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Equestria is a nation on the edge of disaster after the devastation caused by the Lunar Rebellion. Beset on all sides by nefarious enemies, vicious foreign invaders, insane Lunar cultists, malicious fey, and diabolical conspirators all threaten Equestria’s borders and stability. Midnight Sparkle, daughter of Archmagus Sunbeam Sparkle and herself a newly minted Magus of Equestria, soon finds herself embroiled in the chaos surrounding her homeland. But what hope does a single unicorn have against so many overwhelming threats?

A chronological sequel to The Lunar Rebellion.

Chapters (15)

3 years into her rule, Nightmare Moon reigns happily, despite having encountered another alicorn. However, the fears comes quickly as an Assassin comes for her. WIll they succeed or will she fail like the others? And what will happen to Equestria after?

Based on Alternate Timeline Season 5 E.26 of Nightmare Verse
Not sure if one shot or more

Chapters (5)

[ Inspired off Season 5 Finale - Nightmare Moon Verse ]
Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle's life couldn't get anymore depressing even if she tried. Yet still she looks to the other things in her life to get by, such as her job selling donuts at Joe's Bakery, her best friend Smarty Pants, as well as her inspiration to someday be as great as The Great and Powerful Trixie herself! Life isn't as bad as it may seem, and she enjoys the simplicity of her daily routine, the peace of her recluse world. That is until suddenly she is targeted by the current ruling body of Equestria, Nightmare Moon herself!? Perhaps she spoke too soon. Better run Twilight, destiny is calling!

Chapters (38)

Starlight Glimmer has finally done it. She has stolen the cutie mark of everypony in Equestria and shown them the path to equality. From her new home in Princess Twilight's castle, Starlight rules Equestria, pushing everypony towards happiness and equality.

But one day Starlight Glimmer encounters a mysterious filly. A filly who is immune to Starlight's cutie mark-stealing magic. A filly with no name, no family, and no past. A filly who refuses to wipe that creepy smile off her face. As the filly begins to make friends with everyone in Ponyville, Starlight searches for a way to beat her. And what does the filly want from Starlight?

She just wants to break her.

Chapters (17)

Princess Cadence introduces a new foal, and gives Twilight Sparkle a lesson on just what is involved in bringing a new princess into Equestria.

When a stallion and a mare love each other very much and spend the night out under the stars…

Editors: Tek, Peter, Docontra

Picture credit:
Forest at night by ErockerTorres
Cadence and Shining Kissing by Sigma

Chapters (1)

Fourth main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a young soldier tells his story of when he met the Element of Kindness. And this story, like many of the stories about the Elements of Harmony, entails Kindness herself imparting a lesson of friendship to the one who needs it most.

Cover image belongs to Midnight6 -6 -6

Chapters (3)

Hello, again!

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a certain dragon has his own role to play in the world. Strengthened by what they see as lacking, he stands apart from his own kin as they look upon him with both the fear and respect of one completely devoted to the destined task that he had been hatched for.

Cover art belongs to Minerea.

Chapters (6)

Second main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a hybrid mare crosses the countryside, searching for the Element of Honesty. And just like the rest of her friends, Honesty is no longer just a simple bearer of her Element anymore.

She is her Element.

Cover image belongs to turnipBerry.

Chapters (4)

Third main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

In an urban metropolis, many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a young unicorn finds the Element of Generosity. And as the living embodiment of her Element, Generosity, like the rest of her friends, is always willing to guide and teach a pony of Equestria.

Cover image belongs to Soul-Soar.

Chapters (5)

Edit: installments are now multi-chapter. Explanation here.
First main installment in the Tutelary Spirit universe. Recommended reading order: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a young stallion soars high into the clouds, searching for the Element of Loyalty.

Her original life lived and gone so long ago, Loyalty, like the rest of her friends, has changed and grown over her many lifetimes to guide the ponies of Equestria.

Because even after so long, the Elements of Harmony will always share their lessons of friendship.

Cover image belongs to Nyarmarr.

Chapters (4)