• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012


Dear (((Advice Columnist))) I have these siblings and cousins...

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After Cozy Glow is caught and the world is saved, a single mare has the nerve to blame the hero of the hour for the near destruction of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Ever since Sombra's defeat, the Crystal Empire has revered "the Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious" as a hero and a savior. When he (and guests) are invited to the first Crystal Ball in over a millennium, Twilight expects to hear that endearingly overblown title all night.

She's half-right.

A refined entry in the November 2014 Writeoff Competition. Prompt: "Title Drop." Takes place between Seasons 4 and 5.

Chapters (1)

"We're the same! Get it? The same!"

Twilight Sparkle is really getting into the habit of reforming the villains she goes up against rather than just defeating them. This tactic isn't necessarily a bad thing of course: in fact, it's kind of great! But eventually one would think that all of these former bad guys would want to start getting to know each other a little better--or at least that's what Discord thinks should happen. So one day just after the time-travelling escapade, as Starlight walks through Ponyville with Twilight, she suddenly finds herself teleported away to a big surprise courtesy of the chaos master. And she's not the only one...

Prepare for cameos and shenanigans! :derpytongue2:

And now with a sequel! We're The Same Too!: Rise of the Cameos!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Negotiations

It's been five years since our surrender. Things have gotten better, but we have a long way to go before our home is repaired and our name redeemed. I have spent these five years working nonstop to fix all the mistakes my former teacher left us.

But now I have a chance to make up one of the biggest ones I've ever made.


She betrayed us and sided with humanity. I hated her for her betrayal. Called her a coward. Now I am cowering in front of her house, begging for forgiveness. I have lost so much. I just want to gain one thing back.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam ]

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Principal Cinch managed to leave Canterlot High with her dignity largely intact. Of course, that leaves the question of where she went afterwards. While the two schools celebrated the continuing existence of the universe, Cinch went off to sulk.

It just so happens that one member of the Canterlot faculty knows precisely how she sulks. And in his experience, he plays an essential part in the process. He may have shirked that duty for quite some time now, but tonight, he'll take up the mantle once again, whether Cinch likes it or not.

An entry in the F*CK THIS PROMPT! 9. Prompt: A major villain is a completely sympathetic character.

Chapters (1)

The war is finally over. We ponies have lost. Our plan to convert humanity into ponies has failed. Hundreds of thousands are dead. Homes destroyed. Our nation is shattered and near annihilation. All because we underestimated humanity and their refusal to become like us.

I alone now hold the fate of my people in my hooves against the humans who want nothing more than to destroy us for the so called atrocities we have committed against them. I've lost my friends one way or another. My family. My fellow Princesses.

I have but one duty and that is, reluctantly, to see that we are shown mercy.

I'm just afraid of the cost. Or what I will learn from this.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam and Bemmo

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

On a particularly bright day, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wandered through the park, enjoying themselves. They happened to stumble upon a private picnicking area behind a rather obtuse tree, and to their surprise, it was in use by Rarity and Rainbow Dash. They'd normally not pay this much mind, but for two such ponies to be acting so friendly with one another required more attention from the two fillies.

Edited by Socks

Chapters (1)

Applejack asks Rainbow Dash to watch over her house while her family goes out of town for the Apple Family Reunion.

While Rainbow Dash is at the Apple's house, she discovers something of Applejack's that changes everything Rainbow ever knew about her. Something that could change their relationship forever.

**Popular from June 8-11, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

In the heat of the moment, a poor choice of words is all the difference between pragmatism and spite. Especially when spoken out of anger.

Three weeks without a word to her girlfriend has nagged at the back of Applejack's mind. But she's not in the wrong, she's sure of it.

She was only trying to look out for Rainbow's future.

Preread by Jondor.
Vector posted by SlayerBVC on Derpibooru.

Entry for the AppleDash Contest. Soak it in, Tcherno. You absolute heathen.

Chapters (1)

Spike’s having a great time with his new hobby, pyromancy.

Twilight has a few concerns. Mainly, that one mishap could cause all of Ponyville to burn down. So, of course, she takes a few precautionary measures.

Just a few.

Chapters (1)