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Taylor trap in the locker called out for help, ends up summoning Hasbro heroes. Now the world of Worm now have some old fashion heroes to save the day.

Chapters (8)

Nightmare Night has come again, and Spellbound has been permitted to open a stall for Ponyville's yearly festival to sell her wares. No one who knows her better realizes what they're in for...

Something I wrote for a contest in a Discord server. Dipping my toes into multiple kinky things. Hope it does something for you!

Content warning: Weight gain, blueberry, inflation (air)

Chapters (6)

Sunnie Bun and Velvet Melody don't fight often. Much at all, really.

Until one day, when the Blue Bee Dessert Diner is tasked with supplying an entire town's worth of milkshakes for a celebration, Velvet makes a purchase without Sunnie's knowledge: a machine that can make gallons upon gallons of milkshakes.

Sunnie, is of course, extremely displeased, and after an argument, Sunnie decides that she should at least taste the machine's shakes, if only to try and see it from Velvet's side.

Question is, can she stop at just a taste?

*contains weight gain to large sizes, stuffing, burps, all the good stuff. Viewer discretion is advised*

Based on a YCH done by the man himself, @GraphenesCloset on twitter. Full image here!

Chapters (1)

Sunnie Bun and Velvet Melody have a big problem, namely a milkshake so bad they didn't sell a single glass. Now they're sitting on nearly forty gallons of nigh-undrinkable sludge that needs to disappear tonight, and they've run out of ideas.

That is, until the perfect pegasus for the situation decides to stop in for a visit. Soulful Radiance, master chef and all-around expert belly rubber, decides to pop in for a chat and a shake, and gets a little more than he bargained for.

With his help, drinking forty gallons should be a breeze for the two tubby mares, right?

*content warning: weight gain, stuffing, belches, all the good stuff. Also some mare-on-mare making out and sexual themes. Viewer discretion is advised*

A little story for Soulful, who’s been a homie since day one 💛
Cover image done by Yellow-Throated Warbler (@/Migratory_pimp on twitter.) Full image here!

Chapters (1)

Model railroads. An amazing hobby, cherished by many for generations, Human and Pony alike. However, for one Human in Ponyville, Beau West, his basement model railroad holds a dark secret from a troubled past. One that's accidentally discovered by Rumble, a younger friend of his

(WARNING. This story contains dark themes, and is not for young children. Also, the character of Lightningroad is R63 Thunderlane in this story)

This story is also set in the same Universe as "6 Old Gravel Cars", though is not a direct sequel

Chapters (1)

The RMS Queen Mary. At one time she was one of the most famous ocean liners in the world, being in service from 1936-1967, having carried 2,112,000 passengers over 3,792,227 miles, and serving in WW2 as a troopship, and even surviving nearly being capsized by a rogue wave in 1942. She'd seen so much during her career, but by 1967, passenger numbers were falling due to jet travel becoming widespread, operating costs were skyrocketing, and with heavy hearts, the Cunard Line announced that they were retiring the Queen Mary, but that her fate wouldn't be the scrapyard. Instead, she was going to be moored in the city of Long Beach, California as a hotel and floating museum. She left Southampton for the last time on October 31st, 1967, and reached Long Beach on December 9th, and after all of her passengers and crew had disembarked, the conversion work of preparing the ship to become a hotel and museum was about to begin, but the ship's Soul had other ideas

For the Soul of the Queen Mary had seen the future, and she knew what her ship's fate would be if she didn't act. She would be nearly wholly gutted below R-Deck, almost all of her machinery would be removed for a useless sea life museum that would close within 10 years, all of her 2nd Class, 3rd Class, and Crew Cabins, along with almost all spaces on these decks would be removed, and her new owners would run her ship into the ground, prioritizing profits over taking care of her, allowing her to fall into deplorable shape for decades. Not wanting this to be her ship's fate, the Queen Mary's Soul took control over the now empty, but still nearly fully-intact ship, fired up her boilers, engines, and other machinery, got her propellers spinning, and after yanking her ship clear of the dock she was moored to, damaging both it and the dock in the process, the Soul of the Queen Mary made for the wide open Pacific Ocean. Her destination? A place she'd heard whispered about during her ship's career; Equestria. A land of peace, harmony, Ponies, and hopefully in need of an ocean liner. With the owners, and various naval assets in hot pursuit of the fugitive ocean liner, the Queen Mary makes a desperate dash for the portal to Equestria, located in the Bermuda Triangle, her only hope of freedom.

This story is the result of an idea that I couldn't get out of my head after doing lengthy studies of the RMS Queen Mary, and noting that this site has a distinct lack of any stories related to the OG ocean liners that aren't the Titanic, so I decided to change that. This story would be rated "E", but due to a number of instances of the use of profanity throughout, it must be rated "T" instead. Other than this, I really hope that you enjoy this story, as well as its very unique twist-ending

Chapters (1)

As the snow falls across the land in preparation of Heartswarming Eve, ponies went about their business. Buying presents, cooking delicious food, hanging decorations. It was all apart of the upcoming holiday season. Even so, there were still some problems that would inevitably slow things down. A celebration was to be held in the Crystal Empire for the 5th anniversary of the kingdom's return, but something stopped anypony from reaching the northern kingdom. Heavy snow blocked the tracks that lead north, causing delays to come to Equestria's railways. And for most, this would put a major damper on the party plans. But as the ruler of the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence would not let this stop her kingdom from being celebrated. And so, with the help of a friend, she sets of in search of an answer. But the answer she gets, is not what she was thinking of.

Note: Big Thanks to Auta5tic for being an amazing Co-author!

Chapters (2)

Twilight and her friends had it rough this year. But, they’ll meet new citizens of Everwilde that will hopefully cheer them up.

Chapters (28)

An ancient evil from the Imagisphere called the Negativitron strikes Equestria and Craftworld as he threatens to destroy both universes. It's up to the Mane 6 and Sackboy to team up to stop the Negativitron from bringing Negativity in both universes but with the help of the Alliance!

A crossover between MLP and LittleBigPlanet 2.

MLP is owned by Hasbro

LittleBigPlanet is owned by Sony.

Chapters (1)

4 Rabbids with their time washing machine traveled to Equestria to explore their zany crazy adventures for the fun. However... After being discovered by Twilight Sparkle Spike in Ponyville, as they heard Ponies screaming out of their lives from the Rabbids, without even knowing of the existence of their time washing machine, the 4 Rabbids soon realize that they're a very special case, mainly on Ponies, which leads them to believe the ponies are a threat to them as their slaves.

From an Egghead & Fashion Unicorn, Cow & Party Earth Pony, Shy & Cool Pegasus, three little fillies, royal alicorns, and familiar faces who would want those pesky Rabbids for their personal gain, as the 4 Rabbids now run for their lives as everypony is out to get them, and plans to escape and leave Equestria when they remember to find their Time Washing Machine.

Will these Rabbids escape this pony neigh say nightmarish dream of a game, will they succeed in escaping Equestira, or will an equestrian filled with chaos magic aid their help and win them over to squat the ponies?

Inspired by 'Get Him!' by TJHoofer.

Chapters (1)