• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012

Sugar Moon

Brony form Northern Ireland. Think that kinda says it all really. For now at least

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Vanilla oat swirl ice cream is a girl's best friend when she's alone on Hearts and Hooves Day, and at half-off, it would be a shame not to buy any. But when Rarity runs into Applejack at the store, Applejack offers to keep her company.

Rarity is thrilled that she has someone to commiserate with about being single.

Applejack is happy to have a date for Hearts and Hooves Day.

This may be a problem even vanilla oat swirl can't solve.

Chapters (1)

Experiment 247: Day 1

Subject of study: Why does Rainbow Dash keep crashing into my library?

Hypothesis A: She thinks it’s fun. Disproved because Rainbow prefers staying in the air and hates helping me clean up.

Hypothesis B: She’s clumsy Rainbow is extremely graceful in the air

Hypothesis C: None . . .Further study needed.

For the Abyss' competition.

Chapters (1)

This is a story about love, hurt, changes, experimenting, and regret...
Nah it's just another TaviScratch story! But it has all those things too! I'm trying to do something different, a story where they don't fall in love right away, or even like each other right away. This story follows Octavia as she is just starting her new life in Manehattan as a member of the MSO (Manehattan Symphony Orchestra) when one night she bumps into a unicorn who will change her life, for better or worse!

Also this is the first story I've written in 3 years, so it's bound to be terribad, please be gentle!

Chapters (3)

OctaScratch, not set at band camp.

Music was in Vinyl’s blood, no one who listened to her would ever deny it. It was her favourite class in school, she almost never watched TV if the stereo was free, and her best friends, teachers, and mentors were all musicians—well, at least until her career took off and she had to start dealing with the rest of the industry.

But for someone who would be happy only ever having to think about music and people who love it as much as her, teasing apart and getting bogged down in every nuance of the culture surrounding it, Vinyl somehow forgot how much there can be below the surface when it comes to one colleague in particular. Finding herself chastised for thinking like an industry stiff and not the professional she is, Vinyl remembers that musicians are often as complicated as their work, and that she’s no less prone to making sweeping generalizations.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I'd Do Her

Note: Reading the prequel first is highly recommended.

With her dare complete, Rainbow Dash decides to get even with Applejack, but her plan... backfires a little.

Pre-read by: Timaeus | Abbeybunny13 | SapphireColors

Proof-read by: Majora

Reading by LandonWho

Chapters (3)

It is the day before the Fall Formal when the beautifully decorated gym erupts in a mysterious slime explosion. Rainbow Dash, although innocent, is sentenced to clean up the mess, while the Fall Formal is being postponed, much to the chagrin of the other students.

Twilight offers her help to the distressed Rainbow Dash. As they start cleaning the gym, they also have to face the angry reactions of the other students together. But Twilight has a secret agenda that Rainbow must not learn about.

Set in an alternate Equestria Girls universe where the events from the movie have not happened.

Written for Blundy’s Framed Challenge.

Rated Teen because sometimes Rainbow has a potty mouth.

Thanks to my prereaders: Invisible Pink Unicorn and He Who Wishes To Remain Unnamed.

Chapters (7)

King Sombra, the tyrant of Crystal Empire is back, only to be imprisoned by princesses and put through reformation with Twilight Sparkle as his teacher. Can somepony with heart as black as night be reformed? Twilight believes so. Sombra in other hoof isn't so sure but something in that mare makes him try.

This is going to be one of my longest stories this far. Marked Teen for sexual innuendo and slightly gory-ish scenes. Nothing too bad though. Also this will not be a story that deserves a dark marking.

For now I'd like to thank Alun Aleriksson, pony of change, Microshazm and Sidetrack for helping with the grammar and overall writing in general. Thank you so much.

Cover art by lorekhearts.

Chapters (32)

Twilight Sparkle has spent months researching chaos magic, developing a new spell to unlock magic nopony has ever experienced before. But when something goes wrong with casting, Twilight finds herself turned into a Draconequus and unable to control her new chaos magic. If she ever wants to be a pony again, there is only one who can help her learn to control her new magic.

Of course, learning from Discord was never going to be simple. And after a while, being a draconequus doesn't seem so bad anyway....

Based on the concept by Lopoddity

Editing by DB_Explorer
Proofreading by Mac349 (Ch. 1-11), Trippy998, Just A Fabulous Cat (Ch. 1-5), Doctor Candor and skysthelimit (Ch. 1-11).

Chapters (23)

“I lose myself in the music and tug cold, dead notes on a page into sonorous, transcendent life. And momentarily they fall back into oblivion, these notes. It's an immediacy and tragedy no writer or painter or sculptor could know; it's a magic of a kind no unicorn horn could ever come close to, and I am privileged and humbled to be a part of it.”

“I can see the smile on her face, all genuine, and I can see the concentration on her brow. She's into this performance. She's really into it. You can feel, FEEL the passion wellin up inside of her. In her every motion there's nothin but pure, unapologetic life. She's doin what she loves, she's good at it, and there's nothin sexier than that.”

Stress. Self-betrayal. Worries about where you're going in life. And a chance encounter with a fellow performer to show you that maybe it's not all not all that bad.

Pre-read by the inimitable Blue_Paladin42 & jlm123hi. I arrogantly spurned their advice on literary conventions, so if your eyes start to bleed, blame me.

Warning: Contains feels, cuddling without sex, naughty words, and more than one endash.

Chapters (1)