• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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An alternate version of "Ponyville Confidential", but unlike my first two stories, this one actually begins towards the end of the episode, and will also be published in four parts. Inspired by Splash Surfer 216's "Ponyville Runaways", this is a concept that I think would've made a great two-part (or even three-part) story arc for the series. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, feeling no longer welcome in Ponyville after being exposed as Gabby Gums, decide that the only thing left for them is to run away from home. How will their friends, and family react when they realize what's happened? And what will happen with Diamond Tiara?

I mean no disrespect to the people responsible for the show, nor do I claim ownership of My Little Pony. I also DO NOT claim credit for Splash Surfer 216's work. I just loved his idea, and wanted to do my own version. This fanfic is purely for fun, and is simply my opinion.

Note from author: Some of you may remember my botched first attempt at this story, and again, I apologize for that, especially to Splash Surfer 216. I honestly didn't mean for that to happen. The truth is, I jumped the gun when I published it the first time, and didn't realize how much I'd messed up until after I did so. I sincerely hope that this time will be different.

Chapters (4)

A few months after The Battle Of The Bands, The Dazzlings are finally sorry for their mistakes in the past and apologize to The Rainbooms. They then enroll in the school again and find three new students. They will finally realize that love isn't as easy as it looks.

Chapters (2)

Everyone knows the ponies of Equestria are awesome. But what if, when crisis befalls them, they decide to handle things with a little more common sense?

(A How It Should Have Ended Parody)

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you first watch "My Little Pony: The Movie" before reading this fanfic, just to let you know exactly what's going on.

But who am I kidding? If you're here, you've probably already seen it. Even people who hated it have seen it. I'm...actually not sure why I put this note here. I apologize for wasting a few precious moments of your lives by having you read this pointless Author's Note. Here, have a Kirin to make up for it.

FEATURED 02/03/2019 - 02/08/2019

Chapters (1)

Shortly after getting his wings, Spike decides he doesn't know enough about his own kind, and goes off to the Dragon Lands for a little vacation. His absence is keenly felt, which is why Twilight has six unwilling volunteers in mind to fill his role...

This'll definitely end well.

Chapters (4)

Twilight was just hanging out at the mall with her best friends, until many people came up to her, complimenting and asking about her dog, Spike, much to her confusion. When she found out that her own dog has been making his own vlogging series on HayTube, Twilight decided to have a bone to pick with him.

Part of the "Since When?" series!

Based off on Equestria Girls: 'Reboxing w/ Spike' short.

FEATURED: 1/17/19 - Whoa! Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady and the lives they build with each other. Many challenges await our intrepid heroes, from threats to Equestria to the matters of the heart.

(The story will mostly be Sparity, but like a newly opened harbor they'll be more ships in future. Would hate to make anyone feel left out.)

Editing done by the ever reliable Misty Dolphin

Chapters (27)

Nobody has seen the Sirens since the Battle of the Bands, and nearly everyone is fine with that. Months later, Sunset Shimmer feels her entire life is going better then it ever was since the Fall Formal. She has her best friends, the school no longer hates her, and it's summer vacation.

One night on her way back home from band practice, she finds the three powerless Sirens who are now homeless. Deciding to be a nice person, she takes them in, but the question becomes how long will they stay? And what will happen to them in the future?

Commissioned by: Dashhole

Edited by The Myth and DBZorDie and InsanityCorps

Chapters (8)

During a special picnic with Sunset Shimmer, Twilight reveals her concern that she thinks Sunset is losing her true pony self. Her suggested remedy? A rousing game of tag!

Sunset would have preferred a pop quiz.

Or a dangerous quest to recover some magical artifact.

Or anything else, honestly.

Cover art by Suramii. Takes place before Legend of Everfree.

Featured on the front page March 25th and the 26th, 2018. Thank you!

My Ko-Fi

Chapters (1)

After the Storm King's defeat, the Friendship Festival was finally able to start. The Mane 6 are finally able to say goodbye to the new friends they made on their journey.

Major spoilers for My Little Pony: The Movie

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Sunlight in the Light

For the first time ever, Sunset Shimmer is stuck in middle gray. She's taken by one Twilight, and another is working to change that. Which means, she's going to have to choose. Meanwhile, the two Twilight's stories unfold...

Update 1/12/18: I released an epilogue for the story. After a while I felt the story wasn’t finished quite how I wanted it to be. It’s short and sweet.

Rated 'Teen' for the same reason all the others were, I guess.

Chapters (2)