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Chrysalis has the perfect scheme to bring Twilight Sparkle under her sway and have all that delicious love to herself. In fact, she'd dare say it's a real page turner.

Written in the spirit of FamousLastWords's "Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" contest. No, this is not an entry, Alex. I'm not that much of a scumbag >:V

Preread by Cynewulf, Guldane, and Vdrake77.

Original artwork by Ohemo.

Chapters (1)

A fellow pony notices that Princess Luna may have a serious problem: there is a small, sentient race inside her mane and they have been living there for quite some time. Luna must decide what to do about this.

A random short story I made to help bring the smiles.

--You will most likely enjoy this story if you also like:--
Luna freaking out
Celestia being totally chill
Sea ponies!
Explosions taking place inside people's hair
Entire wars taking place inside people's hair
Absurd and Absolutely Delicious Comedy
If you liked Mic the Microphone's Audio Version of this story:

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, there are states of emotion that can overwhelm even the mightiest of creatures; or so they say. Queen Chrysalis had never taken stock in such tales, nor the creatures that told them. Until today that is.

Artist is hotkinkyshy

Chapters (1)

Zecora had never seen an aura as bright or as warm as Sunset Shimmer's. Thousands of miles from home, Zecora had found a kindred spirit who could ease her feelings of isolation. Their lights grew together, forming a brilliant radiance.

But the brightest lights cast the deepest shadows.

Both Zecora and Sunset have a secret, one that would put the other in mortal peril. In a single night, both secrets will surface, and Zecora will have to choose between following her heart, or her duty.

Because humans and monsters cannot coexist.

Pre-read by DrakeyC, JayMan155, and EbonQuill

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

Cover art made by JayMan155!

Chapters (4)

Their camping trip to the Everfree had been through some ups and downs, but Twilight and her friends nevertheless return home having enjoyed it. However, as they enter the Friendship Palace, they're shocked to discover an intruder within. A mare with a very familiar face, who has come to them after having escaped a gruesome fate. But, if that were not surprising enough, then they're truly taken aback when this newcomer explains why she's here.

Chapters (12)

Even now, weeks later, Twilight was still unable to properly explain what possessed her into taking that first bite.

She double, triple, and quadruple checked the spell, and it went off perfectly. Well, as perfectly as a full-body transformation into a dragon could go.

She just didn't expect gemstones to be so tasty...

Featured on 7/28/2018! Thanks a bunch everypony!!!!

Now with an audio reading by the talented Skijarama (AKA Tone Shift). Thanks a bunch!

Chapters (1)

Celestia thought she knew her sister. She was sure that nothing could surprise her anymore. She was certain that there was nothing more that Luna could possibly be hiding from her.
One attempt to identify a changeling presence in the royal guard later, she was coming to terms with how reality had decided to prove her wrong.

Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis' scheme has borne fruit. United by bribes and promises, the leaders of each nation have come with her to deliver an ultimatum: surrender Equestria, or face hopeless war with their combined armies.

So why does Celestia look to Chrysalis with a gentle, mourning gaze? And why is Chrysalis afraid?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Hard Chitin and Soft Fur

Chrysalis has a small purple filly named Twilight in her castle, and it looks as if she's going to be adopting her for a long while. Can Twilight's love change her, or even the entire hive?

Only time will tell, though Chrysalis is determined that she could never find something so fuzzy and energetic in any way cute.

A sequel by popular demand! Rated T so I have a little flexibility with language and the like, but for the most part I imagine things will be very light and non-explicit.

Chapters (1)

Filly Twilight is teleported far, far away from Celestia. Now Chrysalis has her, and she's fully intent on keeping her.

But maybe the powerful, loving filly is more than Chrysalis expected?

Chapters (1)