• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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After winning a trip to Equestria at a brony convention, I was ecstatic. I was fully expecting to wind up in Ponyville and meet Twilight and the gang. Instead, things were radically different. I found my way to Bridlewood and met a unicorn who seemed to captivate me.

This story is a first pony account of my OC, Stormchaser.

This story takes place prior to the events of the movie.

Rated teen and tagged sex for implied sex.

Chapters (5)

Pax was as normal as normal could get.

He was a normal earth pony, with uninteresting cutie mark, and uninteresting future. Pax refused to accept his role in life, he wanted to be a great hero, save Equestria! Just like the six elements of harmony!

However during his attempts he found an old a sealed away evil. Without knowing the danger, Pax struck a deal with the creature and gained the powers he needed to become a hero!

Unknown to him, he had unleashed an unrelenting evil upon the lands. After being confronted and exposed, Pax was locked away as the elements tried to seal the creature away once again.

Wanting to make up for his mistakes, Pax sacrifices himself, bonding with the creature, trapping it inside himself and then seals them both away.

Now he's trapped for eternity, leaving him to deal with his shame and guilt...

Chapters (4)

We are all familiar with the story of the Canterlot Wedding, where the queen of the changelings foalnaps and impersonates Princess Cadance during her wedding as a ploy to invade the city with her army. Yet there is another Equestria out there where the roles of the impersonated and the impersonator are a little different.

We enter at the wedding ceremony; the nobles, the friends and family, the bride and groom have gathered, but the best mare hasn't been seen since her outburst at the rehearsal...

Chapters (1)

Meet Pat the changeling. He's in Ponyville on an exchange programme to further pony-changeling relationships.

Based on the small changeling that appeared briefly in Slice of Life.

Chapters (1)

The banishing of Nightmare Moon has brought much suffering to thestrals throughout Equestria. They are seen as servants to a wicked manifestation of the night, and are treated accordingly. Many officials, including the mayor of Manehattan, use every opportunity to gain from this abuse.

Yet the spirit of the bat-winged ponies is not so easily broken. Count Shadow Wing leads a band of Thestrals to demand their rights be returned... or else.

Chapters (1)

Canterlot City has seen more than its fair share of craziness, but it's about to get even weirder. Cars without drivers? Mysterious meteorites? Sunset Shimmer and her friends are about to learn that when it comes to things in this world, there's almost always more than meets the eye.

Sidenote; let it be known that I am by no means an artist; my best work involves Hero Forge, so if anyone wants to do fanart of any scenes or designs in this fic, I am 100% okay with that.

Chapters (60)

Princess Celestia has met many individuals whom she could call friends during her life. But given the fact she does not age like they do, she cannot bring herself to be there when they pass on. Still grieving after being forced to banish her own sister to the moon, she cannot face the prospect of losing those close to her.

Anthony, however, is the last human in Equestria; he is also the next to go. Now Celestia is determined to face her fears so she can be with him at the end.

Chapters (1)

Tai is college student who despite being in a not so bad position in life, isn't so happy. Having never been much of a social person, he's now reached a point of boredom and loneliness. His life is turned around when a strange girl teleports into his living room one night with no memory of who she is. Now finding himself stuck with a roommate, Tai's life takes a turn for the better as this girl starts to show him what he's been missing all these years. And in the end, the two might become a little bit more than just friends.

This story was inspired by My Little Dashie, Enchanted, Lois and Clark and all the humanized pony fan art out there.

Audio Reading on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqP5ou9cK_4&index=1&list=PL0fzo-8cnvinWfxKAOeSLD6Me03vBy_Zi

Chapters (12)

In an attempt to promote the 500 HP 2020 Mustang, Ford puts 500 Super Bowl tickets in a shipment of Matchbox Mustangs and sends them to Canterlot.

Unicorns don't really understand American Football, but they do understand supporting a team . . . perhaps a little too well. Especially after a few beers.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and the girls of Canterlot High travel to New York to take on the Dazzlings who have allied with a mad man bent on revenge. The girls only hope to face the trio of sirens and their ally is in the form of four mutant turtles, their master, and their two human friends. MLP/Ninja Turtles crossover.

Inspired from a fan video.

Chapters (19)