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Nightmare Moon won. She defeated Celestia, broke the Elements, banished the sun. This all happened a very long time ago. So long ago, that she has had plenty of time to change her mind.

Of course, fixing our mistakes is never so simple, and never without consequences. Even with particularly potent help.

"If you came to conquer, you'll be king for a day. / But you too will deteriorate and quickly fade away."
— "No Control" by Bad Religion

A big thanks to Craine, Sorren, and Idylia for prereading and editing. If you enjoyed the story, don't forget to check out their pages.

Equestria Daily
Royal Canterlot Library (FIMfic version)
Russian translation by Doof
Chinese translation by Dreams Set Free

Kitsune Heart has done a dramatic reading of this story! Find it over here.
ObabScribbler has done a dramatic reading of this story! It includes a full cast of voice actors. Find it over here.

Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Inexcusable

She looked just like Princess Celestia, except marred and broken. Her ceremonial barding had rusted slightly, and dirt matted her coat. Most noticeable was her hair; black streaks accompanied its usual multicolored luster. They looked like discolorations in an old photograph.

Worst was the scar across her chest. Her armor covered it, but nothing could hide what it meant.

The tarnished Celestia smiled at Luna. "H-hello, monster. I would say I am glad to see you, but that w-w-wouldn’t be quite accurate."

A big thanks to AlicornPriest for editing/prereading.

Russian translation by MLPMihail, with editing by Randy1974.

Comments contain spoilers. See here for a complete series timeline.

Chapters (13)

A collection of Sonapie one-shots and drabbles of varying lengths, prompts/inspiration, and continuities.

Most read fine as standalone pieces, though some may have varying degrees of reference to Pinkie Pie Swear. While not necessary to read to enjoy the works in this collection (unless marked with [PPS], in which case, it takes place during the events of the aforementioned fic), it may make the experience a little more meaningful.

Unless otherwise noted, pieces are set within the Equestria Girls universe. New "chapters" will be added intermittently. Adorable cover art is by Cynthia!

Update 5/27/19: On indefinite hiatus.

Chapters (11)

Spanning from one hundred to one thousand words, with unexpected words leading them on their journey of writing, it's a lot of (unconnected) mini stories about the shipping of whatever jazzy fillyfooling pairs that this crazy group can think up! (Although, it's pretty much gonna be OctaScratch, because they're a sexy pairing.)

Written by pretty much everypony in this awesome group, turn on some music, pull up a chair and enjoy the chapters, my friend!

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to The Fruits of Their Labors

Rarity always believed that she knew exactly who she was, what she wanted, and exactly how she would obtain it. Then she fell for somepony wholly unexpected: Applejack. When unhappy tidings call Rarity to the frozen North to spend the Hearth's Warming holiday with her relatives, Applejack accompanies her into the family fray.

The ponies arrive in Whinnyapolis at a time of endings, and find that relationships can be fragile things, vulnerable to the cold. Rarity will search her past for the key to her future, but the old house at Maple Cove may not hold all the answers she needs. Perhaps, though, two ponies will learn that there really is no place like home for the holidays.

Cover art provided by the lovely, talented, one-and-only WhiteDiamonds.

Chapters (7)

Applejack's marefriend asks her the one question you never want to hear in a relationship, and she wants an answer. Now.

It's a really bad time to be the Element of Honesty.

Audio Reading by Agent0Fluffy

Chapters (1)

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

Cover art used with permission by the awesome thegreatcat14!

Will be updated as more stories come to me.

Chapters (50)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

My name is Twilight Sparkle.
I am three hundred and seventy five years old.
Except for Spike, all my friends are dead...But not for long

Betrayed by Celestia, and isolated in her castle with only Spike for support, Twilight Sparkle enacts a powerful spell to reincarnate the element bearers through her own body.
Her friends will be reborn, and, with the trials of being a mother to her friends ahead of her, an unraveling secret from the past following her at every turn, and the possibility of a brand new life so close in reach, Twilight just might be reborn too.

Credit for both the inspiration for this story and cover picture go to
Crystal Leviathan

Chapters (11)

A minor injury leads Apple Bloom to learn that she and the other Crusaders aren't like normal ponies. Not having their marks has always been their common bond, but as the trio uncover their unique nature, it becomes clear that their lives are intertwined on a much deeper level. As they learn the secrets of their shared past, it leads to revelations about their friendship, families, and their long sought after talents. What they discover and accomplish along the way is beyond what anypony would have thought possible.

There is now a sequel! Three Wishes: The Hole In The Sun

And a (more or less) standalone Christmas Special set between this and the sequel. Cinder Claws: The Caribou Legend Of Kol-Klor

Big thanks to totallynotabrony, Dusk Watch, AugieDog, and Piquo Pie for prereading and editing help!

Chapters (11)