• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015

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A changeling worker masquerading as a struggling pony poet. (Who writes very little actual poetry)

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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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It's the first annual Carousal Congregation, a semi-formal meeting where all of Rarity's business partners meet up and, theoretically, discuss the business of fashion. After all, keeping up with trends from across Equestria is always important. And it couldn't hurt to meet the boss's other employees. It's not like they're from entirely different social spheres with no similarity at all, right?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle awakens one morning to find all of Ponyville wholly consumed by a spreading cloud of white.

Hopefully The Stranger inside her castle can help her understand what this all means.

Chapters (1)

Cadance isn't Sombra. But Sombra's leadership is all the crystal ponies remember, a ruler they had to love at all costs, with the final payment being their own lives. And as they gradually come to see their new Princess as leader instead of savior, too much of that residual fear is being transferred to her. They praise her, adore her, refuse to correct her no matter what she does -- because they live in terror of the consequences for doing anything else. They have yet to find their own voices, and may go on repeating hers until Celestia and Luna switch shifts. So how can she make them tell her when she's wrong, see that there's nothing to be afraid of, and take the next step in coming back to themselves once and for all?

Forbidding them to do anything other than criticize her should do the trick, right?


(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group -- but can be read as a stand-alone, and no knowledge of the other stories is required. New members and trope edits are welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (4)

Ponies like snuggles. Spike likes to give snuggles. But Spike is a five-hundred-foot tall dragon, and finds it difficult to give snuggles without accidentally popping the pony like an overripe tomato in a hydraulic press. Spike believes he has found a solution.

Part of the Hellpiercer 'verse, but knowledge of that story is not required.

Reviewed by TitaniumDragon!
Art by Harwick.
Featured on Equestria Daily and Fimfiction.

Chapters (1)

After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her.

And then she learns another truth.

And another. And another. And...

Chapters (2)

Diplomacy, foreign relations, cultural exchange, all important duties that Twilight needs to learn as a princess. Fortunately, this foray in to the unknown is made much easier when she meets a lovely foreign pony from the French Equestrian Kingdom who's willing to be friends with her.

Now, if only they could actually understand each other.

Series of oneshots set in a RariTwi AU based on the prompt, "Rarity and Twilight are princesses from different countries, smitten with each other despite being unable to communicate".

Beautiful cover art by foldawaywings !

Chapters (5)

After a long day working, Twilight realizes Rarity hasn't come over to bother her at all, and honestly, that's even more distracting than the actual act of distracting her.

Short warmup ficlet written in between chapters of another story.
Cover art belongs to the awesome Selective-Yellow!

Chapters (1)

These are the results of the Fimfiction Writes Ponies! project, in which almost a hundred users were allowed editing access to a single Google document, with the final goal of writing a coherent story about colorful ponies.

This... is their story. It is the tale of Mecha-Trixie. It is the tale of Lord Apep, who ate the sun. It is the tale of the shattered multiverse, the permeable boundaries of which may cause the end of all Equestria. Rarity may or may not be eaten by a ghost-shark at the end of things. It is enormous. It cannot be described in mere words. Read it.

Go forth, my friends, and know that this is what Fimfiction has wrought.

If you want to see the original thing in its unvarnished glory, feel free to check out the Google doc, locked for editing but now open to public viewing.

Credits for The Wonderful Folks Who Helped Make This Happen

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to My Little Dynamite: Book One

Twilight Sparkle, prodigy of Celestia's elite Battle Mage corps, has protected Princess Cadance from changeling assassins, but that can't prepare her for what she must face off against next. A foe even the Royal Sisters have reason to fear has resurfaced and he has debts to settle with the former High Priestesses of the Everfree.

In the far north, beyond the Minotaur lands and Caribou tundra, an unnatural storm is brewing. The Midnight Lord is returned and readying for war. He does not plan to fight fair.

Even Love can be a weapon.

Chapters to be posted on the 15th OR 30th of each month unless life gets in the way.

Chapters (13)