• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011


Its the Skywriters code!

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Rarity has lived in Manehattan for several years. She has started pulling her hair from stress and comes out to Ponyville for her own wellbeing and to support Sweetie Belle in a touring adolescent theater group. Sweetie Belle, whose mental health has deteriorated since her sister's departure, eagerly anticipates the premiere of her company's experimental performance with Rarity in the audience--but a series of missteps reveals that the sisters have begun to grow apart.

Cover image by Koviry. Illustration for "Not All Marks Are Cuties" by monitus. Illustration for "The Lilies of The Field" by Hispers. Pinkie's "Interferometer" drawing by Chocolate Mint Swirl. Special thanks to adlbeay for prereading and indispensable advice, Forcalor for encouraging me to be weird, and to Phyllis & Tom.

Chapters (15)

One night, Twilight notices something odd as she's nestled in bed with Rarity: her hair smells different, just slightly. The next morning, her tea tastes a little bit less sweet, and the flowers outside smell somewhat less fragrant. Out at a cafe together, the music doesn't sound as sharp and clear, and Rarity's new dress feels marginally less smooth against her coat.

Twilight just wants to know what's happening, so she can fix it. It has to be temporary, after all.

Written for the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting group contest with the prompt "How will I break the news to you?"

Cover art by Koviry.

Chapters (1)

Everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know what that reason really is. After some untold period of time, Cozy Glow awakens and finds herself freed from her imprisonment. Unsure of where she is, how long she's been gone, or how she escaped, there's one question that haunts her and demands an answer - why was she released...

Artwork by Rhorse

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (15)

Long story short, I was a brony. I woke up one day to find myself in Spike's body. Dream come true, right? I'm in Equestria, I could interact with my favorite ponies, etc.

Well, as it turns out, I just happened to wake up right at the beginning of Season 1. Which could only mean one thing: I can change the future of Equestria. I could solve problems prematurely, prevent disasters from happening, and keep Twilight from going insane.

So now, my mission isn't to hug my favorite ponies, but to make sure everyone gets a happy life.

Chapters (103)

A year ago, a few months after the changeling invasion, a pony, only calling himself Joker, turned up and started to spread chaos.

He killed ponies, planted bombs, hurt the ponies of Equestria and the mane 6, badly.

Twilight is determined to find out why he did these things, she wants to understand, maybe even rehabilitate him. She goes in with a recorder and decides to interview him, listen to their conversations as Twilight tries to dive deeper into this pony's head and hopefully make sense of his madness.

Only question is, can she trust what he tells her?

NOTE: This is just a story I do when I feel bored. This is just a pony version of A Joker, not THE Joker. So don't go into this story if you expect a perfect replica. This is purely for fun, some light writing so to speak. This is just a version of A Joker. Please keep that in mind before you read. :pinkiecrazy:

P.S. The Joker is not Cheese Sandwich. :rainbowlaugh:

This story is inspired by:

The killing Joke
Dark Knight Rises
DC Comics

Chapters (12)

Thanks to a certain imp from the fifth dimension, Discord has come to Gotham City intending to prove he's the best there is at spreading chaos. Now the Joker has to stop the draconequus from taking his job as Gotham's chief chaos-causing clown.

Chapters (1)

There comes a time in every earth pony mare's life, when they just feel like digging a hole and sitting in it. Anon doesn't really get it, but decides to keep Pinkie Pie company during this trying time.

{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

After five years of war, the last battle for equestria arrives. The time has come for everyone to fight or die.

An alternate world story of war and strife. An older Flurry Heart and some other non cannon things. Also, as soon as I find the artist for the cover I'll post a link.

Chapters (1)

Song and magic are two parts of the same whole in Equestria. When Rose saw Anon, it was love at first sight, and as if to shake any doubt, she heard their song, the one they're meant to sing together. It was the happiest moment of her life.

Until she realized he couldn't hear it.

An RGRE story

Chapters (3)

Spike had always caught my eye, but I wasn't expectin' for him to steal my heart. After his fight with Twilight, I thought bringin' him on the farm would help him, not harm us both with a good time. Though I wonder... can I get him to like me back?

Edited by the up and coming, FanficReader920.

Drunk Applejack by xcopyen002

Chapters (1)