• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 6,770 Views, 340 Comments

So Many Wonders - MerlosTheMad

This story is a short tryst into the world of Hayao Miyazaki from Fluttershy's perspective. Inspired by Tyruas' fantastic art.

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Chapter 10 : The Great Escape

Fluttershy crouched low against the odd building's wall; the building itself was difficult to see in the dark, but the strange roof gave it a decidedly alien look, being all curved eaves and patterned windows.

Just ahead of her was Cho, also crouched low to the ground, and behind Fluttershy were the other two human children; she had yet to learn their names for certain. The dog hadn't come along, being left somewhere by the two human colts; Fluttershy suspected it was because he was so noisy.

I could have asked him to be quiet... or tried to, Fluttershy thought, frowning slightly. She sighed, watching as Cho peeked around the corner of the building, looking around stealthily like one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders when up to mischief.

As far as Fluttershy could tell, they were going to get Root, but as they went further and further into the human village, it seemed more and more likely that it wouldn't be at all easy to do. The two things that hung in her mind strongest were being caught, in which case Cho was probably putting herself at a big risk... and whether Root was alright.

Fluttershy, still crouched in the dirt, then let out a tiny gasp as Cho suddenly ducked around the corner and out of sight. "Cho-!" She made to go after the human filly, but was stopped by her tail, which felt as though what was left of it had been pulled on.

"Ah-! What?" She turned, and found both of the little colts pressing their fingers to their mouths in a hushing gesture, each with a grip around what remained of her tail's hair.

Fluttershy felt a little indignant towards the two human colts, but gave them doubtful looks rather than berate them. She turned and looked around the corner, but didn’t follow; Cho was nowhere to be seen now.

There were sconces lighting up the night all along a stone path, which in turn led up to a large, sort of castle-like building. The building seemed like some very rich humans might live there, and every so often a human in weird, pleated armor would stroll by with a torch grasped in one hand.

For now though, the dark of night around the building was very much empty, except for the flickering of a few stationary torches.

Fluttershy let out a quiet breath and sat, waiting. "I hope that she will be okay... I am just so frustrated right now..." The feeling surprised her a little, given how scared she still felt; she supposed the fact of the matter was simply that she had been through so much already, and there was still no sign of a break yet, or even better, a way home.

"I need to talk to Luna, and soon," Fluttershy said aloud, then jumped as two hushing noises were blown into her ears. She turned to give the two colts an indignant glare; each of them were snickering together, probably because she jumped in surprise. "Oooh, you two are trouble... I would put you in a time out if you weren't helping me." She got the feeling the human colts knew what she was saying roughly, because in the dim moonlight she could make out sly looks on their youthful faces.

Fluttershy let out a quiet sigh. Well, at least we haven't been found out ye-

All at once, a metal gong being rung, shouts, and the distinct sound of Cho running past while yelling indiscernibly, filled the surrounding courtyard.

Fluttershy sat up, eyes wide and ears standing on end, staring after Cho, who seemed to be running as fast as she could while holding a box-like thing in her hands.

"Root?" Fluttershy focused on the box. “Root!” The box was actually a cage, and she thought she saw her friend inside, as well as heard him. Worryingly, however, Cho was being followed by what was likely a guard, running close behind her.

Fluttershy began chasing after Cho immediately, already breathing hard. Her mind raced quickly for what to do. Oh, what would Rainbow Dash do!? A couple images flew past until, given the situation, she thought she had thought up the right idea. "Oh, I'm so sorry for this."

Cho and her human chaser, shouting and rattling some kind of weapon, both ran around a corner down the road, towards what seemed like the nearby wall. Fluttershy followed close rather easily, something that surprised her.

The adult human hadn't noticed her joining the conga line of chasers; Fluttershy jumped into the air above him. Hope this works... Her wings pumped hard, dragging her up, but with more difficulty than was usual. Oh, oh my. Why am I not going higher? Her teeth gritted from the strain flying, but she managed to accomplish what she had set out to do.

Fluttershy stayed in the air above the human stallion for a moment, hesitating only slightly, then dropped onto his helmeted head, using all four hooves to clunk him a good one. "Sorry! I really am! But I need to get my friend back and..." She quickly noticed the human was unconscious. "Oops… too hard..." Her wings were slowly letting her drift back to the ground as she stared in surprise at the still form, only keeping her aloft with great difficulty.

Oh, I hope he's okay. Fluttershy stared at the shadow of the human a moment longer, then turned and inspect her wings. She had noticed earlier that they lacked a great many of their feathers, something that she knew would take days at least to grow back.

The sound of the two human colts catching up and Cho calling out regained her attention; the colts were cheering, while Cho sounded downright panicked, gesturing back to where they had run from frantically.

"Oh, right, we're escaping!" Fluttershy whisper-shouted in understanding. Hesitantly, she turned and ran from the knocked out cold human. She regretted just leaving him there without apologizing, but given the circumstances she supposed she had no choice. After catching up with Cho, her hooves thumping loudly on the wooden path, she spotted someone that raised her spirits immediately.

"Root!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

The cage bobbed up and down in Cho’s grasp.

The little fox squirrel chirped happily over at Fluttershy through the little cage's bars, reaching through with one paw.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Fluttershy smiled at him, and made to reach forward and nuzzle the cage, but it seemed there was no time. Her attention was pulled up by an arm.

Cho was already pointing with one arm towards one of the walls, a tall thing made entirely out of rowed trees, lashed together. She sounded very upset, doubly so when she turned to the two human colts, who had apparently liberated the helmet and long stick from the unconscious stallion from before.

As far as Fluttershy could make out, Cho was gesturing for them to both leave, maybe, yelling and pointing back into the village. The colts seemed to argue back, then more shouts from further in the village rose up.

Fluttershy didn’t understand entirely what was happening, but Root’s cage was passed over to her.

She clutched the cage, closely in her front hooves, trying to listen. Her head turned side to side, spotting more and more lights flare up from down the street. "Cho, I think we need to, uhm, leave, maybe? And quick!" As she spoke, her hooves were frantically exploring the outside of Root's tiny prison. It seemed solidly built out of some strange plant, but she wasn't about to leave her friend trapped.

Summoning all of her strength, Fluttershy squeezed the little cage as hard as she could, and heard a crack. She gasped, then set the cage down. Just after, the little door she had broken swung open.

Root raced out and up her side in a flash, then clung to the back of her neck, chittering loudly.

"Oh, Root! I’m glad you’re alright. I was worried, but now I'm so happy-ieeee!"

Fluttershy's joyous reunion was cut short; Cho grabbed her mane and began to pull her on without waiting. The human girl was saying frantic things loudly at an alarming rate, and there was no longer any sign of the two colts.

Fluttershy tried to look around, but guessed they must have left already.

Cho brought them to a stop at a darkened alley, and began to catch her breath.

Fluttershy looked back behind herself worriedly, hearing the amount of shouting from behind them continue to steadily grow. “Oh, so, what’s next?”

Cho looked up, smiling, and although she likely hadn’t understood Fluttershy, she gave an answer by way of pointing upward, towards the sky. She laughed a little, and made more gestures while saying a few encouraging sounding words.

Fluttershy looked up, and exhaled thankfully once she understood. “Of course! I can just fly.”

The two different beings came together in a quick embrace, Fluttershy surprising Cho.

“Thank you, Cho. I hope you don’t get into any trouble for, uhm, helping me. Though, you really shouldn’t… I… Oh dear.” Fluttershy was torn between frowning or smiling, happy to be able to get away, but upset over other concerns. “Well, it was very nice meeting you, at least.” She hoped that Cho understood some of what she said.

Cho smiled, and seemed to have a wry look, as though just waiting politely while mildly amused. Afterward, she back up and pointed at the stars overhead again.

Fluttershy grinned, and nodded back. “Bye, Cho!” Leaping as hard as she could, which was a bit of gentle hop, she took herself up into the air. Her wings beat fiercely, gently flapping in quick strokes, and took her up and up, until she stopped rising.

Fluttershy looked around herself, and noticed the buildings weren’t getting any further away, still being on either side of her. “Oh dear,” she said, just in time to feel her back hooves clip the ground again. She hadn’t gained any height at all.

Fluttershy turned and gave Cho an embarrassed look, that quickly became a scared one, instead. “Uhm, Cho, I can’t fly, I think.” Her wings stretched up in front of her face, and she did her best to inspect them in the dark. That human took so many feathers… but that shouldn’t keep me down by itself... I must be too weak.

Cho blinked, not looking as though she understood, then pressed a hand over her mouth, eyes widening. She reached out and gingerly touched Fluttershy’s wing, feeling for herself.

Fluttershy let her, only flinching back slightly.

Cho muttered several angry sounding noises and words. Not long after, though, she put on a look of intense thought, then quickly tugged Fluttershy back towards the street, and out of their dead end alley. The words she was saying quickly began to sound as though she wanted to hurry.

Fluttershy frowned, feeling scared. Come on, Fluttershy, stay brave. It’s not over yet. She was glad that the human girl still wanted to help.

The thundering presence of several other humans, maybe guards, rose up from down the streets. Judging by the sound, they were all sprinting towards her and Cho; they both looked back at the same moment, and spotted exactly what they thought they had heard.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy breathed, just as Cho muttered something that must be the human equivalent.

The two picked up their pace upon seeing the oncoming mob of adult humans, even as more lights filled other streets all around them, obviously searching as well.

Still, they hadn’t been seen, but it was getting crowded, and dangerous.

Cho led the way, with Fluttershy following every turn the little human made, trusting in her knowing where they should go.

After putting distance between themselves and the humans, and surprisingly little time, Fluttershy spotted what was almost certainly a broad gate, which must lead outside. It was shut, but she guessed that wouldn’t be a huge problem for her. She might be able to pull herself over the edge with just a little help from her wings.

Her hope began to rise, and galloped a little harder, but not so fast as to outpace Cho.

Fluttershy peeked over at the girl, which was easier, she noticed, having a lot less mane. I really don’t know how I'm going to pay her back for all of this. I’m just… I’m so grateful, and I can’t even tell her. I hope she understands after I get away… Then again, I guess I won’t have time to try and say anything.

A hand threw itself across Fluttershy’s front, and she let out an eep of surprise as she was brought to a halt. Cho had skidded to a stop, and proceeded to yank Fluttershy over into an alleyway.

Fluttershy’s eyes spun for a moment before she could recover. “W-What’s wrong?” she managed to stammer, and looked over through the shadows to try and see what had forced them into hiding.

The human filly was peeking around a nearby building’s corner towards where the gates were. After a moment of staying perfectly still, she quickly pulled back, eyes wide in the moonlight with panic.

Curiosity got the better Fluttershy and she took a peek as well. What she saw dashed her risen hopes; a large number of armed guards were at the big wooden gate, all holding various things that looked like nasty weapons. The one that grabbed her attention most was the large stallion at the group’s center. Unmistakably, it was the scary, armored human that had cut her mane and wore it like a belt.

“Eep!” was all Fluttershy managed, backing away from the open area on scampering hooves. Cho also moved closer and covered her muzzle with a hand, while motioning for her to keep quiet with the other. The human girl began looking around not a moment later, as if searching for another way out.

Fluttershy frowned in worry. She’s putting herself at such risk just to help me… The guilty thoughts pressed against her, more so because even though she now had Root, she wasn’t sure how well she could fly.

“Uhm, Cho, you’ve helped me enough. You should—” In the middle of gesturing, to her friend, a quick, hissing sort or noise grabbed her attention.

“Pssst!” A shadow repeated.

Hearing the noise again, both Fluttershy and Cho turned in the direction of the sound, towards the next alley over. The two boys were standing there, just barely visible and out of sight. Their wide, toothy grins shined in the moonlight, just enough for them to be seen.

Cho groaned and slapped both of her hands to either side of her head, and began yelling, in a hushed whisper, across the street at the boys.

Fluttershy folded her ears back and put on a worried look, watching the confrontation unfold. “Oh dear.” The eldest of the three humans seemed very upset at the younger ones, and it was easy to guess that they had probably been told to leave, and had disobeyed.

Cho made shooing motions towards the colts, scowling in a truly frightening way.

Fluttershy and Root turned to see how the colts would respond.

Each of the human boys had on a half smug, half playful look, then each raised up what looked to be a large cooking pan between them. In each of their hairless little hands, they also held what was certainly a wooden spoon apiece.

Fluttershy’s and Cho’s eyes each widened in understanding and fear, then began shaking their heads and waving hands and hooves in a desperate, silent plea.

Fluttershy tried words when they didn’t take the hint. “No! No, don’t do that! Boys! Oh dear.” She prepared herself for the worst, clutching her eyes shut.

Both of the boys began banging on a pan, not stopping. All the while they both snickered mischievously.

Sure enough, as was expected, the nearby guards all turned to face down the street. A moment later, and shouts rose, lights were cast down the street, and several of the armored humans all charged in their direction.

Cho slapped a hand against her face, then grabbed Fluttershy, pulling her into the shadows of their hiding spot.

“Goodness, we’ll be-!” was what Fluttershy managed to get out, before a hand clapped over her mouth.

Meanwhile, the colts both leaned out of their alleyway, still banging kitchenware together, then turned and ran in the opposite direction. They waved to the guards briefly, making mocking sounds, before laughing their way out into another street.

Following close behind, shouting guards and torches chased after them deeper into the town.

Fluttershy poked her head out first once the street became quiet again.

Cho looked out, making sure the coast was clear.

Fluttershy ooed quietly in understanding. “Oh, a distraction. That was quite clever-” she admitted, then felt herself get tugged along again. She managed to let out another eep of surprise, and let herself be dragged until her hooves kicked into their own movement.

Not wasting a moment, Cho had tugged Fluttershy along by her shoulder, pointing at the other side of the street. She quickly made another gesture for Fluttershy to stay put, then sprinted down the street, moving from shadow to shadow rather stealthily, despite her long clothes.

Fluttershy followed the first gesture to look at the gate, now barren of any of the guards. It’s clear! They did it! Root chittered noisily from her side. “We’re almost out, Root,” she responded back to him. “Honestly, I still don’t understand why the humans even wanted me as a prisoner… I don’t know anything important, after all. At least, I don’t think I do…” She frowned, not fully understanding, and afraid to think more on it.

After Cho finished her dash, scouting ahead, she called something back; taking the hint, Fluttershy looked up, then hesitantly chased after the girl towards an easy escape. She stopped at one building’s to look around fearfully.

“Fluttershy,” Cho called quietly, and gestured more for her to follow.

Fluttershy’s ears twitched. She thought she’d heard something. Looking around, she spotted what it must have been.

Root, who had yet to follow, was staring intently at her from the alley.

Fluttershy lowered a wing towards the fox squirrel and beckoned him to hop on her back once more. “Don’t worry, I’m with you,” she urged, but smiled calmly.

Only hesitating for a moment, Root dashed out and proceed to run up Fluttershy’s wing onto her back once more. He clung to her back, nestling in low.

“There we go.” With Root in tow, Fluttershy sped after her waiting companion, crouched behind a wagon.

Cho let out a tense sounding breath and Fluttershy skidded under the shadow of their small cover, then looked up over its edge.

There was no one in sight.

Fluttershy felt her hopes rise again. She wasn’t on the verge of smiling outright in relief, but the sight did fill her with confidence. “This is good, Cho. I think that I can get out-”

Cho shushed Fluttershy, holding finger to her lips.

Fluttershy crouched lower, ears folded back. “Oops, sorry,” she apologized, then waited. Does she have a plan? There’s no way she could get that big door open. I hope she doesn’t think it needs to be... She watched quietly, waiting; the human filly didn’t seem to be nearly as relieved as she was, and that made her worry, instead.

Cho had on an intense look, and she kept looking all around the courtyard, as if expecting something.

A pair of lit torches mounted on the end of tall logs somewhat lit either side of the wooden gate, while to one side was a stumpy tower that rose up along its side. It seemed empty, just like the courtyard. Beside the ugly tower and gate to either side was a palisade wall made of a single, long row of tree trunks, all stuck together in a somewhat orderly fashion.

The wall was tall; not so tall Fluttershy couldn’t normally get over it, but tall enough it was going to be an issue. Her eyes spotted several other options to get over it though, in the form of platform-like scaffolding along the wall.

Finally, Cho turned around and sat, shaking her head and sighing. She began to speak more in her native language, facing towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy tilted her head; she hoped she understood what the filly was thinking. “It’s fine, Cho, I can still fly a little… If not, I see stairs in that tower. Maybe I can climb up to the top?” She poked her head up and looked again. “If you want to go now, I think I can make it on my own.” Her hoof pointed towards what she meant, and then she sign-languaged as best she could what she had said, that Cho could leave.

Cho furrowed her brow, following the motions. She shook her own head, looking sad.

Fluttershy thought she understood now, recognizing the sad look on Cho’s face. “I’ll be fine, Cho. I promise. Thank you... for all your help.” She tried to go, stepping out into the torchlight, and not wanting to wait around to see when the others might return.

Cho let out a yelped surprise and fell in front of Fluttershy, her hand pressed to her front to keep her from going any further past the wagon.

Fluttershy wrinkled her own forehead up in confusion. “I don’t understand,” she admitted and shrugged.

Cho sighed, just as a single, shouted yell from nearby rang out across the walls of the buildings nearby.

Fluttershy crouched low immediately, eyes darting all around herself until she spotted who had yelled.

A human was pointing at her, that she was certain hadn’t been there a moment ago, while several more ran out from either side of them into the open.

She thought she knew what Cho had actually been thinking, now. “Oh, it was a trap,” she squeaked, attention glued to the darkened figures rushing towards them.

Before she knew what was going on, Fluttershy was again being hauled onward, and in the direction of the gate. The sound of hooves and boots ringing on stone and thudding on dirt filled the air. On her back, Root hissed ferociously.

Cho shouted loudly, and pointed towards the wall.

Fluttershy got the message, and once again found herself following behind Cho until they neared the wall, a part with segmented stairs going up towards wooden platforms.

Everything happened quickly.

Guards were coming at Fluttershy and Cho from either side and the stumpy looking tower. The only spot for them to run was straight at the wall, and a rickety looking ladder.

Cho stood with her back to the ladder and motioned up it.

Fluttershy didn’t need the encouragement, and was already flapping her way upward, hooves pushing against each rung to hurry herself up. All the while, her head was full of thoughts such as, Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! and prayers that they didn’t have the loud, horrible weapons she had encountered before.

Before she knew it, she was at the top of the wall. A thunk of wood from behind made her yelp, and she whirled around, only to exhale in relief; it was just Cho.

It came as a surprise that she had come, too, since it made far more sense that she would have run already.

“Cho! Oh, why did you follow me!? I can-” As Fluttershy spoke, she looked over the edge of the wall, and spotted a long, long drop. At the bottom of the wall was a cliffy hill, and beyond that was a wide, massive river, almost big enough to be called a lake. Were it not for the swift current it possessed, it might have been able to get away with the term.

“Oh dear,” she murmured breathlessly, her wings flapping already unconsciously on her back, and scooted away.

Cho ran past to the edge, and began making gestures out into the air both arms, encouraging her onward by the looks of it.

Fluttershy winced in fear, trying but unable to get herself off the ground. “Ah- Cho, I don’t know if I can-”

An angry shout, long and drawn out, silenced the air. The other voices from below quieted, leaving the night silent except for Shy’s and Cho’s panicked breathing.

Just across from them atop the stumpy tower was a human, standing in the glow of surrounding torchlight. The red armor, and a sash of pink pony hair across his chest, marked him as the cruel human stallion from before.

Fluttershy crouched down under the menacing glare she was getting from him.

Cho’s voice rose up, yelling back in answer across the gap that separated them.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what was being said, but seeing as how everything had come to a screeching halt, the red armored human was almost certainly in charge. She peeked over the edge, down the ladder, and saw a dozen humans waiting at its bottom, but they weren’t coming up, yet.

Oh dear. Fluttershy gulped, and pulled back, still listening. M-M-Maybe I should just jump. I bet I can still… glide, maybe? Wait— Everything that was being said was indiscernible, but a word she remembered made her look up at Cho, eyes wide in shock.

“Otōsan!” Cho yelled again, amidst other, more mysterious phrases.

Fluttershy looked back at the other human yelling angrily at Cho, his eyebrows almost drawn down to his cheeks in a fury. Oh goodness, that’s her poppa!? she realized, and laid a hoof over her muzzle. But she’s so nice! And he… isn’t.

The red armored human yelled back and made another harsh gesture with one arm, his other hand gripping his tall, stick-like weapon hard enough that veins were visible across his knuckles.

Fluttershy winced. They’re fighting because of me… Her ears strained, welded to the sides of her head, but could still hear every angry syllable from each person being thrown at one another. This is horrible. Family shouldn’t fight like this!

Before Fluttershy knew what she was doing, she was rearing up in between the two humans wings and forelegs outstretched to either side of herself.

“Stop!” she yelled out, and turned a desperate look at each of them in turn. “Please, just—”

Fluttershy had looked back and forth between the quarreling family, trying to get both of their attentions and do… something to defuse the situation. While she was facing the red armored human, hooves out-stretched and wearing her best pleading expression, Cho cried out from behind her.

After that, Fluttershy felt somepony push her over.

The world lurched, and the sounds of a dramatic scene rose up, then were distorted.

Fluttershy realized why that was as she fell backward over the side of the wall, the sensation of Root's claws digging into her neck and the wind in her mane replacing everything else. She had time for one last glance at where she'd been standing, which was now a nest of the human’s stick weapons, both large and small.

Cho was clutching her middle now, and they were both falling, likely towards the river below.

Fluttershy's eyes clenched shut, and the sounds of Cho screaming, and yelling from over the wall all made its way to her before she opened them again. No. This is bad! I can't fly right now! Root, I— Cho protected me, but... The flowing river below her wasn’t very far away now, even though it felt like a forever had passed.

“H-Hold on, you t-two!” Fluttershy stammered, and at the same time snapped her wings open, flipping her around. Tattered feathers whipped free, but the wind caught underneath her. Her plummet was slowed, but did not stop.

Fluttershy had time to try and flap herself into the air for a few, futile moments, before icy water splashed her hooves. The river's current overtook both her, and the human filly remained clutched around her middle. As gentle as the current was, it still instilled fear as it rushed up to meet her face and body.

She thought she felt claws digging into her back, as well, just before she began her fight to stay afloat.

"Cho!" Fluttershy tried to yell, but what came was more of a gargle of water, most of it trying to be swallowed rather than spoken. Her hooves and wings all paddled, using her basic knowledge of swimming to stay somewhat afloat. Little claws all poked around her head, while the human clinging to her side gasped loudly every few seconds to take in shallow breaths.

"Hold on, we're okay—" Fluttershy said, and tried to gain her bearings.

The flow of the river was strong, and loud, so much so that it was almost beginning to sound like a roar of some horrible, dangerous monster rather than just water. Strangely, it didn't seem like it should be so loud with such a gentle current.

Fluttershy felt a woosh of... something around her head, then all of a sudden she was up in the air before she knew it, her wings flapping erratically. But, that wasn't me! she thought, then repeated the thoughts out loud. "Ah, that's not me! Somethings got me! Somethings-!"

Fluttershy heard a loud, deep, earthy chuckle, then raised her head up to look at what had made it. "Totoro!"

The giant cat-bear monster grinned in a funny way down at her, one arm outstretched with an umbrella to his side, and the other curled around both Fluttershy and Cho.

Fluttershy's eyes burst into relieved tears, but quickly looked down again, just as Cho began screaming like nopony she had ever seen scream before; not even herself.

"It's alright! It's alright! He's a friend!" Fluttershy tried to calm the human girl down as best she could, holding her close in her hooves, but something smacked her. The sensation was right under her jaw, and a moment later she saw the flickering lights of the distant human town begin to dim, along with the moonlight and everything else.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. The next chapter should have lots more in it. >.<

The Image was nabbed from a random blog post elsewhere.

Comments ( 78 )

while my money is on Cho not following fluttershy through the next portal, i will say this: The current party is now-
1 Pegasus
1 squirrel-fox
3 Totoros
and 1 human girl
All of this is the first thing that pops into my mind is the setting for a bad JRPG


It's a thing of beauty... isn't it?

Another excellent chapter.:D

I must have unfaved this story at some point... I have no idea why I did that.

hmm... I don't recognize which film this is... can you maybe tell me, I want to know which Ghibli film I need to work on getting next.

3752086 It's so beautiful that it makes me cry:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:


It isn't overly obvious just yet in the story, but the next chapter will make it very clear. Hang tight, and I'll do my best to not make you wait another month for it. :facehoof:

If you really wish to know, though, send me a message! I'll spoil it for you.

This comment is now worthless and will perform sepukku in a moment.

Oh, what would Rainbow Dash do!?

That's exactly what Twilight thought to do in "Feeling Pinkie Keen". :twilightsmile:

She hoped that cho understood some of what she said.

You forgot to capitalize Cho there.

The giant cat-bear monster grinned in a funny way down at her, one arm outstretched with an umbrella to his side, and the other curled around both Fluttershy and Cho.

Yay! Totoro's back! :yay: You know your story makes me want to see this movie because you depict Totoro as something kind of cool.

Well, another great installment. I look forward to Fluttershy's further adventures in this Miyazaki world. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

3752276 Isn't it Princess Mononoke because of the ghost thingies in Chapter 8. :twilightsheepish:


I like adding to things, while also sticking as close to the source as possible. Basically, it boils down to taking things out of their element and appropriately putting them outside it for different results. In this, Totoro is basically Shy's friend, but still the same old aloof nature spirit as before.

It'll be interesting see what all comes of things, eh? :moustache:


It isn't overly obvious just yet in the story

Isn't it? What with the kodama and all? Because I'm pretty sure the kodama were only in Mononoke Hime. :moustache:

Bad, you say? What makes you think that would be in anyway bad? :rainbowlaugh: 3752034

Hmm. So that bastard was Cho's father? Poor girl. While I'm still peeved that justice hasn't been done to him yet, the story is still young. I know I'm still harping about it but I never want to see any crime go unpunished. And if hurting Fluttershy isn't a crime, then I don't know what is. But please tell me that Fluttershy did not escape only to get captured again.

What hit her? Fluttershy was being carried and so she had Totoro behind her and Cho in front of her, so whatever hit her got through a very small gap. Unless it was Cho that hit her in her panic or something? I'm confused.

3753969 Oh just the fact that the whole thing that popped into my mind was filled with one bad over used cliche after another

3754590 Yeah, I was thinking that's what happened but it's not really clear. Oh well just have to wait for the next chapter.

Well, I can wait one more chapter...
*wiggles uncomfortably from waiting*


I haven't actually seen all of Ghibli's films, so I might not recognize it, anyways. If I don't, I'll message you after the next chapter.

That's the weird thing about certain video games, even if the gameplay is cliche, if it works then it can still be fun. Mario has proved this... uh... lets just say 100 times, I'm not going to go to a wiki article and count :ajbemused: 3754346

3755583 I know that, But then are games *cough* Infinite Undiscovery *cough* that use way too many cliches that it's painful to play through. Though granted that game also had a overall bad story and shitty lip syncing that it was painful even when there wasn't any cliches involved.

lmao, I remember that. Microsoft was all "Look! Look! We have an RPG exclusive, oh god Sony fans please buy our machine!" 3756759

3756863 lmao, the best part is that the game lived up to its name mainly because I didn't take to the time to discover all the undiscovered.


I dunno. I Miyazaki world-based RPG could be freakin awesome.:pinkiehappy:

I do believe that Studio Ghibli did take part in making a JRPG.
Ni no Kuni: Wraith of the White Witch

Ohhh right I forgot about that. I never got to play it though.


I would argue it's better in some ways... but overall, it is a different type of story.

I guess it could be viewed as either a strength or weakness that all of the stories are so different. :trixieshiftleft:

Done with this one. Now on to Rarity and Pinky's.
I would definitely say it is a strength.
MLM was a slower start, but it went very strongly after the story caught up to the first chapter. I liked the Miamoto(I forget if thats his name or even if I spelled that correctly) angle to this one. It fits Fluttershy, somehow. I like it.

It's my pleasure. ^_^

I can definitely agree on that, the Ghibli stories are made for characters like Fluttershy, she kind of already has the freightened attitude of "Chihiro", which by the way still has to appear with her story, also can't wait till she gets to "Laputa: Castle in the sky", this one has always been one of my favorites, it reminds me so much of "Skies of Arcadia". Aside from that, even "The Castle of Cagliostro" would work, since it's also Miyazaki's creation and has the most brilliant, wierd and charming, james bond esque monkey thief in it... LUPIN THE THIRD! Also known as RUPAN SANSEI!
He also speaks different languages and can understand Fluttershy.
This guy could even invent (or at least steal:twilightsheepish:) a way to get her home by himself... probably:derpyderp1:.
Oh and by the way, considering that Fluttershy needs help to be guided home, since those warps seem to end up at random locations, "Howl's Moving Castle" might be her best chance, since Hauru (Howl in eng.) is a powerful wizard (Yes Merlos is not the only one:pinkiehappy:) and probably willing and kind enough to help her get home. He would be able to understand her aswell I suppose.
Other (not-so-helpful) movie dimensions could be:
Porco Rosso
Kiki's Delivery Service
Pom Poko

Well now... let's hope Cho didn't fall off :pinkiegasp:

Oh, and if you want to properly credit that pic, it's made by K. Sean Sullivan, as part of his work for Disney, for the Tower of Terror attraction in Tokyo Disneyland.

A few corrections:
> except for the flickering of a few, stationary torches.
No need for that comma. If you want to put a comma somewhere in there, put it in front of "except" instead :p
> but it seemed there was no time.Her attention was pulled up by an arm.
Missing space between the two sentences.


Oh and by the way, considering that Fluttershy needs help to be guided home, since those warps seem to end up at random locations, "Howl's Moving Castle" might be her best chance, since Hauru (Howl in eng.) is a powerful wizard

Really no need to go use the "Japanese" name for Howl; the movie is based on an English book series :facehoof:

Well, since I'm german, in the german offical cinema version, he is called Hauru, aswell as in some other countries.
That said in german the movie title is simply: "Das wandelnde Schloss [The Moving Castle]".


Well, since I'm german, in the german offical cinema version, he is called Hauru, aswell as in some other countries.

Wow, That's pretty silly. Translation fail. Translators Did Not Do The Research :ajbemused:

[Story Intensifies]

There are quite a few grammatical errors that I saw throughout the story, but nothing too bad. Sorry, but I can't help but point these things out as I see them.
Now on to see what this 'verse has in store for Twilight; Luna's inability to communicate with her has me curious.


Yup, never really employed the use of an editor. Some passerbys have helped here and there but mostly the errors were kept in check by one crazy wizard.

He's not very good, either.

When will the next chapter be? This is Awesome!!!
MLP:FiM and Miyazaki, YAY!!!!!:yay:

4365981 Thank you. And I really don't know.

Really loved the Totoro parts of this story very much (probably one of the first Japanese Anime I was introduced to as a child).:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:
Now was that one scene where she's on a cliff by the sea suppose to be a reference to Ponyo? If not, I look forward to when Flutters ends up in that world ("Ponyo, Wants, HAAAAAMMMM!!!":flutterrage::trollestia:). I was actually planning on making a crossover of MLP and Ponyo.
Oh, and of course we can't forget Kiki ( though I never actually seen that movie).

4512424 I did cover Spirited Away, cause i mention Yubaba.

Lost and frightened, she will travel these worlds, fraught with perils and dangers that seem to be never ending; hoping to one day find a way home.

I'm sorry, this may or may not be appropriate, but when I read this, this was the first thing I thought of!


This took me several tries to get through the story, I think mostly because nothing ever goes right: even the friends Fluttershy makes along the way can only barely communicate with her, and it's basically just alternating "anxious waiting with no way to communicate with anyone" with "run for your life".

If I had to guess, this particular one of the stories really really requires having seen Studio Ghibli films to actually appreciate any of it, because the descriptions of the various critters here aren't really enough to grab me. They're just kind of ... what is this and why is it doing things.

Faved, minimally, because the canon as a whole is still interesting, but this is definitely the weakest of the stories.


I think the story also suffers from being split up with my others, as far as getting attention. Ironically your primary issue with the story was on the chopping block for getting solved in the next chapter. The communication thing. I was trying to pull off a whimsical fantasy feel similar to the films, and tried using the minimal communication to emphasize that.

Can't rightly say that worked at all in the end. :twilightsheepish:

But hey thanks for reading. :yay:

Is it enough to have watched the movies or do i need to read the mangas (where applicable) to understand whats going on?

4964157 Neither! I would hope, haha. I try to write for people not familiar with the source material, too. :twilightsheepish:


O.o Well, she heard whatever she heard, but I still need to spell it correctly in the narrative and dialogue. :rainbowlaugh:

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