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When Sunset Shimmer left Celestia's tutelage, she entered the magic mirror that had shown her dreams coming true, but instead of ending up in a simian mirror-version of Canterlot, she ended up in a strange school of magic, an esoteric, arcane, and clumsy kind of magic, but a potent one nonetheless.

Disoriented, and her mission somewhat derailed, Sunset is nonetheless determined to become an alicorn. She has glimpsed eternity, and will continue to pursue it. Whether the magics of the school of Hogwarts will aid her or not remains to be seen.

Put simply, this is my attempt at making a power fantasy entertaining. Read more about it here.

Thanks to ssokolow for his help with the story.

Chapters (19)

It's Christmas time at Canterlot High. Normally a time for fun and cheer. But no this year it seems. Someone is spreading people's worst and most embarrassing secrets.

Their name? Anon-A-Miss. And the one that seems to be the culprit? Sunset Shimmer. At least according to Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

Unfortunately for whoever is doing it, Canterlot High isn't falling for it. Not after the Battle of the Bands. And even the few that still haven't fully forgiven Sunset for her past bullying, believe she is innocent.

But then, who is the culprit?

Chapters (4)

A human Turned Unicorn tries to find out how he got here while trying to survive; he is not alone either, his game character is here as welt

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard (Season 4)

After Scar's defeat, peace has returned to the Pride Lands and Equestria, and with the new magical map discovered inside the new castle of the new Prince and Princess of Friendship. A map that leads to them solving new friendship lessons all across Equestria while also dealing with trying to restore order in the Pride Landers returning to their homes.

At the same time while Kion is still adjusting to becoming half alicorn, master his new abilities, and step up to being the Lion Guard's Fiercest and the Prince of Friendship, Twilight, the Pony Guard's Fiercest is still struggling with her mental scars as the former Princess of Darkness and the following consequences of her past actions. All while Starlight Glimmer rises to the occasion seeking to continue the war Scar started by recruiting his followers to ensure the peace never thrives.

Can the peace be maintained or the Pride Lands and Equestria succumb to chaos once again?

Find out as the Lion and Pony Guard continue their duty to protect the Pride Lands and Equestria and spread the Magic of Friendship everywhere they go.

Chapters (42)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard (Season 1)

As the two worlds start to come together as one, The Pony Guard and the Lion Guard continue to keep the peace in both the Pride Lands and all of Equestria as they all face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever as they face more dangerous foes eager to threaten that very balance.

Chapters (40)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard (Season 3)

Ever since Nightmare Moon's defeat, the Lion and Pony Guard have become a great team together in protecting both the Pride Lands and Equestria along with dealing with the daily threats to the Circle of Life along with the peace and harmony to the world of magic.

As time went by, their efforts to keep the peace and maintain balance have grown tougher and tougher, and by the time Scar came into the picture, their efforts in dealing with him have come at a price.

Following the shocking turn of events that led to the fall of the Pride Lands along with the devastating betrayal of Twilight Sparkle which no one saw coming, the Lion and Pony Guard have to relocate for the time being, along with many of the Pride Landers forced out of their homes by Scar.

In order to defeat Scar and seek their fallen friend's forgiveness and reformation, they must figure out the magical chest containing the elements locked inside and how to unlock it. But in order to do that they need to stay true to their elements and prove that friendship is indeed magic. And that's going to be tough when Scar has eyes watching over them every second of the way as he nears total victory with said eyes set on taking Equestria too.

Will the Magic of Friendship along with the combined teamwork of the Lion and Pony Guard prevail to save the day, purge Twilight Sparkle of her inner dark side coming out in full force, stop Scar from taking over, and take back the Pride Lands? Or will the growing power and surge of dark magic be too much for the Guard to handle and save Twilight before it is too late?

Chapters (35)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard (Season 2)

Following the events of the Canterlot Wedding and learning that Scar has returned, the Lion and Pony Guard must prove to everyone from both worlds that the bond between the Pride Lands and Equestria is meant to be together as one. But Scar has plans for that and his ways to ensure that both the Pride Lands along with all of Equestria is his and is not going down without a fight in a way that will not only test that bond but also the Lion and Pony Guard's bond together.

Chapters (25)

After Kion discovers his new destiny as leader of the Lion Guard after experiencing the Roar of the Elders for the first time, he assembles his friends Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, and Ono to be a part of his team, but his father King Simba did not approve of his decision leaving his son downcast that his father doesn't see that he is taking his new role and responsibilities seriously.

As soon as Kion wanders off on his own he discovers a magical portal that leads him to a new world where magical ponies that include unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies exist in with his best friend Bunga tagging along for the ride. There they meet Twilight Sparkle, the protégé of Princess Celestia, who arrives in Ponyville to prepare the Summer Sun Celebration. There they would also meet Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie along the way.

However, a new threat is on the rise as Nightmare Moon, the villianous mare from a book Twilight has read about prepares to plunge Equestria into an Eternal Night as she abducts Bunga. Seeing the world and his friend in danger, Twilight and Kion together, along with their companions journey to the old Castle in the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony in order to stop her as Kion attempts to prove to his father that he is worthy of his position as the Lion Guard's fiercest, rescue his friend, and help Twilight save Equestria.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard: Return of the Elements and the Roar

After defeating Nightmare Moon, the Mane Six and the Lion Guard team up where they protect the Pride Lands and Equestria together as the two worlds merge together.

To the Pride Lands end, the first and newly formed Pony Guard work embark on a series of adventures to maintain peace and protection throughout all of Equestria and the Pride Lands while spreading the magic of friendship.

Chapters (37)

Sunset is bitten by a bat that appears to just not exist in the human realm when she researches it. After the bite she's starting to experience some weird after symptoms, and has completely lost her appetite, but has a weird craving.

For the sex tag, there's no explicit sex just some suggestive scenes, and talk of it.

Insipred by one of my favourite stories on here, Sunlight by The Albinocorn. 100% check it out https://www.fimfiction.net/story/286605/sunlight

Chapters (3)