//------------------------------// // Tyrant Blueblood // Story: Final Reign // by Lise //------------------------------// Blueblood let out a condescending sigh as he leant back in his throne. The golden crown on his head filled the room with a soft glow of sunlight, very much like the shimmering cape that adorned his back. Ten steps away—held in the air by three unicorn mages—his would-be assassin glared back. You'll never get away with this, Those words again. Blueblood had forgotten how many times he had heard that exact phrase. Some had said it in bitterness, others in rage. Hundreds upon hundreds of voices had wept, whispered, screamed, yelled, and spat those words at him, all in the hopes they would bring a change. All of them had been rendered silent, and the so sought after change remained a distant fantasy. "You too, Applejack?" Prince Blueblood closed his eyes. His head tilted slightly forward causing the massive platinum grown to tremble for just a moment. "Did I not give you anything you could desire?" "Ya snake-ridden tyrant!" Applejack shouted, causing the unicorn mages to take a step back. "You and yer rotten—" A silence spell ripped her voice from her mouth, leaving the mare struggling in mid air. A tyrant... Blueblood forced an eye open. They continue to call him that: enemies, discontents, allies, even his most treasured friends... even Macintosh. Blueblood had shared things with his lover that he hadn't with anypony. He had granted him favours that were seen by many to be generous—even ludicrous—and, despite that, his sister had attempted to kill him in cold blood. The element of Honesty had actually lied for no more than a chance to send him to Tartarus. "What I've done, I've done for Celestia," he proclaimed, looking at her with contempt. She was the fourth element to face him in the last year. First was Rainbow Dash, of course. Barely a month after he ascended to the throne, she had lead a coup with half the Wonderbolts, starting the second bloodiest civil war in Equestrian history. Blueblood's archers had pinned her to the wall in this very hall, while she cursed Blueblood with her final breath. Blind, foolish Loyalty. The Prince waved a hoof lazily. Immediately, one of the servants trotted to him with a bowl of wine on a platinum platter. Arriving near the bodies he stopped, head bowed low and waited. Blueblood glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. Taste it. He tapped the side of his throne. Rarity had been the second Element to try and kill him, and had almost succeeded. She had spent months charming her way into his good graces. All those social gatherings she had attended, all those days devoted spreading his propaganda to every corner of Equestria had fooled everyone—Blueblood included— into thinking that she had accepted the change of rule. In truth, she had been biding her time, waiting for the precise moment to strike. The moment had been during the first anniversary of Blueblood's rule. Rarity had gone out of her way to find the most exquisite bottle of Château d'Aubergines 929 to toast the occasion. Both of them had clinked their glasses, before downing them. Blueblood still remembered the slightly sweetish accent of the poison mixed in with the fruity bouquet of flavour. He also remembered Rarity dropping to the ground alongside him. Generous to the end, offering your life for everypony else's. "Well?" Blueblood's voice echoed in the hall. The servant trembled. The bowl floated off the platter, wrapped by his magic, to his lips. A moment's hesitation, a second of doubt, and a set of six arrows pierced the servant, dead. "Clean that up." Blueblood pointed to the lifeless body bleeding at the base of his throne. "And tell Fancy to diminish sunshine rations by ten percent." He glanced once more at Applejack. "No exceptions." A new set of unicorn mages emerged from the sides of the hall, levitating the unfortunate servant away, bowl, platter, blood, and all. In less than a minute there wasn't even a trace of the incident. Instead, a new servant was standing before the Prince—head held low—testing a new bowl of wine. "Let her go," Blueblood ordered, nodding in Applejack's direction. "Then get out." With a ‘pop’ the spell around Applejack was gone, releasing the mare from its clutches. The unicorns didn't even give her a second glance, as they trotted out of the throne-room. "Unquestionable loyalty." Blueblood took a sip of his wine. "They know they'll lose their dream rations if they disobey." "There still are dreams?" Applejack's voice quivered with disbelief. "But I reckoned that Princess Luna—" "Was gone?" Blueblood let out an arrogant laugh. "Was dead? Stupid, honest Applejack, I can grant dreams and sunlight to anyone I choose. I'm surprised your brother didn't tell you." Always the gentle heart, aren't you, lover? Hiding it from your own sister so she'd despise me less? Blueblood, finished the wine in his bowl, then let it grip on the floor. The time for presences had past. Now you get to see. The Prince leaned forward. His incandescently white body slid off the throne with the grace of a fashion model. His golden cape glimmered for a few seconds under the light of the setting sun, then dropped to the floor revealing a set of flawless wings. "What in..." Applejack's eyes widened. "Magnificent, aren't they?" Blueblood smirked, flaunting them with every step towards her. "A final gift from Auntie Celestia before her retirement." "I-I-I ain't letting ya win," Applejack stuttered taking a step back. "And neither is Shining. He'll make ya pay—" "For what I've done," Blueblood finished for her. "How rurally naive. Do you think the Crystal Empire is any better? In a few years its Lord-Protector will realize the truth and impose the same restrictions I have." His voice echoed in the empty hall. "Rationed love." Applejack winced in pain. "Rationed magic." "Twilight ain't gonna—" "Twilight is dying!" Blueblood shouted. "As is Celestia and every other alicorn princess! Did you think they just took a hike? Twilight hasn't made a public appearance in months. The next one she does will probably be her last. I'm not even sure if Flurry Heart is still alive. My relations with Shining have been—" Blueblood paused, shaking his mouth in search of the correct word, "—strained recently." "But the sun!" Trembling, Applejack looked in the direction of the nearest window. "It'll be gone in a few years." The Prince flapped his wings, stopping in front of her. "Maybe a few decades at most if I ration it properly. Equestria will run out of dreams far before that, though. I give it seven years. Maybe a few more before depression sets in." The two ponies looked at each other in silence. There's eyes did all the talking necessary. Just as Pinkie Pie, the Prince thought. Barely a month had passed since he had led the same conversation with the Element of Laughter. She too had come with the intention to make a change, passing though his guards as if she were Discord himself. Blueblood's words had left her completely shattered. "Can Ah see 'em?" Applejack whispered, breaking the silence. "You don't want to see them." Blueblood shook his head. "They aren't as you remember them." "Please." For the slightest moment, Blueblood's expression softened. The arrogant sharpness of his features melted away, revealing the pony underneath—not the Tyrant Prince, not The Betrayer, not the alicorn, but a simple pony, ground down by years of exhaustion. "Go to Luna's Tower," he told her. "The guards won't stop you." You'll never get away with this, Blueblood thought, as he watched Applejack leave the throne-room. The same phrase repeated time and time again. Everyone kept insisting, both friends and foes. And yet here he was, desperately keeping Equestria in existence with every ounce of strength he had left. To achieve that, however, he had to remain alive, be it as a heartless Tyrant. "Guards!" Blueblood shouted, levitating his cape back on. "Double all shifts, and have mages on the outer walls." One Element was yet to pay him a visit, and he intended to be ready when she did.