//------------------------------// // Dazzling Friendship? // Story: Silent Dazzlings // by RedPegasus //------------------------------// Sunset exchanged her gaze between the book and the statue waiting for some response from her friend in Equestria, began to worry when hear a strange sound coming from the statue, not long after a girl goes through the wall of this, and although falters get a little she stand, Sunset recognizes instantly and a big smile drawn on her face. "Twilight!" "Sunset!" The Princess hug her friend, Sunset after overcoming her surprise corresponds smiling. "I´m so glad to see you again." The princess says. "I say the same, although I regret it in this situation." "I understand, could better explain the situation?" Sunset begins to tell her what happened as both enter school. ~Silent~ Inside of the school, silence reigned in the room, the five friends did not know how to start a conversation, and sirens did not seem interested in starting it, or in the case of Sonata, was afraid to do. All attention focuses on the door when this opens and the two equine enter in the room. "We arrived." "Hello everypo- everybody." "TWILIGHT!!" Is heard exclaiming before Twilight is captured in a tight hug by all her friends. Twilight smile at all them, until she realizes the presence of the Sirens. "... Am ... hello, is ah ... interesting , see you again." She says a little nervous. "Save the good manners" Respond the Leader siren indifferently "We know you do not like to see us, and I must say that we are not happy to be here. Aria look behind Twilight "Really? No guards?" "Guards?" Ask the confused princess. Pinkie comes with a pink cannon "I told you that she would not do that." All they look at the party girl, and her cannon... "What th-" The sentence is cut when Pinkie activates the cannon and this leaves a ball of colors that disperses showing a banner with the phrase "welcome" and leaves a cake in the hands of each, except for the Dazzlings who receive it in their face. The princess look the room and smile at her friend. "Wow Pinkie, thank you" Rainbow start to laught "Pinkie Pie, you are so random" Adagio looks at all with annoyance. "... funny... REALLY funny..." Aria clean the cake on her face. "Ugh, you have their princess, can we end this?" Looks at Sonata start to eat the cake with a smile. "All right" start the princess "Sunset explained me the situation, and agree to use the same magic maybe can resolve the problem." "Well, now that we're together, let's try again." Exclaim Rainbow. Again, every student takes her instrument while Twilight takes a microphone, Adagio places the shards of the jewel before them, with the music playing the magic again take effect on the seven and the light beam strikes the jewel causing it to glow. "It works!" Sonata exclaim with glad. Aria smile with Sonata, Adagio other hand remains expressionless but attentive. Magic completely surrounds the jewel but extinguished the light is shown once again that the fragments remain the same, the seven friends looking surprised and kept a profound silence. "... It was a nice try, I guess." Adaio says keeps again her fragments. "... I think, we did not do well." Gently says the shy girl. "Yes, that's obvious." Rainbow agreed. Sunset sighs "I do not know what to do..." The princess think a little. "Maybe the jewels of sirens are not compatible with the magic we use." "And there is some way we can use a different magic." Ask the dressmaker. "I do not know, first we should see what kind of magic have the sirens." "What are you suggesting?" Ask the leader siren. "Maybe if I could analyze the gems could discover its magic, and from there could create a hypothesis." "You expect, we to give you our charms as well?" "Well, I do not know how to fix if I do not know how they work." Adagio stares at her suspiciously. Rainbow intervenes "it's not like you have another option, right?" The siren looks at the athlete and then returns her eyes to the princess, after an intense silence pulls out his bag and hands it to Twilight. "All the siren´s charm are the same. One is enough for whatever you do." Twilight open the bag to see fragments of on the internal "... It´s okay, thanks." The siren just look at the princess and wordlessly turns and heads for the door. "Where are you going?" Sunset ask. "We have nothing to do here anymore, Aria, Sonata, let's go." Aria does not refute and going with their leader, Sonata on the other hand looks a moment to students and then look down a bit before follow the others out of the room. The seven girls only observe the door a moment. Until the farmer broke the silent. "Well, that could have gone better." "Agreed" Rarity said. "... Twilight, you think we can fix their jewels?" Sunset look at her pony partner Twilight keep quiet a moment "... I don´t know Sunset, I really I don´t know." ~Silent~ Outside school, Adagio loses balance so that it is held on the wall to keep from falling, Aria and Sonata quickly and help hold join. "I'm fine ... I'm fine." Sonata tries to encourage her partners "... it´s ok, sure the Rainbooms find soon a solution." "... maybe, but just in case ... we'll need a plan B." Without another word keeps walking and her partners observed each other somewhat confusing each other before following. After putting their hoods, the three go away from the school. Adagio keep thinking "If the princess is here, it is because there is a door, and all door can open, if you have the key." ~Silent~ After all that has happened , the rainbooms separate to think a little about the situation, but not before sharing a hug with her princess friend. Sunset and Twilight are heading back to the portal. "You really go now?" "I need back to Equestria to examine the gem, I cant do in this world, I haven't the means." "Yes, I understand, I hope that when you come back we have more time to talk." "I try to make time to visit you." Twilight is about to leave when an idea comes to her mind. "Hey Sunset, why you not coming?" "W-Wath?! M-me?!! "Sure, between the two we could make a more rapid and thorough investigation." "I... I…" The former equine look at the point in the statue where lies the portal, with a look of melancholy hugs herself and takes a step back. "... I cant." Says looks at down. What? Why not? "I cant go back, not after what I did." "Sunset..." The princess puts the hand on her shoulder. "Nobody in Equestria blame you for what happened, much less want punish you or anything." Sunset not look up "... Still... I..." "I assure you, even the Princess Celestia, she was very happy to learn that you had managed to make friends." "... Celestia..." "When I told her about you, she was very happy." Sunset looked up to see Twilight with a surprised expression. "Princess seems to miss you so much, it would be nice you were to see her." Sunset turns to look down and kept silent for a moment. "… I cant…" "Sunset..." "... I cant, I dare not cope to Celestia, or to Equestria... I cant ... I cant..." "... Forgive, to yourself?" "... Yes." Twilight looks to the floor concerned. "I understand..." Smile at Sunset "But Sunset, remember, you also have friends in Equestria, when you're ready, we'll be there for you." Smile at her. Sunset watch the princess and she smiles kindly, Sunset soon put a small smile. After a brief farewell Twilight going through the portal, leaving Sunset alone with her thoughts. ~Silent~ The water falling from the shower hidden bated breath of Adagio, with her head down and holding on the wall with her ​​hand, she leaves the water running into her body and breathes agitated, a couple of exhalations end up passing blood from her mouth falling to the ground, the red are mixed with the water and is lost in the drain. Having been cleaned and changed, feeling slightly reinvigorated going into the living room. "Water always calms me" "Hello Adagio" Says Sonata sitting on the couch "Hi Sonata " "Hello Adagio" says... Sonata? ... sitting on the couch... "Hi... Sonata ?" Then she notice the presence of two Sonatas , one with blue hair and the other with pink hair, she immediately senses that something is wrong. Raises her finger to count them "One, two... ... somethings is wrong here" Of nowhere the pink one begins to laugh and causes your hair to swell, thus revealing her true identity. "Hiiiiiiii Addy!!!" Says Pinkie with a big smile. The siren leader is silent watching the cheerful girl. "I would question but I fear that affects my mental health" "Sonie made ​​me a little makeover." " "Sonnie"? Wait... "Addy"?" In that moment Fluttershy arrives with a basket in the hands. "Girls I managed all-oh , Adagio... ah, hi... " Adagio looks at the shy girl, this one steps back and looks at the floor . "What you two doing here?" "We wanted to make sure you were okay, so we came to visit you. Pinkie said with her characteristic good cheer. "... Well, we are perfectly, so you can go now." "True, come on girls! to the picnic." "Picnic?" "Ah yes, Pinkie thought it would be fun to do a picnic in the park. The shy girl said with a small smile. "We brought sandwiches and cakes and barbeque sauce." Emphasizes her sentence showing everything in the basket "And ah... we forget the dishes, so we took some of the kitchen... I hope you do not mind, please do not bother." Adagio look at them contemptuously. "... Whatever." Without saying more walks to her room. "Adagio wait!" Sonata gets up and close to her. "Come with us." "Excuse me?" "Yes Addy will be super funny!!" Adagio look at them a moment. "No thanks" With that she locks herself in her room. "Awwwwww but I brought cakes of chococherry" No answer, the three girls stare at the door a little depressed. Sonata lets out a sad sigh, Pinkie smiles to her . "Sonnie come on, let's have fun" The siren looks at the two girls who smile at her, soon she returns them the gesture. ~Silent~ The party girl runs through the park and a sharp jump falls squarely in the shade of a tree. "Auch ha ha ha" Flips over slightly to see her companions. "Fluttershy Sonnie come this place is perfect!" The three girls get together and within minutes prepare their picnic. "Sonnie, why do not you take off your hood?" "Ah, no ... I do not think that is right, if someone sees me..." "I know that people look at you can give a little scary" Sais the shy girl. "But , also , it is important to try to overcome your fears" Sonata looks at the two girls and then lowers his hood. "Wiiiiii!" "yay." All three have a good time talking and sharing laughs while tasting the snacks. The joy is broken when accidentally Sonata thinks aloud. "I would like Adagio and Aria were here" Sonata realizes what he said when he sees the worried looks of her companions. "oh ! I... I'm sorry, I didn't want..." "Oh do not apologize." Fluttershy comforted her. "It is normal to want to be with your... ah... friends?" "Am, they are my sisters." "Oh, well, with your sisters" "Oh my gosh!! you are sisters!! That is so... so... CUTE!!!" The eyes of the girl pink sparkled with tiny stars. "Having sisters is the best in the world!!" "Yeah, well, they're not sisters, especially cute, but still, I love them." "Oh I know what you feel, I love my sisters so much!! I don´t know what I do without them! in fact." Pinkie takes her cell phone and dials a number. A voice something serious and unemotional voice is heard on the other side. "Hello?" "I LOVE YOU MAUD!!!" "I love you too Pinkie" Says the voice still without showing emotion. With that hangs up and calls to another number. "mm-hmm?" "I love you Marble!!!" "mm-hmm!" "Tell to Limestone that I love her!!!" "mm-hmm" The girl keeps her cell phone and smile. Fluttershy and Sonata look somewhat confused , but soon ignore it and between the three follow the picnic. ~Silent~ The day flew for them, at the end of their picnic the three decided to walk a little around town. There was no real destination, just a quiet walk. Great was their surprise to see out of a fabric store to their dressmaker friend. "Rarity!!" Call Pinkie with emotion. The named, turns to see her friends. "Fluttershy, Pinkie, that pleasant surprise, what you doing here?" "We are walking with Sonnie, we went picnicking and was super fun!!!" Fluttershy nods silently and Sonata turn out the gaze smiling. "What are you doing here Rarity? That is, if you do not mind me asking " "I´m looking for some new fabrics, they are for my new order." The three friends started a good conversation, but Sonata could not pay attention to this as her head started spinning, her eyelids began to fall and her legs failed, no even was able to hear the screams of the three girls when her body fell to the ground unconscious .