• Member Since 18th Dec, 2020


The Voice from the Works.

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Applejack believes her 25th birthday party will be just like any other birthday party. She ends up being wrong in the sweetest way possible.

Contest Entry for both the ApplePie Contest and the Thousand Word Contest 😃
Alt tag for different pairing than in post-finale canon.
Applepie art by storfulsten!

Chapters (1)

Soarin and Braeburn find each other over several lifetimes.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest II Contest in the Slice of Life Category.

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder.

Written for the Bisexual Contest Speedwrite in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.

Chapters (3)

Rarity will be there when Rainbow opens her eyes, she has to be.

Thanks to Scriblits Talo for making the cover, and helping with the writing.

Thanks to PseudoBob Delightus for proofreading.

Thanks to ThePeer for pre-reading.

Thanks to Meadowsys for pre-reading.

Now with a reading done by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire is just minding her business flying past Ponyville, when she sees somepony fall out of a tree.

Originally written for the Quills and Sofas "L is for Lesbian" Pride contest.

Now with a great reading by RainbowInfinityReadings, here!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has crashed into the library one too many times without consequences and Twilight has had enough. She decides to teach the brash pegasus a lesson she won't forget by putting her new status to use.

Edited by The Elusive Ninjay

Chapters (1)

Rarity was summoned by the Cutie Map to Ponyville's park, solo. However, there were no friendship problems in sight; the only thing that seemed to be waiting for Rarity was a lake.

According to Princess Twilight, the map was functionally normally, so there had to be something going on for the magical map to take action. Or could a certain troll be at work?

EDIT: Now has an audio reading here by TheLegendaryBillCipher


Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Postal Service used to be MUCH more dangerous.

"Now that we've invented paper," Princess Celestia tried to explain to her sister Luna, "we can send a message to another pony without the necessity to write the message on a THIRD pony, let alone ordering that third pony, upon pain of death, to seek out the recipient and display their flank."

(cover image source: I cropped and edited part of an official MLP comic to make a better cover image for this story.)

Chapters (1)

After an attempt at soapbox racing leaves the Cutie Mark Crusaders with nothing but a coating of tree sap, they decide to try a new scheme to gain their cutie marks, based on a conversation Apple Bloom overheard and Sweetie Belle's memory of one of Rarity's romance novels.

Because what could possibly go wrong?

Now with an audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions
Now with an audio reading by Rainbow Infinity Readings!

Chapters (1)

It's a gorgeous summer day in Ponyville, and both Tempest Shadow and Twilight Sparkle both have a bit of a situation on their hooves—they both want to take advantage of the nice weather and go on a relaxing date to get away from the chaos of the world.

But Twilight and Tempest both have very different ideas as to what they want out of dates. And, to make it more complicated, neither of them have ever been on a date before. So, seeking advice from their friends, the two wrestle with their feelings for each other and push to make this first date go well. At the end of the day, though, they are both still too afraid to ask.

My first story on FIMFiction; the first of many, I hope!

Chapters (3)