//------------------------------// // chapter 2 // Story: Of a strange phonomena // by Dragonrose Lovesong //------------------------------// It's not unusual for someone to be tired after flying until after midnight. What was unusual was how Rainbow Dash was seemingly unfazed by her late night flight when she had gotten up at five am. A few morning exercises later and she takes her morning nap. No sooner had she fallen asleep was she awakened by Pinkie Pie calling her. "'Sup Pinkie!" she calls down "Twilight said she got a super important letter from the princess this morning and she needs to see us right away!" she says in one breath. "Got it." she responds and flies towards the castle. She should have been surprised when she saw Pinkie already there but she's known her long enough to be used to it. Since everyone had arrived Twilight begins to speak."I'm glad you girls could all make it. An important message from the princess arrived this morning for everyone. She opens the scroll beside her and begins to read. To Twilight Sparkle, A secret organisation of ponies wish to meet with you girls and have asked for you all to be in Canterlot three days from now for a meeting. This is of the utmost importance. I hope to see you then. Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia "Ooh I wonder what kind of super secret ponies want to meet us!!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "Maybe it's somepony who want to see my awesomeness!" Rainbow Dash adds rather smugly. "Yes, darling as if somepony from some secret society wishes to see you fly." Rarity adds her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I know right." Rainbow Dash adds getting an exasperated sigh from Rarity. "I don't know girls, we just have to be there three days from now. I'll send Spike over with the tickets later today." Twilight says looking over her friends. "We'll have to meet an hour before the train arrives to go over a few things." With that confirmed her friends soon file out of the castle on their daily business.