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This story is a sequel to A Perfect Date for the Perfect Girl

Sunset couldn't be happier. She's finally dating the girl she loves, they're spending more time together than ever before, and she's fairly certain that Twilight is just as happy as she is in the relationship. Only one problem: They've been keeping it secret from all of their friends, and haven't thought of a good way to bring it up. Coincidentally, all of their friends have noticed that they've been acting awfully strange the last few weeks. Now it's a matter of coming clean before everyone figures it out.

Edit: On the Featured Box from July 29th to August 1st! You're all too kind!

Chapters (1)

Sunset starts off her day just like any other. Wake up cursing the sun, nearly dying on the stairs, and worrying about how she's totally gonna confess her love to her best friend today. Totally. Unfortunately, what started off as a pretty normal crappy morning quickly begins to come apart when a certain cute variable gets thrown into the mix. Sunset will definitely deal with this in a chill and relaxed manner, like everything she does. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.

Edit: On the Featured Box from June 17th-21st! Thank you all so much!

Read the sequel here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode III "Genetic Conscription"

The annual Friendship Games are near, and everyone at Canterlot High is ready to take on their rivals at Crystal Prep. However, Peter Parker has his own issues, as his past resurfaces in the forms of his former principal, Abacus Cinch, and intellectual arch-rival, Twilight Sparkle. To make matters worse, magic seems to be running amok during the competition, and Sunset Shimmer finds herself amidst an existential crisis as she attempts to find her place in the world.

Life continues to have fun at your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’s expense.

Coverart done by edcom02

Special thanks to this group of editors and proofreaders! Regreme, Azu, Commander Stelios, Titan Commander Sebaste, and Marvelsoldier

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to The Ending of the Beginning

The moments of our lives are fickle things. We never really know what moments we'll remember years down the road, and we surely have no idea how significant some moments can be until they're already long past.

For three former villains, a great number of moments occurred between their fateful meeting with the former Princesses of Equestria and their ultimate revenge on two callous ponies from Manehatten. Some moments were tiny, still others enormous, but there was one thing they all had in common; for this odd little family, they meant the world.

Step back and peer through the window at these moments, these scenes, in the lives of three creatures who united to destroy, but were bonded together forever by love.


A collection of small scenes in the lives of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow between the events of the first and second chapters of 'the Ending of the Beginning.' They'll be written in no particular order, and put in order once all the scenes are completed.

Cover art borrowed from Flutterthrash


Villain-Tines Day- "Tirek and Chrysalis have their first Hearts and Hooves Day."

Rules for Dating Our Teenage Daughter- "Tirek and Chrysalis have a heart to heart with one of Cozy Glow's suitors."

Mother (Figures) Day- “Cozy Glow has some questions about how Chrysalis really feels about Mares Day.”

Sixteen Tons- “Tirek gets a job.” Suggested by Animation Crusader

Pick On Somepony Your Own Size- “Cozy Glow gets some unexpected back-up when dealing with a bully.” Suggested by Ember Shroud

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year- “The family celebrates Hearth’s Warming with some of the friends they’ve made over the years.”

Progress Reports- “Chrysalis starts getting mail from an unexpected source.” Suggested by Frustration in Excelsis

The Sound of Little Hooves- “Chrysalis has something very important to discuss with her husband.” Suggested by K9Thefirst1

The Imitation Game- “Chrysalis has mixed feelings about Cozy Glow’s choice in Nightmare Night attires.” Suggested by Vaguely Demented

We Need to Talk About Cozy- “Chrysalis attends her first parent-teacher conference.” Suggested by Animation Crusader

Upcoming Chapters;

Sleepovers 101- “Cozy Glow has Lily Vine and Mustard Seed over for her very first sleepover. Tirek and Chrysalis are unsure what to do.” Suggested by Green Cuppa

Decisions, Decisions- “Cozy Glow can’t decide what university to attend. Tirek and Chrysalis have an idea, but it comes with a heavy price.” Suggested by Wisp_of_a_Willow

Neigh-Borhood Watch- “The family’s neighbors debate their true intentions.” Suggested by ppg1998

The Chrysalis Revenge Squad- “The family is visited by three mares who don’t believe they’ve changed.” Suggested by ruthim345, bottleH2O, and Razzy.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to A Better Way To Be Dad

Cozy Glow walks in on her comrades "wrestling." Awkwardness ensues.


Rated Teen for Innuendo.

Cover art borrowed from arareroll.

*For posterity's sake, let it be known that when My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ended it's initial run on October 12, 2019, this story was #2 in the Featured Box.*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Frenemies... With Benefits

At the conclusion of the Battle of the Bell, the three villains were incapacitated by a giant cupcake. But when the cupcake was poofed away, the trio of doom were nowhere to be found. For over a year, Equestria has stood sentry against their inevitable attempt at revenge.

Now two retired monarchs are about to discover that somehow, against all odds, the greatest threats in Equestria's history may have found the impossible; a happy ending.


The conclusion of the Frenemies Trilogy, with cover art borrowed from raritylover152.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Honest' Gunslinger

Fluttershy, is thrown into court because of her crimes, something she would not even consider, before her best friends left her. She accepts her fate before finding herself being judged by an old friend...when did she go into law?

A tale of enlightenment and crimes.

Note: Some people are giving up on this story because of my unwillingness to reveal things. But rest assured, hopefully all questions will be answered at the end.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Loyal' Astronaut

Applejack, grieving for losing her home and farm, closes herself from her family and friends and go seek out the arsonist that burnt down her farm. Her fruitless search ends up with an almost dead old friend... no joke.

A tale of fruitless vengeance and hopelessness.

Note: Some parts of the story will be confusing, and yes it should be that way. If something is totally out of place however, and you feel the need to say so, then do so.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Magical' Scientist

Everybody knows Pinkamena in Las Pegasus, from beatcops to crime lords, as the greatest drug dealer in Equestria. Pinkie, has lost her laugh, but who needs laughs when you've got drugs! When a new person shows up and asks for the 'good stuff,' Pinkie just smiles...well, well, well, what do we have here?

A tale of drugs and schemes.

Chapters (1)

Many many years after graduation, Rarity found herself at the top of the fashion industry, but not without costs. Several of her friends have lost contact, till one day she stumbled upon one of them...literally.

A tale of penance and self-realization.

Note: This story requires a few read throughs and intense thinking, as all the answers lay within the story. Now would you be ever so kind to please stop commenting things that I intend to keep a mystery. If you absolutely can't figure it out, there should be a message from me down in the comments with a spoiler, that holds the answers.

Chapters (1)