• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014


What's the meaning of life? Well its to live it to the the fullest, we only have one life after all.

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"I can't believe I overlooked something as simple as feathers. It's no wonder you were having trouble. I wish I had more 'dragonish' knowledge to give you..."

Those words will have far reaching consequences when Twilight took those words to heart and contacted the one dragon that she thought could help: Dragon Lord Ember. Whom she sends will shake the very foundations of history and magic.

New cover as of 9/22/23
Also how the hey did this get featured? (9/18/22)

Chapters (26)

Sweetie Belle's job at the national radio station, Equestria Public Radio, had been a major success. Working her way up from newbie audio technician to host in just a few months, every show she did every weekend was just another joyous radio where she could share her interests with the world. Every weekend night, she would come on and serenade the world with her personal jazzy picks and talk to so many people about whatever interests or idiosyncrasies they had. The only thing was, no one knew it was Sweetie behind the mic. All they knew was Lady Luxury was more than willing to listen to each and every one of her viewers.

Spike was lonely after he came to terms with Rarity's lack of affection. Months and years pining after her and barely a hint of reciprocated affection. While on a year long trip around Equestria, Spike had a lot of time to think and after days and days of soul searching and consideration, he realized the affection he held for Rarity's little sister just bubbling under the surface. A long time friend and companion, he was conflicted, so he called in to his favourite radio show to ask for advice.

A sweet wholesome fic about Radio host Sweetie Belle and Lonely Listener Spike. A web of love and pseudonyms inevitably to be unraveled. Will love withstand the deception?

Rated T for innuendo, crude humor, and mild profanity.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to A Growing Fire In My Heart

It's been twenty years since Ember and Spike have gotten together as a couple and much has change. Not only have The Dragon Lands prospered, but they, and other nations, have come together to form the Alliance of Harmony. United by friendship, it seems a golden age of peace have come to the world as their tenth anniversary approaches. Spike believes it is a good time to finally propose marriage to Ember, having decided to take her as his life mate.

However, the shadows of the past have returned as Tyranus Redskull, the last of the clan that sought to usurp Ember, has been gathering strength and an army of exiled dragon clans for the last twenty years for revenge. He seeks now the legendary blade of the First Dragon Emperor, Imperiax , and use its near divine like power to unite the dragons under his rule and restore the Ancient Dragon Empire with war and blood. To do this, he must travel to the unknown lands of the west that none have returned from.

Spike, Ember, and others are forced to travel there to stop him for the sword is so powerful it could bring every creature to its knees. Can Spike and Ember find the strength to stop Tyranus? Will their love be a weakness or a strength in the end? Will the peaceful world where all creatures are united survive or will the flames of war burn it to ashes?

Please Help Out At the TV Tropes Page

Chapters (13)

Spike Drake, a rich teenage boy from Canterlot, Maine discovers that he is half dragon, he must master his dragon powers with the help of his family and friends and protect Canterlot and the world from evildoers who lust for power and world domination. Along the way, Spike falls in love with his six childhood friends and he also attracts other girls and women.

Equestrians in this story have five hoof-like toes and are fertile until approximately age 55. Earth ponies in this franchise are known as earth-borns.

This is my first Spike harem story. This is inspired by Wildcard25's Spike harem stories.

Chapters (26)

Spike finds out a sad secret about Scootaloo. The secret brings the two if them closer. Scoots starts to feel weird around Spike as they become closer. What will happen? Will anything change? A Scoots x Spike story!

Chapters (9)

Thorax fears Queen Chrysalis is starting a new hive and planning on attacking his, he asks the mane six for an impossible tasks, but Spike and the CMC decide to take the spot, but the decision will change them and their lives forever

Story request by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/288987/chazkopa

Art by: https://www.deviantart.com/bokkathfoxrabbit

Story is based of of a comic chazkopa commissioned.

Grammar fixes done by: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/322554/damiranc1

Changeling cmc and spike: https://www.deviantart.com/bokkathfoxrabbit/art/chazkopa-Request-Changeling-Apple-Bloom-823471689




Link to comic it's based on: https://www.deviantart.com/bokkathfoxrabbit/art/chazkopa-Request-The-Change-page-1-817710892

Chapters (5)

While cleaning up the Castle of the Two Sisters, Spike discovers a chest containing twelve magical talismans that grant him special powers. Using these powers Spike shows the girls and anypony else he is no longer the little helpless dragon they make him out to be. Unfortunately the original owner of the talismans has no intention of letting another use them.

Alternate Universe before the events of seasons 6-9

Elements of Jackie Chan Adventures

Chapters (17)

"Spike, dear? This isn't working."
"What isn't?"
"This, Spike. Us."

After a second date cut short, Spike spends a night out on the town (read: seedy bar) with Big Mac to commiserate the loss. After deciding that he wanted a final snack before bed, he heads to the best bakery in town to find something to take the edge off of his buzz.

Think of this as a spiritual successor to The Days Passed, in the same family as the premise of the first one: Who would Spike seek out after a break with Rarity? This time, instead of ending up on Fluttershy's doorstep, he finds himself at Pinkie Pie's. And this time, it will be more focused on the character growth of Spike while keeping up with the relationship growth between the ship. I hope it lives up to the standards that TDP grew to have, and I had for it :moustache:

Cover is spliced together pics from TG Weaver , used with permission (careful with that link, while the pic is SFW the Twitter is not!)

EDIT: Already featured, 2-9-2021! Thank you so much :heart: :heart: :heart:

Chapters (7)

It was a normal day. As normal as Celestia shuffling her off to some backwater town in the middle of the morning could be. Spike was yammering, ponies were getting on her nerves, the coming celebration that night was weighing on her mind. And then she'd gone to the town hall to meet with Rarity. They were greeted by somepony's daughter and Spike hadn't said a word since. Not when the filly talked to him for over an hour. Not when the pegasi with the birds was asking all sorts of questions on his health. What on earth had gotten into him?

Current Cover Art by Xx Sk3tchiix3 xX, https://mobile.twitter.com/SKETCHIIX3

Reader Reviews;
"Aimless mess," by Fanreader999999

AU starting at S1E1. Stories set in this continuity;
Alewhine's Gun (After Schoolmates)
The Brothers

Chapters (20)

Spike is forced to survive on an alien ocean planet with its own dark secrets

Suicide tag is for mentions of it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Subnautica, that belongs to Unknown Worlds Entertainment

A big thanks to MegaCartmanX and DerpTape for proofreading this for me and to ShirtMechanic for making the cover art.

Chapters (23)