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From one barren wasteland to another, less barren wasteland, an Australian Information Technology worker finds himself stuck in the snow with nowhere to go. Armed with nothing but a cheap tool set and a three metre Ethernet cable, he must find a way to survive his new location. At least it can't get any worse... right?

Oh of course it can, it's a HIE.

Warning: Contains Australian, Changelings (of course), snow, occasional IT speak, less-than-stellar HIE satire, and shoddy humour not fit for a backyard comedy club.

Chapters (12)

Sometimes, when I look at fanart... things happen.
This was one of them.
I'm sorry.

Shining Armor has everything - the wife, the house, the life. So when he rolls over to find the creature that crashed his wedding and nearly wrecked his chance at happiness snuggled oh-so-sweetly at his side, with his darling Cadance at his other, it's all he can do to keep it together and try to assemble the missing pieces.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has too much magic, and it will take her decades to learn to control it. Her spectacular loss of control during her entrance exam only proves that fact. She is a danger to herself and others.

After Sunset Shimmer’s disappearance, Princess Celestia needs a new student to bear The Element of Magic to defeat Nightmare Moon. With all of Equestria at stake, Twilight Sparkle…is not the pony she needs.

Princess Celestia seals Twilight Sparkle’s magic with the distant promise of one day teaching her.

But there are two diarchs of Equestria. Amidst a lucid dream, an offer is made.

“Hello, Twilight. Would you like to be my student?”

Cover art provided by Lafiir.

Chapters (43)

During the Changeling invasion, Cadence used the power of hers and Shining Armor's love to expel the Changelings from Equestria. But what if it only expelled them from the Throne Room. What if they were still in the city.

What if... instead, it transported two American Apache gunships over the city?

Obviously, death and chaos ensue.

Dramatic Reading by Dr. Renegade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vye-9yUffc


Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

Traducción Española: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-poco-circular-1-4-990271915

Proofread by many people such as: 0_0, refferee, Leonzilla, crooked, TheGreatEater, and other people I may have missed.

Chapters (143)

Change comes many times at the most unexpected of moments. Discord's death being one such example. It comes in many forms and one individual will experience the reality of that fact. Chaos doesn't die, it just takes a new form. This one just has an weird tattoo.

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash receives the verdict that her final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows.

Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem.

A very naked problem.

A comedy of the nudist variety.

It brings me great pride to say that this fic inspired the Nudists and Nudity group. Go check it out for all your barebacked needs!

Rated "T" for trigonometry.
Sex tag is for lewd jokes and language, not sex scenes.

Chapters (4)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

Nearly two years have passed since the fiasco that was the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. About a year ago, though, somepony showed up at their door with a little... surprise for the pair. Today, Shining Armor forgot his sister was visiting, and also forgot to ever tell her about that surprise.

A/N: I've been growing increasingly fond of Shiny x Cady x Chryssy, so I wrote a little fic for it. Hooray! Also, this fic is not related in any way, shape, or form to True Love Never Changes.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor

(15/10/2015) Turned status back to incomplete pending an Epilouge and Alternate Endings chapter as per comment suggestions.

After being banished by Celestia for his misdeeds, the alien Emperor of the Crystal Empire is back... and out for revenge.

Emperor Chalmers is not a happy space man. After being stabbed in the back by Equestria, he was sent to the depths of the Underworld. Kicked out for causing too much trouble for the wardens, Nigel now has the chance to take back his empire and show Celestia just how disappointed he is with her.

This time things will be different. This time he has friends.

Chapters (15)