• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012


I is a brony boy small but smexy

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In a magical accident Smarty Pants becomes a filly. Will Twilight turn Smarty back, or will her heart melt as she cares for the filly?

- Special thanks to my editor MidnightBrightBrony
- Special thanks to 1110Soulite for cover art!

Chapters (4)

Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation is finally over and life continues happily for everyone’s favorite pastel-colored equines. For now.

Darkness is coming. An evil plan set to motion centuries go draws to its conclusion. Vicious villains from the ancient times shall arise once more. Will the ponies finally fall when the magic of friendship just isn’t enough?

History truly has a funny way of trying to repeat itself.
When Twilight Sparkle being the only one to know what is to come, she will have to play the sadistic game that is life with the chance of losing everything.
What are she and her friends ready to do for their friendships? Can everypony and Spike handle the truth?

Untied loose ends and mistakes of the past will resurface bringing out doom.
What will become of Equestria? Can be harmony preserved?

More tags will be added as well as rating will be adjusted as the story progress.

Chapters (1)

She was just a little old filly in Ponyville, who wanted so much to be elite and live in Canterlot with the upper class ponies. He was just a little old colt in Canterlot, who looking for love and some pony to have in common as he does. They first set their blue eyes to one another at a party host by Fancypants. Is it love in first sight? Do they have in common?


This is my first time posting a story here. Would like to thank my DA sister for proofreading it. This is basically a story between Rarity and Elusive (her male-counterpart) since both are a lovely pair that is.

Cover Art by Me

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Shifting Priorities

After the events of Shifting Priorities, Skid is still in jail, and Twilight has gained wings and become a princess. However, Skid has gained a special phial that will enable him to get out of jail, and give him the perfect chance to take revenge. And Skid is going to make good use of that chance to both take revenge, kill Celestia, and regain his body. Patience has always been his strong point.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up.

So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked.

But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock...

Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings.

Chapters (18)

Shy, an ordinary school girl that has been a pegasister since she was young, is surprised by one thing: that ponies are real. Will it end up the way she wanted, or the other way around?

This is my first fanfic. So bear with me please if you think it sucks.

This is the universe where the Mane 6 are gender bent.

Chapters (5)

Queen Chrysalis's heart yearns for revenge and yet with the cessation of hostilities between her nation and Equestria, she must find a way to get her vengeance in any way she can against the ponies who foiled her plan and made a mockery of her changelings.

Chapters (7)

I have always been alone in this forest. I have always feasted in this forest. I call this forest home and those ponies that travel through it are my prey. I devour all those who fear me, all who come to face me. They fear me for I am Fear incarnate. But now...I have met one who does not fear...and I am unsure of what do with her...

Image by the very awesome thewraithofwolf

Chapters (2)

Hundreds of years in the future, Equestria has become a literal power bar, supplying safe energy to all neigh-bouring countries and to its' own citizens. Of course, like any deal, there are two parts to it. The normal pony simply received bright nights and some extra energy on the side. And then you can become a Wired. Being Wired has some great bonuses; you never have to pay for energy and you get as much as you want, as well as moving up into the Skyline Sector in Canterlot. Your ID is in your coding, and you're granted instant access to any place you're old enough to enter.

But being a Wired has one simple, drastic drawback. At any given time, you can lose control.

The Wireds are named that because they are Wired into the defenses of Equestria. If there is a threat, the electric nodes in any Wired's neck teleport them into the throes of conflict. A Wired is, in essence, a tool for Equestria's survival.

Equestria's going to need them pretty soon.

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (8)

This story, and the Kirin Chronicles as a whole, are being rewritten and published as a new story due to the size of the adjustments.

Part I of the Kirin Chronicles
It's Twilight Sparkle's coronation day. She's ready to go, all dolled up by Rarity, and the three Princesses await her okay on the spell. She nods. Their horns light, and a deep warmth spreads through her. She closes her eyes.

"Nn- Twilight!"

Her eyes open. Spike, running towards her. His claw brushes the magical aura surrounding her. A roll of thunder echoes, and he is thrown against the wall. The magic surrounding her rises in turmoil, battering and burning, and it's all she can do to stay awake. It ends with a snap, dropping her to the plush ground in a heap. The Princesses are crying, Spike is unconscious, and Twilight... Twilight is no longer a petty Unicorn.

But she's not much of an Alicorn either.


Initially featured from February 8th, 2013 - February 11th, 2013.
Part II of the Kirin Chronicles
Part III of the Kirin Chronicles

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (11)