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After being neglected and overlooked too much, Spike decides he needs a friend of his own that has nothing to do with Twilight or the rest of the girls. Seeing as how he knows every pony in Ponyville he decides the next best thing. Build a friend. With a robot friend and the girls realizing how much they hurt Spike can they make it up to the dragon before he decides that his robot is the only friend he needs.

Takes place following the events of season 7 and the MLP movie, but before season 8 begins.

Chapters (11)

The Venom symbiote finds itself in Equestria where it meets Spike an orphan who is outcast by the world. Together they will make sure that the galaxy fear them and tremble at their,very existence.

CROSSOVER: Spider-Man & Marvel comics

Chapters (7)

Everyone in equestria is surprised when the lamb arrives and shakes up the status quo. I decided to combine two things i love, Cult of the Lamb & My little pony. Be warned, there will be descriptions of things in cult of the lamb, but nothing too bloody or gory.

Chapters (4)

A Metroid Crossover

A meteor, resistant to magical manipulation, crashes in Equestria, Planet Equis, and soon spreads an unknown poison throughout the land. Containment is all but failing and the Princesses have little power to stop the spread of the Great Poison. The Elements of Harmony are of little use as no knowledge exists of this threat that consumes all life. Help comes from a certain Hunter, clad in metal.

Samus Aran will not only fight for her life as always, but her own sanity as well as these ponies that she begrudgingly starts seeing as allies. New horrors and abilities await her as a reason to fight slowly festers within her, possibly unlocking something she had been denied for so long: Friendship.

Notes and Resources:

This takes place after Echoes. The events of Corruption will have not happened yet. In terms of MLP, consider everything up to and including the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight does not exist here, etc. The official Metroid Timeline can be found here.

As well, this story references the manga in many places. Reading of it is not required and I try my best to explain the context, but if you're interested, both volumes can be found here.

EDIT: This story was written over two and a half years, beginning in 2013. You'll probably notice the difference in writing as the chapters progress.

Chapters (59)

The name's Jack, imagine sleeping in college and realizing you overslept in college, when a 22 year old guy aka me, tries to go to class in said college what happens? I get teleported to a place full of lion chickens as a spicy chicken. What does a guy like me do? Kicking, lots and lots of kicking.

Now I'm here with no one to help me except for some edgy chickens, wooden wolves, and this weird chicken who won't stop bothering me! Well, not helping but annoying, yeah that's the word for it.

I'm a martial artist, in a world full of adventure, "friendship", and frustration because NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME!!!!!!! Except for the wooden wolves but shut up. This is going to be fun.

Featured: 4/11/2024 RAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

Notice me, Eevee Verse person!

Chapters (2)

*Cover art made by _Vidz_

3/14/2015 100 Likes? Wow... I never expected this. Thanks :)

A simple purchase. That's all it was. All that was bought was some kind of item that looked like it was from the game. How the hell did it cause a cross-dimensional or otherworldly transport to another place where every damn member of it was a colorful, talking horses?!

That is the life of Drake Blackwood, a American gamer who makes his life testing, playing, and of course improving games. On one of his day offs, he had gone to a gamer con, dressed as what he believed a Summoner would be from DOTA 2. While there he purchased a object that looked like a item from DOTA 2, but unbeknownst to him it would rip him from one world and to another.

How would a human react to a situation like this? Could he be a hero or villain? Well... depends on his mood and of course what the hell he could do.

*Notes: Other tag is for other characters and the girls are a Level 3.5 on the Anthro scale.

Gore tag is because of some of the powers of heroes, I.E. Axe's Culling Blade or Phantom Assassin's Coup de Grace.

Dark tag is because of some heroes attitudes and how they would deal with a villain.

Takes place after Season 2 pilot episodes.

(Additional tag: Adventure)

Chapters (5)

"I was normal once. Yes! I was, don´t give me that look. Its just that the...circumstances changed, so I had to change as well."

A normal, well not so normal, but still at least a little bit normal, boy named Kyle was about to go on a costume party and on the way he ran into a certain merchant who just happens to have the last little thing that completed his Cosplay. What that merchant forgot to say though was that he would be sucked into another dimension full of cheerfull magical ponies as soon as he´d touched it. A common story right? Well, this story is a little bit different.

Chapters (3)

There once was a time, long before the ponies came together to build their great nation, when spirits and fae creatures roamed the land. A man, little more than a boy, was brought into the land as a sylvan, a soul locked into a tree. He has a tale that the Sisters do not want their subjects to know. Thus they ensnared him, tricked him, and wounded him greatly as to keep the then ancient beast silent. But little did they know that no one can silence great forest he called his home, his kingdom

The Everfree...

Any and all Olde Tymey style dialouge is written by NewKidOnTheBlock He is also my editor. He is the TITS!
Yeah, jumping on this bandwagon with the LoHAV gang. Seems that I can't seem to get away from the wood motif. This was initially inspired by Headless, Not Heartless and various others, but only now do I actually get to it.

Chapters (2)

Connor is your average guy in his mid-twenties. He has a stable home life but can't help but feel his parents are hiding something from him. After going camping, he wakes to find himself in Equestria and sets out to make the most of his time there. But interesting discoveries are made along the way, along with the attention of fiery maned pegasus mare....

Note: There is some use of strong language in this story. Also MLP (sadly) doesn't exist in this story. The story starts around half way through the first season.

Note 2 (26/12/16): Sex tag added (during writing for Chapter 25) for obvious reasons. Nothing explicit or detailed but things implied and use of innuendo.

Note 3: This story finally got featured on 3/8/2017. YAY! (Or at least that's when I first noticed)

Chapters (41)

Queen Chrysalis, over the course of a war she wishes never happened, has learned regret. While some would say that it is never too late to change, the Queen believes that her fate has long been decided, and that Death has come knocking on her door. Imprisoned within Canterlot she waits out what may be her final days.

Chapters (11)