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Sonata Dusk: A bimbo, an airhead, a moron, a fool, a girl without even two brain cells to rub together to generate thought... right?


Chapters (1)

Upon seeing Timber Spruce and Twilight hit it up so well, Flash begins to realize that the likelihood of him being with either Twilight was becoming slim to none. Though it pains him, he's ready to give up on her. But, when a certain someone comes and surprises him, he may reconsider.

Set during the ending of Legend of Everfree. Minor spoilers.

Chapters (1)

As the summer of 1008ALB was ending, the clouds of a looming conflict gathered over an unsuspecting Equestria. Within a year the storm would break, but for now farmers brought in the harvest of their idyllic land as usual and Princess Twilight Sparkle, the recent recipient of a PhD in Thaumaturgy, was pondering her next move in life when a letter arrived from her old mentor. Enclosed were the details of a simple training mission: Host the annual Canterlot Land's Giving fair.

But being royal is never so simple as a smile and a wave, especially when Princess Celestia is making secret retirement plans.

This is a short story set in the Quenta Roccolië timeline, written for the The Sixth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest with the prompt 'summer, warmth, light, and the sun'. This story however, also functions standalone if set shortly prior to series nine of FiM.
Thanks to Merk for betaing.
Cover art is a screencap

Chapters (3)

With Twilight Sparkle as the newly crowned Princess of Friendship, she and her friends are to spread friendship to all of Equestria. She has new duties to perform, not to mention a new throne room begging for meetings to be held. So it is Twilight calls to order the Council of Friendship, where she shall instruct her friends on running an effective government and discuss with them matters pertaining to their rule.

In hindsight, she really should have realized what she was getting herself into.

Note - This fic is meant to be a series of random misadventures as the cast plays at politics and gets into assorted hi-jinks. More chapters may or may not come depending on when and if I have ideas to write them.

Chapters (5)

Robbie Rotten, after numerous failed attempts to pursue and catch the super sporty Sporticus now sets his villainy eyes (and chin) on someone who flies around more than flips around.

Or rather, somepony.

He fails spectacularly.

Crossover with MLP and Lazytown.

Update: Hit the top of the featured box on 12/25/16. I guess this fic really is "number one".

Unfortunately, our lovable lazy antagonist suffers from pancreatic cancer in real life. If you so wish, you may donate to Stephan Karl (aka: Robbie Rotten) to help him out. Such a great man deserves the best treatment.

Update: Robbie Rotten has passed away. He will always be number one in all of our hearts.

Chapters (1)

Twilight adopts a wounded baby tentacle beast from Fluttershy for the sake of researching the never before seen monster. This is their story.

Trigger Warnings: Journal style writing

Thank you Foals Errand and ZodiacSpear for prereading.

Chapters (3)

When he was ten years old, Peter Falwell was found by Princess Celestia and her newest student, Twilight Sparkle. Without a home to turn to, Peter was taken in by the princess and looked after him like her child. Over the year that Peter spent in the land of Equestria, he and Twilight became close friends.

Upon returning to his home world, inspired by the culinary experts that prepared the best foods for Celestia and Peter, he sets forth on a dream to become a chef and open his own restaurant.

As a young adult, Peter saves enough for a down payment to develop his own restaurant in New York City. However, as he travels up to the Big Apple, fate pulls its strings and returns Peter back to Equestria. Upon reuniting with him, Twilight and Celestia do all that they can to help Peter continue his dream and open a restaurant in Twilight's hometown of Ponyville.


My next shot at a slice-of-lifey story. Set in a time where Twilight has not yet (and probably won't) become an alicorn. I'm also writing this when I'm not writing my Attack on Titan crossover, so if updates seem slow, I apologize in advance. Inspired by the song My Dearest by Supercell

Chapters (18)

Is 2025, year of the MMO-RPG of Virtual Reality. Two gamers named Asuna Yuuki and Kazuto Kirigaya start a new game called Legends of Equestria thinking is just a game, but probably is much more.

Twilight, as the new Princess, has to deal with the visit of the two warriors Kirito the Black Swordsman and the Flash Asuna. Are they friends or perhaps a new threat to the Ponykind? And why they call her an NPC? What's the truth about them?

This is a translated version you guys, my original is posted in Spanish, my mother language. If you speak Spanish you can find the original


Chapters (15)

My name is Kadie, and when I was eight years old, my people, the griffins, went to war with the ponies of Equestria. My mother never wanted me to think about that, so she never talked about it. The Emperor told my father that he had to go off and fight the ponies, though, so I know that she thought about it a lot.

A few months after I turned ten, a messenger came into our town and told us that our emperor didn't want to fight anymore, so the ponies won, and we lost. Mother said that since we lived so close to our capital, we needed to go see the pony army meet our emperor.

I did not like that.

Edited wonderfully by Prak

Chapters (1)

Mis-communication has started many a war, but in this case maybe calling it a war was too generous.

The "war" is over, Twilight has successfully orchestrated a bloodless end to the Griffons' aggression, but only now does she realize that there is more to winning than she had first assumed, especially against a nation that holds war as a central part of their culture...

Now Twilight must deal with the aftermath while facing a challenge she never anticipated: being seen as a conqueror.

This can be read alone, but I recommend reading the letter that started it all for a chuckle and a little exposition. This series of expositional one-shots can also give some additional world-building.

Chapters (13)