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This story is a sequel to Innavedr

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

Chapters (200)

This story is a sequel to Eljunbyro

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite.

Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

Chapters (200)

On a cold snowy evening, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle snuggle under the covers to stay warm...

...and giddy.

Chapters (1)

Weeks after Rarity undergoes a complete meltdown, Princess Luna suggests she join a club called the "Block Party."

It's not a very fun party.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Appledashery

After Rainbow Dash's many heroics, she reaches the lowest of lows. But then there's a glimmer of light. Freckled light.

This is the continually evolving story of two mares who--by fate or by felicity--are both inevitably drawn to one another. As a pair, they'll experience the highs and lows of life: the likes of which only they can share together.

Cover Art by DarkFlame75

Chapters (202)

Sweetie Belle discovers an amateur novel lying abandoned on the ground. The mysterious story soon becomes all the rage with everypony.

And then Rarity hears a passage of it being read out loud...

Chapters (1)

Applejack stumbles upon Rarity late one night inside Twilight Sparkle's castle.


Chapters (1)

After falling victim to unfortunate circumstances, Pinkie Pie receives a visit from her sisters Maud, Limestone, and Marble.

Written as a fic commission for Kihutaja
Special Thanks to Hap for editing the cover art.

Chapters (2)