//------------------------------// // New York // Story: Twilight and the Big City // by Turbo the Brony //------------------------------// It was 7 in the morning, and the train continued on it’s way. For while it did had it’s usual cargo, it carried two unlikely passengers inside on of the coaches. Twilight and Spike were still asleep after deciding to take shelter from the rain last night, and it wasn’t until the light of day from the crack of the carriage door made the purple alicorn stir from her sleep. Opening one eye, she looked out to see a small field, and beyond it, and big river of blue, basically from a huge lake… or even an ocean. “It’s morning!” Twilight said as she got up with a start, “Spike, look!” Spike woke up with a yawn, as he spoke with a grumble, “Oh come on, Twilight,” he said, “why couldn’t you wake me when we actually got there?” “Just come here quickly!” Twilight said, as she spotted something that made her excited. “What is it?” Spike asked. “Look! Look!” she said, as the duo saw in the distance, a nearby lot of buildings, some big and some small, they even looked a little similar to those from Manehattan. “Wow, look at all those tall buildings,” Twilight said, “that must be New York City!” Sure enough, it was defiantly the said city that the train was going to, as Twilight and Spike looked to see the buildings coming closer and closer into view. About an hour later the train finally enters the city via the bridge. “Okay, Spike,” Twilight said, as she spread her wings out, “I don’t think the train is going to stop too soon… we’re gonna take flight from here!” “You’re not that good at flying yet!” Spike stated, as he got onto Twilight’s back, a little worried. “Don’t worry, Spike,” Twilight said as she reminded Spike, “Rainbow Dash has been given me lessons lately.” As the train eared the end of the bridge, the purple Alicorn and her dragon companion took off, flying out of their carriage and flew above the ocean and towards the city. “You can open your eyes now, Spike,” Twilight said to her friend, “we’re airborne.” “Huh… I’m too scared to…” Spike said, his eyes shut. “Come on, Spike! There’s nothing to be afraid of!” Twilight said. Taking the chance, Spike opened his eyes, and was amazed at the view below, as they approached New York. “Whoa! You’re really flying!” said an amazed Spike. “See?” Twilight said, “No problem at all.” “Where are we going?” Spike asked. “To those tall buildings.” Twilight said, as they flew high above the city. “Can you believe how huge they are, Spike?” Twilight said, “I have never seen ANYTHING like this back home! We truly are in a different world…” While they flew above the buildings, Spike spotted something down below in the streets. “Holy guacamole!” he cried out, “Look down there, Twilight!” As she looked down in the direction that Spike had pointed, Twilight look shocked at what she saw. Down in the streets, were many strange vehicles, and there were loads creatures, which were all walking on two feet. It was all quite busy, as there were those going off to work, doing some shopping, or just having a nice time, it was all so much for Twilight and Spike to see. “My, what a busy town.” Twilight said, as she looked one way while Spike looked the other, then both looked at the other directions. “I know,” said Spike, “but what are those… uh, creatures and those moving things?” “It’s strange, Spike,” Twilight said, as she began to think aloud, “they don’t use any magic or seem to be able to fly. Instead, they seem to be bipedal terrestrial animals wearing a funny type of clothing.” She then had thought as she said to Spike, “Spike, we’re going to take a closer look.” “What?!” cried Spike, “Are you sure about this?” “Of course,” said Twilight, “they seem harmless.” Twilight and Spike began to fly down to the streets, as soon as they reached the busy streets, they were flying above everyone’s heads, of course, as they flew, they were caught the attention of everyone as they flew by, surprised and amazed to see a flying pony in their life time. “Mommy! Daddy! A flying pony!” cried a young girl to her parents, pointing to Twilight and Spike as they flew. A group of friends taking some pictures until they saw the flying duo, and focused they cameras on them. Even those in the different vehicles took a quick peek at Twilight as she flew above the streets. “Everybody is staring at us, Twilight.” Spike said, pointing down the crowds. “That’s fine.” Twilight said, “Just be natural about it and smile.” And that was exactly what they did, letting out some nice grins as they continued on their way. The more they flew on, the more attention they got from the people down on the streets. “Craig, honey, look!” said a young woman with red hair to her husband as she pointed to Twilight flying. “Wow,” Craig said, “did you ever seen anything like that before, Lauren?” “Dreamed them when I was young, but never in real live!” Lauren replied. As they continued flying, Spike suddenly realized that they were heading towards a hanging signpost! “Twilight, look out!” he cried, getting Twilight’s attention. But it was too late! The purple Alicorn’s face slammed into the sign, before both she and dragon fell to the street with a bump. Spike rubbed his head as he asked, “Are you okay Twilight?” “I think so, Spike…” Twilight replied, as she rubbed her muzzle with her hoof, “my poor nose…” Suddenly, loud honks of horns caught their attention, startling them, as they saw the vehicles heading towards them! “Ahh! Let’s get out of here!” cried Twilight, as she grabbed Spike with her magic and they rushed off, dodging traffic as they hurried, though the vehicles were doing the same thing. Twilight then spread her wings as she flew near the ground, all around her more loud honks filled the air, she even whizzed passed several of bystanders and those in blue uniforms as she and Spike fled. “Hey you! STOP!” “What the heck!” “Look out!” “Watch it!” “Whoa!” “Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!!” Twilight chanted quickly as she and Spike made it passed the crowds and took off once more, though leaving a bit of a traffic jam they accidentally made behind. “Hey! Come back here!” cried out one of the policemen as he saw the duo escape. Later, around the street corner, Twilight was catching her breath after the trouble that happened. “Are you okay, Twilight?” Spike asked. “Yes, I’m okay, Spike.” Twilight replied, “What were those loud noisy… machines?” “I don’t know.” Said Spike, “They look some sort of cart without a pony to pull it.” “What a strange world we’re in…” Twilight said, “come on, let’s g-” “Ah-ha! You think you can hide from me?!” came a voice which startled the duo, as they turned, they saw the police officer from before, who had just caught up with them. “Disobeying a police officer is considered a crime!” The officer explained, “Do you know what you did back there? You nearly caused a big traffic accident! Also, why are you kids wearing costumes, anyway? It’s the middle of summer, Halloween is months away…” “Costumes??” Twilight and Spike said in confusion as they looked at each other, for it seemed that the police officer believed them to be children playing dress up or something. “Twilight? What’s he talking about?” Spike asked Twilight. “I don’t know…” Twilight answer, as she was unsure about what the police officer said. “Alright, stop fooling around.” The police officer said, “take your masks off and I’ll send you two kids back home to your parents.” “But we’re not wearing any masks or costumes, sir.” Twilight tried to explain. “Stop lying.” The policeman said, as he got out a notepad and pen as he said, “Just give me your name and address and I’ll take you home…” ‘This guy is really getting on my nerves’ Spike though to himself about what was happening. “But I’m not lying.” Twilight said as she tried explaining to the man. “Yeah, yeah.” The officer said, unimpressed. “…Anyways, our home is in Ponyville.” Twilight stated, with failed results. “You’re still making things up, aren’t you?” the officer asked. “Look, we’re not lying!” “There’s no such place called “Ponyville”.” The police officer explained. Just then, his walkie-talkie came to life as a call came out. “Any officers near West 38th Street, please pick up.” The voice called out. “Give me a sec.” the officer said to Twilight and Spike with a sigh, before communicating with the caller on the walkie-talkie, “Yes I’m on West 38th Street, what’s happening? Over.” “There’s a store robbery just a block away on Lexington Avenue and we need back-up!” the communicator replied. Hearing the conversation, Twilight and Spike looked at each other as Spike shrugged in confusion. “Alright, I’m on my way!” the officer replied, before signing off. “Well, consider yourselves lucky,” the policeman said to the duo as he began to leave, “seems like somebody is causing more trouble than you two. I’ll leave you with a warning. Don’t let catch you doing something dangerous like that again.” After the officer left, Twilight turned to Spike as the dragon got on her back, “Let’s just get out of here, Spike.” “Yeah, let’s…” Spike said, still a little peeved, “what a big meanie that guy was…” As Twilight began to wonder, she was in deep thought on what had ‘Okay, what I know so far is we’ve definitely traveled through that invisible barrier last night and we are in a different world now. No wonder that creature never heard about a place called Ponyville.’ The duo continued their journey in New York by hoof, as they saw many different places there were, though as they strolled down the streets, much like when they were in flight, they were caught the attention of any pass-byres as they went. “So, what’s to eat in this new, strange world?” Spike then spoke up, “We haven’t eaten since last night.” “You’re right, Spike,” Twilight said, “let’s see what we can have for lunch.” Soon they approached a pretzel stand, catching Spike’s eye. “Oh~, how about those pretzels, Twilight?” Spike asked. “Sure, Spike.” Twilight replied, as she approached the guy running the stand, “Can I have two pretzels, please?” “Uh, sure,” the pretzel guy said, a little surprised to see the two as he got out two warm pretzels for them, “that’ll be ten dollars.” “Okay.” Twilight said, as she then thought, ‘I think he means 10 bits.’ She then used her magic to open her backpack to get out the exact number of bits, gaining a surprised look on the man. ‘Am I seeing things, or is she using… magic?!?’ he though to himself, as Twilight placed the bits on his stand. “Here you go, 10 bits.” She said. “Alright,” the baffled pretzel man said, “here you go.” “Thank you, sir.” Twilight said, as she then used her magic to pick up the pretzels, then handed one of them to Spike as she then said to her friend, “Let’s find us a place to sit down.” “Okay!” Spike said, happily. As they left, the pretzel guy was still baffled about his first unlikely customers as he thought to himself, ‘Man, I think I’m working too hard.’ A short while later, Twilight and Spike found a spot to enjoy their little meals. “Mmm… these pretzels are quite good.” Twilight said as she and Spike finished their pretzels. “Mommy, mommy! Can I take a picture with that winged unicorn?!” This caught Twilight and Spike’s attention as they saw a young girl with her mum, as the earlier had spotted Twilight and wanted to have a picture with her. “But dear,” the mum said, “we don’t have time.” “But mom! Please?” the nice girl begged, until the mother gave in. “Okay, just one picture.” She said as she and her daughter came up to Twilight. “I’m sorry,” she said, “is it okay for my daughter to take a picture with you?” “Oh, sure,” Twilight said happily, “that won’t be a problem.” “You’re pretty cute!” the girl giggled as she sat down next to Twilight. “Well, Twilight,” Spike said with a smile as he watched, “you’re getting more popular already.” “Okay, smile!” the mother said as her daughter hugged Twilight with both of them with a smile on their faces. Once the picture was taken and saved, mother and daughter had to get going. “Come on, hon. Let’s go.” The mother said. “Okay, mom.” The daughter said as she turned and waved to Twilight, “Bye-bye~!” “Bye~!” Twilight said as she waved back, “Aww, what a sweet little girl. Isn’t she, Spike…?” As she turned to hear Spike’s answer, she realized that Spike was not next to her. “Spike…?” Twilight said as she looked around, “Spike, where did you go?!” It was then that Twilight saw her purple dragon, and like her, he had gotten the attention of some young teen girls who were admiring him. “Ohhh~! You’re so cute!” said one girl. “Can we take a group picture with you?” another asked. “Well, well, well~.” Spike said, acting a little charming, “Why of course, ladies~.” “Oh, Spike.” Twilight giggled at what was happening. “Ok, smile for the camera!” one of the girls said as she took one of the pictures. Spike had several pictures taken with the girls as they cuddled him like a young girl would for her new toy, and even snagged several kisses on him on the others pictures. A few more photos later, the girls had to get going. “Thank you~! Bye~!” cried out one of the girls as they left. “You’re welcome…” Spike sighed, Twilight with a sly look on her face. “Spike,” she said, getting the dragon’s attention, “I think you should wipe your face.” She then got out a small mirror to show Spike, as on him were several kiss marks that the girls left on him. This startled Spike as he then got out a flannel and wiped of the kiss marks. “Twilight, what ever you do, please don’t tell Rarity about this!” Spike begged to his friend, “She might think I’m two-timing her!” “Oh, Spike…” Twilight said with a giggle, “don’t worry, I won’t say a word to her. Shall we continue our journey?” Spike nodded at that as they continued on their way. Later on, Spike had a thought as he then looked to Twilight. “I’ve been wondering Twilight,” he said, “Where are we planning to stay tonight?” “Hmm… I haven’t though about it yet…” Twilight said as she began to think a little. “What?!” said Spike, “Twilight, I hope we’re not sleeping on the streets. That’s doesn’t seem like a good idea.” However, Spike wasn’t looking where he was going, as bumped into someone and fell over. “Spike! Are you okay?” Twilight asked. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” cried out a voice, getting the duo’s attention, as they were face to face with three teen boys, the first one a little miffed after Spike bumped into him. “Hey, chill out,” said the second teen as he tried to keep his buddy calm, “it’s just some little kids.” “Oh, who cares?!” the first teen snapped back. “Ahh! I’m sorry for Spike bumping into you! He meant not to harm you!” Twilight apologized as she then looked up to the teens, who had a bit of an opposite reaction to the young teen girls from earlier. ‘Oh my… they look scary…’ she though to herself. “Look, girl, no one pushes us around and walks off free.” The third punk said, “Also, what’s up with the costume?” “WHY IS EVERYPONY THINKING I WEAR A COSTUME?!” cried out Twilight, a little annoyed about those thinking that she was someone playing dress up. “Hey! Don’t yell at us and don’t act cute either!” the first punk said as he got into Twilight’s muzzle. “I’m telling you, I’m not wearing a costume and we’re sorry!” Twilight begged. “Look at her, acting all innocent.” The second punk said, his mood now changing to that of a bully. “Yeah, let’s take her mask off and see how sorry she really is…” the first punk said, as he cracked his knuckles. “Yeah.” The second punk nodded, as the trio ganged up on Twilight and Spike, as they hugged for comfort as they looked with fear of the bullies. “Do something, Twilight!” Spike said. “I don’t know!” Twilight replied with worry. “Hey! Leave her alone!” called out a voice, getting the attention of the punks and the duo. “What the…?” the third punk said as he and the first turned to see who was talking. “What did you just say?” the first punk said. There, was another young teen boy, who had spiky blue hair, and his shirt had a blue shield with a lightning bolt in the middle of it. “I said, leave her alone!” the boy repeated to the punks, all serious looking. “Look who’s trying to be a hero.” The third punk smirked. “Why don’t you mind your own business?” the leader asked. “Why should I?” the teen said, “Picking on someone who is smaller than you. Why don’t you pick on someone on your own size?” “Oh yeah? Take this!” the punk leader said as he prepare to sucker punch the teen, only for the teen to be quick and smack the fist in the direction of the wall, where it made contact with crack of some bones! “Oww! My hand!” the leader cried out, feeling so much pain. “You wanna fight, huh?!” the second punk said, as he secretly got out a big stick from an ally and got up behind the teen, “Well take this!” Just as the teen turned to see the punk about to strike, Twilight leapt into action, “Ah! No! Don’t hurt him!” she cried as she then fired a magical blast from her horn. This caught the surprise of the teen and the leader as the second punk got hit by the beam, and collided into the third punk and knocking them down. “Ugh, that was some blast…” the second punk said, almost at the edge of passing out. “Oh my… that’s not a girl at all…” the leader began to wory, realizing what he was really up against. “Well?” Twilight snorted, her horn glowing, “You want to get beamed?” “No! I’m sorry! Just don’t hurt me!” the leader panicked, as he high tailed out of the scene as he cried out, “She’s a monster!” “Hey, wait up!” cried the third punk, as he followed his mate. “Don’t leave us, man!” the second said, also running away spooked at what had happened. Back with Twilight, she let out a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness I just remembered how to use that spell.” “Hey there, are you okay?” the teen said, as he held out his hand to Twilight, “Thanks for watching my back, and those guys should know better not to pick on someone who is smaller than them.” “Yes, and thank you for saving us, too.” Twilight said as she accepted the teen’s hand as he helped her up. “Um, sorry sir.” Twilight then said, “Aren’t you shocked for what you just saw, or thinking that I’m just a girl in a costume?” “Well, at first I thought you were a costume.” the teen confessed, “But after what I saw… I don’t think you’re an ordinary girl…” “Well… you see sir-” Twilight was just starting to explain before Spike cut her off. “Um, Twilight?” “What is it?” asked Twilight. “Look at the crowd…” the dragon said, as sure enough, a several people began to crowd over what had happened on the street corner, as they were slowly growing, having Twilight catch their attention. “Say, did you see that?” “That pony used magic…” “No way!” “That’s a real unicorn with wings!” “Mommy, I want that dragon!” “Can you do that magic trick again?” “Someone call the Animal Department! We got some wild, weird creatures on the loose!” “Can I keep that dragon?” As the crowd began to gather more, Twilight and Spike grew a little worried, as they knew that it was time to go! “Well, uh, it was nice meeting you,” Twilight nervously said as she shook the teen’s hand rapidly, “Gonna go now, bye!” Soon Twilight rushed off, as Spike hopped on her back as she went. “Uh, wait!” the teen cried out, “What’s your names and what are you two?!” But he didn’t get a reply, as Twilight and Spike had gotten through the crowds and rushed off, the endless chatters still behind them. “Hey, wait! I want a picture of you!” “I want that pony!” “Don’t go! Do that magic trick again!” “I want that little dragon!” “Call the Animal Department! Don’t let them get away!” “Let’s get out of here, Spike!” Twilight said to her dragon friend, who was clinging on for dear life, “We’ll find someplace to hide!” As the crowds began to depart, the teen was left standing where he was, still surprised on what he saw, “Oh great,” he said in disappointment, “I couldn’t even ask her how she got here in the first place…” Just then, something caught his eye as he looked down. There was an old book on the floor, and on the front was the head of a unicorn. “What’s this?” he though aloud to himself, “She must have dropped it…” He then picked it up and took it with him, hoping to return it to her if he ever bumped into her again…