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[Second-person romance fic starring "you" and Lyra] Months have passed since you, a human, have appeared in Equestria and were taken in by a pony by the name of Lyra Heartstrings. Now, you and her are the best of friends, being nearly inseparable.

But what happens when you begin to develop more romantic feelings for the musical mare? Will you face rejection and ridicule? Or does Lyra have some secret feelings of her own?

NEW! Internet Reading!

Chapters (18)

[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Vinyl Scratch]

Being a human, you are quite the unique specimen. Though you stand out among pastel-colored ponies in your wake, your form does allow for something many ponies aren't properly equipped for. A certain DJ took notice of this specialty, and decided to take you under her wing...

A/N: Just a simple one-shot with Vinyl Scratch. Yes, another story inspired by music. Seems to be my best inspiration, music does.

Rated [Saucy] by SFG's rating system. Be prepared for some heat!


Artwork by ~zonybrony

Chapters (1)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)

[Second person fiction between you and Luna]This story is a more realistic take on a pony X royal sister fiction in the sense of how it would actually happen. After a spell cast by Princess Celestia goes awry.....you, a simple brony, have been sent directly to Equestria. No, no instant cutie marks or instant shipping is in this fiction. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. However, if you don't like human in Equestria stories OR steamy scenes, then stay away from this fiction. Simple as that.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Cheating Death

Equestria is a land filled with many amazing myths, legends, ponies, creatures, and monsters. But what happens when something new is thrown into the mix?

After the events of 'Cheating Death', Felix awakes to find he had survived his excursion into Equestria. Now a much different man then when he first set out, Felix decides to go and explore the Equestrian countryside. Change isn't the only thing that followed Felix though, as Death, or Harvey Stir in this universe, has been made his guardian until the ramifications of his actions can be fully calculated by the celestial bureaucracy. Harvey Stir keeps a close eye on him, hoping that Felix won't cause any major problems.

Such as, being involved in a bank robbery, starting random musical numbers, getting captured by a murderous cult, setting fire to a nest of changelings, or inadvertently releasing a dark god of destruction from ages long past...

...Not that any of that would happen... right?

Special thanks to: Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, munomana, and Alamais.

Chapters (2)

[Second Person Perspective]

Struggling to keep your apartment, you had taken an offer of a loan from somepony who, in exchange, asked for some help in a little 'family business' as they described it. If only you knew what this business actually was. This is how you became the whippingcolt for one of the most nefarious groups in Manehattan.

You are scum. You are less than scum. That is what you are reminded of each and every day.

One day, you get left for dead in the woods. You wake up in a little cottage full of animals with your wound cleaned, your vest patched, and a light yellow mare called Fluttershy taking care of you. The first pony who had ever shown you kindness. Without any hesitation, she's willing to provide you with food, warmth, and shelter. It seems too good to be true.

All too soon, your miserable life quickly catches back up to you and threatens to drag Fluttershy down as well. What would you do and how far would you go for the timid pegasus who found you?

Art by Azenge.

Chapters (2)

There comes a point when you can no longer run from the things you've done. Ryan Williams believes that he has reached this point, but sometimes, just as we are about to close one door, another opens before us, changing our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

Update: Redemption now has a live reading! Done by Teraunce, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/W4vLoB3Lbk0
Go give it (and his channel) some love :D

Chapters (15)

My name is Artemis, I was sworn in as Princess Celestia's personal guard quite some time ago. I've watched her for so many years and silently stood by her side during all the recent ups and downs of her reign. Now I'm going to tell her how I feel. I know it would never work, we're just too different. But sometimes, there are things in a stallion's life he just has to do, and things he has to get off his chest.

What happens tonight will be anypony's guess, but one thing is for certain... it will be a night to remember.

Part one of the "To Love" trilogy. > Part two can be found here<
Teen for slight language and very mild suggestive themes.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu and NATOstrike.

Chapters (1)

You find yourself in Ponyville, with no recollection of who you were, and who you are. Making that discovery is just the first step, though.

Prequel to my other stories:
The Color of Apples
I Would Give to You
Faux Pas of the Heart

Chapters (36)

[Second Person Perspective] [Collaboration between Kody910 and Whirring Gears]

Bowling may not be your strong suit, but the Ponyville Bowling League is a chance to hang out with friends every Saturday. Especially Allie Way, who is right at home among the pins and bowling balls.

However, when things are said between all the noise of competition, blow hards, and rising tensions, what will this mean for you and your teammates?


Artwork courtesy of Jessy Ruiz of deviantArt. Go support him!

Chapters (5)