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Sunset Shimmer has resigned herself to spending the night of her senior prom alone at home, and even the well-intentioned prodding of her six best friends won’t change her mind. But when a certain Flash Sentry appears at her door, Sunset must reevaluate her reasons for abstaining from the event and figure out what to do about a half-forgotten promise.

Written for The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest.

Cover art by me, funnily enough

Chapters (1)

Spike goes to Sugar Cube Corner to pick up the gem cupcakes he ordered for the dragons at this year's Hearths Warming party, only to find that they are not ready. Not only that, but Pinkie Pie needs help with baking and Spike is the only pony-um...dragon available. What ensues is a long and partially serious talk that turns into hilarity and the creation of fire-breathing cupcakes.

Fire-breathing cupcakes?!

Cover art HERE.

This fic is also based on a Cake Boss episode where Buddy becomes a technical genius when he is tasked to creates a cake that shoots out fire. A fire-breathing dragon cake! :pinkiegasp: My favorite episode; so cool!

Written for Tangerine Blast for Jinglemas 2022.

(Almost didn't come out at all, but I pulled myself together in time, LOL.)

Chapters (1)

Spike introduces Ember and his other dragon friends to the magic mirror that leads to the human world.

They are not prepared for the reshaping of their much so that they might forget to return home - despite the fact that home is literally a foot away. They would get there if they could just...stop...panicking!

Written for the portal transformations contest!
The cute and cool cover arts above are two artworks combined (which is why they might be a bit blurry; so check out the originals to see their art in all their glory!) They are drawn by the amazing Littletweenframes and Ferrokiva.
Three different pieces of artwork that show interpretations of Ember, here! Plus, a visual for the scene of Garble and Spike as dogs by Isa-Isa!
Also, the story has Ember taller than Spike, just like in show canon; despite the adorable first cover art above.

This idea is slightly based on the lovely story "Paws over Claws" by Quoterific.
This fic contains slight traces of Sparity. This story takes place before season ten, so Twilight and Spike still live in the Crystal Friendship/Harmony castle. :D

Thank you very much for reading my story. More stories should be coming soon! :heart:

Um, I mean...thank you for my first ever feature! :heart:


Yes, the title is named after the song "Who let the dogs out?!"

Chapters (1)

Sunset arrives in the human world as a pony in the middle of a busy freeway in Britain and physics happen. Stranded in a world that doesn't even recognize her as a person with everything she's ever wanted, consequences she never asked for and no way home, circumstances conspire for her to end up going to Hogwarts in Harry's year as Luna Lovegood's pet.

Chapters (5)

Sunset's favorite alley cat has always been distant, only sometimes letting her get close enough to actually pet her. Not wanting an old friend to suffer out in a terrible storm, she's determined to show her a little kindness and a better life.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been faced with a difficult decision. Unsure of what to do, she seeks advice from her old mentor, Celestia. The ex-ruler of Equestria may not have an answer for her, but she does have a story. A story about guilt. A story about the greater good.

A story about the day after the worst day of her life.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is the new Princess of Equestria, and she's hosting her first Grand Galloping Gala. Celestia joins her, and Twilight asks her why she and Luna stepped down as Princesses. Celestia decides she's ready to answer.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pegasus

Earth-pony inventor Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover a world unlike any they've seen before -- a world of fire. And it may offer clues to the history of all the varied worlds of the Space Beyond. But only if they can manage to escape its dangerously powerful inhabitants...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series, starting with:

Chapters (1)

You and Umbra have been going steady for the better part of a year now. With a stable job and some nice friends to boot, you both have finally made the decision to move in together. Although, there's that lingering question in your mind of how a displaced human like you can get along with a queen like her.

One picture can answer that for you.

Contains: M/F, Human x Anthro Pony, Unguligrade Anthro, Rule 63 Sombra, Mentions and Implications of Sex (I put the tag just in case)

Cover art is NOT made by me. It's made by the lovely Evehly. (Derpibooru 2966607 - Pic is semi-nsfw)

Featured on 8/21/2023 (Thank you all!)

Chapters (3)

In an Equestria where race determines status, earth ponies sit at the bottom of society. But then a new technology is born: Solaether, a form of energy that runs on solar power and promises to even the score.

But when the Crown outlaws the new tech as "sun theft," calling it a crime against Celestia, outlaws called "Shiners" take up the fight.

This is their story.

Cover by Colby "Greenfinger" Green.

Chapters (7)