• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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I've been stuck in this world for just over a year now. In that time I've run into mythical monsters, physics-defying ponies, and actual, real magic.

Oh yeah, and the rulers control the sun and moon.

But that doesn't matter, because I know the cutest pony that ever lived.

(Featured on 6/7/24-6/10/24). Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!)

Now with Russian translation by Mordaneus: https://ficbook.net/readfic/01903ca6-89dc-794c-8698-867eb80a7d99

Chapters (1)

This story takes place, after season 9 of MLP:FIM
When twilight is crowned the ruler of Canterlot and the agreement between the mane 6 is stated, that every now and then, they all gather at Canterlot castle and catch up as friends.

This story follows Twilight taking action as her friends begin to stop showing up, one by one. Eventually going to Ponyville.
As twilight arrives there, she notices that not everything is as it may seem.


All chapters (apart from chapter 1) are inspired by the author Junji Ito, in what happens to the characters. If you haven read any of Junji ito's work i would highly recommend you do. He is a body horror manga artist, and is very talented in his craft. He is one of my favorite authors as of writing this series

Chapters (8)

Last night, Dusk Shine-favorite student of Prince Helios and newly ascended alicorn-went to bed in a Ponyville where all of his friends were stallions and a major event was about to happen the next day. When he woke up, Dusk Shine had swapped placed with an alicorn mare named Twilight Sparkle. And, all of the friends and ponies that were male in his Ponyville were now female.

But, with the Princes (or is that Princesses?) coming tomorrow, Dusk Shine has no time to figure out what happened or what went wrong. Preparations need to be made and friends need to be consulted to get ready for the event. After all, everything else was just like his Ponyville. Surely it shouldn't be a problem, right?


A story that is inspired by and runs parallel with One Of Those Days by Taranth.

Proof reading and editing help provided by Door Matt.

Chapters (9)

Camping with Fluttershy was a very enlightening experience, to say the least. After all, there was something about the timid, shy pegasus that would send your insides fluttering. Was it her voice? Her caring personality? The way she would smile at you?
You were about to find out.

Chapters (1)

As Ponyville's self appointed animal helper, Fluttershy takes responsibility for all the critters around town. And with Fall already deep underway, she overworks herself to make sure all the animals are prepared for the long winter months. At least this time she won't be alone, as you offer to lend her a hand.

Maybe she actually won't work herself ragged this year. Maybe she planned ahead and started early? Or maybe did the same as she always does. Regardless, you'll be there to help the beautiful pegasus... And hopefully not make a fool of yourself in front of your crush.

AN: Just something small I started a while back. This started as a RP with a friend of mine (you know who you are.) So It's not perfect, it's just a little cute romance story involving YOU and Fluttershy. The dialog from you is implied, just trying a different writing style as I like to do.

I hope you enjoy, partially inspired by the cover photo. Feel free to point out errors, it's only proofread by me, once through mostly. So there is bound to be errors.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has a long standing policy of not letting Discord alter reality for her benefit. She won't let him make her unfathomably rich. She won't let him give her untold power. She won't even let him make her immortal.

But she has taught him that friends are allowed to give gifts and help each other.

So if he can make everypony in Equestria her friend, then they'll just give her everything she could ever want!

The plan's flawless!

He's so smart.

Featured 12/26/2023 - 12/28/2023!

Written as a gift for for PseudoBob Delightus as part of Jinglemas 2023!

Chapters (1)

Octavia, Vinyl and Lyra are on a night out to check the underground music scene in Canterlot. They weren't sure what to expect, but when the band get on stage there is a huge surprise for the trio to process.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends are leaving for a week-long vacation, leaving Ponyville in the very capable hooves of Lyra and Bon-Bon.

What's the worst that could happen?

Written for the February Write-Off.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has gone three months without Tank by her side. Now, it's time to get him back.

Based on the ending of the episode Tanks for the Memories.

Preread by ZOMG!
Edited by Zodiacspear!

Chapters (1)

Luna begins to question her understanding of the modern day language when she finds that nopony wants to be gay with her.

Olde meaning
'Light-hearted and carefree.'

Reading by Skijarama / Tone Shift

Chapters (2)