• Member Since 27th Apr, 2016


Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.

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Estimated Reading: 43 weeks



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The Equestria Girls are back for their last year at Canterlot High School. However, homework and pop-quizzes are the least of their worries. Magical wisps of Equestrian magic are popping up all over Canterlot and are now being manipulated by a someone lurking in the shadows. Join Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, as they face new threats, discover new magic, and of course, make new friends.

Chapters (6)

It's important for a princess to learn to defend herself. It's important for a father to make sure their daughter is happy. It's important for a guard to survive cataclysmic events.

Written for the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024 Competition

Special thanks to EileenSaysHi for editing and giving some extra ideas.

Chapters (1)

Twilight tries to feed Applejack a salad. It doesn't go well.

Written for Quills and Sofa's "Write Something Terrible" Panic. The idea was to write a terrible story, but I interpreted it as "write a terrible idea inside a story."

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart tries to warn her father of the impending apocalypse. Shining Armor thinks his daughter has a lovely imagination.

My first attempt at writing a comedic(ish) story! Do be gentle haha. This is an entry into the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad Competition! I don’t think there’s a worse thing a dad can do than cheerfully ignore the apocalypse, do you?

Chapters (1)

(Takes place between the events of Birthday Built For Two and Rock Solid Approval?. Also takes place in an AU during "To Where and Back Again". Familiarity with the above fics is recommended, but not required.)

Cheese Sandwich decides to pay another visit to Ponyvillle to see his special somepony: Pinkie Pie. And when he does, Pinkie Pie couldn't be happier to see him again.

Before long, Cheese meets the Cake Twins Pound and Pumpkin. Then, unexpectedly, he's pressed into duty as a foalsitter when Pinkie Pie is suddenly called away.

Is Cheese up to the task of foalsitting two troublesome toddlers? Or will the twins drive him crazier than crazy?

Chapters (1)

Sunset's favorite alley cat has always been distant, only sometimes letting her get close enough to actually pet her. Not wanting an old friend to suffer out in a terrible storm, she's determined to show her a little kindness and a better life.

Chapters (1)

Pizza Pie, Pinkie Pie's cousin from Filly-delphia, has just opened her newest location of her pizza shop, Big Momma Pizza Pie's Place in Ponyville. Pizza Pie offers her cousin and her friends a full guided tour of the restaurant, and shows them the secret of her delicious pizza

Chapters (1)

The Legion of Doom has just been defeated and everypony thinks the three need a harsh punishment, save one. One pony wants to find out what caused Cozy Glow to go down the path she did before punishing her.

Link to cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/vectorvito/art/Starlight-Glimmer-and-Cozy-Glow-810380782

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle want to help Scootaloo with her crush on Rumble, seeing that she's too stubborn to admit her feelings, also getting assistance from the dancing pony Tender Taps. Dinky wants to help Rumble with his crush, but unfortunately for the Crusaders, Rumble's affection seemed to be focused on a sweet little Unicorn Filly. Apple Bloom hopes to get Scootaloo her colt, unless Sweetie Belle herself starts to return Rumble's feelings.

Chapters (14)

Trixie knows what it is to be determined.

She knows it better than anypony.

She’s always felt it, her whole life.

Doesn't always mean she has to like it.

Bronze medal winner in the TBD event on writeoff.me all the way back in 2017! Thanks writeoff gang for your feedback.

Chapters (2)