• Member Since 31st May, 2020

Spazz Kid

Vacant Tawna stare. || Harshwinny's loving husband.

Second Person Stuff 436 stories
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Estimated Reading: 1 week



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This story is a sequel to Sweet Nightmares

As a spy for Celestia, you are tasked with a mission to retrieve information regarding the commanding officer of the invading Storm King, Tempest Shadow. But you were captured, and, all alone with only her, Tempest begins her interrogation. What she discovers from you might finally calm the tempest in her head and lift a shadow from her heart.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon was victorious, and Equestria now belongs to her. Her rule is absolute. Those that question her face severe consequences. Those that don't have adjusted to the new regime.

However, despite her power and authority, Nightmare Moon is not infallible. No matter how determined one might be, ruling a nation is hard. Sometimes, she just needs to lie down and breathe. Some cuddles would be nice, too.

Thankfully, you're more than ready to help with that.

Chapters (1)

You were never one for going out of your way for relationships. You always believed that when it happened, it happened. You'd know when the right one came along, that kind of thing. However, the annual Canterlot High Winter Ball is approaching, and it would be uncouth of you not to have a date. At least that's how Rarity put it.

You reiterate that you're fine, that you don't need the help, but the girls won't listen. So here you are, standing in a club with 7 wing-girls who won't take no for an answer. At least the odds are in your favour, right?

Authors note: I've been sitting on this idea of a story for about 3-4 years now, so the canon of this story is probably waaay out by now, and my knowledge of EQG was always cloudy at best. It's also my first attempt at anything longer than a few paragraphs. Enjoy it for the cluster-flip it is.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Look, I Have Extremely High Standards

You and Moondancer have grown very close since your date last month. Unfortunately, she lives in Canterlot while you still live in Ponyville, and most of your communication occurs through letters. So, when the opportunity arises for the two of you to meet once more during the Princess Procession, a parade-like event held in Canterlot every year, you were ecstatic to finally have an excuse to see each other again. Twilight, wanting an excuse of her own to get you and Moondancer together even during the event itself, arranged for an important job at the end of the parade to be handled by the two of you.

However, after Moondancer fails to show up at the place you agreed to meet at, you stumble upon an opened, enchanted manga in her living room. Fearing the worst, you hop inside.

Now, the two of you must swallow your pride and live out the events of Equestria's most popular slow burn romance manga to return to the real world. But with the Princess Procession having already started, you'd better get through it quickly if you want to return to the parade before its conclusion!

Chapters (6)

Ms. Harshwhinny is a bit infamous for her cold, serious demeanor. She's a mare that knows how to get things done. She's a professional, for crying out loud!

How you, a human, ended up getting ordered around by her is a long story. Either way, you have some very serious business to attend to tonight.

Chapters (1)

Your wife, the ex-princess Celestia, likes to spend much of her newfound free time exploring Equestria. Today, she has decided to take you with her to Manehattan, where shopping, sights, and more await you. You aren't complaining, but Manehattan isn't exactly your favorite place.

Perhaps you'll both get more than you bargained for.

Chapters (1)

Part of The Nexus-verse.

You've been trying your best to keep It together, since you got here that Is. You've been taking mission after mission since you joined the slayers. You think maybe It was your way of running? So you'd never get the chance to really stop and think. Looking back on It that was a mistake.

I mean there was no way you could have known that you would botch the mission and those guards would die! Right? Well either way, you've found yourself here at the Broken Horseshoe. One of Ponyville's taverns. One thing that's for certain however, Is that you didn't know you'd find a kindred spirit, In the form of a pony named Berry punch.

Gore for flashbacks describing deaths.
Some musical accompaniment to help sent the mood.

Chapters (1)

A cuddlefic involving you, the reader, and horse-sized ponies. Cover art by me. Edited by Kaidan

Higher res cover photo and an alternate can be found here.

Around a year ago, you were found unconscious in some reeds by the bank of Ponyville's river. With very little intact memories and nowhere else to go, Twilight Sparkle took you under her wing at the castle. She and Spike quickly became your found family in this new world. It helped that you fit right in with your voracious reading habit, almost enough to rival Twilight's. "Reader the Human" became your name over time and you saw a counselor, Mrs. Tendercare, about the issues that followed you through whatever portal took you here.

Now, you fight against your own negative self-talk as you do the taboo, and ask Twilight for a hug.

Chapters (1)

14 Equestrian Code § 31 Refusal of Cuddling Invitation. "Anycreature who refuses to cuddle another, so long as the invitation is polite, commits a Class B Felony, punishable by a maximum of 8 months in prison, a fine of 10,000 bits, or both."

New cover art by my good friend DivineRoyalty.

EDIT: 2nd place featured day of posting, 3/23/20!
EDIT: And 1st place featured on the morning of 3/24/20! Wohoo!

Chapters (2)