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This story is a sequel to The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon

Sequel to "The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon" and "The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon".

An unknown villain tries to pit Princess Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis into another battle. Nurse Bandaid is caught in the middle. All the while Celestia is distracted with personal matters and Court Vizier Twilight Sparkle must try to run Canterlot on her own. Discord is unaccounted for, but he loves his sisters dearly. Who is pulling the strings of conflict between the five Children of Faust?

Chapters (7)

Weeks after the failed assault on Canterlot by the Chrysalis Hive, things are tense in Equestria. A lone changeling looking for somepony to feed on is discovered in Ponyville like many often are. But that's where his involvement in Equestria ends, for his adventure in Skyrim is about to start.

Sent to a new and frigid land where people can be as cold and unforgiving as the weather, this changeling will find that all is not well; a civil war threatens to tear its people apart, dark forces work in the shadows to gather followers and waiting for the opportune chance to strike, and an ancient prophecy is about to be realized, as Alduin the World Eater returns to raise an army of his dragon kin to destroy all of Nirn.

But all is not lost, as the Dovahkiin, dragonborn hero of legend, is on a journey to fulfill her destiny, and save the world from Alduin's wrath.

Who better for out changeling to join up with.

Read on as their tale unfolds.
A long needed rewrite/ revision of my first attempt at a story, A Changeling's visit to Skyrim.
9/15/17: Changed title from the way too lengthy original "Escapades of a Changeling Soulstoke: Skyrim".

Chapters (23)

Hate; Verb: a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for something or someone.

Hate is seen as a strong word. A word that rarely ever meets how much someone doesn't like something else or someone else. Usually people just exaggerate it but never truly hate anything or anyone. To hate hardly ever truly happens when you're just a child; you just don't know better.

Now, psychologists have been trying to explain that to Fleur for years. She couldn't possibly hate Twilight Sparkle. She hardly even knows her. But she hates... And her hate is deep rooted and it builds every single day.

Sure, no one likes Twilight at Crystal Prep. Really, who would? But Fleur hates. And her hate goes deep.

Based on Fleur's clear hate for Twilight in "Friendship Games".

Now has a sequel! “I Idolize You, Fleur de Lis”.

Reading by TheCaptainSand/CaptainBron3y HERE.

Chapters (2)

After her defeat in Canterlot at the hooves of Cadence and Shinging Armor, Chrysalis thought long and hard on how to exact her revenge on the newly married royals.

Then it came to her, "I'll build a doom citadel!" she proclaimed one day. And so, she and her minions worked tirelessly on the monstrous mountain of doom. Now with their work complete, they move to besiege the Crystal Empire.

Let's see how things go for them.

Was going to be a one-shot for Star-wars day. But I forgot to post it.
Since then it's been expanded and reworked.

Chapters (6)

With the help of a shady organization a man escapes the after-life and lands himself in Equestria. Now he must flee from Death's grasping hand, but help can be purchased in only one currency. Souls.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle never thought too hard on love and didn't really contemplate on her experience with romance. She begins to when a conversation with Rarity brings her to think about finding somepony special to love, changing her life résumé. There are complications, though, as she discovers the difficulty with herself and others of maintaining a relationship told to be better than the ones you have with friends. She's supposed to know when she loves somepony, right? The way they look at you, the way they act around you..? The signs become less clear and lines become blurred when Twilight seeks for the thrill of love.

Chapters (1)

"Stardate: Whatever today is. Since Equestria, and Equus as a whole, I guess, has moved out from under her wing, the mare of my dreams has been lost. Sure, she's literally older than dirt, but nobody seems to want her around. Even when she finds something, it never lasts. Today, I solve that issue."

Equestria no longer needs their princesses, including Celestia. Their little ponies have grown up, reached the stars, and have left the nest. That left four ponies and one draconequus with little to do other than cause mischief. One of those ponies hasn't taken forced retirement well, and another has plans to fix that.

A Sci-Fi Twilestia adventure that a few people in the Twilestia Skype Chat group helped inspire me to write.

Prompts - In order of date written
Science Fiction - How this monster got started. Twilight explains why she gifts a ship to Celestia.
Bold - The crew takes the Celestia out for a test-drive.
Shift - The Troubleshooters put their new ship through its paces in a real fight.
Triple - Even the biggest titans fall under the right pressure.
Gank - It's a trap?
Blueprints - Home is where the heart is.
Charter - The one with foreshadowing.
Syzygy - Twilight takes Celestia on a date II.
Wedding - The entry for the Seventh Twilestia contest.
Competition - Tia and Twily go to the races.
Sunrise - A new foe appears on the horizon.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash find themselves in another world during the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Surrounded by death, destruction, and those freaking alarms that are on every dang door, they must fight their way to safety through the infected hordes alongside four survivors that are thoroughly confused about why there are colorful, winged horses helping them, and how they could even wield machine guns without fingers.

An MLP/ Left 4 Dead 2 crossover.

Chapters (5)

[Complete! With TVTropes apparently!]
Also, apparently, an animated trailer.

In a world of brass and steam, Twilight Sparkle had thought she had made a life-changing discovery with the invention of the telescope. For better or worse, she was correct.

Now her discovery has not only changed her life, but the lives of those she seeks out in her desperate attempt to contact the only other creature as lonely as Twilight herself.

It all would have been much simpler, but it had to be the one Twilight could only call The Mare on the Moon.

Decidedly not within walking distance, then.

[Featured on EQD before story was meant to be submitted. 4/03/2015]

[Editing team: Southpaw, Wolfvenom, Maskedferret, SwanSong and BluePaladin42, without whom this story would be a fraction of its current state.]
[Special thanks to Novel-Idea for the updated cover]

Chapters (16)

The wasteland of the Mojave desert is a place of incredible people, places and happenings. It is a place where fortunes are won and lost at the roll of a die, where great minds conspire to control and where lives are lost every single day. Power looms beneath the surface, waiting to be found and exploited.

But when one changeling finds himself transported here, the wasteland will meet its oddest pair of heroes yet.

A Fallout New Vegas crossover inspired by A Changelings visit to Skyrim by Erised the ink-moth

Chapters (2)