• Member Since 27th Jan, 2015


Hmm, something about me huh? I love to read, play video games, and watch anime. I have my MA&A Bachelors and am thinking about getting GA&D. And even if I can't write I love reading other's stuff :)

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Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have faced endless troubles while ruling Equestria. There's never been a challenge they could not conquer.

But the end of the world has come, and nopony can stop it.

Contains narrative that jumps ahead into the future, several original characters, a despondent princess, probably some crying, and the magic of friendship.

A huge thank you goes out to Semillon, who beta read this story and provided some invaluable critiques.

Chapters (1)

We've all had this question since Twilight became a princess. Why doesn't she have any guards. It would seem like a smart idea to have them around, even if they're just there to look pretty. Well, Sunset's gonna be the audience stand in for us today.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy are summoned to the Captain of the Palace's Guard at short notice. What he wants, neither really know, but Twilight has met him before...

(An attempt to get into writing, my first attempt at a story. Something to look back on and improve from.)

Chapters (1)

Discord's attack on Equestria was almost successful, mainly because of his knowledge of what was happening in Equestria, and knowledge of the Mane 6. But where did this knowledge come from after being frozen for a millenium? Did he come to know it as he awoke, or did somepony talk to him while in stone form? Find out what really happened after Twilight was turned to stone by a Cockatrice.

Attempt at a what could be considered canon fic to fill in the missing information. One shot, constructive criticism welcome, please enjoy.

Chapters (1)

In Equestria, when it rains it pours. A recent barrage of threats has included an evil queen from the moon, an invasion of shapeshifting bugs, and even a rampaging god of chaos.

Some days, Twilight Sparkle wishes there was an easy fix for it all. Some sort of rainbow laser that could solve any conflict. But wishful fantasizing doesn't keep ponies protected; hooves on the ground do.

Only guards like Twilight can keep Ponyville safe. Still, she won’t say no if a few locals offer help...

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Another super villain appears in Equestria! A former villain that was sealed away by Celestia and her sister, Luna, over a 1000 years ago (again). But now he is free and causing a rampage throughout the world! Now it is up to Twilight and her friends to stop him! But first, Twilight has to give Celestia a piece of her mind by withholding information about ANOTHER sealed away villain that escaped because of moronic reasons. Seriously, this is like what? The sixth one?!

Started Writing this in early 2017 but never finished due to reasons, so it takes place before season 7.

Featured 7/4/19 - 7/8/19!

Chapters (1)

Twilight has everything going for her. She is an Element of Magic, has loyal friends, and now she's become the princess of the whole Equestria. It's like a dream come true. Too bad, all dreams must come to an end...


Cover based on the image from: https://derpibooru.org/images/258193
Proofread by Ginger and Grammarly :duck:

Chapters (1)

Twilight is showing Celestia her new invention – an advanced lie detector. Without her knowledge, Luna and James asked her friends to join the presentation. But that shouldn't be a problem. After all, the mane six has nothing to hide! … right?


Cover based on the images from: https://derpibooru.org/images/1517277 and https://www.deviantart.com/estories/art/Background-Twilight-s-Castle-Library-2-781634544
Proofread by Ginger and Grammarly :duck:
Now with YT reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBl1VIyvcS4 (all thanks goes to StraightToThePointStudio for his awesome work:raritywink:)

Another one to get into the feature box. Thank you, dear readers, I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Getting back from a business trip, Twilight Velvet decides to stop by Ponyville to finally tour Twilight's castle and maybe nag her about having a foal again. Family secrets, sexual innuendos, and Twilight murdering someone were not on her list...


Cover based on the images from:

Proofread by Ginger and Grammarly :duck:

Chapters (1)

Twilight, having just been through a harrowing time-travel ordeal thanks to Starlight, is finally able to enjoy some time with her friends. And naturally, they're keen to know of what she and Spike saw in all those parallel versions of Equestria, with one in particular catching their interest.

Chapters (1)