely not her fault.

Oh, dear.

Rated Teen and Sex for mentions of egregious sexual irresponsibility, very mild pony bad language, and Princess Cadance. No actual sex. Also has minor Sunlight shipping. I'm terribly sorry, I can't help it.

Contains spoilers for the the Season 6 finale and the prequel story, but can be enjoyed without having seen either. Though little bits here and here may not make sense.

PrincessColumbia has written an unofficial sequel to this story!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer's Very Respectable Class Reunion

Sunset Shimmer tries her hoof at Equestrian diplomacy. After all, she had an entire high school full of hormonal primate teenagers eating out of her hoof... hand. A bunch of pleasant, sedate ungulates should totally be a cinch, especially with Twilight's help.

What could possibly go wrong?


This time at least, it is very clearly all Sunset's fault.

The awesome cover vector is by Umbra-Neko (who also has a whole gallery of similar vectors with different ponies) and used with her very kind permission.

This story can be enjoyed without reading its prequels.

Rated Teen and Sex for mentions of egregious sexual irresponsibility. No actual sex.

Contains minor (Pony) SunLight shipping. I'm sorry, I can't help it.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always loved Celestia—as a friend, and a mentor, and something else as well. And she finally, finally found the courage to admit those feelings.

Celestia turned her down as gently as she could. That's what she thought, anyway.

But the night is still young—and it's a night for being wrong.

[Rated T for suggestive sexual content. This story takes place between the Season 2 and 3 finales. Additionally, I wasn't able to find the artist who did the cover art, if anyone knows please drop me a line so I can credit them.]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Stitch in Time

Having discovered the message left for her by Star Swirl the Bearded in the distant past, Twilight once again finds herself caught up in the middle of a struggle against forces far greater than herself. In order to even stand a chance she'll need to travel further and wider than she ever has, and forge some unlikely alliances with old enemies. All to bring down the powers that have manipulated and shaped her entire life, and retake control of her own future.

The conclusion of the Time Loop Trilogy, which began with Hard Reset
Available in Spanish thanks to dgs1993
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (10)

Do you remember that one time when you and your fashion understudy got drunk and made love? Rarity doesn't.

Cover Art by RuinedOmega

Chapters (1)

The 19th Equestrian Alicorn Council is now in session! The Council is the current ruling body of Equestria, on which sits every alicorn in the country.

There's just one problem. The council is currently comprised of 84% of Equestria's population.

Princess Sugarcoat, the official speaker of the council, investigates just exactly how this state of affairs began.

Turns out, it's all Cadance's fault.

Trigger warnings: Alicorns making fun of Twilight Sparkle and Cadance.

Rated Teen and Sex for a giant pile of sex-related idiocy.

Chapters (1)

Swansong, an exiled changeling, is living in Equestria; surviving by any means she can. There’s a reason it’s considered Equestria’s second oldest profession. Swansong ekes out a living as best she can, until she finds herself in an impossible situation; she has laid an egg, a privilege normally restricted to the Queen’s brood.

As the the little hatchling grows, Swansong knows something is wrong. The child eats regular pony food, and she feels the love emanating from it. Her fellow changelings would either steal the child as a resource, to be fed on until she died; or they would kill her as an abomination.

She knows this, because being around the child makes her hungry herself.

Chapters (2)

For the past ten centuries, Princess Celestia ruled alone with a gentle touch, waiting for her sister to return from exile. Twilight Sparkle reunited her with Luna and banished Nightmare Moon away.

For the past ten centuries, Queen Solar Flare ruled alone with an iron hoof, accepting that she would never again see her sister after Nightmare's mysterious disappearance. Until one fateful day when she too was reunited with her sister, thought long dead.

But years later, when Luna discovers a tether of Nightmare Moon's magic in her mind, the veil is breached once more. What strange interactions will occur when the symmetry between these two worlds is broken?

For antiquity, featured 10/29/14, 11/22/14, 12/18/14

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash is having trouble coming to terms with something about herself and seeks the help of her friends.

Contains ponies with non-hetero sexualities. You have been forewarned.

Chapters (9)