Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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Everything was going well for Queen Chrysalis of the changeling Swarm. She had fooled the ponies completely and the barrier that blocked her swarm was gone. Victory was all but assured as her changelings descended upon the helpless city of Canterlot.

Yet, even after all of that, there would be no victory for the changelings. A barrier of pure love would repel the invasion and bring about the end of Queen Chrysalis’s great swarm. With what fleeting magic she had left, Chrysalis attempted to slow the barrier's expansion in a desperate attempt to allow her swarm to escape.

She succeeded, but at a terrible cost. Magic drained, wings gone and chitin cracking. The only thought that went through her mind as the renewed barrier launched her through the air at close to the speed of sound was how she hoped her sacrifice was not in vain.

Then she hit the ground, and the Queen was dead. Her life ended as her broken body collided against the sand of a faraway desert. Yet her journey would not end here, for the Gardener had chosen her, and the Queen would live again.

Now armed with a strange companion and power known only as ‘the Light’ a new mare, devoid of her previous life's memories, must find her place in the world before her past returns to finish what they started.

Still takes place in Equestria not on earth
Tags will be added as the story progresses
A Destiny Crossover. Knowing the lore is not needed to understand this story. I was very meticulous about that. Everything you learn, you learn with our Chrysalis.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to As the Apple Blooms

The past seven months have been quite the experience for Apple Bloom. Learning about and bonding with her uncle Ironhide, tap dancing with her boyfriend Tender Taps, helping her new sister Sideswipe, befriending Marble Pie and Rattrap, and in general, exploring her new home of Allspark Wells.

But that was only the beginning.

Now, as a new school year starts, Apple Bloom, Sideswipe, and the whole gang continue their lives as they make new friends as well as enemies, all while Ironhide, Chromia, and the others continue to provide wisdom and advice.

Chapters (14)

Opaline Arcana has sowed dissent and anger across Equestria. With the nation divided, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are struggling to contain the ambitious alicorn. If something isn't done soon, Twilight will have no choice but to store Equestria's magic into the Unity Crystals, putting all of ponykind at risk.

Before that, though, Twilight has an idea. There's a prisoner locked away in Tartarus that was forgotten by history. He might be just what they need to stop Opaline. However, letting him loose could spell disaster for Equestria.

It's a risk she has to take.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis. She is evil, cruel, manipulative and downright mean. So there's no way anypony could love her for just being herself. However, the captured Mane 6 would soon learn that there is a special somepony for anypony.

Chapters (1)

It is not difficult to grasp the notion that Rainbow Dash has very little in the ways of scientific or thaumatic knowledge. But, sadly, that doesn't stop her from having ideas. It especially doesn't stop her having ideas that are based on the assumption that she does have some amount of scientific or thaumatic knowledge.

In short: try not to be within ten miles of Rainbow Dash when she has ideas.

Cover art (and story inspiration) courtesy of Irusu.

Reading by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

Russian Translation by oranzinispegasas.

Chapters (1)

After attempting to impress the judges during her entrance exam for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, something transpires that alters Twilight's life irrevocably, as well as the destiny of all Equestria. In a very literal manner, Twilight metamorphoses into the embodiment of magic, much akin to how Discord embodies chaos. How will this unprecedented transformation shape forthcoming events? And how will Twilight grapple with mastering the newfound god-like abilities that have been unexpectedly thrust upon her?

Chapters (2)

Following a territorial dispute over a few islands along Equestria's coast, a rogue army of kelpies has been threatening Equestria's border. Princess Celestia would like to resolve the situation peacefully, but even after making as many concessions as possible, the kelpies seem intent on taking more and more.

Meanwhile, Anon has an idea.

Chapters (1)

While Celestia and Luna were the rulers of ponykind of many centuries, they were not the only alicorn leaders of their people's ancient past. Through the power of modern technology, they find a way to restore their father, Solaris, to be able to speak to them once more. As it turns out, this might not have been the best idea.

Chapters (25)

Aria was handed money, a baby, and a whole lot of nothing better to do. So now she gets to watch Rainbow Dash grow up.

I didn't really have an idea for this I just typed for an hour and I got this.

Chapters (2)

An attack on Equestria leaves Applejack as the last remaining Guardian of Harmony as all her friends and the four Princesses vanish. The world is broken, Equestria is without a leader, and a threat rises far away across the seas. Applejack alone must save Equestria and her friends, no matter the cost.

Chapters (9)