• Member Since 6th Apr, 2013



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This story is a sequel to I have Zero Attack Power, Yet I Must Fight

At the whims of a strange, extradimensional being, Xathrid and Nan must defend the universal constant from attacks leveled by every villain in MLP:FIM. Can they succeed? Does this sound convoluted? Read and find out!

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Prequel Stories
I Have Zero Attack Power, Yet I Must Fight
Mother Of All

Chapters (3)

I don't know how or why I woke up here, but it's not like I have much a choice anyways, so as my grandfather would say, one day at a time, hoping for the best.

Chapters (3)

hey, I'm a Graboid, but I wasn't always one, I was human, then I went to a convention center dressed up like a Graboid. Now I'm in Equestria, and I'm just tunneling around.

I'm a Graboid that is a 35 foot long killing machine, and I like eating sweets. I like to swim, and sitting around in the sun.

This will be my fourth story, hope you all enjoy.

Chapters (6)

To the pathetic creature who decided to snoop in my belongings, I am Magneto. If you value your miserable life then you should put this down and calmly walk away. Perhaps, if you’re quick, I may show you some mercy for trespassing in my home. However, if you choose to ignore this warning then I won’t feel an ounce of remorse for filling you with lead.

(NOT part of the Displaced Universe. The Merchant is the catalyst but it's not Displaced. No Crossovers, Tokens, etc.)
(EQG style anthro. Roughly 4.3 on the anthro scale)
(Heavily inspired by Villanon by AponymousAuthor, reposted by silvetear on PonePaste. Check out the story.)

Chapters (19)

This fic, is about a fan of Hazbin Hotel, who made his own Alastor costume for halloween in New Orleans. Unfortunately he never got to go trick or treating, because he ordered the final piece of his costume from the merchant.

Warning: story includes content that may be uncomfortable for some readers.

Disclaimer: I do not own my little pony, the Alastor character, or the art within the story.

I'm mostly making this story because some people (you know who you are) have not written many stories like this, that feature the Hazbin Hotel franchise. So I must take it upon myself to pave the way for more of its kind. I do believe that this may be one of my best works, I’m gonna be working really hard on this. I hope you enjoy.

Enjoy my story, and please give it a like, and follow me for more content on my other stories.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A weapon in Equestria

Here's the original fic: A Weapon In Equestria

Ok so you all know about the displaced stories on the fimfiction website right? Well turns out there true who new right? Well i didn't because I thought that the people who went missing were just kidnapped not sent to another universe. But I'm getting off track, anyways I went to comic-con dressed as my oc which is a hybrid of several different monsters from games and movies that i liked. I met someone dressed as The Kreeper from the jeepers kreepers movies. I bought a obsidian tablet with ancient writing on it and he wanted me to put my own symbol/mark on it. So i did not knowing what it would do and I was sent to Equestria with the obsidian tablet and I was turned into a infent of my oc and was hatched in fluttershy's cottage and it turns out that the obsidian tablet tells the destiny of the monsters of this world of equestria and my destiny apparently is to fight the bad monsters...yay.

[Displaced fic]

Chapters (2)

"I was normal once. Yes! I was, don´t give me that look. Its just that the...circumstances changed, so I had to change as well."

A normal, well not so normal, but still at least a little bit normal, boy named Kyle was about to go on a costume party and on the way he ran into a certain merchant who just happens to have the last little thing that completed his Cosplay. What that merchant forgot to say though was that he would be sucked into another dimension full of cheerfull magical ponies as soon as he´d touched it. A common story right? Well, this story is a little bit different.

Chapters (3)

A college student who has everything go right in his life going for him. Sure the past few years have been hard with dealing with the disappearance of his oldest brother, later pronounced dead. Then a few months ago his other older brother up and vanished as well. With no current leads, he decides to continue looking for his brother in his spare time while also continuing on the path to becoming an astronomer. On his way home stop at his local comic shop and after buying a set of anime DVDs his oldest brother had recommended he is thrust into an all-new world of magical technicolor anthro ponies.

Featured at number 9 on 03/10/2021

Chapters (27)

A man, who is dressed as a near likeness of Baron Humbert von Gikkingen from 'Whisper of The Heart' & 'The Cat Returns', is somehow taken from where he previously was (A Comic and Costume convention in England) and is sent to Equestria where he gains friendship and possibly love with a certain Pony.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Serpent of the south

It is amazing how someone in high position of power and authority can make mistakes. Whether it is lowering your guard in an official Trial, trusting justice to happen. Or using an archaic privilege to over rule the courts final ruling in front of so many beings witnessing it, all because of fears caused by some vision. Leading to a cold frozen prison to one, and a political sh*tstorm and potentially burned bridges to other, who still hopes that things will calm down in the long run...

But fate has other plans. And marilith Naja's forced hibernation has come to an early end. And with the help from a familiar face and from the native folks from the lands of the north, she will slither her way back to the south. With the intention of giving some promised payback to a certain pony sitting upon a throne with her cake filled bottom...

Edit: Whuuut? Got featured on on its first day (8.7.2020)??? Even got hot...:derpyderp2:

Chapters (6)