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Dr. Albert Wily...mad genius, evil scientist, brilliant roboticist, wanted criminal, would be world conqueror, loving father... Wait, what was that last part?

When Dr. Wily wakes up one morning with a tiny unicorn inexplicably clinging to his bald head, he is more than a little flummoxed. Unknown to him, this tiny creature is about to turn his entire life upside down, worm her way into his heart...and make his dreams a reality.

Can you feel the Wub tonight? Mega Man sure will.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
Edit: Now with awesome cover art by sanyo21! How does he do such awesome artwork so fast?
Edit 2: Adorable fan art sprite by SteamingBullet!
Edit 3: New fan art commissioned by a fan!

Chapters (130)

Link has done many things in his life all at a very young age. He defeated hordes of monsters, traveled through time and into another world, and defeated two beings with powers equal to gods. Yet throughout all this he never lived a normal life.

While on a search for a friend who had left him long ago he is sucked in by a portal and teleported into the land of Equestria. When he awakens in this new land all of his memories of his life are gone. When the Elements of Harmony realize that he has no where to go one volunteers to take care of him until he can remember who he is.

The elements aren't the only ones who will try and get his memory back. They will get help from both a mystical being with wings and the dead to help the hero remember who he was. They better be quick though a evil unlike any other Equestria has ever seen is rising. And it wants the dead body of Link and it will do whatever it takes to make sure it happens.

My entry in the Super Smash Ponies Writing Contest #1

Cover art belongs to Art-Anon all credit goes to him

Chapters (9)

Commander Shepard remembers firing the crucible. She remembers she had to make an important choice. She remembers good friends, a lover, and plenty of loyal crewmen.

She just can't remember what her choice was. What the threat she was striving so hard to end was. Or what the faces of the most important people in her life look like.

She also has no idea how she wound up in the monster filled forest she's come to call home for the past eight months. Or how she picked up a snarky A.I. making its home in her omni-tool.

Chapters (21)

We all know of how Princess Luna fell victim to Nightmare Moon's influence. We all know of how she returned and how she was saved by the powers of the Elements of Harmony, and how her sister Celestia was overjoyed that after a thousand years her sister had finally returned to her. The question is though, why did Celestia allow her beloved sister to be forgotten by her subjects?

This is the version of the story where that never happened. This is the story where in her grief, Celestia never let her ponies forget the princess they drove to darkness with their and her own neglect. Where she made sure that everypony remembered the day that they lost their guardian of the night. How would the story have panned out with this setup?

(This story is actually inspired by the story The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon by Aegis Shield. This is by no means a copy though. The story just got me thinking about the fact that Celestia really did in a way let ponies forget their was ever a Princess of the Night or that she was her sister. Hope you all enjoy.)

Chapters (3)

Letters. Everyone writes them, and they're not just for ponies. Be they carriers of serious news, friendly correspondence between pen pals, or declarations of heart and heartbreak, each one is written with a clear purpose or goal in mind.

Celestia uses them to try and keep her faithful student and friends in line, and try to keep an unbalanced world on the straight and narrow.

This is much harder than it sounds.


Now with an audio reading by Lady Tenkage!

Side Stories:

Old-Fashioned Bar Hoppers, featuring Celestia, Mayor Mare, and Granny Smith shenanigans.
Journal of an Adolescent Clone, featuring Sunny and Moony shenanigans since Season 5.

Chapters (246)

After Winning The Young Fliers Competition She Gets Her Prize. But It Has To End Abruptly As Somepony Walks In On Some 'Honey Painting'. It's Awkward, Weird And.... A Misunderstanding. Fluttershy Doesn't Really Know What To Do.


Cover Art By: HareTrinity

Sex tag for some language. No romance tag as there is only a bit of blushing.
Also, It's kinda random.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer visits Equestria and spends some time taking care of animals with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is apparently not good with certain animals.

Sunset discovers very quickly that what you learn from the human world cannot be unlearned, ever.

Rated Teen and Sex for a pile of juvenile innuendo, though technically no bad language. Only technically.

Chapters (1)

[This story has been rewritten, link to it is here ]
Canterlot is getting ready for the wedding of the century, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is marrying the Captain of the Royal Guard and part of the draconic royal family will be in attendance. In addition to helping prepare the most high profile wedding Equestria has seen in living memory, Celestia has tasked Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Elements of Harmony with befriending the future queen of the Dragon Empire and her entourage, the first Sorcerer the Empire has ever had. One thing is certain, this will be a wedding that nobody ever forgets.
(New description has be made by none other than DoomManta)

(Story has been inspired by This picture) Go check out the person who did it Zig-Word

New cover art is drawn by http://akerabronzpaw.deviantart.com/ It may say a different name but same person.

Note to all: This story has been made before the season 6 ep 5 "Gauntlet of Fire" was made but may have some details about it. ;)

Also this story got Featured, a lot... thanks everyone xD

Chapters (10)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)

Whether they're pony or human, girls have one thing in common:

They talk.

They talk about life, they talk about love, they talk about each other. They talk about the weather, they talk about movies and music, they talk about the enormous magical disasters that threaten their world.

Whether they're pony or human, girls get together and they talk. And this is what they say.

A collection of short stories that may take place either in the Equestria Girls universe or the main Friendship is Magic universe.

Chapters (44)